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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cancer-related Masculine Threat, Body Compassion, and Prostate-specific Functioning in Prostate Cancer Patients

Downing, David G. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Fotbollsspelande flickor och emotionella pojkar : En läromedelsanalys i svenska ur ett genusperspektiv / Soccer playing girls and emotional boys : A teaching material analysis in Swedish from a gender perspective

Gustafsson, Ronja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka läromedel för svenskämnet i årskurs 3 ur ett genusperspektiv med avseende på gestaltningen av pojkar och flickor. Anledningen till undersökningen är på grund av avsaknaden av obligatorisk granskning av läromedel inom skolväsendet. Metoden som använts är en läromedelsanalys där både bild och text har analyserats. Analysen är uppdelad i två delar där den första delen är en kvantitativ analys följt av en längre kvalitativ analys. Läromedlet som analyserades, Nyckeln till skatten 3A, stred mot flertalet av de traditionella könsmönster som finns i samhället samtidigt som några könsnormer bekräftades. Ett exempel på de bekräftade könsnormerna som presenterades i läromedlet var hur vissa flickor gestaltades i långt hår och rosa färgklädsel. Resultatet visade att flickor presenterades fler gånger än pojkar i både text och bild. Både kategorin pojkar/män och flickor/kvinnor överskred de traditionella könsmönster som finns i det litterära och samhället. Detta visas i läromedlet genom att flickor spelar fotboll och pojkar är emotionella. / The purpose of this study were to examinate teaching materials designed for the third grade teaching in the Swedish subject from a gender perspective regarding the presentation of boys and girls. The reason for this study is due to lack of compulsory reviews of teaching material in the school system. The method used is a teaching material analysis where both image and text have been analyzed. The analysis is divided in two parts where the first part is a quantitative analysis followed by a longer qualitative analysis. The analyzed teaching material, Nyckeln till skatten 3A, challenged many of the traditional gender patterns that exist in the society, while other gender norms were confirmed. An example of a confirmed gender norm presented in the teaching material was girls portrayed with long hair and pink clothing. The results showed that girls were presented more times than boys in both text and image. Both the categories’ boys/men and girls/women challenged the traditional gender patterns that exist in the literature and society by presenting girls playing soccer and emotional boys.

Tonårsavslut inom idrott : Hur kön, könskodning och personlighet påverkar avslut

Callne, Clara, Fridh, Wendela January 2023 (has links)
Antalet ungdomar och särskilt flickor som slutar med sport i tonåren har ökat senaste decenniet. Eftersom fysisk aktivitet främjar hälsan är det viktigt att vi försöker vända trenden. Studien ämnade skapa ökad förståelse för varför vissa personer slutar tidigare än andra, genom att undersöka hur kön, sporters könskodning samt maskulin och feminin personlighet (MF-poäng) baserat på Big Five Inventory (BFI 44) påverkar deltagande och avslut i sport. Antalet deltagare var 6 139, och tre grupper skapades; de som slutat i sin sport innan 20 års ålder, de som slutat i sin sport efter 19 års ålder och de som fortfarande var aktiva. Två studier genomfördes, först en systematisk översikt av könskodning av sport, som gav värden för 123 sporter på hur maskulin-feminin de har skattats. Analyserna visade att kön predicerar vilken grad av maskulint eller feminint kodad sport man väljer att delta i, där män väljer mer maskulint kodade sporter och vice versa för kvinnor. Maskulina personlighetsegenskaper predicerade att pojkar och aktiva män valde maskulint kodade sporter, och vice versa för flickor och aktiva kvinnor. Pojkar och män var aktiva i sin sport fler år än flickor och kvinnor. Deltagande i en feminint kodad sport predicerade att flickor var aktiva längre. Maskulin och feminin personlighet predicerade inte antalet aktiva år inom sport. Mer kunskap behövs för att behålla så många som möjligt aktiva så länge som möjligt, oavsett typ av sport och kön. / The rate of adolescents, especially girls who are quitting sports has increased in the last decade. Since physical activity is an important factor for good health, it´s important that we try to turn the trend around. The aim of the present study was to understand why some people are quitting sports earlier than others, by examining how sex, sports gendertyping, and masculine and feminine personality (MF-score) based on the Big Five Inventory (BFI 44) affect participation and termination in sport. The sample size was 6 139 and three groups were created, adolescents that stopped doing their sport before age 20, adults that stopped doing their sport after age 19,and adults that were still active. Two studies were conducted, a systematic review of sports gendertyping, which provided values on how masculine-feminine each of 123 sports have been rated. The analyses showed that sex is a significant predictor of sport choice. Males chose more masculine sports, and vice versa for females. Masculine personality predicted choice of masculine coded sports for boys and active males, and vice versa for girls and active females. Boys and men were also active in sports more years than girls and women. Feminine sports predicted more active years among girls. Masculine and feminine personality did not predict how many years participants were active in the sport. Further knowledge is needed to keep as many active as long as possible, regardless of type of sport and sex.

