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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pradinių klasių moksleivių vertinimas: tėvų ir pedagogų nuostatų ypatumai / The evaluation of the primary school pupils: ruling singularities of parents and teachers

Kavaliauskaitė, Lina 13 June 2005 (has links)
The Master paper consists of introduction and two parts: a) the singularities of an alternation of the pupils‘ evaluation in the context of the learning paradigm; b) the investigation of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers into the evaluation of the pupils. The conclusions and the recommendations for the teachers and parents are provided in the end of the paper. In the primary school on the basis of the humanistic ideas the grading evaluation was rejected. Further it was made according to the individual progress evaluation the criteria of which might have been not completely clear to parents as well as it might raise unclearness to the teachers. The negative ruling possibility might possibly become higher because of the unclearness in the evaluation of the pupils‘ progress. Therefore, the question turns out: which of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers (positive, neutral or negative) are oriented towards the basic changes of the students‘ progress evaluation? The question and search for the answer is the problematic basis of this Master‘s work. Goal of the analysis: to analyze the ruling singularities of parents and teachers of the primary school towards the evaluation of the pupils by grading and towards the idiographic way of evaluation. The fundamental goals of the work: to clarify the impact of the nature of the ruling singularities of parents and teachers upon the progress and the achievement evaluation system in the primary school regarding the... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai / The Aspects of Motivation for Learning in School Learners' Risk Group

Tarbūnienė, Lina 16 June 2005 (has links)
Children who have stopped attending school and do not have firm educational, cognition and activity motivation are disappointed about possibility to study, and the losses of learning they themselves and the society experience are long-lasting: their illiteracy makes it harder for them to participate in the society’s activities, social and economic insecurity as well as the probability to belong to socially isolated groups grow. The aim of the research was to state the reasons which weaken pupils’ motivation to study and encourage non-attendance and reluctance to learn. The object of the research was pupils of the 5th – 10th forms who belong to the risk group: 1) those who do not attend school; 2) those who attend it badly; 3) those who are unsuccessful in their studies. The following tasks were set during the research: 1) having analyzed pedagogical-psychological literature to present the concept of the motivation to study, to clarify the reasons for reluctance to learn; 2) to investigate the peculiarities of the motivation to study characteristic of the pupils of the 5th-10th forms; 3) to analyze and compare the differences in the motivation to study in these groups; 4) to compare the reasons for the reluctance to learn. Theoretical and empirical methods as well as the method of mathematical statistics were used in the investigation. The investigation was carried out together with other MA students, 667 informants were questioned. As... [to full text]

Gebėjimas skaityti kaip mokymosi sėkmės prielaida / How Ability to read Influences Learning

Civinskienė, Ramunė 16 June 2005 (has links)
The research paper analyzes the main features of ability to read and its influence on studens learning. The investigation was conducted between III – IV formers according to the development of their reading ability, an average time needed to fullfil the reading task correctly as well as teachers’ opinion was analyzed. 171 studens (76 girls and 95 boys) and 60 teachers took part in this research. The research revealed that ability to read is one of the most important parts in the process of learning and it can influence learning in a positive way as well as in a negative way.

Mokymosi motyvacijos, agresyvaus elgesio bei žalingų įpročių raiškos priklausomybė nuo paauglių fizinio aktyvumo bei lyties / Motivation to learn, aggressive treatment and addictions expressions’ dependence on teenagers physical activity and gender

