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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tragédie, morale et politique dans l’Europe moderne : le cas César / Tragedy, ethics and politics in modern Europe : the Caesar case

Walfard, Adrien 15 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie le rôle de la pensée morale et politique dans la tragédie moderne (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles), en se concentrant sur un ensemble de pièces néo-latines, françaises, italiennes et anglaises qui représentent la mort du dictateur romain Jules César, auxquelles on a joint Cinna de Corneille. Pour susciter les passions tragiques, la fable doit représenter un personnage, ou un groupe de personnages, qui passe du bonheur au malheur à la suite d’une « faute » moralement ou politiquement ambiguë. Cet enchaînement est particulièrement tragique lorsque la « faute » est au moins partiellement involontaire et résulte d’une forme de nécessité : la tragédie manifeste alors le poids de la « fortune morale ». L’ambiguïté de la « faute » tragique peut revêtir diverses formes ; dans les Mort(s) de César, elle réside d’une part dans le fait que les personnages sont contraints d’agir dans une situation caractérisée par plusieurs antinomies, d’autre part dans le fait que leurs motivations paraissent à certains égards contraires aux justifications qu’ils avancent. La tragédie moderne est profondément réfractaire à la pensée casuiste contemporaine – sous les diverses formes qu’elle prend dans la théorie de l’invention rhétorique, la philosophie morale et politique et l’historiographie –, car elle laisse irrésolus les « cas » moraux et politiques qu’elle expose. Mais Cinna, première « tragédie à fin heureuse » du répertoire français, montre comment il est possible de parvenir à la réconciliation et à une issue moralement et politiquement satisfaisante par-delà les antinomies tragiques. / This dissertation investigates the functions of moral and political thought in modern tragedy (16th-18th centuries), focusing on a group of Neo-Latin, French, Italian and English plays which represent the death of the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, as well as on Corneille’s Cinna. In order to provoke the tragic emotions, a fable must represent a character or a group of characters whose fall from happiness into mishap is a consequence of a morally or politically ambiguous “flaw”. This sequence is particularly tragic when the “flaw” is at least partially unintentional and results from a kind of necessity : tragedy thus manifests the importance of “moral luck”. The ambiguity of the tragic “flaw” may arise from different circumstances ; in the plays representing the death of Caesar it consists on the one hand in the antinomies which the characters must face, on the other hand in the fact that their motivations appear in some ways contrary to the arguments they use in order to justify themselves. Modern tragedy is profoundly extraneous to contemporary casuistry (as developed in the rhetorical theory of invention, in moral and political philosophy and in historical writing), in that it leaves moral and political “cases” unsolved. However, Cinna, the first happy-ending tragedy in the French theatre, shows how reconciliation and a morally and politically satisfying ending are possible despite the tragic antinomies.

A ordem do mundo e o homem: estudos sobre metafísica e moral em Voltaire / The order of the world and man: a study on metaphysics and morals in Voltaires thought

Brandao, Rodrigo 16 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa compreender a relação entre a ordem do mundo e o homem nas obras de Voltaire, ou seja, elucidar a posição e condição do homem num mundo ordenado por leis e a compreensão desse mundo do ponto de vista humano. Para tanto se enfrentou os temas que tal relação oferecia ao autor: a liberdade e a necessidade, o destino, a providência e o mal. Estes tópicos, como se sabe, constituem os assuntos tradicionais da teodicéia, de sorte que o presente trabalho é concebido também como a elucidação da leitura crítica de Voltaire do otimismo filosófico. / The present work tries to understand the rapports between the order of the world and man in Voltaires works, that is, it aims at shedding some light on man as part of an ordered world and on the understanding of that ordered world from a human standpoint. In order to do that it focused the subjects which the comprehension of that relation required: liberty and necessity, destiny, providence and evil. Those topics, as one knows, constituted the traditional themes of the theodicy, so that the present work can also be considered as an account of Voltaires critique of the philosophical optimism.

