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Caracterização do núcleo cilíndrico de menor excesso de reatividade do reator IPEN/MB-01, pela medida da distribuição espacial e energética do fluxo de nêutrons / Neutronic characterization of cylindrical core of minor excess reactivity in the nuclear reactor IPEN/MB-01 from the measure of spatial and energetic distribution of neutron flux distributionAREDES, VITOR O.G. 19 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-01-19T10:30:20Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-19T10:30:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho foi realizado o mapeamento do fluxo de nêutrons térmicos e epitérmicos e o espectro energético dos nêutrons no núcleo do Reator IPEN/MB-01, em uma configuração cilíndrica de menor excesso de reatividade, ou seja de 28x28 varetas combustíveis dispostas nas direções norte-sul e Leste-Oeste. A calibração das barras de controle para essa configuração determinou seu excesso de reatividade. O menor excesso de reatividade no núcleo diminuiu a perturbação do fluxo de nêutrons causado pelas barras absorvedoras de nêutrons, já que o reator nuclear foi operado com as barras de controle quase totalmente retiradas. Foi utilizada a Técnica de Analise de Ativação com detectores de ativação do tipo folha (infinitamente diluídas e hiperpuras), de diferentes materiais que atuam em diferentes faixas de energia, para o cálculo da atividade de saturação, utilizado na determinação do fluxo de nêutrons térmicos e epitérmicos e como entrada no código SANDBP para a determinação do espectro energético dos nêutrons. Para descriminar o fluxo de nêutrons térmico e epitérmico, foi utilizada a Técnica da Razão de cádmio. Os detectores de ativação foram distribuídos em um total de 140 posições radiais e axiais no núcleo do reator, em 24 irradiações com as folhas de ativação nuas e cobertas com cádmio. Um modelo dessa configuração foi simulado pelo código MCNP-5 para determinação do fator de cádmio e comparação dos resultados obtidos experimentalmente. A configuração cilíndrica desejada, com 17% menos de varetas combustíveis que a configuração padrão retangular (28x26 varetas combustíveis), atingiu a criticalidade com as barras de controle aproximadamente 90% retiradas, diminuindo consideravelmente a perturbação no fluxo neutrônico no interior do núcleo do reator. Dada a maior densidade de potência do núcleo cilíndrico 28x28, os valores de fluxo de nêutrons aumentou em mais de 50% nas regiões centrais do núcleo cilíndrico estudado quando comparado aos valores do núcleo padrão retangular 28x26. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Desenvolvimento do plano preliminar de descomissionamento do reator IPEN/MB-01 / Preliminary decommissioning plan of the reactor IPEN/MB-01VIVAS, ARY de S. 20 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Eneide de Souza Araujo (mearaujo@ipen.br) on 2015-02-20T15:58:48Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-20T15:58:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Em todo mundo, muitas instalações nucleares foram construídas e necessitarão serem desligadas em um determinado momento por estarem próximas do seu tempo recomendado de utilização que é de aproximadamente 40 anos. A AIEA (Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica) busca orientar e recomendar uma série de diretrizes para a realização de atividades de descomissionamento de instalações nucleares, com atenção especial aos países que não possuem um quadro regulatório legal que ampare as atividades de descomissionamento. O Brasil, até o momento, não possui uma norma específica que oriente as etapas de descomissionamento de reatores de pesquisa. Entretanto, em março de 2011 foi constituída uma comissão de estudo com a atribuição principal voltada às questões de descomissionamento das instalações nucleares brasileiras, culminando na resolução 133, de 8 de novembro de 2012, um projeto de norma que dispõe sobre o Descomissionamento de Usinas Nucleoelétricas. O Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) possui dois reatores de pesquisa sendo um deles o reator IPEN/MB-01. O objetivo dessa dissertação de mestrado é elaborar um plano preliminar de descomissionamento desse reator de pesquisa, considerando a documentação técnica da instalação (RAS-Relatório de Análise de Segurança), as normas existentes da CNEN (Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear), assim como as recomendações da AIEA. Em termos de procedimentos de descomissionamento para reatores de pesquisa, este trabalho se baseou no que existe de mais moderno em experiências, estratégias e lições aprendidas realizadas e documentadas nas publicações da