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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti studia a pracovní příležitosti v oblasti aktivit v přírodě v USA / Study possibilities and job opportunities in outdoor activities in USA

Oulická, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
Title: Study possibilities and job opportunities in outdoor activities in USA Objectives: The object of this thesis is to research and describe study possibilities at American universities and job opportunities in outdoor activities in USA. Methods: This thesis is literature review and analyses printed sources available related to researched topic and internet websites containing current information in researched subject. Also, it was used own experiences of the thesis author. The primary source of information were publications from UK FTVS library, thesis written under the supervision of the experts at outdoor sports department at UK FTVS and thesis from other Czech universities teaching outdoor activities. Further important source was specialized publications, especially articles from Gymnasion magazine, next, articles from EBSCO databases. During the research of USA universities offering outdoor activities courses, educational system, scholarships, job opportunities, transfer and visa options, were used also internet sources for topicality reason and own experience. Results: Outdoor education and activities industry constantly dynamically develops and so creates many job positions for qualified workers for profitable or non-profit organizations. Universities in USA offer more and more...

Cultural differences in nature park management and visitor experiences in a French-Hungarian comparison / Comparaison interculturelle des parcs naturels entre la France et la Hongrie au niveau de leur management et des expériences des visiteurs

Czegledi, Orsolya 17 October 2016 (has links)
Les recherches multiculturelles en management prévalent sur les organisations à but lucratif, tandis que les études interculturelles sur les zones naturelles protégées constituent encore un domaine relativement peu exploité. Cette thèse propose des modèles interculturels adaptés (issus du modèle existant de Hofstede, complétés des concepts appartenant aux domaines du marketing et du management) pour l’analyse de la gestion de parcs et des expériences des visiteurs vécues au sein des parcs naturels européens (protégés). Parmi les différentes méthodes utilisées, les plus pertinentes s’avèrent être la conduite d’entretiens semi-directifs avec des dirigeants de parcs et l’enquête effectuée auprès des visiteurs, tandis que l’analyse de documents et les observations complètent nos résultats. À partir de nos analyses sur la gestion des parcs, les parties prenantes, les activités outdoor et les expériences des visiteurs, nous concluons que les différences culturelles influencent à la fois la gestion du parc et les expériences des visiteurs, mais d’une façon distincte. Bien que les différences culturelles soient constatées entre les visiteurs français et hongrois, leurs modes de consommation montrent des signes de facteurs internationaux/globaux, tandis que le choix des activités physiques et des caractéristiques démographiques s’avèrent également façonner les expériences des visiteurs. Les opérations et les directions de la gestion des parcs ont également confirmé être influencées par les différences culturelles dans une plus large mesure, bien qu’elles soient aussi déterminées par les caractéristiques géographiques des sites naturels. Cependant, les considérations managériales sont aussi liées au comportement du visiteur, au contexte législatif et aux caractéristiques géographiques du site. / Cross-cultural investigations in management prevail over those on for-profit organizations, while intercultural studies on protected natural areas is a relatively untapped field of research. This thesis proposes cross-cultural models (adapted from the existing model of Hofstede, along with marketing and management concepts) for the analysis of the park management and visitor experiences at (protected) European natural parks. Among the various methods used, the most relevant were the semi-directed interviews with actors of the park management and the visitor survey, while document analysis and observations also completed our findings. Using our analysis of the park management, stakeholders, physical activities, and visitor experiences, we concluded, that cultural differences influence both the park management and visitor experiences, though, in different ways. While cultural differences were found between the French and Hungarian visitors, their recreational consumption patterns show signs of international/global considerations, whereas the choice of physical activities and demographic characteristics also proved to shape visitor experiences. In turn, operations and directions of park management were confirmed to be affected by cultural differences to a larger extent, while these were also influenced by the geographical characteristics of the natural sites. However, managerial considerations were found to be interrelated with the visitors’ behavior, the legislative background and the geographical features of the area.