Assistência jurídica aos necessitados: concepção contemporânea e análise de efetividade / Legal aid to the needy: contemporary study and analisys of effectiveness

Kuniochi, Hamilton Kenji 03 June 2013 (has links)
Assistência Jurídica aos Necessitados: Concepção Contemporânea e Análise de Efetividade. Dissertação de Mestrado. Aborda os conceitos de justiça gratuita, assistência judiciária e assistência jurídica. Verifica o tratamento atual quanto ao atendimento das pessoas físicas e jurídicas pela Defensoria Pública, entidades não governamentais, universitárias e pelos advogados liberais. Apresenta parâmetros para atendimento do interessado. Analisa o entendimento dos tribunais quanto à comprovação da pobreza em juízo e a questão do abuso do direito. / Legal Aid to the needy: Contemporary Study and Analysis of Effectiveness. Thesis. The study focuses the concepts of free justice, legal aid and legal assistance. It takes into consideration the current treatment about the care of individuals and corporations by the Public Defender Office, the non-governmental entities, universities and the liberal lawyers. Presents parameters for the service concerned. Analyzes the understanding of the courts as to prove poverty in legal proceedings and the issue of abuse of rights.

Disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes nos domicílios: o contraste entre Regiões Norte e Sul do Brasil / Energy and nutrients disposal in residences: the contrast between North and South Regions of Brazil

Enes, Carla Cristina 08 February 2006 (has links)
O consumo de alimentos é influenciado por inúmeros fatores, entre os quais podem ser destacados os culturais, nutricionais, socioeconômicos e demográficos. Reconhece-se que, na medida em que esses aspectos favorecem a adoção de novos padrões alimentares, também poderão causar repercussões distintas sobre os níveis de atendimento das demandas nutricionais da população. Neste trabalho foi utilizada como base de dados parcela das informações (referentes à população das Regiões Norte e Sul), obtidas por meio da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF 2002-2003), realizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE. Dentre os objetivos da presente pesquisa destacam-se a análise da disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes, no âmbito dos domicílios. Visou-se também avaliar a participação dos grupos de alimentos e dos macronutrientes no Valor Energético Total - VET, bem como a variação dos mesmos segundo o rendimento mensal per capita e a localização do domicílio (rural e urbano). Para a elaboração das cálculos referentes ao conteúdo de energia e nutrientes, utilizou-se o software Virtual Nutri. Adotou-se como parâmetro para a avaliação da disponibilidade de vitaminas, minerais e fibras, os valores preconizados pelo Institute of Medicine (1997,1998, 2000, 2001, 2002). Quanto à avaliação do conteúdo de colesterol, adotou-se a recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde - OMS (2003). As análises estatísticas foram viabilizadas por meio do software SAS (1999). Para a avaliação da disponibilidade de energia e nutrientes conforme o rendimento mensal per capita, foi adotado o modelo de regressão múltipla. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se a reduzida disponibilidade (média) de energia para as famílias moradoras nas áreas urbanas de ambas as regiões e um incremento do conteúdo energético à medida que crescem os rendimentos. Quanto aos macronutrientes, verificou-se uma relação inversa entre a participação dos carboidratos no VET e os rendimentos familiares. A contribuição dos lipídios para o VET apresentou tendência de crescimento, de acordo com o aumento da renda. Com relação aos micronutrientes, os resultados revelaram reduzida disponibilidade, nos domicílios, das vitaminas C, B6, B12, D, E, folacina, ácido pantotênico e dos minerais cálcio, zinco, cobre, manganês e iodo para a totalidade das famílias integrantes da pesquisa. Salienta-se que o conteúdo dos minerais ferro, selênio e fósforo se aproximou do valor (médio) preconizado, apenas para as famílias das áreas rurais. A disponibilidade de fibras se revelou muito inferior ao valor mínimo recomendado para as famílias de ambas as regiões analisadas. A disponibilidade de colesterol revelou forte associação com os rendimentos familiares. Destaca-se a expressiva presença desse elemento, notadamente, nos domicílios das famílias da Região Sul. Quanto à participação dos distintos grupos de alimentos no VET, destaca-se a reduzida contribuição energética das frutas, verduras e legumes para praticamente a totalidade dos grupamentos familiares. Foi identificada a indesejável contribuição - considerada excessiva - dos doces, açúcares e refrigerantes para o VET disponível para as famílias. / Food consumption is influenced by countless factors, among which can be emphasized the cultural, nutritional, socioeconomic and demografic ones. One acknowledges that, as these aspects benefit the adoption of new nutritional patterns, it will also be possible to distinguish the level of fulfillment of nutritional demands of the population. Information obtained through the Family Budget Survey (POF 2002-2003), accomplished by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE, concerning the population of the North and South Regions of Brazil was utilized as database in this work. An analysis of energy and nutrients disposal, at domiciliary extent, outstands among this researches’s main goals. It was also intended to assess the relative participation of groups of food and macronutrients in the Total Energetic Value - VET, as well as their variation according to the per capita monthly income and the situation of the place of residence (rural and urban). The Software Virtual Nutri was utilized for the elaboration of the analysis related to the energy and nutrients disposal. As a parameter for the assessment of vitamins, minerals and fibers disposal, it was adopted the recommendations prescribed by the Institute of Medicine (1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002). Concerning the assessment of cholesterol content, the recommendation of the World Health Organization - (2003) was adopted. The statistical analysis were accomplished through the SAS (1999) Software. The multiple regression pattern was adopted in order to assess the energy and nutrients disposal, according to the per capita monthly income. Among the results, it outstands the low energy disposal for the families living in urban areas of both regions and an increase of energetic content while monthly income grows. Regarding macronutrients, it was verified a reversed relation between the participation of carbohydrates in VET and the family monthly income. The relative participation of fats presented a growth tendency proportional to an increase of income. In relation to micronutrients, the results showed a low disposal of vitamins C, B6. B12, D, E, folacin, pantotenic acid and mineral such as calcium, zinc, copper, manganese and iodin in residences for the families of North and South Regions in both geographic stratum. One emphasizes that the iron, selenium and phosphor contents approached the average forecast value only to the families of rural areas. The fiber disposal revealed to be much lower in relation to the minimum recommended value in both of the analyzed regions. The disposable content of cholesterol showed a strong association with the family incomes, with a notorious and expressive presence in residences of the South Region families. Regarding the participation of distinctive groups of food in VET, it outstands the reduced energetic contribution of fruits, vegetables and legumes for virtually all the familiary groupings. It was identified the undesirable contribution of sweets, sugars and soft drinks to the disposable VET for the families that participated in the research.

