Spelling suggestions: "subject:"minimalism"" "subject:"minimalismo""
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Rimlig eller radikal rensning? : En retorisk topikanalys av minimalismdebattenAndersson, Elvira January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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DUOHOBBS, KLARA January 2013 (has links)
This report deals with the definition and meaning of garment. It explores how the meaning of a garment alters depending on how it is worn. Is the meaning of an garment somhow in the garment itself? By searching for new expressions in clothing by eliminat- ing parts and giving other a new purpose, the aim is to explore the aesthetic potential that occurs when two garment’s are incorporated. This is dealt with through a method that discusses the definition of an artefact. From a minimalistic point of view the es- sence of garments is explored through revealing what is underneath and exemplifying how the garments interact or affect each other. Through experiments I studied how to incorporate two garments in an natural and unforced manner. To find perfect balance in imbalance. As a conclution of my work i discovered that to create balance between two garments was to use the details discreatly and to focus on the small things. However I realised that the “perfect“ balance was not the aim i was striving for. Questions that has been discussed is how much does a garment need to be recognisable and how much does a detail need to be visable. As a method I see this as the starting point and there is more to be explored and developed. / Program: Modedesignutbildningen
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Analytical explorations of creative interaction and collaborative process through composition, rehearsal and performance : a composer-composer case study of acoustic music with live electronicsWilliams, James Benjamin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores both the creative process and the creative product behind a unique and complex collaboration between two composers, called Endings (2012): firstly Jeremy Peyton Jones and secondly Kaffe Matthews. It interrogates the behavioural aspects and negotiations between the two composers in the compositional and rehearsal processes, in the run-up to three performances. Using ethnomusicological methodologies towards data collection (rehearsal recordings, interviews, studio work) and analysis (discourse in compositional discussion, rehearsal), the thesis offers new understandings on collaboration, specifically the fluidity and complexity of the interaction between composers who work in two very different ways: Peyton Jones, who composes with scored, conventional notation, rehearsing with his ensemble Regular Music II; and Matthews, who works improvisationally with live electronics and electroacoustics, both with her surrounding sonic material and pre-existing samples. The thesis finds two core important conclusions, which contribute to our current knowledge and understanding of music and collaboration. Firstly, pre-existing models of collaboration segregate behaviours into ‘types’. Endings offers an example where such types cannot always be applied so exclusively. And secondly, collaboration in the rehearsal of Endings contradicts conventional rehearsal models which state talking should be kept to a minimum. The majority of the collaborative process between Peyton Jones and Matthews rests heavily on conversation.
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Hermenêutica institucional, supremacia judicial e democracia / Institutional interpretation, judicial supremacy and democracyAlexandre Garrido da Silva 08 July 2011 (has links)
A presente tese pretende estudar dois modelos de função judicial o perfeccionismo (perfectionism) e o minimalismo (minimalism) judicial delineados por Cass Sunstein, destacando os seus fundamentos filosóficos, suas principais teses hermenêuticas, suas limitações decisórias e suas contribuições para o desenho institucional das relações entre os Poderes de Estado. O presente trabalho desenvolverá, neste sentido, duas perspectivas fundamentais, que são complementares, para o estudo das relações entre o constitucionalismo e a democracia nos sistemas político-jurídicos contemporâneos: em primeiro lugar, uma perspectiva hermenêutica, cuja preocupação reside, sobretudo, na sistematização das principais teses de cada um dos dois modelos no tocante à interpretação do texto constitucional. Em segundo lugar, será realizada uma abordagem institucionalista sobre as possíveis alternativas ao protagonismo do Supremo Tribunal Federal em termos de sua atuação como última instância na definição do significado dos dispositivos constitucionais. Para tanto, serão analisados, com apoio em um estudo comparativo, propostas de diálogo institucional que podem ser fomentadas a partir de uma visão minimalista de moderação judicial que contrasta, por sua vez, com a defesa