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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intravenous Lidocaine for Rib Fractures: Effect on Pain Control and Outcome

King, Sarah, Smith, Lou, Harper, Christopher, Beam, Zachary, Heidel, Eric, Carico, Genevieve, Wahler, Kelsey, Daley, Brian 01 January 2021 (has links)
Background: Multimodal analgesia in rib fractures (RFs) is designed to maximize pain control while minimizing narcotics. Prior research with intravenous lidocaine (IVL) efficacy produced conflicting results. We hypothesized IVL infusion reduces opioid utilization and pain scores. Methods: A retrospective review of RF patients at an ACS-verified Level I trauma center from April 2018 to 2/2020 was conducted. Patients (pts) stratified as receiving IVL vs no IVL. Initial lidocaine dose: 1 mg/kg/hr with a maximum of 3 mg/kg/hr. Duration of infusion: 48 h. Pain quantified by the Stanford Pain Score system (PS). Bivariate and multivariate analyses of variables were performed on SPSS, version 21 (IBM Corp). Results: 414 pts met inclusion criteria: 254 males and 160 females. The average age for the non-IVL = 67.4 ± 15.2 years vs IVL = 58.3 ± 17.1 years (P <.001). There were no statistically significant differences between groups for ISS, PS for initial 48 h, and ICU length of stay (LOS). There was a difference in morphine equivalents per hour: non-IVL = 1.25 vs IVL = 1.72 (P =.004) and LOS non-IVL = 10.2+/−7.6 vs IVL = 7.82+/−4.94. By analyzing IVL pts in a crossover comparison before and after IVL, there was reduction in opiates: 3.01 vs 1.72 (P <.001) and PS: 7.0 vs 4.9 (P <.001). Stanford Pain Score system reduction in the IVL = 48.3 ± 23.9%, but less effective in narcotic dependency (27 ± 22.9%, P =.035); IVL pts had hospital cost reduction: $82,927 vs $118,202 (P <.01). Discussion: In a crossover analysis, IVL is effective for reduction of PS and opiate use and reduces hospital LOS and costs. Patient age may confound interpretation of results. Our data support IVL use in multimodal pain regimens. Future prospective study is warranted.

Känslosamma Pojkar och Kaxiga Flickor : En multimodal textanalys om hur manligt respektive kvinnligt gestaltas i barnlitteratur i förskolan

Lindberg, Frida, Olofsson, Wilma January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att ta reda på, och bidra med kunskap om hur manligt och kvinnligt gestaltas i den mest lånade barnlitteraturen som förskolorna i två olika kommuner lånar från de kommunala biblioteken, då läsning av böcker är en aktivitet som bland annat gynnar barn i deras framtida uppfattning om kön (Strasser &amp; Seplocha, 2012; Filipović, 2018). Motivet till studiens valda problemområde grundar sig i Skolinspektionens rapport (2016) om förskolans jämställdhetsarbete, som visade att det systematiska arbetet med jämställdhet i förskolan inte var tillräckligt, vilket resulterade i att vi ansåg det vara angeläget att studera hur genus gestaltas i förskolans barnböcker. Studien har utgått från en multimodal textanalys (Björkvall, 2019) där resultatet har kopplats till Hirdmans genusteori (1988). Resultatet visade att både manliga och kvinnliga karaktärer gestaltas med en bred variation, såsom ansvarstagande vuxna samt kaxiga, självsäkra, känslosamma eller oroliga barn. Det som även framkom i analysen var att flertalet av böckerna skildrar tydliga olikheter mellan könen i böckerna där de traditionella könsnormerna förstärks av de attribut som karaktärerna bär. I ett fåtal av böckerna upplevdes det som svårt att identifiera olikheter mellan könen då det enda som skiljer könen åt är de könsbekräftande pronomen så som han eller hon, som beskriver karaktärerna, då de inte var bärare av några specifika normbekräftande attribut. Detta arbete har förhoppningsvis bidragit med kunskap om hur manlighet respektive kvinnlighet kan gestaltas i barnlitteratur, då detta kan vara ett värdefullt verktyg när pedagoger väljer ut passande böcker till förskolans verksamhet. / <p>2020-06-08</p>

