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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le vivant dans le discours sur la pluralité des Mondes : l'exemple de l'oeuvre de John Wilkins (1614-1672) / The discourse on the living and the plurality of worlds : some examples from the work of John Wilkins (1614-1672)

Bouyre, Claire 06 November 2015 (has links)
En 1638, paraît en Angleterre un ouvrage de John Wilkins (1614 - 1672), traitant de la pluralité des Mondes et plus précisément de la découverte d’un nouveau Monde : la Lune. Grâce à une argumentation dialectique, l’auteur tente de montrer la similarité entre la Terre et notre satellite. Il s’appuie pour cela sur le modèle copernicien et sur les observations astronomiques de Galilée. De cette similarité, en résulte, selon lui, l’idée que la Lune est peut-être habitée comme la Terre, par des êtres qu’il nomme Sélénites. Il ajoute qu’il serait possible de s’y rendre, et de commercer avec les habitants. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier la place des sciences du vivant dans les théories sur la pluralité des Mondes, principalement dans l’œuvre de John Wilkins, et les différentes implications littéraires, théologiques et philosophiques qui en découlent. / In 1638, a book is published in England by John Wilkins (1614-1672), dealing with the plurality of Worlds, and more specifically the discovery of a New World: the Moon. With a dialectical reasoning, the author tries to show the similarities between the Earth and the Moon. For this he uses the Copernican model and astronomical observations of Galileo. From these similarities, Wilkins suggests the idea that the moon could be harboring living beings like Earth and then conjecture on the nature of its inhabitants, the Selenites. He writes that it may be possible one day to reach the Moon and trade with its inhabitants. The purpose of our work is to study the living in the discourse on the plurality of worlds, and observe its place in the work of Wilkins.

Španělsko-nizozemské vztahy v Novém světě v době existence West-Indische Compagnie / Spanish-Dutch relations in the New World during the existence of the West-Indische Compagnie

Kubátová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
Spanish-Dutch Relations in the New World during the Existence of the West Indische Compagnie Eva Kubátová Abstract This dissertation is dedicated to the Spanish-Dutch relations in the New World during the existence of the first Dutch West India Company (1621-1674). On base of an imagological analysis, this thesis presents elements of mutual relations, reflected in hetero-images, together with self-representation of both analyzed parties (thus self-image) within the ongoing conflict of the Eighty Years' War. The imagological analysis is applied on archival material, chiefly the Dutch pamphlets and Spanish Relaciones de sucesos (which can be translated as "Treatises of Successes"). The result of this thesis is then an analysis of development and changes of mutual images, upon the historical events of the Spanish-Dutch war conflict: thus since the beginnings of the Dutch Revolt, passing through the Twelve Years' Truce, until the signature of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. A special emphasis is put to the final phase of the Eighty Years' War, in this thesis delimited by the years 1621-1648, which was marked by the official entrance of the West India Company into the Spanish waters of Greater Caribbean. An important watershed in mutual relations is afterwards represented by the Peace of Westphalia, which...

Les universités publiques en Guinée à l’heure des réformes : le point de vue des acteurs locaux

