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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att koppla bort i ett ständigt uppkopplat samhälle : En kvalitativ studie kring digital natives relation till sociala medier / Disconnecting in a constantly connected society : A qualitative study on digital natives’ relationship to social media

Kohnić, Selma, Sjöberg, Julia January 2018 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är användningen av sociala medier större än någonsin och den ökar för varje år. Med den stora användningen följer många positiva effekter som till exempel sociala interaktioner, lättillgänglig information, samt nytta och nöje. Det finns också negativa effekter som till exempel att användarnas välmående påverkas. Tidigare forskning visar på att det finns både psykiska och fysiska negativa följder vid överdriven användning av sociala medier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar digital natives beteende och användarupplevelse vid användning av sociala medier, samt hur ett verktyg kan utvecklas för att öka användarens upplevda beteendekontroll. Studien grundar sig i ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av användarupplevelse, Theory of planned behavior och Persuasive technology, vilka tillsammans bidrar till en djupare förståelse av användarna. Med ett kvalitativt arbetssätt genomfördes fyra dagboksundersökningar och sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med deltagare som identifierar sig som kvinnor. Tidigare forskning visar på att kvinnor i större omfång än män drabbas av negativa effekter vid användning av sociala medier, vilket är anledningen till att urvalet endast bestod av kvinnor i denna studie. Alla studiedeltagare var även digital natives, det vill säga personer som vuxit upp med teknologi och besitter stora tekniska kunskaper. Resultatet visade på att användning av sociala medier till stor del påverkas av attityder gentemot dem, subjektiva normer och av den upplevda beteendekontrollen. Den sociala pressen av användningen, påverkan av vänner och familj samt den egna upplevda kontrollen över användningen var starka mönster som framkom i undersökningarna. Ett automatiserat beteende där användningen inte alltid skedde medvetet var en återkommande faktor som togs i beaktande vid utvecklingen av gränssnittet. Med hjälp av termen användarupplevelse samt Theory of planned behavior kunde studiedeltagarnas beteende och upplevelser förstås och tolkas. Denna förståelse tillsammans med Persuasive technology bidrog till ett förslag på ett hjälpmedel i form av ett gränssnitt där fokus ligger på att försöka förbättra användarupplevelsen och den upplevda beteendekontrollen, vilket i sin tur kan minska de negativa effekter som kan uppstå vid användning av sociala medier. / In today's society the use of social media is greater than ever and it increases every year. With this extensive use there are some positives, such as social interactions and easily accessible information, as well as uses for business and pleasure. There are also negative effects such as the well-being of users being compromised. Previous research shows that there are both negative psychological and physical consequences associated with excessive use of social media. The aim of the study was to examine what factors influence digital natives’ behavior and user experience when using social media, as well as how to develop a tool that increases the user’s perceived behavioral control. The study is based on a theoretical framework consisting of User Experience, Theory of Planned Behavior and Persuasive Technology, that together contribute to a deeper understanding of the users. With a qualitative approach, four diary studies and six semi-structured interviews were carried out with participants identifying as women. Previous research shows that women to a greater extent than men suffer from adverse effects following the use of social media, which is why the participants consisted of women in this study. All participants were digital natives, that is, people who grew up with technology and hold great technical knowledge. The results indicated that the use of social media was largely influenced by attitudes towards it, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control. The social pressure of usage, the influence of friends and family as well as the perceived control of use were strong patterns found in the surveys. An automated behavior where usage was not always a conscious choice was a recurring factor that was taken into account in the development of the interface. With the help of the term user experience and Theory of planned behavior, the behavior and user experiences of the informants could be understood and interpreted. This understanding, along with Persuasive technology, contributed to a proposal for an interface focusing on trying to improve user experience and perceived behavioral control, which in turn can reduce the negative effects that may occur when using social media.

