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Krize středního věku / Midlife crisisPilná, Jana January 2015 (has links)
: Midlife Crisis is a very popular concept describing middle adulthood. Faced with imminent death, people stop on the way to achieve their goals, to review their achievements and to assess what you already have and what you still want to achieve to fulfill their dreams. The theoretical part deals mainly with the definition of middle adulthood, midlife crisis, life satisfaction and personal well-being and also presents an overview of basic theories and research on these topics. Empirical part is focused on finding how this concept is understood and whether their own lives and the lives of their loved ones this stage recognize as life stage specific symptoms within the definition of midlife crisis and how this developmental stage experience. The work also deals with the psychological differences in experiencing developmental stages middle-aged men and women and ways of coping. Key words: middle age, crisis, adulthood, life span development, individuation, life review
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'n Ontwikkelingsperspektief op geloofsekerheidPostma, Ferdinand 30 January 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Philosophy) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Hunden på Gotland från stenåldern till järnåldern / The dog on Gotland. From Stone Age to Iron Age.Olsson, Emilie January 2020 (has links)
This essay has analyzed and compared measurements of at least 41 dogs from seven different locations on Gotland ranging periods from Stone Age to Iron Age. This essay’s focus was on studying what kind of different types of dogs there are in the different time periods on Gotland, but also what their usage may have been. Type is not to be confused with breed as it is a modern concept and would give a faulty image, type indicate usage such as primed for i.e. hunting. The thesis also explores if the result differs from the mainland or preference of dogs compared to the island. Earlier studies have stated that during the Stone- and Bronze Age there are spitz type dogs, which usually varies between 30-60 cm. While during the Iron age more variety of different type of dogs were found such a greyhound type. Even larger dogs appear in the material with a height of 60-70 cm. The Gotlandic dogs that were examined came from the locations Simunde, Lilla Vikers, Stora Källstäde, Hemmor, Gullrum, Ire, Vallhagar and Broa in Halla. Their sizes differed between 25-73 cm in height. The types of dogs that have been read out in the material are spitz, terrier, molosser types. The spitz and the terrier types indicate a usage as a farm dog raging to hunting, herding, guarding and as a companion. The molosser type and the other long-legged dogs in Broa in Halla show more specified hunting, high status and even hunting with horse. Nothing shows a different preference of type or size between the mainland and Gotland with the exception that the Gotlandic Stone age dogs were a little on the larger side than normal. The dogs were important in Gotland society and lived a good life with man as well as having the same diet which was proven by carbon-13 value analyzes from Ajvide. The dogs showed very few injuries and those that did showed instead that they had been taken care of in form of food and shelter so that those injuries fully have healed properly. Which shows that man has taken care of the dogs and wanted them well in health, that the dog is indeed important to humans and is our best friend.
