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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Hela Stockholm är vår gård" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolepedagogers uppfattningar av utomhusaktiviteter i förskolan / All of Stockholm is our playground : A qualitative study of preschool pedagogues' perceptions of outdoor activities in preschool

Edlundh, Amanda, Isaksson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka  hur pedagoger  i förskolan  förstår, motiverar  och  beskriver  deras  individuella  syn på  syftet med utomhusaktiviteterna i relation till de  fysiska miljöer som står tillbuds.  Samt ifall vi kan se några tydliga variationer mellan pedagogerna på förskolor med gård tillika utan gård. Undersökningens frågeställningar är följande: Hur beskriver pedagogerna att den fysiska och materiella miljön kan skapa förutsättningar för utomhusaktiviteter? Vad uttrycker pedagogerna som betydelsebärande för hur de arrangerar utomhusaktiviteter?  Hur speglas pedagogernas attityd och förhållningssätt i  deras motivering av val av utomhusaktivitet i relation till  miljön  och  styrdokument?  Metoderna som används i studien är semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Sju informationer intervjuades från fyra olika förskolor, två med förskolegård och två utan förskolegård. Den insamlade empirin analyserades sedan ur en fenomenografisk analysmetod där resultatet delades in i fem beskrivningskategorier. Det teoretiska ramverket utgjordes av en socialkonstruktivistisk utgångspunkt med särskilt fokus på ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Vidare har Foucaults perspektiv på makt använts. Den kvalitativa studiens huvudsakliga resultat är att informanternas individuella syn på syftet med utomhusaktiviteter varierar. Vi har kunnat tyda att informanterna gett uttryck för tre olika syften i relation till de utomhusaktiviteter och de fysiska miljöer som stått tillbuds; ett omsorgssyfte, ett lärandesyfte och ett säkerhetssyfte. Majoriteten av informanterna beskrev också att den pandemiska samtiden påverkat utbildningen och gjort att utomhusaktiviteternas syfte har förbättrats. En tydlig variation mellan informanterna på förskolor med gård och informanterna på förskolor utan gård är att utomhusaktiviteternas framtagning tycks tendera att bli individbundna på förskolegården medan informanterna på förskolor utan gård synliggör en tydligare struktur och att utomhusaktiviteterna upprätthålls kollegialt. Däremot blir barnen på förskolor utan gård i viss mån begränsade i och med att de inte kan välja mellan flera olika aktiviteter som barnen på förskolor med gård kan göra. / The aim of the study is to investigate how preschool pedagogues understand, motivate and describe their individual views of the purpose of outdoor activities in relation to the physical environments available. This study further aims to locate obvious differences between pedagogues at preschools with a playground and preschools without a playground. The following research questions are addressed: How do the pedagogues experience the physical and material environment as a prerequisite for outdoor activities? What do the pedagogues describe as significant to how they arrange outdoor activities? How are the pedagogues’ attitudes and approaches reflected in their motivations of their chosen outdoor activities in relation to the environment and policy documents? Semi-structured interviews and observation were chosen as the methods of data collection. Seven participants were interviewed from four different preschools, two with a playground and two without a playground. The collected data was then analyzed using a phenomenographic method of analysis. The theoretical framework takes social constructivism as its point of departure, with a particular focus on a phenomenological perspective. Additionally, Foucault’s perspective on power were used. The main results of the study are that the informants’ individual views of the purpose of outdoor activities vary. The participants have expressed three different aims in relation to the outdoor activities and the physical environments available: a care aim, a learning aim and a safety aim. A majority of the participants also described that the pandemic has improved the aim of the outdoor activities. A clear difference can be distinguished between participants in that the arrangement of outdoor activities tend to become reliant on certain individuals at the preschools with a playground, while the activities are maintained collegially at the preschools without a playground. Children attending preschools without a playground are limited in that they cannot choose between multiple different activities, which children at preschools with a playground can.

Förskolans utomhusvistelse som undervisningsarena : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares uppfattningar utifrån spontan och planerad undervisning utomhus / Preschool outdoor activities as a teaching arena : A qualitative study on Swedish preschool teachers' perceptions on spontaneous and planned outdoor teaching

