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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykisk ohälsa bland ensamagerande våldsverkare i Sverige / Mental Illness among Lone Actors in Sweden

Andelius, Kim January 2022 (has links)
Förekomsten av psykisk ohälsa bland ensamagerande våldsverkare i Sverige studerades genom en tematisk analys på textdokument. Trettiofem av 70 ensamagerande våldsverkare valdes ut genom ett systematiskt slumpmässigt urval. Textdokumenten innehåller sekretessbelagd information ifrån Polismyndighetens system. Av de undersökta ensamagerande våldsverkarna hade 43 % en psykiatrisk diagnos och tecken på psykisk ohälsa fanns hos 34 %. Resultatet går i linje med internationell forskning som visar att ungefär 40 % av ensamagerande våldsverkare innehar en psykiatrisk diagnos. Sammanfattningsvis i aktuell studie uppvisade 77 % av de ensamagerande våldsverkarna tecken på psykisk ohälsa vilket kan indikera att antalet med psykiatriska diagnoser i studien kan ha underskattats. Således visade studien att psykisk ohälsa är en viktig riskfaktor för våld och Polismyndigheten behöver samverka med andra samhällsaktörer för att kunna förebygga, förhindra och upptäcka brottslighet från ensamagerande våldsverkare. / The frequency of mental illness among lone actors in Sweden were studied through a thematic analysis on textual documents. Thirty-five of 70 lone actors were chosen with a systematic randomized method. The textual documents contain closed source data from The Swedish Police Authority. Of the studied lone actors 43 % had a mental disorder and signs of mental illness were observed in 34 %. The findings are consistent with previous international research that shows that approximately 40 % of lone actors have a mental disorder. In summary current study outlines that 77 % of lone actors in Sweden show signs of mental illness which can indicate that the quantity of mental disorders could have been underestimated. Finally mental illness appears to be an important risk factor for violence and The Swedish Police Authority needs to cooperate with other social actors to be able to prevent and discover violent crimes from future lone actors.

Psykosomatisk sjukdom och somatiseringssyndrom inom somatisk vård : en litteraturöversikt / Psychophysiologic disorders and somatoform disorders within somatic healthcare : a literature review

Cigéhn, Emelie, Iloson, Lykke January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund En stor del av de patienter som frekvent söker vård lider av psykosomatiska sjukdomar (MUPS) och somatiseringssyndrom (MUS). Båda dessa tillstånd grundar sig i psykiska påfrestningar men yttrar sig i form av fysiska symptom. Stress är en psykisk påfrestning som är mycket utbredd i vårt samhälle idag. När människan utsätts för stress startar en rad olika fysiska processer i kroppen, som en del av vår överlevnadsinstinkt. Trots det är det många som stressar sig sjuka. Då kroppen inte får chans till återhämtning ökar risken för ohälsa med risk för psykosomatiska sjukdomar och somatiseringssyndrom som följd. Syfte Studiens syfte var att belysa upplevelser hos patienter med psykosomatiska sjukdomar och somatiseringssyndrom i den somatiska vården. Metod En litteraturöversikt valdes som metod, där 16 artiklar inkluderades. Artiklarna var av kvantitativ eller kvalitativ metod och analyserades enligt metoden integrerad analys. Resultat Patienter med MUPS/MUS lider av ohälsa och remitteras runt till olika vårdenheter utan att få den hjälp de behöver. Detta innebär ytterligare påfrestning på hälsan hos dessa patienter. Starka känslor såsom utanförskap, oro, skam och rädsla för sin egna ohälsan genomsyrar dessa patienters upplevelser. Kunskapen för dessa sjukdomstillstånd är bristfällig och det saknas tydliga riktlinjer och behandlingsmetoder inom vården. Slutsats Stigmatisering kring psykisk ohälsa skapar skam och utanförskap, vilket patienter med MUPS/MUS i stor utsträckning upplever. Bristande kunskap har visat på ineffektiv behandling vilket dessutom medför enorma kostnad för samhället. Sambandet mellan kropp och själ får inte förbises. Sjukvårdspersonal bör därför utbildas i att se den psykologiska faktorn bakom de fysiologiska symptomen. / Background A large proportion of patients who frequently seek health care suffer from psychophysiologic disorders (MUPS) and somatoform disorders (MUS). Both of these conditions derive from mental illness yet they manifest as physical symptoms. Stress is a psychological phenomenon which is widely spread in our society today. When a person is exposed to stress, a variety of physical reactions commence within our body, due to our survival instinct. In spite of this, a lot of people become physically and mentally ill from stress. When our body is deprived of recovery, there is a higher probability for lack of health and therefore the risk of developing psychophysiologic disorder and somatoform syndromes increases. Aim The purpose of the study was to illuminate patients with psychophysiologic disorders and somatoform disorders and their experiences within the somatic healthcare. Method A literature review has been conducted with an including total of 16 articles. The chosen articles consisted of quantitative or qualitative methods, analyzed according to the integrated analysis method. Results Patients with MUPS/MUS suffer from lack of health and are often referred to various care units without getting the help they need. This leads to further distress with a decreased health experience. Strong emotions such as exclusion, anxiety, shame and fear of lacking health permeate these patients' experiences. The knowledge regarding these conditions are insufficient and no distinct guidelines nor clear treatments exist within the healthcare system. Conclusions The stigmatization regarding mental illness leads to feelings of shame and exclusion for these patients. The lack of knowledge leads to ineffective treatment, which also entails an increased economic burden for the society. The relationship between the body and the soul must not be overlooked. Healthcare professionals need to be educated in the ability to recognize the underlying psychological factors behind the physiological symptoms.