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The study investigated aspects of self-rated autobiographical memory between young and middle-aged adults, as well as examined sex differences. A Swedish version of a self-rating questionnaire was used online to assess autobiographical memory. The Survey of autobiographical memory assesses autobiographical memory abilities in episodic, semantic, spatial, and future domains. Forty-one healthy volunteers were included. The youngest group (Mage=26), had 70% women and middle-aged adults (Mage=44) had 50 % percent women. The mean age for women was (M= 30, range = 30) and the mean age for men was (M=34, range= 30). Univariate General Linear Model was performed to determine whether there is a significant mean difference between the age-groups and sex, while a repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance assessed the interaction between age group and memory type. It was hypothesized that there would be no difference between young and middle-aged adults in semantic autobiographical memory, but that episodic autobiographical memory would be rated lower by the middle-aged adults. The two dependent variables were semantic and episodic scores. No significant effects were found for age-group or sex on the total, episodic, and semantic scores. The age-group by memory-type interaction showed that semantic and episodic memories were not rated differently by the two age-groups. One reason for these non-significant outcomes could be the overall small sample sizes. Further elaboration is needed to assess the aspects of self-rated AM changes from young to middle adulthood, including sex differences in the self-assessment since not many studies have addressed such questions. / Studien undersökte aspekter avsjälvskattat självbiografiskt minne mellan unga vuxna och individer i medelåldern samt även könsskillnader. En svensk version av ett självsskattningsfrågeformulär användes online för att undersöka självbiografiskt minne. Frågeformuläret bedömer autobiografiska minnesförmågor inom episodiska, semantiska, rumsliga och framtida domäner. Fyrtio friska deltagare medverkade i undersökningen. Den yngsta gruppen (M ålder=26), hade 70% kvinnor, medan medelålders vuxna (M ålder =44), hade 50% kvinnor. Medelåldern för kvinnor var (M = 30, intervall = 30) och mäns var (M = 34, intervall = 30). Univariata allmänna linjär modeller utfördes för att bestämma om det finns en signifikant genomsnittlig skillnad mellan åldersgrupperna och kön, medan en multivariat variansanalys med upprepade mätningar bedömde interaktionen mellan åldersgrupp ochminnestyp. Det antogs att det inte skulle finnas någon skillnad mellan unga och i det semantiska självbiografiska minnet, men att episodiskt självbiografiskt minne skulle skattas lägre efter medelåldern. De två beroende variablerna var semantiska och episodiska poäng. Inga signifikanta effekter hittades för åldersgrupp eller kön på den totala, episodiska och semantiska poängen. Interaktionen mellan åldersgrupp och minnestyp visade att semantiska och episodiska minnen inte bedömdes annorlunda av de två åldersgrupperna.
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成屋及中古屋買者通路選擇之研究汪益仁, WANG, YI-REN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究範圍
第四節 研究限制
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 文獻探討
第二節 觀念性架構
主要以EKB 模式為主體
第三節 研究假設
第三章 研究方法
第一節 問卷設計
第二節 抽樣設計
第三節 資料分析方法
以ANOVA 規則相關分析方法分析資料。
第四章 結果分析
第一節 評估準則之差異分析(重要性分析)
第二節 評估準則與生活型態之相關分析
第三節 購屋經驗與評估準則差異探討
第四節 購買地區與評估準則差異分析
第五節 不同通路選擇者之人口變數分析
第六節 不同通路選擇者對通路認知之差異分析
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議
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Débat inexistant ou paroles persistantes : la théologie des reliques au Moyen Âge, autour du De pigneribus sanctorum de Guibert de NogentDallali, Mehdi 08 1900 (has links)
Les reliques sont des objets associés aux saints, ou au Christ. Une relique est porteuse d’une puissance spirituelle, une virtus, source de miracles. Depuis l’Antiquité et surtout le Moyen Âge, les reliques ont joué un rôle essentiel dans la vie des sociétés chrétiennes. Il n’en reste pas moins que les théologiens semblent n’avoir réservé au culte des reliques qu’une faible part de leurs écrits, au point d’être considéré par l’historiographie actuelle comme ayant eu « une élaboration théorique inversement proportionnelle à son importance ».
Le présent mémoire se propose d’étudier, à travers les différents témoignages laissés sur le culte des reliques, durant l’Antiquité et le Moyen Âge, quelles ont pu être les conceptions, croyances et controverses autour du culte des reliques. L’hypothèse par conséquent proposée est celle d’un « problème des reliques », intimement lié aux évolutions du culte des saints et aux conceptions sur l’eucharistie tout au long du Moyen Âge. Un glissement se produit au cours du Moyen Âge, d’une critique jugée hérétique du culte en lui-même, à un refus des abus et du flou entourant ce culte au nom de l’orthodoxie. Ces paroles persistantes, à défaut d’un débat, sur la validité, les mécanismes mystiques et les abus d’un tel culte se sont ainsi cristallisées au XIIe siècle chez plusieurs auteurs contemporains, tels Thiofrid d’Echternach et surtout Guibert de Nogent, soulignant le besoin d’une élaboration théorique et d’une codification de ces pratiques. / Relics are items linked to the saints, or to the Christ. Relics carry spiritual power, called virtus, source of miracles. Since the Antiquity, and especially since the Middle Age, relics played an essential part in the life of christian societies. The fact remains that the medieval theologians seemed to have reserved, for the cult of relics, a small part of their writings, as to be regarded by historians as having been presenting "a theoretical elaboration inversely proportional to its significance " and did not elicit any debate.
