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The Infrastructure for Cultural Adoption: An Investigation in the Field of Mergers and AcquisitionsSäisä, Johan, Ragnås, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis investigates how an infrastructure for cultural adoption in a merger and acquisition integration could be designed. This research is valuable since prior research indicate that culture plays an important role in the success of integrating an acquired firm into the acquirer’s organization. However, there has been no research conducted in the field of how the culture should be regarded for. Our research took place at the Stockholm office of Logica, an Information Technology (IT) consultancy company which was acquired by CGI in August 2012. We have by the means of interviews and observations through our study at the case company derived numerous factors which all have a positive impact on the cultural adoption. These factors have then been categorized into three major themes; Experience, Planning, and Communication. These themes, and thus also factors, are not entirely independent but rather impose effects on each other, most notably in the case of experience. However, it is still our suggestion that the infrastructure for cultural adoption in a merger and acquisition (M&A) integration should address these three topics. Furthermore, it is in our beliefs that if these areas are addressed, the frequently recurring problem of unsuccessful M&As due to the neglecting of culture can be managed. And hopefully, by applying an infrastructural approach, it will aid the cultural adoption and moreover increase the probability of a successful M&A integration.
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Företagsförvärv : En eventstudie om abnormal avkastning på kort sikt / Acquisitions : An event study regarding abnormal returns in short termMattsson, Lucas, Mattisson, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
Antalet genomförda företagsförvärv på aktiemarknaden har ökat genom åren. Företagsförvärv ämnar till att skapa tillväxt och konkurrenskraftighet genom synergier, ökning av marknadsandelar eller via diversifiering. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur marknaden reagerar vid tillkännagivande av ett företagsförvärv, samt om det finns något samband mellan marknadens reaktion, konjunktur och förvärvsstrategi. Studien undersöker marknadsreaktionen vid tillkännagivandet av ett företagsförvärv för börsnoterade företag på den svenska marknaden under perioden 2010 till 2020. Studien utgår från arbitrageteorin, den effektiva marknadshypotesen, signaleringsteorin och ekonomisk psykologi. Relevanta studier för ämnet lyfts också fram. Studien har tillämpat en kvantitativ statistisk eventstudie som huvudmetodik för att analysera marknadsreaktionen vid förvärvstillkännagivande. För att förklara eventstudiens resultat genomfördes en multipel linjär regressionsanalys, vilken undersökte sambandet mellan marknadens reaktion, konjunktur och förvärvsstrategi. Resultatet från eventstudien visade att den genomsnittliga abnormala avkastningen var högst på eventdagen men genomsnittligt nära noll. För majoriteten av förvärvstillkännagivandena gick det inte att påvisa någon signifikant skillnad i abnormal avkastning. Studien visade att marknaden inte reagerade kraftigare än vad som var förväntat. Vidare visade regressionsanalysen att varken konjunktur eller förvärvsstrategi hade någon signifikant påverkan på abnormal avkastning. Det betyder således att marknadens reaktion inte påverkades av varken rådande konjunktur eller vilken förvärvsstrategi bolaget hade. / The number of completed acquisitions on the stock market has increased over the years. Acquisitions aim to create growth and competitiveness through synergies, increase market shares or through diversification. The purpose of this study is to describe how the market reacts when announcing an acquisition, and whether there is any relation between the market reaction, the economic cycle and the acquisition strategy. This study examines the market reaction when announcing an acquisition, for listed companies on the Swedish stock market during the period 2010 to 2020. This study is based on the arbitrage theory, the effective market hypothesis, the signaling theory, behavioral finance and other relevant studies. This study has applied a quantitative statistical event study as the main methodology to analyz the market reaction when announcing an acquisition. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed, which examined the relationship between the market reaction, the economic cycle and the acquisition strategy. The results from the event study showed that the average abnormal return was greatest on the event day but on average close to zero. For the majority of the acquisition announcements, it was not possible to determine any significant differences in abnormal returns. This study revealed that the market did not react more deviating than expected. Furthermore, the regression analysis indicated that neither the economic cycle nor the acquisition strategy had any significant effect on abnormal returns. Which means that the market reaction was not affected by neither the current economic situation or the companies acquisition strategy.
