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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om normer och normkonflikter i finlandssvenskan : Språkliga studier med utgångspunkt i nutida elevtexter / On norms and conflicts of norms in Finland Swedish : Linguistic studies based on present-day student texts

Melin-Köpilä, Christina January 1996 (has links)
Finland is officially a bilingual country, with Finnish and Swedish as national languages. FinlandSwedes constitute about 6% of the population. This study treats Finland Swedish in relation to Swedish in Sweden, on the one hand, and, onthe other hand, to Finnish. The main question is whether Finland Swedish should be regarded asa variety on a par with regional varieties in Sweden, which presupposes a common written standard, or as a more independent standard language. A corpus of 289 school essays written by compulsory- and upper-secondary-school students inFinland has been compared with school essays written by Swedes in Sweden. The number of provincial features in the essays provide a quantitative measure of the regional and age-related variation among the students. The purpose of the study is to determine whether the two groups of students are developing inthe same direction, toward a common supra-regional standard language in which provincialismsare rare. My hypothesis has been that the Finland-Swedish essays will reflect a different standardlanguage than in Sweden, which would imply that several of the so-called provincialisms belongto an implicit Finland-Swedish written standard. The results indicate that the upper-secondary students, just as in Sweden, use fewer provincialfeatures than do compulsory school students. Students from bilingual municipalities use more Finlandisms than do their cohorts who reside in more Swedish-speaking environments. In generalthese Finlandisms are more closely related to Finnish than to dialects of Swedish, which meansthat the provincialisms of the Finland-Swedish students are in many cases different in nature fromthose of their Swedish counterparts in Sweden. A comparison between Finland-Swedish studentsand Swedish students in Sweden indicates that the students in Finland use more provincialisms, onthe one hand, and, on the other hand, continue to use them at the upper-secondary level as well,which is rare among Swedish students in Sweden. The conclusion is that in a certain sense Finland Swedish can be regarded as an independentstandard language developed out of the interplay with its own dialects and with Finnish. However,regionally varied influence from Sweden, combined with active language-preservation measuresin cooperation with Swedish language planning bodies in Sweden, ensures that Finlandisms, especially in professional expository prose, are normally few in number and can be regarded as negligible, even by Swedish readers in Sweden.

”Vi verkar lite under radarn.” : Museibibliotekets delade roller - en undersökning av tre museibibliotek / “We’re flying somewhat under the radar.” : The Divided Roles of Museum Libraries – a Study of Three Museum Libraries.

Söderström, Jonatan, Jacobson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to present a clearer picture of the divided roles of museum libraries, to see how they balance working with two separate target groups, the public and the museum staff, and to analyze how this affects the work of the librarians. The research on museum libraries has been sparse during the past 20 years, and this essay aims to fill a gap in the research field. Our primary method of data-collection is qualitative, semi structured, interviews with staff at three museum libraries at Upplandsmuseet, Nordiska Museet and Konstbiblioteket. Additional data was collected by analyzing regulatory documents for each library. The collected data is analyzed using concepts from organizational theory, mainly organizational identity as formulated by Alvesson. The results are presented thematically in accordance with the main points brought forward by the interviewees.   Our interviews show that the primary function of the museum library is to support the museum. The libraries also aim to serve the public but are only able to do this to a limited degree. The role of the libraries is not formulated in any regulatory documents but according to the interviewees, this is not a current issue. Regarding organizational identity, the study shows that the libraries are all connected to the overarching identity of the museum. However, while the library at Upplandsmuseet is strongly connected to the museum's identity, the libraries at Nordiska museets and Konstbiblioteketare somewhat detached from the respective organizations. This could result in a weaker identity for the library. Finally, the librarians from all three libraries express a wish to reach an even broader target group outside the museum. Due to a lack of resources however, both in terms of budget and staff, this is deemed impossible at the present. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and information science.

