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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bibliotecas dos Centros Educacionais Unificados (CEUs) : a construção de uma cultura comum / The libraries of the Unified Educational Centres (Centros Educacionais Unificados - CEUs)

Charlene Kathlen de Lemos 10 September 2012 (has links)
As bibliotecas dos Centros Educacionais Unificados (CEUs), implantadas a partir de 2003 na cidade de São Paulo, foram inicialmente celebradas como uma conquista significativa: primeiro em termos de cobertura territorial de bibliotecas na cidade; segundo como uma possibilidade única no desenvolvimento de uma atuação de caráter híbrido de biblioteca pública e escolar. Este trabalho apresenta e discute a proposta de biblioteca do CEU e verifica, através dos sujeitos e por meio da aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada como essas bibliotecas estão se configurando ao longo dos anos, principalmente em regiões de crise urbana (enchentes, desapropriações, violência, incêndios etc.). A análise dos dados evidenciou que as bibliotecas podem ser caracterizadas como: educativa, porém desligada do currículo escolar; aberta a toda a comunidade; inserida no projeto educacional de cada CEU, e preocupada com a formação da consciência cidadã, com linhas de ação que permitem a construção de uma biblioteca mais que híbrida, plural, no sentido de agregar múltiplos saberes, ampliando, portanto, sua esfera de atuação. Verificamos em alguns sujeitos envolvidos com a biblioteca, especialmente os bibliotecários, a intenção em criar vínculos com a sua comunidade sem, contudo, ignorar problemas próprios da periferia. Ao contrário, esses foram determinantes para a elaboração de projetos de bibliotecas específicos, propiciando as aberturas necessárias para que as pessoas pudessem circular no mundo da informação e da cultura. / The libraries of the Unified Educational Centres (Centros Educacionais Unificados - CEUs), implemented since 2003 in the city of São Paulo, were initially celebrated as a significant achievement: first of all in terms of territorial coverage of libraries in the city. Secondly, as having a unique hybrid character, being both a public library and a school library. This work introduces and discusses the library proposed by the CEUs and observes, through the subjects, by means of a semi-structured interview, how these libraries are shaping up/ over the years, mainly in the regions of urban crises (floods, expropriations, violence, fires etc.) The analysis of the data shows evidence that the libraries can be characterized as educational, albeit not connected to the school curriculum. They are open to all community, inserted in the educational project of each CEU and concerned with the formation of a conscient citizen. With courses of action that allow for the conception of a library that is not just hybrid but also plural, furnishing several diffrent types of knowledge and therefore expanding the scope of its action. We have observed, on the part of some of the subjects involved with the library and particularly the librarians; the intention of creating bonds with the community without, however, ignoring the problems of the periphery. They were key players in the elaboration of specific library projects, poviding the necessary opportunities for people to circulate in the world of information and culture.

A framework for mobile digital literacy skills of educators using mobile technology in rural formal education

