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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ur Nordiska museets fickursamling : En undersökning av digitisering, metadata och representation hos Nordiska museets digitala samling av fickur. / From Nordiska museet's collection of pocket watches : An investigation of digitization, metadata, and representation within Nordiska museet's collection of pocket watches.

Löf, Måns January 2024 (has links)
The pocket watch, an ingenious invention that over its 500 year-long development, made it possible for time keeping to become portable and reliable. A symbol of culture, station and importance, that changed the way our society interacts with and uses time. Nordiska museet’s collections contain over a thousand pocket watches and pocket watch movements, all available through the aggregator Swedish Open Cultural Heritage API. With a critical eye towards the outdrawn digitisation process of Swedish museums, this paper intends through statistical analysis to find trends, patterns, and problems relating to the representation of this grand collection. The results reveal negligence surrounding technical descriptors by reason of suboptimal knowledge regarding watchmaking, a confusing naming convention, and a great need for deeper research into the collection.

Fega pojkar pussar aldrig vackra flickor : Könsrelaterade ordspråk i nordnorrländsk agrarmiljö belysta ur språkligt och kulturellt perspektiv.

Andersson, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation deals with 199 gender related proverbs that were collected in northern Sweden and were used in an agrarian environment, approximately between the beginning of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th. The conceptions of gender which these proverbs convey also belong to the same time range and place. The aim of this dissertation is to find out which conceptions of gender that is conveyed by proverbs in an older agrarian environment in northern Sweden. In order to achieve this aim the following question is examined: What conceptions are found in the proverb material of the cultural category woman, the cultural category man and of the relationship between these categories? As a base for an interpretation of the proverbs, which are written in various Swedish dialects, a linguistic analysis is carried out. The interpretation is then formed through a concept that was developed by Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (1982); namely, base meaning. This concept relates to the shared meaning of a proverb by a group of people. The proverbs that include metaphors and similes are analyzed with a method that is developed from the cognitive linguistic theory of blending (Fauconnier & Turner 1996, 1998). The proverb material is sorted in three analytical categories, and presented in separate chapters: Chapter four, The Marriage Market (Äktenskapsmarknaden), chapter five: The Household (Hushållet) and chapter six, Sexuality (Sexualiteten). These categories are in turn divided into sub categories. One example of a salient conceptions of gender that is found in the category The Marriage Market is that the man chooses a woman, not the other way around. One example of a central conception in the category The Household is that the man earns money and supply other resources and the woman takes care of these resources. The significance of the conceptions of male and female sexuality is that they convey the difficulty in controlling a virulent male sexuality. The gender conceptions are analysed as part of a system of gender hegemony and a cultural model of the successful household is suggested based on the proverb material.

Private Equity och nyintroduktioners långsiktiga avkastning

Widemark, Oskar, Ohlström, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie av nyintroduktioner på börsen (IPO:er), från 2006 till 2014, på börsen Nasdaq Nordic (som består av Nasdaqs börser i Finland, Sverige, Danmark och Island) undersöker vi om avkastningen för private equity-ägda företags IPO:er på lång sikt är högre än hos de icke private equity-ägda företagens IPO:er. Vi mäter den långsiktiga avkastningen genom att använda måttet BHAR och jämföra de två grupperna sinsemellan. Vi finner att private equity- ägda företags IPO:er har en högre avkastning än de icke private equity-ägda företagens IPO:er över de båda tidsperioderna 1 och 3 år. / In this study of IPOs, from 2006 until 2014, of the Nasdaq Nordic market (main markets of Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland) we are investigating whether the long-run return of private equity backed IPOs significantly differs from the return of non-private equity backed IPOs. We measure the long-run performance by using the simple BHAR and comparing the two samples. We find that private equity-backed IPOs significantly outperform non-private equity backed companies over the measured time periods, 1 and 3 years.

En tvättrådsetikett : Dess kvalitetsegenskaper och miljöpåverkan. En litteraturstudie & kvalitetstestning av textila etiketter / A care label : The quality properties and environmental affect