Doumbouya, Mamady 08 1900 (has links)
Les universités publiques en Guinée, comme ailleurs en Afrique francophone, ont connu au cours des dernières années une succession de réformes néolibérales conçues dans les pays occidentaux et parachutées dans les universités africaines comme des modèles à adopter. Le système LMD, qui est l’inclinaison du processus de Bologne conçu en Europe pour harmoniser les programmes des institutions universitaires européennes, et appliqué en Guinée en 2007, est l’une de ces réformes comme celles de la gouvernance et de l’assurance qualité. Comment se traduisent concrètement sur le terrain guinéen ces réformes conçues au niveau international ? Comment ont-elles été vécues de l’intérieur par les acteurs universitaires ? Quel est le niveau d’adhésion de ces derniers face aux réformes ? Pour répondre à ces questions, la présente a privilégié le point de vue des acteurs et a adopté une démarche méthodologique de type qualitatif, basée sur l’entrevue semi-directive comme technique de recueil d’informations. Plus précisément, des entretiens ont été réalisés avec différents acteurs qui composent le milieu universitaire public guinéen : représentants du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique, directeurs généraux, vice-recteur, doyens de facultés, chefs de départements, enseignants-chercheurs, représentants syndicaux et étudiants. L’analyse des données révèle une adhésion globalement faible des acteurs universitaires aux récentes réformes, notamment celle du LMD. Bien qu’elles soient défendues par les dirigeants des universités et les représentants ministériels, leur pertinence est en effet fortement remise en cause par les enseignants et syndicats qui sont très critiques face à leur mode de conception, d’adoption et d’exécution. Le manque d’implication des acteurs universitaires, autres que les dirigeants, dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de ces réformes, surtout du LMD, explique la résistance des enseignants, enseignants-chercheurs et acteurs syndicaux au nouveau référentiel qui a, par ailleurs, fortement transformé leur quotidien. De manière générale, tous les acteurs s’accordent sur l’insuffisance du soutien financier aux réformes, mais plusieurs pointent aussi du doigt le manque de compétence et de qualification des dirigeants responsables de leur mise en œuvre dans les universités. Globalement, les acteurs universitaires ont une vision très pessimiste de l’avenir des universités publiques en Guinée aux prises avec des problèmes de sous-financement, de sous-effectif et de mauvaise formation du personnel enseignant, d’inadéquation chronique des programmes universitaires par rapport aux besoins du marché du travail, d’infrastructures vétustes et inadaptées, et d’une gouvernance déficiente. Mots clés : Afrique, Guinée, nouvel ordre éducatif mondial, acteurs universitaires, universités, réformes néolibérales, LMD, appropriation, enseignement supérieur. / Public universities in Guinea, as elsewhere in francophone Africa, have undergone in recent years a succession of neo-liberal reforms designed in Western countries and parachuted into African universities as models to be adopted. The LMD system, the inclination of the Bologna process designed in Europe to harmonize the programs of European universities and applied in Guinea in 2007, is one of these reforms, as are those of governance and quality assurance. How do these internationally designed reforms translate into practice in Guinea? How have they been experienced from within, by university actors? What is the level of support or resistance to the reforms? In order to answer these questions, the present study favored the point of view of the actors and adopted a qualitative methodological approach, based on the semi-directive interview as a technique for collecting information. More specifically, interviews were conducted with various actors in the Guinean public university system: representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, directors general, vice-rectors, deans of faculties, heads of departments, teacher-researchers, union representatives and students. The analysis of the data reveals an overall weak adhesion of university actors to the recent reforms, in particular the LMD. Although they are defended by university leaders and ministerial representatives, their relevance is strongly questioned by teachers and unions who are very critical of the way they were designed, adopted and implemented. The lack of involvement of university actors, other than managers, in the development and implementation of these reforms, especially the LMD, explains the resistance of teachers, teacher-researchers and union actors to the new reference system, which has, moreover, greatly transformed their daily lives. In general, all actors agree on the inadequacy of financial support for the reforms, but many also point to the lack of competence and qualification of the leaders responsible for their implementation in the universities. Overall, university stakeholders have a very pessimistic view of the future of Guinea's public universities, which are struggling/grappling with problems of underfunding, understaffing and poor training of teaching staff, chronic mismatch of university programs with the needs of the labor market, outdated and inadequate infrastructure, and poor governance. Keywords: Africa, Guinea, new world educational order, university actors, universities, neoliberal reforms, LMD, appropriation, higher education.

Legal Consciousness and the Legal Culture of NAGPRA

Haskin, Eleanor 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A brave new building : réédition expérimentale et design d'information

Desjardins, Olivier 17 April 2018 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, je présente le réseautage de trois ouvrages textuels : Manières de faire des mondes du philosophe Nelson Goodman, A Brave New World du romancier et essayiste Aldous Huxley, et Envisioning Information du théoricien en design d'information Edward Tufte. Ce travail me sert de base théorique à la réalisation de mon projet de maîtrise qui consiste à réorganiser la structure d'une oeuvre de création littéraire de façon visuelle et spatiale. Pour ce faire, je recours à certains principes de visualisation de l'information relevant du design d'information. Le passage du roman en sa structure réorganisée se décline en quatre versions qui correspondent à l'exploration de formes artistiques distinctes : la base de données et le livre d'artiste, l'affiche et l'installation. Il en résulte la transformation du roman en une traduction expérimentale schématisée, dans une pratique se situant entre le design d'édition et le design d'information de recherche.

