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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grafiska element i förklaringsvideor - En kommunikationsteoretisk analys av SVT Nyheter Förklarar

Braekhus, Sissel January 2018 (has links)
Genom en kommunikationsteoretisk analys diskuteras grafiska element i förklaringsvideor publicerade av Sveriges Television. Vi har i dagens samhälle ett allt kortare koncentrationsspann då information har blivit mer lättillgängligt genom teknisk utveckling. Det ligger därför i designutvecklingens intresse att undersöka hur format som förklaringsvideor kan användas för att presentera ett ämne utan att tappa mottagarens intresse. Resultatet av analysen visar att alla Sveriges Televisions förklaringsvideor hjälper mottagaren att förstå innehållet med hjälp av gester, pilar, färg- och storlekskrontrast samt skriftliga nyckelord. Däremot finns det en problematik kring statistisk presentation som bryter mot matematiska konventioner. Det blir tydligt att de grafiska element som används i dessa videor är beroende av den verbala informationen för att skapa mening.Rollen för Sveriges Television och public service i ett digitalt medielandskap problematiseras i en avslutande diskussion.

Sensationella nyheter : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om sensation i huvudnyheterna på svensk dags- och kvällspress förstasidor / Sensational news : A quantitative content analysis about the sensationalism in the main stories on the front pages of a Swedish newspaper and tabloid press

Sandvik, Sofia, Sporrong, Bianca January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor study is to examine the extent of sensationalism on the front pages of the newspaper and tabloid press in Sweden. The study also examines the variety of news categories and how the news values have evolved over the last ten years. By using a quantitative content analysis one could examine and compare 531 main stories on the front pages of Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet – the biggest newspaper and tabloid press in Sweden. The study examines what news topics, main agents and type of sensationalism that was present in the main stories. The results show that a majority of the main stories in both papers included some kind of sensationalism, but that the extent of sensationalism has decreased during the ten year period examined. The main difference between the papers is that main stories from Aftonbladet were more often based on cheap editorial content and contained a higher extent of sensationalism compared to Dagens Nyheter. Politics was the most common news topic in Dagens Nyheter during all three years. Law and crime was the most common news topic in Aftonbladet during 2009 and 2014, while health and lifestyle was the most common news topic during 2019. The differences between Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet may have to do with the viral journalism-phenomenon that became huge in 2014. While Aftonbladet started to publish more simple, sensational and cheap editorial main stories, Dagens Nyheter focused on so called long-reads – profound stories on subjects that matters.

"Det är svårt att arbeta som journalist om man har en utländsk bakgrund" : En kvalitativ studie om representationen av etnisk mångfald bland journalister inom lokaljournalistiken / “It is difficult to work as a journalist if you have a foreign background” : A qualitative study of the representation of ethnic diversity among journalists in local journalism

Johansson, Jesper, Klint, Elliot January 2022 (has links)
Swedish journalists often get criticized for not depicting our society's cultural- and ethnic diversity in the media. Journalists in Sweden often get described as being a homogenous group, consisting of ethnically Swedish people that live in the same area and belong to the same social class. The aim of this study is to explore the ethnic diversity in local news organizations in Sweden. How journalists with a foreign background experience their work role, and how local news organizations discuss ethic diversity and their responsibilities in broadening it. A qualitative research method was adopted for this study. We conducted six in-depth interviews with journalists who identified themselves as having a foreign background. We also used structured interviews in order to capture the perspective of the local news organizations. The structured interviews was answered by 17 managing editors, editorsin- chief, and others with staff liability at their respective editorial office. To be able to analyze the collected material from the interviews, we used a thematic text analysis to find themes and patterns in the answers. The result of the study suggest that local news organizations in Sweden have a very limited etnic- representation among their staff. Several of the journalists that we interviewed were conscious of the lack of ethic diversity. They unanimously agreed that ethnic diversity in the newsroom was needed to understand and reflect their audience properly, many of them also described an imposed work role from the organization, a role where they were expected to cover certain geographical areas and topics because of their background. The local news organizations that answered our structured interview all said that ethinic diversity was highly sought-after. Most recruiters described a will to hire more journalists with a foreign background, but that it wasn't possible because of the lack of competent applicants and economic issues within the organization. Most organizations have created policies and guidelines in an attempt to broaden the ethnic diversity. The results of our study suggest that very few of these attempts have led to any meaningful increase in ethnic diversity for local news organizations in Sweden.

