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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Efekti liderstva na organizacione i poslovne performanse preduzeća / Effects of Leadership on Organisational and Business Performance of Enterprises

Strukan Edin 25 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Disertacija se bavi efektima liderstva, LMX i transformacionog liderstva na razliĉite organizacione i poslovne performanse preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini. Od poslovnih performansi su kao kljuĉne posmatrane finansijske i performanse uspje&scaron;nosti razvoja novog proizvoda, a kao organizacione performanse posmatrani su: zadovoljstvo poslom, organizaciona posvećenost, organizaciona komunikacija i meĊusobno povjerenje na poslu. Pored toga, u disertaciji su obrazloţeni i neki drugi organizacioni ishodi koji su u uzroĉno-posljediĉnoj vezi sa liderstvom: organizaciono pona&scaron;anje, organizaciona kultura, motivacija i stres. Istraţivaĉki dio disertacije je zasnovan na podacima koji su dobijeni iz dva istovremeno sprovedena istraţivanja. Prvo istraţivanje je obuhvatilo anketiranje N=334 menadţera srednjeg nivoa iz 103 preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini. Od metoda statistiĉke obrade podataka kori&scaron;teni su: deskriptivna statistika, korelaciona analiza, regresiona analiza i hijerarhijska regresiona analiza za ispitivanje moderatornog dejstva. Osnovni zakljuĉci ovog istraţivanja su: (1) Lideri u B&amp;H preduzećima imaju visoka oĉekivanja u pogledu performansi, a malo podr&scaron;ke i osjećanja za zaposlene. Kazne su ĉe&scaron;će nego nagrade, LMX je oko prosjeka, distanca moći iznad prosjeka, a organizaciona posvećenost ima nisku prosjeĉnu ocjenu. (2) Zaposleni u B&amp;H preduzećima ne vole visoku distancu moći, preferiraju dobre meĊuljudske odnose, kako sa nadreĊenim tako i sa kolegama. Pored toga, zaposleni visoko cijene nagraĊivanje i strategijske sposobnosti lidera. Insistiranje lidera na visokim performansama, kao i primjena sistema kaţnjavanja, ne daju pozitivne efekte. (3) Zadovoljstvo poslom, zadovoljstvo organizacionom komunikacijom i meĊusobno povjerenje na poslu su oko prosjeka. Zaposleni su vi&scaron;e zadovoljni aspektima posla koji su vezani za socijalne odnose u preduzeću nego postojećim i potencijalnim naknadama. Generalno posmatrano,<br />zadovoljni su organizacionom komunikacijom, naroĉito sa onom koju realizuju sa menadţerima srednjeg nivoa, a meĊusobno povjerenje je ne&scaron;to intenzivnije kada su u pitanju namjere i akcije kolega nego namjere i akcije menadţmenta preduzeća. (4) Vlasniĉka struktura i nacionalno porijeklo preduzeća nisu znaĉajni moderatori posmatranih odnosa. Moderatorni efekat pokazao se samo u malom broju sluĉajeva. (5) Lideri treba da smanje distancu moći, smanje visoka oĉekivanja u smislu performansi, smanje kazne, a da pobolj&scaron;aju svoj odnos sa zaposlenima, da njeguju dobre odnose meĊu zaposlenima, da povećaju nagrade, i da se usavr&scaron;avaju u svojim strate&scaron;kim znanjima, razmi&scaron;ljanjima i akcijama.<br />TakoĊer, da bi disertacija dala sveobuhvatne informacije o efektima liderstva na organizacione i poslovne performanse preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini, pored prethodno navedenog istraţivanja menadţera srednjeg nivoa, uraĊeno je i dodatno, uporedno istraţivanje na uzorku od 127 top menadţera u isto toliko preduzeća, po principu jedno preduzeće jedan top menadţer. Uvaţavajući ĉinjenicu da moderno poslovanje nameće liderima potrebu kreiranja i stalnog uvoĊenja promjena u postojeći naĉin poslovanja, &scaron;to u svojoj su&scaron;tini predstavlja transformaciono liderstvo, ovo istraţivanje je imalo za cilj da utvrdi obim i intenzitet efekata transformacionog liderstva vrhunskih menadţera na poslovne performanse B&amp;H preduzeća. Kao poslovne performase posmatrane su finansijske performanse i performanse razvoja novog proizvoda. Rezultati ovog istraţivanja pokazuju da transformaciono liderstvo ima pozitivan uticaj na postizanje visokog nivoa finansijskih performansi i performansi razvoja novog proizvoda. TakoĊer, istraţivanje je pokazalo da lideri i top menadţeri najvi&scaron;eg nivoa u preduzećima u Bosni i Hercegovini imaju veći fokus na zadatke nego na ljude. U tom smislu, preporuka za njih jeste da vi&scaron;e paţnje posvećuju kreiranju i uvoĊenju promjenama u postojeći model poslovanja, na budućnost i dugoroĉne planove, ali i na svoje zaposlene kao glavne nosioce svih poslovnih procesa.</p> / <p>The dissertation deals with the effects of leadership, LMX and transformational leadership on the various organisational and business performance of enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Of business performance, key financial and success of new product development performance are considered to be key, while as organisational performance we consider: job satisfaction, organisational commitment, organisational communication and mutual trust at work. In addition, the dissertation also explains other organisational outcomes that are in a cause-and-effect relationship with leadership: organisational behaviour, organisational culture, motivation and stress. The research part of the dissertation is based on data obtained from two simultaneously conducted research. The first survey included a survey of N = 334 mid-level managers from 103 enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The statistical methods used are: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis for moderate effect testing. The basic conclusions of this research are: (1) Leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina have high expectations in terms of performance, with little support and feelings for employees. The penalties are more frequent than the rewards, the LMX is around the average, the distance of power above the average, and the organisation&#39;s commitment has a low average grade. (2) Employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not like a great distance of power, preferring good interpersonal relationships, both with their superiors and their counterparts. In addition, employees highly value and reward strategic abilities of leaders. Insistence of leaders on high-performance, as well as the application of the punishment system, do not yield positive effects. (3) Job satisfaction, satisfaction with organisational communication and mutual trust in work are around the average. Employees are more satisfied with aspects of work related to social relations in the company<br />than the existing and potential benefits. Generally speaking, they are happy with organisational communication, especially with middle-level managers, and mutual trust is more intense when it comes to the intentions and actions of colleagues than the intentions and actions of enterprise management. (4) Ownership structure and national origin of enterprises are not significant moderators of observed relationships. The moderate effect has only been demonstrated in a small number of cases. (5) Leaders should reduce the distance of power, reduce high performance expectations, reduce punishment, improve their relationship with employees, nurture good relations among employees, increase rewards, and improve their strategic knowledge, thinking and action.<br />Also, in order for the dissertation to provide comprehensive information on the effects of leadership on organisational and business performance of enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in addition to the aforementioned research of mid-level managers, an additional parallel study was carried out on a sample of 127 top managers in the same companies, on the principle of one company one top manager. Bearing in mind the fact that modern business imposes on leaders the need to create and permanently introduce changes to existing business practises, which in essence represents transformational leadership, this research was intended to determine the scope and intensity of the transformation leadership effects of top managers on business performance of enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We consider financial performance and performance of new product development as business performance. The results of this research show that transformational leadership has a positive influence on achieving a high level of financial performance and the performance of developing a new product. Also, research has shown that leaders and top managers of the highest level in enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina have a greater focus on tasks than on people. In this regard, the recommendation to them is to pay more attention to the design and implementation of changes in the existing business model, the future and long-term plans, but also to its employees as the main carriers of all business processes.</p>