Bolin, Elin, Nord, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur förskollärare ser på undervisning i samband med förskolans utomhusvistelse. I takt med att undervisningsbegreppet förstärkts i Läroplanen för förskolan (2018) anses det betydelsefullt att diskutera förskollärares uppfattningar om undervisning i samband med förskolans utomhusvistelse. För att uppnå syftet har studien utgått från tre centrala frågeställningar som berör utomhusvistelsen som undervisningsarena utifrån planerad och spontan undervisning. Genom intervjuer med sex verksamma förskollärare har deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter om undervisning i samband med utomhusvistelsen synliggjorts. Studiens resultat har analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning samt utifrån studiens grundläggande teoretiska perspektiv utvecklingspedagogiken och dess teoretiska begrepp lärandets objekt och lärandets akt. Studiens resultat visar att förskollärarna ser på utomhusvistelsen främst utifrån aspekterna andningspaus och undervisningstillfälle. Aspekten andningspaus lyfts mestadels som något negativt. Dock lyfts genom resultatet även ett positivt perspektiv på andningspausen, vilket påvisar att förskollärarnas syn på andningspausen påverkar både i vilken utsträckning som utomhusvistelsen kan bli ett undervisningstillfälle och om lärandets objekt blir synligt utomhus.  Resultatet pekar på att både planerad och spontan undervisning bedrivs utomhus, även om spontan undervisning är mest framträdande. Studiens slutsats är att undervisning bedrivs i stor utsträckning under förskolans utomhusvistelse och att utomhusvistelsen möjliggör en mångfald av lärande. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to knowledge, on how preschool teachers perceive teaching during the preschool outdoor activities. The teaching concept has been further strengthened in the latest Swedish preschool curriculum (Läroplanen för Förskolan, 2018). This, reinforces the importance of a deeper understanding of preschool teachers’ view on teaching during the preschool outdoor activities. Fulfilling its purpose, the present study departs from three main question areas: 1. related to outdoor activities as an arena for teaching, 2. planned verses, 3. spontaneous perspective. Through a series of interviews with six active preschool teachers, their view on teaching during preschool outdoor activities have been explored. The results of the study have been analyzed in conjunction with previous research, the theoretical perspective of the study, development pedagogics and its theoretical concepts as well as the object of learning and the acts of teaching. The results of this study suggest that preschool teachers perceive outdoor activities mainly as a break and an extra opportunity to teaching. The aspect of having a break is mainly expressed with a negative connotation, although further results also indicates a positive perspective on taking a break. On the notion of teaching during outdoor activities; the result point to that preschool teachers perception of having a break affects to what extent the outdoor activity becomes a teaching opportunity and if the objects of learning shine through in outdoor activities. Although both planned and spontaneous teachings are conducted, spontaneous teaching is more prominent. The conclusion of the study suggests that teaching is to a larger extent taking place during the preschool outdoor activities and that the outdoor activities provides an opportunity for diversity in teaching.

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av friluftsaktiviteter som intervention / Occupational therapists´ experiences of using outdoor activities as intervention

Matsdotter Sjöö, Malin, Persson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter arbetsterapeuter har gällande friluftsaktivitet som intervention för vuxna med psykisk ohälsa samt att identifiera möjligheter och hinder att använda friluftsaktivitet som intervention.Metod: Författarna valde en kvalitativ ansats och utförde studien med semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserade dessa med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Resultatet visar att arbetsterapeuter anser att naturen främjar välmående och att friluftsaktiviteter skapar möjligheter för gemenskap, delaktighet och social interaktion. Möjligheter eller hinder för arbetsterapeuter att använda friluftsaktiviteter som intervention var beroende av ett flertal faktorer varav några var uppdragets omfattning, resurser, samarbeten samt närhet till naturen och tillgång till material. Slutsats: Det framkommer att naturen ökar välmående och att många arbetsterapeuter är positiva till att använda friluftsaktiviteter som intervention. Arbetsterapeuterna ser hinder men också lösningar, dock är det ofta helt beroende på arbetsterapeuten själv att starta ett projekt. En nationell handlingsplan behövs, men även fler studier. Författarna föreslår en studie där klienters välmående mäts före och efter en intervention kopplad till friluftsaktivitet. Studien genomfördes under pandemin covid-19 (2021) och författarna ser en möjlighet att friluftsaktiviteter som intervention skulle underlätta fysisk distansering men ändå uppfylla behoven hos klienter med psykisk ohälsa. / Aim: The purpose of this study was to examine the experience of occupational therapists in using outdoor activity as an intervention in adults with mental illness and identify possibilities for and obstacles against using outdoor activity as an intervention. Method: the authors chose a qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews and analyzed the data using qualitative content analysis.Result: The results show that occupational therapists deem nature as beneficial for wellbeing and that outdoor activity creates opportunities for connection, participation and social interaction. Possibilities and obstacles for the occupational therapist to use outdoor activities as an intervention were dependent on many different factors including the scope of assignment, resources, closeness to nature and access to equipment and materials.Conclusion: It emerges as fact that nature increases wellbeing and that many occupational therapists are positive to try outdoor activity as an intervention. The occupational therapists see both opportunities and obstacles, though it is often dependent on the individual therapist to kickstart a new project. A national action plan is needed, as well as further studies. The authors suggest a study where wellbeing in clients is measured before and after an intervention connected to outdoor activity. This study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021) and the authors see an opportunity for outdoor activities to make physical distancing easier and still meet the needs of clients with mental illness.

