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Efeitos de um programa de treinamento físico na capacidade física, broncoespasmo induzido pelo exercício e qualidade de vida de crianças com asma persistente moderada e grave / Effects of a physical training program on physical capacity, exercise-induced bronchoconstriction and quality of life of children with moderate and severe persistent asthmaAdriana Fanelli Galvani 30 August 2004 (has links)
A maioria das crianças asmáticas apresenta dispnéia ao realizar exercícios, fazendo com que elas evitem a prática esportiva e apresentem uma redução no condicionamento físico. Isto, por sua vez, restringe a sua independência física e emocional, podendo, assim, deteriorar a sua qualidade de vida. Em vista disto, o presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar: a capacidade física, a broncoconstrição induzida pelo exercício, a qualidade de vida e a ingesta de medicamentos. Foram estudadas 38 crianças, de ambos os sexos, divididas em dois grupos: um composto de crianças com asma moderada/grave corticóide dependentes, submetidas a um programa de educação (grupo controle), e o outro constituído de crianças, de mesmas características, submetidas a um programa de educação e a um outro de treinamento físico (grupo treinado). O programa educacional para crianças e pais ou responsáveis teve duração total de quatro horas, distribuídas em duas sessões de duas horas cada. Antes do período educacional, elas foram clinicadas e medicadas por um pneumologista que adequou o tratamento medicamentoso até estabilizar o quadro clínico dos pacientes. Foram avaliados: a performance aeróbica avaliada pelo teste ergoespirométrico, o \"endurance\" muscular nos membros superiores e inferiores, o Broncoespasmo Induzido pelo Exercício (BIE), a qualidade de vida, a ingesta de medicação e prova de função pulmonar, além do desconforto respiratório. O treinamento físico teve a duração 16 semanas consecutivas, duas vezes por semana e 90 minutos por dia. O treinamento será dividido em quatro etapas de 15, 30, 30, 15 minutos cada respectivamente, sendo que, na primeira, os pacientes serão submetidos a exercícios de alongamento e mobilização articular, na segunda, serão realizados exercícios aeróbicos em bicicleta e esteira ergométrica e, na terceira, realizarão exercícios de \"endurance\" muscular, visando trabalhar grandes grupamentos musculares para membros superiores e abdomem, e na última exercícios de alongamento globais. As crianças foram avaliadas em dois momentos distintos: um anterior ao programa de educação e outro após o período de treinamento, sendo que as crianças do grupos controle foram avaliados nos mesmos intervalos de tempo. Os resultados mostraram que os parâmetros iniciais de ambos os grupos foram similares. Houve um incremento da capacidade aeróbica do grupo treinado de 3,25mLO2/kg/min e carga máxima de 17 watts. Da mesma forma, na avaliação do \"endurance\" dos membros superiores e inferiores, foi verificado um aumento de 0,25 Kg para o primeiro e 14 watts para o segundo. As crianças do grupo treinado apresentaram melhora na BIE tanto na obstrução (11,6%) quanto na dispnéia (-2,22). Esse grupo ainda apresentou uma redução do escore de gravidade de vida (-64%) superior àqueles obtidos no grupo controle. Das crianças treinadas, 52% tiveram uma redução na medicação contra 30% do grupo controle, redução esta sem relevância estatística. Nossos resultados sugerem que o treinamento físico deve ser considerado como modalidade terapêutica para o tratamento das crianças asmáticas com graus moderado e grave / Most of the asthmatic kids present dyspnoea while working out, what make them avoid the sports training and stop having physical conditioning. On its side, this reduces their physical and emotional independence, hence ruining their life quality. Thus, the present trial purpose is to evaluate the physical capacity, the bronchus-constrictor induced by exercises, the life quality and the drugs ingestion. Thirty eight children were studied, both sexes, divided into two groups: one made of kids having moderate/severe asthma, being corticoid dependents, submitted to an educative program (control-group), and the other made of kids presenting the same conditions, submitted to an educative program and to a physical training (trained group). The educational program for kids, parents or their representatives, had total four-hour duration, divided into 2 two-hour sessions each. Prior the educational period a pneumologist treated and medicated them and who adapted a medical treatment up to the stabilization of the patients\' clinical condition. The aerobic performance was evaluated by an ergoespirometric test, by the upper and lower member muscle endurance, the bronchusspasm induced by exercise (BIE), the life quality, the drugs ingestion and the pulmonary function trial, besides the respiratory discomfort. The physical training had 16 weeks consecutive duration, twice a week and 90 minutes per day. The training will be divided into four stages of 15, 30, 30, 15 minutes each, respectively. During the first stage patients will be submitted to expansion exercises and articulation mobilization; during the second stage, aerobic exercises will be performed in ergometric bicycle and treadmill; during the third stage muscle endurance exercises will be performed, in order to work big muscle groups for the upper