Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forska"" "subject:"norska""
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Norwegian Bare SingularsBorthen, Kaja January 2003 (has links)
The main question to be answered in this thesis is under what conditions bare singulars are acceptable in Norwegian. Although every native speaker of Norwegian masters the art of determining (unconsciously) when bare singulars can occur, it has turned out to be an amazingly complicated task to explicitly state the sufficient and necessary conditions for appropriate use of these phrases in Norwegian. This thesis is an attempt to reach that goal.
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Sverige-Norge unionen : Hur ämnet förmedlas i svenska respektive norska läroböcker i grundskolanEriksson, Erica January 2007 (has links)
<p>It is the curriculum and the syllabus for history that decides what the classbooks will include. The intention with this paper was to found out what Swedish and Norwegian classbooks writes about the union between Norway and Sweden in 1814-1905. The result has been compiled from a study with teaching materials. Two Norwegian and two Swedish books which was written for the elementary school was used in the study. The text in these books has been analysed from a number of questions. The results are showing that the Norwegian books are telling more about the union between Norway and Sweden than what the Swedish books are. The union era take up a lot of space in the Norwegian books, but the Swedish books are not giving the union era so much space. There is no confusion that the union between these two countries means different things for the countries. At the end of the union bacame Norway a sovereignty and the clearance of the constitution still celebrates every year in may 17. The pupils doesn´t receive enough knowledge to put it in a cohesion from the Swedish classbooks.</p>
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Sverige-Norge unionen : Hur ämnet förmedlas i svenska respektive norska läroböcker i grundskolanEriksson, Erica January 2007 (has links)
It is the curriculum and the syllabus for history that decides what the classbooks will include. The intention with this paper was to found out what Swedish and Norwegian classbooks writes about the union between Norway and Sweden in 1814-1905. The result has been compiled from a study with teaching materials. Two Norwegian and two Swedish books which was written for the elementary school was used in the study. The text in these books has been analysed from a number of questions. The results are showing that the Norwegian books are telling more about the union between Norway and Sweden than what the Swedish books are. The union era take up a lot of space in the Norwegian books, but the Swedish books are not giving the union era so much space. There is no confusion that the union between these two countries means different things for the countries. At the end of the union bacame Norway a sovereignty and the clearance of the constitution still celebrates every year in may 17. The pupils doesn´t receive enough knowledge to put it in a cohesion from the Swedish classbooks.
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I ljuset av Skam : Om den norska tv-serien Skams påverkan på svenska elevers norska språkförståelse och språkattityderStrömgren, Elias January 2017 (has links)
År 2016 vann den norska Tv-serien Skam Foreningen Nordens språkpris på grund av sin förmåga “[...] til å engasjere et ungt nordisk publikum, styrke forståelsen av skandinaviske språkvariasjoner og bygge opp positive holdninger til nabospråkene i Norden”. Men i vilken grad stämmer då detta? Denna uppsats har genom en enkätstudie i tre högstadieklasser i Uppsala undersökt niondeklassares norska ord- och läsförståelse, norska språkbruk och vilka attityder de har till Norge och norskan. Svaren har satts i förhållande till deras uppgivna konsumtion av tv-serien Skam. Resultaten bekräftar Foreningen Nordens påstående om Skams effekter. De som sett Skam har som grupp bättre norsk ord- och läsförståelse, använder till viss del norska ungdomsslang och har mer positiva attityder till Norge och norskan. Undersökningen har även visat att de informanter som inte talar svenska hemma eller som både talar svenska och ett annat språk hemma överlag har sämre norsk läsförståelse än de informanter som bara talar svenska hemma. Denna skillnad i språkförståelsen finns dock inte bland de informanter som sett Skam oavsett deras språkliga bakgrund. Uppsatsen har även ett didaktiskt perspektiv då den undersöker hur Skam kan användas i skolans norskundervisning i svenskämnet.
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Grannspråksundervisning i den svenska och norska skolan : Några faktorer som påverkar elevernas grannspråkskompetens / Neighbouring language teaching in Swedish and Norwegian schools : Some factors which affect the pupils´neighbouring language skillsLena, Adolfsson January 2017 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks, dock med stort bortfall, om det föreligger skillnader i grannspråksundervisningen mellan norska och svenska skolor, som förklarar det faktum att norska elever uppvisar större grannspråkskompetens än svenska elever. Utifrån analys av svar från svenska och norska pedagoger framkom några faktorer som kan bidra till att förklara skillnaden. Majoriteten av de svenska lärarna ansåg att ämnet var svårt eller delvis svårt att undervisa i, både på grund av bristande kompetens och på grund av brist på läromedel. Dessutom ansåg många lärare att ämnet var mindre viktigt. Även paradoxer som ett större ointresse för grannspråk hos norska elever framkom. Det framstod en stor diskrepans mellan politiska ambitioner och den verklighet som dessa ska förverkligas i, och här efterlyser undersökningen tydligare direktiv kring hur de politiska intentionerna ska realiseras.