Kaufst du noch oder streamst du schon?: Der Einfluss von Musik Streaming Diensten auf den Kauf von Musikdateien und Musikdatenträgern

Liese, Christin 18 May 2015 (has links)
Die Zeiten der Plattensammlung sind vorbei, Kassetten und CDs sind der MP3-Datei gewichen und nun wird Musik ausschließlich gestreamt. Dieses Zukunftsszenario ist bis dato noch nicht eingetreten, aber wird dies überhaupt passieren? Wird der Kauf von physischen Musikdatenträgern und digitalen Musikdateien dank der immer stärker ansteigenden Streaming Aktivitäten komplett eingestellt? Oder können beide Formen nebeneinander existieren? Um diesen Fragen auf den Grund zu gehen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Umfrage mit 1.661 Studenten der Technischen Universität Dresden durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss über die Nutzungshäufigkeiten von kostenfreien und kostenpflichtigen Streaming Anbietern sowie von CDs / Schallplatten und MP3 Musikdateien. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, dass eine geringe Zahlungsbereitschaft bei den Studenten besteht. Es werden bereits selten mehr als 5 € in Musik investiert, doch seitdem die Studenten Streaming Dienste nutzen, geben sie nach eigenen Angaben noch weniger Geld für Musik aus als zuvor. Diesem Negativtrend steht die Erkenntnis gegenüber, dass die Probanden seit der Nutzung von Streaming Angeboten weniger Musik illegal herunterladen. Auch wenn der Großteil weniger Musik kauft, so ist es etwa der Hälfte aller Befragten sehr wichtig, Musik zu besitzen, vor allem in physischer Form. Zudem wurden Nutzungsmotive der Möglichkeiten des Musikhörens erfasst, um deren Stärken und Schwächen aufzuzeigen. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass die kostenfreie Variante des Streamens zwar häufig genutzt wird, sich die traditionellen Musikdatenträger und Musikdateien jedoch immer noch großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Von einer kompletten Verdrängung des Kaufens von Musik kann demnach nicht ausgegangen werden.:1. Einführung und Relevanzbegründung 2. Musik Streaming Dienste 2.1. Begriffsdefinition 2.2 Technologische Aspekte 2.3 Rechtliche Aspekte 2.4 Wirtschaftliche Aspekte 3. Der Musikkonsum im Umbruch 3.1 Der Musikkonsum im Wandel 3.1.1 Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung 3.1.2 Die aktuelle Musiknutzung 3.2 Die deutsche Musikindustrie – Nutzung, Absatz und Umsatz 3.2.1 Aktuelle Absatz- und Umsatzzahlen 3.2.2 Zwei Zukunftsszenarien 4. Musik Streaming Dienste im Fokus der Forschung 4.1 Aktuelle Studien zum Musik Streaming 4.2 Die Digital Natives als Zielgruppe 5. Das Forschungsvorhaben 5.1 Herleitung der Forschungsfragen und Hypothesen 5.2 Erhebungsmethode 5.3 Zielgruppenbestimmung und Grundgesamtheit 5.4 Die Online-Befragung 5.4.1 Aufbau und Durchführung 5.4.2 Beschreibung der Stichprobe 6. Darstellung und Auswertung 6.1 Die Nutzung von Musik als Stream, physisches und digitales Medium 6.2 Einflüsse der Musik Streaming Dienste auf das Kaufverhalten 6.3 Zahlungsbereitschaft für Musik 6.4 Nutzungsmotive für die vier Optionen des Musikhörens 7. Diskussion 7.1 Kritik und Interpretation der Ergebnisse 7.2 Ein Ausblick auf die Zukunft 8. Literatur 9. Anhang A. Fragebogen B. Email-Anschreiben an alle TU Dresden Studenten C. Weitere Tabellen

“What is collected, how much, and what is it used for?” : A comparative qualitative interview study of different media generations' perceptions and attitudes towards data surveillance on digital media platforms. / "Vad samlas in, hur mycket och vad används det till?" : En jämförande kvalitativ intervjustudie av olika mediegenerationers uppfattningar och attityder till dataövervakning på digitala medieplattformar.

