Spelling suggestions: "subject:"criminality"" "subject:"kriminality""
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Vazební zajištění mladistvého pachatele / Imprisonment of minor offendersVÁVROVÁ, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
Youth criminality is a constant problem which a number of specialists, legislative bodies, and the whole public deal with. A number of negative phenomenons occurring in the area of this population, e.g. spreading of drugs among younger and younger age groups and related increase of criminality undoubtedly play a leading role. However, it is known that bare repression is ineffective and means of educational activities are much more effective. Occurrence of social pathological phenomenons, their dynamics and changes are an indivisible part of the society. Grounds enabling occurrence of these phenomenons change very little. Heritability, constitutional factors, family, school, peer pressure, inappropriate spending free time as well as media influence and ethnical origin have an impact. Responsibility of the youth for unlawful acts is laid down by the Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on the Liability of Youth for Unlawful Acts and on Justice in Matters of Youth and Amending Certain Acts (Act on Justice in Matters of Youth). The purpose of the Act is defined particularly from the view of prevention of unlawful activities of the youth that is a basic group to which the attention of the whole justice and society is to be paid, so that every member of this group who committed an illegal act, no matter he is a juvenile or a child younger than fifteen years, is treated in accordance with this Act, he contributes to rectifying the injury resulting from the unlawful act within his strengths and abilities, a convenient and appropriate measure is imposed on him, and he finds a social asserting corresponding to his abilities and intellectual and moral development as a definitive result. Preventive activities aimed against youth criminality always and in the whole scope require respecting basic children rights and rights for privacy of their family. Children rights must be observed from primary to tertiary prevention, from searching threatened children and their families to treatment of guilty children. The most significant tool of social prevention is education of children in families and education of children at school. The aim of the thesis was to find out grounds leading to custodial detention of a juvenile offender and to find indications which could help to positively or negatively affect educational impact on the juvenile in the prison.
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Aktuální problematika soudnictví ve věcech mládeže / Current issues of judicature in juvenile mattersBANIAROVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issues of judicature in juvenile matters, focusing on the criminality of children below 15 years of age and the specifics of judicial proceedings in cases concerning an offence punishable differently. The theoretical part outlines development of judicature in juvenile matters in the Czech Republic and the relating laws, the specifics of judicature in cases involving children below 15 years of age, cooperation of organizations acting within the given issues, and the currently discussed topics, such as lowering of the criminal liability age, development of juvenile criminality in the Czech Republic and evaluation of the act regulating judicature in juvenile matters after the several-year operation in practice. Due to their age and psychical immaturity, work with children as offenders committing offences punishable differently requires specific procedures aimed at correction of the offender and prevention of occurrence of further problems. The objective is also a fast solution of the situation, the lowest possible traumatizing of the child and protection of his/her rights. A large number of institutions, such as bodies of social-legal protection of children, the police, juvenile courts and the Probation and Mediation Service, are involved in the process. The objectives of the thesis were ascertainment of opinions of juvenile guardians on the issues, in particular on the operation of the act in practice and on its benefits and contingent drawbacks. A further objective was development of suggestions for amendment of the valid legal regulation on the basis of the respondents{\crq} answers. In connection with the set objectives, the research was conducted in the form of a structured interview with open questions. The respondents were workers of departments of social-legal protection of children under municipal authorities, and juvenile guardians. The questions were focused on the operation of the act in practice from the view of guardians, on benefits and drawbacks of the act and on the opinions of the guardians on some specifics of judicial proceedings involving children below 15 years of age. After processing the data obtained in the interviews, several suggestions for amendments of the act regulating judicature in juvenile matters were developed to
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Systém prevence sociálně patologických jevů a jeho realizace v základních školách / System of the prevention of social-pathological illnesses and implementation of the system at primary schoolsONDRÁČKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
Our diploma thesis entitled ?The system of prevention of social and pathological phenomena and its implementation at elementary schools? engages in the analysis of possibilities and conditions for and approaches to the implementation of primary pre-vention at elementary schools. The objective of the present diploma is to describe how systems of primary prevention work on the regional and school levels; accordingly, we have performed a comparison of different approaches to this issue at selected schools in the regions of South Bohemia and Pardubice. We have analyzed programmes of the aforesaid regions on the conceptual level, observing the implementation of preventive programmes at particular schools (such as elementary or special). Furthermore, we have examined the assistance as actually pro-vided to schools during the formation of school preventive programmes and their influ-ence on pupils or students as such. We are also interested in how the possibilities that are on offer for the cooperation among schools are utilized and how schools make use of grant programmes provided by regional authorities. The present thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theo-retical part first characterizes and defines basic terms, explaining the most common so-cial and pathological phenomena with the largest impact on the young. Second, a men-tion is made of the system of prevention at both the school and regional levels. Accord-ingly, the practical part focuses on the analysis of school activities in the area of preven-tion, particularly the methodology of prevention, the support of the formation of preven-tive programmes and the influence such programmes have on children. The conclusion summarizes presuppositions and hypotheses which are men-tioned in the introduction. A sociological survey has been conducted at selected schools by means of questionnaires, which will be evaluated at the end of our thesis.
