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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adult Identity and Risk Behavior: Establishing Psychosocial Maturity as a Protective Factor for Sexual Minorities

Grix, Timothy Jared 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Difficult/troublesome boys and girls - constructions of young offenders

Heinrichs, Cecilia, Jacobs, Cecile January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie där konstruktioner av unga lagöverträdare har undersökts utifrån socialkonstruktivistisk teori. De huvudsakliga frågeställningar var: Hur konstrueras bilden av den unge lagöverträdaren i domstolsprocessen? Hur konstrueras bilden av den manliga respektive kvinnliga unge lagöverträdaren i domstolsprocessen? Undersökningen består av litteraturstudier och observationer av rättegångar med unga lagöverträdare. Totalt 45 stycken observationer gjordes. I resultatet framkom att rätten i samtliga fall dömde objektivt och i enlighet med lagen men att ungdomars attityd och uppträdande i rätten bidrog till rättens konstruktion av honom eller henne. Andra saker som påverkade rättens konstruktioner av de unga lagöverträdarna var förekomsten av tidigare domar i belastningsregistret, advokatens respektive åklagarens framställning och konstruktion av den unge samt relationen mellan gärningsman och offer. Vidare framkom att rättens konstruktioner av de unga lagöverträdarna kan påverka ungdomen genom stigmatisering och stämpling. Skillnader av konstruktioner med avseende på den unges kön framkom i rättens ordval och sättet att beskriva flickor respektive pojkar och deras brottsliga handlingar. / This essay is a qualitative case study in which constructions of juvenile offenders have been researched from social constructivist theory. The main question at issue is: How is the juvenile offender constructed during court proceeding? How is the female respectively male juvenile offender constructed during court proceeding? The examination consists of litteraturestudies and observations of juvenile offenders in court proceedings. Totally 45 observations were made. The result indicate that the court judged objective and in accordance with the law in all cases but the attitude and behaviour in juvenile offender could influence the court’s counstruction of him or her. Other things that could influence the court’s construction of the juvenile offender was wether the juvenile offender has former sentences in the criminal record, the councelor’s respectively the prosecutor’s construction of the juvenile offender and also the relation between the criminal and victim. The constructions the court produces could affekt the juvenile by marking and stigmatization. The constructions concerning gender was shown by the court’s choice of words together with the description of boys and girls and their transgressions of the law.

Medias kritiserade musikgenre : En kvalitativ studie baserad på den mediala debatten kring rapkulturens relation till kriminalitet. / The media's criticized music genre : A qualitative study based on the media debate on the relationship between rap culture and crime.