Norberg, Nelly, Maja, Petrovic January 2022 (has links)
As digitalization and technology has quickly advanced over the recent years, marketers are becoming increasingly reliant on collecting user data, and targeted advertising has therefore come to be viewed as a form of data surveillance. Due to marketers' ability to analyze online behavior and target consumers with personalized advertising, users are becoming more concerned about their online privacy. Therefore, the main purpose of this research study is to examine different perceptions, attitudes, and experiences towards online privacy, specifically towards the aspect of targeted advertisement. Furthermore, the fast-developed technological world is constantly changing people's perspectives. Hence, this paper seeks to investigate whether different generations of media users have different perceptions. The empirical material for this study was gathered through a qualitative approach and was collected through two focus group interviews conducted from a comparative angle. The findings revealed that both generations were very negative and critical of data collection and showed mistrust of digital media platforms. Furthermore, despite both generations expressing strong privacy concerns and claiming to value privacy highly, their actions demonstrated the opposite, which is consistent with the theoretical concept of privacy paradox. Moreover, the findings revealed that certain attitudes and perceptions towards online privacy differ between digital natives and digital immigrants. The most significant distinction between the generations is the substantial lack of knowledge and awareness of digital immigrants. The findings suggest that digital immigrants need to be more enlightened regarding the function of new technological aspects, such as targeted advertisements. This is required for them to be more informed, hence reducing the risk of them feeling misled, concerned, and monetized. For users to feel secure using the internet, more laws and regulations are needed. / I takt med att digitaliseringen och tekniken har utvecklats snabbt under de senaste åren, blir marknadsförare alltmer beroende av att samla in användardata, och riktad reklam har på grund av detta kommit att ses som en form av dataövervakning. På grund av marknadsförares förmåga att analysera onlinebeteende och rikta in sig på konsumenter med personlig reklam, blir användarna mer oroade över sin integritet online. Således är det huvudsakliga syftet med denna forskningsstudie att undersöka olika uppfattningar, attityder och erfarenheter av integritet på nätet, särskilt när det gäller aspekten av riktad reklam. Dessutom förändrar den snabbt utvecklade teknologiska världen ständigt människors perspektiv. Därför försöker denna artikel undersöka om olika generationer av medieanvändare har olika uppfattningar. Det empiriska materialet för denna studie samlades in genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt, och samlades in genom två fokusgruppsintervjuer genomförda in en jämförande vinkel. Resultaten avslöjade att båda generationerna var mycket negativa och kritiska till datainsamling och visade misstro mot digitala medieplattformar. Dessutom, trots att båda generationerna uttryckte stark oro över sin integritet online och hävdade att de värderade integritet högt, visade deras handlingar motsatsen. Detta går i linje med det teoretiska konceptet om integritet paradoxen. Dessutom avslöjade resultaten att vissa attityder och uppfattningar om integritet på nätet skiljer sig åt mellan digitala natives och digitala immigrants. Den viktigaste skillnaden mellan generationerna är den betydande bristen på kunskap och medvetenhet hos digitala immigrants. Resultaten tyder på att digitala immigrants behöver bli mer upplysta om funktionen av nya tekniska aspekter, såsom riktade annonser. Detta krävs för att de ska vara mer informerade, vilket minskar risken för att de känner sig vilseledda, oroliga och övervakade. För att användarna ska känna sig säkra på internet behövs fler lagar och förordningar.

Desafío docente: El alumno postmoderno

Alfaro Ramírez, Teresa 28 August 2014 (has links)
Societies progress: currently, a globalized and computer world, is a postmodern society. In it, the ways of transmitting and socializing culture have changed; new human beings have been developed postmodern individuals with very particular characteristics: they are our students. How to optimize the learning triad (student-teacher-knowledge)? It is not enough to know the contents and be a specialist in the field, it is essential to be aware of the current environment to analyze and understand the characteristics of our students, also called "sons of globalization" or "digital natives". Only then shall we know, also, our own reality as individuals and teachers. This paper seeks to analyze the characteristics of our students and reflect on our role as teachers in a complex and changing environment. / Las sociedades progresan: la actual, en un mundo que comandan la globalización y la informática, es una sociedad postmoderna. En ella, se han modificado las formas de transmitir y relacionar socialmente la cultura; se han desarrollado nuevos seres humanos, individuos postmodernos con características muy particulares: ellos son nuestros alumnos. ¿Cómo optimizamos la tríada del aprendizaje (alumno-docente-conocimientos)? No basta saber los contenidos y ser un especialista en la materia; es indispensable ser conscientes del entorno actual para analizar y comprender las características de nuestros alumnos, también denominados “hijos de la globalización” o “nativos digitales”. Solo así conoceremos, asimismo, nuestra propia realidad como individuos y docentes. El presente ensayo procura analizar las características de nuestros alumnos y reflexionar sobre nuestro papel como docentes en un entorno complejo y cambiante.

An Analysis of the Relationship of Comparative Advertising and Culture in Japanese Natives in the Dallas, Texas Area

Fukawa, Kazuhisa 05 1900 (has links)
This study was designed to test whether Japanese natives who retained traditional Japanese value orientations and who resided in the Dallas, Texas area would have unfavorable attitude toward the concept of comparative television advertising. Data were collected from 104 respondents of varying sex, age, education, occupation, length of stay in the United Sates, intention of settling in the United States, and television viewing horse. All null hypotheses were accepted, indicting that cultural influence among Japanese natives in the Dallas area did not result fin unfavorable attitude toward comparative advertising despite the fact that in Japan, the name of names in advertising is counter to basic Japanese culture and tradition.