高玉龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣工具機產業廠商,探索其研發專案知識管理對新產品開發績效的影響,及其技術知識特質對知識管理的關聯性。本論文以深入個案訪談法為主要的研究方法,訪談國內具代表地位的二家工具機業大廠之設計及開發部門,並自其中各選擇二個研發專案作為研究對象。   本研究歸納分析所得到的研究發現如下:   【研究發現一】研發專案知識吸收來源愈多、範圍愈廣、組織學習活動愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現二】研發專案知識創造技術突破愈多、創新價值愈高,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現三】研發專案知識蓄積文件化程度愈高、蓄積活動愈多、累積專案核心能耐愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現四】研發專案知識擴散方式愈多、擴散活動愈多,其新產品開發績效愈高。   【研究發現五】技術知識變動程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   【研究發現六】技術知識外顯程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   【研究發現七】技術知識路徑相依度對研發專案知識管理的影響,似乎不是很明顯。   【研究發現八】技術知識模組化程度對研發專案知識管理的影響,似乎不是很明顯。   【研究發現九】技術知識複雜化程度對研發專案的知識管理有明顯的影響。   因此,本研究建議企業為了提升新產品開發的成效,的確需要強化知識管理,同時其研發部門應設計符合技術知識特質及利於推動知識管理的組織型態與作為。平時應作好內部技術傳承及外部技術來源佈置工作,並在新產品開發不同階段妥善配置適合的資源與人力。 / This research is focused on Taiwan's CNC machine industries for exploring the impacts of knowledge management on the performance of new product development. The influence of the characteristics of technological knowledge on knowledge management is also studied. The research was conducted mainly based on deep case studied. The research subjects include four R&D projects two which are selected from two companies of CNC machine industry.   The preliminary conclusions are as follows:   1. The more the R&D project knowledge is absorbed from different sources, wide ranges,and multiple organizational learning activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.   2. The more the R&D project knowledge creates the technological breakthrough and thenewly added value, the better the performance of new product development would be.   3. The more the R&D project knowledge is accumulated with the documentation, the amass of activities, and the core resourcefulness, the better the performance of new product development would be.   4. The more the R&D project knowledge is diffused in different patterns and activities, the better the performance of new product development would be.   5. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of change of technological knowledge.   6. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of explicitness of technological knowledge.   7. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of path dependence of technological knowledge path.   8. There doesn't exist a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D project and the degree of modualization of technological knowledge.   9. There exists a direct relationship between the knowledge management of R&D projects and the degree of complexity of technological knowledge.   As a result, it is suggested that the R & D departments of the companies possessed with different characteristics of technological knowledge should design the organizational form and activities that are conformed to the characteristics of technological knowledge for facilitating the practices of knowledge management.   The internal technology inheritance and the external technology resource deployment have to be executed ordinarily; and the appropriate resources as well as human powershall be properly allocated in accordance with the different steps of new product development with a view to intensifying the satisfactory result.

