Spelling suggestions: "subject:"andcustomers"" "subject:"forcustomers""
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How can the rights of paying consumers to electricity be squared with the rights of Eskom to be paid?'Wyngaard, Lisa Jade January 2018 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM (Public Law and Jurisprudence) / Electricity supply can be classified into three stages namely: generation, transmission and distribution, with the functions of generation and transmission being carried out by Eskom. In 2001, Eskom was converted from a statutory body into a public company having a share capital with its entire share capital held by the State. It is a major public entity and therefore an Organ of State and albeit that Eskom is classified as a public company, it is still a State-owned Enterprise. Municipalities purchase electricity from Eskom in bulk in order to carry out the distribution function and manage bulk supply of electricity to end-users in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998 (Structures Act). Municipalities re-sell electricity purchased from Eskom to end-users as well as provide free basic electricity to indigent consumers.
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Om SEO är så bra, så varför inte? : En kvalitativ studie om sökmotoroptimering / If SEO is so great, so why not? : A qualitative study about search engine optimizationPetersson, Jasmine, Rasmusson Andersson, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
Syfte och forskningsfrågor: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka på vilka sätt enmans- och mikroföretag tar till sig sökmotoroptimering. Detta för att bättre förstå vilka hinder företag upplever med att ta till sig sökmotoroptimering, så att kunskap om hur företag skulle kunna ta sig förbi identifierade hinder genereras. 1. På vilka sätt tar enmans- och mikroföretag till sig sökmotoroptimering som den digitala utvecklingen möjliggjort? 2. Vad finns det för hinder för enmans- och mikroföretag att ta till sig sökmotoroptimering? Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och har genomförts med en induktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen har främst skett genom åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter från enmans- och mikroföretag samt med experter inom området från marknadsföringsbyråer. Slutsats: Studien har resulterat i kunskap kring hur enmans- och mikroföretag tar till sig sökmotoroptimering. Resultatet visar att enmans- och mikroföretag upplever fyra framträdande hinder när de tar till sig SEO vilka är brist på finansiella resurser, tidsbrist, extern påverkan och bristen av kunskap inom informationsteknik och strategi. Studien har vidare identifierat fem nya hinder vid implementering av SEO vilka är kunskapsbrist om teknisk implementering av SEO, föråldrad generation på företag, brist på tillit, konjunkturell påverkan samt tidsbrist. Dessa hinder kategoriseras som interna eller externa hinder beroende på hur de påverkar företag. Kunskap har även genererats kring hur enmans- och mikroföretag skulle kunna ta sig förbi dessa hinder. / Purpose and research questions: The purpose of this study is to investigate how one-person- and microenterprises relate to search engine optimization. This to better understand what kind of barriers companies experience when adopting search engine optimization, to generate knowledge about how companies could overcome the identified barriers. 1. In what ways does one-person- and microenterprises adopt search engine optimization which the digital development has enabled? 2. What kind of barriers do one-person- and microenterprises experience when adopting search engine optimization? Method: The study is of qualitative nature and has been implemented with an inductive approach. The data has mainly been collected through eight semistructured interviews with respondents from one-person- and microenterprises as well as experts in the field from marketing agencies. Conclusion: The study has resulted in knowledge about how one-person- and microenterprises relate to search engine optimization. The result shows that one-person- and microenterprises experience four prominent barriers when approaching SEO. These four barriers are lack of financial resources, lack of time, external impact and lack of knowledge in information technology and strategy. The study has further identified five new barriers when enterprises approach SEO which are lack of knowledge about technical implementation of SEO, elderly generations at the company, lack of trust, impact of business cycle and lack of time. These barriers are categorized as internal or external barriers depending on how they affect companies. The study has also generated knowledge about how one-person and microenterprises could overcome these barriers.