This thesis thus proposes to study, through the various accounts left on the cult of relics, the ancient and medieval, what were the views, beliefs and controversies around the cult of relics. The hypothesis is therefore proposed that a "problem of the relics" existed, throughout the Middle Age, intimately linked to developments in the cult of saints and ideas on the Eucharist. A shift occurs during the Middle Ages, from a criticism, considered heretical, of the cult itself, to a denial of abuse and vagueness of this cult in the name of orthodoxy. These persistent speeches, if not a debate, about the validity and the mystical mechanisms and abuse of such a cult, would be well crystallized in the twelfth century, reflected in many contemporary writers, such as Thiofrid Echternach and especially Guibert of Nogent, stressing the need for theoretical development and codification of these practices.
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Bioarchéologie des sujets immatures de quatre nécropoles du haut Moyen Âge européen : méthodes d'étude du développement et des interactions biologie/cultureGarcin, Virginie 09 November 2009 (has links)
Les enfants font rarement l’objet d’une étude complète et approfondie en bioarchéologie et leur intégration à la population adulte est souvent limitée. Or, il est reconnu que leurs vestiges dentaires et squelettiques apportent de nombreuses connaissances quant à leur mode de vie et l’environnement dans lequel ils ont grandi. Nous proposons de vérifier ce postulat à partir d’un large échantillon d’individus immatures (N=613, du sujet périnatal à l’adolescent tardif), daté du haut Moyen Âge européen (essentiellement, 9e-11e siècles) et provenant de populations au mode de vie contrasté (urbain vs. rural) : Cherbourg Notre-Dame, Norroy-le-Veneur (France), Mikulcice Kostelisko et Prušánky 1 (République tchèque) ; plus la collection de référence de Spitalfields (Londres, UK) pour certains aspects méthodologiques. Une problématique triple est présentée : à la fois synthétique, comparative et méthodologique, elle cerne ainsi l’ensemble des sujets traitant des individus immatures en bioarchéologie. Si les facteurs biologiques (âge au décès, variabilité intra- et inter-population, profils de croissance squelettique) ne permettent pas de discerner distinctement les individus selon leur mode de vie (hormis les indicateurs de stress non spécifique et les lésions carieuses), les pratiques funéraires — spécifiques selon les cultures — mettent parfaitement en évidence les différences entre les populations. En outre, une étude adaptée à la part non-adulte de la population permet de démontrer des modalités biologiques à partir de collections archéologiques, résultat inédit au vu de tous les facteurs de biais connus. Enfin, de nouveaux outils méthodologiques ont été mis en place (estimation secondaire de l’âge, séquences de minéralisation dentaire, profils de croissance squelettique par analyse de transition) permettant une meilleure intégration des individus immatures aux larges études populationnelles, soulignant l’importance de cette part de la population en bioarchéologie. / Thorough bioarchaeological studies of children populations are few, and their integration into the adult population is often limited. Nevertheless, it is well known that non-adult’s teeth and skeletal remains give a wealth of information about their brief lives, and on the environment where they grew. This study is based on a large skeletal sample (N= 613 individuals ranging from perinates to late adolescence), dated from the Early Middle Age (essentially 9th-11th centuries AD) and belonging to very different lifestyle populations (urban vs. rural): Cherbourg Notre-Dame, Norroy-le-Veneur (France), Mikulcice Kostelisko and Prušánky 1 (Czech Republic) ; plus the identified collection from Spitalfields (London, UK) used for methodological issues. The topic of the study is threefold: Synthetic, comparative, and methodological, in order to give a global point of view on the children in a given bioarchaeological context. The biological patterns studied (age at death, intra- and inter-population variability, skeletal growth profiles) do not demonstrate significant differences between lifestyle, whereas non-specific stress indicators, caries lesions, and funerary practices do and can describe the environment where the children grew. It has also been possible to detect and demonstrate biological patterns within archaeological samples, which is a great result, totally unexpected considering all the biases of such studies. Finally, new methodological approaches have been built (secondary age estimation, dental mineralization sequences, skeletal growth profiles with the transition analysis), allowing a better integration of the immature individuals among large population syntheses. They highlight the non-adult part of population’s great contribution to bioarchaeology.