Engström, Karin, Seving, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Tvättrådsetiketter är en relativt liten detalj på plagg, som dock har en stor betydelse för plaggets livslängd och dess miljöpåverkan. De flesta har nog upplevt att en tvättrådsetikett har blivit oläslig i ett plagg. Det är viktigt att etiketten förblir läslig under hela plaggets livslängd, för att skötseln av plagget ska utföras på ett korrekt sättoch med en så liten inverkan på miljön som möjligt. Därför har kvalitén på ett antal etiketter av olika material och olika framställningsmetoder testats. Det för att sevilken av dessa som är det bästa alternativet kvalitets- och miljömässigt. Litteraturstudier, intervjuer, studiebesök samt kvalitetstester har legat till grund förarbetets framtagning.Konfektionsföretag som har sin produktion av etiketter outsoursad till flera företag har upplevt att tvättrådsetiketterna inte håller en jämn kvalité då de kommer från flera olika leverantörer. Vissa etiketter håller inte mer än ett fåtal tvättar och andra kan förlora sitt tryck vid minsta gnidrörelse på etiketten. Företags kvalitetskrav på sina produkter skiljer sig alltifrån högt till lågt. Gemensamt är dock att den upplevda kvaliten av företagets produkter skapar mervärde och uppfyller kundens omedvetna behov. Att ett företag inte satsar på god kvalitet gällande tvättrådsetiketter, kan innebära att kunden efter användning inte kan utläsaden informationen som är till förfogande. Etikettens kvalitet har betydelse för hur plagget kommer att skötas och tvättas. I denna undersökning har kvalitetstester genomförts för att kunna ta fram den bästa kvalitén på etiketten i sin helhet. Parametrar som undersökts och jämförts är materialet på etiketten, dess vävbindning och tryckmetod. Kvalitetstesterna visade att en vävd etikett har överlägset bäst kvalitet, gällande anfärgning och färg- och gnidhärdighet . För de tryckta etiketterna visade att etikett med flexotryck gav bra färghärdighet i trycket, men sämre gnidhärdighet. Olika tryckfärg från olika leverantörer kan vara källan till problemet. Miljövänligare alternativ till framställningen av etiketterna har analyserats, där blandannat miljövänligare materialval och olika tryckmetoder har jämförts, som skulle kunna reducera etikett tillverkningens negativa inverkan på miljön.Care Labels are a relatively small detail of the garment, although these have a significant impact on the garment's life and its environmental affect. Most people have probably experienced that a care label has become illegible in agarment. It is important that the label remains legible throughout the life of the garment, to the management of the garment to be performed correctly and with aslittle environmental impact as possible. Therefore, the qualities of a several labels of different materials and various manufacturing techniques have been tested. It is to see which of these is the best choice of quality and environmentally. Literature studies, interviews, field visits and quality testing have been the basis for job creation.Garment Companies that have their production of labels outsourced to several companies have experienced that care labels do not maintain a uniform quality when they come from several different suppliers. Some labels last no longer than a few washes and some may lose their pressure at least rubbing on the label. Corporate quality of their products differs from high to low. The thing that perceived quality of its products adds value and meet customer's subconscious needs. The fact that a company does not invest in good quality existing care labels, may require the customer after use can not read the information that is available. Label quality is relevant to how the garment will be managed and washed. In this study, quality tests conducted in order to produce the best quality on the label in its entirety. Parameters examined and compared, were the material on the label, itsweave and printing method. Quality tests showed that a woven label has by far the best quality, current staining and paint and rubbing. For the printed labels showed thatthe label using flexoprint gave good color fastness of the print, but worse rubbing. Different inks from different vendors can be the source of the problem. More environmentally friendly alternatives to the production of labels have been analyzed, which include environmentally friendly materials and different techniques have been compared, which could limit the label to manufacture negative impact on the environment. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen


Jonsson, Sofia, Dahlgren, Terese January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this work is to investigate what knowledge there is to gather about choices of functions and construction solutions for a cold bath building. Recommended solutions for piling as the foundation suitable for the Nordic climate will be presented in order to prevent more cold baths to demolish. Functions included in today's cold baths will also be presented to give a general overlook over recently built cold bath houses. The questions chosen for this work is: (1) Which construction solutions about foundation for a cold bath house is suitable for the Nordic climate? (2) Which functions are included in recently built cold bath houses in Sweden and what are the differences between the buildings? (3) What knowledge is there to collect from recent cold bath house projects in Sweden? Method: This work consists of a qualitative study with a case study as an approach consisting of a literature study encircling recent research, document analysis of floor plans and interviews with construction engineers. Findings: The answer to the first question about suitable construction solutions is that the most suitable material to choose for piles is steel. A safety precaution can be to fill the steel piles with concrete because of the corrosion of steel. An enclosing plastic bore can protect the piles from the effect of ice on the piles. The slab of the building should be in concrete to manage the strains of the ocean, wind and moisture. Question number two is about the functions of the visited cold baths included in this work. One thing all the cold baths had in common was the symmetric division between the sections for the ladies and the gentlemen. The sections include changing rooms, showers, toilets and saunas. A bistro was also encountered which creates a meeting place where people can spend time together and then can create an interest in cold baths. The third question presents a picture of what knowledge there is to gather about recently built cold baths. The most important factors to take into account is to divide the work of the construction of the piling foundation and the house building so that the professionals can handle the piling foundation, choose maintenance-free materials and the challenge to build on water when there is no solid ground to stand on. Implications: This work presents solutions to gather about what knowledge there is to collect about the choices of functions and construction solutions for the piling foundation of a cold bath. A further research question about cold bath houses is if the building needs to stand on piles or if it could be a floating building.The building foundation is critical for a cold bath house and should be handled by professionals. Piles of steel manage the Nordic climate and its difficulties much better than wood. Ice has the most effect on the piles though both horizontal and vertical loadsand should be taken to a concern. The cold bath houses today have a resemblance the older generation cold bath houses in the choices of functions and shape. A recommendation is to add more functions in addition to the traditional functions if the aim is to attract new visitors to the cold bath house. Limitations: A general result has been presented through a range of articles, objects, documents and choice of respondents included in this work. Keywords: A research was made about subjects like "construction of piling in water"."piling methods" "reaction between water and construction materials", "history of spa" and "development of functions in spa".