Pandemrix- en brytpunkt? : En komparativ studie om nyhetsmedias gestaltning av vaccin under två pandemier

Kelly, Joel, Larsson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
The differential framing of societal concerns within news articles influences the decision makingof the readers which in turn has consequences on a social scale. In light of this it should bedeemed important to analyse how vaccines are portrayed in news articles and that is the purposeof this study. A qualitative content analysis was carried through by comparing how vaccineswere portrayed in news articles in two Swedish news outlets during two largely similar events,namely the swine flu pandemic and the covid-19 pandemic. This was concretized into fourresearch questions which were: ● How does DN and Aftonbladet frame the vaccine against H1N1 before and inconjunction to the launch of Pandemrix? ● How does DN and Aftonbladet frame vaccines against Covid- 19 before and inconjunction to the launch of the vaccines against Covid-19? ● What differences are there between the two vaccination campaigns? ● Are there references to Pandemrix and its vaccination campaign in the reportingof the Covid- 19 vaccines? To answer these questions, framing theory was used to analyse the articles and the termintertextuality was implemented within the theoretical framework to broaden the analytical depthand help explain the use of references during the covid-19 reporting. The used method entails anabductive approach where coding and thematization was based not only on framing theory butalso on empiricism, i.e. open ended. The results showed there are major differences in terms of what was the focal point during thetwo campaigns. During the swine flu most of the articles dealt with logistical concerns as well asthe wary of costs in regards to the vaccine, whereas during the covid- 19 pandemic most articlesdealt with questions relating to possible side effects and the manufacturing process of thevaccines. References to Pandemrix and its consequences was found in 25% of the articlesanalyzed during the covid-19 reporting. Both campaigns however, stressed the importance oftaking the vaccine.

Dagens Nyheters och Aftonbladets skildring av våld mot kvinnor före och efter #metoo : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys

Lindqvist, Joakim, Mörth, Denice January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att analysera artiklar från Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet som rör våld mot kvinnor. Mer specifikt att titta på om rapporteringen och gestaltningen har förändrats över tid, före och efter metoo. Samt om vi kan hitta några skillnader eller likheter mellan tidningarna och dess nyhetsartiklar och opinionsartiklar. Undersökningen består av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett slumpmässigt urval av artiklar från tidsperioderna 2015 och 2020/2021 har gjorts.   Studien prövas mot tidigare forskning om mediernas rapportering om våld mot kvinnor. De teoretiska ramverk som har använts är dagordningsteorin, gestaltningsteori och teorin om det ideala offret. Resultatet visar att metoo har haft en måttlig påverkan på rapporteringen av våld mot kvinnor. Antalet artiklar som skrivs har ökat efter metoo men själva innehållet är relativt lika som före metoo. Resultatet visar dock att större skillnader finns mellan tidningarna och hur de väljer att rapportera om fenomenet våld mot kvinnor.

En neutral press? : En kvalitativ och komparativ undersökning av två svenskatidningarnas syn på England, Tyskland och Ryssland under första världskriget 1914-1918 / A neutral press? : A qualitative and comparative study of two Swedishnewspapers’ view of England, Germany and Russia during World War One1914-1918

Berntsson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The study examines how the two Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet wrote about England, Germany and Russia during World War One. The study examines the two newspapers’ changed view of the three countries during the course of the war. Furthermore there is a compararition between what the two newspapers wrote. The study is a qualitative and comparative analysis based on material from Dagens Nyheters and Svenska Dagbladets editorial pages. The method that has been used is a qualitative content analysis and a comparative method. Framing theory is used as the study's theoretical ground. The result of the study shows that Dagens Nyheter had a neutral and positive framing of England, a negative and neutral framing of Germany and a mostly negative framing of Germany. Svenska Dagbladet had a mostly negative framing of England, a positive framing of Germany and a negative framing of Russia.

Vaccinkriget : En kritisk diskursanalys om hur den sociala identiteten ”vaccinmotståndare” konstrueras diskursivt i Dagens Nyheter. / The vaccine war : A critical discourse analysis of how antivaccinators are being constructed in Dagens Nyheter.

Karlsson, Emelie, Pohjanen, Tessa January 2022 (has links)
In the last two years of our lives we have been living in a world that revolves around the covid-19-pandemic. During this time we have, and still are, exposed to a large amount of information that circulates both through media but also in real life. This information contains everything from management, scientific research, statistics and people's own experiences about the subject. Everyday we are fed with new pieces of information and the media is the biggest source to collect it from. With an uprising pandemic, there is also a revealed question about vaccines. The question about vaccines and their outcome has been on the table for generations and is still something that the world has very different opinions about. This subject has left whole countries, communities and individuals divided due to their opinions. Medias discursive representation and construction of people or certain groups during crisis is therefore crucial. Our work will be presented and connected to previous research about crises focused on communication methods and where blame often is being placed in situations like this. It will also touch previous scientific research about how groups and sometimes individuals have been constructed and portrayed in media from a pandemic-aspect. In this case it’s about the anti-vaccination movement as a group and antivaxxers as individuals. We will use a theoretical framework based on discourse, framing and social identity to critically review articles from Dagens Nyheter. This study will expose the relations between media and construction of those who haven't been or don't want to get vaccinated for different kinds of reasons. The study examines which discursive strategies are being used to communicate and which actors who are represented and why. Furthermore, the analysis of the selected articles investigates if there are any underlying agendas and if there are aware or unaware ideological perspectives. The study indicates that vaccine- hesitancy or vaccine-resistance are being portrayed as one of the main reasons this pandemic is still an ongoing experience. The discourse shows that unvaccinated people are overall being blamed for continued spread of infection and distribution of disinformation and conspiracy theories. By applying a critical discourse analysis method on our work we have been able to provide empirical evidence which shows how people who haven't gotten vaccinated for different kinds of reasons are being overall constructed in negative terms in the discourse. Often with few chances of defending themselves and their opinions.