Hur karaktäriseras genus i barnlitteratur? : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ genusanalytisk studie / How is gender characterized in children's literature? : A qualitative and quantitative gender analytical study

Zeliath, Emelie, Sjögren, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how gender is characterized in children's literature in the Swedish preschool. The research question is of great importance to investigate because the Swedish preschool operates as a social institution. The gender debate has exploded in the last decade, which means that preschools need to approach gender pedagogy in education. The Swedish preschool's curriculum also includes requirements on gender-pedagogically based education. It also includes norm-critical and equal values (Skolverket 2018). Since children's books are a big part of the preschool's education, it is of great importance to examine gender patterns in children's literature. The study is based on qualitative and quantitative analyses which highlights gender patterns in children's literature. The credibility of the literature study can be considered as valid because the research is based on two different supplementary gender analyzing schedules. The result that is prominent from the analyzing method is a male-dominant norm in the main and secondary characters of the children's books. The result showed that the characters who performed norm-breaking actions were more often performed by masculine characters. This result may not be considered surprising as the majority of the analyzed children's books have masculine main characters. The feminine characters who performed norm-breaking actions were for that reason not discovered as often as the male equivalent of the same phenomenon.  The conclusion of the study implies higher demands on preschool teachers' awareness when handling children's literature. The consequences of the lack of awareness contain two main grounds that were identified in the study. Firstly, there is a cultural heritage in already existing children's literature that needs to be preserved. Secondly, it may be considered financially unjustifiable to exclusively replace existing literature with new gender awareness books. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur genus karaktäriseras i barnlitteraturen i den svenska förskolan. Forskningsfrågan är av stor vikt att utreda eftersom den svenska förskolan fungerar som en samhällsinstitution. Genusdebatten har exploderat det senaste decenniet, vilket gör att förskolorna behöver närma sig genuspedagogik i utbildningen. I den svenska förskolans läroplan finns även krav på genuspedagogiskt förankrad utbildning. Den omfattar även normkritiska och lika värden (Skolverket 2018). Eftersom barnböcker är en stor del av förskolans utbildning är det av stor vikt att undersöka könsmönster i barnlitteraturen. Studien bygger på kvalitativa och kvantitativa analyser som belyser könsmönster i barnlitteraturen. Litteraturstudiens trovärdighet kan anses giltig eftersom forskningen bygger på två olika kompletterande könsanalysscheman. Resultatet som är framträdande från analysmetoden är en mansdominerande norm hos barnböckernas huvud- och bipersoner. Resultatet visade att karaktärerna som utförde normbrytande handlingar oftare utfördes av maskulina karaktärer. Detta resultat kan inte anses förvånande eftersom majoriteten av de analyserade barnböckerna har maskulina huvudkaraktärer. De feminina karaktärerna som utförde normbrytande handlingar upptäcktes av den anledningen inte lika ofta som den manliga motsvarigheten till samma fenomen. Slutsatsen av studien innebär högre krav på förskollärares medvetenhet vid hantering av barnlitteratur. Konsekvenserna av bristen på medvetenhet innehåller två huvudgrunder som identifierades i studien. För det första finns det ett kulturarv i redan befintlig barnlitteratur som behöver bevaras. För det andra kan det anses ekonomiskt oförsvarligt att uteslutande ersätta befintlig litteratur med nya genusmedvetandeböcker.