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Trestná činnost dětí a mladistvých na Teplicku / Crime Rates of Children and Adolescents in TepliceROŠLAPILOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
Crime Rates of Children and Adolescents in Teplice Abstract Graduation theses is engaged in problems of the crime rates of children and adolescents intend on region of Teplice and comparation Ústí region with tendences in Čzech republic. In a theoretical part are firstly desribed the most important topics that are connected with this problem such as basis terms, legislature and kinds of provisions in case of commission of crime rates, typical traits of crime rates of children and adolescents, position of society and causes and varieties of criminality Based on the study of specialized literature there are three hypotheses that have been suggested: H1) The criminal activities of children and adolescents young people are in Teplice often than in The Czech republic. H2) The boys commite crimes more than girls. H3) The most common crime rate is computer criminality and illegal download. A research was Based on the analysis of datas provided by police statistics and self-report survey the structure and development of criminal activities of children and young people in two Czech regions was analysed. Inference is determined at the conclusion of this work.
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O debate público sobre segurança no estado do Rio Grande do Sul : uma aproximação desde a ética do discurso / The debate on security in the State of Rio Grande do Sul : an approach since the ethics of the speechPires, Carlos Rogério Guedes January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma tentativa de aplicação da ética do discurso (HABERMAS e APEL) ao debate público sobre segurança no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, no período 2001/2002. Entende o debate como formação discursiva da opinião e da vontade políticas e o interpreta em termos de racionalidade comunicativa. O debate transcorreu em um contexto de aumento da criminalidade e problematização das noções de crime e punição (YOUNG), alimentando um sentimento de insegurança da opinião pública capaz de influenciar programas legislativos e políticas públicas. A partir da análise da imprensa escrita buscou-se avaliar a qualidade do debate a partir de condições ideais de justificação, pressupostos do discurso ou situação ideal de fala (HABERMAS), notadamente em relação ao critério de inclusão de temas e participantes. Concluiu-se pelo caráter excludente do debate, seja em relação a determinados temas, seja em relação a determinados grupos; e que a exclusão de temas e grupos deu origem a movimentos de protesto que podem ser interpretados como uma luta por reconhecimento (TAYLOR, HONNETH e FRASER). / The present work is an attempt of application of the ethics of the speech (HABERMAS and APEL) to the public debate on security in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in period 2001/2002. It understands the debate as discursive formation of the opinion and of the will politics and interprets it in terms of communicative reason. The debate has occurred in a context of increase of crime and crisis of the crime and punishment knowledge (YOUNG), feeding a fear of crime in the public opinion capable to influence legislative programs and public policy. From the analysis of the written press one searched to evaluate the quality of the debate from ideal conditions of justification or ideal situation of speaks (HABERMAS), specifically in relation to the criterion of inclusion of subjects and participants. It was concluded for the exclusive character of the debate, either in relation of determined subjects, or in relation of determined groups; and that the exclusion of subjects and groups gave rise to protest movements that can be interpreted as a fight for recognition (TAYLOR, HONNETH and FRASER).