Kjellberg, Maja, Andersson, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Just nu pågår det en debatt i media kring rapkulturen och dess omtalade koppling till kriminalitet. Rapartister ses ofta som influerare till gängkriminella kretsar på grund av deras låttexter som ofta handlar om mörker, knark och brott. Media rapporterar flitigt om rapparnas relation till kriminalitet i artiklar som bland annat kan handla om skjutningar och sprängningar. I ljuset av den ständiga debatten som pågår kring rapkulturen, undersöker denna studie hur rapkulturen som fenomen representeras i media.   Studiens teoretiska perspektiv är: gestaltningsteorin, representationsteorin, stereotyper i media, diskursteori: makt och ideologi, samt hiphop som populärkultur och subkultur. Den tidigare forskningen i studien handlar om rapkulturens mediehistoria, att musikgenren anses vara en samhällsfara, medias roll i samhället, representationen av människor samt journalisternas gestaltningar som agerar bidragande faktorer.   Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kritisk diskursanalys där totalt 14 artiklar valts ut. Sju från Sveriges största kvällstidning, Aftonbladet, och sju från Sveriges största morgontidning, Dagens Nyheter.  Slutsatsen som kunde dras var att svensk journalistik tenderar att rama in rapkulturen på ett stereotypiskt sätt. Rapparna framställs som kriminella och en grupp utanför samhället. Diskurser som förekom förr i tiden tycks även leva kvar och bilden som människor hade om rapkulturen under 80-talet präglar fortfarande samhället (Rutherford, 2001). Diskurserna vi syftar på är framförallt kriminalitet, lojalitet, hämnd, samhällsproblem, utanförskap/förtryck samt stereotyper. Slutligen fann vi att Aftonbladet och Dagens Nyheter både befäster och stärker kopplingen mellan rapkulturen och kriminalitet. För att exemplifiera, skrev Dagens Nyheter följande i en artikel “Jag tror att hans namn blivit ett som många förknippar med våld och kriminalitet” (Admund Funck, 2023), med namn syftar de på rapartisten Yasin. Det fanns inget ur det empiriska materialet som visade på att de motverkade den relationen.  Den svenska forskningen inom det valda ämnesområdet är hyfsat begränsad och inom snar framtid önskar vi att fler kommer fördjupa sig och forska vidare om rapkulturen. Några önskemål från vår sida hade varit att undersöka hur rapartisterna själva uppfattar medias rapportering av dem, samt om det finns några likheter eller skillnader på hur kommersiella- kontra icke-kommersiella medier framställer rapkulturen. / There is currently a debate in the media about rap culture and its alleged link to crime. Rap artists are often seen as influencing gang criminal circles because of their lyrics, which are often about darkness, drugs and crime. The media report extensively on rappers' relationship with crime in articles that can include shootings and explosions. In light of the ongoing debate about rap culture and its practitioners, this study examines how rap culture as a phenomenon is represented in the media.   The study's theoretical perspectives are: framing theory, representation theory, stereotypes in the media, discourse theory: power and ideology, and hip hop as popular culture and subculture. The previous research in the study deals with the media history of rap culture, the fact that the music genre is considered a danger to society, the role of the media in society, the representation of people and the journalists' portrayals that act as contributing factors.   The study was conducted using a critical discourse analysis where a total of 14 articles were selected, seven from Sweden's largest evening newspaper Aftonbladet and seven from Sweden's largest morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter.  The conclusion that could be drawn was that Swedish journalism tends to frame the rap culture in a stereotypical way. Rappers are portrayed as criminals as a group outside society. Discourses that existed in the past also seem to live on and the image that people had of the rap culture during the 1980s still characterizes society (Rutherford, 2001). The discourses we are referring to are mainly crime, loyalty, revenge, social problems, exclusion/oppression and stereotypes. Finally, we found that Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter both confirm and strengthen the link between rap culture and crime. As an example, Dagens Nyheter wrote the following in an article "I think his name has become one that many people associate with violence and crime" (Admund Funck, 2023), by name they mean the rap artist Yasin. There was nothing in the empirical material that showed that they countered that relationship.  The Swedish research in the chosen subject area is fairly limited and in the near future we hope that more people will immerse themselves in and research the rap culture further. Some wishes from our side would have been to investigate how the rap artists themselves perceive the media's reporting of them, and whether there are any similarities or differences in how commercial versus non-commercial media portrays the rap culture.

Recidivfara för unga kriminella : En litteraturöversikt om sociala riskfaktorer / Dangers of recidivism for youth delinquents : A literature review about social risk factrs

Daniels, Anders, Hampgård, Tommy January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vilka sociala riskfaktorer för återfall i brott hos unga kriminella som presenteras i aktuell forskning. Metod: Studien genomfördes genom en allmän litteraturöversikt med systematiska inslag. Sökningen gjordes i Criminology Collection och Sociology Collection. För utformning av sökstrategi användes SPIDER och de huvudsakliga inklusionskriterierna var kvantitativa, 2010-, riskfaktorer och recidivism. Syntetiseringen gjordes narrativt och studien hade en deduktiv ansats på grund av teoretisk referensram samt induktiv då slutsatserna dras från de delar av resultatet som svar på studiens syfte. Resultat: Resultatet baseras på de 14 artiklar som inkluderats varav inga artiklar från Sverige återfanns i sökningen. De huvudsakliga riskfaktorerna som visade association med recidivism var familjeförhållanden, skola och arbetsliv, umgänge, fritidsintressen och rekreation samt attityder och värderingar. Inga nya riskfaktorer presenteras i denna studie utan redan kända sammanställs och redogörs för. / Aim: The aim was to compile current research to see which kind of social risk factors presented for recidivism in youth delinquents. Method: This study is a general literature review with systematic elements. The search was conducted in Criminology Collection and Sociology Collection. The search strategy was formed by SPIDER and the main criterias for inclusion were quantitative, 2010-, risk factors and recidivism. The synthesizing was done narratively and the study had both an inductive and deductive onset. Results: The results are based on the fourteen articles included in the study, no articles from Sweden were found in the search. The main risk factors that were associated with criminal recidivism were family relations, school and work, socializing, leisure and recreation and also attitudes and values. No new factors of risk were found in this study, instead already known risk factors were summarized and explained.

