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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La figure littéraire du rond-de-cuir ou l'écriture de l'impotence. Une idée du roman français au XXe siècle / The typical character of the office worker or the aesthetics of impotence. An Idea of the french novel in the twenty-first century

Piroux, Cyril 18 October 2011 (has links)
Prenant pour exemple la figure littéraire de l‟employé de bureau, notre étude se propose de saisir les particularités synchroniques et le cheminement diachronique d‟une esthétique de l‟impotence qui aurait notamment émergé avec la tentation flaubertienne du « livre sur rien », pour se développer ensuite dans une large part du roman français de la première moitié du XXe siècle et trouver, enfin, son aboutissement dans l‟oeuvre de Samuel Beckett. La figure du copiste permet en cela de dessiner un paysage littéraire dans lequel s‟inscrivent, à côté d‟écrivains célèbres, de nombreux auteurs oubliés malgré l‟importance qu‟ils eurent en leur temps / This thesis takes the typical character of the office worker as an example to try and show the synchronic particularities and the diachronic development of an aesthetics of impotence. The aesthetics of impotence may have more particularly emerged from the Flaubertian dream of the novel “about nothing” and developed afterward in a large part of the French literature in the first half of C20 to finally find its achievement in Samuel Beckett‟s work. The figure of the office worker allows to sketch a litterary landscape in which one can find many different authors : the most famous alongside the ones who have been long forgotten despite the importance they had in their days

Tóny přírody aneb ekonaratologie prostřednictvím lidové písně / Sounds of Nature or Econarratology through the Folk Songs

Starostová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is econaratology in conjunction with folk songs, which is subject to the laws of nature and forms a sort of mind set of the of nature life. Singing songs is an integral part of the narrative approach, narrative is complemented by tones and melodies for better memorization. The theoretical part defines the terms: narration, econaratology and folk song. I am interested in what place there the narrative approach in environmental education takes and what are its benefits. I allude to the use of narrative and folk songs as a means of education in practice. The aim of the thesis is based on research findings to determine the extent to which children are able to follow recordings of sound recording recognize and identify vocalizations of domestic or wild animals and industrial sounds of outside world. The research findings are utilized qualitative research, supplemented in some parts of quantitative research. Research tools are the individual interviews over the audio material, which I apply in preschool children. Keywords: narration, econaratology, folk song, nature sounds, folk traditions, research.

Narration visuelle et récit iconique : raconter une histoire en une image / Visual narration and iconic narrative : telling a story with a picture

Speidel, Klaus 29 November 2013 (has links)
A l’occasion de l'analyse de la question des capacités de l’image immobile isolée de « raconter une histoire », l’auteur développe les bases d’une narratologie fondamentale renouvelée, revisite la sémiotique du texte et les théories de l’image et réalise un déplacement méthodologique qui remplace l’approche sémiotique de la question du récit et de la narrativité par une approche en termes d’effets et de réception. La réflexion croise plusieurs disciplines : l’histoire de l’art, la narratologie, la sémiotique, mais aussi la philosophie et l’esthétique. Si l'auteur se propose bien de reconstruire les fondements même de la théorie de la narration visuelle, il ne cherche pas cependant à remplacer les théories existantes par un nouveau paradigme construit ex nihilo. Les bases nouvelles émergent au fil d’un travail sur les théories développées à ce jour ainsi qu'un corpus divers d'images narratives. Les théories critiquées se voient intégrées plutôt que niées dans le déplacement opéré. Pour résoudre le principal problème pour le récit iconique, celui du temps, l'auteur propose une nouvelle conceptualisation de la structure temporelle de l'image fixe unique. Celle-ci prend en compte le temps représenté et la durée perceptive. La dernière partie de l'ouvrage est consacrée à une relecture du Laocoon (1766) de G. E. Lessing, ouvrage largement responsable de la conception actuelle selon laquelle le récit iconique serait impossible. L'auteur montre que le débat autour des thèses de Lessing a été faussé par une confusion entre la question des possibilités/impossibilités de l’image comme telle et celle des « fins propres » de l’image dès lors qu’elle est artistique. / Based on his analysis of the possibility of iconic narrative – « telling a story » with a single still picture – Klaus-Peter Speidel develops a new foundation for visual narratology based on cognitive theory and reception aesthetics. Speidel's work is at the intersection of various disciplines : art history, literary theory, semiotics, philosophy of art and picture theory. While the thesis aims at reconstructing the foundations of a theory of visual narrative, the author does not try to replace the existing approaches with a new theory created ex nihilo. The new foundations emerge from his analysis of existing theories as well as a diverse array of pictures which play an important role in the argument. Classical theories of narrative are absorbed rather than rejected. In order to solve the main problem for visual narrative, the problem of time, the author offers a new conceptualisation of the temporal structure of still images. His taxonomy takes into account both the chronology of the story being told and perception time. The final part of the work offers a reinterpretation of G. E. Lessing's Laocoon (1766) a work that has played a major role for modern scepticism concerning the possibility of telling a story with a picture. The author shows that the discussion around Lessing has been biased by a confusion between the possibilities of the picture as such and the aims of artistic pictures. According to Speidel, Lessing's theory has lost much of its value as a theory of art but is still valuable as a theory for certain kinds of pictures, namely pictures that aim at “transparency”.