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No limite : a invenção de si no espaço prescrito e proscrito da prisãoLeite, Maynar Patricia Vorga January 2012 (has links)
A pesquisa que fundamenta este trabalho foi realizada na galeria de seguro da Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier, mediante grupo de discussão e escrita, junto a mulheres em cumprimento de pena privativa de liberdade. É abordado o dia-a-dia da vida aprisionada, apresentando peculiaridades do trabalho grupal numa galeria de seguro. Também são exploradas as relações entre viver, conhecer e poder. Neste contexto, o estudo do limite enquanto barreira e contato comporta aspectos não racionais e não conscientes da cognição, que é inerente à vida. A partir das noções de autopoiese, de processos de subjetivação e de invenção de si e do mundo, consideramos que tomar o ser vivo como indivíduo - e o ser humano como um caso do vivo – é apenas uma possibilidade dentre outras. Desse modo, mediante vivências do coletivo dentro de uma instituição onde prima o modo indivíduo de subjetivação, é possível questionar o indivíduo como fundamento para o Direito na criminalização e, conseqüentemente, a aplicação individual da pena. A prisão é aqui tomada como uma opção política de segregação e de proliferação da delinqüência. Ao tentar atualizar as linhas de fuga na Penitenciária, buscou-se destacar a existência, em quaisquer circunstâncias, de produção de vida para além da sobrevida, cartografando os modos de invenção de si que proliferam apesar do aprisionamento. Outrossim, buscou-se produzir novos subsídios teóricos para o abolicionismo penal a partir da Psicologia. Mediante a cartografia como método, a discussão e a escrita se constituíram como agenciamentos, e a escrita, o caderno e o grupo, como dispositivos. A dissertação está caotizada em rizomas e fractais, como uma forma de escrever a vida dentro das grades e a grade dentro das vidas, tendo como resultado final aberturas-problema. / The research on which this dissertation is based was developed at the Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier‟s security gallery, by means of a discussion and writing group developed with women in the process of carrying out freedom-depriving penalty. We explore the everyday experience of imprisonment, unveiling the peculiarities of group work in a security gallery, as well as the relations among living, knowing and power. In such a context, the study of limit both as a form of border and a mode of contact embraces non-rational and non-conscious aspects of cognition as inherent to life itself. Taking as starting points the notion of autopoiesis, the processes of subjectivation and invention of oneself and of the world, we consider that regarding the living being as an individual – and he human as a case of “alive” – is just a possibility among several others. Thus, the experiences of the collective within an institution where the individual is the main mode of subjectivation, enables to put into question the individual as the foundation on which Law roots its right to criminalize the individual and, as a consequence, apply punishment on an individual basis. Therefore, in this work, the prison is taken as a political option of segregation and of delinquency proliferation. Upon trying to refresh prison flight lines, it was also emphasized the existence, regardless of the circumstances, of life production beyond survival, by cartographing the ways of self-production that pullulate in despite of imprisonment. Besides that, it was made an attempt to produce new theoretical basis within the field of Psychology in defense of penal abolitionism. Having cartography for a method, group discussion and writing became agencements, and writing itself, the notebook and the group became devices. This dissertation is chaotizised in rhizomes and fractals, as a way of writing the life inside the enclosures and the enclosures within the lives, the whole process yielding some “problem openings” as the final result.
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Um modelo espaço-temporal bayesiano para medir a interação social na criminalidade : simulações e evidências na Região Metropolitana de São PauloGazzano, Marcelo January 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho utilizamos um modelo espaço-temporal proposto em Rojas (2004) para medir a interação social da criminalidade na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Realizamos simulações de Monte Carlo para testar a capacidade de estimação do modelo em diferentes cenários. Observamos que a estimação melhora com o aumento de observações ao longo do tempo. Já os resultados empíricos indicam que a região metropolitana de São Paulo é um hot spot no estado, pois é encontrado um maior grau de interação social no índice de homicídio em relação aos índices de roubo e furto. / In this paper we employ a spatio-temporal model proposed in Rojas (2004) to evaluate the social interaction in crime in São Paulo metropolitan area. We carry out Monte Carlo simulations to test the model estimation capability in different scenarios. We notice that the estimation gets better as the number of observations in time raises. The results point out that São Paulo metropolitan area is a hot spot in the state since we found out a greater social interaction for the homicide index, compared to robbery and thievery.
