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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restoration of Noradrenergic Function in Parkinson’s Disease Model Mice

Cui, Kui, Yang, Fan, Tufan, Turan, Raza, Muhammad U., Zhan, Yanqiang, Fan, Yan, Zeng, Fei, Brown, Russell W., Price, Jennifer B., Jones, Thomas C., Miller, Gary W., Zhu, Meng Y. 01 January 2021 (has links)
Dysfunction of the central noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems is the primary neurobiological characteristic of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Importantly, neuronal loss in the locus coeruleus (LC) that occurs in early stages of PD may accelerate progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons. Therefore, restoring the activity and function of the deficient noradrenergic system may be an important therapeutic strategy for early PD. In the present study, the lentiviral constructions of transcription factors Phox2a/2b, Hand2 and Gata3, either alone or in combination, were microinjected into the LC region of the PD model VMAT2 Lo mice at 12 and 18 month age. Biochemical analysis showed that microinjection of lentiviral expression cassettes into the LC significantly increased mRNA levels of Phox2a, and Phox2b, which were accompanied by parallel increases of mRNA and proteins of dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the LC. Furthermore, there was considerable enhancement of DBH protein levels in the frontal cortex and hippocampus, as well as enhanced TH protein levels in the striatum and substantia nigra. Moreover, these manipulations profoundly increased norepinephrine and dopamine concentrations in the striatum, which was followed by a remarkable improvement of the spatial memory and locomotor behavior. These results reveal that over-expression of these transcription factors in the LC improves noradrenergic and dopaminergic activities and functions in this rodent model of PD. It provides the necessary groundwork for the development of gene therapies of PD, and expands our understanding of the link between the LC-norepinephrine and dopamine systems during the progression of PD.

The study of national character in the post war era : the work of Erich Fromm, David Riesman, and David Potter

Rittenberg, Adam 01 January 1988 (has links)
This thesis examines the study of national character through the work of the psychologist Erich Fromm, the sociologist David Riesman, and the historian David Potter. Above all Intend to provide a critical exegesis of the three thinkers will relate them to one another by discussing the Interconnections In their thought, beginning with Fromm's social psychological theory of character, turning to Riesman's theory of sociology and, finally, Potter's theory of American history. Each, I argue, must be studied in the context his time--above all the climate of horror and uncertainty at mid-century.

Gender Differences in Working Memory in Humans Tested on a Virtual Morris Water Maze.

Click, Ivy A 16 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A computerized virtual version of the Morris water maze (vMWM) was used to assess human gender differences in spatial working memory. In Experiment 1, the release point and platform location was changed on every other trial for 20 trials. Men had significantly reduced acquisition latencies and more accurate heading errors on the first daily trial compared to women. In Experiment 2, the release point and platform location was changed every fourth trial for 20 trials. Men had significantly shorter acquisition latencies and path lengths than women. Experiment 3 was identical to Experiment 2, except that environmental cues were changed throughout testing. Men had significantly shorter acquisition latencies and path lengths than did the women. These studies are the first to demonstrate significant gender differences in a spatial working memory version of the vMWM.

Janowitz i Turkiet : En kvalitativ fallstudie om turkiets civil-militära relationer och risken för militär intervention.

Bele, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Turkiet är, givet dess geografiska position samt storleken på sin militärmakt (TAF), en central Nato-medlem. Landet har dock under stora delar av dess historia haft problem med att få civil kontroll över TAF. Detta har resulterat i återkommande militära interventioner med perioder av direkt eller indirekt militärt styre. När Rättvise och utvecklingspartiet (AKP) år 2002 kom till makten spåddes Turkiet gå en mer demokratisk framtid till mötes. Detta då ett närmande till EU, med målet om ett turkiskt EU-medlemskap, stod högst på agendan.  Men hur kom de turkiska civil-militära relationerna egentligen att utvecklas och vad är statusen på dessa idag? Har den civil-militära utvecklingen gjort att risken för en militär intervention nedgått? Med dessa frågor som fond syftar denna studie till att utöka förståelsen för hur AKP:s första 18-år vid makten har påverkat de turkiska civil-militära relationerna för att därigenom, med fokus på TAF:s organisatoriska och sociala struktur, bedöma hur detta i sin tur påverkat risken för en militär intervention i den inhemska politiken.  Studien, vilken nyttjar Janowitz teori om nya nationer, kommer fram till att Turkiets civil-militära relationer successivt utvecklats från att ha haft många likheter med idealtypen demokratiskt konkurrerande till att gradvis närma sig auktoritär en-partikontroll, vilket är den idealtyp som dominerar vid studiens tidsmässiga slutpunkt, år 2020. I takt med den civil-militära utvecklingen har den civila kontrollen över TAF stärkts avsevärt. Detta har inneburit att TAF:s organisatoriska och sociala struktur förändrats i grunden vilket gjort att risken för en militär intervention gått från att inledningsvis varit hög till att vid tiden för studiens slutskede bedömas som låg.

