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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duality for convex composed programming problems

Vargyas, Emese Tünde 20 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this work is to present a conjugate duality treatment of composed programming as well as to give an overview of some recent developments in both scalar and multiobjective optimization. In order to do this, first we study a single-objective optimization problem, in which the objective function as well as the constraints are given by composed functions. By means of the conjugacy approach based on the perturbation theory, we provide different kinds of dual problems to it and examine the relations between the optimal objective values of the duals. Given some additional assumptions, we verify the equality between the optimal objective values of the duals and strong duality between the primal and the dual problems, respectively. Having proved the strong duality, we derive the optimality conditions for each of these duals. As special cases of the original problem, we study the duality for the classical optimization problem with inequality constraints and the optimization problem without constraints. The second part of this work is devoted to location analysis. Considering first the location model with monotonic gauges, it turns out that the same conjugate duality principle can be used also for solving this kind of problems. Taking in the objective function instead of the monotonic gauges several norms, investigations concerning duality for different location problems are made. We finish our investigations with the study of composed multiobjective optimization problems. In doing like this, first we scalarize this problem and study the scalarized one by using the conjugacy approach developed before. The optimality conditions which we obtain in this case allow us to construct a multiobjective dual problem to the primal one. Additionally the weak and strong duality are proved. In conclusion, some special cases of the composed multiobjective optimization problem are considered. Once the general problem has been treated, particularizing the results, we construct a multiobjective dual for each of them and verify the weak and strong dualities. / In dieser Arbeit wird, anhand der sogenannten konjugierten Dualitätstheorie, ein allgemeines Dualitätsverfahren für die Untersuchung verschiedener Optimierungsaufgaben dargestellt. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen wird zuerst eine allgemeine Optimierungsaufgabe betrachtet, wobei sowohl die Zielfunktion als auch die Nebenbedingungen zusammengesetzte Funktionen sind. Mit Hilfe der konjugierten Dualitätstheorie, die auf der sogenannten Störungstheorie basiert, werden für die primale Aufgabe drei verschiedene duale Aufgaben konstruiert und weiterhin die Beziehungen zwischen deren optimalen Zielfunktionswerten untersucht. Unter geeigneten Konvexitäts- und Monotonievoraussetzungen wird die Gleichheit dieser optimalen Zielfunktionswerte und zusätzlich die Existenz der starken Dualität zwischen der primalen und den entsprechenden dualen Aufgaben bewiesen. In Zusammenhang mit der starken Dualität werden Optimalitätsbedingungen hergeleitet. Die Ergebnisse werden abgerundet durch die Betrachtung zweier Spezialfälle, nämlich die klassische restringierte bzw. unrestringierte Optimierungsaufgabe, für welche sich die aus der Literatur bekannten Dualitätsergebnisse ergeben. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit ist der Dualität bei Standortproblemen gewidmet. Dazu wird ein sehr allgemeines Standortproblem mit konvexer zusammengesetzter Zielfunktion in Form eines Gauges formuliert, für das die entsprechenden Dualitätsaussagen abgeleitet werden. Als Spezialfälle werden Optimierungsaufgaben mit monotonen Normen betrachtet. Insbesondere lassen sich Dualitätsaussagen und Optimalitätsbedingungen für das klassische Weber und Minmax Standortproblem mit Gauges als Zielfunktion herleiten. Das letzte Kapitel verallgemeinert die Dualitätsaussagen, die im zweiten Kapitel erhalten wurden, auf multikriterielle Optimierungsprobleme. Mit Hilfe geeigneter Skalarisierungen betrachten wir zuerst ein zu der multikriteriellen Optimierungsaufgabe zugeordnetes skalares Problem. Anhand der in diesem Fall erhaltenen Optimalitätsbedingungen formulieren wir das multikriterielle Dualproblem. Weiterhin beweisen wir die schwache und, unter bestimmten Annahmen, die starke Dualität. Durch Spezialisierung der Zielfunktionen bzw. Nebenbedingungen resultieren die klassischen konvexen Mehrzielprobleme mit Ungleichungs- und Mengenrestriktionen. Als weitere Anwendungen werden vektorielle Standortprobleme betrachtet, zu denen wir entsprechende duale Aufgaben formulieren.