L’entrepreneuriat par nécessité et par opportunité : essai de compréhension dans le contexte burkinabè / Understand necessity and opportunity-driven entrepreneurship : insights from Burkina Faso

Zoumba, Nongainéba Benjamin 29 November 2018 (has links)
L’entrepreneuriat de nécessité/opportunité revêt des enjeux scientifiques et pratiques importants en particulier dans les pays en développement. Cette thèse étudie les processus motivationnels des entrepreneurs de nécessité et d’opportunité.La recherche vise à comprendre dans le temps, les motivations de nécessité et d’opportunité des entrepreneurs durant le processus de démarrage. L’analyse des recherches sur le contenu et des recherches sur le processus des motivations de nécessité/opportunité souligne l’intérêt d’adopter une perspective processuelle dans l’étude du phénomène. L’étude empirique s’inscrit dès lors dans une perspective interprétative et mobilise une méthodologie qualitative longitudinale. Huit entrepreneurs du Burkina Faso ont été suivis à travers des entretiens approfondis sur une période de 15 mois. Les résultats indiquent d’abord que les outils de mesure de type GEM ne saisissent pas toujours pertinemment le phénomène des motivations de nécessité/opportunité. Ils montrent ensuite que durant le processus de démarrage, des phases motivationnelles de nécessité/mixité/opportunité transitent vers des phases de nature différente. Ils suggèrent enfin que les transitions motivationnelles sont sous-tendues par l’apparition/disparition de raisons relatives à l’environnement, à l’individu, aux résultats et aux actions. Ces résultats appellent à nuancer la dichotomie opérée entre les deux types d’entrepreneuriat, cette dichotomie apparaissant finalement instable pour les entrepreneurs étudiés. Ils interpellent également les politiques publiques d’accompagnement excluant les entrepreneurs de nécessité et suggèrent de prévoir des formes d’accompagnement flexibles afin qu’elles s’adaptent aux besoins des entrepreneurs dans le temps. / Necessity and opportunity-driven entrepreneurship implies important scientific and practical issues, especially in developing countries. This research investigates the motivational processes of necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs. The research aims to understand necessity and opportunity motivations of entrepreneurs during the start-up process.The analysis of prior content and process research on necessity and opportunity entrepreneurship underlines the importance of adopting a process perspective in the study of the phenomenon. The empirical study follows an interpretive perspective and mobilizes a longitudinal qualitative methodology. Eight entrepreneurs in Burkina Faso have been studied through in-depth interviews for 15 months.The results indicate firstly that the GEM-type measurement tools do not always grasp the phenomenon of necessity / opportunity motivations. The results then show that during the start-up process, the motivational phases of necessity / mix / opportunity transit to phases of different nature. Finally, the results suggest that motivational transitions are underpinned by the appearance / disappearance of reasons related to the environment, the individual, the results obtained and actions undertaken.Two types of contributions are outlined. The results first invite to mitigate the dichotomy between necessity and opportunity-driven entrepreneurship, which appears in fact quite unstable for the entrepreneurs studied. Second, they question public policies that deliberately exclude necessity entrepreneurs from their program and call them to develop more flexible support policies that adapt to the need of the entrepreneurs in time