Hållbarhetsrapportering vid nordiska universitet och svenska högskolor

Larsson, Stina, Wester, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Rapportering av hållbarhet blir allt vanligare bland företag och enligt lag måste offentliga företag i Sverige hållbarhetsrapportera. Lagkravet gälller däremot inte universitet och högskolor och det är därför intressant att studera deras frivilliga hållbarhetsrapportering. Den svenska populationen ansågs liten därför studerades även de nordiska grannländerna. Utifrån detta formades syftet, Studiens syfte är att analysera orsaker till svenska universitets rapportering med avseende på hållbarhet. Studien skall även belysa vad och hur svenska universitet hållbarhetsrapporterar och jämföra mot övriga nordiska universitet. Utifrån syftet växte två forskningsfrågor fram, Varför väljer svenska universitet att rapportera hållbarhet eller varför väljer de att inte göra det? Hållbarhetsrapporterar svenska och andra nordiska universitet, i så fall hur och vad rapporterar de om sin hållbarhet?   För att besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en dokumentanalys och en enkätundersökning. Den insamlade empirin kopplades sedan ihop med teorier och tidigare forskning. Studien visar att universiteten och högskolorna rapporterar liknande information inom hållbarhet. Att hållbarhetsrapporteringen inte är utbyggd beror delvis på att det inte finns något krav på att rapportera den. För att utveckla denna studie skulle en noggrannare undersökning bland de nordiska grannländerna kunna göras. Tidigare forskning har konstaterat att hållbarhetsrapportering är under uppbyggnad men behöver utvecklas för att passa universitetens verksamhet. Denna studie har därför tagit fram relevanta indikatorer anpassade för universitetens rapportering av hållbarhet och som kan vara till nytta för uppbyggnaden av den. / As reporting sustainability is becoming increasingly common among corporations and by law Swedish public sector companies has to sustainability report. However this does not apply for universities, which makes it interesting to study their voluntary sustainability reporting. The Swedish population was considered small so the study was expanded to the neighboring Nordic countries. From this the aim was formed, This study aims to analyze the causes of Swedish universities reporting with respect to sustainability. The study will also shed light on what and how Swedish universities sustainability reports and compare with the neighboring Nordic countries. From this two research questions was developed Why do Swedish universities choose to report sustainability or why do they choose not to? Do Swedish and the other Nordic countries report on sustainability, if so how and what do they report on their sustainability? To answer the research questions a document analysis and survey was conducted. Theory and earlier research was then applied to the empirical findings. This study shows that universities sustainability reporting produces similar information. The reason why sustainability reporting isn’t developed is in part due to the fact that there is no requirement to do it. To develop this study further a closer analysis of the neighboring Nordic countries could be conducted. Earlier research has found that sustainability reporting is developing but need to be further developed to suit universities operations. This study has therefore developed relevant indicators adapted for universities sustainability reporting that can be of useful in future development.

Hälsa och skolrelaterade svårigheter hos barn födda för tidigt i yngre skolålder

Berggren, Therese, Jansson, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Förbättring av den perinatala vården har lett till att fler barn födda för tidigt (FT) idag överlever. Tidigare forskning har visat att den prematura populationen utgör en riskgrupp för neurologiska och fysiska nedsättningar samt negativa hälsopåverkan, bland annat genom en ökad risk för skolrelaterade problem och mobbning. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hälsa och behov av stöd hos 6-8 åriga barn (n = 130) födda FT med avseende på fysiska och kognitiva begränsningar, skolrelaterade svårigheter och mobbning. Föräldrarapporterade fysiska begränsningar, skolrelaterade svårigheter och förekomst av mobbning undersöktes genom skattningsformulären Nordiska hälso och familjeformuläret och Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Kognitiv förmåga bedömdes genom Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fourth edition (WISC-IV). Resultatet visade att synskada, trög mage, aptitlöshet och användande av glasögon förekom i större utsträckning hos barn födda mycket för tidigt (MFT) än hos barn födda fullgånget (FG). Resultatet visade även en skillnad i kognitiv förmåga, där barn födda MFT erhöll ett lägre resultat än barn födda FG, bägge grupper låg dock inom normalspannet.  Till skillnad från tidigare forskning visade resultatet inte att barn födda FT skiljde sig åt från barn födda FG avseende skolrelaterade svårigheter eller förekomsten av mobbning. Sammantaget pekar resultaten på att en MFT födsel inte behöver innebära avsevärt större besvär gällande hälsa, skolrelaterade svårigheter eller mobbning hos barn i tidig skolålder, trots en något sänkt generell kognitiv nivå. Möjliga anledningar till detta kan vara få deltagande barn födda extremt för tidigt (EFT) och/eller en effektiv neonatalvård i Sverige. / Recent improvements in perinatal care have led to increased survival of children born premature. Previous research has shown that the premature population constitutes a risk group for neurological and physical impairments and adverse health effects, including an increased risk of school-related difficulties and bullying. The purpose of this study was to investigate the health and support needs of 6-8 year old children (n = 130) born premature, in terms of physical and cognitive impairments, school related difficulties and bullying. Parental reported physical impairments, school related difficulties and the occurrence of bullying were investigated by the Nordic health and family questionnaire and Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). Cognitive ability was assessed by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth Edition (WISC-IV). The results showed that visual impairment, constipation, loss of appetite and the use of glasses were more frequent in children born very premature than in children born full-term. The results also showed a difference in cognitive ability, where children born very premature received lower results than children born full-term, both groups remained at an average level. In contrast to previous studies, the results did not show a difference between children born premature and children born full-term with regards to school related difficulties or the occurrence of bullying. Overall, the results indicate that a very premature birth need not involve considerably more problems concerning health, school-related difficulties or bullying among children in early school age, despite a slightly lower general cognitive level. Possible reasons for this could be few participating children born extremely premature, and/or an effective neonatal care in Sweden. / The relation between sensory-motor, behaviour functioning and brain development in preterm born children