AIEA que abrangem técnicas e tecnologias de descomissionamento. Considerando estes conhecimentos técnicos e às peculiaridades da instalação, foi selecionada a estratégia de desmantelamento imediato, que corresponde ao inicio das atividades de descomissionamento assim que a instalação for desligada, dividindo-a em setores de trabalho. Como recurso de gerenciamento e acompanhamento do projeto de descomissionamento do reator e manutenção de registros, foi desenvolvido um banco de dados utilizando o programa Microsoft Access 2007, no qual contêm todos os itens e informações referentes ao plano preliminar de descomissionamento. O trabalho aqui descrito busca atender os requisitos, critérios técnicos e institucionais, incorporando o que se tem de mais atual em procedimentos de descomissionamento, podendo servir como guia para as demais instalações brasileiras. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Lova guld eller gröna skogar : En översyn av av motstridigheter inom riksintressesystemet med fokus på värdefulla ämnen eller material / Promising gold or green forestsIdesjö, Niklas January 2014 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka konflikter inom riksintressesystemet med särskilt fokus på värdefulla ämnen eller material. Intresset för svenska mineralfyndigheter har ökat och med nya gruvetableringar kommer konflikter om markanspråk. Syftet med studien är att utifrån samhällsstyrningen, undersöka om tillämpningen av 3 och 4 MB följer intentionerna med lagstiftningen med fokus på mineralnäringen och dess konflikt med andra intressen. Riksintressesystemet som studeras, uppkom på 60- och 70-talen på grund av att staten upplevde ett behov av att kunna ange långsiktiga nationella riktlinjer för mark- och vattenhushållningen. Genom det skulle konflikter mellan industrietableringar, bebyggelseutveckling och bevarandevärda kvaliteter hanteras. Arbetet med att utarbeta riktlinjer skulle inbegripa staten, länsstyrelserna och kommunerna vilka skulle föra en dialog med planer, utredningar och riktlinjer. Arbetet utmynnade i en lagreglering av riktlinjerna som blev hushållningsbestämmelserna i naturresurslagen, NRL. NRL angav skydd för verksamhetsanknutna och geografiskt anknutna riksintressen. Under 90-talet infördes riksintressena i MB. De har kritiserats för att brista i tillämpningen och att systemet inte är anpassat till dagens situation. Regeringen har därför startat en utredning med uppdraget att se över riksintressena. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för studien har varit governancelitteratur som beskriver hur förskjutningar i samhällsstyrningen sker genom samverkan mellan privata och offentliga aktörer. Även plan- och miljöparadigmen som företräder expertkunskap och kommunikation som sätt att ta fram rätt beslut. I studien görs en fallstudie på två koncessionsansökningar (ansökningar om att få bedriva gruvverksamhet), Rönnbäcken och Stekenjokk, där båda fall berör en konflikt mellan framför allt rennäringen och mineralnäringen. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys används med hjälp av analyskategorier från governancelitteraturen för att ställa upp och studera beslutsdokumenten kring ärendena. Analysen av de två fall som studerats visar att en viss förskjutning i samhälls- styrningen skett där privata aktörer initierar processen att utpeka riksintressen för värdefulla ämnen eller material. I övrigt är processen dock centralt styrd med statliga myndigheter som fattar beslut om att peka ut riksintressen och bevilja eller avslå bearbetningskoncession för gruvetableringar. Inom ramen för paradigmen konstateras också att olika instanser i processen tar beslut inom de olika tankemönstren vilket får effekten att beslut grundas på olika kriterier. Utifrån studiens frågeställningar konstateras att konflikter råder och kommer bl.a. till uttryck genom att aktörer bedömer påtaglig skada olika. Riksintressesystemet har en tydlig ärendegång hos statliga myndigheter för prövningen av koncessioner, men skiljer sig åt mellan ärendena. Effekten av att bevarande- och exploateringsintressen ligger under samma paragraf, riskerar att skapa samma problem som fanns vid riksplaneringens tillkomst där bevarandeintressen inte tillmättes något skydd mot exploateringsintressen. Till slut dras slutsatsen att intentionerna inte följs eftersom regeringen i ett ärende beviljat en gruvetablering trots att gruvan anses som kortsiktig markanvändning. Långsiktighet och bevarandeintressen skulle i intentionerna ges starkare skydd, men i ena fallet är det trots allt tydligt att den ekonomiska betydelsen av fyndigheten inom riksintresset för värdefulla ämnen eller material väger tyngre än andra riksintressena inom området.
