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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

非營利組織內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾研究:以兩岸種子人才培訓計劃為例 / The relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in Seed Talent Program

吳家銘, Wu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的,係透過理論與實務的檢測,探討在種子人才培訓計劃中,內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係。在內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的變項中,哪些構面會影響三者關係的成立?組織認同與組織承諾在不同的個人背景下是否會有差異?台北與上海的種子人才培訓計劃成員,在性別、家鄉、年齡、級別、院所、幹部經驗是否會有差異? 本研究係組織理論的量化分析,量化分析的資料係透過線上問卷與現場發送的方式而得。有鑑於種子人才培訓計劃係一橫跨兩岸的組織,本研究設計兩份問卷,以確保兩地的樣本有一定的數量。本研究使用的統計分析,包含:敘述性統計分析、信度分析、樣本代表性檢定、卡方檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析。 本研究的結論如下:上海種子人才培訓計劃的成員,在內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾的各個變項均較台北種子人才培訓計劃要來得高。內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係存在,且內部行銷會透過組織認同影響組織承諾。當組織的內部行銷機制完整度越高,成員對組織的認同感會提升,也會越容易對組織做出承諾。此外,當組織成員對組織的認同度越高時,越容易對組織做出承諾。 / The purpose of the study is to find the relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in “Seed Talent Program”. In those dimensions, what variables influence the connection? Are the different personal backgrounds influence the organizational identification and organizational commitment? The members in Shanghai and Taipei have difference in sex, hometown, age, level, institutes, guide experience or not? Our survey uses the quantitative analysis. The data was collected through online questionnaire and visit the place in Taipei. In view of the program have foundations in Taipei and Shanghai; we design two questionnaires to make sure get enough samples. The statistical methods used in the survey include: descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, representative rample analysis, t-test, one-way anova, correlation analysis, regression analysis. After testing 252 members in Shanghai and Taipei, we found that the members in Shanghai have higher scores in three dimensions than those in Taipei. The relationship among the internal marketing, organization identification and organization commitment exists. When the internal marketing mechanisms become well, the members have higher identification and easily to make promise in the organization. The relationship is controlled by the hometown variables.


蕭瑀 Unknown Date (has links)
時至今日,公立大學在財務收入來源方面有企業捐助及教育部穩定來源支持,反觀私立大專院校,其收入來源卻是不穩定,可能造成其財務困難進而影響其辦學成效,私立大學如何提升其教學品質增加其收入,為首要關鍵點之一。而本研究透過資本人才密度比來展現學校的教學品質程度,並藉由相關文獻之彙總整理,歸納出影響大專校院資本人才密度比決策之因素。 本文以各私立大學院校所提供的財務報表,評估84學年度至94學年度各私立大學院校在資本人才密度比之影響,利用Panel Data統計方法,分析不同特質的學校,其經營產出上的差異,並提供學校經營者管理上的建議。 實證結果發現,學雜費收入、捐贈及補助收入、圖書支出,與資本人才比例為正相關。而在生師比方面會因不同的模型結構有不同影響變動。在機器設備之支出方面,若以碩博士生為研究對象,學校對於機器設備方面的投入建設,以提升全體碩博士生的設備使用。包含電腦儀器設備、投影設備等。設備投入越多,學生享有教學資源越多;但以全校人力為衡量標準,導致資源配置錯誤,無法達成配置效率(allocation efficiency)。 在虛擬變數方面,根據不同背景特性將其轉化,對醫學院而言,大多為小班制,醫學院的實習課都在醫院,教師品質來自於各醫院,與資本人才密度比呈現正相關的影響力。但在理工學院方面亦會因不同的模型結構有不同影響變動。而文法商學院,人力的訓練遠遠高於機器設備的使用率,較強調人才的管理組織整合能力的結合,與資本人才密度比呈現正相關。

非營利組織部落格閱聽人之研究--以使用與回饋為焦點 / On the audience of non-profit blogs: focusing on their usage and feedback