Faktorer som kan påverka friluftsundervisningen : - en kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares uppfattningar om friluftsliv och friluftsundervisning / Factors that may affect outdoor education : - a qualitative study about PE-teachers  perceptions of outdoor life and education

Andersson, Marie January 2014 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöks idrottslärares friluftsundervisning, på skolor i nordvästra Götalandsregionen. Studiens centrala frågeställningar är att undersöka vilka; attityder och erfarenheter, ramar, samt didaktiska tillvägagångsätt, som råder i friluftsundervisningen, och syftet är att undersöka friluftsundervisningens samband med dessa. I studien framkommer det bland annat att: Lärarna har liknande attityder och erfarenheter till friluftsliv, samt att deras syn verkar ha präglats av erfarenheter i senare åldrar. Lärarna är förhållandevis nöjda med de konstitutionella-, organisatoriska- och fysiska ramar som finns, men uppfattar samtidigt att dessa ramar är faktorer som påverkar friluftsundervisningen i hög grad. Lärarna försöker prioritera ämnesområdet friluftsliv i högre grad än tidigare, men de har lite olika didaktiska tillvägagångssätt. För att ta reda på detta används kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod, där fem olika lärare på fem olika skolor, i nordvästra Götaland, har intervjuats. Studien förankras i tre teoretiska utgångspunkter; habitusteori, ramfaktorsteori och didaktik. / In this qualitative interview study PE-teachers perceptions of outdoor teaching in schools in the North-West region of Götaland, in Sweden, were examined. The following key issues were examined; attitudes and experiences, frameworks, as well as didactic approach, which prevails in outdoor education, and the aim was to investigate outdoor education related to these factors. The study reveals, among other things, that: The teachers have similar attitudes and experiences for outdoor recreation. Their vision seems to have been marked by experiences in later ages. The teachers are relatively satisfied with the constitutional, organizational and physical frameworks of today, but that those frames are factors that affect outdoor teaching. The teachers try to prioritize the field of outdoor activities to a greater extent than in the past, but they have slightly different didactical approaches. In order to investigate these issues, qualitative and semi-structured interviews were used as a method for data collection. Five different teachers at five different schools, in North-West of Götaland, has been interviewed. The study was anchored in three theoretical frameworks; habitus theory, frame factor theory and didactics.

Naturen som arena : En studie i markåtkomstregler för orienteringssporten / Nature as an arena : a study in land access for orienteering