Svensk reklam och dess modelläsare / Model readers in Swedish advertising

Björkvall, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with model readers in contemporary Swedish magazine advertising texts aimed at different target groups: children (aged 7–12), teenagers (13–19), and adults (20–29) of both genders. The model reader is the presupposed reader of the text, realised in the text itself and not identical with the empirical reader, who is anyone reading the text.</p><p>The study takes the consumer culture of late modernity and the gender system as its point of departure. The model readers are regarded as socially motivated mass mediated identities that are offered to the empirical readers of the advertisements. Through the theoretical assumptions of social semiotics and critical discourse analysis, the model readers are, on the one hand, treated as textual realisations of the consumer culture and the gender system and, on the other, as varying with respect to target group.</p><p>A total of 14 advertisements, selected according to the age and gender of the target groups, are analysed. The texts are multimodal; the copy combines with the images, graphics, colours etc. to create meaning. A qualitative model for analysis was developed and applied both to the copy and to other visual representations in the texts. This model allows an analysis of the construction of the model reader at different levels in the text. The textual composition of the ads as well as ideational and interpersonal meanings are analysed along with intertextual and extratextual presuppositions.</p><p>One of the main findings of the study is that the model readers in the ads with male target groups tend to relate to a reproductive type of consumption, where an already successful model reader reproduces success, activity and leadership through consumption of the advertised products. The model readers in ads with female target groups tend to be more concerned with looks and the female body, and are not as successful or leadership-oriented. They also relate to a pretentious type of consumption, where the product is needed to adjust or improve the identity of the model reader. A gender system in which masculinity is superior and femininity inferior can thus be traced in the advertisements analysed. Another result is that more traditional, often more person and product-oriented, advertising formats are found in the ads with older target groups whereas more collage-oriented, or intertextual, formats are found in the ads with younger target groups.</p>

Att ställa till en scen : Verbala konflikter i svensk dramadialog 1725–2000 / Making a scene : Verbal conflicts in Swedish drama dialogue 1725–2000

Sörlin, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with interactional patterns in verbal disputes as portrayed in the written dialogue of Swedish drama over three centuries. The overarching aim is to contribute to research into conflict talk in Swedish dialogue, but also to contribute to historical pragmatics and linguistic stylistics.</p><p>The teoretical and methodological framework combines elements from conversation analysis and theories of communicative events (activity types). A corpus of 30 drama texts, written during the 18<sup>th</sup> century, the late 19<sup>th</sup> century, and the late 20<sup>th</sup> century, was examined for examples of conflict events that are lexically marked as such in the texts (by words such as <i>argument</i>, <i>dispute</i>, <i>quarrel</i> etc.). </p><p>A total of 47 conflict events were identified in 21 of the 30 drama texts. The construction of the beginning of the three most significant types of conflict sequences found within 45 of the 47 events, totalling 111 sequences, is analysed in detail. The three sequence types concern differences in opinion (disagreement sequences), accusations (complaint sequences) and directives (rejection sequences).</p><p>One result of the study is that complaint sequences are shown to be by far the most common conflict pattern in the data. Another result is that few differences are found regarding the construction of the sequences over three centuries. For the most part, it is the same sort of moves that are frequent no matter which period the data stem from. One conclusion is therefore that the conflict patterns in drama dialogue appear to be relatively stable over time.</p><p>The study also deals with the dramatic functions of the conflict patterns (the events, sequence types or moves). Two functions are discussed, namely plot development and characterisation. While all conflict can further the process of characterisation, for example by showing the negotiation of differences in power between the characters, less than half of the events further the plot by having an effect on the disputants or other characters in the drama.</p>

Kvinnor och män i möte : En samtalsanalytisk studie av interna arbetsmöten / Men and women in meetings : A conversation analytic study of workplace meetings