Jahoor, Farshida 01 1900 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered a vital enabler in the quest to reduce the disparities between the developed and developing world. Developments in mobile technology have dramatically changed the ICT landscape. Mobile cellular technologies have flourished and proliferated more rapidly than any previous technology hitherto and is thus considered, at this time, the most pervasive technology in the world. However, the introduction of mobile ICT in rural formal education is faced with many challenges and ways in which to maximise its usage is still being explored. This research explores mobile digital literacy skills required by a rural educator to successfully integrate mobile technology into the classroom. This exploration used the ICT for rural education development (ICT4RED) project as its case study and added dimensions to the project through the development of a framework for mobile digital literacy skills. ICT4RED was an appropriate case for the exploration as it met the following criteria: educators were using mobile technologies in the classroom, educators had been part of the Teacher Professional Development (TPD) course offered by the ICT4RED project and educators were based in a rural resource-constrained area in South Africa. Questionnaires were used to gain insight into which skills educators rated as most important, and least important, as based on their teaching experience using mobile technologies in the classroom. The work is grounded on an interpretivist research philosophy and followed an inductive reasoning approach. Additionally, the research employed a qualitative method of analysis with a single case study, comprising of two units, facilitating a perspective of the phenomenon. Framework development was enabled through a literature review which assisted in theorising the mobile digital literacy skills. An expert review, followed by a questionnaire driven survey for educators, was conducted. The qualitative analysis revealed that most of the mobile digital literacy skills from literature were important and should be employed. The majority of educators and experts felt that the skills could not be categorised as, due to the lack of resources, most are considered very important. The lack of stable internet connection/s were also considered a major (if not the major) hindrance to successful mobile integration in rural areas. The main research question answered by this study is: How can a framework for educators’ mobile digital literacy skills support educators using mobile technology in formal rural education? The findings of this research should be significant to developers of mobile technology training programmes, as well as educators trying to successfully integrate mobile technology into their classrooms. The framework will enable both trainers and educators to prioritise skills and channel resources into the acquisition of those skills which have been identified as important by this research work. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

L'educació en el lleure a Girona. Les iniciatives de l'administració, l'església i la societat civil (1900-1981)