Samspel mellan text och bild i NO-Läroböcker för årskurserna 1 - 3

Lavsjö, Erik, Vahlström, Peter January 2020 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte är att öka kunskapen om samband och samspel mellan skriven text och bilder utifrån multimodala resurser i svenska NO-böcker avsedda för årskurs 1-3. Utifrån syftet formuleras tre forskningsfrågor, “vilka relationer har skriven text och bild till varandra?”, “Vilka sambandsskapande resurser används för att skapa samband mellan skriven text och bild?” samt “Vilka relationer har bild- och textelement som sammanförs med hjälp av samabandsskapande resurser?”. Materialet som granskas är två olika NO-böcker avsedda för årskurs 1-3. En kvalitativ multimodal textanalys med kvantitativa inslag används som forskningsmetod. Analysen genomförs utifrån en sociosemiotisk utgångspunkt med hjälp av Hallidays tre metafunktioner som texter kan uppfylla vid kommunikation, Unsworths (2006) kategorier om relationer mellan bild och text, Björkvalls (2009) beskrivning av sambandsskapande och avgränsning, samt teori om koherens mellan text och bild. Resultatet visar att flera olika relationer mellan skriven text och bild förekommer i olika hög grad där vissa kan anses stärka lärandet, andra engagemanget och ytterligare någon försvåra lärandet. Fem olika sorters sambandsskapande och avgränsande resurser används i olika frekvenser för att vägleda läsaren genom texten. De flesta textelement och bilder som sammanförs av sambandsskapande resurser har också en samstämmig relation med varandra, vilket kan bidra till bättre koherens i texten. Dessa tyder på att läraren måste granska, komplettera och tydliggöra böckernas innehåll och inte bara anta att det är optimalt eller anpassat för alla elever.

Multimodal detection of stress : evaluation of the impact of several assessment strategies / Détection multimodale du stress : évaluation de l'impact de plusieurs stratégies de mesure

Aigrain, Jonathan 05 December 2016 (has links)
Il est maintenant largement accepté que le stress joue un rôle important dans les sociétés modernes. Le stress impacte en effet le corps et l'esprit à différents niveaux. De plus, le lien entre stress et maladie a été observé dans plusieurs études. Cependant, il n'y a pas encore de définition consensuelle du stress, et par conséquent il n'y a pas de manière consensuelle de le mesurer. Ainsi, bien que la qualité de la mesure joue un rôle majeur dans la réalisation de solutions robustes de détection du stress, les chercheurs doivent choisir une stratégie de mesure parmi un grand nombre de possibilités. Cette hétérogénéité impacte la validité des comparaisons faites entre les différentes solutions. Dans cette thèse, nous évaluons l'impact de plusieurs stratégies de mesure pour la détection du stress. Dans un premier temps, nous résumons comment différents domaines de recherche définissent et mesurent le stress. Nous décrivons ensuite comment nous avons collecté des données de sujets en situation stressante ainsi que plusieurs mesures du stress. Nous étudions également les liens entre ces différentes mesures. Par la suite, nous présentons les descripteurs comportementaux et physiologiques que nous avons extraits pour nos expériences. Enfin, nous présentons les résultats obtenus concernant l'impact des stratégies de mesure sur 1) la normalisation de données, 2) la performance des descripteurs pour la classification et 3) sur la conception d'algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique. De manière générale, nous défendons l'idée qu'il faut adopter une approche globale pour concevoir une solution de détection du stress. / It is now widely accepted that stress plays an important role in modern societies. It impacts the body and the mind at several levels and the association between stress and disease has been observed in several studies. However, there is no consensual definition of stress yet, and therefore there is no consensual way of assessing it either. Thus, although the quality of assessment is a key factor to build robust stress detection solutions, researchers have to choose among a wide variety of assessment strategies. This heterogeneity impacts the validity of comparing solutions among them. In this thesis, we evaluate the impact of several assessment strategies for stress detection. We first review how different fields of research define and assess stress. Then, we describe how we collected stress data along with multiple assessments. We also study the association between these assessments. We present the behavioural and physiological features that we extracted for our experiments. Finally, we present the results we obtained regarding the impact of assessment strategies on 1) data normalization, 2) feature classification performance and 3) on the design of machine learning algorithms. Overall, we argue that one has to take a global and comprehensive approach to design stress detection solutions.

Apprentissage neuronal profond pour l'analyse de contenus multimodaux et temporels / Deep learning for multimodal and temporal contents analysis