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Processo para gerenciar a integração de clientes no processo de desenvolvimento do produtoGonzález, Mario Orestes Aguirre 07 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-07 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Understanding customer needs is considered, in the literature of management product development process, one of the major critical success factors of a new product. However, current researches highlight those traditional methods for lifting these needs show deficiency, especially those latent needs. It has emerged, therefore, theories that seek to improve this situation as: product development focused on the client, principles of ethnography applied to product development process and user innovation. In the latter, the client is considered as having skills not only of knowledge about market needs, but also with technological domain by experience in product use and ability to generate ideas and new applications for new products. Based on these precedings the research proposal on the integration of customers in product development process appeared. This thesis aims at proposing a process for managing the customer‟s integration in the product development process in companies of capital goods. The subsidies for elaborating the proposal derived from a literature review and field research, which included case studies in five companies. The process for the customer integration is composed of three macrophases and six phases. Each phase involves activities, specific tasks and use of techniques and tools to support realization of activities. The macrophase of Customer Integration on Pre-Development involves the phases: Prospection of customer needs and/ or market opportunities, selection of clients for the Pre-Development and integration of customers on idea generation and/ or business opportunities. The macrophase of Customer Integration on Development involves the stages: Selection of clients for his integration in the product development and Customer Integration in the product development. The macrophase of Customer Integration on the Post-Development has as phase the evaluation of the customers integration in the product development. The results of the thesis contribute to both the theoretical knowledge on the subject and the practice of companies. From the theoretical point of view, the proposed process brings together content from various subject areas, analyzes and synthesizes, following the guiding principle of customers integration in product development process. From a practical standpoint, the proposed process assists in the organization and operationalization of customers integration activities, particularly in capital goods companies. / Compreender as necessidades dos clientes é considerado, na bibliografia de gestão do processo de desenvolvimento de produto, um dos principais fatores críticos de sucesso de um novo produto. Entretanto, pesquisas atuais consideram que métodos tradicionais para levantamento dessas necessidades mostram deficiência, principalmente quando são necessidades latentes. Surgiram, assim, teorias que buscam melhorar essa realidade como: desenvolvimento de produto centrado no cliente, princípios de etnografia aplicada ao processo de desenvolvimento de produto e inovação de produto pelo cliente. Ainda, nesta última teoria, considera-se o cliente como tendo competências não somente de conhecimento sobre necessidades do mercado, mas também, com domínio tecnológico pela experiência de uso do produto e habilidades para gerar ideias e aplicações para novos produtos. Com esses antecedentes surgiu a proposta de pesquisa sobre a integração de clientes no processo de desenvolvimento de produto. Esta tese tem por objetivo propor um processo para gerenciar a integração de clientes no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos em empresas de bens de capital. Os subsídios para a elaboração da proposta são decorrentes da revisão bibliográfica e da pesquisa de campo que contemplou estudo de casos em cinco empresas do setor. O processo de integração de clientes é composto de três macrofases e seis fases. Cada fase envolve atividades, tarefas específicas e o uso de técnicas e ferramentas de apoio à execução das atividades. A macrofase Integração de clientes no Pré-Desenvolvimento envolve as fases: Prospecção de clientes com necessidades e/ou oportunidades de mercado, Seleção de clientes para o Pré-Desenvolvimento e Integração de clientes na geração de ideias e/ou oportunidades de negócio. A macrofase Integração de clientes no Desenvolvimento envolve as fases: Seleção de clientes para integração no desenvolvimento do produto e Integração de clientes no desenvolvimento do produto. A macrofase Integração de clientes no Pós-Desenvolvimento tem como fase a avaliação da integração de clientes no desenvolvimento do produto. Os resultados da Tese contribuem tanto para o conhecimento teórico sobre o tema quanto para a prática das empresas. Do ponto de vista teórico, o processo proposto agrupa conteúdos de várias áreas do conhecimento, analisa e relaciona-os seguindo a diretriz principal de integração de clientes no processo de desenvolvimento de produto. Do ponto de vista prático, o processo proposto auxilia na organização e na operacionalização de atividades de integração de clientes, especificamente em empresas de bens de capital.