Rosenblom Petersson, Jeanette January 2023 (has links)
Background: The Swedish penal code has viewed self-induced temporary insanity, caused by intoxication, depending on which Sociology of Punishment is currently active. Starting from a lenient view of drug-induced insanity in the Middle Ages towards a harsher penal climate today.  Aims: This thesis aims to investigate how the Courts of Appeals views self-induced temporary insanity. Specifically, the investigation highlights how the courts navigate between the conflicting rationalities governing criminal intent on the one hand and drug abuse on the other. Results: A thematic analysis using NVivo showed that the Court of Appeals verdicts are inconsistent regarding sentencing when addiction is involved. The results also show a lack of knowledge about addiction as an illness within the Court of Appeals and that the courts sentence substance abusers much harder than others with temporary insanity. The thesis concludes that the Rule of Law is at risk when inconsistent verdicts are commonplace.

Att leva med en förälder med psykisk sjukdom : En litteraturöversikt / Living with a parent with mental illness : A literature review

Nour, Mohamed January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykiatriska sjukdomar och tillstånd påverkar miljontals människor världen över och flera av de drabbade är föräldrar. Många föräldrar drabbade av psykisk sjukdom kan ta hand om ett barn, medan andra kan göra situationen värre för barnet. Föräldrarna kan bland annat brista i empati, vilket kan påverka barnets utveckling negativt. Hur påverkad barnet blir beror på hur många riskfaktorer respektive skyddsfaktorer som finns. Därför är det av stor betydelse att öka förståelsen för upplevelserna och omvårdnadsbehoven hos barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barns erfarenheter av att leva med en förälder drabbad av psykisk sjukdom. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med systematisk ansats valdes som metod. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i tre databaser och femton vetenskapliga originalartiklar inkluderades i resultatet. Artiklarna granskades enligt SBU:s kvalitetsgranskningsmall och resultatet analyserades tematiskt. Resultat: Tre huvudteman togs fram; Emotionella problem, Bristande kommunikation och stöd samt upplevelse av hanterbarhet. I de emotionella problemen ingick rädsla, oro, osäkerhet, skuld, och ensamhet. I bristande kommunikation och stöd ingick kommunikation och stöd. I upplevelse av hanterbarhet ingick ansvarstagande och undvikande. Slutsats: Barnen lider av olika emotionella problem, som kan bero på olika faktorer såsom bristande kunskap och information hos barnen, föräldrar och vårdpersonal. Barnen hanterade sina emotionella problem på olika sätt, vilket kunde bero på barnens ålder och mogenhetsgrad. Men ju mindre information de fick desto svårare blev barnens emotionella problem. / Background: Mental illness affects millions of people worldwide and several of those affected are parents. Many who sufferers of mental illness can take care of a child, while others can make the situation worse for the child. The parents can, among other things, lack empathy, which can negatively affect the child's development. How affected the child is depends on how many risk factors and protective factors there are. Therefore, it is of great importance to increase understanding of the experiences and nursing needs of children of parents with mental illness. Aim: The aim was to describe children's experiences of living with a parent affected by a mental illness. Method: A literature review with systematic approach was done. The literature search was conducted in three databases and fifteen original scientific articles were included in the results. The articles were reviewed according to SBU's quality review template and the results were analyzed thematically. Results: Three main themes emerged: Emotional problems, Lack of communication and support and experience of manageability. The emotional problems included fear, worry, uncertainty, guilt, and loneliness. Lack of communication & support included communication and support. The experience of manageability included taking responsibility and avoidance. Conclusion: The children suffer from various emotional problems, which can be due to various factors such as a lack of knowledge and information on the part of the children, parents and healthcare staff. The children dealt with their emotional problems in different ways, which could depend on the children's age and level of maturity. But the less information they received, the worse the emotional problems became.