“De har skjutit i 180 grader och hej vilt efter flyende bilar” : En kvantitativ studie om Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladets rapportering om gängkriminaliteten mellan 2010-2021 / “They have been shooting in 180 degrees and all about after getaway cars" : a quantitative study of the reporting in Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet about gang criminality between 2010-2021

Hagman, Ronan, Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aimed to find out how gang violence had been reported in the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet between 2010-2021 and if there had been any changes during the selected time period. The articles for the thesis were chosen through a probability sample technique called systematic sample. There were around 8000 articles in total that were found while using our searchterms. Then every tenth article was chosen for coding from each year. A total number of 811 articles were collected, 466 from Dagens Nyheter and 345 from Aftonbladet. The thesis found that there was no significant difference between the newspapers in the way of reporting about gang violence during the time period. Both Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet reported a lot about the criminal actions that the gangs had committed and the newspapers had a tendency to report the crimes that were of a violent nature. The reporting of the gang members showed that they often did not mention their age, gender or ethnicity. Both newspapers also used different words in their reporting, both for gang violence and the gang members, which could make it hard to know the difference between acts done by gangs and by other criminals.

Parisavtalet och COP 26 - : om hur klimattoppmötena framställdes i Dagens Nyheter

Laxén, Jenifer, Sophia, Westrin January 2021 (has links)
Klimatkrisen är vår tids största utmaning för planeten jordens överlevnad. Politiker, klimataktivister och civila ställs frågande mot varandra över hur klimatkrisen ska skötas och på bästa sätt för att inte längre vara en kris. Klimatjournalistiken ska på bästa sätt få alla parter hörda korrekt. Denna uppsats avser att kritiskt analysera de klimatjournalistiska diskurserna efter klimatkonferensen i Glagow (COP 26) den 1 november 2021 och efter Parisavtalet som är ett internationellt klimatavtal som undertecknades 2016. I denna studie utförs en kritisk diskursanalys som undersöker och jämför hur Dagens Nyheter rapporterar efter dessa klimatkonferenser och hur klimatfrågan i DN gestaltades under dessa perioder.  Studien visar på att Diskurserna i DN har förändrats mellan då Parisavtalet slöts och dagens COP 26 avtal. Studien visade även på en större utveckling för att nå klimatmålet 1.5°C efter COP 26 jämförelse med Parisavtalet. Det finns motsättningar mellan civila, aktivister, forskare och makthavare. Makthavarnas diskurser är mer positiva angående klimatfrågan jämförelse med civila, aktivister och forskare.  Kopplat till gestaltningsteorin visar studien på att artiklarna blir något svåra för läsarna att tolka när det kommer till den politiska sidan, vad politikerna vill och tänker göra åt ämnet. Detta leder till en slags så kallad osäkerhetsgestaltning.

"Om publiken inte litar på en nyhet förlorar den sitt värde" : En kvantitativ studie om Generation Z och deras nyhetsvanor på sociala medier. / "If the audience doesn´t trust a news story, it loses its purpose" : A quantitative study on Generation Z and their news habits on social media.

Strand, Erika, Reyelts, Janne-Marie January 2023 (has links)
Today, social media is used not only for communication and entertainment, but also as one of the most important platforms for receiving news. A lot of young adults take part in news through social media and in many cases social media is the only source for socially important information. The new role as a news provider, which social media has adopted, is examined from an audience perspective with a focus on habits and opinions. This study examined the digital news habits of Generation Z. The study is based on two research questions: one about how Generation Z take part in news via social media and one about how they are critical of the source. The study had a quantitative approach with additional qualitative elements and implemented a web survey as a method. The web survey combined open questions, multiple-choice questions and one-answer questions, the combination gave us both a broad overview with numbers to measure, but also qualitative and deeper answers that the respondent themself had formulated. There were three theories applied to the study, the theories are electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), Uses and Gratification theory and Social Network theory. These theories provided the basis for the design of the web survey and were implemented in the analysis and discussion of the study result.  The result of the study showed that all respondents receive news via social media daily, but that receiving news is usually not an active choice. News finds the audience without them looking for it, this is mostly due to algorithms and social networks. A lot of the respondents answered that they do not trust news that are published on social media, nevertheless they continue to take part in news via social media. The result also showed that the respondents believe that a lack of source criticism is one of the biggest disadvantages of news on social media.

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