User experience in mobile augmented reality applications : The digital native perspective

Hellsten, Johanna, Knape, Annie, Simberg, Sofi January 2018 (has links)
Characteristic for upcoming technology is that it is growing, constantly developing and fast implemented in people's lives. Augmented reality (AR) is one of these technologies and more companies are implementing AR in their daily operations. AR can be described as a large amount of data, being transformed into images that are attached to the real world. The technique takes digital images and applies it to the reality through a mobiles camera lens. When used for mobile application it is called mobile augmented reality (MAR). MAR applications are expected to be as successful as smartphones was when it was first released. The revenue is set to be over $120 billion dollars by 2020. Even though it sees huge potential, few studies are done on user experience (UX) and satisfaction for the end user. This information could be a crucial asset for AR stakeholders in the prosperous future. A generation of interest for technology stakeholders is the digital natives who are people born between 1980 and 2000. They have been brought up with technology and they are comfortable with adapting to new technologies and they are not late on trying them out. This study combined the three fields of interest, MAR, UX and the digital natives, for the purpose to develop knowledge of what factors within UX that digital natives’ value as most important for a MAR application. A quantitative method with an inductive approach were used to answer the research question. The researchers used a questionnaire to collect the data that was later analyzed with the help of Google Forms, Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Predetermined factors from a theoretical framework was presented to the participants of the study; perspicuity (easy to learn, easy to understand), dependability (predictable, secure), efficiency (fast, organized), novelty (creative, innovative) and stimulation (exiting, interesting). The study concluded that perspicuity, novelty and efficiency were the most important factors of UX in MAR applications according to the digital natives.

Does immigration affect native's labor market outcomes in Germany?

Kastrat, Merima, Tas, Dilan January 2019 (has links)
Germany is one of the several countries in Europe that have opened its borders to immigrants for many years. The admission of immigrants into Germany has contributed to the country being the second largest immigration destination in the world, and this has resulted in both negative and positive outcomes for the natives. In this essay, the effect of immigration on natives’ hourly wages and employment was examined, by using microdata for Germany. Native workers’ educational level attainments and 16 different regions in Germany were taken into account to obtain regional variation. Cross-sectional data was used for the years 2005, 2009 and 2015 in order to measure the effect of the share of immigrants on natives’ hourly wages and employment. The findings showed that the share of immigrants, had a positive effect on natives’ wages and employment in 2005 and 2009. In 2015, however, a negative relationship was found, with the share of immigrants impacting negatively on natives’ wages but not on employment. Thus, the study highlights the importance of immigrants on natives’ hourly wages and employment.

Memória das mulheres zapatistas: participação, mobilização e a construção do ser mulher no movimento zapatista / Memory of the Zapatista Women: participation, mobilization and the construction of being a woman in the Zapatista movement