Biological Functionalism and Mental Disorder

Lee, Hong 12 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Unemployment and Mental Health : A quantitative study / Arbetslöshet och psykisk hälsa : En kvantitativ studie

Davidsson, Natalie January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how unemployed individuals in different gender groups experience and value their mental health.  Method: The paper explores unemployment in relation to the sense of coherence (SOC) theory by Antonovsky (1996), Jahoda's deprivation model (1982) and Marmot’s (2015) discussion on the health gap that exists in society. A survey was used to measure how men and women assess and experience their good mental well-being and mental disorder during their time of unemployment. The statistical software SPSS was used to analyze the data where a Mann-Whitney U test was conducted.  Results: The result showed no statistically significant difference for good mental well-being or mental disorder for unemployed men or women. However, the result showed statistically significant differences with good mental well-being and mental disorder grouped by marital status (single and other), economic stability (yes and no) and for mental disorder grouped by age (above 30 and below 30) for both unemployed men and women.  Conclusion: Although only statistically significant differences were found for both men and women, it cannot be ruled out that men and women valued their mental health and well-being differently. / Syfte: Att undersöka hur arbetslösa kvinnor och män upplever och värderar sin psykiska hälsa. Metod: Uppsatsen utforskade arbetslöshet i relation till teorin för känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) av Antonovsky (1996), Jahodas deprivationsmodell (1982) och Marmots (2015) diskussion om den hälsoklyfta som finns i samhället. En enkät användes för att mäta hur män och kvinnor värderar och upplever gott psykiskt välbefinnande och psykisk påfrestning under sin arbetslöshetstid. Datorprogram för statistisk analys SPSS användes för att analysera data där ett Mann-Whitney U test utfördes. Resultat: Ingen statistiskt säkerställd skillnad påvisades för gott psykiskt välbefinnande eller för psykisk påfrestning för arbetslösa män eller kvinnor. Resultatet påvisade dock statistiskt signifikanta skillnader för gott psykiskt välbefinnande och psykisk påfrestning grupperade efter civilstånd (singel och annan), ekonomisk stabilitet (ja och nej) och för psykisk påfrestning grupperad efter ålder (över 30 och under 30) för både arbetslösa män och kvinnor. Slutsats: Även om endast statistiskt signifikanta skillnader hittades för både män och kvinnor, så kan det inte uteslutas att män och kvinnor värderade sin psykiska hälsa och sitt välbefinnande olika.

Narrative, ethics and severe mental illness.

Baldwin, P. Clive January 2005 (has links)
No / Starting from the premise that people are essentially narrative beings, I argue that the onset of severe mental illness compromises the narrative enterprise of being able to construct one's Self and one's relationships inmeaningful and coherent ways. This is due to both the curtailment of opportunities for narrative engagement and the dispossession of those whose narratives do not conform to the current conceptualization of narrative and narrativity. In these circumstances, supporting the narrative enterprise is an ethical endeavour that requires that we examine not only which narratives we construct, but also how we construct them. This requires a re-thinking of what might constitute narrative and how we might facilitate or enhance the narrativity of people with severe mental illness. Following this, I suggest four means to support the narrativity of people with severe mental illness: through maintaining narrative continuity, maintaining narrative agency, countering master narratives and attention to small stories.