Jak (vy)povídá komunita ve Faulknerově "Růže pro Emily": studie narativní techniky / Telling Community in William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily: A Case Study in Narrative Technique

Krtička, Filip January 2013 (has links)
This MA thesis provides a close analysis of William Faulkner's most famous short story, "A Rose for Emily." The focus the thesis is motivated by what I take to be the central theme of the short story: community and its functioning. Shifting the focus from the main character to the narrator, I want to "rectify" the perception of the short story which owns its renown largely to its "shocking" or "gothic" aspect. The utilized methodology is chosen with respect to the proposed interpretation. The prism through which the text is approached is narratology. To account for the peculiar narrator of "A Rose for Emily," I use the narratological framework of "collective narrative" ("we narration"). Another important theoretical framework introduced in order to interpret the short story is the interdisciplinary concept of "collective memory." Some sociological conceptions of community are discussed. In the introductory chapter, I mainly discuss the concept of person in narrative and argue against the traditional distinction between first and third person narratives. In the second chapter, I provide an introduction to the technique of collective narrative. The third chapter provides a close reading of "A Rose for Emily" in the context of collective narrative. Firstly, I identify the narrator as essentially...

Le sens de la musique : Discours argumentatif sur les questions de sens et de signification en musique / The sense of music : An argumentative speech about musical sense and meaning

Rousselot, Mathias 14 November 2013 (has links)
Notre étude prend l’allure d’un discours argumentatif sur les questions de sens et de signification en musique. Elle s’interroge dans une première partie sur le sens en général et sur la visée musicologique du sens : y a-t-il une réalité ontologique du sens ? Le sens est-il objet, qualité, propriété, état de choses, visée intentionnelle de la chose, etc.Dans une seconde partie, nous engageons une discussion sur la signification musicale et sur le rapport signification/sens en musique. Elle réactive de nombreuses problématiques de la musicologie : l’épineuse question du signe musical, la communication musicale, le langage musical, le rapport son musical/langage verbal — rapport essentiel, eu égard à l’inféodation de l’homme et de sa pensée au langage verbal. Dans une troisième partie, nous envisagerons le sens sous l’angle d’une trilogie, articulant les trois acceptions courantes du sens : la signification, la sensation et la direction. Nous y expliquons notamment ce que l’on peut entendre par « direction » ou « orientation » en musique. Cette partie décrit le processus sémiotique du son musical, et explique, à travers ce processus, la téléologie de la musique : quelle est sa finalité ? Quelle est sa raison d’être ? Quelle est sa fonction dans l’humanité ? Notre étude utilise la philosophie du sens et les théories du langage pour tenter, humblement, d’expliquer la scandaleuse disproportion entre la puissance à dire de la musique et l’inévidence foncière de ce qu’elle dit , disproportion en laquelle réside selon nous tout son mystère. / Our study takes the form of an argumentative speech about the matters of sense and meaning in music. The study will firstly ponder about the Meaning in general and the musicological aim of the sense: Is there an ontological reality to the sense? Is the meaning an object, a quality, a property, a state of object; is it an intentional aim of the object, etc ?In a second part, we do launch a discussion about the musical meaning and about the sense/meaning relation in music. It restarts several musicology issues: the delicate question of the musical sign, musical communication, musical language, musical/verbal language relation –a crucial relationship, with regard to the indentureship of the human and his mind to the verbal language. In a third section, we will consider the sense as a trilogy which structures the three current senses of the word: meaning, feeling and direction. We will especially explain what can be implied by “direction” or “orientation” in music. This part describes the semiotics process of the musical sound, and explain through this process the teleology of music: What is its ambition? What is its reason of being? What is its function in humanity? Our study uses the philosophy of the sense and the language theories to make an, humble, attempt to explain the outrageous disproportion between music’s power of saying and basic non obviousness of it says, disproportion in which lies, according to us, all its mystery.

