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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leaving the Paris Climate Agreement – Historical Setback or No Impact? : A Comparative Framing Analysis of U.S. and German Newspaper Coverage

Huttel, Lena Maria January 2019 (has links)
Donald Trump’s announcement on June 1st, 2017, to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement generated widespread news coverage. In this qualitative framing study, a selection of articles published on that topic in the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the American New York Times are analyzed with respect to generic news frames, issue-specific frames, actor-statements, and images. The most frequently used news frames were economic consequences, conflict, and responsibility. The morality frame appeared only twice, whereas the human interest frame was not evident in the verbal text at all, but occurred in one image. Two issue-specific frames emerged, the setback frame, evident in the majority of articles, cast Trump’s decision as a momentous setback for the U.S. and the global fight against climate change. The contradictory no impact frame implied that the Paris Agreement has many problems as is, and the U.S. withdrawal will have no impact on the state of the climate. The images accompanying the articles were shown to support the verbal issue-specific framing of the articles, whereas no clear relation could be found connecting certain types of actor-statements with the presence of a certain frame.

En modell för att bedöma faktafilmers multimodala kvalitéer inom biologi för årskurs 4–6.

Rundqvist, Kimberly January 2019 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att skapa ett analysverktyg, vilket lyfter fram kvalitativa aspekter som har betydelse vid värdering av val av filmer inom naturvetenskap för år 4–6. Många lärare använder sig av faktafilmer som ett komplement i deras undervisning, men de har inte verktygen för att värdera de otaliga faktafilmer som finns tillgängliga för lärare att välja mellan. Denna studie utgår från en multimodal teoribildning och ett multimodalt literacyperspektiv. För att analysera faktafilmer från sajten Sli.se har ett analysverktyg i form av en kodningsmanual och ett kodningsschema tagits fram utifrån tidigare forskning. Utifrån kodningsschemat har sedan sju faktafilmer från sajten Sli.se analyserat. Resultatet visar att de pedagogiska faktafilmerna uppfyller multimodala pedagogiska kvalitéer genom relation till kursplan, representation, interaktion och innehåll. Dessa multimodala pedagogiska kvalitéter gör att tittarna ökar sitt meningsskapande och därigenom ökas deras lärande.

”Jag lärde mig att läsa när jag tittade på Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter” : En undersökning om lärares användning av film i F-klass för att främja läs- och skrivutveckling