hegemônica de uma atuação institucional ativista das cortes constitucionais na atualidade. Por último, com apoio nos modelos de função judicial delineados, será elaborada uma análise crítica da atividade jurisdicional dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal com fundamento no exame da argumentação empreendida em seus votos em casos constitucionais difíceis de grande repercussão política, moral e social. / The present thesis intends to study two models of judicial function perfectionism and judicial minimalism delineated by Cass Sunstein, emphasizing their philosophical foundations, their main hermeneutical theories, their decisional limitations and contributions for the institutional design of the relations among the Powers of State. The work in question will develop, in this sense, two fundamental perspectives, that are complementary for the study of the relationships between constitutionalism and democracy in the contemporary political-juridical systems: in first place, an hermeneutical perspective, whose concern resides, above all, in the systemization of the main theories of each one of the two models concerning the interpretation of the constitutional text. In second place, an institutionalist approach will be attempted on the possible alternatives to the protagonism of the Federal Supreme Court in terms of its performance as "last instance" in the definition of the meaning of the constitutional devices. Therefore, proposals of "institutional dialogue" will be analyzed, with support in a comparative study, that can be fomented from a minimalist point of view of judicial moderation that contrasts with the hegemonic defense of an "activist" institutional performance of the constitutional courts at the present time. Lastly, with support in the delineated models of judicial function, a critical analysis of the jurisdictional activity of the ministers of the Federal Supreme Court will be elaborated based in the exam of the argument undertaken in their votes in constitutional hard cases of great political, moral and social repercussion.
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Portfolio of compositionsGiannotti, Matthew Scott January 2018 (has links)
The overall aim of this portfolio was to develop an understanding of how music fits socially, historically, and technically into the landscape of 21st century culture. The aims of the portfolio were to explore static harmony (resonance), statistically similar melodic sequences, electronic drones, rhythmic development (cycles), melodic development, and non-linear textures. A compositional process turned personal journey became the driving energy for these works, and one can see a clear development, as each piece is built on the findings of previous ones. The musical language became more sophisticated as a result of both these new techniques as well as interactions with other collaborators (including musicians, dancers, scientists, visual artists, and programmers). Each of the technical aims was developed throughout the creation of the portfolio. These are among the techniques which helped shape late 20th century music, with the goal of joining some of them together in new and aesthetically pleasing ways. Early on, there was a shift in the way they were applied, especially creating resonance, which was first done with acoustic instruments and then electronic drones. The repetition and rhythmic cycles also developed by using transition matrices from a Markov Chain process to create 'melody rhythms' (discussed more in Sequence). Pieces like Lost in Space and Smoke of Freedom were written by combining all of these techniques together in a fusion of static harmony, rhythmic cycles, and expressive melodies. I also had a social motivation when writing these works. For example, Wind Gust 42058 uses the trend of 'data is the new gold' by giving the audience a meaningful way to 'experience the data'. Also, Smoke of Freedom tells the story from the perspective of a man who is oppressed in China, not dissimilar from the four Hong Kong book sellers who were taken away by Chinese authorities for 'selling restricted books'. When this occurred in 2015, a lot of people were thinking of leaving the city in search of a more open society, and Smoke of Freedom follows the story of a man who does exactly that, leaving everything behind in search of a better life. The Answered Hymn is a unique piece in that it was performed at Westminster Abbey and St. Martin-in-the-Fields for special services celebrating the 500th anniversary of Lutheranism. The performances brought together 12 different choirs from around the world, each singing in their own language, and, in a 'Post-Brexit' United Kingdom, aimed to bring together themes of multi-nationalism and peace. The musical language developed during the course of this portfolio shows how musical technique can fit into and comment on the social, technological, and historical landscape of 21st century culture.