宋旼諴, Sung, Min Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來部落格興起,迅速形成一股風潮。部落格互動性高、進入門檻低,為缺乏高額行銷、宣傳預算的商業/非商業行為者提供了成本極低的新興宣傳管道,許多資訊化程度較高的非營利組織已開始選擇部落格作為其宣傳、發佈訊息或溝通的工具。 / 本研究以現有非營利組織部落格傳播研究為基礎,往閱聽人端延伸,探討非營利組織部落格閱聽人的使用與回饋行為,試圖描繪非營利組織部落格的閱聽人輪廓,提供非營利組織作為宣傳策略的參考。 / 研究發現,非營利組織部落格瀏覽者從動機、使用到回饋,整個過程呈現出環環相扣的因果關係,同時,每一個環節都受到瀏覽者的個人特質、周圍環境及其本身對公益事務(特定議題)或部落格此媒體工具的認知、態度、關注程度、過去經驗及…等多重因子形成的脈絡所影響。此外,「使用」和「回饋」中間還存在一個相當重要的環節:瀏覽者在接收非營利組織部落格的資訊刺激後,會因人而異,產生大小程度不一反應──包含對真實的認知、對訊息的共鳴或感動,進而轉化為行動欲望──,當此正面反應愈強,該瀏覽者便愈傾向做出進一步的回饋行動。 / 閱聽人瀏覽非營利組織部落格是一個動態的系列過程,充滿著各種影響因素,難以量化評估其效果或成敗。但從閱聽人的反應來看,非營利組織應可放心發展「部落格」此一媒體工具,省去架設網站的高金錢與技術成本,改以低成本、技術門檻低的部落格,將組織宣傳的人力物力集中在致力於「豐富內容」上,而不用再浪費時間學習網頁技術或尋找技術人才。同時,非營利組織也要善加利用部落格串聯的動能,可與使命相近的其他組織聯合舉辦活動或互相張貼串聯標籤,並以設計精美的標籤來鼓勵瀏覽者張貼在個人部落格上,擴展組織的宣傳觸角。


魏伶蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以非營利組織為個案對象,探討其外部報導所需揭露之重要智慧資本及相關管理機制,並提出以下四點結論: 一.個案基金會重視之智慧資本項目分布於八個次分類共23項,且個案基金會所重視之智慧資本項目與其使命、願景及目標緊密結合。 二.個案基金會認為重要之23項智慧資本項目中,有12項報導可行性未達「可行」,背後原因可歸納為:屬內部機密資訊以及指標較為抽象。 三.針對重要之智慧資本項目,個案基金會設有具體的管理制度與方法。 四.個案基金會之智慧資本外部報導可分為兩部份,第一部份為個案基金會之願景、策略、管理挑戰、行動目標及衡量指標;第二部份則是包含人力、結構及關係資本三類項目之智慧資本報表,並將其區分為量化及非量化指標。 / This research adopted case study on the non-profit organization to understand what should be disclosed in the external intellectual capital report and how to manage the specific intellectual capital. The conclusions are as followings: 1.The foundation considered 23 indicators important. These indicators are closely combined with the foundation’s mission, vision, and goals. 2.Among the 23 important indicators, 12 indicators’ reporting feasibility didn’t achieve”feasible”. The reasons are confidentiality and abstract. 3.The foundation has corresponding management measures for these 23 indicators. 4.The foundation’s external intellectual capital report can be divided into two parts: the first part is about the foundation’s mission, management challenges, goals, and measurements; the second part is intellectual capital statement including quantitative and qualitative indicators.

非營利組織財務資訊揭露之探討-內政部財務報表範例之探討 / The research of Non-porfit Organization Financial Disclosure - the research of the financial statement of MOI standardized template

柯玉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織的資源直接間接來自於社會大眾,本應就其財務運用的狀況對社會大眾交代,而財務報表乃是表達任何組織的經營結果,與資源分配是否有效的重要資訊。在台灣的非營利組織,超過33,000家,其中超過9,000家均採內政部所提供的財務報表範例編製自己的財務報告,惟該範例卻有瑕疵。因此本研究在探討什麼樣的財務報表格式可供內政部所屬的非營利組織參考。 本研究設計二套財務報表,一套依一般公認會計原則,一套依內政部範例改編,以問卷探詢非營利組織與營利組織的財務人員及管理階層,是否支持非營利組織公開其財務報表?如支持,財務報表的名稱及格式內容應為何?不同服務領域,對於贊成公開的財務報表是否不同?對財務報表的名稱及格式內容之偏好是否有差異?不同財務報表的格式,對於報表所呈現的完整性及報表間的關聯性是否不同?且對報表的信任度及理解度是否有影響?最後,財務資訊揭露是否為影響捐款的重要因素? 本研究之結果顯示,超過94%的受測者支持非營利組織公開其財務報表,且財務資訊揭露是影響捐款的重要因素。至於應公開的財務報表,則有「資產負債表」、「收支餘絀表」、「現金流量表」、「淨值變動表」,營利組織贊成公開的財務報表,為上述四表;非營利組織的意見雖較為分散,但仍集中在「資產負債表」、「收支餘絀表」。對於報表名稱及格式內容,營利組織與非營利組織也明顯不同,且不同財務報表的格式,對報表的信任度及理解度,以及報表的完整性和報表間的關聯性,是有影響的。 本研究並根據以上結論,編製一套財務報表格式以供內政部所屬的非營利組織參考。

Soziale Innovation – Beiträge aus der Innovationsforschung der Technischen Universität Chemnitz / Social Innovation – Treatises from the Innovation Research of the Technische Universität Chemnitz

