Spelling suggestions: "subject:"minimalism"" "subject:"minimalismo""
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Minimalist design for children’s gamesBränström, Niclas January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this report is to see whether the graphic design of a game influences children’s will to play games. I am especially looking at minimalist graphic design and how well it works for a game aimed at children age 7-9. Does the style of the game design have any impact at all concerning the children’s wish to play the game or is the game mechanic all that matters. The final results concluded that although the graphic design plays a part in the children’s willingness to play the game the game mechanics are by far the biggest factor in whether children will play the game or not.
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Music of creation: exploring novel harmonic organization in choral music of the 21st centuryGracy, Thomas 22 January 2025 (has links)
2025 / A novel harmonic language has emerged within certain choral works of the 21st century that is symptomatic of a more post-structuralist interpretation of musical form and tonal direction. Works by Composers Ola Gjeilo and Frank Ticheli have been canonized in repertoires of professional and amateur choirs alike, sought after for their unique color and impactful performances. Compositions of this style are common in their aim to project topics such as peace, transcendence, and metamorphosis, but are unique to the choral genre in its structural manifestation of such. These works have, in their most characteristic parts, moved beyond the conventional teleological organization of tonal harmonies, and towards a phenomenological process that, while remaining largely triadic, ambiguates function and turns attention towards the moment and away from any harmonic end goal. A unique harmonic and syntactic organization is observed in which clear direction and thematic statements are most actualized within the center of the work, surrounded by sections of an ambient, teleologically indeterminate nature, thus inverting the traditional paradigm of stability within a tonal work. As the compositions become less harmonically ambiguous and more directed, these composers create and utilize dominant and subdominant functional implications to set up tonal expectations, then subvert these implications through unexpected means. Consequently, middleground structures evolve phenomenologically, leading the listener to shift their attention away from the functional and teleological aspects of harmony, and toward entraining solely to the euphony of the music. Important attributes of the style include the mixture of smooth voice-leading progressions with classically tonal phrase structures, a seemingly wandering sense of tonal centricity projected through overall downward contour, and the prioritization of subdominant cadences.
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Det cykliska : The cyclic / The cyclicRingeborn, Ulrika January 2012 (has links)
In this essay I analyze the way my collection of poetry relates to the concept cyclic. What is cyclic and what different interpretations are there concerning the concept? Which other related concepts are there regarding things that seem to reoccur regularly? How does the cyclical, the circular, relate to the linear in regard, for example, to the perception of time? Life often creates the sense that different phenomena and experiences repeat themselves. Different processes are conducted according to regular or irregular cyclical phases, situations seem familiar and events can be relived. Starting from my writing project Sinnligt kviller, a collection of poems, I discuss these questions in themselves and the impact they have had on my collection. I describe the phenomenon cyclic as a result of the emotions and moods this term creates in a more or less decisive way. The intention with this paper is to show how Sinnligt kviller offers different perspectives of and reflections upon the various feelings provoked by the cyclic in our lives, feelings that are given my own voice in the literary text under study.