Clara Cecilia Seguro da Silva 15 December 2017 (has links)
O movimento zapatista tem dedicado espaço à luta das mulheres desde seu princípio em 1980, segundo o que se expressa em comunicados oficiais. O movimento nasce seguindo o modelo de guerrilha, porém, nos primeiros dias de combate cede à opinião pública, aceitando a via pacífica de mobilização política para alcançar seus objetivos, assumindo os modelos de reinvindicação dos Novos Movimentos Sociais. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa é entender o processo de mobilização e participação política das mulheres nas comunidades zapatistas. Mais especificamente, procuramos identificar o que mobilizou-as a participarem do movimento zapatista; entender o impacto que estas mulheres percebem em suas vidas e na vida de outras mulheres. Para tal entrevistamos quatro mulheres que se envolveram no movimento zapatista em diferentes níveis bem como as observações feitas em campo e analisamos seus discursos a partir das suas memórias. Para isso fizemos uma análise com base na Memória Coletiva, Maurice Halbwachs (1990) e Ecléa Bosi (2004; 2012); na participação e mobilização política, Sidney Tarrow (1997), Alberto Melucci (1989; 1999) e Maria da Glória Gohn (2014; 2014a); e as teorias feministas latino-americanas. Percebemos o entrelaçamento das memórias familiares dessas mulheres com fatos políticos marcados na história política recente do Estado mexicano, e os destaques de datas, personagens e lugares marcados na história política do movimento; as oportunidades políticas e as redes articuladas pelo movimento zapatista. Destaca-se como três dessas quatro mulheres conseguiram criar uma relação com as organizações de que fazem parte, de forma a realizar seus sonhos, mas sem se desvincular totalmente destas, o que parece ter contribuído para sua emancipação; bem como, as diretrizes do movimento influenciaram suas escolhas profissionais e pessoais, e seus avanços e críticas a partir dos feminismos / The Zapatista movement has been giving room to the women\'s fight since it\'s first begging in 1980.The movement was born designed by the guerrilla model, however, it was laid aside due to the pressure from public opinion, accepting the \"pacific path\" to reach it\'s goals, assuming the reimbursement models of the New Social Movements. Based on that, the general aim of this research is to understand the process of mobilization and politic participation of women in the Zapatist comunits; The specific goals are: to know what has mobilized women to be part of the Zapatista movement; to understand the impact of the movement felt on their lives and on the other women\'s lives. For this purpose, the reports of four women involved in different levels of the Zapatista movement were collected and analyzed, from their memories as well as field observations. For this we did an analysis based on Collective Memory, Maurice Halbwachs (1990) and Ecléa Bosi (2004; 2012); In participation and political mobilization, Sidney Tarrow (1997), Alberto Melucci (1989; 1999) and Maria da Glória Gohn (2014; 2014a); And feminist Latin American theories. The interweaving of these women\'s family memories with recent Mexican history political facts were seized and, besides that, dates, characters and places were highlighted and marked in the political history of the movement. Emphasis were given on how three of these four women were able to build a relationship with the organizations they are part of in order to realize their dreams while still being linked to them as well as the directives of the movement influenced their professional and personal choices and their advances and criticisms from feminisms

Desenvolvimento pleno de adolescentes nativos digitais: um estudo sobre as possíveis metodologias de ensino

Kipnis, Marina Vasconcelos 24 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (sdi@ucb.br) on 2018-11-08T18:06:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarinaVasconcelosKipnisDissertacao2018.pdf: 1526678 bytes, checksum: 07bcd0791b707c194b8701f7bedc3451 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-11-09T15:41:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarinaVasconcelosKipnisDissertacao2018.pdf: 1526678 bytes, checksum: 07bcd0791b707c194b8701f7bedc3451 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-09T15:41:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarinaVasconcelosKipnisDissertacao2018.pdf: 1526678 bytes, checksum: 07bcd0791b707c194b8701f7bedc3451 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-24 / Nowadays the society is in an era where technologies are developing more and more immersed in this scenario, there is a generation called, Digital Natives (PRENSKY, 2001). This generation is marked by not understanding a world without the use of technologies. Starting from this reality, this study sought to understand first, if our education is aware of the presented scenario, in the sense of adapting to the technologies and understanding the lifestyle of the digital natives, in the perspective of full formation. In the face of this questioning, the present study applied a research on a private school in Distrito Federal. The procedure used were an analysis the proposal contained in it’s pedagogical political project, the observation of two classes, recorded interviews with two teachers and application of a questionare with the students, wich were qualified as representatives of digital natives. According to the results, the main proposal of the school works with the integral formation of its students, articulating this concept with the full training of the subject. The observations and interviews showed a sensitivity of both teacher to recognize outstanding differences between their students and themselves when they were at the same age group, and they were open to innovate in their methodologies at all times. The students were satisfied with the lessons received at the school if they lost a little in relation to the use of this technology, even though it’s a feature characteristic of this generation, which may be due to the limitation of acess to digital technologies, both by the schoo and the family. It is understood that there are important aspects regarding the full training and its adequacy to deal with the current society. / Atualmente a sociedade se encontra em uma era onde as tecnologias digitais estão se desenvolvendo cada vez mais, e a sociedade se perdendo em meio a tantas informações. Imersos neste cenário, existe uma geração, denominada de nativos digitais (PRESNKY 2001). Essa geração é marcada por não compreender um mundo sem a utilização das tecnologias digitais. Partindo desta realidade, esse estudo teve como ponto de partida buscar saber se a educação está ciente desse cenário apresentado, no sentido de se adequar às tecnologias e compreender o estilo de vida dos nativos digitais, na perspectiva de uma formação plena. Diante este questionamento, a pesquisa se propôs realizar um estudo em uma escola privada do Distrito Federal, tendo como instrumentos para análise as propostas contidas em seu projeto político pedagógico, a observação de duas aulas, entrevistas gravadas com duas professoras e aplicação do questionário com os alunos, representantes da geração de nativos digitais. De acordo com os resultados, a proposta da escola trabalha com a formação integral dos seus alunos, articulando esse conceito com o de formação plena do sujeito. As observações e entrevistas demonstraram uma sensibilidade de ambas as professoras em reconhecer diferenças marcantes nos seus alunos entre elas quando tinham a mesma faixa etária, e estão dispostas a inovar em suas metodologias a todo momento. Os alunos se mostraram satisfeitos com as aulas recebidas na escola se perdendo um pouco em relação ao uso dessa tecnologia, característica marcante desta geração, que pode ser por conta da limitação de acesso às tecnologias digitais, tanto por parte da escola como da família. Entende-se que existem aspectos importantes referente à formação plena e a sua adequação para lidar com a sociedade atual.