09 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Soziale Innovation – Sie gilt als Lebenselixier moderner Gesellschaften und wird im sozialen Miteinander doch wenig benannt. Politiker und Wissenschaftlicher sehen in ihr den Schlüssel der gesellschaftlichen Neuerung, die durch Bürgerinnen und Bürger veranlasst wird. Und doch birgt die Vergegenständlichung einige Herausforderungen. Mit und in diesem Herausgeberband, der an der Technischen Universität Chemnitz entstanden ist, fragen wir uns: Mit welchem Paradigma wird sie belegt? Können wir das Konstrukt philosophisch fassen? Wie können Prozessmodelle der sozialen Innovation visualisiert werden? Welche Besonderheiten treten bei der Evaluierung und Steuerbarkeit auf? Und sind Non Profit Organisationen ein Inkubator für soziale Innovationen? Somit intendieren wir im vorliegenden Band einen holistischen Blick auf das beschriebene Phänomen für Wissenschaftler, Studierende und Interessierte. / Social Innovation - It is regarded as an elixir of modern societies, but sparse named in social togetherness. Politicians and scholars see it as the key to new social practices, which is caused by citizens. However, the clarification contains some challenges. In this publication, which was developed at Technische Universität Chemnitz, we ask: Which paradigm is deposited? Can we comprehend the construct philosophically? How can process models of social innovation be visualized? Are there conditions of evaluation and controllability? Are non-profit organizations an incubator for social innovation? Thus, in the present volume we intend a holistic view of the described phenomenon for scientists, students and interested parties.

Lokální rozvojová pomoc na příkladu neziskové organizace Njovu v oblasti vzdělávání / Local development aid shown on the example of non-profit organization Njova in the field of Education

Polívková, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The work deals with development aid. Diploma thesis is focused on development, development aid, then the thesis is focused on the performance of the different actors of development aid and ways to help in the past and today. The diploma thesis describes the MDGs, examples of potential obstacles to development assistance, also it describes development assistance offered by the Czech Republic. Finally, thesis focuses on the development assistance in education, which is actually the more specific goal of this work. The work describes a Zambia circumstances and non-profit organization Njovu, which operates its projects in the poorest parts of Lusaka. Another goals of the work describe the personal experience of Zambia - from the position of a woman who three months taught children English, led the afternoon activities etc. KEYWORDS Africa, development aid, development cooperation, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's), education in Zambia, a non-profit organization, Njovu

Návrh strategického plánu Asociace hráčů ledního hokeje / Ice Hockey Player's Association Strategic Plan Project

Ton, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Thesis name: Ice Hockey Players' Association strategic plan project Thesis aims: The main aim is to describe both external and internal environmental forces of Ice Hockey Players' Association and to design a complex strategic plan project for a specific time period 1.8.2012 - 31.7.2015. Methods: Supportive analytical methods SWOT and STEP were used as a descriptive analysis for identifying the initial situation of the organisation. Within the bounds of the descriptive analysis, focus group, and interview were used. Results: The outcome of this thesis is a complex project of Ice Hockey Players' Association strategic plan based on results of used analyses. Keywords: Players' association, Ice hockey, Strategic plan, SWOT analysis, STEP analysis, Non-profit organization.

Marketingová komunikace Fakulty tělesné výchovy a sportu Univerzity Karlovy / Marketing communication of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague

Jindrová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Title: Marketing communication of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current marketing communication of Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prague and based on the obtained data to create proposals for the improvement of current marketing communication or suggest new instruments that will help to streamline existing marketing communication. Methods: To analyze the current marketing mix of the faculty is used a qualitative research in the form of group discussions with current students of the faculty and pre-prepared written questioning for the staff of the Marketing department of the faculty. Results: The main outcome of this thesis is the evaluation of current marketing communication and creation of its improvement for example by adding new communication instruments, streamlining of the current marketing communication instruments. Keywords: Marketing, marketing communication, communication mix, non-profit organization, marketing of school, group discussion

Marketingový plán Pražské tělovýchovné unie / Marketing plan of Prague Sports Union

Chvalná, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Title: Marketing plan of PTU Praha Objectives: The main goal of this diploma thesis was to create a marketing plan for PTU Praha, including analyses of external and internal surroundings. The reason was to propose a concept for that organisation to increase its prosperity by marketing activities. Methods: Both methods of analyses, qualitative (interview and expert pannel) and quantitative (written or electronic survey), were used. Results: Data acquired from qualitative analysis was utilized and summarised in the results section of this diploma thesis. Based on those results and gathered information from interviews the best stratégy with optimal composition of markeing-mix tools has been chosen. Key words: Marketing plan, marketing mix, Prague Sports Union, PTU Praha, sport organization, non-profit organization, PEST, SWOT

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