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A qualidade das informações na percepção de integrantes da cadeia de suprimentos interna: o caso do serviço Netsuper da CTBC TelecomSilva, Valéria Vieira da 28 March 2007 (has links)
To grow in competitive environments, the organizations have to improve processes
and people abilities thru information technology and make strategic decisions about
information quality demand, in their in-house supply chains, to delivery quality service.
However, guarantee customers demand and satisfy employees needs, request appropriate
information management, what can be expensive and difficult. For that reason, information
supply thru the process chain, demands an efficient structure to understand what these
subsidies symbolize and why they are so important to delivery services with quality. Thus, the
objective of this research is to evaluate the information flow quality in a services organization
in-house supply chain, to identify the information quality dimensions that allow the progress
of planned results attainment. For this, it was conduced a case study at CTBC Telecom, a
regional telecommunications player in Brazilian southeastern, with a good social-economics
representation. The specific focus of appreciation was the NetSuper, a broad band service
(ADSL). The analysis identified the main information quality dimensions to the executives
and their distortions that compromise these subsidies quality. For this, CTBC Telecom inhouse
supply chain was drawn, the information flow of this chain was justified, the
dimensions quality were ranked to prioritize those most important at the managers perception
and the complete view of information flow process was described. Afterwards, the salesmen
information knowledge level, about NetSuper service, was identified and also their
satisfaction with the quality of information, processes and other subsidies for sales, for then,
verifies the information quality loss. The research is descriptive and, predominantly
qualitative. For data gathering it had been applied half-structuralized interviews with
managers, document analyses and a structuralized questionnaire to a representative salesmen
sample of direct and indirect channels. Data were tabulated and interpreted applying
frequency analysis, dynamic tables and graphical exits. This case study evidenced that
managers perceive the information quality loss, confirmed by the questionnaires data from
salespeople, which evidence their lack of knowledge about the product advantages and
attributes. Sales force sample highlighted some specific needs on quality dimensions that
would improve the information quality flow. But, by the results, it was evidenced that the
most important quality dimensions for CTBC Telecom Company are not dealt with priority in
the Organization, what demonstrate that a model of integrated management of processes is
needed. Further on this, it was recommended a scheme for an information quality
management structure, referenced on the theoretical models of Supply Chain Management
(Lambert, 2004) and Services Quality Gaps (Zeithaml and Parasuraman, 2004). Subsequent
studies should include suppliers and consumers in the analysis, enclosing, by this, all
relationships of the chain in which the information flows. Another investigative aspect is the
adoption of measurement patterns of the information quality for all actors of the in-house
supply chain, to survey the quality of the information. / Para crescer em ambientes competitivos, as organizações devem aprimorar processos e
competências internas, por meio da tecnologia, e tomar decisões estratégicas sobre a demanda
por qualidade da informação. Porém, atender o mercado e responder às necessidades dos
clientes internos por informações com qualidade, exige gestão integrada, o que pode ser caro
e difícil. Por isso, disseminá-las na cadeia de suprimentos interna, exige uma estrutura de
processos eficazes, para compreender o que estes subsídios representam e por que são
importantes para a entrega de produtos com qualidade. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é
avaliar a qualidade das informações que permeiam o fluxo da cadeia de suprimentos interna
de uma organização de serviços, verificar a perda e identificar as dimensões de qualidade das
informações que facilitam a obtenção dos resultados planejados. Para isso, valeu-se do estudo
de caso na CTBC Telecom, operadora de telecomunicações que atua em parte do sudeste
brasileiro com relevante representatividade socioeconômica. O foco específico de apreciação
foi o serviço de acesso à Internet por banda larga, o NetSuper. Na análise identificaram-se as
dimensões da qualidade das informações mais relevantes para os gestores e as distorções que
comprometem a qualidade desses insumos. Para isso, desenhou-se a cadeia de suprimentos
interna da Organização, explicou-se o fluxo das informações nessa cadeia, elaborou-se um
ranking para priorizar as dimensões da qualidade na percepção dos gestores e descreveu-se o
processo de repasse das informações. Em seguida, identificou-se o nível de conhecimento dos
vendedores sobre as informações do NetSuper e a sua satisfação com a qualidade dessas
informações, dos processos e demais subsídios para vendas, para então, verificar a perda da