Norkus, Tomas 17 May 2006 (has links)
Motivation to learn, aggressive treatment and addictions expressions’ dependence on teenagers physical activity and gender SUMMARY In this study were analysed correlation between motivation of learning, aggressive treatment, addictions and teenagers’ physical activity. Absence of definite answer, how sport activity governs students’ motivation of learning and attitude to school, initiated this study. Researches don’t answer, are the physical active pupil more susceptible to aggressive treatment and addictions. In this case as independent variable was chose pupils’ physical activity and gender, and dependent variable – attitude to school, learning and motivation of learning peculiarity, aggressive treatment and addictions expression. Our purpose – to find motivation of learning, aggressive treatment and addictions expression dependence on teenagers’ physical activity and gender. Research tasks 1. To find attitude to school and motivation of learning subject to teenagers’ physical activity and gender. 2. To evaluate aggressive treatment expression subject to teenagers’ physical activity and gender. 3. To evaluate addictions expression subject to teenagers’ physical activity and gender. To serve the purpose were investigated 230 the eighth class students of Kaunas secondary schools. Were investigated 105 boys and 125 girls. Students were picked accidentally using serial principle from ten different schools and in every one was examined by one the eighth class. We used... [to full text]

Suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacija neformaliojo švietimo organizacijoje / Adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages in an informal educational organization

Šatrauskienė, Lijana 07 June 2006 (has links)
The issues on adults‘ motivation discussed in scientific discource are not prolific. They and related problems have been studied by Viliūnas (1990), Boshier (1971), Hatter (1990), Entwistle (1998), Taylor (1982). However, there is a lack of research of adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages in an informal educational organization. This is the foundation of the research of the master‘s thesis which enables to formulate the problem of the research, emphasizing the search for peculiarities of adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages, highlighting prevailing motifs, their relations to some demographical sharacteristics of adults when teaching and learning is performed in an informal educational organization. Object of the research – Adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages. Aim of the research – to analyse the peculiarities of adults‘ motivation for learning foreign languages in an informal educationa organization. Tasks of the research: 1. To carry out a theoretical analysis of learning motivation in order to find out the understanding of learning motivation, types of motivation. 2. To analyse the features of an adult‘s foreign languages learning motivation, pointing out possible learning barriers related with age, education, social status, etc., and highlighting some aspects of adults‘motivation for learning foreign languages (dominant learning motifs, tendencies, difficulties). 3. To study an informal educational organization as one of adults‘... [to full text]

Mokinių, atėjusių mokytis į profesines mokyklas, mokymosi motyvacijos ir bendrojo lavinimo pasiekimų kaita / The change of learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational school

Kimštienė, Laima 29 June 2006 (has links)
The change of learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational school The objective of the research: Evaluation of changes in learning motivation and achievements in general education in vocational schools. The tarks of the research: 1. Determining the fects of studying motivation changes in vocational schools. 2. Deseribing the influence of motivation changes on learning achievements. Methods and sources of the research. The research has been fulfilled applying general and special scientific methods as literature analysis, statistical analysis, grouping of research data, generalization and comparison. The data has been processed by SPSS computer programme. The guestionnaire has been chosen as the main research method. The area of the research. The research has been carried out with 196 students and 40 teachers from vocational schools. Conclusions: · The research results showed that about 60% students decided to study in a vocational school, because their studies in a secondary school were not successful. · The research also revealed the fact that the learning achievements of most students at a vocational shool remain almost the same though motivation rises. · The students and the teachers pointed out the factors which should be important in enhancing the motivation to study. They are such as active training methods, validity of assessment system, motivating training material, interest, figurative style and relation with future profession.

Pedagogų tobulinimosi motyvacija nuolatinio mokymosi kontekste / The Motivation of Pedagogues’ development in lifelong learning context