What is the Problem Represented to be in Sweden’s Fight Against Youth Crime shown in SOU 2023:44? : A WPR Based Analysis on SOU 2023:44, a Review on the Regulation of Custodial Sentencing for Young People

Sandström, Karl January 2024 (has links)
In the late parts of the year 2023, the Swedish government through the Justice department released a document investigating the regulation on custodial measures for young people. This documents main suggestion is to enact specially regulated child prisons. In this thesis this investigation is analysed using Carol Bacchi’s WPR model which finds that the problem that is discovered surrounds the rise of grave criminal activity amongst young people, especially involved in criminal gangs. Since Sweden has the CRC incorporated in the law, the compatibility with the convention has also been studied. The investigation shows clear consideration regarding children’s rights priority. The topics the best interests of the child, gang criminality in Sweden and incarceration of children has been included as previous research in this thesis and contribute to the analysis. The findings show that whilst much acknowledgement is made towards children’s rights in the SOU investigation, key threads of children in gang criminality is not included.

Hur skapar vi förutsättningar för en sund byggbransch? : En studie om konsekvenser av krav utifrån beställare och huvudentreprenörs perspektiv / How Can We Establish Conditions for a Sound Construction Industry? : A Study of the Impact of Requirements from the Perspective of Developers and Contractors

Elm, Julia, Karlsson, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Dödsolyckor har drabbat svenska byggarbetsplatser den senaste tiden, där det tagit lång tid att identifiera offren på grund av utebliven närvaroregistrering på arbetsplatsen. Flera medier har på senaste tiden lyft det fusk som förekommit på stora entreprenader i Stockholm. Händelserna understryker vikten av kontroll över företag och individer på de svenska byggarbetsplatserna. Studien syftar till att besvara hur förutsättningar kan skapas för att nå en sund byggbransch, minimera arbetslivskriminalitet och vilka konsekvenser krav medför. Rapportens innehåll har framtagits genom litteraturstudie och intervjustudie där totalt sett 22 stycken intervjuer har genomförts med kandidater verksamma inom branschen. Antalet intervjuer har gett studien en gedigen bredd där en stor del av branschen representeras. Resultatet visar att kontinuerlig uppföljning av företag måste ske och att arbetet kring dessa frågor måste ske branschgemensamt. Informationsutbytet myndigheter mellan men även myndigheter till branschen måste utökas för att underlätta arbetet för de verksamma ute på arbetsplatserna. Rapporten har även landat i en illustrerad Konsekvenstrappa, för hantering av upptäckta avvikelser vid kontroll av företag. Studien vill uppmana alla aktiva i branschen att utbilda sig inom och arbeta aktivt kring ämnet. / Fatal accidents have recently happened at Swedish construction sites where it has taken a long time to identify the victims because of to the lack of registration of attendance at the workplace. Swedish media have recently highlighted the complex problems due to fraudulent behavior that has occurred at large construction sites in Stockholm. These incidents emphasize the importance of control and verification of companies and individuals at Swedish construction sites. This study aims to answer how conditions can be made to achieve a sound construction industry, minimize criminal behavior linked to the labor and what consequences the requirements entail. The report's content has been developed through a study of literature and a study of interviews, with a total of 22 interviews conducted with candidates currently active in the industry. The number of interviews has given the report a substantial breadth, standing for a large part of the industry. The results show that continuous monitoring of companies must take place and that work on these issues must be carried out cooperatively by the industry. The exchange of information between authorities as well as from authorities to the industry, must be expanded to ease the work for those working on and around the construction sites. The report has also resulted in an illustrated Consequence Ladder, also referred to as the Konsekvenstrappa, for how to manage the discovered discrepancy during inspections. The study encourages everyone active in the industry to educate themselves and work actively within the subject.