The motif of the water journey as a metaphor for philosophical enquiry in selected novels of Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad

Rossouw, Leon Armand 01 March 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 7639580 - MA research report - Faculty of Humanities / This research report explores the motif of the water journey as a metaphor for philosophical enquiry in Melville and Conrad by comparing Moby-Dick with Heart of Darkness, and Billy Budd, Sailor with Lord Jim. It takes as its starting-point M.H. Abrams’s essay, “Spiritual Travelers in Western Literature”, and adapts the typology which he introduces by identifying four different kinds of fictional journey, namely, the physical, the experiential, the narrative and the hermeneutic. By concentrating on a broadly-based semiotic approach to interpretation (while also allowing for other critical possibilities), it examines Melville and Conrad’s treatment of certain pivotal issues in metaphysics, epistemology and ethics. It compares the narrative strategies of the two authors and, by offering close readings of the four texts under discussion, it highlights the similarities and differences in the authors’ responses to a universe of teasing complexity, as well as exploring the reader’s engagement with such texts.

Fiction et autofiction antillaises : la poétique énonciative de Patrick Chamoiseau / Caribbean fiction and autofiction : The poetic utterance by Patrick Chamoiseau

Bourhane-Maoulida, Ahamada 15 February 2013 (has links)
Notre réflexion consiste à analyser, sur le plan narratologique et énonciatif, la fiction et l'autofiction de Patrick Chamoiseau. Le rôle de l'écrivain y est démultiplié. Il instaure le doute dans la caractérisation générique de son œuvre, résolument digressive et paratextuelle. Il s'efforce de donner à lire un dire narratif créole dans une poétique du compromis- l'oraliture – où l'écrit et l'oral se télescopent, où une esthétique plus personnelle se débat dans une esthétique plus dominante. La mise en scène de la parole des personnages est le lieu d'une négociation scripturaire, littéraire : les énoncés mettent en relief le mariage heuristique de la fiction et de la diction, mais aussi de leur interaction intime avec des implicites énonciatifs – au sens bakhtinien de la théorie énonciative – qui traduisent le propre engagement idéologique de l'auteur. Chamoiseau tente d'extraire de sa narration polyphonique un sujet indemne des affres du présent et de l'Histoire. Il le construit par une parole, anodine et sérieuse, qui use de tout un spectre identitaire, pour se dire et dire la communauté. Les échanges prolifèrent ainsi à l'intérieur du rêve, de l'imaginaire, des histoires ou des mémoires que ses textes engendrent. / Our thinking is to analyze, through narratology utterance, fiction and fictionalized autobiography of the writer Patrick Chamoiseau. Its role is multiplied. He creates doubt in characterization of generic text, a strongly digressive and paratextual text. He tries to give a reading to a narrative creole telling in a poetic compromise – the oralture – where written and oral collide, where a more personal aesthetic struggles in a more dominant one. The staging of the characters ‘speech is the place of a scriptural and literary negotiation: the statements highlight the marriage of heuristic fiction and diction, but also their intimate interaction which implicit enunciation – in a Bakhtinian sense of the theory of enunciation – that reflect the author's specific ideological commitment. In his polyphonic narration, Chamoiseau attempts to retrieve a subject free from horrors of the present and History. He built this subject with a trivial and serious word which uses a spectrum of identity, to say and tell the community. Exchanges proliferate inside the dreams, imagination, stories or memories that his lyrics create.