Sjögren, Jesper, Strömgård, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Allemansrätten finns inte definierad i svensk lag, utan är baserad på sedvänja och gamla traditioner som kan dateras ända tillbaka till medeltiden. Allemansrätten är dock omnämnd i lagtexten, i regeringsformen 2 kap. 15 § 4 st. samt i miljöbalken 7 kap. 1 §. Det finns lagar som definierar de allra yttersta gränserna av allemansrätten, såsom brottsbalkens bestämmelser om bland annat åverkan, hemfridsbrott, tagande av olovlig väg och egenmäktigt förfarande. Allemansrätten är dock inte sådan att allt som inte är olagligt är tillåtet, utan allemansrätten kräver att hänsyn visas för att allemansrätten ska kunna åberopas. Även miljöbalkens 2 kap. allmänna hänsynsregler sätter gränser för vad alla som bedriver verksamhet i naturen måste följa. Exakt vad allemansrätten faktiskt tillåter är dock svårtolkat i och med avsaknaden av definition. När det gäller organiserat friluftsliv, vilket orientering klassas som, är allemansrätten än mer komplex. Alla deltagare vid ett arrangemang kan hålla sig inom allemansrättens ramar, men det betyder inte med säkerhet att arrangemanget som sådant kan arrangeras endast med stöd av allemansrätten. Studien avser att undersöka vad som krävs för att ett orienteringsarrangemang ska kunna bedrivas med stöd av allemansrätten, hur arrangörer idag säkrar åtkomst till mark för deras verksamhet samt hur kunskapsnivån angående allemansrätt och gällande lagstiftning ser ut bland arrangörer ser ut idag. En enkät skickades ut till 87 stycken föreningar i sydvästra Sverige för att undersöka hur föreningar säkrade åtkomst till mark i samband med deras verksamhet och arrangemang, vilka lagar, riktlinjer och policys som föreningar använder i samband med deras verksamhet samt om utbildning inom allemansrätten sker i föreningen. Enkäten visade att kunskapsnivån inom vissa avseenden är låg bland föreningarna. Föreningarna är bra på att genomföra samråd före arrangemang, men långt ifrån alla föreningar genomför samråd med markägare, nyttjanderättshavare och jakträttsinnehavare innan nyritning eller revidering av orienteringskartor, samt att endast åtta procent av föreningarna undervisar medlemmar i allemansrätten. Kontakt togs med myndigheter och förbund för att höra hur de ser på organiserat friluftsliv. De som kontaktades var Svenska Orienteringsförbundet, Naturvårdsverket, Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götaland samt Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund, LRF. Resultaten som erhölls från detta visade att det finns lite olika tolkningar på hur allemansrätten ska tillämpas. Svenska Orienteringsförbundet hävdar att allemansrätten är tillämplig vid tävlings- och träningsverksamhet och att inget formellt tillstånd krävs från markägaren, förutom för områdena som krävs för parkering, mål, start etc. Samråd ska dock ske med markägare, nyttjanderättshavare och jakträttsinnehavare före kartritning och arrangemang. LRF säger i princip samma sak, alla arrangemang kräver samråd med markägaren och andra nyttjanderättshavare, men de säger också att denne kan säga nej till ett arrangemang om det riskerar att skada naturen eller störa markägarens intressen. Naturvårdsverket sade att det inte går att generalisera allemansrätten, utan att enskilda bedömningar vid varje tillfälle måste göras. Slutsatsen som kan dras sett ur detta är att allemansrätten är tämligen komplex och att dra konkreta gränser för när allemansrätten gäller och inte gäller i samband med orienteringsverksamhet är svårt. Olika marktyper påverkas i olika grad när människor passerar, och vad som kan vara tillåten påverkan på en viss marktyp kan vara otillåten på en annan. Markägaren får inte eller åsamkas påtaglig skada eller olägenhet för att arrangemanget ska omfattas av allemansrätten, och vad som är påtaglig skada är även det svårdefinierat. / The right of public access is not defined in Swedish law but is based on custom and ancient traditions dating back to the Middle Ages. However, the right of access is mentioned in the legal text, in RF 2 chapter 15 § 4 pcs. as well as in MB 7 chapter 1 §. There are laws that define the utmost limits of the right of public access, such as the rules of brottsbalken such as åverkan, hemfridsbrott, tagande av olovlig väg and egenmäktigt förfarande. However, the right of public access does not define that everything that is not illegal is permitted, and the right of public access requires that respect is shown. Chapter 2 of miljöbalken, Allmänna hänsynsregler m.m. set limits for what all those engaged in activities in nature must follow. In terms of organized outdoor activities, which orienteering is classed as, the right of public access is even more complex. All participants in an event can be within the limits of the right of public access, but it does not mean that the entire event can be held solely based on the right of public access if the damage or disturbance done by all participants is too high. The study intends to investigate what is required for an orienteering event to be conducted based on the right of public access, how organizers today secure access to land for their events and how the level of knowledge regarding the right of public access and current law is today. A survey was sent to 87 associations in southwestern Sweden to investigate how associations secured access to land in connection with their activities and arrangements, which laws, guidelines and policies used by associations in connection with their activities as well as on education in the right of public access are in the association. The survey showed that the level of knowledge in some respects is low among the associations. The associations are good at conducting consultations prior to arrangements, but far from all associations contacted landowners, usufructuaries and owners of hunting rights prior to the making of orienteering maps. Also, only 8% of the associations teach members in right of public access. Contact was taken with authorities and federations to hear how they look at organized outdoor activities. Those who were contacted were the Swedish Orienteering Association, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the County Administrative Board and the Federation of Swedish Farmers. The results obtained from this showed that there are several interpretations on how the right of public access is applied. The Swedish Orienteering Association claims that the right of public access is applicable to all events and that no formal permission is required from the landowner, but consultation with the landowner, any usufructuaries and gamekeeper should always be held. The Federation of Swedish Farmers also says that consultation with the landowner, any usufructuaries and owners of hunting rights always is necessary and that they can deny access if the event has any risk of damaging or disturbing either the nature or the landowner’s interests. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in their assessment said that it is not possible to generalize when the right of public access is applicable, without individual assessments at every individual situation. The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the right to public access is quite complex and to lay down concrete limits for when the right of public access applies and not applicable in connection with orienteering events is difficult. Different land types are affected to a different extent when people pass, and what may be allowed impact in one area may not be allowed on another. Landowners shall not receive or incur material injury or inconvenience for the event to be covered by the right of public access, and what is material injury is also difficult to define.

