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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení a úloha call center / Position and role of call centers

Blažej, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of „Position and Function of Call Centres in Telecommunications”. It focuses on alternative ways of customer´s communication with the company mainly by mobile phone. The content of this work is the characteristics of services, the specification of ways of communication between the customer and the company, the description of T-Mobile´s products using the alternative ways of communication with the company, the survey of T-Mobile´s Call centre´s activities and the research part. The aim of this work is to find out recomandations and progressions for improvement of working and standing of Call centre within the T-Mobile group. At the end of the work there are added some appendixes.

Kundenloyalität in Dienstleistungsbeziehungen: untersucht am Beispiel der Deutschen Bahn AG

Koch-Falkenberg, Carolyn 16 January 2020 (has links)
Warum sind Reisekunden der DB AG spezielle Kunden, deren Loyalität vergleichsweise wenig belastbar und besonders leicht zu verletzen ist? Was unterminiert ihre Leidenschaft für das Bahnfahren? Warum ist selbst für den Quasimonopolisten DB AG die Förderung einer uneingeschränkten Loyalität seiner Reisekunden relevant? Was charakterisiert die Bindung des Loyalitätstypus alter Art? Und was kennzeichnet die Entwicklung und spezifische Funktionsweise der Bindung des Loyalitätstypus neuer Art? Mit diesen Fragen greift die Autorin das Schnittstellenthema ‚Kundenloyalität in Dienstleistungsbeziehungen‘ auf, das viele Disziplinen bewegt, jedoch bislang in erster Linie quantitativ und aus Marketingsicht beforscht wurde. Carolyn Koch-Falkenberg fragt danach, wann und warum sich Kunden emotional an ein Unternehmen binden und diesem loyal sind, in welcher Form ihre Loyalität zu Tage tritt, was diese konterkariert und welche Folgen die Art ihrer Loyalitätsform nach sich zieht. Im Mittelpunkt steht damit eine spezifische Form der Bindungsorientierung, welche die Autorin explorativ mittels qualitativer Methoden konsequent aus der Subjektperspektive der Kunden am Beispiel der Dienstleistungsbeziehung zwischen Reisekunden und dem Unternehmen DB AG sozialwissenschaftlich untersucht. / Why are travel customers of DB AG special customers with a comparatively less resilient loyalty which is particularly easy to be violated? What undermines their passion for going by train? Why is even the promotion of the unlimited loyalty of travel customers relevant to the quasimonopolist DB AG? What characterizes the attachment of the old fashioned loyalty type? And what characterizes the development and specific functioning of the binding of the ‚new‘ loyalty type? The author seizes the interdisciplinary topic of the interface theme 'customer loyalty in service relationships', which ocupy many science disciplines, but has so far been primarily researched quantitatively from a marketing perspective. Carolyn Koch-Falkenberg asks when and why clients are emotionally attached to their loyality for a company, how their loyalty is revealed, how it counteracts and illustrates the consequences of their natural loyalty form. The focus is on a specific form of attachment orientation. The author is using socially and scientifically qualitative methods in order to research consistently the subject perspective of the customer at the example of the service relationship between travel customers and the company DB AG.

Supply Chain Inventory Management with Multiple Types of Customers: Motivated by Chinese Pharmaceutical Supply Chains among Others

Li, Bo 25 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Requirement Management in Product Development in B2B : A Study on the Process of Capturing Customer Requirements / Kravhantering i produktutvecklingsprocessen inom B2B