Gunnmo, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I förskoleklassen ligger stort fokus på ett lustfyllt lärande där lek och skapande ges stort utrymme. Att kunna utveckla barns språk och förmåga till kommunikation genom att arbeta med och tolka olika typer av texter som kombinerar ord, bild och ljud är centralt i en förskoleklass. Det teoretiska ramverket för denna studie utgjordes av socialsemiotisk teori. Syfte och Metod: Syftet med studien var att undersöka lärares användning av film i förskoleklass. Centrala frågeställningar för undersökningen var: (1) Hur ofta använder lärare film i undervisningen?(2) Med vilket syfte används film i undervisningen?(3)Kan film i undervisningen främja läs- och skrivutveckling och i så fall hur? En enkätundersökning baserad på frågeställning (1) och (2) skickades med post till samtliga lärare i förskoleklass i en mindre kommun i Västra Götaland. Anonymitet garanterades via avidentifierade svarskuvert. Utifrån ett slumpvis urval av respondenter gjordes därefter en fördjupning med hjälp av fokusgruppintervju för att besvara frågeställning (3). Resultat Tolv av tretton lärare besvarade postenkäten. Majoriteten av lärarna uppgav att de använde film som ett pedagogiskt hjälpmedel så gott som varje dag. Informanterna i fokusgruppintervjun utgjorde en homogen grupp med avseende på yrkeserfarenhet och profession. Resultaten visade att film i undervisningen i de berörda skolorna regelbundet används som ett pedagogiskt hjälpmedel för att främja läsutvecklingen och i viss mån även skrivutvecklingen i förskoleklass. Film användes också som introduktion till, eller fördjupning av, ett nytt arbetsområde samt för att skapa en gemensam referensram till ett ämnesområde. Konklusion Resultaten från studien visar att film i undervisningen i de berörda skolorna används som ett pedagogiskt hjälpmedel så gott som varje dag, för att främja läsutvecklingen och i viss mån även skrivutvecklingen i förskoleklass. Film i undervisningen används dessutom med ett tydligt pedagogiskt syfte. / Introduction: The focus for preschool education is joyful teaching that prioritise play and creative work.In preschool education, the development of children’s language and their capacity to communicate utilizing various types of texts that combine words, pictures and sound is fundamental. A socio-semiotic theory provided the theoretical framework for this study. Objectives and Methods: The objective of this study was to analyse the usage of movie sequences by teachers in the preschool class. The core questions for this study were: (1) How often do teachers use a movie sequence in their teaching? (2) What is the objective of using movie sequences in education? (3) Can movie sequences promote the development of reading and writing skills and if so, how is this achieved? A questionnaire based on the first two core questions was sent by ordinary mail to all preschool class teachers in a smaller municipality in the western part of Sweden. Anonymity was warranted through the distribution of nonidentifiable prepaid response envelopes. A random selection was made among the respondents with an offer made to participate in a focus group interview with the objective to answer the third core question. Results Answered questionnaires were obtained from twelve of the thirteen invited teachers. A majority of the teachers stated that they used movie sequences as an educational tool on a daily basis. The informants who participated in the focus group interview constituted a homogeneous group with respect to their profession and length of work experience. The results showed that movie sequences were used on a regular basis in the concerned primary schools as an educational tool to promote the development of reading but to a lesser extent also to promote writing skills. Movie sequences were also used as an introduction to, or to achieve in-depth knowledge about, a new subject and to create a common frame of reference. Conclusion The results from this study showed that movie sequences in the concerned primary schools were used as an educational tool on a daily basis to promote the development of reading and writing skills in the preschool class. Movie sequences were also used with a specified educational objective.

Måttfull Marknadsföring : En studie om den nya spellagens inverkan på marknadsföring för svenska online casinon

Wahlgren, Agnes, Lundgren, David January 2019 (has links)
Along with an increased online presence, as well as expanded trade agreement between EU countries, the Swedish online gambling market has been facilitated and made more accessible than ever before. As a consequence, this growing gambling market has also correlated with increased gambling-related health- and economical issues amongst Swedish gamblers. At the same time online gambling companies keep increasing their investments in external communication and marketing activities. In order to protect the public, the governmental initiative “Spelinspektionen” initiated the new law, spellagen (2018:1138), which from the 1st of January 2019 is supposed to regulate marketing from online gambling companies. Based on a multimodal critical discourse analysis, the purpose of this study is to examine how spellagen (2018:1138) has affected marketing strategies from three different gambling companies; Leovegas, Ninja Casino and No Account Casino. The analysis studies a material based on six movies before the introduction of spellagen, and six movies after the introduction. Four central discourses has been identified, called The Hero, Action, Escapism, and Alonetime. Based on these discourses, the analysis used different tools from a multimodal discourse analysis in order to distinguish the strategies upon which the hidden- or open message was communicated. The analysis found that the gambling companies regularly used Per Binde ́s motives for gambling in their commercials. At least three out of five motives were identified through identity-creating strategies and emotional strategies which could be connected to Bindes motives “chances of winning”, “the jackpot-dream” and “moodswings”. The most prominent strategy for all of the commercials was the use of symbols and representation, which allows the company to communicate hidden or subtle meanings through connotations the company know that their target group will make. This main strategy did not make any drastic changes after the introduction of spellagen (2018:1138). The same message was still communicated, but now more often through visual elements rather than linguistic ones. The conclusion pointed out that in order for spelinspektionen to protect Swedish gamblers, spellagen (2018:1138) must be more concrete and descriptive, so that no alternative interpretations can be made. Other measures for spelinspektionen to consider is the amount of gambling commercials which the Swedish public are exposed to today.

