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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bilden av den andra bilden : - en undersökning i manligt och kvinnligt uttryck med den abstrakta expressionismen som studieobjekt / The Image of the Second Image : - a research in male and female expression with Abstract Expressionism as object of study

Frisk, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida begrepp som maskulint och feminint kan uppfattas i den nonfigurativa bilden. Med exempel ur den abstrakta expressionismen studeras detta utifrån genus och semiotisk teori. Även konstvärldens roll i producerandet av genus undersöks. En mindre enkätundersökning och bildanalys ingår i studien.</p> / <p>This thesis purpose is to examine whether notions as masculine and feminine can be understood in a nonfigurative picture. Thru gender theories and semiotics some examples from the Abstract Expressionist movement are studied. The art world’s participation in construction of gender is also examined. A picture analysis supported by a small survey is also included in the study.</p>

Vad vill du bli när du blir stor? : En studie om barns framtidsdrömmar ur ett genusperspektiv / What do you want to be when you grow up? : A study about after-school children´s dreams from a gender perspective

Svedin, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
The way towards an equal society, where both women and men has the same possibilities both private and in professional life, has been a long and still ongoing process. During my practical studies to become a recreation instructor I have noticed a difference between the children I have met in my workplace. What I saw was that girls and boys had a different approach towards their future, plus that the pedagogues at the school had different roles depending if they were men or women. In this study I have investigated which dreams and visions a group of after-school children has, plus how these distinguish between the genders. I have through group interviews, first three boys and then three girls, investigated how children look at their future focusing on career, spare time and familysituation. The questions have also focused on how children look at the schools pedagogues with gender as a premiss. My result shows that the children's vision on their future tends to look different between the genders. The boy’s focus more on a career in either rescue work or on a career were an academic education is required, with an active life on the side. Where the girls focus on working either as a model or a make-up artist, and building a family on the side. The children's answers also show that they see a difference between the female and male pedagogues, where the men are more playful and fun, whilst the women are more helpful and experienced in craftsmanship and likewise. This means that the female and male pedagogues at the school assume different roles that in the long run probably affect the children and their views on feminine and masculine. The study´s result also grounds in different theories about gender plus earlier research in the subject.

Bilden av den andra bilden : - en undersökning i manligt och kvinnligt uttryck med den abstrakta expressionismen som studieobjekt / The Image of the Second Image : - a research in male and female expression with Abstract Expressionism as object of study

Frisk, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida begrepp som maskulint och feminint kan uppfattas i den nonfigurativa bilden. Med exempel ur den abstrakta expressionismen studeras detta utifrån genus och semiotisk teori. Även konstvärldens roll i producerandet av genus undersöks. En mindre enkätundersökning och bildanalys ingår i studien. / This thesis purpose is to examine whether notions as masculine and feminine can be understood in a nonfigurative picture. Thru gender theories and semiotics some examples from the Abstract Expressionist movement are studied. The art world’s participation in construction of gender is also examined. A picture analysis supported by a small survey is also included in the study.

Konstituerandet av en maskulin respektive feminin identitet : En socialpsykologisk studie av sociala relationers betydelse för konstituerandet av en maskulin respektive feminin identitet för ungdomarna i Rädda Barnens projekt Ellen &amp; allan