Our world is ever-changing hence the surroundings ought to develop accordingly. This applies particularly to the product development process and therefore, it is of high priority to adapt to the changes. This can be achieved by observing the market and especially the customers. It is believed that customers possess certain knowledge that can be crucial pieces of information when developing products. According to the literature, involving customer will result in the increased diversity of information and as a result, this may enhance the quality as well as the development process. Nevertheless, integrating customers may prove to be a tedious task as well as a costly one especially if the customers are of a complex nature. Due to this, it may be appropriate to apply various methods to map customer’s needs and requirements to further develop them in a systematic manner. The purpose of this study is to gain greater knowledge about customer involvement, mainly focusing on international as well as complex customers. The essence of the study is to obtain information about how an organisation navigates around customers along with what roles and responsibilities there are within the organisations. The study was conducted at Xolaris, a smallmedium size (SME) company within software development, hence the collected data stems from that organisation. Initially, a comparative literature study was executed to obtain a broader spectrum of knowledge. This was complemented by interviews with respondents who held relevant positions within the organisation. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured manner for the sole purpose of optimizing the information flow. From the data that was collected, several categories were derived that contributed to the study in a suitable manner. The results of the study proved that there are obstacles when involving customers. Yet, there are methods and tools to overcome these obstacles, conversely, they may not always prove to be efficient and one must adapt oneself according to the situation. Furthermore, this study confirmed that it is of great importance to maintain stable customer relationships, hence there cannot be a fixed method to process the customer's requirements. Moreover, the study also proves there ought to be a limit to the degree of customer involvement. / Världen står konstant inför för nya utmaningar samt förändringar och därav bör omgivningen utvecklas i enlighet med detta. Inte minst gäller det för produktutvecklingsprocessen som har eftersträvat att anpassa sig till diverse utvecklingar. Detta kan bland annat uppnås genom att observera marknaden och särskilt kunderna. Kunderna kan besitta kunskap som kan vara avgörande information när man utvecklar produkter. Enligt litteraturstudien kan involvering av kunder resulterat i ökad mångfald av information och på så vis kan det bidra till att produktkvalitet förbättras såväl som utvecklingsprocessen. Integrering av kunder kan emellertid visa sig vara en ledsam handling såväl som en kostsam sådan, särskilt om kunderna är av en komplex karaktär. Därför kan det vara lämpligt att använda olika metoder för att kartlägga kundernas behov samt krav för att vidareutveckla dem på ett systematiskt vis. Syftet med denna studie är att erhålla bredare kunskap om kundinvolvering med fokus på internationella såväl som komplexa kunder. Vidare kommer studien inrikta sig mot att studera hur en organisation navigerar runt kunder samt vilka roller och ansvarsområden som finns inom organisationerna. Studien genomfördes på Xolaris, ett mindre företag (SME) som specialiserar sig i mjukvaruutveckling, därav härstammar all erhållen data från denna organisation. För att besvara på samtliga frågeställningar genomfördes en litteraturstudie för få en djupare förståelse om kundinvolvering . Detta kompletterades med intervjuer från respondenter som besatt relevanta positioner inom organisationen. Intervjuerna genomfördes på ett semistrukturerat viss i syfte att optimera informationsflödet. Data som samlades in kodades samt delades in i lämpliga kategorier. Resultaten av studien visade att det finns hinder när kunderna involveras. Trots det, finns det metoder samt verktyg för att hantera dessa hinder, å andra sidan är de inte effektiva i alla situationer utan man böra anpassa efter förhållandet. Vidare bekräftade denna studie att det är av stor vikt att upprätthålla en god kundrelation. Däremot visade studien på att det bör finnas en sund gräns för graden av kundinvolvering då för mycket involvering inte alltid gynnar projektet.

聚醯亞胺薄膜在軟性電路板市場上之行銷策略研究 / Marketing strategy of polyimide film for flexible printed circuit board applications

張春來, Chang, Michael Unknown Date (has links)
聚醯亞胺薄膜用於軟性電路板市場從2006年起,由於競爭者眾多,整個產業環境變得十分嚴苛,事業屬性從獨佔性變成競爭十分激烈的寡佔性市場。此篇論文通過產業的總體環境分析及產業分析來對軟板市場進行區隔,並針對不同目標市場擬定行銷策略,將產品重新定位來滿足不同目標市場的需求,以期達到杜邦公司聚醯亞胺薄膜產品在軟性電路板市場的永續成長。 從含有產品價格因素在內的問卷調查中找到產業鏈中最有議價能力廠商的最重要需求及預估用量,進而做為公司開發下一世代聚醯亞胺薄膜產品的依據。 / Start from 2006, Polyimide films industry has become very competitive in flexible printed circuits applications. The polyimide film industry has transformed from monopoly to oligopoly, major players in flexible printed circuits market are DuPont, Kaneka, SKC-Kolon and Taimide companies. After analyzing the political, economics, social, technical and industrial trends, The FPC industry has been re-segmented into two segments – Basic market and Niche market. With different strategies been developed for different markets, we re-position our different type of Kapton® polyimide films for different markets and developed an executable marketing plan which will be test in selected customers. Through price included questionarries, we also found the key industrial decision makers’ unmet needs, price expectation and potential volume. Base on the findings, we are able to develop the next generation polyimide films to satisfy customers.