The role of fearful spells as risk factors for panic pathology and other mental disorders

Asselmann, Eva 15 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background. Previous research suggests that individuals experiencing DSM-IV panic attacks (PA) are at increased risk for various forms of psychopathology, including anxiety, depressive and substance use disorders. However, little is known regarding whether the sole occurrence of fearful spells (FS-only; distressing spells of anxiety with less than four panic symptoms and/or lacking crescendo in symptom onset) similarly elevates the risk for subsequent psychopathology and could therefore be promising to identify high-risk groups for targeted preventive interventions. Thus, the current dissertation thesis aims to examine (a) whether FS-only predict incident mental disorders in addition to full-blown PA and whether their associations with subsequent psychopathology differ from those obtained for PA, (b) whether FS-only, PA, and panic disorder (PD) share similar etiologies, (c) which characteristics of initial FS/PA and other risk factors predict a progression to more severe panic pathology and other mental disorders, and (d) whether help-seeking/potential treatment in individuals with panic alters the risk for subsequent psychopathology. Methods. A representative community sample of adolescents and young adults (N=3021, aged 14-24 at baseline) was prospectively followed up in up to three assessment waves over a time period of up to 10 years. FS-only, PA, PD, and other mental disorders were assessed at each assessment wave using the DSM-IV-M-CIDI. Additional modules/questionnaires were used to assess characteristics of initial FS/PA (T1/T2), potential risk factors, and help-seeking/potential treatment. Logistic regressions were applied to test associations (Odds Ratios, OR) of FS-only and PA at baseline with incident mental disorders at follow-up as well as respective interactive effects with help-seeking at baseline. Associations (Hazard Ratios, HR) of putative risk factors with the onset of panic pathology (FS-only, PA, and PD) or the onset of subsequent anxiety/depressive vs. substance use disorders in those with panic pathology (aggregated data across assessment waves) were estimated with Cox regressions. Multinomial logistic regressions were used to test associations of initial FS/PA characteristics (aggregated from T1 and T2) with PA and PD (lifetime incidences aggregated across assessment waves). Results. FS-only at baseline predicted incident anxiety and depressive disorders at follow-up (OR 1.59-4.36), while PA at baseline predicted incident anxiety, depressive, and substance use disorders at follow-up (OR 2.08-8.75; reference group: No FS/PA). Merely any anxiety disorder (OR=3.26) and alcohol abuse/dependence (OR=2.26) were significantly more strongly associated with PA than with FS-only. Female sex, parental anxiety disorders, parental depressive disorders, behavioral inhibition, harm avoidance, lower coping efficacy, and parental rejection predicted FS-only, PA, and PD (HR 1.2-3.0), whereas the associations with other risk factors partially differed for FS-only, PA, and PD and tended to be more pronounced for PA and PD than for FS-only. Alcohol consumption, use of drugs/medication, and physical illness as perceived reasons for the initial FS/PA were associated with the occurrence of full-blown PA (without PD, OR 2.46-5.44), while feelings of anxiety/depression and having always been anxious/nervous