“There’s More to Life ThanSitting There SimplyInterfacing” : David Foster Wallace and his Reader in a Literature afterPostmodernism

Minucci, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
David Foster Wallace felt that literature was at a historical crossroad, and thatpostmodernism had passed the point which it could still be considered a'revolutionary' cultural phenomenon. He felt that the capitalistic machinery of TVand advertisement had absorbed the postmodernist techniques of pastiche,deconstruction and rejection of a distinction between high and low culturalmodels, to a point where there was no longer a difference between reality and itsown representation. Something that represented a problem for both youngnovelists and readers.This thesis analyses Infinite Jest as a response to this very problem, trying tounderstand in which way Wallace wanted to get over postmodernism, establishinga new kind of literature that highlights the artificiality of reality, by using differenttools than postmodernism. Cross-referencing media and literary studies, my thesisargues that Infinite Jest is a novel that emphasizes the fact that it is a construct. Ishow how the book acknowledges, and gives value to the subjectivity of everyhuman experience, but still stressing the idea that all the data that the reader isreceiving is and will always be heavily mediated information. Therefore, I showhow Wallace uses his characters as if they were human recording devices, creatingin this way a book that is some sort of hybrid between literature and TV.Furthermore, I explain how, by means of narrative devices (such as a disruptiveand incomplete plot, hundreds of endnotes), Wallace wanted to restore thecommunicative function of a text, making himself sure that the reader is invited toactively cooperate in the formation of the novel's meaning, ultimately meeting,and engaging into a dialogue with the author's consciousness in the novel'slanguage, breaking that state of self-consciousness and isolation into which thereader has been condemned by postmodernism and capitalism. Showing that“There's more to life than sitting there simply interfacing”1 David Foster Wallace; Infinite Jest; media studies; Postmodernism; Image-fiction Television; intermediality; transmediality; narratology; heteroglossia. 1 David F. Wallce, Infinite Jest, (Back Bay Books 2016), p. 14.

The Chronicles of Narnia de C. S. Lewis : idéologie(s) et point(s) de vue dans les traductions françaises. / C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia. Ideologies and point(s) of view in the French translations. : ideologies and point(s) of view in the French translations.

Artero, Paola 14 December 2018 (has links)
The Chronicles of Narnia (1950-1956) est un célèbre recueil de sept romans, traditionnellement reconnus comme des œuvres de littérature de jeunesse et à l’origine du genre fantasy. L’un des intérêts majeurs de ces livres réside dans leur substrat symbolique, exprimé dans le texte par un double niveau de lecture qui évoque la tradition chrétienne. Notre thèse consiste en l’analyse d’un corpus incluant les originaux en anglais et les traductions françaises, publiées sous le titre de Le Monde de Narnia (2005)Sous l’égide de la traductologie de corpus (Corpus-based Translation Studies) et par une démarche interdisciplinaire empruntant des outils à la pragmatique, à l’analyse critique du discours (Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA) et à la narratologie, notre étude vise à mettre en évidence les marqueurs du point de vue idéologique, à travers une analyse semi-automatique, qualitative et quantitative. Parmi ces marqueurs sont notamment analysés les déictiques, la modalité, la transitivité, les choix lexicaux et la prosodie sémantique. Les parties du discours correspondant à ces marqueurs sont analysées notamment en lien avec l’instance du narrateur, de par son rôle clé pour l’idéologie dans le texte, et de régie dans la focalisation. Notre analyse porte une attention particulière à la dimension du sacré et aux thèmes de la violence, de la mort et du genre en traduction de littérature de jeunesse.La littérature de jeunesse, toujours plus ou moins caractérisée par un but éducatif, tout comme les livres qui constituent notre corpus, s’avère un véhicule axiologique puissant, qui reflète les valeurs qu’une société défend et transmet à un moment donné. L’instance du narrateur est au cœur de cette négociation entre systèmes linguistiques, culturels et axiologiques, qui s’exprime dans une dynamique dialogique impliquant tous les acteurs de la chaîne du livre. Notre travail a montré notamment que les traductions françaises ont tendance à affaiblir le message religieux, éloignant le regard du lecteur ou rendant flous les contours de l’espace. Dans l’ensemble, l’idéologie du texte cible est caractérisée par un certain nombre d’écarts par rapport au texte source et met en avant d’autres valeurs, pourtant présentes, elles aussi, dans l’original.Ce travail de recherche montre une méthode permettant d’aborder le texte dans le but d’une meilleure compréhension des enjeux qui sous-tendent la traduction, et en particulier la traduction de l’idéologie et du point de vue dans les livres pour enfants. / The Chronicles of Narnia (1950-1956) is a well-known collection of seven novels, usually seen as belonging to the genre of Children’s literature and Fantasy. One of the main characteristics of the novels lies in their symbolic dimension, which evokes the Christian tradition and is expressed in the text through a second layer of meaning. Our thesis involves the analysis of a corpus including the English originals of The Chronicles of Narnia and their respective French translations, entitled Le Monde de Narnia (2005).The study draws on corpus-based translation studies and uses an interdisciplinary approach, in particular pragmatics, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and narratology. Through a combination of qualitative analysis and semi-automatic, quantitative analysis, it explores the ways in which a number of markers of ideological point of view are used in the translations by comparison with the initial texts. The main markers which make the object of discussion are: deictics, modality, transitivity, lexical choice and semantic prosody. The discourse features related to these markers are analysed with respect to the narrative instance of the narrator, which has a key role in conveying the ideology of the text and which controls the focalization process. Our analysis draws particular attention to the sacred dimension in the texts, as well as to the themes of violence, death and gender in children’s literature.Children’s literature is usually characterised by an educational goal, and the Narnia books prove to be a powerful means to convey values within society, at a given moment in time. The narrator is at the centre of a negotiation between two linguistic, cultural and axiological systems. This negotiation is expressed by a dialogical dynamics involving all the actors taking part in the publication process. Our research reveals that the French translations tend to weaken the religious message of the original texts, distancing the reader or blurring space boundaries. Moreover, the ideology in the target texts is characterised by a number of discrepancies by comparison with the source texts; different values are given prominence, among those already present in the Narnia books.Using a method of analysis of translated texts, the thesis brings a contribution to the understanding of the challenges a translator may face when confronted with the task of translating ideology and point of view in books for children.