Outdoorové aktivity v cestovním ruchu ve vybraném regionu - Vyšší Brod, Rožmberk / Outdoor activities in tourism in choice area - Vyšší Brod, Rožmberk

KORIČAROVÁ, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
This graduation theses describe outdoor activities in the area of Rožmberk and Vyšší Brod and their influence upon development of regional tourism. This work values an offer and an level of outdoor activities and of accompanying services in the area. This work shows significance of these activities for development of regional tourism. This work gives notice of offer of services and of visit rate.

Barns möjligheter till fysiska aktiviteter på förskolegårdar : Hur påverkas barnen närverksamheten inte kan bedrivasutanför förskolans område? / Children’s possibility of physical activities in preschool playgrounds : What happens when the teachers are not able to leave the preschool?

Chronberg, Sandra, Winblad, Frida January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see how preschool playgrounds offer children anenvironment that inspires them to movement and physical activity in terms of size,material, and vegetation.Previous research shows that children that have access to a preschool playground that isat least 3000 sqm or 40 sqm per child and that have a variation of vegetation is morelikely to engage in physical activity than children that have a preschool playground that isless than 3000 sqm and that have none or very little vegetation. The research also showsthat preschool playgrounds need to have space for the children to be able to get up tospeed and have materials that are of a movement-inspiring nature and which does notcontribute to sedentary or stationary. We have linked this study to the outdoorpedagogical perspective because it looks at the possibilities of the environment and to thetotality between place material and its interplay.We have gathered information by making observations and by contacting officials in thetargeted areas which we have chosen in Stockholm to collect data about the sizes of allpreschool playgrounds in the area. In order to make the observations we made a checklistof what we needed to observe to get the most accurate results. To know which preschoolsto observe we analyzed the data we collected from the officials in the target areas. Wepicked the preschools with the smallest and the biggest preschool playgrounds in thetarget areas and began our observations.During our observations we could see that our formulated questions are consistent withthe results. The result shows that the larger the preschool playground is, the morepossibility of movement and physical activity it offers to children. We could also see thatthe farther away the preschools were from the city, the bigger they got, and morevegetation was integrated in the environment. We could also see that in comparisonbetween the smaller and the larger preschool playgrounds, the material was moreinspiring to movement and physical activities in the larger ones.

Skogsvistelsens påverkan på egenupplevt psykiskt välbefinnande : En jämförelse mellan socialtjänstarbetare och skogstjänstemän / The effects of forest visits on self-perceived psychological well-being : A comparison between social service workers and forest officials

Söderström, Hedvig, Edstrand, Kristin January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa ökar i Sverige och kostar samhället stora summor varje år i bland annat sjukskrivningar. Arbetsrelaterad stress är en vanlig orsak till psykisk ohälsa och socialtjänstarbetare är en särskilt utsatt grupp. Att vistas i skogen kan dock minska stress och förbättra den psykiska hälsan. Denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan skogsvistelse och psykiskt välbefinnande genom att jämföra två yrkesgrupper, socialtjänstarbetare och skogstjänstemän.Resultaten visade ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan ett högre egenupplevt psykiskt välbefinnande och mer skogsvistelse på fritiden. Det fanns dock ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna socialtjänstarbetare och skogstjänstemän avseende psykiskt välbefinnande, vilket indikerar att skogsvistelse i en arbetssituation inte medför samma återhämtning som skogsvistelse på fritiden gör.Skogen är viktig för den hållbara samhällsplaneringen och skogsvistelse kan vara ett verktyg för bättre folkhälsa. Vidare forskning bör fokusera på vilken typ av skogsvistelse som får bäst effekt samt hur skogen bör skötas för att ge mest samhällsnytta.

The Growth and Development of the Park and Recreation Facilities and Program for the City of Dallas, Texas from 1876 to 1946

Kelsay, Jolly Franklin 08 1900 (has links)
This study was made to show the growth and development of the recreation movement; the acquisition of property, and improvements; costs; facilities; activities; and participation from the beginning of the movement in the City of Dallas, Texas from 1876 to 1946.