Pocevičiūtė, Jurgita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Gyvename tokiu laikotarpiu, kai vis sunkiau darosi suspėti žengti koja kojon su besiplėtojančiu mokslu, technika, ekonomika. Pertvarkant švietimo įstatymą vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama suaugusiųjų kvalifikacijos įgijimui bei jos tobulinimui. Dabar visi švietimo įstaigų darbuotojai tik ir kalba apie mokyklų tobulinimą ir jų kaitą. O kaip to pasiekti, jei ten dirbs nekompetentingi, nekvalifikuoti, nesitobulinantys pedagogai. Poreikį nuolat mokytis jau reikia pradėti ugdyti pradinėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, o pagrindinis „...švietimo kaitos ir mokyklos tobulinimo veiksnys yra mokytojai“ (Hargeaves, 1999, p. 9). Kadangi mokytojų darbo mastas ir kokybė yra tiesiogiai susiję su profesiniu ir asmeniniu tobulėjimu, šiuo metu vis labiau švietimo reformos tobulinimo plane pirmenybė teikiama darbui su mokytojais. Juk nuolat besitobulinantis mokytojas turi didžiausią poveikį mokiniams. Tyrimo objektas – pedagogų tobulinimosi motyvacija nuolatinio mokymosi kontekste. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti Mažeikių rajono pedagogų tobulinimosi poreikius ir motyvaciją nuolatinio mokymosi kontekste. Tyrimo u����daviniai – atlikti suaugusiųjų švietimą reglamentuojančių dokumentų analizę; atskleisti suaugusiųjų mokymosi teorinius motyvus; anketinės apklausos būdu išsiaiškinti pedagogų tobulinimosi motyvus, poreikius, galimybes. Tyrimo metodai – mokslinės ir metodinės literatūros analizė; anketinė apklausa; statistinė anketos duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 260 Mažeikių rajono pedagogų. Atlikus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / We live in the period when it is getting more and more difficult to be in step with developing science, technique and economy. Reforming the law of education more attention is paid to the attainment and development of adults’ qualification. Now all employees of educational institutions speak about development of schools and their changes. How to achieve the aim if incompetent, unqualified pedagogues, who do not want to improve their knowledge, work there. The demand of continuous learning should be developed in primary school and the “…teachers are the main factor of education changes and schools development” (Hargeaves, 1999, p. 9). Whereas the proportion and quality of teachers’ work are closely related to professional and personal development, the priority in development plan in education reform is preferred to the teachers’ work now. The subject of the research is pedagogues’ developmental motivation in continuous learning context. The aim of the research is to analyze teachers’ developmental demands and motivation in continuous learning context in Mazeikiai district. The objectives of the work are the following: to make the analysis of adult education regulating documents; to reveal the theoretical motives of adults learning; to find out pedagogues’ developmental motives, demands and opportunities using the method of questionnaire survey. The methods of the research are: analysis of theoretical literature sources; questionnaire; statistical analysis of... [to full text]

Vyresniųjų paauglių mokymosi motyvacija ir nerimastingumas žinių vertinimo situacijose / School motivation and test anxiety of senior pupils in situations of assessment

Kriskuvienė, Ramūnė 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas - ištirti vyresniųjų paauglių (10 – os klasės mokinių ) mokymosi motyvaciją ir nerimastingumą žinių vertinimo situacijose. Tyrime dalyvavo 240 respondentų: 120 mergaičių ir 120 berniukų ugdomų miesto ir rajono vidurinėse mokyklose bei miesto gimnazijoje. Mokymosi motyvacija tirta A. Petrulytės (2003) „Paauglių mokymosi motyvacijos testu“, nerimastingumas – V. N. Karandaševo, M. S. Lebedevos ir Č. Spilbergerio (2004) „Mokyklinio nerimastingumo žinių vertinimo situacijose klausimynu“. Tyrimo hipotezės: 1) rajono vidurinėje mokykloje ugdomų mokinių mokymosi motyvacija yra žemesnė nei miesto mokyklas lankančių mokinių; 2) rajono vidurinėje mokykloje ugdomi mokiniai patiria žemesnį nerimastingumą nei jų bendraamžiai ugdomi miesto mokyklose; 3) gali išryškėti skirtumai tarp 10 – os klasės mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos ir nerimastingumo demografinių kintamųjų atžvilgiu. Atlikus mokymosi motyvacijos tyrimą nustatyta, kad daugumai respondentų būdingas vidutinis mokymosi motyvacijos lygmuo. Atskleista, kad mergaičių mokymosi motyvacija šiek tiek aukštesnė nei berniukų. Aptikta, kad miesto vidurinėje mokykloje ugdomų moksleivių mokymosi motyvacija yra aukštesnė lyginant su rajono vidurinėje ir miesto gimnazijoje ugdomais mokiniais. Apibendrinus nerimastingumo tyrimo duomenis nustatyta, kad daugiau nei 50 % apklausoje dalyvavusių moksleivių pasižymi vidutiniu nerimastingumu. Paaiškėjo, kad mergaičių nerimastingumas buvo šiek tiek aukštesnis nei berniukų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main object of this final master project is to explore school motivation and test anxiety of senior pupil (pupils of tenth class) in situations of assessment. 240 respondents (120 girls and boys studying at the schools of the city and district and at the gymnasium of the city) participated in the survey. School motivation has been surveyed using “Test of school motivation for senior students” by Petrulyte (2003). Anxiety has been researched using “Survey of school anxiety in test situations” by Karandasev, Lebedeva and Spilberger (2004). Research hypotheses: 1) school motivation of pupils studying at district’s secondary schools is lower that of pupils studying at the secondary schools of the city; 2) pupils at the secondary schools in district experience lower anxiety that pupils studying at the schools in the city; 3) some differences at school motivation and anxiety of pupils of the tenth class may appear in respect of demographic variables. The school motivation research results ascertained that most respondents experience medium school motivation level. The survey results revealed that school motivation of girls is a bit higher of that of boys. It is also evident that school motivation of pupils studying at city’s secondary schools is higher than school motivation of the pupils studying at district’s secondary schools and at the city’s gymnasium. Summarizing the data of anxiety research it was identified, that more than 50 % of pupils who participated in this... [to full text]


