Spelling suggestions: "subject:"manuals"" "subject:"anuals""
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The refinement of a booklet on stroke care at homeBotha, J. H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Rehabilitation))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Stroke is the second commonest cause of mortality worldwide and remains a leading
cause of adult physical disability. It is estimated that sixty percent of South African
stroke survivors require assistance with at least one activity of daily living. This
burden is predominantly on the shoulders of mostly untrained caregivers.
The process of enabling caregivers to make choices conducive to their own health as
well as the health of the stroke survivors is multidimensional. One of the cornerstones
of this process is the provision of information. In 1995, the Centre for Rehabilitation
Studies of the University of Stellenbosch started to develop a training package for
stroke care at home. The training takes the form of an interactive workshop and a
booklet with practical information. The aim of this study was to refine and pilot this
booklet for implementation with the training.
The study found that existing guidelines to evaluate the appropriateness of written
material for developing communities (measured by Hugo’s grading model), were
inadequate. Consequently, a new checklist, based on twenty existing checklists, was
compiled. This list, as well as the Suitability Assessment of Material (SAM), was used
to evaluate the booklet and make recommendations for a pre-pilot refinement. Even
though this checklist has not been validated, it revealed similar results to the SAM
when applied to the booklet. After cosultation with the authors, improvements were
effected to the booklet
The booklet was tested with four samples of the target audience. The functional
literacy of the participants was determined using a standardised literacy test. A fifth
sample completed a questionnaire on their preference between the pre- and postrefined
booklet. Experts in the field of rehabilitation and graphic design also
commented on the booklet.
This study confirmed the need of stroke survivors and their caregivers for written
health information. The refined booklet was found to be an appropriate tool to
address the needs of the target audience. The participants perceived the booklet as
useful and comprehensible and the readability level was shown to correspond with the tested literacy level of the samples. However, there is a need for printed material on
topics related to stroke not currently covered in the booklet, e.g. spasticity.
This study showed that the checklist could be used to tailor written health information
that is preferred by the target audience. It confirmed that the testing of printed
material with stakeholders could expose additional gaps after applying the checklist.
Recommendations for further improvements were made based on the comments of
the participants.
It is foreseen that the new checklist could be a valuable tool for developing future
written health material. Finally, it is recommended that an interdisciplinary team that
includes a graphic designer be involvement from the planning stages.
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A Kindergarten Curriculum Guide in Environmental EducationLeukel, Lynda H 01 January 1979 (has links)
The assumptions of this project imply that concepts concerning the relationships among living organisms can be assimilated by the child only if his experiences include exploration of his environment and the opportunity to discover these relationships himself. In order to help him progress, an interested, informed teacher who will encourage and help him is of prime importance.
Because progress needs to be started as early as possible, kindergarten age children will be the focus of this project. Here the school should use the opportunity to begin developing the environmentally aware citizen. Unfortunately, few texts and guides in environmental education have been developed for teachers working in the kindergarten. A beginning curriculum utilizing the curiosity in the children and the order of the environment is needed. This project will be an example of a way to fulfill this need.
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to develop a series of activities into a curriculum guide in environmental education for use by teachers in kindergarten. Specifically, this will be a kindergarten environmental education curriculum guide for approximately sixty students in three classes at Melrose Community School in Melrose, Putnam County, Florida.