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Mellan två kulturer : Fem forskare i arkeologi om inställning till vetenskaplig tidskriftspublicering / Between two cultures : Five researchers in archaeology on attitudes to scientific journal publishingGood, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
The main aim in this thesis is to analyse the attitudes of fivearchaeologists at the Department of History, University ofGothenburg, on the subject of scholarly publishing injournals. The investigation has been led by a set of questionsconcerning the motives and conditions for submitting articlesto scholarly journals.The primary way of collecting emprical data is based onsemistructured qualitative interviews. To get a broaderpicture, the publishing patterns of the archaeologists at theDepartment of History were mapped using the databaseGöteborgs universitets publikationer (GUP). A documentstudy was also conducted.The analysis uses Björk & Holmström’s The net value ofsubmission model to highlight which factors are assumed toinfluence an author when submitting to a scientific journal.This model is reduced and developed to six aspects whichmore or less effect the decision making of the author whenpublishing an article in a scientific journal. These six aspectsare: culture, strategy, medium/form, readership, prestige andperformance.The results of the investigation show that a set of factorsinfluence the publishing decision. As a disciplinetraditionally rooted in the humanities, the archaeologists atthe Department of History have established a scientific wayof publishing. Motives and attitudes to journal publishingshow that all aspects, in varying degrees, are important indeciding where to submit an article. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Vybrané finanční nástroje EU a EHPDudková, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
Práce shrnuje poznatky ve vývojové posloupnosti o ekonomických vztazích mezi zeměmi ES a ESVO a analyzuje tři současné finanční nástroje zemí ESVO - Finanční mechanismus EHP a Norska na období 2004-2009 a Švýcarský příspěvek (2007-2012). Cílem DP je komparace těchto tří nástrojů a zhodnocení stavu jejich implementace v České republice včetně navržení doporučení.
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Unionsdebatten 1905 : En jämförelse mellan argumenteringen i Sverige och Norge / The Dissolution of the Union in 1905 : A Comparison between Swedish and Norwegian ArgumentsVedung, Evert January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis contains (1) a discussion of theory and methods in the contemporary analysis of political ideas (chap II), (2) a framework for the study of decision-making in the field of foreign policy, and (3) an application of the framework to the discussions about the dissolution of the Union between Sweden and Norway in 1905. The subject-matter has been treated in the form of a comparative study of Swedish and Norwegian discussions, as they can be followed in newpaper articles, pamphlets, and records of parliamentary sessions and party meetings. I have also drawn upon a considerable amount of private materials (diaries, minutes and memoranda).</p>
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Unionsdebatten 1905 : En argumentationsanalys / The union controversy in 1905 : An argument analysisVedung, Evert January 2007 (has links)
<p>Copied from the mimeographed version, issued by the Statsvetenskapliga institutionen in 1994, ISBN 91-506-1030-9, which in its turn was copied from the 1966 original in the Skytteanum archive.</p><p>The investigation analyses the Swedish public debate in newspapers, booklets and pamphlets on Norways secession from the union with Sweden in 1905. In the first part covering the period from February till June 7, Norway´s strategy is at the centre of attention. After the Norwegian break-out on June 7, Swedish reactions to the secession are clarified. Above all, the right-wing nationalistic agitation is analysed. While targeted at the Norwegian secessionists, it was also directed at the allegedly unpatriotic Swedish left-radicalism as well; the argumentation of the latter was debunked as repulsive courting of and loathesome ovations for the Norwegian revolutionaries.</p><p>One line of argument in the dissertation is that Swedish right-wing parties and parliamentarians were motivated by an internal domestic agenda. They were using the union issue to agitate a Swedish nationalistic opinion wave against Norway in order to beat the left in the upcoming elections in order to stop a development towards universal suffrage and progressive income tax.</p>
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Unionsdebatten 1905 : En jämförelse mellan argumenteringen i Sverige och Norge / The Dissolution of the Union in 1905 : A Comparison between Swedish and Norwegian ArgumentsVedung, Evert January 2007 (has links)
This thesis contains (1) a discussion of theory and methods in the contemporary analysis of political ideas (chap II), (2) a framework for the study of decision-making in the field of foreign policy, and (3) an application of the framework to the discussions about the dissolution of the Union between Sweden and Norway in 1905. The subject-matter has been treated in the form of a comparative study of Swedish and Norwegian discussions, as they can be followed in newpaper articles, pamphlets, and records of parliamentary sessions and party meetings. I have also drawn upon a considerable amount of private materials (diaries, minutes and memoranda).
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