members and abdomen, and during the last stage global expansion exercises will be performed. Kids will be evaluated in two different moments: one prior to the educational program and the other after the training period; the control groups will be evaluated in the same lapse of time. Results showed that the initial parameters of both groups were similar. The aerobic capacity of the trained group developed from 3.25mLO2/kg/min, and maximum load of 17 watts. In the same way, in the member endurance, a 0.25kg increase was verified for the upper members and of 14 watts for the lowers. Kids from the trained group presented an improvement in the BIE both in obstruction (11,6%) and in dyspnoea (-2,22). Still, this group presented a life gravidity score reduction (-64) higher than those got from the control group. Among the trained kids, 52% had a medication reduction, against 30% from the control group; this reduction has no statistic relevance. Hence, the conclusion is that the physical conditioning training incised in the physical improvement, in the BIE reduction, in the life quality without any expressive medicine reduction in the medication for kids having persistent moderate - severe asthma
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Avaliação do estado nutricional de indivíduos obesos submetidos a um programa de treinamento físico e educação nutricional / Evaluation of the nutritional status of obese individuals submitted to a program of physical training and nutritional educationCamila Maria de Melo 03 November 2008 (has links)
Devido ao constante aumento na prevalência de obesidade e doenças relacionadas é sugerido que indivíduos obesos sejam submetidos a programas educativos para redução da massa corporal. Objetivos: avaliar os efeitos de um programa de Educação em Saúde (Educação nutricional e Educação física) voltado a um grupo de mulheres obesas. Métodos: 50 mulheres obesas foram submetidas a um programa de quatro meses envolvendo educação nutricional (1 vez/semana) e exercício físico (aeróbio e contra-resistência - 3 vezes/semana). Foram avaliadas variáveis antropométricas, metabólicas e alimentares: peso, estatura, circunferência da cintura e do quadril, composição corporal por raios X de dupla energia (DEXA), teste ergoespirométrico e gasto energético de repouso (VO2000-Imbrasport®), hemograma, leucograma, perfil lipídico, glicemia, leptina, IGF-1 (Fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina-1, TSH (Hormônio estimulante da tireóide), albumina e pré albumina, 3 diários alimentares e de atividade física. Para análise dos resultados, as participantes foram distribuídas em G1 (IMC inicial < IMC final) e G2 (IMC inicial ≥ IMC final). Resultados: No G1 houve redução de: massa corporal, IMC, CC, CQ, RCQ, gordura corporal (kg), massa corporal magra (kg) e glicemia. No G2 não foram encontradas alterações significativas nestas variáveis. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no GER e ambos os grupos apresentaram aumento do VO2 pico, redução da leptina plasmática e da albumina sérica. Conclusões: O programa de perda de peso realizado neste estudo foi eficiente para resultar em redução da massa corporal em 50% das participantes, apresentando também melhoras em fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Independentemente da redução da massa corporal e na massa corporal magra, programas de exercício físico sem o controle individualizado da ingestão alimentar, principalmente de proteínas, pode resultar em prejuízos para o estado nutricional de mulheres obesas. / Because of the high prevalence of obesity and its associated comorbities all over the world, it is suggested to submmit obese people to edicational weight reduction programs. Objectives: to evaluate the effects of an educational program (nutrition and physical education) in obese women. Methods: 50 obese women were submitted to a four months program of nutritional education (once a week) and exercise training (aerobic and resistance -3 times/week). They were evaluated variables related to anthropometry, metabolic and eating behavior: weight, height, waist and hip circumferences, body composition by dual X-ray energy (DEXA), aerobic power and resting energy expenditure (VO2000-lmbrasport®); hemogram, leucogram, lipid profile, glucose level, leptin, IGF-1 (Insulin like growth factor-1), TSH (Tireoid stimulating hormone), albumin and pré-albumin, 3 days of food and physical activity records. The participants were distributed into the follow groups for the analysis: G1 (initial BMI < final BMI) and G2 (initial BMI ≥ final BMI). Results: In G1 they were reduced: body mass, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, hip circumference, waist/hip relation, fat mass (kg), lean body mass (kg) and glucose. No statistical differences were found in these parameters in G2. No statistical differences were found in resting energy expenditure in both groups and there was an increase in VO2peak, decrease in leptin and albumin concentration in both groups. Conclusions: The weight reduction program realized in this study was efficient to result weight loss in 50% of the participants, with improvements in cardiovascular risk factors. Independent of reductions on body mass and lean body mass, exercise training programs without individualized control of protein intake, especially of proteins, can jeopardize nutritional status of obese women.