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Saberes em viagem nos manuais pedagógicos: construções da escola em Portugal e no Brasil (1870-1970) / Journey made by knowledge in pedagogic manuals: constructions of school in Portugal and Brazil (1890-1970)Silva, Vivian Batista da 20 January 2006 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado foram tomados como objeto de análise os livros usados pelos normalistas quando eles estudaram as questões relativas ao ofício de ensinar. Chamados aqui de manuais pedagógicos, esses textos começaram a ser publicados em períodos muito próximos em Portugal e no Brasil. A primeira edição encontrada datou de 1870 e outras foram sendo produzidas durante um século, aproximadamente, quando os livros passaram por transformações significativas em seu conteúdo e materialidade. Nesse período, eles apresentaram uma síntese do que se considerou ser o melhor da bibliografia usada pelos educadores. Isso porque seu intuito foi iniciar os estudantes no trabalho docente, reunindo, de forma fácil e acessível à leitura realizada pelos futuros professores, as referências nucleares para realizar tal atividade. Assim organizados, esses conhecimentos fundamentaram os modos pelos quais a escola foi concebida, pois explicaram as características dos vários elementos de sua cultura, compreendendo não só o papel do professor, como também a estrutura organizacional da escola, as tarefas do aluno e os métodos para conduzir a aula. Esses aspectos formaram uma espécie de gramática do ensino, difundida nas mais diversas partes do mundo e que não foi pensada como a modalidade mais apropriada, mas sim como a única forma imaginável de escolarização. Uma expansão como essa articulou-se à circulação intra e internacional de conhecimentos produzidos em diversos espaços, épocas e áreas de saber, os quais foram usados pelos profissionais da educação para construírem as suas proposições sobre o ensino. As lógicas desse processo de produção e apropriação de idéias foram examinadas aqui a partir da metáfora da viagem feita pelas referências usadas em diferentes lugares e momentos. Em outras palavras, isso assinalou que os conhecimentos viajaram através dos manuais pedagógicos, quando eles citaram idéias de outros autores, encontradas em outras obras, feitas em vários países do globo. Por isso, a tese examinou e comparou as referências mencionadas nas produções portuguesas e brasileiras, com o objetivo de conhecer quais informações foram selecionadas e como as mesmas foram articuladas ao se construírem as representações sobre a escola. Assim, a história dos manuais pedagógicos elaborada na presente tese atentou para os modos pelos quais eles produziram saberes e colaboraram para difundir o modelo de escolarização entre os professores. / The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyze textbooks used in teacher education that dealt with issues of teaching. They are referred here as pedagogic manuals and began to be published in the same period in Portugal and Brazil. The first edition found is from 1870 and other were produced during the next century, when these books had significant changes in their content and materiality. In this period the manuals presented a synthesis of the best of the bibliography used by educators. Their goal was to initiate students in the teaching job, gathering, in an easy and accessible way, the fundamental references to the work. Organized in this way, this knowledge supported the ways in which school was conceived, because it explained the characteristics of the various elements of its culture, including not only the role of the teacher, but also the organization of the school, students tasks and the methods of conducing a classroom. These aspects became a kind of teaching grammar, that spread to many regions of the world. This grammar was thought as the only imaginable way of schooling. Such an expansion was linked to the national and international circulation of knowledge, which was produced in several areas and times, and was used by the education professionals to build their own propositions on teaching. The logics of these processes of production and appropriation of ideas were examined here using the metaphor of the journey made by the references, when they were used in different places and moments. In another words, we show that the knowledge traveled through the pedagogic manuals when they quote authors and ideas found in another countries. That\'s the reason why, in this thesis, the references found in the manuals from Portugal and Brazil were examined and compared: trying to understand which information was selected and how they were used to build representations on the school. So, the history of pedagogic manuals built in this work dealt with the ways they produced knowledge and contributed to diffuse the schooling model among teachers.
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Transgredir, jamais! Interação e cortesia linguísticas nos manuais de etiqueta / Transgress, never! Linguistic interaction and politeness inside etiquette manualsCirelli, Renira Appa de Moraes 02 August 2012 (has links)
A presente tese discute a comunicação como fator dependente da interação e da cortesia linguísticas inseridas nos manuais de etiqueta, visando a identificar explícita e implicitamente as estratégias interacionais apresentadas por três autores, escolhi-dos como corpus, os quais compõem três guias de comportamento: 1)Marcelino por Claudia: o guia de boas maneiras de Marcelino de Carvalho interpretado por Claudia, de Claudia Matarazzo; 2)Etiqueta Século XXI: um guia prático de boas ma-neiras para os novos tempos, de Celia Ribeiro; 3)Sempre, às vezes, nunca: etiqueta e comportamento, de Fabio Arruda. Destes três manuais, foram escolhidas algu-mas partes que cabiam à análise proposta. A pesquisa busca embasamento nas perspectivas da Análise da Conversação (AC) e na Sociolinguística Interacional (SI). Essas bases possuem duas linhas dorsais, com estudos sobre interações e cor-tesia linguística. Dá-se ainda uma visão panorâmica dos três livros pertencentes ao corpus, com uma breve análise da variação linguística. Investiga-se também a utili-dade desses manuais na melhoria dos níveis de interação social. A análise dos mar-cadores de cortesia percorre os critérios de correção, atenuadores, modalizadores, formas de tratamento e situações de ameaça às faces, visando a encontrar respos-tas para os questionamentos da pesquisa. Quanto aos aspectos comportamentais da cortesia são pouco mencionados, exceto os que estão inseridos no contexto fala ou na intenção de fala. O estudo