Le chemin qui marche : la pensée et le geste d'écriture chez Benjamin Fondane

Dubois-Prud'homme, Aurélie 12 1900 (has links)
Benjamin Fondane est un penseur et un artiste du XXe siècle qui demeure encore relativement méconnu de la communauté universitaire. Pourtant, son œuvre poétique et ses essais révèlent une démarche atypique et une vision concrète de la dualité humaine et de la pratique de la pensée. « Le mal des fantômes », poème central de l’œuvre de Fondane, est une incarnation imagée du mal-être psychique de l’humain qui pressent que ses réflexes intellectuels, tels la raison et l’esprit de non-contradiction, créent une rupture avec son expérience intime du monde, brigue une portion du réel. L’étude de la figure du fantôme (qui est la figure de la hantise dans la tradition littéraire) ainsi que de l’économie discursive de la traversée maritime qui se déploient dans ce poème nous permet d’interroger les astuces rhétoriques que Fondane met en place afin de contrecarrer ce malaise. À travers l’expérience scripturale et la lecture, il est à la recherche d’une nouvelle disposition de l’activité réflexive qui serait davantage solidaire de l’existence humaine. C’est grâce au geste de l’écriture que sa pensée voyage, se meut, retrouve sa vivacité et, par là même, ses pouvoirs de mutation. Se pencher sur la mise en œuvre de la réflexion chez Benjamin Fondane permet de poser un regard sensible sur les propres rapports que nous entretenons avec notre activité intellectuelle, scripturale et notre pensée. / Benjamin Fondane is a thinker and an artist of the twentieth century who is still relatively unknown to the academic community. However, his poetry and essays reveal an unusual flow of language and a concrete vision of human duality and practice of thought. “Le mal des fantômes,” Fondane’s central poem, is a image-laden incarnation of the human’s mental uneasiness in creating a disjunction between his or her intellectual reflexes, such as reason and the spirit of non-contradiction, and an intimate experience of the world, a disjunction that necessarily limits the mind to a mere portion of a larger, integral reality. In studying the “fantôme” trope – that is, the haunting figures of the literary tradition – in conjunction with the poem's discursive economy of the sea voyage, we seek to unveil the rhetorical ploys that Fondane mobilizes to counteract this malaise. Through writing and reading experimentation, he seeks a new paradigm of thinking that follows more closely unfolding human existence. By virtue of writing itself, thought travels, moves along, and regains both its vitality and transformative power. Moreover, considering the workings of Fondane’s thought enables us to examine the ongoing relationship between our own intellectual activity, writing, and thought.

An applied trancendental logarithmic cost function : economies of scale and elasticities of substitution in selected South African manufacturing sectors (1972-1990).

Cobbledick, John. January 1995 (has links)
Moll (1991) has criticised the proposal that demand restructuring should act as the impetus for economic growth in a post-apartheid South Africa on the grounds of, a lack of empirical support. The demand restructuring thesis is premised on two empirically testable assertions: firstly that realisable economies of scale are greater in labour-intensive wage goods sectors than in luxury goods and secondly that in manufacturing as a whole labour can easily substitute for capital. While a number of studies employing either the Cobb-Douglas (Cobb & Douglas, 1948) or Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) ( Arrow, Chenery, Minhas & Solow, 1961) functions have attempted to quantify these features of technology, their conclusions are potentially invalid. Both functions impose the maintained hypotheses of homotheticity, homogeneity and seperability a priori. As primary hypothesis tests regarding the magnitude of parameters depend on the validity of both the hypothesis being tested and the underlying maintained hypotheses, the plausibility of maintained hypotheses is an important consideration when choosing a functional form for econometric analysis. Homotheticity and homogeneity constrain the theoretical determinants of economies of scale and seperability. The theoretical determinants of substitution thus limit the contexts in which functions which embody these hypotheses are likely to be appropriate. The mathematical concept of duality has permitted the development of flexible, general functions, such as the Transcendental Logarithmic Cost Function (Christensen, Jorgensen and Lau, 1971, 1973), which rather than imposing, permits the testing of the most commonly imposed maintained hypotheses. By applying this function to three sub-sectors of South African manufacturing both the validity of the commonly imposed maintained hypotheses and the empirical premises of the demand restructuring position are assessed in this dissertation. This application indicates that not only are the hypotheses of homotheticity, homogeneity and seperability invalid but that the inappropriate imposition of homotheticity, homogeneity and seperability invalid but that the inappropriate imposition of homotheticity biases estimates of scale downwards. Evidence also emerges to challenge Moll's (1991) assertions regarding the empirical validity of demand restructuring. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1995.