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Komunikační systémy založené na principu MB-OFDM / Communication systems based on MB-OFDMŠkapa, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the Master’s Thesis is to describe ideas of the MB-OFDM principle that represents the possibility of OFDM principle implementation in ultra wideband systems. There are compared physical layers of the IEEE 802.15.3a and the ECMA-368 standard which include the MB-OFDM principle. In practical part of the thesis, there was created a model of ECMA-368 physical layer in MATLAB environment including CDMA access principle. Finally, the MB OFDM system resistance against disturbance and the Peak-to-Average-Power Ratio is analyzed and commented.
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The Cytotoxic Effects of Novel Flavonoids CT1 and CT3 on Breast Cancer Cells are Independent of the Presence of ER, PR, and HER2 ReceptorsHagood, Kendra, Hackworth, Keagan Davis, Umeh, Chukwunyere Ifeanyichukwu, Mudd, Garret, Michaud, Kristen, Cunningham, Morgan, Torrenegra, Ruben, Palau, Victoria 18 March 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer found in women across the world, with an estimated 2.3 million new cases occurring in 2020. Additionally, over 684,000 deaths annually are attributed to breast cancer across the globe, making it the most common cause of cancer-related death in women. Further, treatment of breast cancer relies heavily on whether or not the cancer cells express estrogen, progesterone, and HER 2 receptors and this expression profile is often related to how quickly the cells grow and spread. In the United States, breast cancer cells that are hormone receptor positive and HER-2 negative make up about 73% of breast cancer cases, and cells that do not express any receptor and are known as triple negative, make up around 12% of cases (American Cancer Society, 2019). With that being said, CT1 and CT3 are novel compounds that have a cytotoxic effect on cell lines representing up to 85% of all breast cancer subtypes in the United States.
Methods: The leaves of Chromolaena tacotana that contains the flavonoids CT1 and CT3 were dried and placed in a soxhlet extractor using dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) to extract the chlorophyll. The flavonoids were extracted using a column chromatography eluted with trichloromethane (CHCl3), a 1:1 dilution of CHCl3:methanol and methanol, followed by isolation and purification of the compounds. Human breast cancer cell lines MCF7, MDA-MB-231, and SKBr3 were treated with CT1 and CT3 at concentrations of 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 µM, followed by incubation for 24 hours. To assess cell viability an MTT assay was conducted by adding a 5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide reagent. The purple-colored formazan crystals were solubilized with acidified isopropanol, then analyzed by spectrophotometry.
Results: CT1 appeared to have the most cytotoxic effects compared to CT3 on MCF7. The opposite effect was observed for SKBr3 with CT3 showing the most effects as compared to CT1. No differential effect was observed on MDA-MB-231 since both CT1 and CT3 showed similar inhibition of cell viability.
Conclusions: The results from the different breast cancer cell lines SKBr3, MCF7, and MDA-MB-231 vary based on how they responded to CT1 and CT3. CT3 was more effective on SKBr3 than CT1. CT1 was more effective on MCF7 than CT3. For MDA-MB-231, both CT1 and CT3 showed similar significant cytotoxic effects. The antiproliferative effects of CT1 and CT3 appear to be concentration dependent on all cells studied. In view of the results from MDA-MB-231 triple negative breast cancer cell line, the cytotoxic effect of the flavonoids is not dependent on the presence of estrogen, progesterone, or HER2 receptors on breast cancer cells. Further studies on the mechanism of action are necessary to elucidate the molecular targets of CT1 and CT3.