I Mean to Signify

Thompson, Jermaine 09 May 2015 (has links)
When he is not paying artistic homage to Diego Rivera and Balthus, or inventing the myth of how masculine and feminine relationships are held together by butter, or creating a “Gospel of Two Sisters” which chronicles the loss and reclamation of language, or exercising the limits of his Anagram poetic form; Terrance Hayes—in Hip Logic—employs the African-American rhetorical trope of signifying in order to examine the historic and contemporary role of the African-American male as victim, as heroic-icon, and as father by using real and imaginary Black-masculine figures. My collection, I Mean to Signify, employs signifying to engage with topics of Black male victimization and Northern elitism. Additionally, my collection depends heavily on the Gospel tradition of African-American domesticity, and engages with the universal topics of fear, death, and romantic relationships.

Traditional Masculine Ideologies as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Witnessing Violence in Childhood and Intimate Partner Violence Relationships

Stayton, Laura Elise 21 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Les facteurs psychosociaux reliés à la dysmorphie musculaire

Turcotte, Olivier 24 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2016-2017 / Les hommes sont de plus en plus exposés à une pression sociale les incitant à présenter une silhouette mésomorphique, ce qui semble contribuer à les rendre plus insatisfaits de leur musculature. Cette insatisfaction peut mener au développement d'une dysmorphie musculaire (DM). Malgré que la DM soit classifiée comme un spécificateur du trouble de dysmorphie corporelle dans le DSM-V, plusieurs auteurs persistent à croire qu'il s'apparenterait davantage aux troubles des conduites alimentaires (TCA). La présente étude vise à approfondir les processus sous-jacents menant à la DM en appliquant le modèle socioculturel de Stice (1994), conçu pour les TCA, à la DM. Le modèle testé, adapté pour rendre compte des spécificités de la DM, propose que les influences socioculturelles mènent au désir d'être plus musclé, qui, lui, mène aux symptômes de la DM directement et indirectement par deux voies, la voie des affects négatifs et la voie comportementale. Trois cent quatre-vingt-six hommes ont été recrutés parmi les étudiants et employés de l'Université Laval et ont rempli des questionnaires en ligne. Le modèle a été testé à l'aide d'analyses acheminatoires. Bien que le modèle initial fasse preuve d'un bon ajustement, la voie des affects négatifs n'est un médiateur valide de la relation entre le désir d'être musclé et la DM que lorsque le lien entre le désir d'être plus musclé et les affects négatifs est modéré par le narcissisme vulnérable. Les résultats indiquent que l'internalisation du corps idéal influence le désir d'être plus musclé. Ce désir d'être plus musclé pousserait les hommes à développer des symptômes de la DM via deux processus, soit l'adoption de comportements visant à augmenter la musculature, et la présence d'affects négatifs, mais seulement chez des hommes présentant une vulnérabilité narcissique. Ceci fait ressortir la pertinence d'un modèle conçu pour les TCA afin d'expliquer les symptômes de la DM.