Vielzeuf, Valentin 19 November 2019 (has links)
Notre perception est par nature multimodale, i.e. fait appel à plusieurs de nos sens. Pour résoudre certaines tâches, il est donc pertinent d’utiliser différentes modalités, telles que le son ou l’image.Cette thèse s’intéresse à cette notion dans le cadre de l’apprentissage neuronal profond. Pour cela, elle cherche à répondre à une problématique en particulier : comment fusionner les différentes modalités au sein d’un réseau de neurones ?Nous proposons tout d’abord d’étudier un problème d’application concret : la reconnaissance automatique des émotions dans des contenus audio-visuels.Cela nous conduit à différentes considérations concernant la modélisation des émotions et plus particulièrement des expressions faciales. Nous proposons ainsi une analyse des représentations de l’expression faciale apprises par un réseau de neurones profonds.De plus, cela permet d’observer que chaque problème multimodal semble nécessiter l’utilisation d’une stratégie de fusion différente.C’est pourquoi nous proposons et validons ensuite deux méthodes pour obtenir automatiquement une architecture neuronale de fusion efficace pour un problème multimodal donné, la première se basant sur un modèle central de fusion et ayant pour visée de conserver une certaine interprétation de la stratégie de fusion adoptée, tandis que la seconde adapte une méthode de recherche d'architecture neuronale au cas de la fusion, explorant un plus grand nombre de stratégies et atteignant ainsi de meilleures performances.Enfin, nous nous intéressons à une vision multimodale du transfert de connaissances. En effet, nous détaillons une méthode non traditionnelle pour effectuer un transfert de connaissances à partir de plusieurs sources, i.e. plusieurs modèles pré-entraînés. Pour cela, une représentation neuronale plus générale est obtenue à partir d’un modèle unique, qui rassemble la connaissance contenue dans les modèles pré-entraînés et conduit à des performances à l'état de l'art sur une variété de tâches d'analyse de visages. / Our perception is by nature multimodal, i.e. it appeals to many of our senses. To solve certain tasks, it is therefore relevant to use different modalities, such as sound or image.This thesis focuses on this notion in the context of deep learning. For this, it seeks to answer a particular problem: how to merge the different modalities within a deep neural network?We first propose to study a problem of concrete application: the automatic recognition of emotion in audio-visual contents.This leads us to different considerations concerning the modeling of emotions and more particularly of facial expressions. We thus propose an analysis of representations of facial expression learned by a deep neural network.In addition, we observe that each multimodal problem appears to require the use of a different merge strategy.This is why we propose and validate two methods to automatically obtain an efficient fusion neural architecture for a given multimodal problem, the first one being based on a central fusion network and aimed at preserving an easy interpretation of the adopted fusion strategy. While the second adapts a method of neural architecture search in the case of multimodal fusion, exploring a greater number of strategies and therefore achieving better performance.Finally, we are interested in a multimodal view of knowledge transfer. Indeed, we detail a non-traditional method to transfer knowledge from several sources, i.e. from several pre-trained models. For that, a more general neural representation is obtained from a single model, which brings together the knowledge contained in the pre-trained models and leads to state-of-the-art performances on a variety of facial analysis tasks.

Flexible Sensors and Smart Patches for Multimodal Sensing

Rohit, Akanksha January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Multimodal Data Fusion Using Voice and Electromyography Data for Robotic Control

Khan Mohd, Tauheed 06 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Multimodal Learning and Single Source WiFi Based Indoor Localization

Wu, Hongyu 15 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Hur upplever erfarna lärare kopplingen mellan matematik och programmering? : En kvalitativ studie om lärares synpunkter på programmering inom matematikundervisningen på lågstadiet.

Vilén, Pontus, Toikkanen, Emil January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to show the relationships between mathematics and programming and to investigate what opportunities experienced teachers perceive with programming within the subject of mathematics. We have collected empirical material to achieve the aim by interviewing four experienced and qualified teachers in mathematics and programming. The empirical data was analyzed using the TPACK framework. The result showed that the teachers see several connections between programming and mathematics, where algebra including patterns and step-by-step instructions is the most distinctive. One conclusion is that a multimodal teaching gives the teacher opportunities to let the students consolidate both programming and mathematics skills in a fundamental way.

Seeking Method in the Madness: Demystifying Students' Multimodal Digital Composing Processes

Stamm, Brett M. 05 1900 (has links)
The study of writing has moved through process and product movements. The rapid introduction of technology into classroom spaces has provided new platforms and opportunities for students to integrate multiple modes of communication into a single act of composing. While there is an acknowledgment that digital multimodal composition is a highly complex act and set of processes, much of the literature and investigation into this digital turn in composing has largely been product focused versus process focused. This exploratory qualitative case study examined how students compose using digital tools and were driven by questions about what activities in which they engage and what patterns exist in how those activities come together. Using a combination of data sources including screen capture video, think-aloud protocols, and retrospective surveys, eleven process activity categories emerged from analysis including selection, text entry, manipulation, referencing, environment setting, review, contemplation, waiting, breaks, transition, and completion. Process activity categories then informed the inductive determination of four tendencies that impact how process activity comes together during participant acts of composing. Participants displayed as one-dimensional, irresolute, flexible, and perfectionist. Broad patterns related to process activity progression and traditional concepts of print were present in participant composing activity. Viewed together, vague complexities noted in literature are explicitly illustrated and elaborated and an argument for digital multimodal composing as a design process is made. Recommendations for practitioners and researchers are shared.

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