Nilsson, Rebecka, Wramsby, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Denna uppsats tar sin början i ett intresse av att studera ungdomars konstituerande av identitet. Vi valde att utföra vår studie i Rädda Barnens projekt Ellen &amp; allan som arrangerar samtalsgrupper med en normkritisk agenda för ungdomar i 14-års ålder. Syftet är att genom en kvalitativ studie skapa förståelse för hur ungdomarna som deltar i Ellen &amp; allan konstituerar en maskulin respektive feminin identitet, samt betydelsen av ungdomarnas sociala relationer för detta konstituerande.  Studiens omfattning utgörs av tre intervjuer med projektledare och samtalsledare för projektet och av sex timmars observation vid fyra separata tillfällen i en Ellengrupp och i en allangrupp. Intervjuerna bidrog till kunskap om projektet som förberedde oss och skapade ett tydligt fokus inför vårt möte med fältet. Intervjuerna var utformade på ett sådant sätt att de kom att generera material som korrelerade med våra observationsdata.  Från vår analys av intervjuer och observationer drar vi slutsatsen att ungdomarnas behov av att skapa och upprätthålla sociala relationer leder till en konformitet inom samtalsgrupperna som bidrar till att ungdomarnas konstituerande av maskulin respektive feminin identitet görs med ursprung i en maskulin heterosexuell hegemoni. I denna hegemoni förknippas den maskulina identiteten med överordning och makt medan den feminina identiteten är passiv och underordnad och anses vara den maskulina identitetens motsats. / The notion of this study initially started taking shape through our interest in studying the constitution of identity in young adolescent people. The study was carried out in the Save the Children project Ellen &amp; allan which organizes discussion groups with a norm-critical agenda for young people in the age of 14. The purpose of this study was to analyze how young people participating in Ellen &amp; allan constitutes a masculine and feminine identity, and the importance of young people's social relationships for this constituent.  The study consists of three interviews with project managers and discussion leaders of the project, and of six hours of observation on four separate occasions in an Ellen-group and in an allan-group. The interviews contributed to an understanding of the project which prepared us and created a clear focus for our meeting with the field. The interviews were also designed in such a way that they came to produce data that could be correlated with our observation data.  From our analysis of the interviews and observations, we conclude that young people’s need to create and maintain social relationships lead to conformity within the discussion groups, contributing to adolescents constituting a masculine and feminine identity that originates from a masculine heterosexual hegemony. In such hegemony the masculine identity consists of attributes of agency and power, whereas the feminine identity is passive and subordinate and is considered being the opposite of a masculine identity.

Masculinités, féminités et histoires de guerre : genre, "races" et guerre en Irak dans le cinéma américain

Châteauvert-Gagnon, Béatrice 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Les histoires de guerre occupent une place prédominante dans l'imaginaire collectif et servent souvent à légitimer l'emploi de la force ou le maintien du statu quo au niveau de la sécurité internationale. Ces histoires sont véhiculées à travers diverses sources dans la société, dont la culture populaire, et en particulier le cinéma, qui constituent donc des terrains particulièrement fertiles pour en comprendre les tenants et aboutissants. Car ces histoires reposent sur des structures narratives bien précises qui sont bâties sur des inégalités de genre et de « races », entre autres rapports de pouvoir. Or, qu'en est-il des histoires « antiguerre » ou visant à dénoncer un ou plusieurs aspects de la guerre en général ou d'une guerre en particulier? Ces histoires reposent-elles sur les mêmes structures inégalitaires? La guerre en Irak présente un cas d'étude particulièrement intéressant pour répondre à cette question vue son impopularité auprès de la population américaine, reflétée au sein des productions cinématographiques. Ainsi, trois films américains de fiction portant sur la guerre en Irak et critiquant un ou plusieurs aspects de celle-ci seront analysés : In the Valley of Elah (2007), Green Zone (2010) et Home of the Brave (2006). Plus précisément, en utilisant un cadre théorique issu des études féministes poststructuralistes de la sécurité internationale, les masculinités et féminités mises en scène dans ces narrations seront analysées dans le but d'en déceler les composantes genrées et racisées ainsi que leurs effets sur la charge critique du film. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : sécurité internationale, genre, « races », histoires de guerre, guerre en Irak

The Male Gaze som retorisktverktyg : En utredande litteraturstudie över hur the Male Gaze kan användas inom retorikvetenskapen

