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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kriminalitetens geografi : vardagsbrottslighetens spatiala fördelning i Borlänge

Axelsson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze the geographical distribution of everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002 and to analyze which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality there. The term everyday criminality is here to be understood as those categories of crime that appear most frequently in the records of reports to the police every year. Here two kinds of crime have been in focus, thefts from cars and office burglary.In fulfilling this aim two main questions have been answered. The first one is how the everyday criminality was distributed geographically in the town of Borlänge during the year 2002. The second one is which measures to be taken in the physical social planning to decrease this everyday criminality in the town of Borlänge.In order to answer the first question a spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran LISA has been used. This method is based on the measurement Moran´s I and shows the spatial autocorrelation for every single location. To answer the second question three different theories of crime prevention through environmental design have been studied and applied in the analysis. These are Jane Jacobs’ ideas about ”the living city”, Oscar Newman´s ideas about ”defensible space” and Ronald V. Clarke´s theories about crime prevention.The major conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis are that the risk of being exposed to thefts from cars, during the analyzed time period, was highest in Centrum and Hagalund and their surroundings. The lowest risk of being exposed to this type of crime was found in Domnarvet and Islingby, during the year 2002. The highest risk of being a victim of the crime office burglary was found in Hagalund and its surroundings and in the single area of Kvarnsveden. The corresponding lowest risk was found in Lergärdet and its surroundings and in Norra Backa and Kupolen. The measures that should be taken in order to decrease these types of criminality can be divided into overall changes and place-specific changes. When it comes to the crime thefts from cars a more attractive central business district, a better view of parking lots from nearby buildings, dividing of larger parking lot zones into smaller ones, migration of hidden parking lots and stronger access control to parking lots where problems with this kind of crime have occurred have been suggested as overall changes. The corresponding place-specific changes are to remove vegetation that is blocking the view, better lighting and to put up signs with information about increased risk of exposure to crime at parking lots with the most problems. To decrease the amount of office burglaries overall changes as to create a better view of the area from nearby surroundings, move bigger office compartments or divide them into smaller units, rebuild characteristic buildings and increase security by strengthening the access control to offices with these kinds of problems could be useful. Finally there are possibilities to decrease office burglary by using place-specific measures as surveillance cameras combined with signs containing information about these, high fences and better lighting around the buildings where a higher risk of being exposed to this kind of criminality is present.

Impact du passé criminel des parents sur les comportements délinquants d’une cohorte d’adolescents suivis depuis la maternelle

Cardin, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Selon plusieurs études, il y aurait une certaine association des comportements déviants à travers le temps et à travers les générations. Peu importe l’angle d’analyse, le fait que la délinquance soit liée d’une génération à une autre semble confirmé par plusieurs recherches empiriques. Cela étant dit, cette étude met à l’épreuve le modèle suggérant un lien intergénérationnel entre les comportements délinquants des adolescents et de leurs parents. En utilisant des données longitudinales recueillies auprès de 1037 garçons provenant de quartiers défavorisés d’une grande ville canadienne, nous examinons les comportements violents et les comportements de vol de ces adolescents alors qu’ils étaient âgés entre 11 et 17 ans tout en examinant l’effet du passé criminel de la mère et du père. Par la suite, diverses variables médiatrices familiales telles que la supervision inadéquate des parents, la punition erratique des parents et l’attachement à la famille sont ajoutées aux modèles pour évaluer leur part explicative dans cette association statistique. En réalisant deux modèles multiniveaux paramétriques, soit un pour chaque type de délinquance, les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, qu’un lien est observé entre les comportements violents des garçons et la présence d’un dossier criminel chez la mère et d’autre part, que la criminalité du père n’est pas associée aux comportements délinquants des garçons. Également, bien que la supervision parentale explique légèrement ce lien, les facteurs familiaux inclus dans l’analyse ne parviennent pas à expliquer en totalité cette relation entre la criminalité de la mère et les comportements délinquants de leurs garçons. Enfin, bien que la puissance statistique des données limite partiellement les conclusions générales, nous discutons des implications théoriques de ces résultats. / Various studies have shown substantial stability in deviant behaviour over time and across generations. Irrespective of the type of analysis, the fact that adolescence deviance is linked to their parent criminal behaviour seems to have reached a certain consensus among researchers. The aim of this study was to test the theory of intergenerational continuity in delinquency. Using longitudinal data collected from 1,037 male youths in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in a large Canadian city, we examined self-reported violent behaviours and perpetration of theft among these adolescents when they were 11 to 17 years of age, in light of the criminal record of their mother and father. Child and parental characteristics were then added to the model to explore intergenerational influences. The results of conducting two parametric analyses, one for each type of delinquent behaviour, showed that violent behaviours occurred when the mother had a criminal record, yet the father’s criminal record had no influence on violent behaviours. Child and parental factors were unable to totally explain these results. Despite some statistical limitations related to the sparseness of the parent criminal data, the findings are discussed and theoretical advances are presented.