as perceived reasons for the initial FS/PA, appraising the initial FS/PA as terrible and long-term irritating/burdensome, subsequent feelings of depression, avoidance of situations/places, and consumption of medication, alcohol, or drugs were associated with the development of PD (OR 2.64-4.15). A longer duration until “feeling okay again” was associated with both PA and PD (OR 1.29-1.63 per category). Moreover, partially different risk constellations in subjects with panic pathology (FS/PA/PD) predicted the onset of subsequent anxiety/depressive vs. substance use disorders. Panic pathology (FS/PA) and help-seeking/potential treatment at baseline interacted on predicting incident PD (OR=0.09) and depression (OR=0.22) at follow-up in a way that panic pathology only predicted these disorders in individuals not seeking help at baseline. Conclusions. Findings suggest that individuals with FS-only are at similar risk of developing subsequent psychopathology compared to individuals with full-blown PA. Specific initial FS/PA characteristics and additional risk factors may be used to identify sub-groups of individuals with panic pathology, which are at particular risk of progressing to more severe panic pathology or other mental disorders and might therefore profit from supplemental outcome-related preventive interventions in addition to panic-specific treatment. Future research may replicate the current findings and test the efficacy of targeted preventive interventions in panickers at elevated risk for PD and other forms of psychopathology. / Theoretischer Hintergrund. Auf Grundlage früherer Forschungsbefunde ist anzunehmen, dass Personen mit DSM-IV-Panikattacken (PA) ein erhöhtes Risiko für zahlreiche psychische Störungen, einschließlich Angst-, depressiver und Substanzstörungen, aufweisen. Unklar ist jedoch, ob das alleinige Auftreten von Fearful Spells (FS-only, Angstanfälle mit weniger als vier Paniksymptomen und/oder fehlendem Crescendo in der Symptomentwicklung) das Risiko für Psychopathologie in ähnlicher Weise erhöht und hilfreich sein könnte, um Hochrisikogruppen für Präventivinterventionen zu identifizieren. Innerhalb der vorliegenden Dissertation wird daher untersucht, (a) ob FS-only zusätzlich zu PA inzidente psychische Störungen vorhersagen und ob sich Unterschiede in den Assoziationen von FS-only vs. PA mit nachfolgender Psychopathologie ergeben, (b) ob FS-only, PA und Panikstörung (PS) ähnliche Ätiologien teilen, (c) welche Merkmale initialer FS/PA und welche anderen Risikofaktoren die Entwicklung schwerer Panikpathologie und weiterer psychischer Störungen vorhersagen und (d) ob Hilfesuchverhalten/potenzielle Behandlung bei Personen mit Panik das Risiko für nachfolgende Psychopathologie verändert. Methodik. Eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsstichprobe Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener (N=3021, 14-24 Jahre zur Baseline-Erhebung) wurde in bis zu drei Erhebungswellen über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 10 Jahren untersucht. FS-only, PA, PS und andere psychische Störungen wurden zu jeder Erhebungswelle mithilfe des DSM-IV-M-CIDI erfasst. Merkmale initialer FS/PA (T1/T2), mögliche Risikofaktoren sowie Hilfesuchverhalten/potenzielle Behandlung wurden mit weiteren Modulen und Fragebögen erhoben. Mithilfe logistischer Regressionen wurden Assoziationen (Odds Ratios, OR) von FS-only und PA zu Baseline mit inzidenten psychischen Störungen zum Follow-Up sowie diesbezügliche Interaktionen