新產品開發專案策略與供應商管理制度之探討-以我國某汽車製造公司為對象 / Discussion of new product development project strategy and supplier management system

張明益 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係透過實地訪談暸解企業在不同的新產品開發專案策略下所採行的供應商管理制度(包括供應商遴選、供應商發展活動與供應商績效評估與獎酬制度)具體內容為何,進而探討不同的新產品開發專案策略在供應商管理制度上的異同處為何,以期提供企業在選擇參與新產品專案供應商、進行供應商發展活動及評估供應商專案績效與設計獎酬制度時的參考。本研究依據個案分析之結果,提出以下三項結論以回應研究問題,並根據研究發現陳述相關建議,最後提出研 究限制與未來研究方向之建議。 一、新產品開發專案策略會影響遴選參與專案供應商時的遴選流程、優先重視的評估構面與遴選時間。 二、新產品開發專案策略會影響專案中進行供應商發展活動的活動內容、範疇與時間。 三、新產品開發專案策略會影響供應商之專案績效評估的目標訂定範圍與嚴苛程度。 / Conducted by field interviews, this research is primary to focus on the details of supplier management system including selection of suppliers, supplier development activities, supplier performance evaluation, and reward system) under different strategies of new product development projects. This research also discusses the similarities and differences of supplier management system under different strategies of new product development projects. According to the result of case analysis, we claim three conclusions in response to the research questions, and propose some relevant suggestions. Finally, we state research limitation and direction for future research. 1.The strategy of new product development project will affects the selection process, priority of assessment dimensions, and duration in selecting the suppliers who can join the project. 2.The strategy of new product development project will affects the content, scope, and period of supplier development activities in the project. 3.The strategy of new product development project will affects the scope and severeness of goals in evaluating suppliers' performance in the project.

Individual strategic thinking as a facilitator of absorptive capacity: an examination on new product development projects