Wiklund, Alexis January 2013 (has links)
The thought behind this bachelor essay regarding gender and rhetorical feminist criticism developed years ago out of the fact that I read just a little too many dirty chick lit-pockets as a teen. Those chick lit-pockets were my first introduction to sex, to gender roles, to how men and women react and are supposed to react to each other and, in some sense, even to feminism. Those chick lit-pockets, later turning into hardcore Harlequin-books, became my benchmark when I started to contemplate the fact that this is a man’s world, produced and reproduced by a male gaze which influences everything from sex, porn, advertising, gender roles, jobs and payment to dirty pockets for teenage girls. The essays aims to show how the male gaze-phenomenon could be to use for the rhetoric discipline: first combined with other rhetorical theories as a way to analyze and understand gender and objectification. The main question asked; How to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash? This bachelor essay consists of a qualitative literature study focusing on four articles and one book in which five different male gaze-perspective appears. Every article presented will be followed by an explicative chapter in which the articles, specific male gaze- perspective will be combined with relevant rhetorical theories and applied to pop cultural example cases in order to demonstrate its academic potential. The conclusion of this essay establishes that the rhetorical discipline indeed could have great use of the male gaze-perspective while analyzing different kinds of artifacts, if combined with different kinds of methods. It confirms that it is possible to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash and explains five specific ways to do so.

International Male Students’ First-Year Experience

Al-Haque, (MOHD). RASHED 20 September 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of four racialized, male, first-year, international students attending a university in southern Ontario and living in university residence. Through four one-on-one interviews, my qualitative study sought to uncover the challenges, needs, and opportunities of these students. In addition to cultural and academic adjustment, my study focused on how the participants preserved their masculine and cultural/religious identities in a Western university. A secondary purpose of my study was to examine how these four international students experienced living in university residences, what challenges they faced, and how their specific needs were met. Four themes emerged from the interviews. First, the participants outlined their difficulties adjusting to Canadian university culture. While some enjoyed the transition to Canada, others found adjusting their cultural identities challenging. Second, these participants struggled to adjust to the academic rigour and workload during their first year at university. Despite the demands of university academics, the participants generally welcomed the freedom and flexibility of university life, which allowed them to create their own work schedules and engage in their social lives. Third, the participants maintained their masculine and cultural identities, to more or lesser degrees, despite being immersed in the social and cultural norms of Canadian university life. While some felt isolated within Queen’s University because of their different cultural and masculine identities, overall, these participants valued their own identities and resolved to preserve them. Finally, the participants discussed the benefits and challenges of living in university residences. While residences tended to provide the participants with a sense of community and belonging, sometimes it was challenging living in a loud and hectic environment. / Thesis (Master, Education) -- Queen's University, 2012-09-19 17:28:16.91

女性在陽剛職場之工作壓力與滿足感研究 -以海巡署機動查緝隊為例 / A study of job pressure and satisfaction for females working in a male-dominated environment - a case study of the Reconnaissance Brigade of Coast Guard Administration