A criminological examination of police criminality

Grobler, Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The primary objective of this research was to study and explain police criminality from a criminological point of view. Police criminality was addressed from a scientific perspective and this was achieved by using scientific measures and procedures including theoretical explanations and recognised research methodology. The secondary objectives included the undertaking of a comprehensive literature study on police criminality in addition to conducting interviews with specialists in order to gain expert information from knowledgeable sources in the field of police criminality. Interviews conducted with police offenders addressed police criminality from the viewpoint of the individual offender. The findings of the empirical study reflect significant individual and organisational factors. The individual factors highlighted characteristics such as power, greed, aggression, feelings of invincibility, gullibility, propensity to criminality and psychological factors including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which contributed to crimes committed by police members. Perhaps the most significant organisational contributors highlighted by this study related to managerial shortcomings. It is evident that police organisations with high levels of untrained, inexperienced and incompetent managers experience high levels of internal criminality. Poor supervision and the lack of corruption controls create an enabling environment for the perpetuation of police deviance. Additional organisational factors that encourage criminality include negative aspects of police culture such as the code of silence, where police members are more apt to protecting corrupt colleagues than reporting them. The lack of discipline gives rise to insubordination and familiarity, which encourages impunity. In the South African Police Service at present, the policy of Affirmative Action is causing widespread dissatisfaction and the lowering of morale amongst certain members. Inadequate recruitment and training do not prepare members adequately for their job and it literally allow the "worm into the apple." The researcher's contribution to this study is an interventionist model, which contains essential recommendations primarily for the benefit of the South African Police Service. These include the expeditious implementation of a comprehensive anti-corruption strategy and the creation of an independent investigation unit. Management shortcomings must be rectified and professionalism encouraged. Recruits need to be thoroughly vetted and ethics and integrity must be included in police training. / Criminology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

A criminological examination of police criminality

Grobler, Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The primary objective of this research was to study and explain police criminality from a criminological point of view. Police criminality was addressed from a scientific perspective and this was achieved by using scientific measures and procedures including theoretical explanations and recognised research methodology. The secondary objectives included the undertaking of a comprehensive literature study on police criminality in addition to conducting interviews with specialists in order to gain expert information from knowledgeable sources in the field of police criminality. Interviews conducted with police offenders addressed police criminality from the viewpoint of the individual offender. The findings of the empirical study reflect significant individual and organisational factors. The individual factors highlighted characteristics such as power, greed, aggression, feelings of invincibility, gullibility, propensity to criminality and psychological factors including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which contributed to crimes committed by police members. Perhaps the most significant organisational contributors highlighted by this study related to managerial shortcomings. It is evident that police organisations with high levels of untrained, inexperienced and incompetent managers experience high levels of internal criminality. Poor supervision and the lack of corruption controls create an enabling environment for the perpetuation of police deviance. Additional organisational factors that encourage criminality include negative aspects of police culture such as the code of silence, where police members are more apt to protecting corrupt colleagues than reporting them. The lack of discipline gives rise to insubordination and familiarity, which encourages impunity. In the South African Police Service at present, the policy of Affirmative Action is causing widespread dissatisfaction and the lowering of morale amongst certain members. Inadequate recruitment and training do not prepare members adequately for their job and it literally allow the "worm into the apple." The researcher's contribution to this study is an interventionist model, which contains essential recommendations primarily for the benefit of the South African Police Service. These include the expeditious implementation of a comprehensive anti-corruption strategy and the creation of an independent investigation unit. Management shortcomings must be rectified and professionalism encouraged. Recruits need to be thoroughly vetted and ethics and integrity must be included in police training. / Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

Impact du passé criminel des parents sur les comportements délinquants d’une cohorte d’adolescents suivis depuis la maternelle