“Visibility is a Trap” : Revealing the Metaphor of the Simian in Naked Lunch.

Borduz, Monika January 2015 (has links)
Thus far, the novel Naked Lunch has not been discussed from the aspect of critical animal studies, nor has it been connected to the theories of Michel Foucault. This essay however, argues that these diverse fields could be connected through the use of the simians that are frequently employed in Naked Lunch. By analyzing the metaphorical role of the simian, the structure of the normalization process can be revealed. Therefore the simian’s metaphorical role becomes to reveal the different stages character goes through in that process and ultimately revealing its negative effects. They also prove to employ the role of abnormality which normalization wants to subtract from the human in order to render her docile. By applying the power mechanisms such as signals, the concept of panopticism and the theory of the docile body to specific passages where simians are highly prominent, the claim of this paper can be demonstrated. Besides Foucault, the theories of Robin Lydenberg are also used consistently throughout the essay due to her valuable observations such as the struggle between body and mind.

Graph Partitioning and Semi-definite Programming Hierarchies

Sinop, Ali Kemal 15 May 2012 (has links)
Graph partitioning is a fundamental optimization problem that has been intensively studied. Many graph partitioning formulations are important as building blocks for divide-and-conquer algorithms on graphs as well as to many applications such as VLSI layout, packet routing in distributed networks, clustering and image segmentation. Unfortunately such problems are notorious for the huge gap between known best known approximation algorithms and hardness of approximation results. In this thesis, we study approximation algorithms for graph partitioning problems using a strong hierarchy of relaxations based on semi-definite programming, called Lasserre Hierachy. Our main contribution in this thesis is a propagation based rounding framework for solutions arising from such relaxations. We present a novel connection between the quality of solutions it outputs and column based matrix reconstruction problem. As part of our work, we derive optimal bounds on the number of columns necessary together with efficient randomized and deterministic algorithms to find such columns. Using this framework, we derive approximation schemes for many graph partitioning problems with running times dependent on how fast the graph spectrum grows. Our final contribution is a fast SDP solver for this rounding framework: Even though SDP relaxation has nO(r) many variables, we achieve running times of the form 2O(r) poly(n) by only partially solving the relevant part of relaxation. In order to achieve this, we present a new ellipsoid algorithm that returns certificate of infeasibility.

Matter and antimatter asymmetry in the early universe: new hypothesis of hydrogen formation based on wave-particle duality or electric dipole asymmetry

Koch, Horst Josef 08 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A new hypothesis of matter formation after the big bang based on either particle-wave duality or electric dipole asymmetry. Both assumptions allow to postulate that the probability of matter formation is slightly higher than that of antimatter formation. As a consequence, this difference of probabilities ∆Pp for protons and ∆Pe with regard to electrons avoided complete annihilation in the beginning.

A Connection Between Clone Theory and FCA Provided by Duality Theory

Kerkhoff, Sebastian 02 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this paper is to show how Formal Concept Analysis can be used for the bene t of clone theory. More precisely, we show how a recently developed duality theory for clones can be used to dualize clones over bounded lattices into the framework of Formal Concept Analysis, where they can be investigated with techniques very di erent from those that universal algebraists are usually armed with. We also illustrate this approach with some small examples.