parte de um ponto de vista sobre a cortesia linguís-tica; teoria de ameaça às faces positiva e negativa, concentrando-se na linguagem de interesse social e na interação entre indivíduos ou grupos. / This thesis discusses communication as an interaction-dependent factor and linguis-tic politeness inserted in etiquette manuals, in order to explicit and implicitly identify the interactional strategies presented by three authors chosen as corpus, which is comprised of some parts chosen from three manuals of behavior: 1) Marcelino by Claudia: the guide to good manners by Marcelino de Carvalho interpreted by Clau-dia, by Claudia Matarazzo; 2) 21st Century Etiquette: a practical guide to good manners for modern times, by Celia Ribeiro; 3) Always, sometimes, never: etiquette and behavior, by Fabio Arruda. This research seeks to establish the bases for per-spectives in Conversation Analysis (CA) and in Interactional Sociolinguistics (IS). These theorical bases have two dorsal structures or chief ideas, with studies on lin-guistic interactions and politeness. It gives still a birds-eye view of the three books belonging to the corpus, with a brief analysis of linguistic variation. It also investigates the usefulness of these manuals in the improvement of social interaction levels. The analysis of politeness markers traverses the criteria for correction, attenuators, modalizations (a speakers attitude towards their own utterance), forms of treatment, and faces threatening acts (FTA), in order to find answers to the researchs posing questions. Behavioral aspects of courtesy are mentioned only when inserted into speech context or its intention. The study originates from a point of view about lin-guistic politeness; threatening theory on positive and negative faces, focusing on the language of social interest, with the purpose of continuity of interaction between indi-viduals or groups.
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A Nação como possibilidade: imprensa e manuais didáticos na difusão da identidade nacional no Brasil oitocentista / The nation as a possibility: the press and didatic manuals dissemination of national identity in neneteenth-century BrazilPaim, Leandro Burgallo 23 September 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo averiguar a relevância da produção escrita oitocentista no ordenamento da Monarquia brasileira. Para tanto, com base nos escritos de dois letrados que tiveram atuação bastante destacada no âmbito da referida produção, sendo eles o pernambucano José Ignácio de Abreu e Lima e o fluminense Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, procuro analisar a interação das elites brasileiras com dois meios de expressão que foram, por elas, tomados enquanto instrumentos destinados à tarefa que se colocava no contexto do citado ordenamento: a construção do Estado e da nação. A partir dos manuais didáticos de história do Brasil e dos artigos publicados em diferentes periódicos que circularam no país, tento verificar como Abreu e Lima e Macedo recorreram, em épocas distintas, a esses meios de expressão para promover seus projetos políticos e marcar posições diante de seus adversários, sinalizando a importância dos tais escritos enquanto formas específicas de espaço público atreladas à organização do regime monárquico brasileiro. / The aim of this research is to investigate the written production relevancy of 19th century to the organization of Brazilian Monarchy. For this, based on studies produced by two writers with an outstanding involvement referring to this production, called as José Ignácio de Abreu e Lima, from Pernambuco, Brazil and Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, I intend to analyze the Brazilian elites with two expression means, which have been chosen by them as a way to promote the State and Nation construction. From Brazilian history didactic manuals and articles published in several Brazilian newspapers, I try to identify how Abreu e Lima and Macedo have used them in different times regarding to promote their own political projects and stand their point of view against their rivals, showing the importance of such productions as a public expression venue connected to the organization of Brazilian Monarchy.
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La géographie religieuse de la XVe province de Haute Égypte aux époques ptolémaïque et romaine / The religious geography of the XVth Upper Egyptian province during the Hellenistic and Roman periodMedini, Lorenzo 28 November 2015 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur les traditions religieuses de la XVe province de Haute Égypte - la sepat de la Hase - dont la métropole était la ville égyptienne Khemenou, devenue l’Hermopolis Magna des Grecs. Le cadre chronologique de ce travail couvre plus particulièrement la période courant de la fin des dynasties indigènes jusqu’au Bas-Empire romain. En raison de l’insuffisance de la documentation locale, les textes issus des scriptoria des grands temples égyptiens ont été pris en compte en tant que sources complémentaires afin de permettre la reconstitution du panthéon de la province ainsi que des légendes qui sont associées à ses lieux saints. L’analyse des papyrus et des inscriptions grecques se rapportant à Hermopolis a permis de répertorier les principaux sanctuaires de la ville à l’époque ptolémaïque et romaine. Enfin, un examen critique de cette documentation a rendu possible la mise en évidence des incohérences liées à la reconstitution du centre ville proposée par les archéologues, confusion qui résulte notamment d’une interprétation erronée des sources. / This study focuses on the religious traditions of the XVth Upper Egyptian province - the sepat of the Hare - whose the main city was the ancient Egyptian town of Khemenou, who became the Greek Hermopolis Magna. The chronological frame of this work covers mainly the period from the end of the native dynasties until the Roman Empire. Due to the lack of local documents, the outcomes of the scriptoria of the main Egyptian temples were considered as complementary sources to permit a reconstruction of the pantheon of the province and the legends associated with its holy places. The analysis of Greek papyrus and inscriptions relating to Hermopolis allowed to list the main sanctuaries of the city in the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Finally, a critical review of this literature has made possible the detection of inconsistencies concerning the reconstruction of city center proposed by the archaeologists: this confusion resulting from a misinterpretation of the sources.