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Consuming the City : How does non-consumers experience the city? / Att konsumera staden : Hur upplever icke-konsumenter staden?Johansson, Pernilla January 2014 (has links)
We often speak of our society as a consumption society, a label that emerged after World War II. But the consumption society dates back longer than that, and can be deduced as far back as the colonialist era and the rise of luxury goods. One could say that the consumption society is the cultural answer to the transfer of the economy into capitalism as well as a consequence of industrial mass production. Swedes’ consumption habits negatively affect the environment, being part of the wealthiest 20% of the world’s population that stands for more than three-quarters of total private consumption. More and more people consciously change their lifestyle into consuming less. This aversion from the capitalistic consumer society has been around for quite some time but continues to grow stronger. But how does these voluntary non-consumers experience the city that they live in? With major cities today being so focused around an ever-increasing consumption, this study aims to find out how Swedish non-consumers experience the city of Stockholm by the use of qualitative interviews. The empirical result shows that the interviewed non-consumers primarily choose their lifestyle due to environmental concerns, and that they feel that Stockholm is too centered on consumption, not having enough mixed areas, and that they are missing greenery and cultural activities in the city. Non-consumers seem to influence friends and family to adopt a more sustainable consumption habit, something that could be useful for the further development of a more environmentally friendly and sustainable consumption behavior in Sweden. / Vi talar ofta om vårt samhälle som ett konsumtionssamhälle, ett uttryck som dök upp efter andra världskrigets slut. Men konsumtionssamhället är äldre än så och kan härledas till kolonialismen och ökningen av lyxvaror. Man kan säga att dagens konsumtionssamhälle är ett kulturellt svar på omställningen av ekonomin till kapitalism, liksom en konsekvens av den industriella massproduktionen. Svenskar är en del av världspopulationens rikaste 20 %, som står för mer än tre fjärdedelar av total privat konsumtion, vilket har en negativ miljöpåverkan. Fler och fler människor förändrar medvetet sin livsstil till att konsumera mindre. Det här avståndstagandet från det kapitalistiska konsumtionssamhället har funnits länge, men fortsätter att växa sig starkare. Men hur upplever dessa frivilliga icke-konsumenter staden de bor i? Med större städers fokus idag kring en evigt växande konsumtion, syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur svenska icke-konsumenter upplever Stockholm, med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Det empiriska resultatet visar att de intervjuade icke-konsumenterna framförallt valt sin livsstil på grund av miljömedvetenhet, och att de upplever att Stockholm är för centrerat kring konsumtion och inte har tillräckligt med blandområden. De saknar även grönska och kulturella aktiviteter i staden. Icke-konsumenter verkar influera vänner och familj till att välja ett mer hållbart konsumtionsmönster, något som kan vara användbart för en fortsatt utveckling av ett mer miljövänlig och hållbart konsumtionsbeteende i Sverige.
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Wittgenstein et le conventionnalisme : une critique du contextualisme sémantique de François RecanatiBazinet, Charles 08 1900 (has links)
Dans Literal Meaning, François Recanati cherche à montrer que ce qui est dit lorsqu’une phrase est prononcée correspond à un contenu fondamentalement pragmatique. À cet effet, il propose deux arguments généraux qui consistent à faire valoir que ce qui est dit est indéterminé si l'on s'en tient aux règles de la sémantique. Le premier de ces deux arguments tente d’établir que dans bien des cas, le contenu sémantique supposément associé à une phrase ne correspond pas à ce qui est dit. Le second est plutôt une élaboration de la thèse wittgensteinienne suivant laquelle la signification des types linguistiques est indéterminée. Pour ma part, je soutiens que si nous adoptons effectivement une conception wittgensteinienne de la signification, certains des exemples supposés illustrer le premier de ces deux arguments peuvent et doivent être critiqués. / In Literal Meaning, François Recanati argues that what is said when a sentence is uttered corresponds to a content that is fundamentally pragmatic. To this end, he proposes two general arguments according to which what is said will be indeterminate if we stick to the rules of semantics. The first of these two arguments tries to establish that in many cases, the semantic content supposedly associated with a sentence does not correspond to what is said. The second one is rather an elaboration of Wittgenstein’s thesis to the effect that the meaning of linguistic types is indeterminate. As for me, I claim that if we indeed adopt a wittgensteinian conception of meaning, some of the examples that are supposed to illustrate the first of these two arguments can and should be criticized.