Efeitos do treinamento multimodal em ambientes real e virtual no equilíbrio e na marcha de indivíduos pós-Acidente Vascular Cerebral: ensaio clínico aleatorizado / Effects of multimodal training in real and virtual environments on the balance and gait of post-stroke patients: a randomized clinical trial

Almeida, Murilo Groschitz Ruas 21 November 2018 (has links)
Introdução: déficits no equilíbrio e na marcha após um Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) são comuns e, frequentemente, influenciados pelas alterações no controle postural. Um dos pilares da reabilitação pós-AVC visa a melhora do equilíbrio e marcha desses sujeitos, a qual baseia-se no treinamento multimodal, que combina dois ou mais tipos de exercícios (cardiorrespiratório, força, flexibilidade e equilíbrio, por exemplo). Como estratégia complementar de treinamento para potencializar o equilíbrio e a marcha em sujeitos pós-AVC, têm sido recomendadas as intervenções realizadas em ambiente de Realidade Virtual (RV). No entanto, os efeitos do treino multimodal em ambiente real e em ambiente virtual, sobre o equilíbrio e marcha, ainda são inconsistentes, tornando-se necessária a análise de sua efetividade. Objetivo: investigar os efeitos isolados e da combinação de exercícios físicos multimodais em ambiente real e virtual no equilíbrio e na marcha em sujeitos pós-AVC. Método: trata-se de um ensaio clínico aleatório, com três grupos amostrais. O Grupo Multimodal Real (GMR) recebeu intervenção de exercícios baseada nas diretrizes para prescrição de exercícios físicos para AVC de Billinger et.al (2014); o Grupo Multimodal Virtual (GMV) recebeu exercícios físicos baseado em jogos em ambiente de realidade virtual; já o Grupo Multimodal Combinado (GMC) recebeu uma combinação entre as intervenções dos dois outros grupos sendo, uma das sessões semanais composta por exercícios físicos multimodais realizados em ambiente real e a outra, por jogos em ambiente de realidade virtual. Os três protocolos tiveram a duração de quinze semanas com sessões de sessenta minutos, duas vezes por semana. Como medidas de avaliação, foram aplicados, por avaliadores cegos, o Teste de Levantar e Caminhar, a Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg, o Teste de Caminhada de 6 Minutos e o Teste de Caminhada de 10 Metros. Todas as avaliações foram aplicadas antes, após e um mês do término da intervenção. Para o tratamento matemático e análise estatística dos dados, foram utilizados os programas Microsoft Office Excel e IBM SPSS Statistics versão 20; foi adotado um nível de significância de 5% e realizou-se uma Anova Three-Way. Resultados: 48 sujeitos foram agrupados randomicamente nos três grupos amostrais. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos, em nenhuma das medidas de avaliação. No entanto, houve diferença significante intragrupo entre pré-teste e pós-teste no equilíbrio do GMR e, nos mesmos momentos, na capacidade funcional de marcha e na velocidade auto selecionada de marcha do GMC. Conclusão: não houve diferença entre realizar exercícios físicos multimodais em ambiente real, em ambiente virtual e/ou em ambiente combinado no que diz respeito ao equilíbrio, à marcha e à mobilidade de sujeitos pós-AVC; não havendo, portanto, efeito adicional na combinação de exercícios físicos em ambiente real e virtual / Introduction: deficits in balance and gait following stroke are common and often influenced by changes in postural control. One of the aims of post-stroke rehabilitation is the improvement of the balance and gait, which is based on multimodal training, that combines two or more types of exercises (cardiorespiratory, strength, flexibility and balance, for example). As a complementary training strategy to improve balance and gait in post-stroke subjects, interventions have also been performed in Virtual Reality (VR) environment. However, the effects of multimodal training in real environment and virtual environment, on balance and gait, are still inconsistent. Therefore, there is a need to investigate its effectiveness. Objective: to investigate the isolated and the combinate effects of multimodal physical exercises in real and virtual environment in balance and gait of post-stroke subjects. Method: this is a randomized clinical trial with three sample groups. The Real Multimodal Group (RMG) received exercise intervention based on the guidelines for physical exercise prescription for stroke of Billinger et.al (2014); the Virtual Multimodal Group (VMG) received physical exercise intervention based on games in a virtual reality environment; the Combined Multimodal Group (CMG) received, as an intervention protocol, a combination of the interventions of the two other groups previously described, in this way, one of the weekly sessions was composed of multimodal physical exercises performed in real environment and the other, by games in a virtual reality environment. The three protocols lasted for fifteen weeks and the sessions had approximately sixty minutes and occurred twice a week. As evaluation measures, the Time Up and Go Test, the Berg Balance Scale, the 6-Minute Walk Test, and the 10-Meter Walk Test were applied by blind assessors. All evaluations were applied before, after and one month after the intervention. For the mathematical treatment and statistical analysis of the data, the programs Microsoft Office Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics version 20 were used; a significance level of 5% was adopted and the Anova Three-Way was used. Results: 48 subjects were randomly grouped into the three sample groups. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in any of the evaluation measures. However, there was a significant intragroup difference between pre-test and post-test in the balance of RMG and in the same moments in gait functional capacity and in the self-selected gait speed of the CMG. Conclusion: there was no difference between performing multimodal physical exercises in the real environment, in a virtual environment and/or in a combined environment regarding the balance, gait and mobility of post-stroke subjects; therefore, there is no additional effect on the combination of physical exercises in real and virtual environment