台電需求面管理之經濟分析--用戶計劃性減少用電措施案例 / The economic analysis of Taipower’s demand-side management--The case of incentive plan for load curtailment program

謝嘉豪 Unknown Date (has links)
過去電力事業為了滿足電力用戶之需求,對於新電源之開發不遺餘力。然而由於電力事業近年來在供給面規劃屢遭當地居民抗爭而受阻,因而晚近轉而強調用戶需求面之管理。 本文針對台電公司現行需求面管理之「用戶計劃性減少用電措施」四種方案進行研析。首先設定簡化條件,將四種方案予以模型化,利用經濟剩餘模型,進行邊際分析,探討台電公司提供優惠之折扣比例及電力的價格需求彈性如何參與用戶抑低容量以及消費者剩餘、生產者剩餘分配之效果。分析結果顯示:「計劃性(二)」抑低用戶負載容量最高,且參與用戶之消費者剩餘最多;「計劃性(一)」抑低用戶負載容量最低,且參與用戶之消費者剩餘最少。另一方面,若從電力公司之視角觀之,「計劃性(二)」之生產者剩餘最低,而「計劃性(一)」之生產者剩餘最高。 經濟剩餘模型分析中,由於未能充分考慮供需雙方之潛在成本與效益,因此實務上之解釋能力有其侷限之處。基於上述緣由,本文接著藉由成本效益分析,將方案實施之潛在成本與效益納入考量,分別從參與用戶之角度進行參與者檢定(Participant Cost Test, PCT)以及從電力公司之角度進行公用事業成本檢定(Utility Cost Test, UCT),以檢視不同方案在不同觀點下之績效表現。成本效益分析結果顯示:在PCT檢定下,「計劃性(四)」參與用戶之益本比最高,「計劃性(二)」參與用戶之益本比最低。而在UCT檢定下,「計劃性(一)」電力公司益本比最高,「計劃性(四)」電力公司益本比最低。將成本效益分析與經濟剩餘模型比較後可發現,用戶抑低容量高的方案對於電力公司而言未必最有利。 最後,為進一步探討關鍵變數變動造成不同方案間成本效益值之影響,因此進行敏感度分析。敏感度分析的結果顯示:若電力公司為吸引用戶而提高誘因,增加各方案給予用戶優惠折扣之比例,以參與用戶角度而言,「計劃性(四)」參與者檢定之益本比提高幅度最大;以電力公司角度而言,「計劃性(四)」公用事業成本檢定之益本比降低幅度最大。若電力公司提高參與用戶每次抑低用電負載之時數,以參與用戶角度而言,「計劃性(四)」參與者檢定之益本比降低幅度最大;以電力公司角度而言,「計劃性(四)」之公用事業成本檢定益本比提高幅度最大。 / In order to meet the users’ demand of electricity, the electric power utility spared no effort to develop the new power plant in the past. However, in recent years, the electric power utility have been hampered by local residents on supply-side planning, thus more emphasize is being put on users’ demand-side management(DSM). This paper aims to analyze four projects of Taipower’s existing demand-side management of “incentive plan for customers’ scheduled load curtailment program”. First, we set several simplified conditions for modeling the projects. By using the economic surplus model and conducting the marginal analysis, the impact from the discount incentive provided by the utility and the elasticity of electricity price demand is explored-on participants’ load capacity reduction and the distribution of consumer surplus and producer surplus. The results of economic surplus model showed "project 2" curtails the maximum load capacity and with the highest consumer surplus; "project 1" curtails the minimum load capacity and with the lowest consumer surplus. On the other hand, in the Taipower's point of view, "project 2" provides with the lowest producer surplus while "project 1" gives the highest producer surplus. In the economic surplus model, since the potential costs and benefit were not fully considered in both supply and demand sides, several limitations exist on this model. Based on the above reasons, we utilize the cost benefit analysis, taking the potential cost and benefit into account and conducting Participant Cost Test(PCT) from the participants’ perspective and Utility Cost Test(UCT)from the utility’s perspective to examine the performance under different 4 DSM projects in different point of view. The results of cost benefit analysis showed that in the PCT test, the "project 4" comes up with the highest benefit cost ratio while "project 2" has the lowest cost benefit ratio. In the UCT test, the "project 1" has the highest cost benefit ratio while "project 4" came with the lowest cost benefit ratio. Comparing the cost benefit analysis with the economic surplus model, we could find that the project with the most load capacity reduction may not be the most favorable project for the utility. Finally, in order to further explore the key variables affecting the cost and benefit value in different projects, we simulated several scenarios for sensitivity analysis. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that if the utility increases incentives to increase four projects’ ratio of discount for attracting participant, in the participants’ perspective, "project 4" would have the most changed rate of cost benefit ratio(increase); in the utility's perspective, "project 4" would have the highest adjusted rate of cost benefit ratio(decrease). If the utility increases the load curtailment duration each time, in the participants’ perspective, "project4" would have the highest adjusted rate of cost benefit ratio(decrease) ; in the utility’s perspective, " project4 " would have the highest adjusted rate of cost benefit ratio(increase).