How do extrinsic factors influence the decision of young adults to become an entrepreneur?

Thumm, Aiko, Hartmann, Michelle January 2018 (has links)
‘How do extrinsic factors influence the decision of young adults to become an entrepreneur?’ Michelle Hartmann and Aiko Thumm, 2018: Applied Double Degree Bachelor, Linnaeus University Växjö, Sweden and ICN Business School Nancy, France. Even though governments all over the world are putting a spotlight on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship as a whole, the motivations of why to become a venture creator is rarely touched upon. In general, there are two forms of possible influences on entrepreneurial intentions, namely intrinsic and extrinsic drivers. In order to further describe the phenomenon of extrinsic factors influencing entrepreneurial intentions, this study aims to describe the interplay of three extrinsic factors for venture creation. These three factors are entrepreneurship enhancing education, role models as well as influence of opportunity and necessity. A descriptive, qualitative study has been chosen for that purpose. During semi-structured interviews, the narrative story of the six participants is told. The findings revolve around the narratives of the respondents’ propositions towards the three aforementioned extrinsic factors. This paper shows that the present educational system only partially conveys necessary knowledge and entrepreneurial skills. Furthermore, this study suggests, that there is more than only a positively influencing role model, videlicet, a negative example representing things the young adult does not want to become. In addition, the study depicts the predicament of a clear differentiation between necessity and opportunity entrepreneurship. Lastly this paper concludes, that more than one factor are motivational drivers for young entrepreneurs and therefore opens a wide research area for future fellow entrepreneurship researchers.

Realizations of Epistemic Modality in English and Lithuanian: Parameters of Equivalence / Episteminio modalumo ekvivalentiškumo parametrai anglų ir lietuvių kalbose