Neuroscience applications of organic electronic devices / Applications neuroscientifique de dispositif électronique organique

Doublet, Thomas 11 December 2013 (has links)
Les enregistrements életrophysiologiques ont apporté des informations considérables sur le fonctionnement et le dysfonctionnement du cerveau. Améliorer les dispositifs d'enregistrement permettrait d'approfondir les connaissances au niveau de la science fondamentale et serait bénéfique pour les patients. Les principales limitations des électrodes en contact direct avec le cerveau comprennent leur invasivité, leur biocompatibilité et leur SNR. Il serait aussi souhaitable de mesurer simultanément les signaux électriques et moléculaires. Le couplage entre l'activité électrique et métabolic est encore mal comprise. Le but de ce travail était de fournir des solutions technologiques à ces défis dans le contexte de l’épilepsie.Nous avons développé des grilles flexibles de 4 µm d’épaisseur résolvant les problèmes d’invasivité, de rigidité et de biocompatibilité. Afin d’améliorer le SNR, des sites d'enregistrement en polymère hautement conducteur PEDOT: PSS ont été faits. La qualité des signaux enregistrés in vivo était meilleure que celui obtenu avec de l’or. Puis nous avons validé des sites d'enregistrement en transistors électrochimiques organiques, permettant l'amplification locale des signaux. Les grilles ont été testées in vivo et le SNR a été multiplié par 10. Enfin, nous avons fonctionnalisé les sites avec une enzyme pour mesurer le glucose. Par rapport aux dispositifs classiques, le capteur de glucose a montré une stabilité et une sensibilité inégalée in vitro.En conclusion, l'électronique organique semble être une solution technologique prometteuse pour les limitations des systèmes actuels visant à enregistrer l'activité électrique et moléculaire du cerveau. / Electrophysiological recordings brought considerable information about brain function and dysfunction. Improving recording devices would further our understanding at the basic science level and would be beneficial to patients. Major limitations of current electrodes that are in direct contact with brain tissue include their invasiveness, their poor biocompatibility, their rigidity and a suboptimal signal-to-noise ratio. In addition, it would be desirable to measure simultaneously molecular signals. The coupling between the electrical activity of neurons and metabolism is still poorly understood in vivo. The goal of this work was to provide technological solutions to such challenges in the context of epilepsy. We generate 4 µm thick, totally flexible but resilient grids, thus solving the challenge of invasiveness, rigidity and biocompatibility. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, recording sites were made of the highly conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS. The quality of the in vivo signals recorded was better than that obtained with conventional gold contacts. Going a step further, we made the recording site as an organic electrochemical transistor, which enables local amplification of signals. The grid was tested in vivo and the SNR was increased by a factor of 10. Finally, we functionalized PEDOT:PSS sites with glucose oxidase to measure glucose. Compared to conventional devices, the glucose sensor showed unsurpassed stability and sensitivity in vitro. In conclusion, organic electronics appears to be a promising technological solution to the limitations of current systems designed to record the electrical and molecular activity of the brain.