Servutaitė, Viktorija 28 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbo „III-IV KLASIŲ MOKINIŲ MOKYMOSI MOTYVACIJOS SKATINIMAS ŠEIMOJE“ objektas – mokymosi motyvacijos skatinimas šeimoje. Sumažėjusios mokymosi motyvacijos problema egzistuoja visame pasaulyje, kur lemiamą socialinį vaidmenį atlieka visuomenės ypatumai, ugdymo savitumas ir šeima. Šeima – artimiausia nemokyklinė socialinė aplinka, kurioje formuojasi vaiko pasaulėžiūra, elgesio normos, susiformuoja požiūris į mokyklą ir mokymąsi. Tačiau šiandien šeimoje egzistuoja nemažai problemų, kurios ypatingai veikia vaikus, jų mokymąsi. Dažnai, dėl žemos mokymosi motyvacijos ar vaikui gavus blogą įvertinimą tėvai kaltina mokytojus, mokyklą ir nesusimąsto, kad jų vaidmuo vaiko mokymosi motyvacijai yra labai svarbus. Mokymosi motyvaciją ir ją įtakojančius veiksnius tyrė N. Bowen ir G. Bowen (1998), J. Nash (2002), S. Rimm (1998), G. Butkienė ir A. Kepalaitė (1996), V. Strimaitienė (2007) ir kt. Tyrimu siekta išsiaiškinti, kokiais būdais šeimoje yra stiprinama ir kaip kiekvienas iš tėvų skatina vaiko mokymosi motyvaciją. Šiam tikslui pasiekti buvo taikoma anketinė apklausa. Tyrimo instrumentas sudarytas remiantis literatūra, straipsniais, susijusiais su mokymosi motyvacijos skatinimu šeimoje, Hare (2000) ir M. Rokeach metodikomis. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 50 Kelmės miesto „Kražantės“ pagrindinės mokyklos, Kelmės rajono Gailių ir Liolių pagrindinių mokyklų III-IV klasių mokinių ir 77 jų tėvai. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama trumpa mokymosi motyvacijos teorijų ir motyvų įvairovė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bachelor‘s work „THIRD AND FOURTH – GRADE PUPILS STIMULATION OF LEARNING MOTIVATION IN THE FAMILY“ object – stimulation of learning motivation. The pupils learning motivation decline problem exist in all world, there decisive social role plays public features, school identity and the family. Family – nearest non-school environment, which form child’s worldview, moral, opinion about school and learning. But today family has a lot of problems, which particularly affects pupils and their learning. Because of low learning motivation or poor grade parents frequently blame teachers, school and non-conscious that their role in pupils learning motivation is very important. Learning motivation and it affecting factors analysed N. Bowen & G. Bowen (1998), J. Nash (2002), S. Rimm (1998), G. Butkienė & A. Kepalaitė (1996), V. Strimaitienė (2007) and etc. The aim of the study – which ways in family is enhancing and how each parent stimulates child learning motivation. To achieve this aim was used questionnaire. Research tool is based on literature, articles associated with stimulation of learning motivation in family, Hare (2000) and M. Rokeach methodology. Research sample consisted of 50 Kelmės „Kražantės“ secondary school, and Kelmės neighbourhood Gailių and Liolių secondary schools third and fourth – grade pupils and 77 their parents. Theoretical work presents a sketch of learning motivation theory and variety of motif, learning motivation conception, types, a brief description of... [to full text]