李筱瑩, Lee, Siao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
海巡署於2000年成立是我國海域的專責機關,其中分為兩套體系即「海洋巡防」、「海岸巡防」,組織成員背景來自軍職、警職、文職人員。海岸巡防下轄之各地區巡防局在各縣市設機動查緝隊,主要內容為海域海岸的犯罪偵防、查緝走私、防止非法入出國以及安全情報蒐報等事項。 跟隨著性別主流化、性別工作平等法的推動,海巡特考招考於2006年取消男女名額限制,越來越多女性查緝員加入陽剛職場。本研究欲探討女性查緝人員進入陽剛職場之工作壓力及工作滿足感,研究對象以海岸巡防總局下轄的各地區機動查緝隊內文職女性人員,以Hellriegel , Slocum& Woodman的工作壓力因子探討,分別從工作本身、組織角色、人際關係、生涯發展、組織結構與氣氛及組織外部六大構面,工作滿足感之研究係依據Vroom所提出的組織本身、工作環境、工作內容三大構面,對於女性查緝人員之工作壓力及滿足感進行探討與分析。 本研究採用深度訪談法,依據地區、年齡、婚姻狀況等不同的樣本特性的基本資料進行抽樣,找出對本研究具有代表性方能提供最豐富的資訊、經驗得以反映出研究的真實情況,以提高研究之可信度。海巡署查緝隊中截至104年底共有28位女性查緝員,本研究從其中挑選了7位受訪者,分別於北、中、南東以及離島地區之女性查緝人員。 研究結果發現,女性在陽剛職場的工作壓力及滿足感深受以下因素影響: 一、個人內在因素:地緣因素、婚姻狀況、教育程度以及生理心理狀態。 二、外在環境因素:人際關係、工作性質、組織文化以及組織結構。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,提供公務機關及未來相關研究之參考。 關鍵詞:海巡署、陽剛職場、工作滿足感、工作壓力、查緝員 / The Coast Guard Administration of the Executive Yuan was established in 2000 and it is charged with maintaining law and order, protecting the resources of the territorial waters of the Republic of China. The CGA combined the Coast Guard Command and the Marine Police Bureau. The CGA is organized by military, police officer and government officer. The CGA set up coast guard in every city in Taiwan to provide a first line of defense along coastal areas against smugglers, illegal immigrants and State's Internal Security Investigation. With stimulating Gender mainstreaming, Act of Gender Equality in Employment and canceling gender restriction on civil service special examination for coast guard personnel, more and more women work in masculine occupational fields. The purpose of this study is to explore the job stress and the job satisfaction of the women who work in masculine occupational fields. The main research objects are the women who work as coast guard under Coastal Patrol Directorate General control. Based on the data of work stress risk factors of Hellriegel and Slocum& Woodman discusses six themes, including the work itself, organization role, interpersonal relation, career development, organization structure, organization climate and organizational external factors. The study of job satisfaction bases on the work itself, working environment and the content of the job which are advanced by Vroom to analysis job pressure and job satisfaction of the female detectives. This research was conducted via depth interview method. According to different area, age and marital status I conducted the random sampling to find out the representative cases. In the end of 2014 there are 28 female detectives in The CGA. The study selected seven of them from eastern, western, southern, northern and outley island of Taiwan. The research results reveal that the job stress and the job satisfaction of the women who work in masculine occupational fields are affected by the following factors: 1. Immanent factors:geological factor, marital status, educational background, physiological condition and mentality. 2. External factors:interpersonal relations, job, organizational culture and organization structure. Based on the study results, some suggestions were proposed for the reference of government institutions and future researchers. Key words : CGA, masculine workplace, job satisfaction, job pressure, reconnaissance officer

Har du mens eller? : Mensskyddsförpackningar och genus

Björnsdotter, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