Analyse de scènes de parole multisensorielle : mise en évidence et caractérisation d'un processus de liage audiovisuel préalable à la fusion / Analysis of multisensory speech scenes : behavioral demonstration and characterization of the audiovisual binding system

Nahorna, Olha 02 October 2013 (has links)
Dans la parole audiovisuelle, les flux auditifs et visuels cohérents sont généralement fusionnés en un percept unifié. Il en résulte une meilleure intelligibilité dans le bruit, et cela peut induire une modification visuelle du percept auditif dans le célèbre « effet McGurk » (le montage d'un son « ba » avec une image d'un locuteur prononçant « ga » est souvent perçu comme « da »). La vision classique considère que le traitement est effectué indépendamment dans les systèmes auditif et visuel avant que l'interaction ne se produise à un certain niveau de représentation, ce qui résulte en un percept intégré. Cependant certaines données comportementales et neurophysiologiques suggèrent l'existence d'un processus à deux niveaux. Le premier niveau implique le liage des éléments d'information auditive et visuelle appropriés avant de donner naissance à un percept fusionné au second niveau. Pour démontrer l'existence de ce premier niveau, nous avons élaboré un paradigme original qui vise à tenter de « délier » ces deux flux. Notre paradigme consiste à faire précéder l'effet McGurk (indicateur de la fusion audiovisuelle) par un contexte soit cohérent soit incohérent. Dans le cas du contexte incohérent on observe une diminution significative de perception d'effet McGurk, donc une décroissance de la fusion audiovisuelle. Les différent types d'incohérence (syllabes acoustiques superposées à des phrases visuelles, modifications phonétiques ou temporelles du contenu acoustique de séquences régulières de syllabes audiovisuelles) peuvent réduire significativement l'effet McGurk. Le processus de déliage est rapide, une unique syllabe incohérente suffisant pour obtenir un résultat de déliage maximal. Par contre le processus inverse de « reliage » par un contexte cohérent suivant le déliage est progressif, puisqu'il apparaît qu'au minimum trois syllabes cohérentes sont nécessaires. Nous pouvons également geler le sujet dans son état délié en rajoutant une pause entre un contexte incohérent et l'effet McGurk. Au total 7 expériences ont été effectuées pour démontrer et décrire le processus de liage dans la parole audiovisuelle. Les données sont interprétées dans le cadre du modèle à deux niveaux « liage et fusion ». / In audiovisual speech the coherent auditory and visual streams are generally fused into a single percept. This results in enhanced intelligibility in noise, or in visual modification of the auditory percept in the famous “McGurk effect” (the dubbing of the sound “ba” on the image of the speaker uttering “ga” is often perceived as “da”). It is classically considered that processing is done independently in the auditory and visual systems before interaction occurs at a certain representational stage, resulting in an integrated percept. However, some behavioral and neurophysiological data suggest the existence of a two-stage process. A first stage would involve binding together the appropriate pieces of audio and video information, before fusion in a second stage. To demonstrate the existence of this first stage, we have designed an original paradigm aiming at possibly “unbinding” the audio and visual streams. Our paradigm consists in providing before a McGurk stimulus (used as an indicator of audiovisual fusion) an audiovisual context either coherent or incoherent. In the case of an incoherent context we observe a significant decrease of the McGurk effect, implying a reduction of the amount of audiovisual fusion. Various kinds of incoherence (acoustic syllables dubbed on video sentences, phonetic or temporal modifications of the acoustic content of a regular sequence of audiovisual syllables) can significantly reduce the McGurk effect. The unbinding process is fast since one incoherent syllable is enough to produce maximal unbinding. On the other side, the inverse process of “rebinding” by a coherent context following unbinding is progressive, since it appears that at least three coherent syllables are needed to completely recover from unbinding. The subject can also be “freezed” in an “unbound” state by adding a pause between an incoherent context and the McGurk target. In total seven experiments were performed to demonstrate and describe the binding process in audiovisual speech perception. The data are interpreted in the framework of a two-stage “binding and fusion” model.