Soler Masó, Pere 11 October 1994 (has links)
La tesi presenta una descripció i reflexió històrica de les diferents iniciatives que en educació en el temps lliure s'han donat a la ciutat de Girona des de començament de segle XX fins a l'any 1981 quan té lloc el traspàs de competències en matèria de lleure i joventut a la Generalitat de Catalunya i des d'aquesta instància es realitza la primera normativa pel que fa a la constitució d'Escoles d'Educadors en el Lleure i es legisla també respecte a la formació de monitors i directors d'activitats de lleure infantil i juvenil. Les iniciatives son presentades a traves de tres grans capítols segons la instància promotora de cada activitat: L' administració (entenent per aquesta les diferents instancies de l'aparell administratiu públic a nivell municipal, provincial autonòmic o republicà i central), l'església (reduint-se en aquest cas a les iniciatives promogudes per l'església catòlica, majoritàriament a nivell diocesà, i en alguns casos a nivell parroquial) i finalment, la societat civil (entenent en aquest sector les iniciatives que han estat promogudes des del sector privat i de l'associacionisme). Des de cada un d'aquest grans sectors s'estudien les intervencions que amb una intencionalitat educativa clarament explícita s'han portat a la pràctica durant el temps lliure dels infants i joves gironins a través d'activitats i moviments coneguts com les colònies, els casals d'estiu, els campaments, l'escoltisme, etc. En cada una d'aquestes experiències analitzem les finalitats, la proposta metodològica, la formació dels responsables i els infants i joves que hi participen. A través d'aquesta recerca es pretén aportar un material que ajudi a configurar una petita part de la historia de l'educació no formal tot recuperant també un material vàlid per a la reflexió i teorització sobre l'educació en el temps lliure. Pel que fa a les iniciatives de l'administració sobresurten les obres que es promouen a nivell de l'Ajuntament de Girona: les colònies escolars municipals i les guarderies-casals municipals d'abans del franquisme, les colònies organitzades des de serveis socials durant la transició democràtica i la constitució i els primers passos de l'Àrea de Joventut. Es presenten també les iniciatives realitzades a la ciutat de Girona des d'altres instàncies: a nivell de la Diputació de Girona les colònies de la Llar Infantil a nivell provincial les colònies promogudes per la Delegación Pronvincial de Enseñanza Primaria de Gerona i pel que fa a l'administració central es presenta l'impacte de l'actuació que el moviment feixista del regim franquista va tenir a Girona a través del Frente de Juventudes, la Sección Femenina i la Organització Juvenil Espanyola. També en aquest capítol de l'administració es comenten les primeres actuacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya a Girona a partir de l'any 1981. En el capítol de l'església les obres que s'estudien són fonamentalment de caire diocesà. Hi trobem els Casals d'Estiu -obra genuïnament gironina-, l'Escoltisme Catòlic Català, la Federació de Joves Cristians i els Avantguardistes gironins, la Joventut d'Acció Catòlica, la Joventut Obrera Catòlica, el Moviment Infantil i Juvenil d'Acció Catòlica, Hora-3 i el Servei de Colònies de Vacances. Hi ha també l'estudi d'altres moviments al marge de la pastoral del bisbat. En aquest cas parlem de l'Oratori Festiu dels Salesians, la Congregació Mariana de Girona -amb els Lluïsos, els Estanislaus, eIs Montañeros de Santa Maria i l'Acolliment Centre de Joves- i els Exploradores de España de "La Salle". Tot plegat fa que la iniciativa de l'església sigui la mes àmplia i la protagonista de bona part del moviment d'educació en el lleure de la ciutat de Girona. Pel que fa a la iniciativa pròpia de la Societat Civil es molt més minsa i amb una incidència reduïda fonamentalment en dos períodes concrets: la II República i la transició i etapa democràtica. Amb tot, en el primer terç de segle trobem l'obra dels Exploradores de España, les Padrines de Girona i els Pomells de Joventut. També a finals dels anys vint cal parlar de la iniciativa de les Colònies Escolars a través del diari EI Autonomista. Durant la II Republica podem parlar Palestra i dels Minyons de Muntanya. En el trist període franquista sols cal parlar de dues iniciatives que malgrat no ser autènticament promogudes des de la societat civil, les hem presentat en aquest apartat. Es tracta dels casals de l'associació Amigos de los Niños i de les colònies del Patronato Escolar de Suburbios de Gerona. A partir de la transició democràtica neixen iniciatives esporàdiques amb voluntat de fer una tasca educativa en el temps lliure i és també en aquesta època quan s'estructura el moviment de Rialles a nivell dels Països Catalans. A través de la recerca es detecta una manca de propostes d'educació en el lleure per part de la societat civil. Sobresurt l'acció de l'església que ha sabut adaptar-se als diferents períodes socio-educatius exercint a través d'aquest àmbit diferents funcions: compensatòria, d'adoctrinament i control o de suplència. S'evidencia també com el temps lliure passa a ser considerat un àmbit plenament educatiu quan el carrer deixa de ser considerat un entorn negatiu a evitar i passa a ser entès com un espai educatiu a aprofitar. Pel que fa als participants, no es pot concretar a nivell general quina de les tres iniciatives és la mes popular o elitista. Hi ha experiències de tot tant per part de l'Administració, com de l'Església i també de la Societat Civil. Val a dir però, que les iniciatives promogudes des de l'administració municipal han estat majoritàriament properes a la població gironina més necessitada. També en aquest sentit cal ressaltar el treball realitzat des del bisbat a partir dels anys seixanta a través dels casals d'estiu i de les colònies de vacances. / The thesis presents a historical description of the various initiatives in leisure-time education which were carried out in the city of Girona during the current century up to the year 1981. The research begins with the first infant and the junior free-time activities which took place in this city, and analyses more than thirty different initiatives throughout the century until the year 1981, when the Generalitat de Catalunya (regional government of Catalonia) took charge of operations in this sector and formulated the first legislation concerning free-time schools and the training of monitors and head teachers. The historical research is presented in three main chapters which analyze the proposals and activities carried out by government (municipal, provincial, regional or national, the Catholic church (mainly at a diocesan level, but also through some parish initiatives) and civil society, combining in this last category those initiatives proposed by private bodies and by the associative movement. The research is especially focused on summer activities (schools, centers, camps, etc.) and studies, among other things, their aims, their methodological proposals, the training of staff, and the children and young people who participated. The intention is to contribute material which is valid for a deeper reflection on leisure-time education and which will help to configure a small part of the history on non-formal education.

Handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling : Tre berättelser om vägen dit / Action Competence for Sustainable Development : Three Stories about the Path Leading There

Almers, Ellen January 2009 (has links)
Studiens mål är att bidra till kunskapsutveckling om hur unga människor utvecklar handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling. Med handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling avses i studien vilja och förmåga att påverka livsstil och levnadsvillkor på ett sätt sominkluderar intergenerationellt och globalt ansvar. I avhandlingen introduceras begreppet avståndsmoral för att beskriva detta ansvar, som utsträcker sig i både tid och rum, till kommande generationer och till nu levande människor globalt. En utgångspunkt för studien är att hållbar utveckling innefattar idén om avståndsmoraliskt ansvar. Studiens huvudfråga är: Hur erfar avståndsmoraliskt aktivt handlande unga människor att de utvecklat handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling? Studiens teorigrund är livsvärldsfenomenologisk. En upplevd verklighet undersöks i studien via berättelser. Genom ett strategiskt urval har tre intervjupersoner, som motiverar sina handlingar med avståndsmoraliska argument, valts att ingå i studien. Datainsamlingen har skett genom en kombination av öppna livsberättelseintervjuer ochhalvstrukturerade intervjuer. Analys och tolkning har metodologiskt stöd i berättelseforskningstraditionen och empirisk fenomenologisk forskning. Resultaten presenteras som tre citatrika levnadsberättelser om Karin, Carl och Matilda, tre unga vuxna med flera års engagemang i hållbarhetsfrågor. Syftet med levnadsberättelserna är att bidra till förståelse av det speciella i en enskild individs upplevelse av attutveckla handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling. En integrerande analys redovisar mönster i form av likheter och skillnader mellan de tre individernas berättelser om att utveckla olika aspekter av handlingskompetens i avståndsmoraliska frågor. Sex gemensammakärnpoänger framstår som betydelsefulla: känslomässiga reaktioner, upplevd kompetens, kontrasterande perspektiv och normativ grund, handlingsimpregnering, tillit från och tillit till vuxna samt social gemenskap kontra utanförskap. Som motiv och drivkrafterför engagemanget framstår känslomässiga reaktioner som initierar önskan om förändring och vilja till handling, längtan efter meningsfullhet, önskan om att komma till sin rätt och längtan efter gemenskap. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare forskningoch en modell av en möjlig väg att utveckla aspekter av handlingskompetens för hållbar utveckling presenteras. Diskussionskapitlet utmynnar i fyra didaktiska utmaningar för enutbildning för hållbar utveckling. / The aim of the study at hand is to develop knowledge about the process of developing action competence for sustainable development. The overall research question explored is: How do young people experience that they have developed aspects of action competence forsustainable development? For the purposes of this study, action competence for sustainable development is defined as willingness and capability to act for changes in individual life style, as well as for structural changes of society, in a way that includes responsibility for present and future generations,globally. Life-world phenomenology provides the theoretical foundation of the study. Through purposive sampling, individuals have been found who, through different action strategies, engage in sustainability issues as for example climate change, bio-diversity and social justice. From a larger sample, three young adults have been selected for several life storyinterviews. Data has been analyzed and interpreted by use of narrative methodology. The result is presented as three stories, presented as thick descriptions, through whichthe winding paths towards aspects of action competence, as experienced, appear. This is followed by an integrative analysis presenting six themes that have emerged in theanalyses as relevant in the process of developing action competence for sustainable development: emotional reactions; perceived competence; contrasts and normative foundation;action permeation; trust and faith from adults and in adults; and social belonging in contrastto outsidership. Major motives and driving-forces for sustainability actions that emerge inthe stories are: emotional reactions initiating a desire for change and a desire to act; longingfor meaningfulness; a desire to feel comfortable with what you can contribute; and longing for belongingness. The findings are discussed in relationship to previous research and a modelof a possible way to develop aspects of action competence for sustainable development is introduced. This dissertation is part of a project supported by Formas, The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.