Orsaker till kriminalitet : En studie om tidigare kriminellas livsberättelser / Causes of Crime : A study of former criminals life stories

Finn, Sara, Yilmaz, Kadir January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få en ökad förståelse för några bakomliggande orsaker till varför människor begår kriminella handlingar. Studiens övergripande frågeställningar är följande; På vilket sätt påverkar umgängeskretsen en individs förutsättningar för att utveckla en kriminell livsstil? Hur kan dessa bakomliggande orsaker till kriminalitet förklaras och förstås? Frågeställningarna besvaras genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem individer med tidigare kriminell bakgrund. Med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod struktureras intervjumaterialet upp i tre teman vilka har formulerats med utgångspunkt i det datamaterial som har samlats in. Analysen görs med hjälp av tidigare forskning och teorier om differentiella associationer och förstärkningar, symbolisk interaktionism, stämpling och sociala band. Studien visar att de intervjuade hamnade i kriminalitet till följd av att deras uppväxt, skolsituation och umgänge interagerade negativt med varandra. Gemensamt för samtliga intervjuade informanter är att de hade bristfällig kontakt med båda föräldrarna under uppväxten. Den uteblivna tryggheten från föräldrarna var något de istället sökte i sin umgängeskrets. Informanternas skolgång kantades av dåliga skolprestationer där de ofta umgicks med personer som misskötte sig. / The purpose of this study is to gain a greater understanding of some underlying causes of why people commit criminal acts. The general questions of the study are; in what way does the social circle of friends affect the individual’s prerequisites for developing a criminal lifestyle? How can these underlying causes of crime be explained and understood? The questions are answered by semi-structured interviews with five individuals with previous criminal background. With the use of a thematic analysis method the interview material was structured into three themes that have been formulated based on the datasets that have been collected. The analysis is done with the use of previous research and theories of differential association and reinforcements, symbolic interactionism, labeling and social bond. The study shows that the interview participants end up in crime as a result of their growth, school situation and their circle of friends interacted in a negative way. Common to all those interviewed informants is that they had insufficient contact with both parents during childhood. The lack of assurance from the parents was something they instead searched for in their social circle of friends. The informants schooling was consisted of poor school performances, and they often socialized with friends who also misbehaved.

Analyse des tendances et configurations de la criminalité au Québec à l’aide d’un indice de gravité de la criminalité

Goupil, Jean-Philippe 04 1900 (has links)
La mesure traditionnelle de la criminalité (taux pour 100 000 habitants) pose problème dans l'analyse des variations de la criminalité dans le temps ou l'espace. Le problème est dû au fait que le taux de criminalité est essentiellement déterminé par des infractions moins graves et très fréquentes. La présente étude a permis de tester l’utilité du nouvel outil développé par Statistique Canada qui procure un index de « gravité de la criminalité » dans lequel chaque crime est pondéré par son score de gravité (basé sur les décisions sentencielles moyennes au Canada de 2002 à 2007 pour chaque forme de crime). Appliquées aux statistiques officielles du Québec de 1977 à 2008, nos analyses montrent que l’indice de gravité s’avère une mesure utile pour dresser un portrait plus juste des tendances des crimes violents d’une année à l’autre. Plus exactement, l’indice de gravité montre que le taux de crimes violents est demeuré stable de 1977 à 1992 contrairement à l'image fournie par le taux traditionnel qui montre plutôt une montée fulgurante durant cette période. L’indice de gravité peut également être utile à l’égard des crimes violents pour comparer plus adéquatement les territoires entre eux afin d’établir ceux qui présentent une criminalité plus grave. Cependant, à l’égard de la criminalité globale et des crimes sans violence, l’indice de gravité n’est d’aucune utilité et présente la même lecture de la criminalité que la mesure traditionnelle. Cela s’explique par le fait que ce sont toujours les mêmes infractions (les vols, les méfaits et les introductions par effraction) qui contribuent majoritairement à chacune des deux mesures de la criminalité. / The traditional measure of the criminality (rate for 100 000 inhabitants) raises problem in the analysis of the variations of the criminality in time or space. The problem is due to the fact that the rate of criminality is essentially determined by less serious and very frequent crimes. The present study allowed testing the utility of a new tool developed by Statistics Canada which gets an index of "severity of criminality" in which every crime is weighted by its score of severity (based on the sentencielles decisions average in Canada from 2002 till 2007 for every kind of crime. Applied to the official statistics of Quebec from 1977 till 2008, our analyses show that the indication of gravity turns out to be a useful measure to draw up a more realistic portrait of the trends of violent crimes from one year to the next. More precisely, the crime seriousness index shows that the rate of violent crimes remained stable from 1977 till 1992, on contradiction to what is shown by traditional rate which rather demonstrates a huge rise during this period. Crime seriousness index can also be used towards violent crimes, in order to compare more adequately territories, to establish those who show more serious crimes. However, among global criminality and crimes without violence, the indication of gravity is of no utility and presents the same reading of the criminality as traditional measures. It explains that it is always the same crimes (thefts, mischief and breaking and entering) that contribute mainly to each of both measures of the criminality.