“Allt man kan göra inne kan man också göra ute” : -en attitydstudie om vårdnadshavares uppfattningar av utomhuspedagogik i förskolan / “Everything you can do inside you can also do outside” : -an attitude study on guardians' perceptions of outdoor pedagogy in preschool

Olsson, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Då den spontana naturkontakten har minskat för barn idag och att samspelet mellan vårdnadshavare och förskolepersonal kan styra hur mycket tid barnen vistas utomhus på förskolan kan valet av förskola påverka barnens möjligheter till naturkontakt. Målet med studien är att undersöka varför en grupp vårdnadshavare valt uteförskola åt sina barn samt vad deras uppfattningar är om barns utevistelse på förskolorna. Studien baseras på en webbaserad enkät som vårdnadshavare vid fem olika uteförskolor fått besvara. Bearbetningen av enkätsvaren utgick från en deskriptiv analys för att upptäcka variationer i svaren. Respondenterna har valt uteförskola åt sina barn eftersom förskolorna besöker naturen regelbundet, att förskolorna arbetar med hållbar utveckling samt att förskolemiljön inspirerar barnen till rörelselekar. Respondenterna efterfrågar även en variation av aktiviteter och miljöer som barnen deltar i. De vårdnadshavare som väljer uteförskola kan antas ha positiva attityder till naturen samt ett eget friluftsintresse som de vill föra vidare till sina barn. Slutsatsen är att förskolan kan behöva bli bättre med att förmedla hur de arbetar med utomhuspedagogiken samt vilken form av lärande som sker vid utevistelsen till vårdnadshavare som valt att placera sina barn på uteförskolor. / As the spontaneous contact with nature has decreased for children today and the interaction between guardians and preschool staff may govern how much time the children spend outdoors at the preschool, the choice of preschool can affect the children's opportunities for contact with nature. The aim of the study is to investigate why a group of guardians have chosen an outdoor preschool for their children and what their perceptions are about children's outdoor attendance at preschools. The study consist of a web-based questionnaire that guardians at five different outdoor preschools got to answer. The processing of the questionnaire responses was based on a descriptive analysis to detect variations in the responses. The majority of the respondents have chosen an outdoor preschools for their children because the preschools visit nature regularly, preschools work with sustainable development and preschool environment inspires the children to exercise play. The respondents also inquire a variety of activities and environments in which the children participate. The Guardians who choose an outdoor preschool can be assumed to have a positive attitude towards nature and that they might want to pass on their own outdoor interest to their children. The conclusion is that the preschools may need to improve the communication with the guardians who have choosen outdoor preschools for their children, how they work with outdoor pedagogy and what kind of learning that takes place during the outing.

Measuring Connection to Nature and Exploring Connections to Childhood Activities, Environmental Concern, and Behavior

Brensinger, Jed January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Daily life of persons with dementia and their spouses supported by a passive positioning alarm

Olsson, Annakarin January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim was to describe how persons with dementia (PwDs) reflecton being outdoors and to investigate the support provided by a passivepositioning alarm (PPA) in making daily life safer for PwDs and theirspouses. Repeated conversations were held with 11 PwDs living in their own homesregarding their reflections on being outdoors (Study I). Interview study with14 spouses to a person with dementia (PwD) with their reflections on differentkinds of information and communication technology (ICT) devicesthat were used or can be used in the daily care of PwDs (Study II). An ethnographicapproach with participant observations and conversations withfive couples, a PwD and his/her spouse, describing and exploring their useand experiences of using a PPA, over time, in daily life (Study III). An experimentalsingle-case ABAB-design with three cases, a PwD and hisspouse, investigating the effects of using tracking technology on independentoutdoor activities and psychological well-being (Study IV). In summary, the results of the thesis show that being outdoors was describedby the PwDs as a confirmation of their identity, the `Self´. The useof ICT in daily care of PwDs was described by the spouses as shifting betweentheir own needs for safety and security and the perceived need forsafety and security from the perspective of the PwD. The use of a PPA indaily life among PwDs living in their own homes can give a sense of freedom,support and strengthen the feeling of independence for both PwDsand their spouses as well as give a feeling of safety and security for themboth. Use of the PPA may also increase PwDs’ independent outdoor activitiesand decrease spouses’ worries.