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Resultatmanipulation inför aktiefinansierade nordiska förvärv : En djupdykning i serieförvärvareMagnsjö, Tobias, Grönblom, Edward January 2022 (has links)
Den här studien avser främst att bestämma huruvida nordiska förvärvare som finansierar uppköp via apportemissioner brukar sig av resultatmanipulation i kvartalen kring förvärvet. Syftet sträcker sig dessutom till att avgöra om den effekten är större för serieförvärvare än för enstaka förvärvare. För att studera resultatmanipulationen används en uppskattning av diskretionära periodiseringar som härleds från den modifierade Jonesmodellen samt ett antal kontrollvariabler. Datainsamlingen har utförts via databasen Refinitiv Eikon. Resultatet bekräftar med statistisk signifikans hypotesen att förvärvare som använder emitterade aktier som transaktionsmedel manipulerar resultatet genom diskretionära periodiseringar innan förvärvet för att sedan återvända till en naturlig nivå. Slutsatsen bör dock tolkas försiktigt då regressionsanalysen kännetecknas av volatila förklaringsgrader. En deskriptivt lägre nivå av diskretionära periodiseringar kan även utläsas från serieförvärvare relativt enstaka förvärvare men utan statistisk signifikans. / The purpose of this study is primarily to determine whether Nordic acquirers that finance their acquisitions through stocks manage their earnings by using discretionary accruals around the time of the event to increase the stock price. Furthermore, the paper investigates if this effect would be larger for serial acquirers. The database Refinitiv Eikon has been used to collect data and the modified Jones model has been applied to estimate levels of discretionary accruals. The results confirm with statistical significance that acquirers that issue stock for payment manage earnings prior to the acquisition relative to cash-paying acquirers and then gradually decrease to a non-discretionary level. Although this conclusion should be interpreted conservatively due to volatile explanatory power. As for serial acquirers, a lower level of discretionary accruals can be observed but with no statistical significance.
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Performance effects of operational efficiency and bargainingpower through different types of growth : A study between organic and inorganic growthNäslund, Daniel, Hugoh, Theodor January 2023 (has links)
Previous literature often argues that acquisitions are used as a tool for growth, and the value creation derives from the combination of businesses through synergy effects and the economies of scale. In the same academical and theoretical context, there is often a discussion on growth with a more organically approach, where the value comes throughresource utilization and internal efficiency. There is a broad range of research in the area,focusing on the impact of different types of growth strategies. More emphasis has been on inorganic growth. Hence, is there a superior combination of both, and how will each strategy impact the value creation for different types of stakeholders through internal and external efficiency. Previous results are not always harmonious regarding the relationship between the two growth strategies and the efficiency of a company. This study has focused on examining the relationship with a broad range of industries using accounting measures to answer the research question: What are the effects of organic and inorganic growth on operating efficiency and bargaining power? For the thesis, panel data analysis has been used which includes 8675 specific firm-year observed values from companies that is publicly listed in Sweden. The collected archival data has been tested through OLS regressions with fixed effects. Throughout the thesis and conducted research, a positivist paradigm has been used under a deductive approach. Emphasis is placed on previous literature and studies for more accurate statistical results. Further contributions to theoretical literature and the scientific research community have been added. This thesis has been analyzing empirical results using Resource-based view along with the Stakeholder- and Shareholder theory. With the conclusion that there is a significant relationship between organic growth and operating efficiency. On the other hand, it cannot be concluded that there is a relationship between inorganic growth and bargaining power. In addition, the relationship between growth strategy and efficiency measures will depend on which industry the company operates in.
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<p> Orbital Debris is a growing challenge for the Space Industry. The increasing density of derelict objects in high-value orbital regimes is resulting in more conjunction warnings and break-up events with cascading repercussions on active satellites and spacecraft. The recent rapid growth of the commercial space industry, in particular proliferated satellite constellations, has placed orbital debris remediation at the forefront of Space Industry efforts. The need to remove existing debris, combined with a growing demand for active satellite life extension services, has created an emerging market for space logistics, in particular spacecraft capable of rendezvous and docking, orbital refueling, debris deorbiting, or object relocation. This market has seen numerous companies emerge with multi-purpose on-orbit servicing platforms. This ecosystem poses technological, economical, and policy questions to decision-makers looking to acquire platforms or invest in technologies and requires a System-of-Systems approach to determine mission and system concepts of merit. An open-source modeling, analysis, and simulation software toolbox has been developed which enables rapid early-stage analysis and design of diverse fleets of on-orbit servicing platforms, with a specific emphasis on active debris removal applications. The toolbox provides fetching and processing of real-time orbital catalog data, clustering and scoring of high-value debris targets, flexible and efficient multi-vehicle multi-objective time-varying routing optimization, and fleet-level lifecycle cost estimation. The toolbox is applied to a diverse sample of promising commercial platforms to enable government decision-makers to make sound investment and acquisition decisions to support the development of ADR technologies, missions, and companies. </p>
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Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Integration Mode for Enhancing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Performance / Fusioner och förvärv (M&A) Integrationsmetod för att förbättra miljömässig, social och styrningsmässig (ESG) prestationChen, Caiwei, Ario Wibisono, Muhamad January 2023 (has links)
This thesis addresses the critical issue of incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) integration. As companies face increasing pressure to align their business strategies with sustainable practices, understanding how different MA integration modes can facilitate the implementation of ESG enhancements within merged companies becomes imperative. The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of two MA integration modes, absorption integration, and symbiotic approach, on enhancing ESG performance. Using a multiple case study approach, four MA cases from Orbis and Nordic Compass databases were examined. The findings reveal that the absorption integration leads to more efficient and effective implementation of ESG strategies compared to the symbiotic approach. The results contribute to the existing knowledge by highlighting the crucial relationship between post-merger integration (PMI) approaches and the improvement of ESG practices. / Denna avhandling behandlar den kritiska frågan om att integrera miljömässiga, sociala och styrelserelaterade (ESG) överväganden i sammanhanget av sammanslagningar och förvärv (M&A). I takt med att företag står inför ökande press att anpassa sina affärsstrategier efter hållbara metoder blir det viktigt att förstå hur olika M&A integrationsmetoder kan underlätta implementeringen av ESG-förbättringar inom sammanslagna företag. Syftet med denna forskning var att undersöka effekten av två M&A-integrationsmetoder, absorptionsintegration och symbiotiskt tillvägagångssätt, på förbättring av ESG-prestanda. Genom att använda en fler fallsstudieundersökning analyserades fyra M&A-fall från databaserna Orbis och Nordic Compass. Resultaten visar att absorptionsintegrationen leder till mer effektiv och framgångsrik implementering av ESG-strategier jämfört med det symbiotiska tillvägagångssättet. Resultaten bidrar till den befintliga kunskapen genom att belysa det viktiga sambandet mellan postfusionsintegrering (PMI)-metoder och förbättring av ESG-praktiker.