Ensino de ciência no acolhimento institucional: a ciência no polo / Teaching science in institutional reception: science on stage

Haenisch, Dayana 05 December 2016 (has links)
Acompanha: Proposta pedagógica crítica: articulação entre o teatro do oprimido e o ensino de ciência / Este estudo foi motivado em torno da seguinte inquietação, como o ensino de ciências, em uma perspectiva crítico-problematizadora, no serviço de acolhimento institucional, pode contribuir para a formação científica e educacional de adolescentes em condição de vulnerabilidade? Essa questão tem por objetivo geral analisar a contribuição do ensino de ciências desenvolvido em ambiente de acolhimento institucional, em uma perspectiva crítico-problematizadora freireana, para a promoção do conhecimento científico às adolescentes acolhidas e identificando como o processo de significação conscientizadora, do qual as acolhidas são autoras, colabora para a sua transformação individual e social. A presente investigação busca auxiliar significativamente na preparação e na formação das adolescentes para sua autonomia ao chegarem aos dezoito anos, essa ação educacional vem promover o conhecimento científico, a partir do acesso ao ensino de ciências no acolhimento institucional, como também, apoiá-las no processo de ruptura do ciclo de violência na história de suas vidas. Nessa perspectiva, a pesquisa é embasada na educação problematizadora e transformadora com pressupostos freireanos, com as contribuições da Pedagogia do Oprimido. Como procedimentos metodológicos da pesquisa-ação, utiliza-se o desenvolvimento de duas das técnicas, sendo o Teatro Imagem e o Teatro Fórum, do método teatral conhecido por Teatro do Oprimido, criado por Augusto Boal. Posteriormente, articula-se a promoção do conhecimento científico pautado nos Momentos Pedagógicos, referenciados por Delizoicov, Angotti e Pernambuco. Para analisar os dados e informações trazidos pela pesquisa de campo se recorre à Análise Textual Discursiva, considerando a audiogravação realizada em cada encontro com as adolescentes, destacando-se as categorias a priori e as emergentes manifestadas no estudo. Concluindo com a apresentação dos resultados, nos quais foi possível verificar a contribuição do ensino de ciências, em espaço de educação não formal, como também identificar o processo de significação conscientizadora, em que notou-se a presença da consciência crítica ao final do percurso da pesquisa de campo. / This study was motivated by the following disquiet, how can teaching science, in a critical-problematizing perspective, in the institutional reception service, contribute to the scientific and educational formation of vulnerable adolescents? The general objective of this question is to analyze the contribution of science education developed in an institutional reception environment, in a Freirean critical-problematizing perspective, for the promotion of scientific knowledge to the adolescents and identifying as the process of meaningful awareness, of which the receptions Are authors, collaborates for their individual and social transformation. The present research seeks to help significantly in the preparation and training of adolescents for their autonomy when they reach the age of eighteen, this educational action promotes scientific knowledge, based on access to science education in the institutional reception, as well as support them in the Process of breaking the cycle of violence in the history of their lives. From this perspective, the research is based on problematizing and transformative education with Freirean presuppositions, with the contributions of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed. As methodological procedures of the action research, the development of two of the techniques, being the Image Theater and the Theater Forum, of the theatrical method known as Theater of the Oppressed, created by Augusto Boal. Subsequently, articulates the promotion of scientific knowledge based on the Pedagogical Moments, referenced by Delizoicov, Angotti and Pernambuco. In order to analyze the data and information brought by the field research, we use the Discursive Textual Analysis, considering the audio-recording performed in each encounter with the adolescents, highlighting the a priori and emerging categories manifested in the study. Concluding with the presentation of the results, in which it was possible to verify the contribution of science teaching in a non-formal education space, as well as to identify the process of awareness-raising meaning, in which the presence of critical awareness was noticed at the end of the course field research.