Šolienė, Audronė 01 July 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with epistemic modality and its realizations in English and Lithuanian. It focuses on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of equivalence between the lexical exponents of epistemic modality in the two languages. The axis of contrast is laid on the auxiliary and adverb strategies (van der Auwera et al. 2005): a probe is made into the cross-linguistic distribution and behavior of the central English modal auxiliaries of possibility and necessity and epistemic stance adverbials as opposed to their counterparts in Lithuanian. It is a contrastive analysis based on the data obtained from a self-compiled bi-directional parallel corpus of fiction texts and their translations into Lithuanian and English. The findings show that, despite the existence of the same adverbial and verb strategies for epistemic meaning realization in the two languages, their implementation differs. Lithuanian shows a significantly higher frequency of adverbials as opposed to English. Due to the high degree of grammaticalization, English usually favors modal auxiliaries for expressing epistemic modality. The findings show that epistemic meaning can be determined by various constraints, the most important of which are complement stativity and subject specification. The analysis of the translational paradigm could suggest that the boundaries between low and high degree of probability can be blurred in Lithuanian. The abundance of inserted modal adverbials and the phenomenon of zero... [to full text] / Disertacijoje tiriamas episteminis modalumas ir jo raiškos priemonės anglų ir lietuvių kalbose. Abiejose kalbose esama įvairių kalbinių priemonių episteminiam modalumui reikšti, tačiau darbe daugiausia dėmesio skiriama episteminį modalumą koduojančių modalinių veiksmažodžių ir modalinių adverbialų bei jų vertimo atitikmenų analizei. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – taikant lygiagrečiųjų ir palyginamųjų tekstynų metodiką aptarti kiekybinius ir kokybinius episteminio modalumo raiškos ekvivalentiškumo parametrus anglų ir lietuvių kalbose. Remiantis van der Auweros et al. (2005) tyrimo modeliu, bandoma nustatyti, kokia episteminio modalumo raiškos strategija – modalinių veiksmažodžių ar adverbialų – vyrauja anglų ir lietuvių kalbose. Tuo tikslu buvo sudarytas dvikalbis dvikryptis paralelusis tekstynas iš grožinės literatūros originalių tekstų ir jų vertimų į lietuvių ir anglų kalbas. Išanalizavus empirinę medžiagą, prieita prie tokių išvadų: episteminio modalumo raiška anglų ir lietuvių kalbose skiriasi. Anglų kalboje dėl palyginti didelės gramatiškėjimo įtakos episteminis modalumas dažniausiai reiškiamas modaliniais veiksmažodžiais, o lietuvių kalboje vyrauja adverbialinė raiškos strategija. Episteminė reikšmė glaudžiai susijusi su veiksmažodžių komplementų ir subjekto specifikacija. Vertimų paradigmų analizė rodo, kad lietuvių kalboje modalinės tikimybės laipsniai skiriami ne taip griežtai ir jos ribos ne tokios ryškios, o praleidimo ir įterpimo atvejai vertime gali būti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Episteminio modalumo ekvivalentiškumo parametrai anglų ir lietuvių kalbose / Realizations of Epistemic Modality in English and Lithuanian: Parameters of Equivalence

Šolienė, Audronė, ŠOLIENĖ, AUDRONĖ 01 July 2013 (has links)
Disertacijoje tiriamas episteminis modalumas ir jo raiškos priemonės anglų ir lietuvių kalbose. Abiejose kalbose esama įvairių kalbinių priemonių episteminiam modalumui reikšti, tačiau darbe daugiausia dėmesio skiriama episteminį modalumą koduojančių modalinių veiksmažodžių ir modalinių adverbialų bei jų vertimo atitikmenų analizei. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – taikant lygiagrečiųjų ir palyginamųjų tekstynų metodiką aptarti kiekybinius ir kokybinius episteminio modalumo raiškos ekvivalentiškumo parametrus anglų ir lietuvių kalbose. Remiantis van der Auweros et al. (2005) tyrimo modeliu, bandoma nustatyti, kokia episteminio modalumo raiškos strategija – modalinių veiksmažodžių ar adverbialų – vyrauja anglų ir lietuvių kalbose. Tuo tikslu buvo sudarytas dvikalbis dvikryptis paralelusis tekstynas iš grožinės literatūros originalių tekstų ir jų vertimų į lietuvių ir anglų kalbas. Išanalizavus empirinę medžiagą, prieita prie tokių išvadų: episteminio modalumo raiška anglų ir lietuvių kalbose skiriasi. Anglų kalboje dėl palyginti didelės gramatiškėjimo įtakos episteminis modalumas dažniausiai reiškiamas modaliniais veiksmažodžiais, o lietuvių kalboje vyrauja adverbialinė raiškos strategija. Episteminė reikšmė glaudžiai susijusi su veiksmažodžių komplementų ir subjekto specifikacija. Vertimų paradigmų analizė rodo, kad lietuvių kalboje modalinės tikimybės laipsniai skiriami ne taip griežtai ir jos ribos ne tokios ryškios, o praleidimo ir įterpimo atvejai vertime gali būti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The thesis deals with epistemic modality and its realizations in English and Lithuanian. It focuses on the quantitative and qualitative parameters of equivalence between the lexical exponents of epistemic modality in the two languages. The axis of contrast is laid on the auxiliary and adverb strategies (van der Auwera et al. 2005): a probe is made into the cross-linguistic distribution and behavior of the central English modal auxiliaries of possibility and necessity and epistemic stance adverbials as opposed to their counterparts in Lithuanian. It is a contrastive analysis based on the data obtained from a self-compiled bi-directional parallel corpus of fiction texts and their translations into Lithuanian and English. The findings show that, despite the existence of the same adverbial and verb strategies for epistemic meaning realization in the two languages, their implementation differs. Lithuanian shows a significantly higher frequency of adverbials as opposed to English. Due to the high degree of grammaticalization, English usually favors modal auxiliaries for expressing epistemic modality. The findings show that epistemic meaning can be determined by various constraints, the most important of which are complement stativity and subject specification. The analysis of the translational paradigm could suggest that the boundaries between low and high degree of probability can be blurred in Lithuanian. The abundance of inserted modal adverbials and the phenomenon of zero... [to full text]