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Le courage d’éduquer : imagination morale et activité des éducateurs en contexte scolaire / The courage to educate : moral imagination and educators’ activities in a school environmentLorius, Vincent 19 November 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse a pour but de proposer un modèle d’intelligibilité de la pensée éthique des éducateurs scolaires, obtenu par la mobilisation de concepts issus de la philosophie morale. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons en particulier sur la notion de minimalisme moral qui permet de prendre en compte le fait que certaines postures professionnelles, compatibles avec l’action institutionnelle, relèvent de principes moraux habituellement non reconnus comme valides dans un cadre scolaire, comme par exemple le principe de non-nuisance.Nos réflexions reposent sur une définition de l’acte d’éducation en contexte scolaire conçu comme contribution à une imputation partagée des responsabilités pour permettre l’accès au savoir des élèves. Ces responsabilités relèvent en effet à la fois et de façon toujours située, de l’acteur institutionnel, mais aussi de l’élève lui-même ainsi que des autres personnes qui assurent son éducation et en particulier ses parents. La compétence de l’éducateur scolaire dépend donc de sa capacité à comprendre et utiliser les apports de chaque acteur en fonction des moments éducatifs. Cette conception nous permet de saisir l’intensité de la porosité entre l’école et un monde où le pluralisme axiologique n’est pas l’exception mais la règle.De l’analyse d’entretiens avec des professionnels et à l’aide d’un cadre théorique permettant d’envisager la possibilité d’un recours au minimalisme pour éduquer scolairement dans un mode pluraliste, nous déduisons plusieurs résultats permettant de proposer un modèle de compréhension des repères moraux mobilisés par les éducateurs. Ce modèle permet en particulier de faire apparaître que les positionnements éthiques n’ont pas vocation à être fondés sur une liste finie de principes ou de valeurs, mais sont le produit d’une imagination morale s’attachant à prendre en compte les spécificités des situations. S'impose alors une philosophie du courage, défini comme capacité à l’exercice du jugement dans des situations limites sur le plan éthique, philosophie qui permet de penser l’action dans un environnement éthique complexe et toujours changeant. Le courage d’éduquer est donc pour nous ce qui permet le dépassement, dans des conditions que l’éducateur reconnait comme spécifiques, d’une morale scolaire de sens commun pour laquelle les solutions éthiques préexisteraient aux problèmes. / Our thesis aims at proposing a scheme of understanding of the ethical thought of educators in a school environment, built on the use of concepts originally used to speak of moral philosophy. Hence we base our analysis more specifically on the notion of moral minimalism, a theory which allows to take into account the fact that some professional positions, acceptable as regards the institutional action, arise from moral principle which are normally not considered valid in a school context, like for example, the “no harm done” principle. Our reflexion is based on a definition of the educational action in a school context, thought as a contribution to a sharing of responsibilities aiming at allowing students to have access to knowledge. These responsibilities both –and in a very precise way-arise from the institutional actor and the student, together with the people who are in charge of his education, namely his parents. The school educator’s ability hence depends on his capacity to understand and use the contribution of each actor according to the different educational moments. This belief allows us to understand the importance of the interaction between school and a world in which axiological pluralism is the law. From the discussions we had with professionals and with the help of a theoretical framework allowing the possibility to base education on minimalism in our pluralist world, we came to several conclusions allowing to propose a model of the moral points of reference used by educators. This model shows, in particular, that ethical positioning are not naturally set on a list of principles or values, but on the contrary are the result of a moral imagination which takes into account the specificities of every situation. Then a philosophy of courage is born, which can be defined as a capacity to judge in situations which are borderline in terms of ethics and which allows to think the action in a changing and complex ethical environment. The courage to educate thus permits, in situations which the educator identifies as specific, to push the limits of common sense school ethics, according to which ethical solutions would preceed the occurrence of problems
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A estrutura argumental dos verbos na língua Juruna (Yudjá): da formação dos verbos para a análise das estruturas sintáticas / The argument structure of Juruna (Yudja): from verb formation to syntactic strcuture analysisLima, Suzi Oliveira de 28 March 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve e analisa os verbos da língua Juruna (Yudja) a partir de suas estruturas argumentais e conseqüências sintáticas. O objetivo é contribuir com um material para a escola indígena Juruna assim como contribuir com os estudos teóricos da perspectiva gerativista de estudos sobre a linguagem. O texto é dividido em duas grandes partes (descrição e análise) sendo a primeira delas uma descrição de 302 verbos da língua. Nesta parte dividimos estes verbos em dezoito classes verbais a partir de critérios morfológicos, sintáticos e semânticos. Estes critérios foram estabelecidos a partir de características da língua, quais sejam estas: duplicação verbal, propriedades semânticas, afixos, causativização e propriedades das raízes - as quais associadas a verbalizadores formam os verbos. Nesta seção apresentamos quais são as