Ensinando ciências fora da escola: uma investigação sobre o estado de conhecimento dos professores da rede municipal de Curitiba a respeito dos espaços não-formais de ensino de ciências da cidade e região metropolitana

Vaine, Thais Eastwood 06 December 2013 (has links)
Vários são os espaços não-formais de ensino de Ciências em Curitiba e Região Metropolitana e poucos os estudos sobre o conhecimento dos professores quanto a esses locais e sua articulação com as escolas. Nesse contexto, considerando a importância desses espaços no processo ensino-aprendizagem, este trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer o atual estado de conhecimento dos professores de Ciências do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental da Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba a respeito dos espaços não-formais de ensino relacionados a esse componente curricular e elaborar, com base nos dados obtidos, um recurso que os auxilie no planejamento de atividades envolvendo esses locais. À luz da literatura primeiramente realizamos um levantamento bibliográfico sobre as modalidades de educação formal, informal e não-formal e a história dos museus e centros de ciências no Brasil e no mundo, além da relação entre museus e escolas e possibilidades educativas desses locais. Os dados para a pesquisa foram coletados a partir de um questionário impresso contendo questões abertas e fechadas, aplicado a docentes de Ciências do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental nos meses de março e abril de 2013. Através de análise estatística e de conteúdo, constatamos que existem entre os professores várias demandas no que se refere ao suporte ao planejamento de visitas a espaços não-formais de ensino de Ciências, como desconhecimento a respeito de diversos espaços existentes na região onde atuam, o atual conhecimento em relação às possibilidades de contribuição desses locais ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem e o interesse por um recurso que centralize as informações a respeito desses locais bem como forneça sugestões de atividades de preparação para a visita e retomada de conteúdos. Para a confecção do recurso, produto deste trabalho, visitamos, nos meses de julho e agosto, 27 espaços não-formais de ensino de Ciências de Curitiba e Região Metropolitana e entrevistamos seus gestores e equipes quanto às possibilidades educativas desses locais e outras informações. Com base nos dados levantados elaboramos um site para os docentes de Ciências das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental contendo sugestões de sequências didáticas envolvendo esses locais, constituindo uma referência que auxilia os docentes na utilização desses espaços em seus planejamentos, estimulando o aprendizado fora da sala de aula. / There are several non-formal spaces of science education in Curitiba and metropolitan region and few studies about teachers' knowledge regarding these places and their articulation with the schools. In this context, considering the importance of these spaces in the teaching-learning process, this study aimed to assess the current state of knowledge of science teachers from 6th to 9th grade of municipal public middle schools from Curitiba regarding non-formal spaces related to this curriculum component and elaborate, based on the data obtained, a resource that assists them in planning activities involving these locations. In light of the literature we initially conducted a bibliographic study on the education modalities - formal, informal and non-formal -, the history of museums and science centers in Brazil and in the world, and also the relationship between museums and schools and educational possibilities of these locations. We collect data for research using a printed questionnaire containing open and closed questions, applied to science teachers from 6th to 9th grade of middle school in the months of March and April 2013.Through statistical analysis and content , we found that there are several demands among teachers with regard to support and planning visits to places of non-formal science education, such as lack of knowledge about many spaces in the region where they operate, current knowledge regarding the possible contribution of these sites to the process of teaching and learning and an interest in a feature that centralizes information about these locations as well as provide suggestions for activities to prepare for the visit and resumption of content. To create the product, we visited in the months of July and August, 27 spaces of non-formal science education in Curitiba and metropolitan region and interviewed their managers and staff about the educational possibilities of these locations and other information. Based on the collected data we developed a website for science teachers of final grades of elementary school containing suggestions for didactic sequences involving these places and providing a reference that assists teachers in the use of these spaces in their planning, encouraging learning outside of the room class.