Problemet jag valde att utgå ifrån var att en stor del av de produkter vi använder marknadsförs på ett väldigt stereotypt sätt till män eller kvinnor, vilket resulterar i att de som inte passar in i tvåkönsnormen utesluts. Mitt syfte under projektets gång blev därför att undersöka och i slutändan belysa och kritisera problemet på ett passande sätt. Produktkategorin jag senare gick in på närmare var mensskydd, specifikt deras förpackningar. Dessa är genom marknadsföringen endast riktade till kvinnor och agerar därför uteslutande mot dem som inte är ciskvinnor. Dessutom är mens ett laddat och aktuellt ämne inom vissa kretsar som de flesta har någon känsla eller åsikt kring vilket jag hoppades skulle hjälpa projektet att väcka uppmärksamhet. Arbetet startade i att samla ihop en bred grund av teori att bygga resterande delar av projektet på. All fakta och information kring normer, stereotyper, genus, förpackningar, transpersoner, mens och mensskydd blev något jag alltid kunde gå tillbaka till för att backa upp mina val under projektets gång. Även kontakten med användarna genom enkäter har skapat en stor förståelse för andras upplevelse av dessa förpackningar samt vad som väcker uppmärksamhet och känslor, vilket har varit värdefullt i arbetet mot att belysa ett problem genom kritisk design. Förpackningen är framtagen som en kontrast till dagens mensskyddsförpackningar. Här får mensen ta plats med illustrationer av mensskydd i en blodröd färg och med genomskinliga sidor som visar innehållet. Typsnittet är en blandning av det hårda maskulina och det tunna runda feminina för att skapa en könsneutralt uttryck. Företagsnamnet ”har du mens eller” är valt efter frasen som ofta sägs av män i syfte att trycka ner och nedvärdera kvinnors åsikter och känslor, men i detta fall skrivet i ett typiskt feminint typsnitt som är så vanligt inom den valda produktkategorin. Förhoppningen är att de olika delarna och förpackningen i stort ska väcka uppmärksamhet och eftertanke kring hur produkter omkring oss är marknadsförda och hur det påverkar oss. / The problem I chose to base my project on is the fact that a big portion of the products we use daily are marketed against either men or women. The result of that is an exclusion of the people who do not fit inside the norm, which states that there are only two genders. My purpose during the project was to investigate this problem and in the end also criticize it in a suitable way. Later on, my focus was shifted towards a specific category of products - menstrual hygiene products. More specifically their packaging. They are marketed only towards women and exclude all who are not cis-women. The subject of menstruation is also a loaded one and at the moment frequently discussed within certain circles. Most people seem to have a lot of feelings and opinions regarding the subject, which will hopefully get my project into the public eye. My process started in collecting a broad range of facts and theories surrounding the subject, which the remaining parts of my project is based on. The information about norms, stereotypes, gender, packaging, transpersons, menstruation and menstrual hygiene products was something I could always go back to whenever I needed help in decision making during the project. The contact I had with the consumers through the surveys were an important part in building my understanding of what creates attention and feelings, which has been valuable in working towards critical design. The packaging is created as a contrast against the packaging for menstrual hygiene products existing today. The period is allowed to take up space in the form of illustrations of the menstrual product as well as the color red, which symbolizes menstrual blood. This is also combined with clear plastic on two sides which show the containing products. The font used on the majority of the packaging is a combination of hard shapes, often considered masculine, and thin round shapes, often considered feminine. Together they create a gender neutral appearance. The name of the company ”har du mens eller?” is chosen after a phrase commonly used by men to disparage women’s feelings and opinions. In this case, it is written in a typically feminine font which is very common in this category of products. With the different parts of the packaging, my hope is to rise attention and bring awareness to how the products surrounding us are marketed and how this affect us.