Zavala Vinces, Jorge Juan 29 October 2007 (has links)
Aquesta tesi intenta descobrir els elements del pensament estratègic individual que proposen Bonn (2001, 2005) i Liedtka (1998), però que no s'havien demostrat empíricament, i la relació entre aquests elements en el seu rol com a facilitadors de la capacitat d'absorció organitzacional -reconceptualitzada per Zahra i George (2002)- en el context d'un projecte de desenvolupament de productes.A aquest efecte, la tesi ha seguit un enfocament qualitatiu, amb el marc metodològic de l'estudi del cas. La tesi comprèn quatre estudis del cas de desenvolupament de productes, en quatre filials llatinoamericanes d'una empresa farmacèutica multinacional. Seguint l'enfocament metodològic de Yin (2003a, 2003b) per als estudis del cas, i el mètode de comparació constant de la teoria fonamentada (grounded theory) de Glaser i Strauss (1967) i d'Strauss i Corbin (1998) per a l'anàlisi de dades, aquesta tesi aprofundeix els elements del pensament estratègic individual i la seva relació amb la capacitat d'absorció potencial (adquisició i assimilació de coneixements) i amb la capacitat d'absorció realitzada (transformació i aplicació de coneixement) de Zahra i George (2002).Aquesta tesi ha trobat que els principals elements relacionats amb el pensament estratègic individual són: creativitat individual, perspectiva holística i visió. Aquest descobriment concorda amb el model de Bonn (2005) sobre la matèria. També s'ha descobert que hi ha una relació facilitadora d'aquests elements (entre d'altres) sobre la capacitat d'absorció realitzada que proposen Zahra i George (2002) i, al seu moment, sobre l'èxit de projectes de desenvolupament de productes.Des del punt de vista teòric, els resultats d'aquesta dissertació contribueixen també amb un model de fluxos de coneixement que interrelaciona els elements del pensament estratègic individual, junt amb altres elements que s'han descobert en la recerca, amb la capacitat d'absorció organitzacional de l'equip, que faciliten l'èxit de projectes de desenvolupament de productes. Des del punt de vista pràctic, aquesta tesi ofereix als gerents la possibilitat de fer atenció al desenvolupament sistematitzat dels elements del pensament estratègic individual, com també als membres dels equips que tenen al seu càrrec projectes de desenvolupament de productes, per tal d'obtenir-hi més èxit. / Esta disertación, intentó descubrir los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, propuestos por Bonn (2001, 2005) y Liedtka (1998), pero no probados empíricamente; y la relación entre esos elementos en su rol como facilitadores de la capacidad de absorción organizacional - reconceptualizada por Zahra and George (2002) - en el contexto de un proyecto de desarrollo de productos.Para ese propósito la disertación usó un enfoque cualitativo con un marco metodológico del caso estudio. La disertación comprende cuatro casos estudio de desarrollo de productos, en cuatro subsidiarias latinoamericanas de una empresa farmacéutica multinacional. Usando el enfoque metodológico de Yin (2003a, 2003b) para los casos estudio; y el método de comparación constante del grounded theory de Glaser and Strauss's (1967) y Strauss and Corbin (1998) para el análisis de la data; esta disertación profundiza en los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual y en su relación con la capacidad de absorción potencial (adquisición y asimilación de conocimiento) y con la capacidad de absorción realizada (transformación y aplicación de conocimiento) de Zahra and George's (2002).Esta disertación encontró que los principales elementos asociados al pensamiento estratégico individual son: creatividad individual, perspectiva holística, y visión. Este descubrimiento concuerda con el modelo de Bonn (2005) sobre el tema. También se descubrió que existe una relación facilitadora de esos elementos (entre otros) sobre la capacidad de absorción realizada propuesto por Zahra y George (2002) y en su momento, sobre el éxito de proyectos de desarrollo de productos.Desde el punto de vista teórico, los resultados de esta disertación contribuyen también con un modelo de flujos de conocimiento que interrelaciona los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, junto con otros elementos descubiertos en la investigación, con la capacidad de absorción organizacional del equipo, que facilitan el éxito de proyectos de desarrollo de productos. Desde un punto de vista práctico, esta disertación ofrece la posibilidad para los gerentes de prestar atención al desarrollo sistematizado de los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, en los miembros de los equipos a cargo de proyectos de desarrollo de productos, para lograr aumentar el éxito de dichos proyectos. / This dissertation attempted to uncover the individual strategic thinking elements proposed, but not empirically tested, by Bonn (2001, 2005) and Liedtka (1998); and the relationships between those elements and its role as facilitator of the team's absorptive capacity - as reconceptualized by Zahra and George (2002) - that a team develops within the context of NPD project.For that purpose this dissertation used a qualitative approach within the case-study methodology framework. The study comprises four case studies amidst New Product Development (NPD) projects in four Latin American subsidiaries of an American Multi-National Company (MNC) within the pharmaceutical industry. Using Yin's (2003a, 2003b) methodological approach to case studies as framework, and Glaser and Strauss's (1967) and Strauss and Corbin (1998) constant comparative method from the grounded theory as the data analysis tool, this dissertation deepened in the elements of individual strategic thinking and their relationship with Zahra and George's (2002) Potential Absorptive Capacity (knowledge acquisition and knowledge assimilation) and Realized Absorptive Capacity (knowledge transformation and knowledge application).This dissertation found that the main elements related to individual strategic thinking were: individual creativity, holistic perspective, and vision. This finding supports Bonn's (2005) model on the topic. Those elements were found to have a role as facilitators (among other elements) of Realized Absorptive Capacity proposed by Zahra and George (2002) and in turn, as an enabler of NPD project's success improvement.From a theoretical point of view, this dissertation also contributed with a framework of knowledge flows as present in a NPD project that interrelate individual strategic thinking elements, and other elements uncovered by the study, with the team's absorptive capacity facilitating the NPD success. From a practical stand point, this dissertation provided the possibility for managers to pay attention on a systematic development of the individual strategic thinking skill through its elements, among the members of a team in charge of a NPD project, in particular within the pharmaceutical industry.