mit Hilfesuchverhalten zu Baseline getestet. Zusammenhänge zwischen möglichen Risikofaktoren und dem Auftreten von Panikpathologie (FS-only, PA und PS) bzw. nachfolgender Angst-/depressiver und Substanzstörungen bei Personen mit Panikpathologie (Verwendung von über die Erhebungswellen hinweg aggregierter Daten) wurden mithilfe von Cox-Regressionen geschätzt. Multinomiale logistische Regressionen wurden genutzt, um Assoziationen von Merkmalen initialer FS/PA (aggregiert über T1 und T2) mit PA und PS (über die Erhebungswellen hinweg aggregierte Lebenszeitinzidenzen) zu erfassen. Ergebnisse. FS-only zu Baseline sagten inzidente Angst- und depressive Störungen zum Follow-Up vorher (OR 1.59-4.36), wohingegen PA zu Baseline inzidente Angst-, depressive und Substanzstörungen zum Follow-Up vorhersagten (OR 2.08-8.75; Referenzkategorie: Keine FS/PA). Lediglich irgendeine Angststörung (OR=3.26) und Alkoholmissbrauch/-abhängigkeit (OR=2.26) waren signifikant stärker mit PA als mit FS-only assoziiert. Weibliches Geschlecht, elterliche Angst- und depressive Störungen, Verhaltenshemmung, Schadensvermeidung, geringere Coping-Erwartung und elterliche Zurückweisung sagten FS-only, PA und PS vorher (HR 1.2-3.0), während sich teils unterschiedliche Assoziationen anderer Risikofaktoren mit FS-only, PA und PS ergaben, die tendenziell stärker für PA und PS als für FS-only waren. Alkoholkonsum, Drogen-/Medikamentengebrauch und körperliche Erkrankungen als wahrgenommene Gründe für die initiale FS/PA waren mit dem Auftreten vollständiger PA assoziiert (ohne PS; OR 2.46-5.44), während Gefühle von Angst/Depression und die Einschätzung schon immer ängstlich/nervös gewesen zu sein als wahrgenommene Gründe für die initiale FS/PA, die Bewertung der initialen FS/PA als schrecklich und langfristig verunsichernd/belastend, nachfolgende Gefühle von Niedergeschlagenheit, Vermeidung von Situationen/Orten und Konsum von Medikamenten, Alkohol oder Drogen mit der Entwicklung von PS assoziiert waren (OR 2.64-4.15). Eine längere Dauer bis sich die betroffene Person wieder vollständig in Ordnung fühlte war sowohl mit PA als auch mit PS assoziiert (OR 1.29-1.63 pro Kategorie). Weiterhin sagten teils unterschiedliche Risikokonstellationen bei Personen mit Panikpathologie (FS/PA/PS) die nachfolgende Entstehung von Angst-/depressiven und Substanzstörungen vorher. Panikpathologie (FS/PA) und Hilfesuchverhalten/potenzielle Behandlung zu Baseline interagierten bei der Vorhersage von inzidenter PS (OR=0.09) und Depression (OR=0.22) zum Follow-Up; d.h. das Vorhandensein von Panikpathologie sagte diese Störungen nur bei Personen ohne, nicht aber bei Personen mit Hilfesuchverhalten zu Baseline vorher. Schlussfolgerungen. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse implizieren, dass Personen mit FS-only im Vergleich zu Personen mit vollständigen PA ein ähnliches Risiko für die Entwicklung nachfolgender Psychopathologie aufweisen. Spezifische Merkmale initialer FS/PA und zusätzliche Risikofaktoren könnten zur Identifikation von Sub-Gruppen von Personen mit Panik genutzt werden, die sich durch ein besonderes Risiko für schwergradige Panikpathologie und andere psychische Störungen auszeichnen und demzufolge von Outcome-bezogenen Präventionen (ergänzend zu Panik-spezifischer Intervention) profitieren könnten. Zukünftige Studien sollten die vorliegenden Befunde replizieren und die Effektivität gezielter Präventivinterventionen bei Personen mit erhöhtem Risiko für PS und andere psychische Störungen testen.