La relation franco-américaine autour de la question irakienne : la contestation d'un mode occidental alternatif / The French-American relationship under the test of the War in Iraq : the challenge of an alternative Western model

Benmakhlouf, Julie 04 October 2014 (has links)
Le différend entre la France et les Etats-Unis sur le règlement de la question irakienne a provoqué une crise diplomatique majeure entre les deux pays, jugée par certains comme la plus sérieuse dans l’histoire des relations bilatérales. Le dossier irakien a cristallisé les positions diplomatiques des deux alliés et mis en lumière deux lectures d’une grande question internationale. Pour la France, il a été l’occasion de défendre des principes, de faire entendre sa voix et de partager sa vision d’un monde multipolaire fondé sur la quête d’un règlement pacifique des différends. Pour les Etats-Unis, cette question relevait d’un enjeu de sécurité nationale, dans une Amérique profondément traumatisée par les attentats de septembre 2001. La rupture franco-américaine a résulté de facteurs structurels anciens : la concurrence entre deux modèles politiques et diplomatiques qui se veulent universels et le déséquilibre entre une puissance française, déclinante, qui aspire à préserver ses sphères d’influence sur la scène internationale, et une puissance américaine, ascendante, devenue, depuis l’effondrement du bloc soviétique, l’unique superpuissance à la tête d’un monde unipolaire. L’affrontement bilatéral du printemps 2003 a ainsi révélé les caractères intrinsèques qui opposent la diplomatie française et la diplomatie américaine et dévoilé leur conception très éloignée qu’elles se faisaient du nouvel ordre mondial et de la place qu’elles aspirent à occuper sur l’échiquier international / The disagreement between France and the US over the Iraqi issue led to a serious diplomatic crisis between the two countries, considered by many analysts as the most serious one in the history of bilateral relations. The Iraqi case crystallized the diplomatic positions of both allies and revealed two different reads of this major international issue. For France, this case was the opportunity to defend its principles, to get itself heard by the rest of the world and to share its vision of a multipolar world, where disputes would be peacefully settled through international organizations. For the US, that issue fell under a matter of national security, in a country deeply traumatized by ‘9/11’. The split between thetwo countries resulted from historical structural causes : (i) the competition between two political and diplomatic models that present themselves as universal, and (ii) the imbalance between France’s declining power aspiring to preserve its spheres of influence over the world and America’s ascending power that has become, since the end of the Cold War, the only superpower. The bilateral confrontation of 2003 revealed the distinctive patterns of both French and American foreign policies and exposed their different views and models of the new world order, as well as their ambitions on the international scene

冷戰後中國大陸國際政治格局理論建構之研究 / The Research of Mainland China's Constructive Theory in Configuration of World Power after the Cold War

游永中 Unknown Date (has links)
當前主權國家仍是人民利益的最高集中表現,亦是人類歷史發展形成現代文明的主要標誌,這事實命題預告著主權國家的功能與地位,在國內與國際之間的中介重要性。概括地說,研究西方國家的理論與方法,構成了認知現代文明標準的途逕和框架,對於邁向現代化國家的參照體,實有具體的模仿對應。環顧國際社會,對於西方國家所建立的現代文明,具有潛在挑戰性或威脅性的最大變數應屬中共,即強調有「中國特色」的因素,在於中共與國際接軌的同時,亦是「麻煩製造者」的產生,特別是在冷戰後的中共所代表的意義與影響。   從兩極格局瓦解所開啟冷戰後的新歷史時期,中共益顯自信對於「時代問題」的預判。換言之,強調「經濟因素」在國際層面上,是主導國際政治格局未來發展的關鍵力量,憑藉著槓桿原理將國家由邊陲位置轉向至核心地位,在制高點透過規範機制予以設計出有利於中共的國際政治、經濟新秩序。而在國內層面上,「經濟因素」亦是共產主義理論再創新的活力源泉,專注於中共治理的主權國家內部範疇,並保證共產黨執政的最大績效與人民的滿意度。構成了當前中共以共產主義中國化的本質,卻採取西方國家的市場經濟制度,即在綜合國力逐漸提升之際,西方國家深信地認知「中共崛起」的相對意義,卻是「中國威脅論」的序幕開始。   本文運用「認知途逕」去分析中共的世界觀,據以觀察其對國際形勢的變遷,是由於中共內因作用的影響,來理解中共的對外思維,實係有別於西方國家的世界觀,此部分亦說明了雙方結構性矛盾之所在。特別是在冷戰後的中共,在國際政治格局轉換的期間,表現出對於國際機制積極參與者和建構者的旺盛企圖,譬如以國際政治權力和利益的水平分權化為原則的多極化格局推動,認知是中共朝向大國之林的外交奮鬥目標。又例如2001年中共成為「世界貿易組織」第143個會員國,代表著中共經濟地位的戰略轉變。這是在中共與西方國家互動行為的歷史經驗積累,所得到「實力政治」的總結,使得中共在冷戰後的整體表現更傾向是現實主義的維護者。 / The thesis contends that an understanding of the effective and significant intermediate role of sovereignty both in the national and international relations. Sovereignty is not only the most advanced development of collectivity, but also the reform process of the modern civilization. The importance of this research is brought into focus by recent changes in broader economic and social reform programmes, political decentralization and reforms in China. By 1978 China was ready for major shifts in political and economic policy. Hong Kong had become essential as a vital source of foreign exchange for the Chinese economy. In addition, the return of Hong Kong by Britain in 1997 and of Macau by Portugal in 1999 formally heralded the end of European extra-territoriality in China.   After the Cold War, China seems to be potentially regarded as a ‘trouble maker’ in western societies. Unlike Russia, with the emergency of Chinese historical assessment, strategic analysis, contingency planning and policy reformulation, China has adopted a gradualist part-privatization policy based on ‘the characteristics of Chinese nationalism’, slowly opening its economy to the global economy while resisting democratic political reform. The thesis examines whether the reform and pace of reform is shaped by the desire to avoid political and social unrest which could, potentially, threaten the harmony of the Chinese central apparatus.   In addition, China has succeeded in combining stability with political-economic change on the mainland. The thesis views the fact that China has drawn the increasing attention from international perspectives in the western world. With its confidence, Chinese government has predicted the epoch belonging to China in terms of the powerful economic growth at the turn of the century. Although the successful EU integration and such international factors as the strategic perceptions of the USA may partially determine the future of the configuration of world power, China has taken a special position on the establishment of diplomatic relations from marginal position up to the vital status. Moreover, by concentrating on the internal affairs within China, Chinese government could remain the authority and legitimacy of the communism party. Chinese communism party has adopted the western marketization (free marketing system), which is now implicit in the development of successful ‘China Rising’; meanwhile, it has the potential to be propelled by the powerful trends of globalization and policy reformulation transferred into the stage of ‘China Threatening’ in international relations.   In this study, the perceptive approach is the main research methodology in analyzing Chinese global perspective on the diplomatic development as well as the political economy and international diplomatic relations of transition in China. Clearly, this study includes an examination of the influence of the powerful economic growth on the reproduction of the communism party in China. With ‘backdoor privatization’ through opening up the economy and the encouragement of foreign direct investment and non-state owned enterprises in the form of township-and village-owned enterprises, the Chinese economy has undergone dramatic transformation during the past two decades. However, control remains firmly in the hands of the Chinese communist party.   The thesis concludes that, to broaden the horizon in the western community, after the Cold War, China has been active and proactive on the establishment of diplomatic relations with western countries, and China has a tendency to commit itself to the guardian of realism. For example, China became a party of the 143rd member in World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, which formally marked the milestone of the Chinese economic power in the world. These consistent changes have indicated that China embarked on its open policy and the western community evolved into the major economic and political force in the world.