Better products, better world, better image : A Study on the Interaction of Corporate Social Responsibility, New Product Development and Brand Image in the B2B Sector

Miettinen, Noora Irina, Lima Silva, Soraya January 2012 (has links)
Title: Better products,   better world, better image: A study on the   interaction of corporate social responsibility, new product development and   brand image in the B2B sector Authors: Soraya Lima Silva &amp; Noora Irina Miettinen Course: Marketing master programme final thesis, 30 ECTS, spring semester 2012,LinnaeusUniversity Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, sustainability, new product development, innovation, B2B brand image, B2B brand perception Purpose: Investigating how customer’s perception of brand image is affected by corporate social responsibility (CSR) and new product development (NPD) in the business-to-business (B2B) sector in the telecommunication and chemical industries. Method: Mixed methods research, cross-sectional research design Interviews with 4 supplier companies Qualitative content analysis on documents of 40 supplier companies Questionnaire to customer companies with 99 responses Findings: CSR and NPD were usually seen as separate and detached activities. Companies integrated CSR into their NPD process mainly for creating sustainable products helping their customers to minimize their impact on the environment without including the societal aspect of CSR. NPD affected the brand image perception in the telecommunication industry to a high degree by improving the perception of the quality of products, and   in the chemical industry to a low degree by motivating the companies to recommend their suppliers. The interaction of CSR and NPD had an effect on the brand image by creating reputation and competitive advantage. Companies that were seen as environmentally responsible were often also seen as technologically advanced. Being perceived as sustainable was very important to the chemical   companies, whereas being perceived as innovative was vital in the telecommunication industry. CSR affected the brand image perception in the chemical industry by enhancing customer satisfaction and reputation, but in the telecommunication industry the CSR of suppliers was important only when the demand for sustainability came from the customers’ own customers / Otsikko: Parempia tuotteita, parempi maailma, parempi imago: Tutkimus yritysten   yhteiskuntavastuun, tuotekehityksen ja brandi-imagon vuorovaikutuksesta   B2B-sektorilla Tekijät: Soraya Lima Silva &amp; Noora Irina Miettinen Ohjaaja: Sarah Philipson Tarkastaja: Sarah Philipson Kurssi: Markkinoinnin maisteriohjelman päätöstyö, 30 opintopistettä, kevätlulukausi 2012, Linnaeus University Hakusanat: Yrityksen yhteiskuntavastuu, kestävä kehitys, tuotekehitys, innovaatio, B2B brandi-imago, B2B brandivaikutelma Tarkoitus: Tutkia miten yritysten yhteiskuntavastuu ja tuotekehitys vaikuttaa asiakkaiden kokemaan brandi-imagoon B2B-sektorilla telekommunikaatio- ja kemianteollisuudessa Metodi: Poikkileikkaava mixed methods -tutkimus 4 toimittajayrityksen haastattelua Laadullinen sisältöanalyysi 40 toimittajayrityksen dokumenteista Kysely asiakasyrityksille, jossa 99 vastausta Löydökset: Yritykset näkivät yhteiskuntavastuun ja tuotekehityksen erillisinä aktiviteetteina. Yritykset integroivat yhteiskuntavastuun osaksi tuotekehitysprosessia lähinnä luodakseen kestävää kehitystä tukevia tuotteita auttaakseen asiakkaita   minimoimaan ympäristöön kohdistuvaa vaikutusta, mutta eivät ottaneet   yhteiskunnallista aspektia huomioon. Tuotekehitys vaikutti suuressa määrin imagokäsitykseen telekommunikaatioalalla parantamalla käsitystä tuotteiden laadusta. Kemianteollisuudessa tuotekehitys vaikutti   vähäisessä määrin motivoimalla yrityksiä suosittelemaan toimittajia. Tuotekehityksen ja yhteiskuntavastuun suhde vaikutti imagoon lisäämällä mainetta ja  kilpailuetua. Yritykset, jotka nähtiin ympäristöystävällisinä, koettiin usein myös teknisesti kehittyneiksi. Kestävän kehityksen imagolla oli keskeinen merkitys kemianteollisuuden   yrityksissä, kun taas miellettävyys innovatiiviseksi oli oleellista   telekommunikaatioalalla. Yhteiskuntavastuu vaikutti imagokäsitykseen kemianteollisuudessa lisäämällä asiakastyytyväisyyttä ja parantamalla mainetta. Telekommunikaatioalan toimittajien yhteiskuntavastuu oli tärkeää vain, jos asiakkaat olivat kiinnostuneita siitä omien asiakkaidensa vaatimuksien motivoimana. / Titulo: Melhores produtos, melhor mundo, mellhor imagem: Um estudo sobre a interaçäo da responsabilidade social coperativa, desenvolvimento de novos produtos  e imagem de marca no setor de de negócios. Autores: Soraya Lima Silva &amp; Noora Irina Miettinen Tutor: Sarah Philipson Examinador: Sarah Philipson Curso: Dissertaçäo final do programa de master em Marketing, 30 ECTS, semester da   primavera de 2012, Linnaeus University Palavras-chave: Responsabilidade social coperativa, desenvolvimento de novos produtos, innovaçäo, imagem de marca no setor de de negócios.  Objetivo: Investigar como a percepçäo de clients sobre a imagem de marca é afetada pela responsabilidade social coperativa (CSR) e o desenvolvimento de novos produtos (NPD), no setor de negócios (B2B). Métodos: Métodos de pesquisa misturados, design de pesquisa com setores interligados Entrevistas com 4 empresas fornecedoras Análise qualitative de documentos de 40 empresas fornecedoras Questionário com 99 clientes de empresas fornecedoras Resultados: CSR e NPD vistos como atividades separadas. Empresas integram CSR nos processos de NPD, especialmente para a criaçäo de produtos   sustentáveis, ajudando assim os clients a minimizarem seus impactos no meio   ambiente sem incluir aspectos sociais de CSR. NPD afeta muito a percepçäo da imagem de marca na indústria de telecomunicaçöes quando melhora a percepçào dequalidade. Na indústria química NPD afeta muito pouco a percepçäo de marca, ajudando somente recomendaçöes. A interaçäo de CSR e NPD afeta a percepçäo de marca criando efeitos   de reputaçäo e vantagem competitiva. Empresas vistas como responsáveis pelo meio ambiente, também säo vistas como tecnologicamente avançadas. Ser visto como sustentável é muito importante   entre empresas químicas, enquanto ser visto como inovador é vital na   indústria de telecomunicaçöes. CSR afeta a percepçäo da imagem de marca na indústria química, reinforçando satisfaçäo do consumidor e reputaçäo, mas em telecominicaçöes, CSR praticados por fornecedores somente é importante quando a demanda de sustenabilidade veem dos consumidores dos clientes.