Implementação da assistência educacional em estabelecimentos penais: estudos de caso - Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo

Pinto, Flávia Fernandes 01 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Flávia Fernandes Pinto (fla_fp@hotmail.com) on 2018-04-06T14:05:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Fernandes - Imp. Assist. Educacional em Estabelecimentos Penais MS e SP - Mestrado.pdf: 3250634 bytes, checksum: 54405128e11070bdcb86152ca8de2a4f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamela Beltran Tonsa (pamela.tonsa@fgv.br) on 2018-04-06T14:10:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Fernandes - Imp. Assist. Educacional em Estabelecimentos Penais MS e SP - Mestrado.pdf: 3250634 bytes, checksum: 54405128e11070bdcb86152ca8de2a4f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-04-06T14:25:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Fernandes - Imp. Assist. Educacional em Estabelecimentos Penais MS e SP - Mestrado.pdf: 3250634 bytes, checksum: 54405128e11070bdcb86152ca8de2a4f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T14:25:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Fernandes - Imp. Assist. Educacional em Estabelecimentos Penais MS e SP - Mestrado.pdf: 3250634 bytes, checksum: 54405128e11070bdcb86152ca8de2a4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / Este trabalho pretende investigar o processo de implementação das políticas públicas de educação – formal e não formal – aos privados de liberdade no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) e de São Paulo (SP). Essa análise será feita a partir das legislações nacionais e, sobretudo, estaduais e estudos de campo com a finalidade de verificar como ocorre a implementação da educação em duas penitenciárias para condenados do sexo masculino em regime fechado: Instituto Penal de Campo Grande – MS e Penitenciária I 'Mário Moura Albuquerque' de Franco da Rocha – SP. Para isso, foi realizada pesquisa qualitativa por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com custodiados alunos e não alunos dessas penitenciárias e com os profissionais responsáveis por essa implementação dos seguintes órgãos: Secretaria de Estado de Educação do MS, Secretaria Estadual de Educação de SP, Agência Estadual de Administração do Sistema Penitenciário do MS, Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária de SP – e aos seus órgãos vinculados: Escola Estadual Polo Professora Regina Lúcia Anffe Nunes Betine - MS, Escola Estadual Domingos Cambhiagi - SP e Fundação Professor Doutor Manoel Pedro Pimentel - SP. A partir daí, a pesquisadora buscou compreender a implementação da educação no Instituto Penal de Campo Grande e na Penitenciária I 'Mário Moura Albuquerque' de Franco da Rocha – SP referente ao período temporal correspondente ao das entrevistas – ano de 2017, abarcando também 2015 e 2016. / This thesis goal is to investigate the implementation process of educational public policies - both formal and informal - for individuals deprived of freedom in Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) and Sao Paolo (SP) states. This analysis has as starting point the Brazilian legislation, mainly state legislations and field studies, with the purpose of verifying how the implementation of education is conducted to convicted male individuals in two state prisons: 'Instituto Penal de Campo Grande – MS' e Penitenciária I 'Mário Moura Albuquerque' de Franco da Rocha – SP. To accomplish this objective a qualitative research was conducted by using semi structured interviews with student inmates and non-student inmates as well as the personnel responsible for the implementation from the following state agencies: ‘Secretaria de Estado de Educação do MS’, ‘Secretaria Estadual de Educação de SP’, 'Agência Estadual de Administração do Sistema Penitenciário do MS', 'Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária de SP' – and associated institutions: 'Escola Estadual Polo Professora Regina Lúcia Anffe Nunes Betine - MS', 'Escola Estadual Domingos Cambhiagi - SP' e 'Fundação Professor Doutor Manoel Pedro Pimentel - SP'. From this perspective the researcher tried to understand the implementation of the educational policies at the 'Instituto Penal de Campo Grande' and at the Penitenciária I 'Mário Moura Albuquerque' de Franco da Rocha in the time frame corresponding to the interviews – 2017 – and also 2015 and 2016.