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O federalismo sanitário como novo paradigma para determinação da responsabilidade dos entes federados em saúdeCavalheiro, Andressa Fracaro January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho ambiciona compreender a origem e o funcionamento do sistema de prestação de serviços de saúde a todos os brasileiros sem distinção, e, para tanto, esmiúça as origens a partir do qual sua organização se ergueu. São estudadas as formas de federalismo existentes desde o seu surgimento no Estado Moderno, e o desenvolvimento das limitações aos poderes centrais e dos entes federados, com ênfase na maneira sob as quais as responsabilidades foram e são divididas ou compartilhadas, bem assim como a maneira pelas quais suas balizas foram estabelecidas e modificadas no decorrer do tempo. O direito à saúde no Brasil é colocado no centro do debate e as formas como foi exercido, bem assim como as suas deficiências, foram todas observadas durante a investigação do processo que originou a criação de um formato inédito, amplamente respaldado pela participação popular. Esta legitimidade impressa ao que se denomina Direito Sanitário foi de crucial relevância para o enfrentamento do federalismo sob o prisma do direito à saúde, que se denomina atualmente federalismo sanitário, e é referência para a compreensão das políticas públicas que sucederam sua construção e exercício efetivo. A partir daí, foi possível proceder na avaliação da divisão das responsabilidades entre os integrantes do sistema, a forma de efetivação da divisão, sua vinculação estrita ao sistema federativo e aferir sobre a pertinência de que o federalismo sanitário seja reconhecido como a forma de responsabilização compartilhada nos termos em que o sistema único de saúde foi estruturado. Diante da conclusão a que se chegou, são apreciadas as decisões proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Por fim, são avaliadas de modo a que se conclua pela tese construída, que rechaça a responsabilização solidária da forma como compreendida pelo STF, por não se harmonizar com a estrutura federativa estabelecida para cumprimento do dever de assistência à saúde pelo Estado Brasileiro. / This work aims to understand the origin and functioning of the provision of health care system to all Brazilians without distinction, and, therefore, deeply analyzes the sources from which its organization arose. Existing forms of federalism are studied since its emergence in the Modern State, and the development of limitations to the central authorities and federal agencies, emphasizing the way in which the responsibilities were and are divided or shared, as well as the way the that their beacons have been established and modified over time. The entitlement to health in Brazil is placed in the center of the debate and the ways in which it was exercised, as well as its shortcomings were all observed during the investigation of the process that led to the creation of an unprecedented format, widely supported by popular participation. This printed legitimacy to what is called Health Law was of crucial importance to face the federalism through the prism of the right to health, which is now called health federalism, and is a reference to the comprehension of public policies that followed its construction and effective exercise. From there, it was possible to proceed in assessing the division of responsibilities between system integrators, how to effect the division, their strict adherence to the federal system and check on relevance of the health federalism is recognized as a form of shared accountability in terms in the unified health system was structured. Before the conclusion arrived at, they are appreciated judgments given by the Supreme Court. Finally, are evaluated so that it is determined by the built thesis, which rejects the joint accountability of how understood by the Supreme Court, by not harmonize with the federal structure established to comply with the health care obligation by Brazil.
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Glaze Exploration via Nostalgic LocationsWilliams, Robert A. 01 November 2018 (has links)
In my art practice, collecting materials from personally significant locations has become a way to subtly reconnect people with places, nature, natural materials and processes. I produce well-made objects, with the end goal of allowing the viewer to feel and interact with traditional forms of beauty through craft, which is increasingly rare in our mechanized world. Raw materials are a direct link to nature and earth, a link which people in general can benefit from in essential ways. The processes of collecting and using naturally occurring materials to form links between objects and places resembles human relationships, and the connections between places, things, and people set the stage for the performance of beauty.
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Minimalism och pop : Pop-produktioner inspirerade av Steve Reich / Minimalism and pop : Pop productions inspired by Steve ReichEngdahl, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Det här är ett konstnärligt arbete som handlar om att producera popmusik influerad av Steve Reichs minimalistiska verk. Det inleddes med en analys av de musikaliska parametrarna harmonik, rytmik och klangfärg i tre av Reichs verk. Med resultatet från analysen som mall skapades sedan nya produktioner till tre poplåtar. Poplåtarna skrevs av författaren innan starten för detta arbete. Resultaten blev av varierande kvalitet. I vissa fall upplevde författaren att det mest lät som att man lyssnade på två låtar samtidigt. När författaren tog egna initiativ och lät ljudbilderna smälta samman mer upplevde han dock att resultatet blev bättre. I de fallen påstår han att musiken blev någonting mer än bara honom själv + Reich, den blev någonting nytt och helt unikt!