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Evaluating the CU-tree algorithm in an HEVC encoder / En utvärdering av algoritmen CU-tree i en HEVC-kodareGrozman, Vladimir January 2015 (has links)
CU-tree (Coding Unit tree) is an algorithm for adaptive QP (quantization parameter). It runs in the lookahead and decreases the QP of blocks that are heavily referenced by future blocks, taking into account the quality of the prediction and the complexity of the future blocks, approximated by the inter and intra residual. In this study, CU-tree is implemented in c65, an experimental HEVC encoder used internally by Ericsson. The effects of CU-tree are evaluated on the video clips in the HEVC Common test conditions and the performance is compared across c65, x265 and x264. The results are similar across all encoders, with average PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) improvements of 3-10% depending on the fixed QP offsets that are replaced. The runtime is not impaired and improvements to visual quality are expected to be even greater. The algorithm works better at slow speed modes, low bitrates and with source material that is well suited for inter prediction. / CU-tree är en algoritm för adaptiv QP. Den körs under framåtblicken (lookahead) och minskar QP för block som refereras av många framtida block, med hänsyn tagen till prediktionens kvalitet och de framtida blockens komplexitet, approximerat av inter- och intra-skillnaden. I denna studie implementeras CU-tree i c65, en experimentell videokodare som används internt på Ericsson. Effekterna av algoritmen utvärderas på videoklippen i HEVC Common test conditions och prestandan jämförs mellan c65, x265 och x264. Resultaten är liknande i alla videokodare, med genomsnittliga PSNR-förbättringar på 3-10% beroende på vilka fasta QP-offsets som algoritmen ersätter. Körtiden påverkas inte nämnvärt och den subjektiva kvaliteten förbättras troligen ännu mer. Algoritmen fungerar bättre med långsamma hastighetsinställningar, låg bitrate samt videoinnehåll som lämpar sig väl för inter-prediktion.
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A High Throughput Low Power Soft-Output Viterbi DecoderOuyang, Gan January 2011 (has links)
A high-throughput low-power Soft-Output Viterbi decoder designed for the convolutional codes used in the ECMA-368 UWB standard is presented in this thesis. The ultra wide band (UWB) wireless communication technology is supposed to be used in physical layer of the wireless personal area network (WPAN) and next generation Blue Tooth. MB-OFDM is a very popular scheme to implement the UWB system and is adopted as the ECMA-368 standard. To make the high speed data transferred over the channel reappear reliably at the receiver, the error correcting codes (ECC) are wildly utilized in modern communication systems. The ECMA-368 standard uses concatenated convolutional codes and Reed-Solomon (RS) codes to encode the PLCP header and only convolutional codes to encode the PPDU Payload. The Viterbi algorithm (VA) is a popular method of decoding convolutional codes for its fairly low hardware implementation complexity and relatively good performance. Soft-Output Viterbi Algorithm (SOVA) proposed by J. Hagenauer in 1989 is a modified Viterbi Algorithm. A SOVA decoder can not only take in soft quantized samples but also provide soft outputs by estimating the reliability of the individual symbol decisions. These reliabilities can be provided to the subsequent decoder to improve the decoding performance of the concatenated decoder. The SOVA decoder is designed to decode the convolutional codes defined in the ECMA-368 standard. Its code rate and constraint length is R=1/3 and K=7 respectively. Additional code rates derived from the "mother" rate R=1/3 codes by employing "puncturing", including 1/2, 3/4, 5/8, can also be decoded. To speed up the add-compare-select unit (ACSU), which is always the speed bottleneck of the decoder, the modified CSA structure proposed by E.Yeo is adopted to replace the conventional ACS structure. Besides, the seven-level quantization instead of the traditional eight-level quantization is proposed to be used is in this decoder to speed up the ACSU in further and reduce its hardware implementation overhead. In the SOVA decoder, the delay line storing the path metric difference of every state contains the major portion of the overall required memory. A novel hybrid survivor path management architecture using the modified trace-forward method is proposed. It can reduce the overall required memory and achieve high throughput without consuming much power. In this thesis, we also give the way to optimize the other modules of the SOVA decoder. For example, the first K-1 necessary stages in the Path Comparison Unit (PCU) and Reliability Measurement Unit (RMU) are IX removed without affecting the decoding results. The attractiveness of SOVA decoder enables us to find a way to deliver its soft output to the RS decoder. We have to convert bit reliability into symbol reliability because the soft output of SOVA decoder is the bit-oriented while the reliability per byte is required by the RS decoder. But no optimum transformation strategy exists because the SOVA output is correlated. This thesis compare two kinds of the sub-optimum transformation strategy and proposes an easy to implement scheme to concatenate the SOVA decoder and RS decoder under various kinds of convolutional code rates. Simulation results show that, using this scheme, the concatenated SOVA-RS decoder can achieve about 0.35dB decoding performance gain compared to the conventional Viterbi-RS decoder.