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Factors Influencing Post-Acquisition Integration During The Early Stages of Post-acquisition : A qualitative study on firm-level factors that affect post-acquisition integration in the Swedish construction industryKristiansson, Erik, Andelin Andersson, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
This study is to investigate how acquiring firms within the Swedish construction industry work towards successful post-acquisition integration during the early stages of post-acquisition and which factors they consider when doing so. When researching the five cases, the study adopted a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews with five managers from acquiring firms to gather in-depth, first-hand data for thematic analysis. The empirical findings highlight the significance of corporate culture, organizational structure, and leadership structure in the integration process. Acquiring firms prioritize cultural compatibility, recognizing that differences can hinder successful integration. They also emphasize the positive impact of similar business models and the creation of new leadership groups combining resources and capabilities. Supportive leadership plays a crucial role in smoothening the integration process. To achieve a successful post-acquisition integration, firms in the Swedish construction industry focus on assessing corporate culture compatibility, restructuring leadership, and effective integration planning. They aim to integrate cultures, develop thorough integration plans, and ensure employee satisfaction and financial success. The studied cases challenges theories that emphasize organizational structure as the main obstacle in acquisitions, suggesting that cultural factors are more critical. Similarly, it contradicts theories highlighting directive leadership, emphasizing the importance of supportive leadership instead. The study contributes to the understanding of integrating human resources, cultural factors, and clear integration plans as essential elements for acquisition success.
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An Agile Roadmap for Live, Virtual and Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA): A Case Study Using a Component based Integrated Simulation EnginePark, Tae Woong 01 January 2015 (has links)
Conducting seamless Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) simulation remains the most challenging issue of Modeling and Simulation (M&S). There is a lack of interoperability, limited reuse and loose integration between the Live, Virtual and/or Constructive assets across multiple Standard Simulation Architectures (SSAs). There have been various theoretical research endeavors about solving these problems but their solutions resulted in complex and inflexible integration, long user-usage time and high cost for LVC simulation. The goal of this research is to provide an Agile Roadmap for the Live Virtual Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA) that will address the above problems and introduce interoperable LVC simulation. Therefore, this research describes how the newest M&S technologies can be utilized for LVC simulation interoperability and integration. Then, we will examine the optimal procedure to develop an agile roadmap for the LVC-ITA. In addition, this research illustrated a case study using an Adaptive distributed parallel Simulation environment for Interoperable and reusable Model (AddSIM) that is a component based integrated simulation engine. The agile roadmap of the LVC-ITA that reflects the lessons learned from the case study will contribute to guide M&S communities to an efficient path to increase interaction of M&S simulation across systems.
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Ett granskningssystem för utländska direktinvesteringar : Om lagförslagets ändamålsenlighet, den parallella tillämpningen av säkerhetsskyddslagen och ytterligare krav på parterna i en transaktion / A national screening mechanism of foreign direct investments : Regarding the expediency of the propounded law, the parallel application of the Swedish Security Protection Act, and added liabilities of the M&A-transactions partiesLöfgren, Clara January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Predicting mergers and acquisitionsD'Angelo, John 01 May 2012 (has links)
Being able to predict a merger or acquisition before it takes place could lead to an investor earning a premium, if they owned shares of the targeted firm before the merger or acquisition attempt is announced. On average acquiring firms pay a premium when acquiring or merging with a targeted firm. This study uses publicly available financial information for 7,267 attempted takeover targets and 52,343 non-targeted firms for the period January 3, 2000 through December 31, 2007 to estimate (using logit) predictive models. Financial ratios are constructed based on six hypotheses found in the literature. Although statistical evidence supports a few of the hypotheses, the low predictive power of the models does not indicate the ability to accurately predict targeted firms ahead of time, let alone with any economic significance.
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