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La lutte contre la délinquance économique et financière dans l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) et dans l'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation du Droit des Affaires en Afrique (OHADA) : état des lieux et perspectives / The Fight against economic and financial criminality in the West African Economic Monetary Union (WAEMU) and in the organization for the harmonization of African business law (OHADA) : current situation and perspectivesDiakhate, Serigne 07 February 2017 (has links)
La délinquance économique et financière, constituée par l'ensemble des activités illégales, qui peuvent être commises de manière individuelle, en entreprise ou bande organisée, a des méthodes d'action différentes de celles des infractions de droit commun. Le plus souvent, elles se commettent par des procédés astucieux (tromperie), ou frauduleux (faux par exemple), par l'exploitation des secrets commerciaux ou des données confidentielles (délits d'initiés), exigeant pour cela des connaissances et un savoir-faire propres au monde des affaires, voire une ingénierie financière, à l'encontre des particuliers, d'entreprises. de l'Etat ou d'organisations internationales. Généralement, leur finalité est la recherche du gain facile, donc de l'argent sale ou noir, fruit d'activités illégales ou criminelles. Cet argent est au centre de la délinquance économique et financière. Il en est le moteur. C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles la lutte contre cette forme de délinquance doit avoir comme principale finalité la saisie des avoirs d'origine criminelle ou délictuelle. A cette fin. nous avons fait dans cette étude, des propositions de réforme dans les codes pénaux et de procédure pénale des Etats appartenant à la sphère UEMOA-OHADA et d'y inclure des dispositions permettant de procéder efficacement à cette saisie. Cette question de saisie des avoirs d'origine illicite montre à quel point il est difficile de lutter contre cette forme de délinquance. Car, aujourd'hui, l'action des Etats, pris individuellement. pour combattre ce fléau, a perdu son efficacité. C'est pourquoi, le traitement de cette délinquance devrait nécessairement passer par une harmonisation du droit pénal des affaires de l'OHADA et une uniformisation du droit pénal économique et financier de l'UEMOA. Cependant. ce combat au niveau communautaire n'est pas sans poser quelques difficultés dans la mesure où les Etats membres de ces deux organisations ne veulent pas se départir, au profit des Institutions communautaires, du pouvoir d'élaborer des sanctions pénales contre les incriminations communautaires applicables sur leur territoire. D'où la nécessité de tenir compte de l'impératif d'harmonisation des règles pénales de sanction contre les violations du droit communautaire, d'un côté, et de l'impératif du respect de la souveraineté des Etats, de l'autre, même si ces deux impératifs sont difficilement conciliables. En tout état de cause, pour rendre efficace la lutte contre ce phénomène criminel, les dispositifs actuels doivent évoluer vers de nouveaux instruments plus adaptés. Ainsi des typologies de mesures relatives au droit pénal de forme et de fond sont elles proposées tant au niveau national et régional. En effet, une lutte envisagée à un seul niveau est d'avance vouée à l'échec. C’est ainsi qu'il faut instaurer un véritable coopération judiciaire dans l'espace UEMOA-OHADA pour une lutte efficace contre la délinquance économique et financière dans cet espace. / Economic and financial criminality, constituted by all illegal activities, which can be committed individually, in companies or organized groups, has different methods of action than those of violation of common law. Most often, they are committed by clever means (trickery), fraudulent (false for example), by the exploitation of trade secrets or confidential data (insider trading), requiring knowledge and know-How of the business world, or even financial engineering against individuals, companies, the State or international organizations. Most often, their finality is the search for easy gain. therefore dirty or black money is the fruit of illegal or criminal activities. This money is at the center of economic and financial crime. It is the driving force behind it. This is one of the reasons why the fight against this form of crime must have as main objective the seizure of assets of criminal origin. In this sense, we have made in these study proposals for reform in the penal codes and criminal proceeding of the States belonging to the WAEMU-OHADA sphere and to include disposal enabling effective seizure. This issue of seizure of assets of illicit origin shows how difficult it is to fight this form of delinquency. Because today, the action of States taken individually to fight this scourge, has lost its effectiveness. Therefore, the treatment of this delinquency should necessarily involve a harmonization of the criminal business law of the OHADA and a standardization of the economic and financial criminal law of WAEMU. However, this battle at Community level is not without some difficulty, to the extent of that the member states of these two organizations do not wish to abandon the power to draw up criminal sanctions against Community incriminations applicable in their territory to the benefit of the community institutions. From where the necessity to take account of the need to harmonize criminal law rules penalties against community law violations. on the one hand and the imperative of respect for State sovereignty on the other, even if these two imperatives are difficult to reconcile. At all events, in order to make efficient the fight against this criminal phenomenon, the current plan of action must evolve towards new and more appropriate instruments. Thus, are typologies of measures relating to criminal law in form and substance proposed at both national and regional level. Indeed, a fight envisaged at a single level is in advance tied to failure. It is thus necessary to establish real judicial cooperation in the WAEMU-OHADA area for an effective fight against economic and financial crime in this area.