綠色新產品開發之智慧資本-國內某資訊電子企業之個案研究 / The intellectual capital in development of green new product - a case study of an enterprise in information and electronics industry

劉姵礽 Unknown Date (has links)
創新是企業競爭力的來源,擁有堅強的新產品開發能力是企業成功的關鍵。然而,隨著世界經濟發展的腳步不斷加快,環境品質遭到破壞,各界開始倡導綠色經濟,包括歐盟自2000年開始陸續發布的環保指令,表示企業生產的產品必須考量綠色-對環境友善是一個必要趨勢。而在今日的知識經濟時代,智慧資本的重要性漸漸取代原料、廠房等有形資產,成為企業創造的來源。 本研究採個案研究法,以國內某資訊電子企業為對象,探討綠色新產品開發之重要智慧資本及其管理、報導機制。研究結論如下: 一、個案公司綠色新產品開發之重要智慧資本包含九大因素構面。 二、個案公司研發部門與永續發展辦公室對於綠色新產品開發之重要智慧資本的看法一致。 三、個案公司對於綠色新產品開發之重要智慧資本均設有具體的管理制度以助蓄積。 四、個案公司目前尚未將重要智慧資本資訊彙總為一份完整的內部報導表,故本研究衡酌各報導形式之優缺點,設計了一份內部報導表,透過量化與非量化項目的揭露,供其更了解綠色新產品開發之重要智慧資本的發展情形。 / Innovation is the source of corporate competitiveness, equipping with excellent new product developing ability is the key to success. With the accelerated development of the world economy, the environment quality continues to decrease. More and more people began to pay attention to environmental issues, advocating green economy. With the rise of international environmental regulations such as the three environmental directives issued by the EU, enterprises face more pressure to take green issues into the consideration of the products. And in the information age, the importance of intellectual capital exceeds the tangible assets to be the value driver of enterprises. This study adopts case study method and is assisted with questionnaire survey analysis. This study takes one enterprise in the information and electronic industry as the object company to discuss what is the important intellectual capital of the green new product development and their management and internal reporting system. According to the result of case analysis, the research claims four conclusions in response to the research questions. 1. The case company considers 9 factors as important intellectual capital of the green new product development. 2. The R&D department and the Corporate Sustainability Office of the case company have consistent view of the important intellectual capital of the green new product development. 3. The case company has specific management system to help the important intellectual capital of the green new product development accumulate. 4. This study designs an internal intellectual capital reporting form to help the case company learn the development of the important intellectual capital of the green new product development.