Cardin, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Selon plusieurs études, il y aurait une certaine association des comportements déviants à travers le temps et à travers les générations. Peu importe l’angle d’analyse, le fait que la délinquance soit liée d’une génération à une autre semble confirmé par plusieurs recherches empiriques. Cela étant dit, cette étude met à l’épreuve le modèle suggérant un lien intergénérationnel entre les comportements délinquants des adolescents et de leurs parents. En utilisant des données longitudinales recueillies auprès de 1037 garçons provenant de quartiers défavorisés d’une grande ville canadienne, nous examinons les comportements violents et les comportements de vol de ces adolescents alors qu’ils étaient âgés entre 11 et 17 ans tout en examinant l’effet du passé criminel de la mère et du père. Par la suite, diverses variables médiatrices familiales telles que la supervision inadéquate des parents, la punition erratique des parents et l’attachement à la famille sont ajoutées aux modèles pour évaluer leur part explicative dans cette association statistique. En réalisant deux modèles multiniveaux paramétriques, soit un pour chaque type de délinquance, les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, qu’un lien est observé entre les comportements violents des garçons et la présence d’un dossier criminel chez la mère et d’autre part, que la criminalité du père n’est pas associée aux comportements délinquants des garçons. Également, bien que la supervision parentale explique légèrement ce lien, les facteurs familiaux inclus dans l’analyse ne parviennent pas à expliquer en totalité cette relation entre la criminalité de la mère et les comportements délinquants de leurs garçons. Enfin, bien que la puissance statistique des données limite partiellement les conclusions générales, nous discutons des implications théoriques de ces résultats. / Various studies have shown substantial stability in deviant behaviour over time and across generations. Irrespective of the type of analysis, the fact that adolescence deviance is linked to their parent criminal behaviour seems to have reached a certain consensus among researchers. The aim of this study was to test the theory of intergenerational continuity in delinquency. Using longitudinal data collected from 1,037 male youths in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in a large Canadian city, we examined self-reported violent behaviours and perpetration of theft among these adolescents when they were 11 to 17 years of age, in light of the criminal record of their mother and father. Child and parental characteristics were then added to the model to explore intergenerational influences. The results of conducting two parametric analyses, one for each type of delinquent behaviour, showed that violent behaviours occurred when the mother had a criminal record, yet the father’s criminal record had no influence on violent behaviours. Child and parental factors were unable to totally explain these results. Despite some statistical limitations related to the sparseness of the parent criminal data, the findings are discussed and theoretical advances are presented.

Analyse des tendances et configurations de la criminalité au Québec à l’aide d’un indice de gravité de la criminalité

Goupil, Jean-Philippe 04 1900 (has links)
La mesure traditionnelle de la criminalité (taux pour 100 000 habitants) pose problème dans l'analyse des variations de la criminalité dans le temps ou l'espace. Le problème est dû au fait que le taux de criminalité est essentiellement déterminé par des infractions moins graves et très fréquentes. La présente étude a permis de tester l’utilité du nouvel outil développé par Statistique Canada qui procure un index de « gravité de la criminalité » dans lequel chaque crime est pondéré par son score de gravité (basé sur les décisions sentencielles moyennes au Canada de 2002 à 2007 pour chaque forme de crime). Appliquées aux statistiques officielles du Québec de 1977 à 2008, nos analyses montrent que l’indice de gravité s’avère une mesure utile pour dresser un portrait plus juste des tendances des crimes violents d’une année à l’autre. Plus exactement, l’indice de gravité montre que le taux de crimes violents est demeuré stable de 1977 à 1992 contrairement à l'image fournie par le taux traditionnel qui montre plutôt une montée fulgurante durant cette période. L’indice de gravité peut également être utile à l’égard des crimes violents pour comparer plus adéquatement les territoires entre eux afin d’établir ceux qui présentent une criminalité plus grave. Cependant, à l’égard de la criminalité globale et des crimes sans violence, l’indice de gravité n’est d’aucune utilité et présente la même lecture de la criminalité que la mesure traditionnelle. Cela s’explique par le fait que ce sont toujours les mêmes infractions (les vols, les méfaits et les introductions par effraction) qui contribuent majoritairement à chacune des deux mesures de la criminalité. / The traditional measure of the criminality (rate for 100 000 inhabitants) raises problem in the analysis of the variations of the criminality in time or space. The problem is due to the fact that the rate of criminality is essentially determined by less serious and very frequent crimes. The present study allowed testing the utility of a new tool developed by Statistics Canada which gets an index of "severity of criminality" in which every crime is weighted by its score of severity (based on the sentencielles decisions average in Canada from 2002 till 2007 for every kind of crime. Applied to the official statistics of Quebec from 1977 till 2008, our analyses show that the indication of gravity turns out to be a useful measure to draw up a more realistic portrait of the trends of violent crimes from one year to the next. More precisely, the crime seriousness index shows that the rate of violent crimes remained stable from 1977 till 1992, on contradiction to what is shown by traditional rate which rather demonstrates a huge rise during this period. Crime seriousness index can also be used towards violent crimes, in order to compare more adequately territories, to establish those who show more serious crimes. However, among global criminality and crimes without violence, the indication of gravity is of no utility and presents the same reading of the criminality as traditional measures. It explains that it is always the same crimes (thefts, mischief and breaking and entering) that contribute mainly to each of both measures of the criminality.

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