Milles, Karin January 2003 (has links)
The aims of this thesis were to describe the verbal interaction in workplace meetings and to relate them to the order of gender. The material consists of five workplace meetings with both female and male participants and was transcribed using a system developed for the purposes of the study. Both the videotapes and transcripts were used in the analyses. Three main studies were carried out. The first study aimed at describing the structuring of the verbal interaction during the meetings, especially in comparison with ordinary conversation. The second study tested the hypothesis that the men in the meetings would dominate the verbal interaction. The third study aimed at describing narratives in the material, especially two narratives told by a male participant in one of the meetings. The methods used in the studies combined qualitative analysis of small sections of talk with quantitative analysis of variables, coded in the material as a whole. The first study showed many similarities between the five meetings in the way interaction was structured, which indicated the possibility that the workplace meeting represents an activity type of its own. One main result was that although the meetings were managed with almost no formal procedures, the verbal interaction was still very structured, and handled with practices belonging to ordinary conversation used in an activity-specific way. The quantitative analysis showed no great differences between the men and the women and the hypothesis was not clearly verified. Two variables indicated that the men dominated the interaction and one variable indicated that the women dominated the interaction, but on the whole the similarities between the men and the women were greater than the differences. The qualitative analysis of the narratives showed how the narratives in the meetings were an interactional achievement and how their meaning was negotiated in the interaction. The analyses also showed how the meaning of the narratives was influenced by normative conceptions about masculinity and thus could be a means of doing gender.

Att ställa till en scen : Verbala konflikter i svensk dramadialog 1725–2000 / Making a scene : Verbal conflicts in Swedish drama dialogue 1725–2000

Sörlin, Marie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with interactional patterns in verbal disputes as portrayed in the written dialogue of Swedish drama over three centuries. The overarching aim is to contribute to research into conflict talk in Swedish dialogue, but also to contribute to historical pragmatics and linguistic stylistics. The teoretical and methodological framework combines elements from conversation analysis and theories of communicative events (activity types). A corpus of 30 drama texts, written during the 18th century, the late 19th century, and the late 20th century, was examined for examples of conflict events that are lexically marked as such in the texts (by words such as argument, dispute, quarrel etc.). A total of 47 conflict events were identified in 21 of the 30 drama texts. The construction of the beginning of the three most significant types of conflict sequences found within 45 of the 47 events, totalling 111 sequences, is analysed in detail. The three sequence types concern differences in opinion (disagreement sequences), accusations (complaint sequences) and directives (rejection sequences). One result of the study is that complaint sequences are shown to be by far the most common conflict pattern in the data. Another result is that few differences are found regarding the construction of the sequences over three centuries. For the most part, it is the same sort of moves that are frequent no matter which period the data stem from. One conclusion is therefore that the conflict patterns in drama dialogue appear to be relatively stable over time. The study also deals with the dramatic functions of the conflict patterns (the events, sequence types or moves). Two functions are discussed, namely plot development and characterisation. While all conflict can further the process of characterisation, for example by showing the negotiation of differences in power between the characters, less than half of the events further the plot by having an effect on the disputants or other characters in the drama.

Ungdomars dagliga interaktion : En språkvetenskaplig studie av sex gymnasieungdomars bruk av tal, skrift och interaktionsmedier / Young people’s everyday interaction : A sociolinguistic study of six upper secondary school adolescents’ use of speech, writing and interactive media

Bellander, Theres January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores young people's interaction with different individuals through a variety of media. Three girls and three boys aged 16–18, from an urban school, a rural school and a suburban school, were each observed for a week, at school, at home and during leisure activities. The data analysed consist of field notes, video and audio recordings, and texts written by the participants. The aim of the study is to investigate how young people’s use of language varies in relation to different contexts. Questions are asked about what activities they participate in, what media they use and how they use them, and how they express themselves orally and in writing in different contexts and through different media. The study is based in sociolinguistic theory and activity type theory. Data were collected using ethnographical methods, and analytical tools were drawn from a broadly defined field of discourse analysis. The investigation sheds light on the relationship between what young people are doing socially in any given situation and how they interact. Variation in linguistic styles is made visible by a study of the same individuals involved in different communicative activities. Young people are shown to be a heterogeneous group who engage in different sets of activities. The study questions prevailing definitions and categorisations of adolescents’ linguistic styles and use of electronic media. The outcome is a complex description of everyday interaction, which is found to be shaped by the frames for communicative activities, the technical characteristics of the media employed, and individual factors. In conversational turns, Internet chat messages and text messages, young people select resources from their individual linguistic repertoires in order to achieve specific goals or construct particular roles through their interaction.

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