Förutsättningar för intern marknadsföring inom grundskolan 2010 : <em>1 + 1 = </em>3 <em></em><em>Nya insikter om förhållandet mellan tal, lärare och ledning</em>

Hultman, Caroline, Abrahamsen, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>I och med friskolereformen i början på 1990-talet har förutsättningarna för skolor förändrats och konkurrensen hårdnat. Marknadsföring av skolor har blivit allt vanligare och vilket anseende skolan har är avgörande. Tidigare forskning har visat att nöjda anställda leder till att kunder blir tillfredställda och lojala, de som tar hand om sina anställda och agerar på deras idéer visar ett bättre resultat. Därför kan intern marknadsföring ses som ett verktyg för att hantera denna konkurrens.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ledningens perspektiv få förståelse för och beskriva vilka faktorer inom skolbranschen som påverkar den interna kommunikationen och vilka förutsättningar dessa faktorer ger för intern marknadsföring. Studien har intagit ett Grounded Theory-inspirerat tillvägagångsätt och tillämpar intervjuer för att svara på syftet. Fem informanter i ledande befattningar på lika många grundskolor i Stockholm har medverkat.</p><p>Undersökningen har kommit fram till att faktorer som organsationens storlek och ålder har betydelse för hur den interna marknadsföringen fungerar, men också uppdragsgivarens och ledarens förhållningssätt gentemot sin personal är av vikt. Det finns goda ansatser för intern marknadsföring inom skolan, men ett medvetet arbete måste ske på alla organisatoriska nivåer och ett genuint kundfokus måste finnas genomgående, först då kan den interna marknadsföringen fungera som ett verktyg att hantera den förändrade konkurrensen.</p> / <p>With the reformation of the Swedish schoolsystem in the early 1990s, which allowed for private actors to operate schools, the conditions for schools have changed and competition has increased. Marketing of schools has become increasingly common and the reputation of schools has become crucial. Previous research has shown that employee satisfaction leads to satisfied and loyal customers, companys who take care of their employees and act on their ideas show better results. Therefore, internal marketing is seen as a tool to manage the changed conditions for competition. The purpose of this paper is to obtain understanding and describing from management's perspective the factors within the school sector that affect the internal communication and what conditions these factors provide for internal marketing. The study has adopted a Grounded Theory-inspired approach and applies interviews to answer the purpose. Five informants in senior positions in elementary schools in Stockholm participated. The investigation has concluded that factors as organizational size and age have a bearing on how the internal marketing work out, but also governement´s and principal´s attitudes towards staff is important. There are good possibilities for the internal marketing in elementary schools, but a deliberate work has to be done at all organizational levels and a keen customer focus must be held, only then can the internal marketing work as a tool to deal with the changing competition.</p>

Förutsättningar för intern marknadsföring inom grundskolan 2010 : 1 + 1 = 3 Nya insikter om förhållandet mellan tal, lärare och ledning