Expérience de familles cohabitant avec un proche atteint de trouble mental persistant faisant partie d'un programme de services individualisés (PSI) en Catalogne

Loza Garcia, Montserrat January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

A influência da ingestão de bebida alcoólica e transtornos mentais comuns não psicóticos na pressão arterial dos indígenas Mura / The influence of alcoholic beverages consumption and common mental disorder on arterial blood pressure of the Mura Indigenous

Ferreira, Alaidistânia Aparecida 20 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A hipertensão arterial é de causa multifatorial, envolvendo hábitos de vida e estilos de vida inadequados como o consumo excessivo de bebida alcoólica que propiciam a elevação dos níveis pressóricos. Além disso, os sintomas relacionados ao transtorno mental comum também podem se associar ao estado de saúde, provocando mais danos ao sujeito com hipertensão arterial. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal identificar associação entre a ocorrência de hipertensão arterial com o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e a presença de transtorno mental comum em indígenas das aldeias Muras, residentes em região rural e urbana. Casuística e Métodos: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, com 455 indígenas Mura residentes no município de Autazes, Amazonas, Brasil. Foi aplicada a entrevista semi-estruturada com questões referentes aos dados socioeconômicos e educacionais, hábitos de vida, história clínica, histórico familiar, além dos questionários Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) e Self-Reporting Questonnaire (SRQ-20), para avaliar o consumo de álcool e presença de transtorno mental, respectivamente. A pressão arterial foi medida com aparelho automático de braço validado. Foram realizadas três medidas e usada a média das duas últimas medidas. Realizaram-se ainda, medida do peso, altura, circunferência do pescoço, circunferência da cintura, avaliação de bioimpedância; glicemia, triglicérides e colesterol com medida capilar. Na análise bivariada, foi testada a associação entre hipertensos, separadamente, com os dois desfechos: consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e a presença de transtorno mental comum explorando especialmente, os aspectos relacionados à hipertensão arterial. Foi ajustada a regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, para ambos os desfechos, com modelagem em stepwise backward automatizado, tendo como critério de entrada, p<0,20 e de significância no modelo final, p0,05. Utilizou-se como estimativa, as razões de prevalência e respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (57,8%), com 42,10 (16,74) anos, vivendo com companheiro (74,7%) e cerca de quatro filhos por família, baixo nível de escolaridade Analfabeto/Fundamental incompleto (41,1%) e renda até dois salários mínimos (85,0%). A prevalência de hipertensão arterial foi de 26,6%, tabagismo (20,4%) e ser sedentário/irregularmente ativo (52,8%). O consumo de bebida alcoólica foi de 40,2%, sendo 13,4% classificados como alto risco para dependência alcoólica, e maior na área rural em comparação à urbana (57,3% vs 22,2%) p<0,001. Destacam-se os seguintes aspectos do uso abusivo de álcool: sentimento de culpa/remorso (45,9%); amnésia repentina por não lembrar o ocorrido na noite em que bebeu (31,7%); além de machucar-se ou sentir-se prejudicado por causa da bebida (29,6%); preocupação por parte de parentes, amigos ou profissionais de saúde, que aconselharam o entrevistado a interromper o consumo (51,5%). Não houve associação entre a presença e consumo de bebida alcoólica (23% e 26%). Os indígenas com diagnóstico de hipertensão referida, faziam menos uso de bebida alcoólica (14,2%vs 85,8%, p=0,009), porém nas ocasiões em que bebiam, ingeriam maior quantidade, comparado com os que não referiram hipertensão [55,3(72,2) vs 33,3(62,2) gramas de Etanol p=0,008]. A prevalência de transtorno mental comum foi de 45,7%, com destaque para os seguintes itens: referência de dores de cabeça frequentes (69,5%), sentir-se nervoso, tenso ou preocupado (66,2%), ter se sentido triste ultimamente (56,0%), dormir mal (55,2%) e ter sensações desagradáveis no estômago (42,9%). Além disso, destaca-se que 7,3% referiram ideia de acabar com a própria vida e 4,2% sentiram-se incapazes de desempenhar papel útil. Após análise ajustada a razão de prevalência após análise ajustada (Razão de prevalência, IC-95%), verificou-se associação positiva entre ingestão de bebida alcoólica e sexo masculino (2,72, IC-2,12-3,48), tabagismo (1,29, IC-1,06-1,56) e morar na zona rural (2,09, IC-1,61-2,72). Porém, a ação foi protetora para idade (0,98, IC-0,98-0,99), consumo de alimentos in natura (0,97, IC-0,95-0,99), e ausência de dislipidemias (0,75, IC-0,62-0,9). Entre os que apresentaram transtorno mental comum, a hipertensão arterial identificada esteve presente em 30,3% e o consumo de álcool uma vez ao mês em 22,1%. Após a análise ajustada (Razão de prevalência, IC-95%) verificou-se associação positiva entre o transtorno mental comum e a zona de moradia urbana (1.25, IC-1,02-1,54), não sabia que tinham antecedentes para diabetes (1.56, IC-1,24-1,96) e a ingestão de bebida alcoólica (1.01, IC-1,00-1,02). Porém, foi ação protetora não ter antecedentes