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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

美國聯邦政府施行功績俸制度之研究 / Merit Pay System in the Federal Government

劉寶珠, Liu, Pao Chu Unknown Date (has links)
薪俸制度的良窳,不僅影響優秀人才的延攬和保持,更與人員士氣和績效的提升有密切相關。因此,美國聯邦政府師法民營企業實施績效薪俸(Pay for Performance)制度之成效,於一九七八年文官改革法,針對一般俸表第十三至十五職等的管理人員與監督人員創設功績俸制度(MPS),摒棄過去自動晉俸的調整薪俸方式,改依工作績效決定加薪數額,期能激勵人員士氣與績效,進而提昇組織生產力。   本論文旨在探討美國聯邦政府施行功績俸制度之情形,採取文獻分析法,首先檢視支持與反對功績俸制度的相關理論,其次針對美國聯邦政府實施功績俸制度之過程和內容,作一有系統的介紹,並綜理其施行結果,檢討其成敗關鍵,進而說明有效實施該制的要件。   本研究結果發現,功績俸制度和其後在一九八四年改革之績效管理與獎賞制度(PMRS)所強調的「依功論酬」概念頗佳,也得到員工的支持,但是大部分的實際研究均指出,兩制並未能達成改進組織生產力的目標。績效評估的困難與基金不足的問題,乃是影響制度成敗的兩大關鍵因素。值得一提的是,儘管一連串的功績俸計畫成效不佳,但是聯邦政府仍不願放棄該一理念,反而積極檢討將該制擴大的可能性。   最後,除了對功績俸制度提出改進建議外,並探討該制在我國政府機關的適用性問題,以及歸納政府機關施行績效薪俸制度之原則以供參考。

中共公職幹部人事制度改革之研究(1987-1994)-兼論其「國家公務員」制度之建立與發展 / Research on Reformation of Personnel System for Public Cadres of The People''s Replic of China (1987-1994) with Establishment and Evolution of It''s "Civil Service" System

洪雲霖, Hung,Yun-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文系以中共所謂「建國」以來,所事實統治之中國大陸為研究地區,其自課為一「社會主義國家」,並將國家工作人員統稱為幹部,涵蓋黨、政、軍、群、企、事等各部門,此等幹部管理迥異一般民主國家,不僅概念籠統,而且缺乏科學分類,自文革後其黨十一屆三中全會(一九七八年)決定推動改革開放政策以來,幹部體制為應需要而不斷調整,尤其自黨十三大(一九八七年)確立推行國家公務員制度,並將其行政部門人員分離出來,嗣後不斷研議相關法規,而黨十四大則決定加速推行此種制度,一九九三年八月因其國務院發布「國家公務員暫行條例」的總體性法規,業已確定其幹部邁向現代化的競爭實績、科學管理取向,稚在總結經驗,配合實際管理需要而作調整之外,意識形態,黨政關係仍然貫穿整個管理體制及運作之中;因此,本文為便於分析,幾經斟酌,乃以其黨十三大以來的國家行政機關工作人員(不含工勤人員)為分析對象(中共過去因概念含混,是以本文仍以幹部稱之)。 全文共分七章,二十二節,其實容要旨如次: 第一章「緒論」,說明研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法,並就一般性了解,提出研究架構、假設與限制,同時對本研究重要概念予以界定與區分,以為本文探討之準據。 第二章「中共幹部制度之發展與改革」,說明中共體制現代化與理性,意識形態的關係,牌瞭解改革之特殊性,其次再析述其幹部建構理念與制度發展,以及改革背景與發展要求格局,然後再就改革運作原則,國家公務員制度之建立過程、取向加以敘述,以掌握改革動態。 第三章「人事管理體制宏觀分析」,就中共幹部管理體制而言,其宏觀層次的人事體制傳統與現行模式架構予以解析,次就其管理機構等設置及其原則,監察管理予以析述,然後再就人員的行為規範之權利義務,迴避、申訴控告等予以解析,牌期瞭解其體制總體運作。 第四章「人力引進與調節」,政府體系運作涉及人力配置、運用,中共隨改革發展、計畫體制走向市場經濟而變革,茲就其法規等歸納,得知其人力甄補的考試錄用、人員任免,以及人力流動的升降遷調與交流等制度設計,特再述明並分析其人力培訓發展之情勢。 第五章「人員少勵與維護」,激勵維護措施,在維護現有人力運作暨未來人力投入之誘因,經由考核獎懲汰劣獎優,確保工作品質與人力素質,而以工資福利維持其生活與地位,並激發工作意願(勞動積極性),而退離辭卸則促使人力有效代謝與雙向交流。 第六章「幹部體系轉化的檢視與調適」,經由前述各章分析,總結其幹部改革戰略與檢視發展走向,並先釐出其改革議題,再研析發展模式與中國特色,牌期瞭解國家公務員制度發展建構;然後再分析其改革論爭、具體問題,並說明其改革調適與影響。 第七章「結論」,就前述各章所發現問題及獲致之研究結論,參照本論文研究架構與假設,提出研究發現與發展評估,並說明其高制改革之發展前景。