公務人員考試錄取人員基礎訓練成效評估之研究-以102年公務人員高等考試基礎訓練受訓人員為例 / A study on the Civil Service Examination Qualification Basic Training Effectiveness Evaluation:A Case Study of 2013 Senior Civil Service Examination Basic Training Trainees

楊慧娟, Yang, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國公務人員考試錄取人員須經訓練及格才能成為正式公務人員,公務人員職前訓練分為基礎訓練與實務訓練,公務人員保障暨培訓委員會及所屬國家文官學院為辦理基礎訓練,每年均投入大量資金與人力,為瞭解訓練成效,爰進行本研究,並以102年公務人員高等考試錄取人員為研究對象,並以KirkpAtrick的四階層評估理論為基礎,針對反應層次與學習層次進行研究,以瞭解不同考試類科、受訓地區及訓練機關(構)之受訓人員,對於課程、講座、教材、整體、輔導員或行政安排等反應層次的滿意度,以及基訓成績、本質特性、測驗成績、選擇題、實務寫作題或是專題研討等學習層的成績,是否有所不同?國家文官學院及中區培訓中心自辦訓練與委外代訓機關(構)之訓練成效,是否有差異? 進行分析後發現如下:一、如同KirkpAtrick全新的四階層評估理論模式所強調,反應層次影響學習層次;二、不論自辦或委辦訓練機關(構)之訓練成訓均各有優劣,訓練機關(構)之訓練成效各異;三、經由t檢定結果顯示,考試類科對在講座及教材問項均達顯著影響,先備知識影響訓練成效。爰針對研究發現提出幾項建議:一、實施前測與後測,確認職能缺口與訓練成效;二、訓前規劃前測;彈性運用評量方式,建立多元評鑑機制;三、整合訓練資料,建立長期追蹤資料庫;四、應針對訓練機關(構)學校進行訓練成效評估,並依據評估結果,決定合作之優先順序,以掌握訓練品質,以保障受訓人員權益,讓全體公務人員素質不斷提升。 / To become a Civil Servant in Taiwan, one must pass the civil service examination and training, where training is further divided into basic and on-the-job training. The Civil Service Protection and Training Commission (CSPTC) and National Academy of Civil Service (NACS) devoted hours of manpower and funds annually in organizing basic training and to better comprehend the training effectiveness, a study was conducted on 2013 Senior Civil Service Examination trainees using the New World Kirkpatrick Model as the basis for evaluation. The study focused on reaction (level 1) and learning (level 2) levels of the Kirkpatrick Model. The study aims to understand trainee’s satisfactory reactions of different examination topics, training locations and training organizations on courses, forums, training materials, assistant counselors, administrative planning and the overall experience; the learning level wishes to identify differences through basic training grades, intrinsic properties, examination grades, multiple choice questions, on-the-job essays and seminars, if any? In addition, are there any differences in the training effectiveness between National Academy of Civil Service and out-sourced organizations? The analysis of the study found the following 1. The study conforms to New World Kirkpatrick Model’s emphasis that reaction affects learning. 2. Regardless of the training organization (government or out-sourced), there are pros and cons, and varying degrees of training effectiveness. 3. As t-test data shows, seminars and materials showed significant effectiveness for examination topics, pre knowledge greatly affects the training outcome. Hence I proposed the following: A. Administer pre and post examinations to identify training needs and confirm training effectiveness. B. Pre examination before training: flexible evaluation methods to establish variable evaluation mechanisms. C. Integrate training data and build a long term track record and database. D. Conduct training effectiveness evaluation on training organizations to prioritize training courses for the best possible quality, protect trainees’ rights and in turn, steadily boost the overall quality of Civil Servants.