pessoais de cardiopatia (0.59, IC-0,48-0,73). Conclusão: Observou-se que a presença de hipertensão arterial, consumo de bebida alcoólica e de transtorno mental comum foram elevados nos indígenas da etnia Mura. Esses achados podem ser decorrentes da aproximação e convivência entre indígenas e não indígenas favorecendo mudanças culturais, especialmente de hábitos e estilos de vida, com aumento do risco de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. / Background: The arterial hypertension has a multifactorial disorder, including unappropriated habits and lifestyle as the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages that may increase the blood pressure. Additionally, the symptoms related to the common mental disorder may be also associated with the health status, producing even more damages to the hypertensive subjects. Thus, this study aimed to identify the association of arterial hypertension occurrence with alcoholic beverages consumption and presence of common mental disorder in Indigenous from Mura villages, who live in rural and urban zones. Casuistic and Methods: Its a cross-sectional investigation, with demographic base, conducted with 455 Mura Indigenous from Autazes, Amazon, Brazil. Through a semi-structured interview, we gathered data about sociodemographic and educational profile, lifestyle, clinical records, family antecedents. In this occasion, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) were applied to assess respectively the alcohol consumption and the presence of common mental disorder. The blood pressure was measured with an arm automatic device, validated for this goal, being three measures taken and, from the two last of them, a mean was obtained. Furthermore, we gathered weight, height, neck circumference, waist circumference, bioimpedance, glycemia, triglycerides and cholesterol, capillary measure for the last ones. In the bivariate analysis, we analyzed the association between hypertensive persons and the both outcomes- the alcohol consumption and the presence of common mental disorder, emphasizing the issues hypertension-related issues. The Poison regression, with robust variance, was adjusted for both outcomes, with a modelling in automatized stepwise backward, being p<0,20 the entrance criteria and p<0,05 the significance level for the final model. As estimative, we used the odds ratios and their respective confidence intervals of 95%. Results: Most were females (57,8%), with mean age of 42,2(16,74) years, living with a partner (74,7%), with about four children per family, poor educational level- Illiterate/Incomplete Basic (41,1%) and income of up two minimum wages (85,0%). 26,6% of the sample had hypertension, 20,4% were smokers and 52,8% were sedentary/irregularly active. Alcohol consumption was of 40,2%, with 13,4% showed high risk for alcohol addiction, and the consumption was higher in rural area in comparison with the urban one (57,3% vs 22,2%) p<0,001. We emphasize the following aspects of alcohol abuse: feeling of guilty and remorse (45,9%); abrupt amnesia for not remembering what happened in the night that they had drunk (31,7%); feeling hurt or impaired due to the drink consumption (29,6%); concerns from relatives, friends or healthcare professionals who advised the interviewed to interrupt the consumption (51,5%). There was not association between presence and alcoholic beverages consumption (23% and 26%). Indigenous diagnosed with referred arterial hypertension drank less alcoholic beverages (14,2%vs 85,8% p=0,009), but, when they drank, they had a larger amount than those with referred hypertension [55,3(72,2) vs 33,3(62,2) grams of Ethanol p=0,008]. The common mental disorder was identified in 45,7% of the individuals, being highlighted the following items: reporting of frequent headaches (69,5%), feeling nervous, anxious or worried (66,2%), feeling sad in the last days (56,0%), sleeping badly (55,2%) and having upset stomach (42,9%). Additionally, 7.3% reported the idea of committing suicide, and 4,2% felt themselves unable to play a useful role. We verified positive association between alcoholic beverage consumption and male gender (2.72, CI-2,12-3,48); smoking (1.29, CI-1.06-1.56); and living in rural area (2.09, CI-1.61-2.72). However, the action was protective for the age (0.98, CI-0,98-0,99), intake of natural foods (0.97, CI-0,95-0,99), and absence of dyslipidemias (0.75, CI-0,62-0,9). Among those diagnosed with common mental disorder, the arterial hypertension was found in 30,3% and the alcohol consumption once a month in 22,1%. We observed a positive association of common mental disorder and: living in the urban area (1.25, CI-1,02-1,54); unknowing the antecedents for diabetes (1.56, CI-1,24-1,96); and the alcohol consumption (1.01,CI-1,00-1,02). However, the absence of personal background of heart diseases was not protective (0.59, CI-0,48-0,73). Conclusion: We observed that the presence of arterial hypertension, alcoholic beverages consumption and common mental disorder were high in the Mura ethnicity. This finding may be explained for the approach and interaction among Indigenous and non-Indigenous, which favors cultural changes, especially in habits and lifestyle, increasing the risk of non-transferable chronic diseases.

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