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Tipologia textual e ativação de terminologia : um estudo em manuais técnicos de produtos tecnológicosMoura, Adila Beatriz Naud de January 2008 (has links)
O propósito desta tese é investigar os mecanismos, de caráter linguístico-textual, que respondem pela ativação de termos técnicos em manuais de produtos tecnológicos. Delimitamos o campo da investigação a unidades lexicais e semiológicas, de valor especializado, em quatro manuais técnicos que tratam de procedimentos de uso de produtos tecnológicos – relógios de ponto automatizados. Partimos da hipótese de que há uma relação significativa entre tipologia textual e ativação da terminologia. O estudo orienta-se, quanto à abordagem textual, pela proposta semiolinguística de Charaudeau (2001), nos três níveis de competência: situacional, discursiva e semiolinguística; e, quanto à Terminologia, pelos princípios da Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia (TCT) (CABRÉ, 1999). Para tanto, desenvolvemos dois focos de investigação: (a) descrever a tipologia textual constituída pelos manuais, que são textos técnicos, modalizados pela dimensão deôntica da prescrição; (b) identificar os mecanismos sintático-semânticos de engendramento das unidades terminológicas nos manuais estudados. Elegemos, como ambiente privilegiado de investigação dos mecanismos, estruturas linguísticas com a preposição para (e estruturas equivalentes: a fim de (loc. prep.), para que (loc. conjunt.), a fim de que (loc.conjunt.)), organizadas em frases, extraídas do corpus, a partir de expressões regulares de busca de padrões criadas a partir do programa Unitex (conjunto de programas que possibilitam o tratamento de textos em língua natural utilizando recursos linguísticos, Université Marne-la-Valée, Sebastian Paumier, novembro de 2002). A escolha recaiu nessa preposição em razão de ela ter como propriedade semântico-lexical as categorias estativo-finalidade e ser do tipo predicadora, aspectos que interessam à hipótese de ser nesse habitat a ativação da terminologia da área de especialidade estudada (BERG, 2005). Criou-se uma regra que representasse as possibilidades de análise das frases com a preposição para - {PARA realizar (xt), use (yt)}, em que para é classificada como um Marcador de Finalidade (MF). As extrações, visualizadas em frases, foram submetidas à verificação da presença de unidades lexicais e semióticas. Os resultados apontam para a presença de unidades terminológicas na posição de (xt) e (yt). Para a refinação dos resultados, submetemo-los à ótica de especialista para a validação dos dados. As estruturas frasais foram denominadas de fraseamentos, considerando que são unidades típicas dos manuais: contêm a característica deôntica, evidenciam a modalidade delocutiva, a organização semiolinguística (o texto nos níveis de composição, construção gramatical e uso do léxico) e a terminologia da área. Os resultados da investigação indicam que a estrutura {PARA realizar (xt), use (yt)}, realizada em fraseamentos com MF, é um dos locus do habitat para a ativação de terminologias em manuais técnicos. Trata-se de um estudo que reúne elementos textuais e linguísticos, não se limitando aos aspectos conceituais da comunicação especializada. / The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the linguistic and textual mechanisms responsible for the activation of technical terms in manuals of technological products. We narrowed the field of the investigation to the lexical and semiological units in four technical manuals that deal with procedures for the use of technological products - automated time clocks. We departed from the hypothesis that there is a significant relation between text typology and the activation of terminology. In relation to the textual approach adopted, this study uses Charaudeau´s Semiolinguistic Theory and its three level competencies: situational, discourse and semiolinguistic (2001). In relation to the field of Terminology, this study is based on the Communicative Theory of Terminology (TCT) (CABRÉ, 1999). To this end, we developed two points of investigation: a) to describe the text typology in the manuals, which are technical texts regulated by the deontic dimension of the prescription; b) to identify the syntactic-semantic mechanisms that create the terminological units in the manuals. We chose to analyze linguistic structures including the preposition para (and some equivalent structures: a fim de, para que, a fim de que) organized in sentences, extracted from the corpus from regular expressions for search of patterns created by the Unitex program (Université Marle-la-Valée, Sebastian Paumier, november of 2002). We chose to analyze this preposition because of its semantic-lexical properties: predicator (BERG, 2005), aspects that are relevant to the hypothesis that it is in this habitat that the activation of the terminology of the area happens. We created a rule that represented the possibilities for the analysis of the sentences including the preposition para - {PARA realizar (xt), use (yt)} ({TO achieve (xt), use (yt)}), in which para is classified as a purpose marker (MF). The extractions, which can be observed in the sentences, were submitted to the verification of the presence of lexical and semiotic units.The results obtained indicate that the structure {PARA realizar (xt), use (yt)} is one of the habitat for the activation of the terminology in technical manuals. This is a study that gathers textual and linguistic elements, going beyond the conceptual aspects of the specialized communication.