qualidade. A pesquisa é descritiva e, predominantemente qualitativa. Para a coleta de dados
aplicaram-se: entrevistas semi-estruturadas com gestores, análises de documentos e
questionário estruturado a uma amostra de vendedores dos canais de vendas diretos e
indiretos. Para tabular e interpretar os dados aplicou-se análise de freqüência, tabelas
dinâmicas e saídas gráficas. No estudo constatou-se que os gestores percebem a perda da
qualidade das informações, comprovada nos canais de vendas, pelas evidências de baixo
conhecimento sobre o produto e a carência dos vendedores na ênfase em dimensões da
qualidade que facilitariam o fluxo de informações. Nos resultados, ficou constatado que as
mais relevantes dimensões da qualidade para a CTBC Telecom, não são tratadas com
prioridade nos processos e que a Organização necessita de um modelo de gestão integrada.
Diante disso, apresentou-se uma proposta de estrutura de gestão da qualidade das
informações, tendo como referência os modelos teóricos de Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos
e de Lacunas da Qualidade em Serviços. Estudos posteriores devem incluir a análise com
fornecedores e consumidores, abrangendo toda a cadeia de relacionamentos por onde
permeiam as informações. Outro aspecto a investigar é a adoção de meios de medição da
qualidade das informações nos elos da cadeia de suprimentos interna para aferir a sua
qualidade. / Mestre em Administração
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Analýza trhu v odvětví služeb na příkladě malého podniku / The market analysis in services industry in a small company exampleČÍŽKOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis analyses the ability of competiton of a company in the service branch, in the sector of the installation electronic safeguard alarm. One of partial aims of thesis was an analyse of the historical development till the present, and an analyse of the inner and outer environment and preferences for selection theirs future suppliers. For this have been used methods of SWOT analysis and a questionnaire. The main aim was disclose and take advantage of opportunities, eliminate weak intents and limit distress.. One of the results of the thesis is choice of an acceptable agency for seeking new employees, implementation of a system for customers relationship management and institution of first step for management quality.
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Adapta??o do modelo de gest?o do Programa Qualidade Rio (PQRio) a uma organiza??o do carnaval carioca: Estudo de caso do Gr?mio Recreativo Escola de Samba Beija-Flor de Nil?polis / Adaptation of the model Management Program Quality Rio (PQRio) to the one organization of the Carioca Carnival: Study of Case of the Recreativo Bosom School of Samba Beija-Flor de Nil?polisSANTOS, C?ssio Dias dos 15 February 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-29T17:53:44Z
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2006 - Cassio Dias dos Santos.pdf: 1409499 bytes, checksum: 3e4eb75652ad8d76ba015238a888bd54 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T17:53:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2006 - Cassio Dias dos Santos.pdf: 1409499 bytes, checksum: 3e4eb75652ad8d76ba015238a888bd54 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-02-15 / The objective of this study of case, is to supply given, to information and analyses, that can come to collaborate with the classification and professionalization of a carnival organization, thus allowing to pass to be used as reference a model of planning for this this sector, therefore the carnival is the main popular party of Brazil. Trying to show that the G.R.E.S. Nilopolis de Beija-Flor samba school that presents all the characteristics of an organization of Quality, 1? ranking of the LIESA. Our it analyses will be based on the criteria of PQRio (leadership, strategy and plans, customers, society, information and knowledge, people and processes). Approaching with this its strategical planning, its social and cultural action. Indicating factors that had made Beija-Flor to become a successful organization in its segment. Thus getting a comprehensive and significant picture of the organizations (schools od Samba) of the Carioca Carnival. / O objetivo deste estudo de caso ? fornecer dados, informa??es e an?lises que possam vir a colocar a classifica??o e profissionaliza??o de uma organiza??o de carnaval, permitindo assim passar a ser utilizado como referencia para o modelo de planejamento para este setor, pois o carnaval ? a principal festa popular do Brasil.Tenta-se mostrar que o G.R.E.S. Beija-Flor de Nil?polis ? uma escola de samba que apresenta todas as caracter?sticas de uma organiza??o de qualidade, a primeira do ranking da LIESA. Nossa an?lise ser? baseada nos crit?rios do PQRio (lideran?a, estrat?gia e planos, clientes, sociedades, informa??o e conhecimento, pessoas e processos), abordando assim, o planejamento estrat?gico, as A??es sociais e culturais da agremia??o. Indicam-se fatores que fizeram a Beija-Flor torna-se uma organiza??o bem-sucedida em seus segmentos, obtendo-se, por conseguinte, um quadro compreensivo e significativo das organiza??es (escolas de Samba) do carnaval carioca.