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Modeling Older Driver Behavior on Freeway Merging RampsLwambagaza, Lina 01 January 2016 (has links)
Merging from on-ramps to mainline traffic is one of the most challenging driving maneuvers on freeways. The challenges are further heightened for older drivers, as they are known to have longer perception-reaction times, larger acceptance gaps, and slower acceleration rates. In this research, VISSIM, a microscopic traffic simulation software, was used to evaluate the influence of the aging drivers on the operations of a typical diamond interchange. First, drivers were recorded on video cameras as they negotiated joining the mainline traffic from an on-ramp acceleration lane at two sites along I-75 in Southwest Florida. Several measures of effectiveness were collected including speeds, gaps, and location of entry to the mainline lanes. This information was used as either model input or for verification purposes. Two VISSIM models were developed for each site – one for the existing conditions and verification, and another for a sensitivity analysis, varying the percentage of older drivers and Level of Service (from A to E), to determine their influence on ramp operational characteristics. According to the results, there was a significant difference in driving behavior between older, middle-aged, and younger drivers, based on the measures of effectiveness analyzed in this study. Additionally, as the level of service and percentage of older adult motorists increased, longer queues were observed with slower speeds on the acceleration lanes and the right-most travel lane of the mainline traffic.
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Território, legislação e monarquia no reinado de Alfonso X, o Sábio (1252-1284) /Reis, Jaime Estevão dos. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Clodoaldo Bueno / Banca: Leila Rodrigues da Silva / Banca: Angelita Marques Visalli / Banca: Adriana Vidotte / Banca: Ruy de Oliveira Andrade Filho / Resumo: Alfonso X, o Sábio (1221 - 1284), ascendeu ao trono de Castela em 1252, após a morte de seu pai, Fernando III (1199 - 1252). Considerado um dos monarcas mais poderosos do século XIII, herdou do pai uma política de centralização do poder real fundamentada na consolidação do território da monarquia e na unificação legislativa. Apoiando-se em um corpus documental formado por crônicas, códigos jurídicos e documentos régios do século XIII, esta tese mostra que Alfonso X foi um continuador dessa política de centralização. Sob seu reinado definiram-se as fronteiras do território da Coroa de Castela. Alfonso X completou o projeto de unificação jurídica esboçado por Fernando III ao substituir os vários códigos jurídicos locais, os chamados fueros, por uma legislação régia de caráter centralizador. Ao instituir uma legislação que garantisse a supremacia do poder real, Alfonso X provocou uma reação da nobreza ao seu projeto político. / Abstract: Alphonse X, the Wise (1221 - 1284) ascended to the Castile throne in 1252, after his father's death, Fernando III (1199 - 1252). Considered one of the most powerful monarchs of the13th century, he inherited from his father a politics of centralization of the real power based on the consolidation of the monarchy territory, and on the legislative unification. Leaning on a documental corpus formed by chronicles, juridical codes and royal documents of the 13th century, this theory shows that Alphonse X was a continuator of that centralization. Under his reign, the borders of the territory of the Crown of Castile were defined. Alphonse X completed the project of juridical unification outlined by Fernando III when substituting the several local juridical codes, the so called fueros, for a royal legislation of centralizing character. When he implemented a legislation that would guarantee the supremacy of the royal power, Alphonse X provoked a reaction from the nobility to his political project. / Doutor
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Um monge no divã. O adolescer de Guibert de Nogent (1055-1125?): uma análise histórico-psicanalítica / A Monk on the couch: the becoming adolescent of Guibert de Nogent (1055-1125?) - a historic-psychoanalytic methodLevisky, David Léo 26 November 2004 (has links)