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The international mechanisms relating to mutual assistance in the field of information exchange and civil forfeitureŞuman, Silvia January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Several international instruments relating to the forfeiture of assets derived through
unlawful means have been developed in the last decade. These relate to both civil and criminal forfeiture proceedings. Nevertheless, the processes of tracing the assets and having them forfeit to the State present formidable obstacles to justice authorities enforcers around the world. The fact of the matter is that the advent of the internet has made it easier for money launderers to camouflage the nature and the physical locality of their ill-got gains. This has made it all the more necessary for states and financial institutions to co-operate more closely in hitting the criminals where it hurts most – their pockets. However, the international structures that provide for mutual legal assistance procedures are drafted in broad terms or in guideline-form. Most of the books and journal articles dealing with money laundering devote scant attention to this very important aspect of combating transnational economic criminality. In most of the literature, this topic is simply avoided. This paper, which confines itself to civil recovery proceedings, strives
to determine first, what international mechanisms are available for obtaining information located abroad that could be used for domestic civil forfeiture, and second, to identify some of the most intractable problems encountered by justice authorities in their attempts to attach property situated abroad. The idea is to identify the principal point of discordance, and to suggest ways in which the international instruments governing civil forfeiture could be amended so as to make
them more user friendly.
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De ansiktslösa i hopplöshetens fördärv : En kritisk diskursanalys av nyhetsmediers samhällsdebatt om gängkriminaliteten i Sverige / The faceless in the destruction of hopelessness : A critical discourse analysis of news media’s social debate about gang criminality in SwedenRosati Örsell, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka och analysera hur personer i gängkriminella miljöer konstrueras samt positioneras i den nyhetsmediala samhällsdebatten om gängkriminalitet i Sverige genom att studera publicerade debattartiklar från en specifik tidsperiod. Studien utgår från ett kritiskt diskursanalytiskt perspektiv som menar att verkligheten formas och tolkas genom språkliga diskurser, varför valda analysverktyg har ett lingvistiskt fokus där texternas lexikala aspekter undersöks, liksom deras anspråk på gängkriminalitetens orsaker och lösningar. Vidare analyseras debattartiklarnas innehåll genom ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv på de skildringar och identiteter som görs, samt utifrån teorier om stigmatiseringsprocesser och avvikarkarriärer Även själva fördelningen mellan debattörer samt presenterade perspektiv i debatten analyseras i relation till sociala makthierarkier. Uppsatsens resultat visar på att personer i gängkriminella miljöer främst tenderar att reduceras till deras kriminella egenskap i debatten, vilket konstruerar personerna som avvikare och förövare i samhället på sätt som stundtals får avhumaniserande effekter. I vissa fall nämns även personernas unga ålder samt icke-svenska etnicitet, vilket främst motiverar till förslag på ökade disciplinära åtgärder mot unga samt personer som saknar medborgarskap. Vidare präglas en stor del av debatten av ett fokus gentemot polisiära resurser och skärpta straff, vilket verkar osynliggörande för gängkriminalitetens bakomliggande sociala faktorer samt det sociala arbetets betydelse. Detta får även konsekvenser för personernas sörjbarhet samt ansedda rätt till sociala stödinsatser som fokuserar på förändring. I de fall sociala aspekter faktiskt diskuteras i debatten tenderar en sorts osynlig tröskel skapas mellan ”den unga som sörjbar” och ”den kriminella som straffbar” – vilket möjliggör till att vidmakthålla identiteterna "offer" och "förövare" i skildringarna på ett sätt som gör att problemets komplexitet undviks. / The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze how people within gang criminal environments is constructed and positioned in news media’s social debate about gang criminality in Sweden by studying published debate articles from a specific time period. The study is based on a critical discourse analytical perspective on reality as shaped and interpreted by linguistic discourses, why selected analysis tools has a linguistic aim that investigate the texts lexical aspects, as their claims on causes and solutions of gang crime. Furthermore the debate articles are analyzed through a social constructionist perspective on the descriptions and identities that is made, and also by theories about stigmatization processes and deviant careers. The division between debaters and represented perspectives is also analyzed in relation to social hierarchies of power. The result of the study shows that people in gang criminal environments mainly tend to be reduced to their criminal quality, which constructs them as deviants and perpetrators by ways that sometimes have dehumanizing effects. In some cases the persons young age and non-swedish ethnicity is mentioned, which mainly justifies proposals for increased disciplinary actions against youths and people without swedish citizenship. Further, the debate is characterized by a focus towards police resources and increased penalties which tend to overshadow the underlying social factors of gang crime and the importance of social work. This has consequences for their considered worth of sympathy and rights to social support that focuses on change. When social aspects is discussed it tends to create a invisible gap between ”the youth worthy of sympathy” and ”the punishable criminal” – which enable to maintain the identities of “victims” and “perpetrators” in a way that avoids the complexity of the problem.
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