Návštěvníci přírodního parku Ladronka a jejich zájem o pohybové aktivity / Visitors of the Nature Park Ladronka and their interest in movement activities

Hejhalová, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
3 ABSTRACT Title of project: Visitors of the Nature Park Ladronka and their interest in movement activities Aim of project: The goal of this Thesis is a socio-demographic analysis of the visitors of the Nature Park Ladronka and their motives for movement activities in this location in different season. Methods of project: All necessary data were collected by means of interviews directly in the Park Ladronka during this three weeks 25. - 31. 10. 2011 from 10:00-17:30, 23. - 29. 5. 2011 from 10:00-20:00 and 8. - 14. 8. 2011 from 10:00-20:00. The results were statistically processed using relative and absolute frequency. Results: The total number of respondents is 1,425. They are mostly - 32 % of visitors aged 20-29 - interested in the on-line skating track. The most common means of transport was for 40% of the visitors their car. The preferred sport for men (47 %) is running 42 % and gym 27 %, and for women (53 %) in-line skating 79 %. 14,5 % of visitors aged 20-29 are from housing estate. The park is visited mostly by students 32 % and people working on their computers 24 %. Key words: Natural fitness gym - sport for everyone - health grounds - outdoor activities - fitness trail - urban green - socio- demographic analysis

Géohistoire du risque d'avalanche dans le Massif vosgien : Réalité spatio-temporelle, cultures et représentations d'un risque méconnu / Geohistory of the Avalanche Risk in the Vosges Range : Spatial and temporal Reality, Cultures and Representations of an ignored Risk

Giacona, Florie 04 September 2014 (has links)
Malgré des accidents réguliers, la moyenne montagne n’occupe qu’une place mineure dans l’étude des avalanches. Cette thèse vise donc, par une approche interdisciplinaire, à analyser la réalité du risque d’avalanche dans le Massif vosgien. Considérant le risque comme un construit social, on se propose d’appréhender les cultures du risque d’avalanche, puis d’étudier sa réalité matérielle (approche diachronique, spatialisation, conditions d’occurrence et d’émergence du risque).Pour déterminer s’il existe reconnaissance et appropriation du risque d’avalanche par les acteurs participant au processus de construction du risque, on a procédé à une analyse de discours des différents acteurs intervenant dans sa gestion et à des enquêtes, l’une inductive par entretiens, l’autre par questionnaire. In fine, d’une manière générale, connaissances et mémoire collective font défaut et, quelle que soit l’échelle, le risque d’avalanche n’est pas identifié en tant que problème. Il est au mieux désigné comme un danger ponctuel et localisé auquel on se sent peu vulnérable. Parallèlement, à travers une démarche géohistorique, on a étudié l’inscription spatiale et temporelle des avalanches sur les deux derniers siècles et cherché à identifier les facteurs naturels et sociaux interagissant dans le système de production du risque. Il apparait que, si la connaissance des avalanches est dépendante des sources, leur dynamique est fortement conditionnée par les activités anthropiques passées et actuelles. Malgré la fréquence des avalanches, ce risque n’apparait pas comme un élément fondamental des cultures montagne dans le Massif vosgien et nécessite un travail d’information et de sensibilisation. / In spite of regular accidents, the medium-high mountain doesn’t seem to play a major role in the study of avalanche. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis is to emphasize the reality of the avalanche risk in the Vosges Mountains by an interdisciplinary approach. Considering risk itself as a social construction, we suggest to study at first the cultures of avalanche risk and then pursue with its material reality (diachronic approach, spatialization, risk occurrence and conditions of emergence). So as to establish if the different protagonists involved in the process of risk construction recognize and appropriate the avalanche risk, we have analyzed the statements of the persons in charge of those events and conducted two different surveys (inductive interviews and a questionnaire). In the end, there is a lack of knowledge and collective memory, and the risk of avalanche seems not to be considered and identified as a real problem. At the very best, it is pointed out as an occasional and localized danger, to which people do not really feel vulnerable.At the same time, through a geo-historical approach, we studied the spatial and temporal distribution of avalanches over the last two centuries and tried to identify the natural and social factors interacting in the risk production system. It appears that, if knowledge concerning avalanches is based on historical sources, their dynamic is strongly conditioned by past and current human activities. Despite the frequency of avalanches, this risk does not appear as a fundamental element of the mountain cultures in the Vosges range and requires measures to draw the attention of people and inform them about it.

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