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Restauração de quadros e gravuras de Manuel de Macedo (1885): um manual técnico para promover o respeito pelas relíquias do passado / Restoration of Paintings and Prints from Manuel de Macedo (1885): a technical guide to promote respect for relics from the pastCarvalho, Zínia Maria Cavalheiro de 06 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis studies the restoration and preservation of Works of Art, with
focus on the volume 112 from the Bibliotheca do Povo e das Escolas collection,
entitled Restauração de Quadros e Gravuras, which was written by Manuel de
Macedo and published in 1885.
The collection aimed to compile curiosities and interests in studies,
raising the interest in Reading. The volumes were written in ways that nonintelectuals
could make use of its content.
The volume selected for analysis shines a light on the value and
preservation of monuments and precious artefacts found in the ancient art , as
the author states in the Preface.
This manual raises questions like Originality, forgery, conservation and
restoration procedures, used materials, techniques of paintings and prints, that
up to today are still subject of discussion, without cleared and difined standards.
The research arises in the history of Science interface and technical
studies on conservation and restoration in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, which marked the beginning of the practical and theoretical
discussions on the preservation of historical heritage / O estudo realizado nesta dissertação a respeito da restauração e da
conservação foca o volume 112 da coleção Bibliotheca do Povo e das Escolas,
intitulado Restauração de Quadros e Gravuras, o qual foi escrito por Manuel de
Macedo e publicado em 1885.
Essa coleção tinha como propósito suprir curiosidades e interesses em
estudos e incentivar a leitura, sendo preparada de modo que o leigo pudesse
usufruir do conteúdo.
O volume selecionado para análise é destinado a tratar do valor e da
conservação dos monumentos e artefatos preciosos da arte antiga , como diz
o autor no prefácio.
Esse manual traz questões como originalidade, falsificação, os
procedimentos de conservação e restauração, tipos de materiais utilizados,
técnicas de pintura e gravura, que ainda hoje são aspectos em discussão, os
quais não possuem parâmetros totalmente definidos.