The postanarchist, an activist in a 'heterotopia' : building an ideal type

Fernandes, Teresa X. January 2018 (has links)
The Postanarchist, an activist in a heterotopia : building an ideal type is the theme of this doctoral thesis. The main aim is to elaborate a design for the postanarchist figure, picking up its main characteristics from the work of the postanarchist Saul Newman. The argument also bears on two other authors: the post-structuralist Michel Foucault, considered a strong influence of postanarchism, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, the first author who labelled himself as anarchist and the first to embrace anarchy positively. Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari are introduced as mediators to provide deeper understanding of the main authors. The dissertation offers a novel theoretical revision of postanarchism through Michel Foucault and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. It notes the close similarities between Foucault and Proudhon - in terms of concepts of space, struggle, movement, necessity and consequently anarchy; establishes a conceptual net around them and uses Proudhon s thinking to fill the bibliographic gaps in Foucault s writings. The goal is to better understand the thought and the activist practice of Foucault in terms of anarchism and, in the last instance, to better grasp the postanarchism of Saul Newman in order to carve the postanarchist ideal type. Postanarchism is understood as the constitution of autonomous spaces; the notions of space and heterotopias - the Foucauldian space - are central in the dissertation. Accordingly, the thesis is structured by three hypotheses: (i) postanarchism is space constitution; (ii) the constitution of space is a struggle; (iii) to establish space is to survive. The sub-concepts of the dissertation are: movement, necessity, struggle, power subject, body, sign, truth and utopia. The thesis provides an interpretative analysis of primary sources - books, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and manifestos - of the three main authors supported by secondary commentaries. It departs from conventions by adopting a theoretical approach inspired by Foucault s solar and circular worldview (and Tommaso Campanella s City of the Sun). This facilitates the fluid organization of the argument and avoids imposing linearity on the content, thus highlighting the interrelation between content and the structure of the argument. This thesis is an exposition, an interpretation that develops new knowledge through the connections and methods that enable us to better know who the postanarchist activist is.

Le matérialisme scientifique et/ou métaphysique de Jacques Monod / Scientific and/or metaphysic materialism according to Jacques Monod

Le Gall, Roselyne 28 October 2017 (has links)
Après une présentation des découvertes scientifiques de Monod en matière de biologie moléculaire, en particulier les gènes régulateurs dans l’opéron et l’allostérie, puis l’exposé de l’interprétation philosophique de Monod sur ces apports scientifiques, par la mise en avant des principes du hasard et de la nécessité, nous tentons de tirer au clair ce qui, chez Monod, relève du matérialisme scientifique proprement dit, car relevant d’un principe méthodologique de stricte objectivité, et ce qui relève de choix métaphysique. Cette distinction est fondamentale car il faut montrer que le matérialisme scientifique n’est pas exclusif de toute métaphysique. Il peut contribuer, au contraire, à manifester la pertinence d’un certain niveau d’analyse qui, loin d’exclure d’autres niveaux d’analyse, les permet. Ceci répond à l’exigence d’opérer les distinctions nécessaires pour mettre chaque investigation rationnelle à sa place, sans confusion ou empiétement des niveaux de recherche. / First, we give a presentation of Monod's scientific discoveries as regards molecular biology, particularly the regulator genes in operon and allostery. Then we will present Monod's philosophical interpretation concerning those scientific contributions by the setting in front of the principles of the chance and necessity. We try to draw with light what depends on strict scientific materialism because depending on a methodological principle of strict objectivity, and what depends of metaphysical choice. That distinction is fundamental because it has to be shown that the scientific materialism is not exclusive from any metaphysics. On the contrary, it can contribute to manifest the pertinence of a certain level of analysis which, far from excluding other levels of analysis, do allow them. In that way, we answer to the necessity of right distinctions in order to place each investigation at its right place without any confusion nor overlapping of the levels of research.

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