Opening “the Door to This Intense and Passionate Musical Life”: A Survey of <i>The Music of the Modern World,</i> 1895–1897

Ziegel, Aaron B. 03 October 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Channel Noise and Firing Irregularity in Hybrid Markov Models of the Morris-Lecar Neuron

Bennett, Casey 26 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Imagen fotográfica y textualidad. La obra de Wright Morris, Duane Michals y Sophie Calle

Prieto Aguaza, Alberto 19 January 2009 (has links)
Aparentment la funció de la imatge és la d'il·lustrar l'acció que es desenvolupa al text i la funció del text és explicar allò que visualitzem a la fotografia. Més enllà d'aquesta complementarietat, les relacions s'amplien a la imatge fotogràfica, davant les imatges sintètiques, pel seu estatus com a index. El diàleg entre ambdós mitjans expressius genera una alteració mútua, d'una banda a les coordenades espai-temps i d'una altra a la noció de referencialitat; és a dir, ni una fotografia és únicament un document real ni un text, és una ficció. S'observen aquestes relacions a les obres de Wright Morris, Duane Michals y Sophie Calle a través d'un element visual i conceptual característic de cada un d'ells -finestra, mirall i ombra- que relaciona la forma de conèixer el món i conèixer el jo. / Aparentemente la función de la imagen es la de ilustrar la acción que se desarrolla en el texto, mientras que éste debe explicar lo que vemos en aquella. Más allá de esta complementariedad, las relaciones se amplían en el caso de la imagen fotográfica, frente a las imágenes sintéticas, debido a su especial estatus como index. El diálogo entre ambos medios expresivos genera una alteración mutua, tanto de las coordenadas espacio-temporales como de la noción de referencialidad: ni una fotografía es sólo un documento real ni un texto literario una ficción. Se observan estas relaciones en la obra de Wright Morris, Duane Michals y Sophie Calle mediante un elemento visual y conceptual característico de cada uno de ellos -ventana, espejo y sombra- que relaciona la manera de conocer el mundo y de conocerse uno mismo. / At first sight, the role of the image is to illustrate the action taking place within a text, whereas this one has to explain what we see in the image. Beyond this collaboration, we find deeper relationships when talking about photographic image, in opposition to synthetic images, due to its special status as index. Dialogue between photography and a so-called literary text creates a mutual alteration, related not only to time and space but also to the question of referentiality: neither a photograph is only a real document nor a text is a fiction. We observe these changes in the works of Wright Morris, Duane Michals and Sophie Calle by means of three visual and conceptual elements -window, mirror and shadow- which connect the way to know the world and ourselves.

Architecture at the service of ideology : William Morris, the Anglican Church and the destruction, restoration and protection of medieval architecture in victorian England