Desenvolvimento pleno de adolescentes nativos digitais: um estudo sobre as possíveis metodologias de ensino

Kipnis, Marina Vasconcelos 24 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-12-03T17:28:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarinaVasconcelosKipnisDissertacao2018.pdf: 1526678 bytes, checksum: 07bcd0791b707c194b8701f7bedc3451 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-12-03T17:28:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MarinaVasconcelosKipnisDissertacao2018.pdf: 1526678 bytes, checksum: 07bcd0791b707c194b8701f7bedc3451 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-03T17:28:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarinaVasconcelosKipnisDissertacao2018.pdf: 1526678 bytes, checksum: 07bcd0791b707c194b8701f7bedc3451 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-24 / Nowadays the society is in an era where technologies are developing more and more immersed in this scenario, there is a generation called, Digital Natives (PRENSKY, 2001). This generation is marked by not understanding a world without the use of technologies. Starting from this reality, this study sought to understand first, if our education is aware of the presented scenario, in the sense of adapting to the technologies and understanding the lifestyle of the digital natives, in the perspective of full formation. In the face of this questioning, the present study applied a research on a private school in Distrito Federal. The procedure used were an analysis the proposal contained in it’s pedagogical political project, the observation of two classes, recorded interviews with two teachers and application of a questionare with the students, wich were qualified as representatives of digital natives. According to the results, the main proposal of the school works with the integral formation of its students, articulating this concept with the full training of the subject. The observations and interviews showed a sensitivity of both teacher to recognize outstanding differences between their students and themselves when they were at the same age group, and they were open to innovate in their methodologies at all times. The students were satisfied with the lessons received at the school if they lost a little in relation to the use of this technology, even though it’s a feature characteristic of this generation, which may be due to the limitation of acess to digital technologies, both by the schoo and the family. It is understood that there are important aspects regarding the full training and its adequacy to deal with the current society. / Atualmente a sociedade se encontra em uma era onde as tecnologias digitais estão se desenvolvendo cada vez mais, e a sociedade se perdendo em meio a tantas informações. Imersos neste cenário, existe uma geração, denominada de nativos digitais (PRESNKY 2001). Essa geração é marcada por não compreender um mundo sem a utilização das tecnologias digitais. Partindo desta realidade, esse estudo teve como ponto de partida buscar saber se a educação está ciente desse cenário apresentado, no sentido de se adequar às tecnologias e compreender o estilo de vida dos nativos digitais, na perspectiva de uma formação plena. Diante este questionamento, a pesquisa se propôs realizar um estudo em uma escola privada do Distrito Federal, tendo como instrumentos para análise as propostas contidas em seu projeto político pedagógico, a observação de duas aulas, entrevistas gravadas com duas professoras e aplicação do questionário com os alunos, representantes da geração de nativos digitais. De acordo com os resultados, a proposta da escola trabalha com a formação integral dos seus alunos, articulando esse conceito com o de formação plena do sujeito. As observações e entrevistas demonstraram uma sensibilidade de ambas as professoras em reconhecer diferenças marcantes nos seus alunos entre elas quando tinham a mesma faixa etária, e estão dispostas a inovar em suas metodologias a todo momento. Os alunos se mostraram satisfeitos com as aulas recebidas na escola se perdendo um pouco em relação ao uso dessa tecnologia, característica marcante desta geração, que pode ser por conta da limitação de acesso às tecnologias digitais, tanto por parte da escola como da família. Entende-se que existem aspectos importantes referente à formação plena e a sua adequação para lidar com a sociedade atual.

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