La construction identitaire de l’homme violent / The construction of the identity of violent man

Ghossain, Anne-marie 17 November 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche qualitative et exploratoire porte sur la construction identitaire de l’homme marié violent au Liban. Elle s’appuie notamment sur les discours de l’homme violent et de la femme violentée (récits de vie, interrogatoires juridiques, questionnaires) et aussi sur le discours de personnes-ressources non violentes. La construction identitaire de l’homme violent au Liban est liée au système patriarcal fortement ancré dans la culture, les institutions et la vie des Libanais. L’homme évolue en fonction de 3 prototypes :- masculin : dominant, pourvoyeur, protecteur, agressif- féminin : soumise, femme au foyer, disponible, douce- du couple : verrouillage des autres prototypes dans une complémentarité sexisteLa violence masculine traduit la place de l’homme dans le couple (violences symboliques et violences spontanées), elle traduit aussi sa volonté de conserver l’ordre patriarcal dans la famille car toute évolution des prototypes notamment celui de la femme est sentie par l’homme comme une menace contre sa masculinité (violences interactionnelles). La violence est accentuée car le Liban évolue sous l’empire de stress, ce qui met les rôles patriarcaux en question en permanence. La trajectoire identitaire de l’homme violent libanais montre qu’il a un père autoritaire et sévère, parfois faible. Sa mère pourrait être envahissante, absente ou ambivalente. Du point de vue couple l’homme violent cherche le couple fusionnel car il traduit parfaitement la complémentarité patriarcale sexiste. L’ordre social patriarcal libanais est en perpétuelle reproduction engendrant des hommes sexistes prêts à devenir violents. La femme est encerclée par la violence même, sa honte d’être femme battue et/ou femme divorcée, mais aussi à cause du tiers d’idéologie sexiste : parents, amis, société, institutions concernées. La lutte contre la violence conjugale au Liban doit être totale : contre la violence, les inégalités de genre et la culture patriarcale. / This qualitative and exploratory research is about the construction of the identity of the violent married man in Lebanon. It is based on different sources, the violent man, the battered woman discourse (biography, court records, and questionnaires) and the discourse of non-violent resource-person. The construction of the identity of the violent man in Lebanon is related to the patriarchal system which is strongly anchored in the culture, institution and life of the Lebanese. In this environment man evolves into three prototypes:- The masculine: dominant, protector, provider, aggressive.- The feminine: submissive, housewife, available, soft.- The couple: the clamping of the two other prototypes in one complementary sexist relationship.The masculine violence can reflect the man’s place in the couple (symbolic violence, spontaneous violence), and can also show the willingness to conserve the patriarchal order in the family because every evolution of prototypes especially the women’s role is felt by man as a threat against his masculinity (interaction violence). Violence is accentuated because Lebanon is a society under stress, which permanently distorts the masculine image. The identity trajectory of the Lebanese violent man shows that he has an authoritarian and severe father figure, or a feeble one. His mother can be overbearing, absent or ambivalent. Concerning the couple, the violent man searches for the fusional couple because it reflects perfectly the sexist patriarchal complementarity. The Lebanese social patriarchal order is in perpetual reproduction generating sexist man ready to become violent. The woman is surrounded by violence, and shame feeling of being a battered woman and/or divorced woman, and because of the others that are sexist: parents, friends, society institutions and concerned responsible. The struggle against violence can only be total: it must be against violence, gender inequality and against patriarchal society.

Die representasie van veelfasettige manlikheidsbeelde in Eben Venter se romanoeuvre / Stefanus van Zyl