The Motivators that Contribute to the Migration of African American Educators from Suburban School Districts to Urban School Districts

McGary, Ostrova Dewayne 2012 May 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the perceived motivators contributing African American educators' decision to migrate from a suburban school district to an urban school district. The case study approach was used in an effort to capture the participants' voices and the motivators contributing to their decision to migrate to an urban school district after working as an educator in a suburban school district. The findings from this study will contribute to the existing body of literature by providing national policy makers, state policy makers, local school leaders and school district personnel information to create national, state, and local policy initiatives regarding African American educator personnel. The seven informants in this study were members of a large metropolitan area in the state of Texas and the suburban school districts bordering that metropolitan area. Since the enactment of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (2001), the achievement gap has been discussed and studied. However, few studies have investigated African American educator migration from suburban school districts to urban school districts and the strategies used by African American educators to close the achievement gap for African American students who attend those suburban schools left void of African American educators. The interpretational analysis process selected was based on Glaser and Strauss' constant comparative approach to analysis. The constant comparative data analysis generated five major themes of the motivators contributing to African American educator migration: (1) educators migrated to become social change agents, (2) educators migrated for growth opportunities, (3) educators migrated for financial increases, (4) educators migrated due to workplace relationships, and (5) educators migrated due to their perceptions and experiences in their suburban school district. My findings, based on the context of these seven African American educators, suggest that while the school district as an institution is not responsible or accountable for the African American educators migration, it can provide systems of support and initiatives for African America educators to assist them in overcoming the motivators inside of the school walls that contribute to their decision to leave.

What Does It Take To Motivate Better Performance and Productivity in the Federal Workplace? Ask the Employees.

Frank, Sue Ann 07 May 2011 (has links)
The federal government is often criticized for performance that fails to meet the public's expectations. Its traditional pay system receives much of the blame for rewarding seniority instead of performance. While everyone agrees that performance matters, they don't always agree on the best way to improve it. My research investigates human resource management strategies designed to motivate better performance and productivity. Specifically, I examine the credibility and feasibility of implementing pay for performance throughout the federal government and identify ways that managers can promote greater productivity through human capital investment. I conduct an extensive review of work motivation theories and synthesize findings from previous academic and government studies in order to develop models that are tailored to the federal workplace. I test these models using federal survey data from the Merit Principles Surveys of 2000 and 2005. A variety of attitudes, perceptions, expectations, and work environment factors are expected to influence job performance. Findings reveal that pay for performance belief and success are greatly affected by performance management, fair treatment in all personnel matters, supervisory fairness in decision-making, and organizational culture. Further results indicate that managers can markedly improve productivity by ensuring employees are highly engaged in their work, delivering effective performance management, providing a supportive organizational culture, and giving employees adequate resources and training. With federal agencies constantly striving to improve performance and productivity, these findings have practical implications for government as they suggest ways that public managers can achieve better performance and greater productivity through increased work motivation.

Meritpoäng eller skoj? : en undersökning om meritpoängens konsekvenser för ämnet moderna språk och framtiden

Järlborn, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this C-essay is to answer the question: What have been the consequences and effects of the merit point system on language studies and the parties concerned (teachers, students and principals) during the school year of 2010/11? The merit point system is the result of a political decision and was implicated for the first time in the Swedish upper secondary school during the school year 2010/2011. Being a completely new phenomenon it is of great interest and importance to study its effects. The study in this essay also aims to verify, falsify or nullify two hypotheses very often referred to in the political discussions regarding the merit point system: The merit point system will replace affection and interest as main reasons for language studies in upper secondary school and cause a rectification amongst the students choices of additional courses. The merit point system will have a segregating effect upon society and make it harder for people to rise in society through education in the future. A verification of these hypotheses would imply the appearance of an increased rectification amongst students as well as an orientation towards an in the future more segregated society. The empiric material has been collected and examined with qualitative as well as quantitative methods (questionnaires and interviews) and belongs epistemologically to the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions.