Den nya generationen: Dystopisk reproduktion : En tematisk genusanalys av Karin Boyes Kallocain, Aldous Huxleys Du sköna nya värld och George Orwells 1984

Dunphy, Patricia January 2010 (has links)
The three dystopian novels Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Kallocain by Karin Boye and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell have been highly discussed amongst literary critics and scholars. Although these works are well-known, some themes have had very little or no recognition. Biological reproduction is a recurring subject in dystopian literature. Although it is not the main theme in the novels, it is a very important part in dystopian culture and dystopian society. By focusing on reproduction and the structure of gender roles in these three dystopias, I hope to bring to light something that's been in the shadows for a long time i.e. the women of dystopian society. I will address the role of nature and technology in terms of reproduction by using Pia Maria Ahlbäck's theory of the heterotopia. Later, I will discuss the problems and possibilities of the role of women in biological reproduction.

Utopia/distopia e discurso totalitário : uma análise comparativo-discursiva entre Admirável Mundo Novo, de Huxley, e A República, de Platão

Wojciekowski, Mauricio Moraes January 2009 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado examina o tema Utopias/Distopias e o discurso totalitário em duas obras de caráter e gênero distintos: A República, de Platão (Filosofia), e Admirável Mundo Novo, de Aldous Huxley (Literatura). Tendo como objetivo principal a comparação de elementos narrativos, temáticos e ideológicos encontrados nessas duas obras, utiliza como metodologia a análise embasada em referenciais da Literatura Comparada e da Teoria da Literatura (Narratologia e a Tematologia), da Análise do Discurso Francesa, dos estudos da obra de Platão e de estudos sociológicos. Esta análise segue a sequência de apresentação dos pressupostos teóricos, análise das obras de Platão e de Huxley (em seus aspectos internos e externos), para, finalmente, apresentar um quadro comparativo com os discursos totalitários retirados dessas obras - discursos esses que são analisados em pormenores. Por fim, esta Dissertação culmina com a compreensão de que o tema utopia/distopia, e os discursos acerca dele, não se restringe somente à literatura ficcional, mas pode ser encontrado em estudos filosóficos e políticos, e no nosso dia a dia. / This thesis examines the theme of Utopia/Dystopia and the totalitarian discourse in two works of different nature and genre: Plato's Republic (a work of Philosophy) and Brave New World (a work of Literature) by Aldous Huxley. The thesis' main objective is to compare narrative, thematic and ideological elements. In order to perform this analysis, the author will make use of methodologies taken from Comparative Literature, Literary Theory (Narratology and Thematology), the French school of Discourse Analysis, studies on Plato's works and sociological studies. After presenting and explaining those theoretical references, the author shall perform an analysis of Plato's and Huxley's works, considering their internal and external aspects; afterwards, a final analysis shall be performed, comparing the totalitarian discourses contained within those works. After examining minutely those discourses, the thesis concludes by stating that the theme of Utopia/Dystopia is not restricted to fictional literature; it can be found, also, within the frame of philosophical and political studies, and in our day-to-day lives.

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