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Seleção de planos de ação de manutenção com o auxílio do QFD / Maintenance action selection plans with QFD assistanceSantos, Marcelo Lima dos 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luís Gonzaga Trabasso / Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T21:10:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Santos_MarceloLimados_M.pdf: 2796450 bytes, checksum: 2b445c1dbad9c9f8fa26491057009ad6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Esse trabalho apresenta a aplicação do método QFD (Quality Function Deployment - Desdobramento da Função Qualidade) para a seleção de planos de ação para a melhoria do desempenho de serviços de manutenção industrial de uma empresa do setor automotivo. O método é aplicado na área de produção como ferramenta de mapeamento para selecionar as ações de melhoria do desempenho dos serviços de manutenção industrial. A dissertação aborda em sua fundamentação teórica três conteúdos necessários para que seja compreendida e acompanhada a proposta de aplicação do método. O primeiro tema apresenta conceitos sobre qualidade em serviços, as dimensões da qualidade em serviços e como a qualidade é percebida pelos clientes. O segundo conteúdo aborda conceitos relacionados à área de manutenção industrial apresentando uma visão geral da área de manutenção dentro da indústria. O terceiro assunto aborda o conceito de QFD e a aplicação do método na área de serviços. Abordados esses três conteúdos, é apresentada a aplicação do método na área de produção com o objetivo de selecionar planos de ação de manutenção de forma criteriosa e sistemática de acordo com a visão e as necessidades do cliente interno. Com a aplicação do método foi possível, dentre as várias dimensões de qualidade em serviços, definir doze dimensões adequadas à área de manutenção industrial e as três dimensões mais importantes na visão do cliente, que são segurança do trabalho, competência e confiabilidade. A aplicação do método QFD proporcionou determinar as necessidades do cliente inseridas nessas dimensões e selecionar os planos de ação prioritários para a melhoria dos serviços de manutenção industrial, dentre outros benefícios / Abstract: This work presents the QFD application (Quality Function Deployment) for the action plans selection for improving the industrial maintenance services performance of a company in the automotive sector. The method is applied in the production area as a mapping tool to select actions to improve the performance of industrial maintenance services. The paper discusses three theoretical in its content needed to be understood and supported the proposed application of the method. The first topic presents concepts of service quality, the dimensions of service quality and how quality is perceived by customers. The second deals with concepts related to content area of industrial maintenance presenting an overview of the maintenance area within the industry. The third issue addresses the concept and application of QFD method in the service area. Addressed these three content is presented the method in the production area in order to select carefully and systematically maintenance actions plans in accordance with the vision and the needs of the internal customer. With the method it was possible, among the various dimension of service quality, set twelve dimensions appropriate to the area of industrial maintenance and the three most important dimensions of the customer view, which are labor safety, competence and reliability. The QFD application method provided to determine the client's needs included in these dimensions and select the priority action plans for the improvement of industrial maintenance services, among other benefits / Mestrado / Projetos / Mestre em Engenharia Automobilistica
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Finanční vykazovaní stavebních smluv podle ČÚS, IFRS a US GAAP / Financial reporting of long-term contracts under czech accounting regulations IFRS and US GAAPBošková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with specifics for reporting of construction contracts in financial statements according to czech accounting regulations, IFRS and US GAAP. These are contracts that are custom-made, so they are not serial production and they are long-term, so most of their production goes into more accounting periods. In 2018, new Standards for Recognition of Revenue from contracts with customers IFRS 15 and ASC 606 will enter into force. The aim of the thesis is to characterize individual approaches to the reporting of revenues from construction contracts with a focus on the specifics in this sector and their comparison. To achieve this goal, a comparison method will be used. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes requirements and aspects related to building contracts, individual accounting standards including new revenue standards. In the practical part, an example is illustrated that shows a different approach to reporting revenue from these contracts in accordance with Czech accounting regulations and IFRS or US GAAP and comments on the changes that may occur through the application of new standards. At the end of the thesis, individual approaches are compared.