Zkušenost s aktivitami v přírodě žáků vybraných středních škol na Mostecku / Students' experience with outdoor activities in selected secondary schools in Most district

Adamec, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Title: Students' experience with outdoor activities in selected secondary schools in Most district. Aim: The aim of my master thesis was to survey and discover students' experience with outdoor acitivities and their possible interest in these acitivities at selected high schools in Most district. Method: All needed data were collected by questionnaires. Questionnaires were delivered to selected high schools in the Most district. From the questionnaires we were able to determine if students had experience with outdoor activities and which activities they want to try. Obtained data were statistically processed in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word and interpreted in graphical and word form. Results: We have found that students generally have a high interest in outdoor activities. The activity which students are most interested in is paintball. Students at school recieve experience with outdoor activities especially in courses, especially in traditional activities, such as various types of turistika, skiing and camping. After previous experience students want to repeat cycling, camping and downhill skiing. Without previous experience most students want to try zorbing (aquazorbing), paintball and driving four-wheelers (ATV). A positive finding was the fact that students want to devote their free time...

Outdoorové aktivity pro zdravotně postižené osoby / Outdoor Activities for People with Disabilities

Trčka, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Title: Outdoor Activities for People with Disabilities Aims: The aim of the thesis is to prepare an argumentation for creating a professional centre offering outdoor activities to people with disabilities; to explore current situation within the field of outdoor activities; to assess the interest of workers in the field of education of people with disabilities in services provided by outdoor centres for people with disabilities; to assess the interest of people with disabilities in services provided by outdoor centres for people with disabilities. Methods: The principal method of this work is a quantitative research by means of non-standard questionnaire distributed to people with disabilities and to professional workers and organizations engaged in education of people with disabilities. Results: Based on a survey of publicly accessible information there was compiled an up-to-date list of organizations and centres engaged in providing outdoor activities for people with disabilities in the Czech Republic. My personal inquiry also showed a positive approach of people with disabilities and workers with disabled people towards outdoor activities; a scale of most demanded activities was compiled; and the respondents' awareness was found of organizations aimed at outdoor activities for people with...

Vliv aktivit v přírodě na interpersonální vztahy ve vrstevnické skupině v prostředí ústavní výchovy / Influence of outdoor activities on interpersonal relationships in a peer group from institutional care

Nováková, Petra January 2013 (has links)
Title: Influence of outdoor activities on interpersonal relationships in a peer group in the environment ofinstitutional care. Aim of the thesis: The aim of this work is to find out whether outdoor activities have an effect on relationships in the group of the youth who live in the conditions of institutional care. Research methodology: We have used the Sociometric questionnaire B3-U. In the experimental group there are 11 adolescents from the orphanege in Jablonec nad Nisou. In the control group there are 10 children and adolescents from the orphanege in Semily. Children's age ranged from 8 to 15. Results and conclusions: The results of the research showed that the most excluded person in the group found new relationship in the group. Results regarding the most exluded people in the group were very positive. After our intervention the least favorite person recieved about half less of the negative voices. In the group hierarchy the distance among members of the group grew smaller. Only results of feelings friendship and confidence in the group were after the intervention lower. That is suprising in relation to other results which were positive. Keywords: Outdoor activities, outdoor sports, institutional care, group dynamics, interpersonal relationships.

Sportovní kurzy v přírodě na druhém stupni základních škol v Libereckém kraji / Outdoor Sport Courses for the 2nd Grade of Basic Schools in Liberec Region

Ledvinová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes Outdoor Sports Courses for the 2nd Grade of Basic Schools in Liberec Region. The theoretical part discusses the close topics such as activities and education at elementary schools or summer and winter outdoor sports courses. The goal of the thesis is to obtain information about outdoor sports courses for the 2nd Grade of chosen basic schools in Liberec Region, and to recommend instructions for the optimal course education. Two methods of interrogation were applied: a controlled interview with school principals and questionnaire for students in 9th grade of elementary schools. Based on the above-mentioned interrogation methods, the diversity of sports courses in nature was investigated. In addition, the issue of the course capacity or material issues and staffing at schools were investigated. The research also concentrates on the participation of students in the courses and the reasons of their non-participation as well as students' satisfaction with the selection of available courses. Based on the students' responses, the ranking of the most popular courses was created. The results of the investigation were incorporated into the overall statistics which provide a comprehensive assessment of the course education in chosen basic schools in the Liberec district. Key words:...

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