A framework to integrate the formal learning with the informal workplace learning of statisticians in a developmental state

Van der Berg, Gwendoline Hilary 01 1900 (has links)
The topic of integrating the formal learning of graduates with their informal workplace learning has been debated for many years. In practice, however, these two types of learning still exist as two polar opposites, especially in the field of statistics. This study examined the effectiveness of an internship programme as a means to integrate the formal learning of statisticians with their informal workplace learning. Based on the findings, a framework was proposed to ensure integration between the formal and informal workplace learning of statisticians. The study employed a mixed-method approach that combined quantitative and qualitative data collection. Quantitative data were collected from respondents (statisticians who participated in the internship programme and were permanently employed at the time of the study) through an online survey, and qualitative data were collected from managers (who served as mentors to the interns) through conducting semi-structured, one-on-one interviews. Documents pertaining to the internship programme in place at Statistics South Africa were also studied. Many developing countries still lack the capacity to produce, analyse and use the range of quality statistics required to support effective development progress. This study suggested a new way of integrating the formal learning with the informal workplace learning of statisticians, which involved adding a practical component (an internship) to the formal learning of statisticians, therefore, combining an internship during formal learning with an internship upon the completion of formal learning. In this way, statisticians are better capacitated because they can apply their formally obtained knowledge and skills in practice both while being engaged in their formal studies as well as after completing their studies, ensuring integration between formal and informal workplace learning. Crucial factors that would play a role in ensuring success are, for instance, if intern statisticians are placed in areas that are commensurate with their formal learning (thus ensuring utilisation of their skills) and if the level of the tasks assigned to them matches their cognitive ability. Support for interns’ informal learning in the form of mentorship, developmental assignments and training and development opportunities are also crucial to ensure integration between their formal learning and informal workplace learning. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Issues and challenges regarding the implementation of environmental education policy in formal education in South Africa

Maila, Mago William 11 1900 (has links)
Issues and challenges that teachers and educator encounter in implementing school-based Environmental Education have been established, described and explored against the background of the South African education system. In a succinct manner sources upon and from which Curriculum 2005 (C2005) is founded have been explored. Within C2005 the foundations of EE have been traced. International and national trends and developments have been illuminated and the contributions of these endeavours are eminent in school-based EE. The methodology and research process of study does not claim to be the only one appropriate for this research question. However, the research focus has been studied through the chosen methodology as the socio-historical context demanded. The research process has been dynamic with the researcher responding to the emerging data and being guided by the research activities outlined in the research design. The two case studies have provided the researcher with valuable data necessary for making sound judgements about issues and challenges encountered during the implementation of environmental learning in formal education structures. Although the research question has been adequately explored, the study does not claim to be exhaustive and with no limitations. It is hoped that the recommendations made in the study, based on the findings, will be valuable to teachers, educators and education policy makers involved with EE implementation in formal education. / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Didactics)

Childhood: an Anthropological study of itinerancy and domestic fluidity amongst the Karretjie people of the South African Karoo.

Steyn, Sarah Adriana 03 1900 (has links)
The Karretjie People, or Cart People are a peripatetic community and are descendants of the KhoeKhoen and San, the earliest inhabitants of the Karoo region in South Africa. As a landless and disempowered community they are dependent upon others for food and other basic necessities specifically, and other resources generally. Compared to children in South Africa generally, the Karretjie children are in every sense of the most severely deprived. Their fathers are by and large sheep-shearers, often their only specialised skill, and which is primarily required only on demand and on an irregular and/or seasonal basis. The children’s mothers as keepers of the karretjie (cart) overnight shack, with other adult caretakers, are without predictable income for most of the year. The service that the adult men deliver to the farming community necessitates continuous spatial mobility and is made possible by a cart and donkeys, which also enable them to adapt to changing circumstances. High levels of spatial mobility as well as economic demands on individual domestic units result in inventive utilisation of scarce resources and entails, amongst others, in children oscillating between different karretjie (cart) units.

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