What does it take to motivate better performance and productivity in the federal workplace? ask the employees.

Frank, Sue Ann 29 March 2011 (has links)
The federal government is often criticized for performance that fails to meet the public's expectations. Its traditional pay system receives much of the blame for rewarding seniority instead of performance. While everyone agrees that performance matters, they don't always agree on the best way to improve it. My research investigates human resource management strategies designed to motivate better performance and productivity. Specifically, I examine the credibility and feasibility of implementing pay for performance throughout the federal government and identify ways that managers can promote greater productivity through human capital investment. I conduct an extensive review of work motivation theories and synthesize findings from previous academic and government studies in order to develop models that are tailored to the federal workplace. I test these models using federal survey data from the Merit Principles Surveys of 2000 and 2005. A variety of attitudes, perceptions, expectations, and work environment factors are expected to influence job performance. Findings reveal that pay for performance belief and success are greatly affected by performance management, fair treatment in all personnel matters, supervisory fairness in decision-making, and organizational culture. Further results indicate that managers can markedly improve productivity by ensuring employees are highly engaged in their work, delivering effective performance management, providing a supportive organizational culture, and giving employees adequate resources and training. With federal agencies constantly striving to improve performance and productivity, these findings have practical implications for government as they suggest ways that public managers can achieve better performance and greater productivity through increased work motivation.

Ableitung der Wirtschaftlichkeitskoeffizienten und optimalen Indexgewichte des Gesamtzuchtwertes für die deutschen Milch- und Zweinutzungsrassen unter Berücksichtigung aktueller und erwarteter zukünftiger Rahmenbedingungen / Economic values and index weights for German and Austrian dairy cattle under current and expected future conditions

Lind, Bianca 19 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Delimitation of the Non-Fixed Indefinite Worker of Public Administrations in Spain / Delimitación del Trabajador Indefinido no Fijo de las Administraciones Públicas en España

Gorelli Hernández, Juan 10 April 2018 (has links)
With this study the status of “non-fixed indefinite” in the service of the government workers is analyzed. The “no permanent fixed” are those workers who although initially had a temporary contract with an administration, it has become indefinite due to irregularities thereof. Analyze how Spanish jurisprudence has tried to strike a balance between labor interests (of job security) and public (the constitutional principles of equality, merit and ability in access to public service). / Con este estudio, se analiza la situación jurídica de los trabajadores “indefinidos no fijos” al servicio de las Administraciones Públicas, es decir, aquellos que si bien, inicialmente, tenían un contrato de carácter temporal, éste se ha convertido en indefinido como consecuencia de las irregularidades del mismo. Analizaremos, cómo la jurisprudencia española ha intentado establecer un cierto equilibrio entre los intereses laborales (de estabilidad en el empleo) y los públicos (los principios constitucionales de igualdad, mérito y capacidad en el acceso a la función pública).

Les tsha tsha du monde tibétain : études de la production, de l’iconographie et des styles des moulages et estampages bouddhiques / Tsha tshas of the Tibetan world : Studies of the production, iconography and styles of Buddhist mouldings and stampings