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A Familiar HouseLenard, William 01 January 2018 (has links)
The landscapes of my home in Connecticut are important to me. When I was young, I went to the woods for seclusion and comfort. While I wandered through the woods, I discovered a passion for storytelling. Now that I no longer live in New England, I miss the familiar landscapes of home. As a way to portray my sentiment, I write poetic narratives and create objects to illustrate natural landscapes.
I combine my interests of classic Americana art and literature with brutalist architecture and modern furniture to create immersive installations. I work with concrete and hardwood to materially bridge the unnatural with the natural.
A Familiar House is an installation consisting of a concrete jail cell, cathedral windows made of denim and a poetry chapbook. This work stems from my incarcerated brother’s longing to be home. I depict my brother’s prison in the American West through concrete walls and portray our New England home with poetry. A Familiar House represents the desire for the familiar while confined in an isolated landscape.
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The syntax-information structure interface: subjects and clausal word order in GalicianGupton, Timothy Michael 01 May 2010 (has links)
Previous accounts of preverbal subjects in Spanish and European Portuguese (EP) in the literature have debated the syntactic position of these elements. According to some analyses, preverbal subjects are canonical arguments appearing in an A-position (e.g. Goodall 2001, 2002; Suñer 2003 for Spanish; Duarte 1997; Costa 2004 for EP). Other analyses propose that preverbal subjects are non-arguments appearing in a left-peripheral - perhaps CLLD - A'-position (e.g. Uribe-Etxebarria 1990, 1995; Ordóñez & Treviño 1999 for Spanish; Barbosa 1996, 2000 for EP). Although Galician is an ideal language for insight on this debate due to linguistic ties with EP and political ties with Spain, Gupton (2006) obtained inconclusive results regarding the status of preverbal subjects in Galician.
As the literature on Galician lacks descriptions of preferred word orders according to discourse context, I collected quantitative and qualitative experimental data to describe the syntax-information structure interface in Galician. The vast majority of speakers of this minority language are Spanish-Galician bilinguals with (self-reported) high levels of competency in both languages. This is of relevance because a variety of bilinguals, including heritage speakers, attrited L1 speakers, and those who have been claimed to have incompletely acquired the heritage language have been shown to exhibit instability and optionality at the linguistic interfaces, in particular at the syntax-discourse pragmatics interface (e.g. Hulk & Müller 2000; Sorace 2005 among numerous others), which is the subject of investigation in this dissertation. The data collected indicate a marked preference for SVO in a wide variety of discourse contexts, a preference that differs from those claimed to apply in similar contexts in Spanish (e.g. Ordóñez 1997, Zubizarreta 1998, Casielles 2004).
Assuming that the presence of clitics implies the projection of f (Raposo & Uriagereka 2005) and the extension of the preverbal field into the left periphery, the cliticization data gathered for Galician in main clauses, subordinate clauses and recomplementation contexts suggest a number of preverbal positions in which preverbal subjects, affective phrases, and Topic elements may appear, one of which I suggest is Spec, DoubledFceP, following Martín-González (2002), but with proposed modifications. The data also suggest necessary modifications for López's (2009) syntax-information structure interface proposal in Romance, which suggests a reduced, syncretic left-peripheral position (Spec, FinP) in which CLLD Topics, wh- elements, and Fronted Focus elements appear and are assigned [+c] (contrastive) by the Pragmatics module. Within the preverbal architecture I propose, preverbal subjects and other left-peripheral elements coincide, but in a variety of syntactic positions. Therefore, for pragmatic feature assignment to successfully assign [+c], Pragmatics must distinguish between preverbal subjects and other left-peripheral phrases.
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