Nossa pesquisa se coloca na interface da história da ciência e da técnica
com estudos sobre conservação e restauro nos séculos XVIII e XIX, marcados
pelo início das discussões práticas e teóricas sobre a preservação do
patrimônio histórico
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A translação de sentidos entre língua e classe social / The translation of senses beteween language and social class.Phellipe Marcel da Silva Esteves 24 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Ao se falar de língua, fala-se da classe social que se imagina associada a essa mesma língua. Fundamentada na Análise do Discurso Franco-Brasileira (iniciada na França pelo grupo de Michel Pêcheux e retrabalhada no Brasil a partir de formulações de Eni Orlandi) e analisando corpòra diversos, que se encontram em gramáticas, dicionários, manuais de redação jornalística e o jornal carioca Meia Hora de Notícias, esta dissertação busca entender como os sentidos sobre língua e classe social vão sendo constituídos ao mesmo tempo. A Análise do Discurso com que este estudo vai trabalhar se apresenta como um campo inserido no entremeio das ciências humanas e sociais. Entre as principais questões levantadas por este campo, estão as crenças ilusórias em que as palavras emanam sentidos próprios, apropriados, e em que o sujeito é o dono de seu dizer e de suas intenções. Entende-se, na Análise do Discurso, que os sentidos são irrecorrivelmente formados ideologicamente, e que o sujeito se constitui analogamente, por processos inconscientes que não deixam de fora também a historicidade das relações sociais. Dessa forma, para se compreender como se dão as relações entre as formações de sentido entre língua e classe social, importará a depreensão do funcionamento discursivo do tratamento que os instrumentos de gramatização dão à variedade linguística. No Meia Hora, também se procura analisar de que modo um jornal vai significando, inscrito numa prática jornalística determinada, língua e classe social concomitantemente, através do uso de uma língua imaginária / When it comes to say something about language, one is always saying something about the imaginary social class associated with that same language. Based on French Brazilian Discourse Analysis (inaugurated in France by Michel Pêcheuxs group and revived in Brazil by Eni Orlandi) and analyzing different corpòra, took from grammars, dictionaries, newspaper manuals and Meia Hora de Notíciasa newspaper from Rio de Janeiro, this dissertation seeks the comprehension of how the meanings about language and social class are established simultaneously. This Discourse Analysis with which we work presents itself as a field in between the social e human sciences. Among the main issues brought up by it are two illusory beliefs: the words would possess their own and crystal clear meanings, and the subjects would be the owners of their sayings and their intentions. In Discourse Analysis its also said that meanings are inevitably set up by ideological processes, and that this also occurs in subjects formation, by unconscious processes that have to do with the historicity of social relations. By that, in order to understand how the meanings of language and social class relate, its first a main question to comprehend the discursive functioning of the linguistic variation on instruments of grammaticalization. As to Meia Hora, we also intend to analyze in which way a newspaper works on the meanings of language and social class altogether, inserted in determinate practice, through the use of an imaginary language
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La enseñanza de la pronunciación en ELE : una asignatura pendienteAhumada, Gladys P. 09 1900 (has links)
Cette mémoire a pour objectif de mettre en évidence le délaissement dont a souffert et souffre encore dans l’actualité l’enseignement de la prononciation dans les cours d’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE), réaffirmer son importance et défendre la nécessité de son intégration dans les salles de classe. C’est un fait qu’avec l’actuelle approche communicative et « par devoirs », les étudiants acquièrent des connaissances supérieures en langue écrite et des résultats peu satisfaisants dans la prononciation. D’autre part, les enseignants ne comptent pas sur des méthodes d’intégration de la prononciation de ces approches, et la carence de matériels se fait plus qu’évidente. Les conceptions curriculaires actuelles n’ont pas intégré de forme naturelle l’enseignement de la prononciation dans ses exposés méthodologiques. La sélection et analyse de certains des manuels d’enseignement d’ELE, avec ce dont on travaille actuellement dans la province du Québec, confirme ces carences. Dans la dernière partie du travail on présente une sélection d’exercices que l’on considère utiles pour l’enseignement et le développement de la prononciation, incluant les éléments suprasegmentaires, d’une façon ludique, dans un contexte réel et communicatif et de manière intégrée.
Une didactique de l’enseignement qui prête attention au système formel de la langue, la grammaire et le lexique, peut aussi contempler l’enseignement de la prononciation depuis la même perspective. L’important c’est qu’elle soit intégrée comme une phase supplémentaire du processus d’apprentissage, et cesse d’être une matière à repasser dans les curriculums. / This memory aims to highlight the renunciation that suffered, and still do nowadays, the teaching of the pronunciation in the Spanish courses as foreign language (SFL), to reaffirm its importance and to defend the need for its integration in the classrooms. It is a fact that with the current communicative approach and with the different duties, the students acquire higher knowledge in written language but do not have very satisfactory results in their pronunciation. In addition, the teachers don’t count on the integration of pronunciation methods in their approaches, and the deficiency of this material is more than obvious.
The current curricular designs did not integrate a natural form of pronunciation teaching in its methodological talks. The selection and analyzes of some IT teaching handbooks, that are currently use in the province of Quebec, confirms these deficiencies. In the last part of this work, we present a selection of exercises that we consider useful for the teaching and the development of pronunciation, including the elements supra segmentary in a real and communicative context and in an integrated way.
Didactic of the teaching that pays attention to the formal language system, grammar and the lexicon, can also contemplate pronunciation teaching by using the same prospect. Important it is that this perspective should be integrated like an additional phase of the training process, and stop to be a matter to be passed by in the curriculums.
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