Este estudo retrata o adolescer de Guibert de Nogent, monge da região de Beauvais, norte da França, que viveu entre 1055-1125, aproximadamente. Utiliza-se de um método histórico-psicanalítico com o objetivo de tentar analisar o texto autobiográfico e o contexto vivido por Guibert, durante sua infância e a transição para a vida adulta. Toma-se como pontos de referência para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho, o conhecimento adquirido pela psicanálise contemporânea sobre o processo adolescente e o contexto histórico da Idade Média, séculos XI-XII. Tendo por base a metapsicologia psicanalítica proveniente de Freud, e de alguns dos seus seguidores, e os conhecimentos da história social, oriundos de Bloch, Vernant e outros, procura-se compreender os aspectos inconscientes e as interferências recíprocas entre sujeito psíquico e cultura. Estuda-se as condições de nascimento e de desenvolvimento, o processo educacional, a entrada na puberdade, a crise e a elaboração do processo adolescente até a vida adulta, dos quais se pode extrair os conteúdos componentes das estruturas e dinâmicas existentes entre as pulsões, o ego e o superego. Analisa-se as interações entre o desenvolvimento do sujeito psíquico e as incorporações provenientes das características do meio familiar, social, afetivo, religioso, cultural, preconizadas e exercidas pelo domínio da Igreja dentro do regime clérico-feudal. Parte-se do estudo particular de um caso para se propor algumas considerações gerais sobre o adolescer na Idade Média. Evidencia-se dois objetivos principais nesta investigação histórico-psicanalítica. O primeiro, tentar definir a existência da adolescência como fenômeno intrínseco do desenvolvimento humano e seus conflitos, durante a construção da identidade adulta e em relação à cultura. O segundo, tentar criar uma metodologia através da interface histórico-psicanalítica, capaz de contribuir para a compreensão da construção do sujeito psíquico em suas relações com os fatos e processos históricos, e que levam em consideração o individual e o coletivo, o psicofísico e o ambiental, o texto e o contexto, o homem e sua cultura. / This study analyses the becoming adolescent of Guibert de Nogent, monk from the Beauvais region, north of France, who lived around 1055-1125. A historic-psychoanalytic method was used, having in mind the analysis of the autobiographic text and the context within which Guibert lived his childhood and his transition to adulthood. The up to date psychoanalytic knowledge about the process towards adolescence and the historic context in the Middle Ages, centuries XI-XII, are the reference points adopted for the development of the present work. The basis for understanding the unconscious aspects and the reciprocal interference between the psychic subject and the culture is the psychoanalytic metapsychology originated with Freud and some of his followers, and from the social history by Bloch, Vernant and others. It is possible to extract the contents from the dynamic structures components which exist between the drives, the ego and the superego by analyzing the conditions of birth, the development, the educational process, the entering into puberty, the crisis and the development of the adolescence process until the adult life. The interactions between the psychic subject and the influences originated from the characteristics of the family, social, affective, religious and cultural environment, imposed and executed by the dominance of the Church within a clerical-feudal regime are analyzed. The study of this one case leads to general considerations about the adolescence process during the Middle Ages. Two main objectives come out from this historic-psychoanalytic research. The first aims at the definition of the existence of the adolescence as intrinsic phenomenon of the human development and its conflicts along the construction of the adult identity and in relation to the culture. The second intents the presentation of a new methodology by means of the historic-psychoanalytic interface, able to contribute to the understanding of the building up process of the psychic subject in relation to the facts and the historic processes, which takes into consideration the individual and the collective, the psychophysic and the environment, the text and the context, the man and his culture.
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