Strategic lead-times and their implications on financial performance

Tiedemann, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
The overall goal for manufacturing companies is to earn profit and increase shareholders’ value. To ensure that companies in fact are profitable, managers usually evaluate the company’s resources based on both financial and operational performance, to analyse if the resources are contributing with a financial return. One of the most critical resources and competitive advantages that manufacturing companies have is time. Time, however, is an intangible resource and challenging to measure financially. There are, therefore, few practical instruments available to support managers’ decisions when it comes to linking lead-time with financial performance, assisting managers to prioritize the lead-times that are of strategic value (i.e. strategic lead-times). The purpose of this research was, therefore, to analyse strategic lead-times within new product development, purchasing, and production, as well as the implications that strategic lead-times have on manufacturing companies’ financial performance. To fulfil this purpose, the following two research objectives were formulated: (1) to analyse strategic lead-times within new product development, purchasing, and production, and (2) to analyse the implications of strategic lead-times on manufacturing companies’ financial performance. The research presented in this thesis has been conducted within a research project (KOPtimera). To fulfil the research objectives and the research purpose, a combination of conceptual analytical research and case study research was used, utilizing a number of data collection techniques: literature reviews, interviews, focus groups, workshops, document studies, and observations. In general, it is concluded that strategic lead-times, as defined in the research, have high implications for manufacturing companies’ financial performance and that the length of the strategic lead-times will impact who owns the risk in the manufacturing system, who controls the system and where variants are possible to create. The research further presents the implications that strategic lead-times have on financial performance, as well as indicates that it is possible to evaluate lead-time performance through financial performance, using readily available and accepted financial performance measures. Based on the implications identified, also a framework (the FinaSt framework) was developed. This FinaSt framework takes into consideration that not only the extension, but also the existence of strategic lead-times has implications for manufacturing companies’ financial performance, and that these implications can be either direct or indirect. The results contribute to the literature focused on valuing lead-times and provide useful knowledge for managers, allowing them to gain a better understanding for strategic lead-times’ implications on manufacturing companies’ financial performance, thus allowing for better decision support when evaluating supply chain designs and prioritizing alternatives based on profitability (i.e. return on investment). / Tillverkande företags övergripande mål är att vara lönsamma genom att skapa vinst till sina ägare. För att säkerställa att företagen är lönsamma brukar företagsledare utvärdera företagets resurser baserat på deras finansiella och operationella resultat, och således undersöka om resurserna bidrar med en ekonomisk avkastning. En av tillverkande företags mest kritiska resurs och konkurrensfördel är ledtid. Ledtid är emellertid en immateriell resurs och utmanande att mäta finansiellt, vilket är en bidragande orsak till att det finns få praktiska verktyg och beslutsstöd för att värdera ledtid finansiellt och underlätta för företagsledare att prioritera de ledtider som är av strategisk betydelse för företaget (d.v.s. strategiska ledtider). Syftet med denna forskning var således att analysera strategiska ledtider inom produktutveckling, inköp och produktion, samt de implikationer som strategiska ledtider har på tillverkande företags finansiella resultat. För att uppfylla detta syfte formulerades följande två forskningsmål: (1) att analysera strategiska ledtider inom produktutveckling, inköp och produktion, och (2) att analysera de implikationer som strategiska ledtider har på tillverkande företags finansiella resultat. Forskningen som presenteras i denna licentiatuppsats har genomförts i ett forskningsprojekt (KOPtimera). För att uppfylla forskningsmålen och syftet har en kombination av analytisk konceptuell forskning och fallstudier använts, där litteraturstudier, intervjuer, fokusgrupper, arbetsmöten (workshops), dokumentstudier och observationer använts för datainsamling. Slutsatserna är att strategiska ledtider, som de definieras i denna forskning, i hög grad påverkar tillverkande företags finansiella resultat, och att längden på strategiska ledtider påverkar riskfördelningen och styrbarheten i tillverkningssystemet samt var varianter skapas. Forskningsresultatet visar på de implikationer som strategiska ledtider har på tillverkande företags finansiella resultat och indikerar att det är möjligt att värdera ledtidsprestation genom redan tillgängliga finansiella nyckeltal. Baserat på de identifierade implikationerna utvecklades ett ramverk (FinaSt-ramverket). Detta ramverk tar i beaktning att inte enbart längden på strategiska ledtider utan också själva förekomsten av strategiska ledtider har implikationer för tillverkande företags finansiella resultat, och att dessa implikationer kan vara direkta eller indirekta. Resultatet bygger vidare på och bidrar till den litteratur som fokuserar på att värdera ledtid samt tillhandahåller kunskap för en ökad förståelse för strategiska ledtider och den betydelse som strategiska ledtider har på tillverkande företags finansiella resultat. Resultatet kan således bidra till bättre beslutsstöd vid utvärdering och prioritering av olika försörjningskedjealternativ, genom att tillhandahålla stöd för att basera beslutet på lönsamhet.