Van Zyl, Stefanus January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the representation of masculine imagos in the South African novelist Eben Venter’s novel oeuvre and more specifically on the multifaceted nature of Venter’s delineation of masculinity. His novels Foxtrot van die Vleiseters (1993), Ek stamel ek sterwe (1996) (translated into English as My beautiful death ((2004)) and Santa Gamka (2009) were selected to represent Venter’s novel oeuvre. The male protagonist in each novel may be viewed as typical representations of masculine imagos in his novels. The workability of cognitive narratology as a literary approach to analyse and interpret novels is tested by identifying the frames and scripts within the selected novels. Cognitive frames in narratives are those backdrops against which the events take place, while the actions executed by the characters are read as cognitive scripts. These scripts create the projected masculinity imagos of the male protagonists. When reading the novels, the reader is confronted with various cognitive choices of which three are especially important. The first is the choice to discard existing ideas and perceptions in order to make room for new ideas and perceptions. The second choice is to modify existing ideas and adjust them by means of the cognitive processing of information in the novels. The last choice entails the total rejection of the new ideas. Irrespective of the cognitive processes that occur during the reading process, the representation of masculinity in the novels will inevitably have an effect on the way in which the reader will experience masculinity in future. In the characters of Petrus Steenekamp (Foxtrot van die Vleiseters), Konstant Wasserman (Ek stamel ek sterwe) and Lucky Marais (Santa Gamka) Venter illustrates the complexity of the masculinity issue due to the cultural, social and political frames with which people are encoded. This encoding is also reflected in the scripts that are determined by the characters’ behaviour and actions. Venter demonstrates sensitivity and compassion for all the characters in his novels and his representation of masculinity instils sensitivity and compassion in readers. This instilment will most probably create a better understanding of masculinity, as well as humanity, within the cognition of the reader. The most important finding is that it is indeed possible to use cognitive narratology as literary approach to analyse and interpret the chosen novels in order to make valid conclusions – in this case with regard to the complex delineation of multifaceted masculine imagos within Eben Venter’s novel oeuvre. Further deductions include those made about the appearance of different images of masculinity within Venter’s novel oeuvre and especially how the farm frame and the father/son relationship frame manifest prominently in Venter’s novels. / MA (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die representasie van veelfasettige manlikheidsbeelde in Eben Venter se romanoeuvre / Stefanus van Zyl

Van Zyl, Stefanus January 2014 (has links)
This study focuses on the representation of masculine imagos in the South African novelist Eben Venter’s novel oeuvre and more specifically on the multifaceted nature of Venter’s delineation of masculinity. His novels Foxtrot van die Vleiseters (1993), Ek stamel ek sterwe (1996) (translated into English as My beautiful death ((2004)) and Santa Gamka (2009) were selected to represent Venter’s novel oeuvre. The male protagonist in each novel may be viewed as typical representations of masculine imagos in his novels. The workability of cognitive narratology as a literary approach to analyse and interpret novels is tested by identifying the frames and scripts within the selected novels. Cognitive frames in narratives are those backdrops against which the events take place, while the actions executed by the characters are read as cognitive scripts. These scripts create the projected masculinity imagos of the male protagonists. When reading the novels, the reader is confronted with various cognitive choices of which three are especially important. The first is the choice to discard existing ideas and perceptions in order to make room for new ideas and perceptions. The second choice is to modify existing ideas and adjust them by means of the cognitive processing of information in the novels. The last choice entails the total rejection of the new ideas. Irrespective of the cognitive processes that occur during the reading process, the representation of masculinity in the novels will inevitably have an effect on the way in which the reader will experience masculinity in future. In the characters of Petrus Steenekamp (Foxtrot van die Vleiseters), Konstant Wasserman (Ek stamel ek sterwe) and Lucky Marais (Santa Gamka) Venter illustrates the complexity of the masculinity issue due to the cultural, social and political frames with which people are encoded. This encoding is also reflected in the scripts that are determined by the characters’ behaviour and actions. Venter demonstrates sensitivity and compassion for all the characters in his novels and his representation of masculinity instils sensitivity and compassion in readers. This instilment will most probably create a better understanding of masculinity, as well as humanity, within the cognition of the reader. The most important finding is that it is indeed possible to use cognitive narratology as literary approach to analyse and interpret the chosen novels in order to make valid conclusions – in this case with regard to the complex delineation of multifaceted masculine imagos within Eben Venter’s novel oeuvre. Further deductions include those made about the appearance of different images of masculinity within Venter’s novel oeuvre and especially how the farm frame and the father/son relationship frame manifest prominently in Venter’s novels. / MA (Afrikaans and Dutch), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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