Agressivité physique à l'enfance et criminalité à l'âge adulte : effet modérateur de la consommation d'alcool et de cannabis à l'adolescence

Tremblay, Emilie 12 1900 (has links)
Les enfants présentant un niveau élevé d’agressivité physique sont davantage à risque de commettre des actes criminels à l’âge adulte. Ces enfants sont également plus à risque de consommer des substances psychoactives au cours de leur adolescence. Les études portant sur le lien entre la consommation de substances psychoactives et la criminalité arrivent à des conclusions différentes, dépendamment des substances à l’étude et des comportements criminels ciblés. Un lien positif a été démontré entre la consommation chronique d’alcool et la perpétration d’actes criminels contre la personne et contre la propriété, tandis que la consommation de cannabis a été associée positivement aux actes criminels contre la propriété et négativement aux crimes contre la personne. La présente étude visait à tester l’hypothèse que l’agressivité physique manifestée à l’enfance est associée à une augmentation du nombre de charges criminelles durant l’âge adulte et que cette association est spécifique au type de criminalité et modérée différemment par la consommation d’alcool et de cannabis durant l’adolescence. À cette fin, 887 participants de sexe masculin provenant de milieu défavorisé ont été suivis de 6 à 25 ans. Les analyses de régressions logistiques multinomiales indiquent que les individus cheminant sur une trajectoire modérée ou élevée d’agressivité physique durant l’enfance sont plus à risque de commettre des actes criminels. Cette association reste significative après avoir contrôlé pour l’adversité familiale et de la consommation de substances psychoactives. Les hypothèses des effets modérateurs de la consommation d’alcool et de cannabis sont infirmées. Toutefois, des effets principaux de la consommation d’alcool sur les crimes contre la personne et de la consommation de cannabis sur les crimes contre la propriété sont observés. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées. / Individuals exhibiting high levels of physical aggression during childhood are more at risk of criminal behaviors during adulthood regardless of the presence of several risk factors. Aggressive children are also more at risk of using psychoactive substances during adolescence. Studies of the relationship between substance use and crime have provided different conclusions, depending on the substance under consideration and depending on the category of crime. Alcohol consumption has been positively associated with crimes, both against people and against property. Cannabis consumption has been associated positively with crime against property and negatively with crime against people. This present study aimed at investigating the hypothesis that physical aggression manifested in childhood is associated with an increase in criminal charges during adulthood and that association is specific to the type of crime and moderated differentially by alcohol and cannabis use. To this end, 887 male participants from lower socioeconomic status were followed from age 6 to age 25. Multinomial logistic regressions indicate that individuals belonging to a moderate or a high trajectory of physical aggression during childhood are more likely to commit crimes later in adulthood. This association remains significant after control of family adversity and drug use. Alcohol and cannabis use during adolescence has no effect on this association. However, main effects of alcohol use on crimes against person and cannabis use on crimes against property are observed. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Extraversion et affiliation aux pairs antisociaux durant l'adolescence et persistance du comportement antisocial à l'âge adulte : un test de deux séquences développementales

Desrosiers, Marie-Pier January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Reconsidering Meaning: Performing the Spaces Between the unNameable, unCertainty and Signification