Namgyal-lama, Kunsang 16 December 2013 (has links)
Objets très communs dans l’aire de culture tibétaine, les tsha tsha, fabriqués à l’aide de moules, sont des images en argile figurant des stūpa, des divinités bouddhiques, des personnages historiques, ainsi que des inscriptions. Leur fabrication est avant tout considérée comme une pratique religieuse visant à générer des mérites mais aussi à purifier les actions négatives. Réalisés en masse, ils constituent des témoignages fidèles et mésestimés des développements iconographiques et stylistiques qui ont marqués l’art bouddhique tibétain au fil des siècles. En l’absence d’études antérieures, un travail de recensement systématique des matériaux relatifs aux tsha tsha a fait apparaître une richesse documentaire insoupçonnée susceptible d’éclairer non seulement l’histoire de l’art tibétain, mais également certains aspects relevant de l’anthropologie religieuse, de la philologie, ou encore de la paléographie. Dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous avons privilégié une démarche globalisante prenant en considération l’ensemble des données disponibles en procédant conjointement à l’étude d’un très large corpus de pièces sélectionnées, à celle de la littérature afférente, et aux observations de terrain. Dans cette perspective, nous avons envisagé l’étude des tsha tsha sous divers angles: l’origine et l’histoire de la diffusion de cette pratique au Tibet, la terminologie relative à ces objets, les techniques de fabrication, les usages, l’iconographie, les styles et enfin les inscriptions présentes à leur surface ou introduites. Cette approche nous a permis de révéler finement l’ampleur et les développements que cette pratique bouddhique d’origine indienne a connu dans le monde tibétain. / Very commonplace in the Tibetan world, tsha tshas are clay impressions produced from a mould depicting, either in relief or moulded in the round, stūpas, Buddhist deities, historical figures and inscriptions. Making them is essentially considered to be a religious practice intended to generate and accumulate merit but also to purify negative deeds and obscurations. Produced in mass and generally preserved inside sealed edifices, tsha tshas are true yet underrated evidence of the iconographic and stylistic developments that have marked Tibetan Buddhist art over the centuries. In the absence of any previous studies, the task of establishing a systematic inventory of sources related to tsha tshas revealed an unsuspected wealth of material for elucidating not only the history of Tibetan art, but also some aspects of religious anthropology, philology, or paleography. In this doctoral research, we favored a globalizing approach that takes into account all the available data by studying a very large corpus of selected pieces, of the literature related to the tsha tshas, as well as field observations. In this context, we considered the study of tsha tshas from different angles: the origin and history of how this practice spread through Tibet, the terminology for these objects, the techniques for making them, their uses, iconography, styles and finally the inscriptions that are found on their surface or inside them. This approach has allowed us to explain more accurately the true extent of this Buddhist practice of Indian origin and the developments it has undergone in the Tibetan world since its introduction in about the 8th-9th centuries to the present day.

Reforma educacional neoliberal: uma análise política da concessão de bônus-mérto do governo José Serra (2007-2010) aos professores da rede estadual paulista

Loureiro, Bráulio Roberto de Castro [UNESP] 04 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-02-04Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:30:50Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 loureiro_brc_me_mar.pdf: 705079 bytes, checksum: d2d37e72e7a846d634b22f8d631d359f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a política de concessão de bônus do governo José Serra (2007-2010) aos professores da rede pública estadual de ensino e suas implicações no trabalho docente e na educação paulista. Para isto, a partir de fontes documentais e análise de legislação, examinamos o Decreto 52.719/08 do governo José Serra, que regulamentou e definiu critérios para a concessão de bônus aos integrantes do quadro do magistério paulista. Também produzimos revisão bibliográfica a respeito da reforma educacional neoliberal paulista, da influência do Banco Mundial na educação dos países periféricos e das definições sobre o neoliberalismo. Procuramos, com isso, analisar o bônus-mérito pago aos professores a partir de uma totalidade política, estabelecendo relações entre o Decreto 52.719/08 e as múltiplas dimensões nas quais este se insere. A partir da década de 1990, a educação paulista passou por um processo de racionalização com objetivos de redução de gastos e gestão eficiente do sistema educacional; uma reforma de caráter neoliberal que estaria se intensificando no atual governo José Serra. Entendemos que o Decreto 52.719/08, além de responder a esse contexto de reforma educacional, representa um mecanismo garantidor das demais políticas educacionais vigentes, já que entre os critérios para o recebimento do bônus, além da assiduidade do docente, está o bom desempenho das escolas nos índices e avaliações do Estado de São Paulo. Portanto, analisamos o Decreto 52.719/08 compreendendo-o como uma política educacional que extrapola um aparentemente simples instrumento de remuneração adicional de professores. / This study aims to analyze the granting of bonus of the José Serra administration (2007-2010) to teachers in public schools of São Paulo and its implications in teaching and for education. For this, from the use of documentary sources and analysis of legislation, examine the Decree 52.719/08 of Jose Serra, which regulates and defines criteria to the granting of bonus of the teachers. Furthermore, produce a literature review about neoliberal educational reform in São Paulo, about the influence of the World Bank in education in peripheral countries and about definitions of neoliberalism. Intend to analyze the granting of bonus from an entire political, establishing relations between the Decree 52.719/08 and the multiple dimensions in which it falls. From the 1990s, education from São Paulo went through a rationalization process of education with goals of cost reduction and efficient management of the educational system; a neoliberal educational reform that would be intensified in the current government. We understand that the Decree 52.719/08, beyond to respond to this context of educational reform, represents a mechanism guarantor of current educational policies. Among the criteria for receiving the bonus, beyond the teacher's attendance, are the good performance of schools and students in the assessments of the state of Sao Paulo. Therefore, we intend to examine the Decree 52.719/08 understanding it as an educational policy that goes beyond a seemingly simple instrument of additional remuneration of teachers.

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