Kartläggning av frekvensreglering i det nordiska synkrona kraftsystemet : Ny strategi för balansregleringar från driftplaner?

Sandberg, Karl-Oskar January 2016 (has links)
The Nordic synchronous power system must continuously be in balance with respect to the electricity produced and consumed to function optimally. The system frequency is a good measure of the actual balance. The Swedish Transmission System Operator, Svenska kraftnät (Svk), is responsible for making sure such a balance is achieved. This study was conducted with the overall aim of investigating how Svk works in practice to balance the Nordic synchronous power system. This includes describing the main aspect of the power system structure, the existing methods regarding automatic and manual frequency control, the main operating systems as well as the tools and methods used by Svk. The study also examines how operational plans and forecasts available through the Nordic Operational Information System (NOIS) can be used to predict at what operational situations the risk of unwanted frequency deviations will be higher than normal. Furthermore, the study also investigates the possibility to conduct frequency regulation in a proactive manner based on these correlations. This was accomplished mainly through a literature review and interviews. The results shows that frequency deviations where the frequency is outside the interval 49.9–50.1 Hz often occur in correlation with the specific time at which the planned system balance quickly changes. Frequency simulations show that proactive regulation, which aims to reduce the planned imbalance, appears to also reduce frequency deviations. Further studies should however be conducted to study such frequency correlations in depth, and to investigate how proactive regulatory practices can be implemented in the most optimal manner.

Litteraturrecensioner i Expressen och BLM 1964-2004 : En studie av genreförändringar i två skilda pressorgan

Skoglund, Astrid January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to describe how reviews of literature in Bonniers litterära magasin and Expressen changed during the period 1964-2004. The investigation is based on 20 reviews of novels and short stories, which are analysed with a method described in Hellspong and Ledin (1997) and inspired by Halliday. The theoretical frame of the investigation is founded on critical discourse analysis (Fairclough 1992 & 2001) and Habermas´social theory of the public sphere.</p><p>The investigation shows, among other things, that the reviews became shorter and easier to read in both paper during the period. The investigation also shows that the genre´s style, composition and contents are relatively stable, and that current ideologies in society have a tendency to be reflected in the reviewers´evaluation of the books. To generalize, the reviews thus developed from a poetic genre in 1964, to become political in the 1970s, academic in the 1980s, feminist in the 1990s and finally an intermedial genre in 2004.</p>

”No, jeg kan ikke forstå dig. Jeg speak kun dansk.”