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Näkyvien ja piilotettujen merkitysten rajapinnoilla:terveyskeskukseen liittyvät kulttuurimallit asiakkaan näkökulmastaTiirinki, H. (Hanna) 13 May 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to analyze cultural meanings associated with primary health center´s from customers’ point of view. Since 1972 the health center has been the most important place providing public health care. Nationally, customership development has been the main goal of primary health care. The purpose of this study was to determine the cultural meanings associated with the health center from customers’ point of view.
The theoretical framework utilized in the study comprised the idea of new public service, the theory of organizational culture and a cultural model that allows understanding the health center, the cultural meanings conceptualized, and the interface between the customer and health care center.
A three -phase empirical study was conducted using mixed methods. In the first phase, the cultural significance of the customer point of view was examined in document data (N=605), consisting of health care center -related writings in the Kaleva newspaper during the period 1972–1982. The second phase consisted of virtual anthropological data (N=338), i.e internet chat room writings from around 2010. The third phase was a questionnaire form, which formed part of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 study. It included a multiple choice questionnaire (N=3237) and open questions (N=200). Qualitative data (the empirical part of phases I, II, and partly III) were analyzed by inductive and deductive content analysis and text analysis. The quantitative data (the partly empirical phase III) were statistically analyzed.
In the study, four cultural models were formed pertaining to the visible and hidden cultural meanings related to health centers from customers’ point of view: 1. The Melting Pot of Health Problems Model, highlighting the meanings between the organization and the customer, such as staff incarnation and individual activity associated with meanings, which on the other hand appeared contradictory. 2. The Low-Threshold Model, where the meanings are associated with service. The health center was considered a “rush center”, where the level of care varies, but the service was felt to harmonize with the trust-related meanings and was compared to the bedrock. 3. The Guessing Centre Model, which consisted of the beliefs and meanings associated with a health center waiting room or was described as a lottery, but which was on the other hand regarded as the center of rumors. 4. The Expected Future Model, where the meanings related to expectations concerning the future of the health care center, describing a generative and functional local health care centre with a set of values based on holisticity.
The theoretical results provide new insight that helps understand phenomena on the interface between health care services and customers. Health center customers appear to be a cultural phenomenon, organized as cultural models. In health care, the new information generated in the study can be used in customers-oriented planning and development, education, health and applied cultural research. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida terveyskeskukseen liittyviä kulttuurisia merkityksiä perusterveydenhuoltopalveluiden asiakkaan näkökulmasta. Terveyskeskus on ollut vuodesta 1972 tärkein julkinen terveydenhoitopaikka. Valtakunnallisesti perusterveydenhuollon päätavoitteeksi on nostettu asiakkuuden kehittäminen. Tutkimustehtävänä oli selvittää, millaisia kulttuurisia merkityksiä terveyskeskukseen liittyy asiakkaan näkökulmasta.
Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä hyödynnettiin hallintoteoreettista näkökulmaa, teoriaa organisaatiokulttuurista sekä kulttuurimallia. Terveyskeskukseen liittyviä kulttuurisia merkityksiä käsitteellistettiin reifikaatioon peilaten terveyskeskuksen ja asiakkaan välisen rajapinnan ymmärtämiseksi.
Tutkimus jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Kulttuurisia merkityksiä asiakkaan näkökulmasta tutkittiin mixed methods -menetelmälähtöisesti kolmivaiheisen empiirisen aineiston pohjalta. Ensimmäinen vaihe koostui dokumenttiaineistosta (N=605), joka muodostui sanomalehti Kalevan julkaisemista terveyskeskukseen liittyvistä kirjoituksista vuosina 1972–1982. Toinen vaihe koostui virtuaaliantropologisesta aineistosta (N=338), joka käsitti internetin keskustelupalstojen kirjoituksia 2010-luvun taitteessa. Kolmas vaihe kerättiin kyselylomakkeella, joka oli osaotos Pohjoissuomen syntymäkohortti 1966:n tutkimusta. Se sisälsi monivalintakyselyn (N=3237) sekä avoimen kysymyksen (N=200). Laadulliset aineistot (empiirisen osan vaiheet I, II, osin III) analysoitiin induktiivisella ja deduktiivisella sisällön- ja tekstianalyysillä. Määrällinen aineisto (osin empiirisen aineiston osa III) analysoitiin tilastollisesti.
Tutkimuksessa muodostettiin terveyskeskukseen liittyvistä näkyvistä ja piilotetuista kulttuurisista merkityksistä asiakkaan näkökulmasta neljä kulttuurimallia: 1. Vaivojen sulatusuunimalli, jossa korostuivat organisaation ja asiakkaan väliset merkitykset. Niitä olivat henkilöstöinkarnaatio ja asiakasaktiivisuus, jotka toisaalta näyttäytyivät ristiriitaisina. 2. Matalan kynnyksen malli, jossa merkitykset liittyivät palveluun. Terveyskeskus miellettiin ruuhkakeskukseksi, jossa hoidon taso vaihtelee, mutta toisaalta palveluun luotettiin ja sitä verrattiin peruskallioon. 3. Arvauskeskusmalli, joka muodostui uskomuksiin liittyvistä merkityksistä. Terveyskeskusta kuvailtiin odotushuoneeksi tai lottoriviksi, mutta joka toisaalta käsitettiin huhupuheiden keskiöksi. 4. Tulevaisuuden odotemalli, jossa merkitykset liittyivät tulevaisuuden odotuksiin. Terveyskeskus haluttiin nähdä tulevaisuudessa generatiivisena ja toimivana lähiasemana, jonka toimintakulttuurin arvopohja perustuisi holistisuuteen.
Tutkimuksen teoreettisilla tuloksilla on uutuusarvoa terveyspalveluiden ja sen asiakkaan rajapinnan ilmiöiden ymmärtämiseksi. Terveyskeskuksessa asiakas on edelleen palvelujen tuottamisen kohde. Asiakkaan roolia tulee kehittää aktiiviseksi ja osallistuvaksi. Terveyskeskus on asiakkaille tärkeä ja se tulisi olla joustavasti lähellä myös tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimuksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää terveydenhuollon asiakaslähtöisessä suunnittelu- ja kehittämistyössä, koulutuksessa sekä terveydenhuollon ja kulttuurintutkimuksen soveltavassa tutkimuksessa.
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Podnikatelský plán na eSports bar / Business plan for an eSports barFrajt, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this masters thesis is to demonstrate a business plan tailored for an eSports bar located in Prague, which consists of three sections. Theoretical part introduces the reader basic terminology of entrepreneurship, environment of small and medium enterprises and the structure of a business plan, realization of which is the subject of practical part. Methodical part deals with a primary marketing research. The main purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the feasibility and the viability of the project.
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