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Miljökvalitetsnormer : Ett oöversiktligt hinder för gruvverksamhet att beviljas miljötillstånd?Karlsson, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur försämrings- och äventyrandeförbudet i 5 kap. 4 § miljöbalken har påverkat bedömningen vid tillståndsprövning för gruvverksamhet. För att besvara syftet har rättsdogmatisk metod använts vilket innebär att lag, förarbeten, praxis och doktrin har analyserats. Det finns idag en intressekonflikt mellan å ena sidan gruvnäring och å andra sidan behovet av vatten med god kvalitet. Detta har gjort lagstiftningen till en nyckelaktör i arbetet mot en hållbar utveckling. Försämrings- och äventyrandeförbudet som föreskrivs i EU:s ramvattendirektiv finns sedan 2019 uttryckligen i svensk lagstiftning. Miljökvalitetsnormer för vatten har därmed fått en förstärkt rättslig ställning och betydelse vid tillståndsprövning för gruvverksamhet. I uppsatsen beskrivs bakgrunden och syftet med implementeringen av förbudsregeln samt hur bestämmelsen beaktas vid tillståndsprövning för gruvverksamhet. I dagsläget finns inget som tyder på att bestämmelsen förbjuder gruvverksamheter, däremot kan det antas en dyrare, längre och mer omfattande tillståndsprocess.
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An Analog/Mixed Signal FFT Processor for Ultra-Wideband OFDM Wireless TransceiversLehne, Mark 02 October 2008 (has links)
As Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) becomes more prevalent in new leading-edge data rate systems processing spectral bandwidths beyond 1 GHz, the required operating speed of the baseband signal processing, specifically the Analog- to-Digital Converter (ADC) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processor, presents significant circuit design challenges and consumes considerable power. Additionally, since Ultra-WideBand (UWB) systems operate in an increasingly crowded wireless environment at low power levels, the ability to tolerate large blocking signals is critical. The goals of this work are to reduce the disproportionately high power consumption found in UWB OFDM receivers while increasing the receiver linearity to better handle blockers.
To achieve these goals, an alternate receiver architecture utilizing a new FFT processor is proposed. The new architecture reduces the volume of information passed through the ADC by moving the FFT processor from the digital signal processing (DSP) domain to the discrete time signal processing domain. Doing so offers a reduction in the required ADC bit resolution and increases the overall dynamic range of the UWB OFDM receiver.
To explore design trade-offs for the new discrete time (DT) FFT processor, system simulations based on behavioral models of the key functions required for the processor are presented. A new behavioral model of the linear transconductor is introduced to better capture non-idealities and mismatches. The non-idealities of the linear transconductor, the largest contributor of distortion in the processor, are individually varied to determine their sensitivity upon the overall dynamic range of the DT FFT processor. Using these behavioral models, the proposed architecture is validated and guidelines for the circuit design of individual signal processing functions are presented. These results indicate that the DT FFT does not require a high degree of linearity from the linear transconductors or other signal processing functions used in its design.