Hume Eriksson, Eva January 2019 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen presenteras en fältundersökning av danskars praktiska förståelse av svenska samt deras språkstrategier i en spontan interskandinavisk kommunikationssituation. Undersökningen är en reproduktion av en tidigare studie av Börestam (1984) där isländska ungdomars praktiska förståelse av danska, norska och svenska samt deras språkstrategier i spontana samtal med skandinaver stod i fokus. Frågan ”Ursäkta, men skulle du kunna säga var stationen ligger?” ställdes till 60 personer i Köpenhamn i slutet av mars 2019. Syftet var att samla svar från både unga och äldre informanter för att kunna dra slutsatser om eventuella generationsskillnader och om eventuell förändring i skenbar tid. Resultaten visade att den yngre gruppen lyckades något bättre med kommunikationen överlag än den äldre tack vare dess kunskaper i engelska. Deras förståelse av svenska var dock avsevärt sämre än den äldre gruppens, och ungdomarna föredrog att svara på engelska medan de äldre informanterna i första hand svarade på skandinaviska.

Konstruktionen av ”Det svenska” : Nationalism och Nordiska museet / The Construction of ”Swedishness” : Nationalism and Nordiska Museet

Svensson, Karin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Samiska ceremonitrummors inre och yttre värld : En studie av två goavdát och deras museala representation

Nordvall, Maria January 2017 (has links)
This essay examines the represention of sami drums (goavdát) at museums in Sweden. I performed a case study of two exhibitions at different museums, focusing especially on one drum in each. The museums consisted of Nordiska museet in Stockholm and Ájtte – Swedish mountain and sami museum in Jokkmokk. The purpose was to examine them from a viewpoint based on the perception of a both historical and ongoing situation of colonialism of the sami people. The motivation to study museums derives from the idea that museum possesses an ability to create value. In combination with the exhibition I also studied the original function of the drums and interpreted the images on them. The investigation showed diffrent problematic issues in the exhibitions: Ájtte has a deficiency of space which complicates a dialog between the drum and the visitor. Nordiska museet creates a conception of the drums as reduced to a central object in a colonial process without any concerns of the native use. This results in an urge to either establish new exhibitions or updated the ones that already exist since the museums are part of creating a picture of sami identity for the public and therefore - creates value. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker den museala representationen och gestaltningen av samiska ceremonitrummor (goavdát) i Sverige. Metoden har varit fallstudier av två utställningar med särskilt fokus på en goavddis i varje. Undersökningsobjekten bestod av utställningen Sápmi: om att vara same i Sverige (2007-pågående) på Nordiska museet i Stockholm samt Trumtid – i livets famn(2002-pågående) på Ájtte svenskt fjäll- och samemuseum i Jokkmokk. Arbetet har utgått från två ståndpunkter: en historisk kolonialism av Sápmi likväl som fortgående koloniala praktiker, samt att museet som sådant har en förmåga att skapa värde. I kombination med analyser av utställningarna har jag tolkat bilderna på trumskinnen. För att undvika att placera dem inom strikt koloniala kontexter har tolkningarna utgått från förkristna samiska världsuppfattningar. Studien upptäckte olika problem hos utställningarna; Nordiska museet skapar en bild av goavdát som reducerad till centrala objekt i koloniala processer, utan hänsyn till ursprunglig användning eller perspektiv. Ájtte fysiska placering av trummorna och dess dova belysning försvårar en dialog mellan besökare och föremål. Det resulterar i en uppmaning till museerna att se över utställningar då museerna är centrala producenter av bilden om samisk identitet för allmänheter och därför – skapar värde.

Antisemitism i Sverige : Hur kommer antisemitismen till uttryck inom alternativhögern i nutida Sverige?

Wallin, Axel January 2018 (has links)
Antisemitism is a word connected with the rise of the Third Reich during the 30s and 40s in Europe. But it is still very relevant today with alt-right movements growing and becoming stronger. This essay aims to show how the growing alt-right movements in Sweden expresses their antisemitic ideologies. Studies has shown that antisemitism has become stronger and more spread across Europe and Sweden. This essay will explain different scenarios from the past two years, which are connected to antisemitism in Sweden. These scenarios will later be analysed through different methods. Examples from alt-right websites and twitter accounts will also be presented to contribute to a thorough analysis. Later a parallel will be drawn between the scenarios and the ideologies of the Third Reich.

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