Mari, Philippe J. 03 1900 (has links)
Résumé Cet ouvrage examine les fondements du mouvement de conservation architecturale moderne. Dans ce contexte, la création de la « Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings » par William Morris est considéré comme le point culminant d’un processus historique qui mena à l’apparition du mouvement. Sa genèse est présentée comme ayant été le résultat d’une confrontation entre deux visions utopiques du moyen-âge; celle de l’Église Anglicane et celle de William Morris. Un survol détaillé des origines, des résultats et des effets de la « Renaissance Gothique » ouvre tout grand sur les sources littéraires, idéologiques et religieuses qui y donnèrent sa force. Les grands programmes de restaurations qui ont vu le jour en Angleterre à l’ère victorienne sont examinés en relation avec l’Église Anglicane et caractérisés par les motivations idéologiques de celle-ci. Bien que ce memoire ne réussit pas à démontré de manière sans équivoque que la création du mouvement de conservation architectural moderne par Morris fut essentiellement en reaction au programme idéologique de l’Église Anglicane au dix-neuvième siècle, nous y retrouvons néanmoins une réévaluation des causes et de l’impact de la « Renaissance Gothique » qui, de manière significative, allaient à l’encontre des croyances et des principes les plus chers à Morris. Il existe une quantité admirable d’ouvrages examinant les travaux et l’impact de William Morris en littérature et en arts, ainsi que son activisme socialiste. Cependant, il serait juste de constater qu’en comparaison, la grande contribution qu’il apporta à la protection de l’architecture patrimoniale a certainement été négligée dans les publications à son sujet. Ce projet de recherche examine les éléments et les conditions qui ont motivé Morris à créer un mouvement qui encore aujourd’hui continue de croitre en importance et en influence. / Abstract This research seeks to examine and contextualize the origins of the modern architectural conservation movement. In this context, William Morris’ founding of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings is considered to be the culmination of a complex history and process that lead to the movement’s creation. Its genesis is presented as having resulted from the confrontation between diverging views and idealizations of the middle ages, the Anglican Church, and William Morris. An extensive survey of the origins, results, and effects of Gothic Revival points to the literary, ideological, and religious components which gave it its main impetus. The widespread restoration programs carried out in Victorian England in the nineteenth century are largely examined in relation to the Anglican Church and presented as having been motivated by its ideological concerns. Although this research does not manage to demonstrate unequivocally that William Morris’ founding of the modern architectural conservation movement sprang from a direct reaction to the Anglican Church’s religious program in the nineteenth century, it does reevaluate the causes and impact of the Gothic Revival and demonstrates how these were at odds with some of Morris’ most fundamental beliefs and principles. While there is a sizeable body of scholarly work examining William Morris’ work as a poet, artist and socialist, his great contribution to the conservation of ancient buildings has clearly been minimized in comparison. This research project examines the factors and conditions that led Morris towards the creation of an organization which to this day remains highly pertinent and influential.

Growth hormone in the brain : Focus on cognitive function

Brolin, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Cognitive impairments are an increasing health problem worldwide. In the developed countries, the average life expectancy has dramatically increased over the last decades, and with an elderly population more cases of cognitive impairments appear. Age, genetics, and different medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus, and substance use disorders may all contribute to declined cognitive ability. Physiological functions also decrease with increasing age, as does the activity of the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis. Interestingly, both GH and IGF-1 are recognized for their neuroprotective effects and cognitive enhancement. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the impact of the somatotrophic axis (i.e. GH/IGF-1 axis) in rodents with cognitive deficiencies induced by diabetes or long-term drug exposure. For the first time cognitive impairments were characterized in diabetic mice using a spatial learning and memory task called the Barnes maze (BM). In diabetic mice, impaired learning in the BM was associated with decreased expression of the GH receptor (GHR) in the frontal cortex, a region important for e.g. working memory. Treatment with GH reversed certain cognitive impairments seen in diabetic animals. In rats treated with gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), a significant decrease of Igf1 mRNA expression in the frontal cortex was observed. This observation may explain the impaired cognitive function previously seen following GHB administration. Furthermore, rats exposed to chronic morphine delivered in mini-osmotic pumps displayed memory impairments in the Morris water maze (MWM), an effect that seems to be associated with the composition of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex in the frontal cortex. In conclusion, the result strengthens the evidence for GH being a cognitive enhancer. Moreover, the result within this thesis identifies the frontal cortex as an important brain region, where gene expression related to the somatotrophic system is affected in rodents with cognitive impairments. The thesis especially emphasizes the importance of the local somatotrophic system in the brain with regard to cognitive function.

Bilden av den andra bilden : - en undersökning i manligt och kvinnligt uttryck med den abstrakta expressionismen som studieobjekt / The Image of the Second Image : - a research in male and female expression with Abstract Expressionism as object of study

Frisk, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka huruvida begrepp som maskulint och feminint kan uppfattas i den nonfigurativa bilden. Med exempel ur den abstrakta expressionismen studeras detta utifrån genus och semiotisk teori. Även konstvärldens roll i producerandet av genus undersöks. En mindre enkätundersökning och bildanalys ingår i studien.</p> / <p>This thesis purpose is to examine whether notions as masculine and feminine can be understood in a nonfigurative picture. Thru gender theories and semiotics some examples from the Abstract Expressionist movement are studied. The art world’s participation in construction of gender is also examined. A picture analysis supported by a small survey is also included in the study.</p>

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