Strings as Sigma Models and in the Tensionless Limit

Persson, Jonas January 2007 (has links)
This thesis considers two different aspects of string theory, the tensionless limit of the string and supersymmetric sigma models with extended supersymmetry. First, the tensionless limit is used to find a IIB supergravity background generated by a tensionless string. The background has the characteristics of a gravitational shock-wave. Then, the quantization of the tensionless string in a pp-wave background is performed and the result is found to agree with what is obtained by taking a tensionless limit directly in the quantized theory of the tensile string. Hence, in the pp-wave background the tensionless limit commutes with quantization. Next, supersymmetric sigma models and the relation between extended world-sheet supersymmetry and target space geometry is studied. The sigma model with N=(2,2) extended supersymmetry is considered and the requirement on the target space to have a bi-Hermitean geometry is reviewed. The Hamiltonian formulation of the model is constructed and the target space is shown to have generalized Kähler geometry. The equivalence between bi-Hermitean geometry and generalized Kähler follows, in this context, from the equivalence between the Lagrangian- and Hamiltonian formulation of the sigma model. Then, T-duality in the Hamiltonian formulation of the sigma model is studied and the explicit T-duality transformation is constructed. It is shown that the transformation is a symplectomorphism, i.e. a generalization of a canonical transformation. Under certain assumptions, the amount of extended supersymmetry present in the sigma model is shown to be preserved under the T-duality transformation. Next, extended supersymmetry in a first order formulation of the sigma model is studied. By requiring N=(2,2) extended world-sheet supersymmetry an intriguing geometrical structure arises and in a special case generalized complex geometry is found to be contained in the new framework.

Decomposição de grupos de dualidade de Poincaré, obstruções sing e invariantes cohomológicos

Cavalcanti, Maria Paula dos Santos [UNESP] 26 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-26Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:16:04Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 cavalcanti_mps_me_sjrp.pdf: 612728 bytes, checksum: 47d18c69b5ae7b113879890007734ec5 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O obejtivo principal deste trabalho é estudar as obstruções sing que desempenham papel importante nas demonstrações de certos resultados sobre decomposição de grupos que satisfazem certas hipóteses de dualidade apresentados em [16] e [17], em particular, sobre decomposição de um grupo G adapatada a uma família S de subgrupos de G com (G,S) um par de dualidade de Poincaré. Alguns invariantes cohomológicos e certos resultados envolvendo tais invariantes, decomposição de grupos e/ou grupos e pares de dualidade são também apresentados. / The main objective of this work to study the obstructions sing which play an important role in demonstrating certain results on the splittings of groups that satisfy certain hypotheses of duality presented in [16] and [17], in particular, the decomposition of a group G adapted to a family S of subgroups of G with (G,S) a Poincaré duality pair. Some cohomological invariants and certain results involving such invariants, a splittings of groups and/or groups and pairs of duality are also presented.

Soficity and Other Dynamical Aspects of Groupoids and Inverse Semigroups

Cordeiro, Luiz Gustavo 23 August 2018 (has links)
This thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first one, all the pre-requisite theory of semigroups and groupoids is introduced, as well as a few new results - such as a short study of ∨-ideals and quotients in distributive semigroups and a non-commutative Loomis-Sikorski Theorem. In the second chapter, we motivate and describe the sofic property for probability measure-preserving groupoids and prove several permanence properties for the class of sofic groupoids. This provides a common ground for similar results in the particular cases of groups and equivalence relations. In particular, we prove that soficity is preserved under finite index extensions of groupoids. We also prove that soficity can be determined in terms of the full group alone, answering a question by Conley, Kechris and Tucker-Drob. In the third chapter we turn to the classical problem of reconstructing a topological space from a suitable structure on the space of continuous functions. We prove that a locally compact Hausdorff space can be recovered from classes of functions with values on a Hausdorff space together with an appropriate notion of disjointness, as long as some natural regularity hypotheses are satisfied. This allows us to recover (and even generalize) classical theorem by Kaplansky, Milgram, Banach-Stone, among others, as well as recent results of the similar nature, and obtain new consequences as well. Furthermore, we extend the techniques used here to obtain structural theorems related to topological groupoids. In the fourth and final chapter, we study dynamical aspects of partial actions of inverse semigroups, and in particular how to construct groupoids of germs and (partial) crossed products and how do they relate to each other. This chapter is based on joint work with Viviane Beuter.

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