Forgan, Sorcia Jean January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with an exploration into the reconsideration of meaning of the embodied subject whose figuration is defined as abnormal relative to the prevailing hierarchical structures of western Cartesian dualism. Evidence of the degree of subordinate representation and treatment of the marginalized body is so far-reaching and the variety of classification so extensive that it becomes necessary to frame my research within a lens whose focus isolates more specific parameters for the purposes of an interrogative and pointed analysis. This narrowing of my viewpoint of the process of absention allows more specific areas of interest to be highlighted—since this reductive convention is, ironically, both sweepingly consuming yet tends toward the categorical in its often taxonomic classification. Hence, for the purposes of this analysis, I concentrate on the representations of the body marked as animal, criminal and disabled relative to their normalised ‘other’—interrogating the overt construction of their difference and their consequent, emergent, points of similarity. This exercise not only points to their architecture but simultaneously implies the erosion of their distinctiveness as separate representations of abnormality—as well as emphasizing the contrived act of pairing them with their presupposed ‘normal’ binary counterparts. I argue that the visualization seemingly inhering in the bodies of those absented from dominant ideological structures is necessarily limited, its fixity emerging from stultification; an othering that maintains the subject via carceral structures that are socially and politically informed. The confines of this paradigm are prescribed through a consensual ascription to a governing norm that stipulates the superiority of the artificially normalised body—thereby constructing a dualism of constraint that polices the acceptance and rejection of individual physicality—within a wider public sphere of normalisation. This is evident in the representation of the body on a cultural and political level and undeniably intersects its conceptual interpretation and lived experience in both public and private spaces. The thesis introduces a body of theory that operates on a number of levels and performs a variety of functions—none of which can be easily, or even successfully, separated from the content and role of the significant presence of performance work that comprises the final script. The latter is presented in the form of photographic documentation that links its own process of visualization to the thesis whilst maintaining an active locus of critique—produced as response to the multifaceted problematic of political and personal othering emerging from culturally inscribed figurations of animality, disability and criminality. The theoretical analysis and performance practice exist in a symbiotic relationship—creating a mutual dialectical analysis that aims to avoid the fixities inhering in the extremes of either approach. Instead, one is invited to consider the contrasts, comparisons and complements emerging from the intricacies of their relationship—thereby avoiding the redundancies accompanying their binarist opposition and by extension, the dualisms of visual figuring I have isolated for examination. Utilizing my performative practice as a point of entry into this analysis, I have focused on the problematization of these reified representations of the body within western modalities of seeing, with a view to introducing a different space of articulation so as to encourage alternative inscriptions of meaning. This approach exemplifies my search to undermine the overriding cultural motif that maintains and perpetuates the oppression of the body marked as ‘other’. The spectacle of incarceration that western society continues to tolerate is thereby tirelessly interrogated, with the aim of exposing the secrets whose shame, if allowed to remain hidden, will never allow for release of the abnormal body from the society that birthed its difference.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the criminal responsibility of the company / El Foreign Corrupt Practices Act y la responsabilidad penal de la empresa

Gadea Benavides, Héctor 25 September 2017 (has links)
Due to the possible adoption in Peru of the criminal responsibility for companies and of the corporate compliance programs, the author analyzes the position that the United States has adopted facing the acts of corruption abroad, which legal basis is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.In the present article, the author will do an study of this regulation, covering its scope, who are imputable by it and the possible situations that generate criminal responsibility. All of this developed over the position taken by the jurisprudence in notorious corruption scandals.In addition, the development of the effectiveness of the compliance figure will be studied as well as the implementation of incentives for the corporations to adopt prevention policies. / A raíz de la posible adopción en el Perú de la responsabilidad penal para empresas y de los programas de compliance, el autor analiza la postura que ha tomado el ordenamiento de Estados Unidos frente a los actos de corrupción en el extranjero, cuya base normativa es el Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. En el presente artículo, el autor hará un estudio de esta regulación, cubriendo sus alcances, quiénes son imputables y los posibles supuestos de hecho.Todo esto sobre la base de la postura que ha adoptado la jurisprudencia frente a sonados escándalos de corrupción. Además, se estudiará el desarrollo de la eficacia de la figura del compliance y la implementación de incentivos para los empresarios de adoptar políticas de prevención.

O debate público sobre segurança no estado do Rio Grande do Sul : uma aproximação desde a ética do discurso / The debate on security in the State of Rio Grande do Sul : an approach since the ethics of the speech