Consumer liking and sensory attribute prediction for new product development support : applications and enhancements of belief rule-based methodology

Savan, Emanuel-Emil January 2015 (has links)
Methodologies designed to support new product development are receiving increasing interest in recent literature. A significant percentage of new product failure is attributed to a mismatch between designed product features and consumer liking. A variety of methodologies have been proposed and tested for consumer liking or preference prediction, ranging from statistical methodologies e.g. multiple linear regression (MLR) to non-statistical approaches e.g. artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), and belief rule-based (BRB) systems. BRB has been previously tested for consumer preference prediction and target setting in case studies from the beverages industry. Results have indicated a number of technical and conceptual advantages which BRB holds over the aforementioned alternative approaches. This thesis focuses on presenting further advantages and applications of the BRB methodology for consumer liking prediction. The features and advantages are selected in response to challenges raised by three addressed case studies. The first case study addresses a novel industry for BRB application: the fast moving consumer goods industry, the personal care sector. A series of challenges are tackled. Firstly, stepwise linear regression, principal component analysis and AutoEncoder are tested for predictors’ selection and data reduction. Secondly, an investigation is carried out to analyse the impact of employing complete distributions, instead of averages, for sensory attributes. Moreover, the effect of modelling instrumental measurement error is assessed. The second case study addresses a different product from the personal care sector. A bi-objective prescriptive approach for BRB model structure selection and validation is proposed and tested. Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing are benchmarked against complete enumeration for searching the model structures. A novel criterion based on an adjusted Akaike Information Criterion is designed for identifying the optimal model structure from the Pareto frontier based on two objectives: model complexity and model fit. The third case study introduces yet another novel industry for BRB application: the pastry and confectionary specialties industry. A new prescriptive framework, for rule validation and random training set allocation, is designed and tested. In all case studies, the BRB methodology is compared with the most popular alternative approaches: MLR, ANN, and SVM. The results indicate that BRB outperforms these methodologies both conceptually and in terms of prediction accuracy.

Emergent Learning in Digital Product Teams

Nagaraj, Varun 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Разработка и вывод на рынок B2B нового продукта (на примере оборудования для птицефабрик) : магистерская диссертация / Develop and market B2B new product (example of poultry factory equipment)

Зубков, В. Г., Zubkov, V. G. January 2021 (has links)
В 1-й главе рассмотрены теоретические и методические основы разработки и вывода на промышленный рынок нового продукта. Во 2-й главе проведен анализ организации ООО «Фармпласт», анализ рынка нового оборудования, анализ патентного ландшафта, были выявлены ключевые проблемы и возможности при реализации изделия. В 3-й главе представлен инвестиционный проект по разработке и реализации нового оборудования, приведен расчет себестоимости изделия, рассчитаны затраты на реализацию и экономический эффект, определены возможные риски, даны рекомендации по снижению их эффекта. / Chapter 1 discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development and introduction of a new product to the industrial market. In the 2nd chapter, the organization of Farmplast LLC was analyzed, the market analysis of new equipment, the analysis of the patent landscape were identified, key problems and opportunities for the sale of the product were identified. The 3rd chapter presents an investment project for the development and sale of new equipment, gives a calculation of the cost of the product, calculated costs for implementation and economic effect, identified possible risks, made recommendations to reduce their effect.

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