App app app, är den verkligen pedagogisk? : En kvalitativ studie om barns användning av applikationer marknadsförda som pedagogiska

Coco, Sandra, Engman, Mina January 2019 (has links)
Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka vilka möjligheter för lärande applikationer marknadsförda som pedagogiska erbjuder samt hur dessa används av barn. Detta sker med utgångspunkt i de fyra kriterierna för att avgöra applikationernas pedagogiska värde, framtagna av Hirsh-Pasek, Zosh, Golinkoff, Gray, Robb och Kaufman (2015). De applikationer vi valt att undersöka är Jaramba samt Tripp trapp träd, vilka ligger på App Stores topplista och marknadsförs som pedagogiska. Då vi ville undersöka relationen mellan applikationers innehåll och barns användning utav dessa, valde vi att utgå från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv med utgångspunkt i multimodal designteori. Arbetet har en kvalitativ ansats och datainsamlingen utgörs av två delar, vilka är innehållsanalyser och videoobservationer. Resultatet visade att den didaktiska designen gav upphov till meningsskapande aktiviteter vilket uttrycktes i de sociala interaktionerna men också i barnens handlingar. Däremot uppnådde inte applikationerna de höga värdena av pedagogiskt innehåll när de enbart användes av barnen. Det är därför av vikt med en närvarande pedagog som kan vägleda barnen i användningen av applikationer. En pedagog har dessutom möjligheten att utmana barnen i att använda multimodala uttryck i sociala interaktioner, något som applikationerna själva inte kunde erbjuda i någon större utsträckning.

A (re)produção do espaço/Tocantins no contexto regional

Bolwerk, Diógenes Alencar 30 September 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho fez uma discussão sobre a produção e reprodução do espaço tocantinense no contexto regional. Sendo assim, o debate procurou empenhar-se na organização dos conceitos e teorias que alimentaram a temática regional, capitalismo, transporte, circulação e logística. A dissertação procurou dialogar com os autores regionais no que diz respeito às questões da Região Amazônica, do Tocantins, do transporte multimodal de cargas e de Palmas-TO dentro do contexto do desenvolvimento capitalista regional. O método adotado foi o materialismo histórico dialético que procurou investigar a realidade, por meio da dialética dos contrários para atingir a totalidade do espaço de maneira ambivalente, complementar e complexa. A abordagem foi qualitativa na construção das entrevistas estruturadas que foram realizadas com os sujeitos sociais. O trabalho ficou estruturado em três capítulos assim, distribuídos. O primeiro capítulo abordou a produção e reprodução do espaço do Tocantins no contexto da Amazônia, apresentando os conceitos de região, como também a discussão dos autores regionais sobre a Amazônia tocantinense e a capital Palmas. O segundo capítulo discutiu a reforma do Estado brasileiro, a crítica feita da teoria dos polos de crescimento e quando o planejamento regional analisou somente o plano econômico. O terceiro capítulo trabalhou a gestão dos transportes de cargas, a rodovia e a ferrovia, no contexto do Tocantins, os níveis de diferenciação e homogeneização da região, a tecnificação que propiciou a modernização da região, ou seja, o adensamento do capitalismo na região. A configuração da formação socioespacial de Palmas diante do contexto estadual e regional, culminado à cidade-fluxo. As discussões teóricas permitiram considerar três postos-chaves: uma abordagem na formação socioespacial da região com o entendimento do ciclo de produção e reprodução do capitalismo; um entendimento nas estratégias da teoria regulatória da economia para gerir a gestão da região; e por fim os circuitos econômicos e o debate regional. / This worked had a discussion about the production and reproduction of space Tocantins in its regional context. Thus, the debate sought to engage in the organization of the concepts and theories that fueled the regional theme, capitalism, transportation, distribution and logistics. The dissertation attempted to dialogue with regional authors with regard to the issues of the Amazon region, Tocantins, multimodal freight transportation and Palmas-TO within the context of regional capitalist development. The method adopted was dialectical historical materialism that sought to explore reality through the dialectic of opposites to achieve the full space of ambivalent and complex complementary way. The approach was qualitative in the construction of structured interviews that were conducted with social subjects. The work was structured in three chapters thus distributed. The first chapter covered the production and reproduction of space in the context of the Tocantins Amazon, presenting the concepts of region, as well as the discussion of regional authors on Amazon and the Tocantins capital Palmas. The second chapter discussed the reform of the Brazilian state, a critique of the theory of growth poles and when the regional planning only analyzed the economic plan. The third chapter worked the management of freight transportation, the highway and the railroad, in the context of Tocantins, the levels of differentiation and homogenization of the region, technicization that promoted the modernization of the region, the density of capitalism in the region. The configuration of socio-spatial formation Palmas on the state and regional context, culminated the city-flow. Theoretical discussions permitted to consider three key positions: an approach in socio-formation region with the understanding of the production and reproduction cycle of capitalism; an understanding of the strategies of regulatory economics theory to manage the management of the region; and finally the economic circuits and the regional debate.