Pires, Carlos Rogério Guedes January 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma tentativa de aplicação da ética do discurso (HABERMAS e APEL) ao debate público sobre segurança no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, no período 2001/2002. Entende o debate como formação discursiva da opinião e da vontade políticas e o interpreta em termos de racionalidade comunicativa. O debate transcorreu em um contexto de aumento da criminalidade e problematização das noções de crime e punição (YOUNG), alimentando um sentimento de insegurança da opinião pública capaz de influenciar programas legislativos e políticas públicas. A partir da análise da imprensa escrita buscou-se avaliar a qualidade do debate a partir de condições ideais de justificação, pressupostos do discurso ou situação ideal de fala (HABERMAS), notadamente em relação ao critério de inclusão de temas e participantes. Concluiu-se pelo caráter excludente do debate, seja em relação a determinados temas, seja em relação a determinados grupos; e que a exclusão de temas e grupos deu origem a movimentos de protesto que podem ser interpretados como uma luta por reconhecimento (TAYLOR, HONNETH e FRASER). / The present work is an attempt of application of the ethics of the speech (HABERMAS and APEL) to the public debate on security in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in period 2001/2002. It understands the debate as discursive formation of the opinion and of the will politics and interprets it in terms of communicative reason. The debate has occurred in a context of increase of crime and crisis of the crime and punishment knowledge (YOUNG), feeding a fear of crime in the public opinion capable to influence legislative programs and public policy. From the analysis of the written press one searched to evaluate the quality of the debate from ideal conditions of justification or ideal situation of speaks (HABERMAS), specifically in relation to the criterion of inclusion of subjects and participants. It was concluded for the exclusive character of the debate, either in relation of determined subjects, or in relation of determined groups; and that the exclusion of subjects and groups gave rise to protest movements that can be interpreted as a fight for recognition (TAYLOR, HONNETH and FRASER).

No limite : a invenção de si no espaço prescrito e proscrito da prisão

Leite, Maynar Patricia Vorga January 2012 (has links)
A pesquisa que fundamenta este trabalho foi realizada na galeria de seguro da Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier, mediante grupo de discussão e escrita, junto a mulheres em cumprimento de pena privativa de liberdade. É abordado o dia-a-dia da vida aprisionada, apresentando peculiaridades do trabalho grupal numa galeria de seguro. Também são exploradas as relações entre viver, conhecer e poder. Neste contexto, o estudo do limite enquanto barreira e contato comporta aspectos não racionais e não conscientes da cognição, que é inerente à vida. A partir das noções de autopoiese, de processos de subjetivação e de invenção de si e do mundo, consideramos que tomar o ser vivo como indivíduo - e o ser humano como um caso do vivo – é apenas uma possibilidade dentre outras. Desse modo, mediante vivências do coletivo dentro de uma instituição onde prima o modo indivíduo de subjetivação, é possível questionar o indivíduo como fundamento para o Direito na criminalização e, conseqüentemente, a aplicação individual da pena. A prisão é aqui tomada como uma opção política de segregação e de proliferação da delinqüência. Ao tentar atualizar as linhas de fuga na Penitenciária, buscou-se destacar a existência, em quaisquer circunstâncias, de produção de vida para além da sobrevida, cartografando os modos de invenção de si que proliferam apesar do aprisionamento. Outrossim, buscou-se produzir novos subsídios teóricos para o abolicionismo penal a partir da Psicologia. Mediante a cartografia como método, a discussão e a escrita se constituíram como agenciamentos, e a escrita, o caderno e o grupo, como dispositivos. A dissertação está caotizada em rizomas e fractais, como uma forma de escrever a vida dentro das grades e a grade dentro das vidas, tendo como resultado final aberturas-problema. / The research on which this dissertation is based was developed at the Penitenciária Feminina Madre Pelletier‟s security gallery, by means of a discussion and writing group developed with women in the process of carrying out freedom-depriving penalty. We explore the everyday experience of imprisonment, unveiling the peculiarities of group work in a security gallery, as well as the relations among living, knowing and power. In such a context, the study of limit both as a form of border and a mode of contact embraces non-rational and non-conscious aspects of cognition as inherent to life itself. Taking as starting points the notion of autopoiesis, the processes of subjectivation and invention of oneself and of the world, we consider that regarding the living being as an individual – and he human as a case of “alive” – is just a possibility among several others. Thus, the experiences of the collective within an institution where the individual is the main mode of subjectivation, enables to put into question the individual as the foundation on which Law roots its right to criminalize the individual and, as a consequence, apply punishment on an individual basis. Therefore, in this work, the prison is taken as a political option of segregation and of delinquency proliferation. Upon trying to refresh prison flight lines, it was also emphasized the existence, regardless of the circumstances, of life production beyond survival, by cartographing the ways of self-production that pullulate in despite of imprisonment. Besides that, it was made an attempt to produce new theoretical basis within the field of Psychology in defense of penal abolitionism. Having cartography for a method, group discussion and writing became agencements, and writing itself, the notebook and the group became devices. This dissertation is chaotizised in rhizomes and fractals, as a way of writing the life inside the enclosures and the enclosures within the lives, the whole process yielding some “problem openings” as the final result.

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