Le transporteur anionique TAT1 (SLC26A8) : rôle physiologique et implication dans les asthénozoospermies humaines / Anion transporter TAT1 (SLC26A8) : physiological role and involvement in human asthenozoospermia

Dirami, Thassadite 13 December 2012 (has links)
La protéine TAT1 (Testis Anion Transporter 1 ; SLC26A8) appartient à la famille des SLC26, une famille de transporteurs d’anions qui contribuent dans différents épithelia à l’homéostasie cellulaire. La protéine TAT1 s’exprime exclusivement dans les cellules germinales mâles, chez l’homme et chez la souris. Sur le spermatozoïde mature, la protéine TAT1 est localisée à la jonction des pièces intermédiaire (PI) et principale (PP) du flagelle, au niveau de l’annulus, une structure en forme d’anneau composée de différents polymères de Septines (1, 4, 6, 7 et 12).Le modèle murin d’invalidation du gène Tat1 présente une infertilité mâle par asthénozoospermie totale (absence de mobilité des spermatozoïdes) et des défauts de capacitation associés à des anomalies structurales du flagelle (plicature du flagelle, disjonction entre la PI et la PP, atrophie de l’annulus). Ce modèle indique que la protéine TAT1 pourrait avoir un rôle structural dans le maintien de l’annulus et dans la mise en place du flagelle. Par ailleurs, la protéine TAT1 possédant une activité de transport d’anions, il est vraisemblable qu’elle puisse influer directement sur la régulation de la mobilité et de la capacitation puisqu’il est bien établi que les échanges ioniques sont essentiels au contrôle de ces deux processus.En effet, les ions chlorure, bicarbonate et calcium participent à l’activation de la voie de signalisation AMPc/PKA, au cours des processus de mobilité et de capacitation (i.e. processus de maturation ayant lieu dans le tractus génital féminin et conférant au spermatozoïde un mouvement hyperactivé et la capacité à interagir avec l’ovocyte).Plusieurs travaux ont montré une interaction physique et fonctionnelle des membres de la famille SLC26 avec le canal chlorure/bicarbonate CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator) dont les mutations sont responsables de la mucoviscidose. De manière intéressante des données récentes ont montré l’expression de CFTR dans le spermatozoïde et son rôle dans la régulation des flux de chlorure au cours de la capacitation. Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons testé la coopération entre les protéines TAT1 et CFTR ; nous avons pu montrer que la protéine TAT1 est capable d’interagir physiquement avec CFTR et de stimuler son activité de transport d’anions, suggérant qu’in vivo les deux protéines forment un complexe moléculaire impliqué dans la régulation des flux de chlorure et de bicarbonate dans le spermatozoïde.Tout comme TAT1, plusieurs membres de la famille SLC26 ont une expression tissulaire spécifique. Par ailleurs, les mutations génétiques de certains SLC26 sont associées à des pathologies humaines (surdité, diarrhée chlorurée congénitale et chondrodysplasie). De par le phénotype du modèle murin Tat1 et l’importance des SLC26 en pathologie humaine, TAT1 constitue un bon candidat dans la recherche des causes génétiques des asthénozoospermies humaines.Le laboratoire a mis en place au cours de ma thèse, un projet de recherche de mutations du gène TAT1 dans les asthénozoospermies humaines. Le séquençage des régions codantes du gène TAT1 dans une cohorte de 147 hommes infertiles par asthénozoospermie a ainsi permis d’identifier des variations de séquence inédites du gène chez 7 sujets. L’étude in vitro de certains variants indique pour trois d’entre eux une instabilité des formes mutantes associée à un défaut de stimulation du canal CFTR, in vitro. Par ailleurs, les spermatozoïdes de ces patients présentent d’importantes anomalies flagellaires dans la mise en place de la pièce intermédiaire, compatible avec un rôle de la protéine TAT1 et de ses partenaires (les septines) dans la genèse du flagelle / TAT1 (Testis Anion Transporter 1 ; SLC26A8) belongs to the SLC26 family of anion transporters, which is implicated in cellular homeostasis of different epithelia. TAT1 is exclusively expressed in male germ cells, in human and mouse. On mature spermatozoa, TAT1 is located at the annulus, a ring-shaped structure composed of different septins polymers (1, 4, 6, 7 and 12), at the junction of the midpiece (MP) and principal piece (PP) of the flagellum.The knock-out mouse model of Tat1 gene shows a male infertility by complete asthenozoospermia (lack of sperm motility) and capacitation defects combined with flagellar structural abnormalities (flagella bending, MP and PP disjunction and atrophy of the annulus). This model suggests that the TAT1 protein could fulfill structural roles in the annulus and during flagellum biogenesis. Moreover TAT1 displayind an anion transport activity, it could also be implicated in the control of sperm motility and capacitation by regulating anions exchannges, which are well known to be essential for both processes.Indeed, chloride, bicarbonate and calcium ions are involved in the activation of the cAMP/PKA pathway, controlling sperm motility and capacitation processes (i.e. maturation events occuring in the female genital tract and providing the spermatozoa an hyperactivation movement and the ability to interact with oocyte).Several publications have reported a physical and functionnal interaction between SLC26 family members and the chloride/bicarbonate CFTR channel (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator), which mutations are responsible of cystic fibrosis. Interestingly, recent data showed CFTR expression in spermatozoa and its role in the regulation of chloride fluxes during capacitation. During my thesis, we tested TAT1 and CFTR cooperation; we showed that TAT1 can interact physically with CFTR and stimulate its anion transport activity, suggesting that in vivo they form a molecular complex involved in the regulation of chloride and bicarbonate fluxes during sperm capacitation.Like TAT1, several SLC26 family members have a tissue specific expression. Furthermore genetic mutations in several SLC26 members result in human pathology such as deafness, congenital chloride diarrhea and chondrodysplasia. According to the phenotype of the KO Tat1 mouse model and the role of SLC26 members in human pathology, TAT1 constitutes a good candidate for the search of genetic causes of human asthenozoospermia.During my thesis, the laboratory has set up, a research project aiming at identifying mutations in the TAT1 gene that are responsible for human asthenozoospermia.Sequencing of the TAT1 gene coding regions in a cohort of 147 infertile men presenting with asthenozoospermia allowed us to identify several new sequence variations in in the TAT1 gene. In vitro study of these variants shows that 3 of them are associated with protein instability and abrogate CFTR stimulation. Besides, patients sperm show important flagellar abnormalities in the midpiece, consistent with a role of TAT1 and its partners (septins) in flagellum biogenesis.

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