JUVENAL BATELLA DE OLIVEIRA 31 March 2006 (has links)
[pt] O primeiro objetivo desta tese é a descrição, a análise e a interpretação dos procedimentos narrativos utilizados por João Ubaldo Ribeiro em seus nove romances até agora publicados. Isto significa identificar, na sua maneira de contar as histórias, uma específica relação que o narrador estabelece com os seus personagens, ao levar às últimas conseqüências a prática do discurso indireto livre. A representação ficcional desse narrador - aqui nominado o narrador sem cabeça - é um personagem-chave do escritor: a almazinha cuja história é relatada logo às primeiras páginas do romance Viva o povo brasileiro, de 1984. Comportam-se ambos, um de cada lado, como seres errantes, figuras sem feitio e em constante processo de incorporação de linguagens alheias. O segundo objetivo é demonstrar que esse mesmo narrador, tão íntimo de seus personagens, se revela no entanto ainda mais apegado ao próprio escritor, com ele partilhando crenças, idéias e experiências. Para tanto, com base numa pesquisa de imprensa que remonta ao início da carreira de João Ubaldo Ribeiro como escritor e avança até o ano de 2005, a tese articula o seu universo ficcional à sua biografia ainda não escrita - o que contribui para uma compreensão mais ampla da sua obra. / [en] The first purpose of the thesis is the description, the analysis and the interpretation of the narrative procedures used by the Brazilian writer João Ubaldo Ribeiro throughout his nine novels published up to now. That means to identify, in his way of telling stories, a specific relation established by the narrator with his characters, stretching to the limit the usage of the so- called free indirect discourse (the FID). This narrator´s fictional representation - herein called the headless narrator - may be found in a Ribeiro´s key character: the little soul whose lifestory is told right on the first pages of the novel Viva o povo brasileiro (An invincible memory), published in 1984. They both behave - the little soul and the narrator, side by side, in and out the story - as errant beings, shapeless figures in an on-going process of incorporating someone else´s speaches. The second purpose is to demonstrate that this same narrator, though very close to his characters, appears, nevertheless, even more attached to the writer himself, sharing with him believes, ideas and experiences. In order to demonstrate such relation between the author and the narrator, the thesis links the fictional universe of the novels and the author´s nonwritten biography. Such relation is established on the basis of a printing-press research that covers the period beginning in the 1960´s until the 2005´s, thus allowing a more comprehensive understanding of the author´s work.

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