construções e operações morfológicas que cada verbo descrito realiza (tais como: alternâncias de valência (por afixação e via alternância labile), duplicação e supleção verbal) e suas funções na língua. A segunda parte do texto denominada \"análises\" apresenta uma análise gerativa para os fatos da língua Juruna. Para a questão da formação dos verbos, partimos da proposta de Hale & Keyser (1993; 2001) segundo a qual os verbos são formados de forma estrutural e hierárquica a partir de duas estruturas básicas (monádica e diádica) nucleadas por núcleos verbais (V1 e V2). Estas estruturas são utilizadas de forma paramétrica a partir de restrições das raízes verbais e seus traços sintáticos e semânticos. Considerando esta proposta teórica, argumentamos que os verbos da língua Juruna são formados estruturalmente a partir de restrições dos traços que formam as raízes verbais, os quais também serão determinantes nos processos de atribuição e mudança de valência e voz assim como no processo de duplicação e supleção verbal. Após a análise referente à formação dos verbos apresentamos a formação de sentenças na língua Juruna partindo do Programa Minimalista (Chomsky 1995; 1998; 1999). Nesta seção apresentamos o processo de inserção de sujeitos (a partir de formas pronominais, demonstrativos e sintagmas nominais) em vP, discutimos os processos de concordância, analisamos a inserção de modo realis/ irrealis, bem como questões relacionadas a ordem sentencial, adjunção de advérbios e o paralelismo entre os planos nominal e verbal, a partir das questões associadas à cumulatividade e quantificação. O ponto central desta dissertação é, portanto, argumentar que todas as propriedades sintáticas da língua Juruna decorrem essencialmente dos traços formadores de seus verbos. Desta forma, para a compreensão da sintaxe de uma língua é necessário compreender a estrutura argumental de seus verbos. / This dissertation describes and analyzes Juruna (Yudja) verbs based on argument structure and its syntactic consequences. We aim to offer to the Juruna School useful material about verb classes and also to contribute to the advancement of language studies in the generativist framework. The dissertation is divided in two parts - description and analysis). The first is a description of 302 verbs in this language. In this part, we divided verbs in eighteen classes based on morphological, syntactic and semantic criteria established from phenomena present in Juruna. These phenomena are: verb reduplication, semantic properties of roots and affixes, causativization and properties of roots that, associated to verbalizers, form verbs. We presented constructions and morphological operations that each verb described realize, for instance: valence alternation (by affixation or labile alternation), reduplication and suppletion and their functions in this language. The second part of the dissertation - entitled \"analysis\" - presents a generativist account of some Juruna facts described in the first part. To discuss verb formation we based ourselves on Hale & Keyser\'s (1993; 2001) proposal that verbs are formed from two basic structures (monadic and dyadic) with verbal nuclei (V1 and V2) organized structurally and hierarchically. These structures are utilized parametrically, taking into consideration verbal root restrictions and syntactic and semantic traces. Supported by this theorical proposal, we argued that verbs in Juruna are formed structurally based on restrictions of their root. These restrictions will also determine the process of attribution and change of valence and voice and the processes of verb duplication and suppletion in the language. After the analysis of verb formation, we present a hypothesis of sentence structure in Juruna based on the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995; 1998; 1999). In this section we discussed: 1) subject insertion (taking into consideration pronominal forms, demonstratives and nominal phrases) in vP; 2) agreement processes; 3) the insertion of mood realis/ irrealis; 4) sentential order; 5) adverbial adjunction and 6) the parallelism between nominal and verbal domains based on cumulativity and quantification. The central theoretical point of this dissertation is to argue in favor of the idea that syntactic properties may be explained, in large part, as a consequence of verb formation. In this sense, to understand the syntactic structure of a language it is essential to understand the argument structure of its verbs.
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CARRY A LIFE : The Exploration of How Carrying Affects The Expression of WearingWENJING, ZHU January 2014 (has links)
Interested by the relation of function and fashion expression, this project choose ‘carry’ as an example function to dive in. It explores how ‘carry’ affects the expression of wearing and how it can be interpret into fashion expression. The research question - what do we carry in life - gives the foundation in the developing of an aesthetic for sustaining. Problem solving was the methodology that I adopted from Industrial design. Together with other methods, it helped me in deign rationale. During the exploration, ‘carry’ is analyzed, decomposed and translated into a conceptual collection. The interpretation of ‘carry’ is not functional oriented or literal-symbol inspired. The dynamic moment of functioning is more of the focus rather than a static expression of garment. In addition, minimized fashion expression is also discussed as the aesthetic of sustainability. / Program: Modedesignutbildningen
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UnitsSVENSSON, ANNA January 2013 (has links)
The aim is to explore form through squares and with material create expression in dress / Program: Modedesignutbildningen
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Structure de culture et minimalisme : l’enjeu politique du minimalisme sémantiqueBoileau, Xavier 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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