Suaugusiųjų ir profesinio mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai / Motivation and obstacles for the adult education and vocational training

Vilūnienė, Daiva 12 July 2011 (has links)
Šeštokaitė D. Suaugusiųjų ir profesinio mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai / SKI socialinės pedagogikos katedros magistro baigiamasis darbas.- Vilnius VPU, SKI, 2011. - 54 p. SKI Socialinės pedagogikos katedros magistro baigiamajame darbe aptariami suaugusiųjų ir profesinių rengimo centrų mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai. Darbe iškelta problema, kodėl mokinių mokymosi motyvacija įgyti profesiją lyginant su aukštojo mokslo lygmeniu yra žema. Mokymosi motyvai ir motyvacijos barjerai yra reikšminga problema mokymosi procesui, nes mokiniams atsiranda įvairios priežastys, kurios nulemia motyvacijos stoką mokymosi procesui. Sprendimų paieška gali padėti profesinį rengimą padaryti labiau patraukliu ir pašalinti motyvaciją slopinančius veiksnius. Anketinės apklausos rezultatų analizė atskleidžia, kokie motyvai skatina juos mokytis šiuose centruose. Tyrinėti ir palyginti motyvai, barjerai įvairaus amžiaus grupėse. Iškeltas tyrimo tikslas: ištirti suaugusiųjų ir profesinio mokymosi motyvus ir motyvacijos barjerus. Tyrime panaudoti matematiniai statistikos metodai: SPSS programa. Šiame darbe panaudoti metodai: lyginamasis ir aprašomasis, kokybinis - empirinis tyrimas interviu, anketinė apklausa. Apklausoje, atliktoje 2011 metų sausio mėnesį, dalyvavo suaugusiųjų ir profesinio rengimo centrų mokiniai. Į anketos klausimus atsakė 122 vyrai ir 78 moterys, taigi tyrime buvo operuojama šių anketų duomenimis. Atlikome kokybinį - empirinį tyrimą interviu, jo tikslas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Šeštokaitė D. The reasons of adult and vocational education and motivational barriers / Social Communication Institute, the Department of Social Education, Master’s degree final thesis. – Vilnius VPU, Social Communication Institute, 2011. – 54 pg. This final thesis covers the reasons of education in adult and vocational centres and motivational barriers. The main issue of the thesis is the reasons why the motivation of students acquiring vocation in comparison with the level of higher education is low. The reasons of education as well as motivational barriers are very significant issues for the process of learning as students find various reasons affecting the lack of motivation while learning. Searching for possible solutions may help to make vocational education more attractive and to eliminate the factors restraining the motivation. The results of the questionnaire reveal what causes students to learn in these centres. The causes as well as the barriers in different age groups were analysed and compared. The main purpose of the analysis was to study the reasons of adult and vocational education and the motivational barriers. The study involved mathematical statistic methods: SPSS program. The methods used in this thesis are the following: comparative, descriptive and qualitative – the empirical interviewing survey and a questionnaire. The survey was done in January 2011 and the students of adult and vocational education centres participated in it. 122 men and 78 women... [to full text]

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