Uma abordagem para projeto de aplicações com interação multimodal da Web / An approach to design Web multimodal interfaces

Talarico Neto, Americo 14 April 2011 (has links)
O principal objetivo do desenvolvimento de aplicações multimodais é possibilitar uma maneira mais natural dos seres humanos se comunicarem com as máquinas, por meio de interfaces mais eficientes, intuitivas, fáceis de usar e, de certa forma, mais inteligentes. No entanto, a literatura da área mostra que a reutilização, tanto de conhecimento como de código fonte, ainda apresenta problemas, dados a complexidade do código em sistemas multimodais, a falta de mecanismos eficientes de testes de usabilidade e a dificuldade em se gerenciar a captura, o armazenamento e a recuperação de conhecimento de projeto. Nesta tese argumenta-se que a utilização de uma abordagem sistemática, centrada no usuário, apoiada por uma ferramenta computacional e com um modelo bem definido que permita o desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais com a reutilização de Design Rationale, aumenta e melhora os níveis de usabilidade, promove a identificação e utilização de padrões de projeto e o reúso de componentes. Para demonstrar esta tese, apresenta-se neste texto a abordagem para o desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais Web, MMWA, e o seu ambiente de autoria, o MMWA-ae, ambos compostos por atividades que auxiliam a equipe de projeto durante as fases de projeto, desenvolvimento e avaliações de usabilidade. São discutidos também os resultados obtidos com a execução de três estudos de caso, realizados no ambiente acadêmico, nos quais se buscou determinar a viabilidade da abordagem e os benefícios que podem ser alcançados com a combinação de diferentes técnicas, a saber: design rationale, padrões de projeto, modelagem de tarefas, componentes de software, princípios de usabilidade, avaliações heurísticas, testes com usuários, regras de associação, entre outras. Os resultados evidenciam que a abordagem e seu ambiente de autoria podem proporcionar diferentes benefícios para organizações que desenvolvem sistemas multimodais, incluindo o aumento da usabilidade e consequentemente da qualidade do produto, bem como a diminuição de custos e da complexidade do desenvolvimento com a reutilização de código e de conhecimento capturado em projetos anteriores / The main goal of developing multimodal applications is to enable a more natural way of communication between human beings and machines through interfaces that are more efficient, intuitive, easier to use and, in a certain way, more intelligent. However, the literature shows that the reuse of both knowledge and source code still presents problems, given the complexity of the code in multimodal systems, the lack of efficient mechanisms to test the usability and the difficulty in managing the capture, the storage and the recovery of design knowledge. In this thesis it is discussed that the use of a systematic approach, usercentered, supported by a computer tool and with a well defined model that allows the development of multimodal interfaces with the reuse of DR, increases and improves the usability levels, promotes the identification and the use of design patterns and the reuse of components. To demonstrate this thesis, it is shown in this text an approach to develop Web multimodal interfaces (MMWA) and its authoring environment (MMWA-ae), both composed of activities that help the design team during the different project phases: design, development and usability evaluation. We also discuss in this thesis the results obtained with the execution of three case studies, executed in the academic environment, which aimed to determine the feasibility of the approach and the benefits that can be achieved with the combination of different techniques, such as: design rationale, design patterns, tasks model, software components, usability principles, heuristic evaluations, user testing, association rules, among others. The results show clearly that the approach and its author environment can provide different benefits to organizations that develop multimodal systems, including the usability improvement and, consequently, the quality of the product, as well as the decrease of costs and complexity since it encompasses the development with reused code and design knowledge captured in previous projects

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