Hultman, Caroline, Abrahamsen, Maria January 2010 (has links)
I och med friskolereformen i början på 1990-talet har förutsättningarna för skolor förändrats och konkurrensen hårdnat. Marknadsföring av skolor har blivit allt vanligare och vilket anseende skolan har är avgörande. Tidigare forskning har visat att nöjda anställda leder till att kunder blir tillfredställda och lojala, de som tar hand om sina anställda och agerar på deras idéer visar ett bättre resultat. Därför kan intern marknadsföring ses som ett verktyg för att hantera denna konkurrens. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ledningens perspektiv få förståelse för och beskriva vilka faktorer inom skolbranschen som påverkar den interna kommunikationen och vilka förutsättningar dessa faktorer ger för intern marknadsföring. Studien har intagit ett Grounded Theory-inspirerat tillvägagångsätt och tillämpar intervjuer för att svara på syftet. Fem informanter i ledande befattningar på lika många grundskolor i Stockholm har medverkat. Undersökningen har kommit fram till att faktorer som organsationens storlek och ålder har betydelse för hur den interna marknadsföringen fungerar, men också uppdragsgivarens och ledarens förhållningssätt gentemot sin personal är av vikt. Det finns goda ansatser för intern marknadsföring inom skolan, men ett medvetet arbete måste ske på alla organisatoriska nivåer och ett genuint kundfokus måste finnas genomgående, först då kan den interna marknadsföringen fungera som ett verktyg att hantera den förändrade konkurrensen. / With the reformation of the Swedish schoolsystem in the early 1990s, which allowed for private actors to operate schools, the conditions for schools have changed and competition has increased. Marketing of schools has become increasingly common and the reputation of schools has become crucial. Previous research has shown that employee satisfaction leads to satisfied and loyal customers, companys who take care of their employees and act on their ideas show better results. Therefore, internal marketing is seen as a tool to manage the changed conditions for competition. The purpose of this paper is to obtain understanding and describing from management's perspective the factors within the school sector that affect the internal communication and what conditions these factors provide for internal marketing. The study has adopted a Grounded Theory-inspired approach and applies interviews to answer the purpose. Five informants in senior positions in elementary schools in Stockholm participated. The investigation has concluded that factors as organizational size and age have a bearing on how the internal marketing work out, but also governement´s and principal´s attitudes towards staff is important. There are good possibilities for the internal marketing in elementary schools, but a deliberate work has to be done at all organizational levels and a keen customer focus must be held, only then can the internal marketing work as a tool to deal with the changing competition.

Use of the Athrixia phylicoides plant in Tshwane: an anthropological study

Siko, Maggie Ngwanamaphoto 02 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the use of the Athrixia phylicoides plant in Tshwane, Gauteng, South Africa. The plant is used within the domestic domain as a beverage, for medicinal purposes, as well as for the manufacturing of domestic brooms. The aim of the study was to investigate the use and market of Athrixia phylicoides in two of the Tshwane markets, namely; Denneboom and Marabastad. Case study design, participant observation and interviews were employed to collect data. A literature review was conducted to construct a theoretical framework. The study reveals that traditional healers, broom makers and customers have a remarkable knowledge about Athrixia phylicoides, which has been untapped thus far. In addition, the study indicates that possible extinction of the Athrixia phylicoides plant, due to over-harvesting and lack of conservation, will pose a challenge to the market. / Anthropology / M.A. (Anthropology)

Consumer Loyalty in Fast-Food Restaurants in Saudi Arabia

Bukhari, Sulafah January 2015 (has links)
This study assesses the loyalty behaviour of consumers in fast-food restaurants in Saudi Arabia by studying the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. The sample consisted of 231 Saudis and non-Saudis living in Saudi Arabia. They were approached using the “snowball” technique. Participants were all over the age of eighteen, and they were customers of Al-Baik restaurants. Data was collected through a face-to-face questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS software. Specifically, Cronbach’s Alpha test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis were used. Results show that significant relationships exist between the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. It is also indicated that participants’ personalities and values were significantly related to the loyalty behaviour of consumers in Saudi Arabia. The major limitation of this study is that it was conducted in only one city, Jeddah. Therefore, additional research should be carried out in other cities with larger samples. The research results offer compelling evidence that Saudi loyalty behaviour differs from Western behaviour. Therefore, it suggests that international fast-food operators in Saudi Arabia should take local factors into account when formulating marketing strategies, such as the role of women and youth in Saudi society. This thesis makes a novel contribution to the literature, as it is the first to model the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour of consumers in a single study. It is also the first to study contributed to the literature to examine the relation between the Six Dimensional Achievement Motivation Scale (Jackson, Ahmed, and Heapy, 1976), Rokeach Value System (1973), and loyalty behaviour of consumers.

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