Based on the results of the system simulations, a prototype 8-point DT FFT processor is designed in 130 nm CMOS. The circuit design and layout of each of the circuit functions; serial-to-parallel converter, FFT signal flow graph, and clock generation circuitry is presented. Subsequently, measured results from the first proof-of-concept IC are presented. The measured results show that the architecture performs the FFT required for OFDM demodulation with increased linearity, dynamic range and blocker handling capability while simultaneously reducing overall receiver power consumption. The results demonstrate a dynamic range of 49 dB versus 36 dB for the equivalent all-digital signal processing approach. This improvement in dynamic range increases receiver performance by allowing detection of weak sub-channels attenuated by multipath. The measurements also demonstrate that the processor rejects large narrow-band blockers, while maintaining greater than 40 dB of dynamic range. The processor enables a 10x reduction in power consumption compared to the equivalent all digital processor, as it consumes only 25 mWatts and reduces the required ADC bit depth by four bits, enabling application in hand-held devices.
Following the success of the first proof-of-concept IC, a second prototype is designed to incorporate additional functionality and further demonstrate the concept. The second proof-of-concept contains an improved version of the serial-to-parallel converter and clock generation circuitry with the additional function of an equalizer and parallel- to-serial converter.
Based on the success of system level behavioral simulations, and improved power consumption and dynamic range measurements from the proof-of-concept IC, this work represents a contribution in the architectural development and circuit design of UWB OFDM receivers. Furthermore, because this work demonstrates the feasibility of discrete time signal processing techniques at 1 GSps, it serves as a foundation that can be used for reducing power consumption and improving performance in a variety of future RF/mixed-signal systems. / Ph. D.
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Design of RF CMOS Power Amplifier for UWB ApplicationsJose, Sajay 07 January 2005 (has links)
Ever since the FCC allocated 7.5 GHz (from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz) for ultra wideband (UWB) technology, interest has been renewed in both academic and industrial circles to exploit this vast spectrum for short range, high data rate wireless applications. The great potential of UWB lies in the fact that it can co-exist with the already licensed spectrum users and can still pave the way for a wide range of applications.
However, this wide bandwidth complicates the circuit level implementation of key RF blocks like the power amplifier (PA), transmit/receive switch, low noise amplifier (LNA) and mixers in an UWB transceiver. Though expensive technologies like SiGe or GaAs have been used for transceiver realizations, the ultimate goal is to have a single-chip, low-cost solution which can only be achieved by using CMOS technology. Nevertheless, some of the inherent limitations of CMOS like lower fT of transistors make the design of UWB circuits in CMOS an extremely challenging task.
Two proposals- Multi-Band OFDM and Direct-Sequence CDMA have been put before the IEEE 802.15.3a task group to decide on the industry standard for the commercial deployment of this technology. Though the debate on which standard is better has not been resolved, proponents of both the groups have already begun to develop prototypes of their respective proposals.
This thesis describes the design of a key RF block in the UWB transceiver - the Power Amplifier. For the first part of this work, a PA suitable for MB-OFDM specifications was designed and fabricated in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology. The class-AB PA is able to cover the lower UWB frequency band from 3.1 GHz to 4.75 GHz and delivers an output power of -2 dBm at 4 GHz. Simulated results show a gain of 19±2 dB achieved over the entire band and the PA consumes 36.54 mW from a 1.8V supply.
In the second part of this work, a PA that meets the DS-CDMA specifications was designed and fabricated. This PA operates in the class-AB regime, delivering an output power of -4.2 dBm with input-1dB compression point at -22 dBm. Complete design and implementation was done using TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and it consumes a very low power of 25 mW, while realizing a flat gain of 19±1 dB across the whole band of operation. All the above mentioned results are from simulations in SpectreRF and measurements are yet to be taken. Additional features like power ON/OFF scheme and output impedance control has also been incorporated in the design. / Master of Science
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