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Effekten av fysisk träning på e-sportprestationJohnsson, Oliver January 2017 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical exercise on different skills that affect e-sports performance for e-sportsmen at amateur level in the game Overwatch. This is to gain knowledge about how e-sports training could be developed and streamlined. Methods The study is of the explorative research type since it deals with a topic that haven’t previously been broadly investigated. The method used was a quantitative exploratory method. The design was an intervention study. Results The study has not been able to demonstrate that skills affecting e-sports performance have changed through physical training. However, it is possible to read that the study participants who received the training intervention are more susceptible to and aware of changes in these skills compared to the study participants in the control group. Conclusions The purpose of the study has not been answered because the design was inadequate. However, the study may form the basis for further research. A number of important basic assumptions have been identified during the work. Based on these lessons a discussion took place, about how design deficiencies can be addressed and what is important to consider in future studies in the field. / Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka effekter fysisk träning har på olika färdigheter som påverkar e-sportprestation hos e-sportare på amatörnivå i spelet Overwatch. Detta för att få kunskap om hur träning inom e-sport skulle kunna utvecklas och effektiviseras. Metod Studien är av typen explorativ forskning då den behandlar ett ämne som inte undersökts i större utsträckning tidigare. Metoden som tillämpades var en kvantitativ explorativ metod. Designen var en interventionsstudie. Resultat Studien har inte kunnat påvisa att färdigheter som påverkar e-sportprestation har förändrats i och med fysisk träning. Däremot går det att avläsa att de studiedeltagare som fick genomgå träningsinterventionen är mer mottagliga för och medvetna om förändringar rörande dessa färdigheter jämfört med studiedeltagarna i kontrollgruppen. Slutsatser Syftet med studien har inte kunnat besvaras i och med att designen varit bristfällig. Studien kan dock ligga till grund för vidare forskning. Ett antal viktiga grundförutsättningar har identifierats under arbetet. Utifrån dessa lärdomar diskuterades hur designbristerna kan åtgärdas och vad som är viktigt att tänka på vid framtida studier inom området.
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Influence des mécanismes de régulation de la fatigue neuromusculaire sur la performance motrice / The effect of neuromuscular fatigue regulation on exercise performanceDucrocq, Guillaume 16 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse visait à déterminer l’influence de la durée et du niveau d’entraînement en endurance sur les mécanismes de régulation de la fatigue neuromusculaire et d’une stratégie de modulation de ces mécanismes sur la performance motrice. Ce travail de thèse consistait également à élaborer une nouvelle méthode d’entraînement permettant d’optimiser les stimuli responsables des adaptations résultantes d’un programme de conditionnement physique. Les résultats principaux issus de ces travaux sont présentés dans un résumé plus détaillé en fin de manuscrit. / The present work aimed to determine the influence of exercise duration and endurance training level on the mechanisms underlying neuromuscular fatigue regulation and the effect of a deceptive strategy on exercise performance. This thesis also aimed to elaborate a new training method that would optimize exercise-induced training stimuli that are known to trigger complementary physical abilities adaptations. The main outcomes of these works are detailed in an expanded abstract at the end of the manuscript.
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Plataforma virtual de entrenamiento: Fit Train PerúGastelo Gomez, Renee Cristina del Valle, Ñahui Ostos, Gloria Irene, Griffiths Acha, Jack Oliver, Tapia García, Andrea Paola, Tolentino Zapata, Bricel Ingrid 07 July 2021 (has links)
El presente modelo de negocio consiste en la creación de una plataforma virtual de entrenamiento dedicada a las personas que deseen incorporar la actividad física a su rutina diaria. Este servicio consta de clases grabadas y en vivo de las disciplinas que despiertan más interés en los usuarios, como rutinas de cardio, fuerza, Body Combat, yoga, pilates y ejercicios de alta intensidad. El segmento de clientes a los que está dirigido este emprendimiento pertenecen a todos los peruanos del NSE A y B, entre 18 a 55 años. De esta manera, Fit Train Perú ofrece dos tipos de membresías al público objetivo. La membresía básica consta de clases grabadas y la Premium que son clases en vivo. El objetivo principal de Fit Train Perú es incentivar la práctica del ejercicio físico en las personas, con el fin de que mejoren su salud y calidad de vida a largo plazo. / The present business model consists in the creation of a virtual entertainment platform that’s dedicated to the people that wish to incorporate physical activity to their daily schedule. This service has recorded classes and live classes from disciplines that spark the most interest in users, such as cardio routines, strength, body combat, yoga, Pilates and high intensity exercises. The segment of clients that this entrepreneurship aims for is Peruvians from social economic level A and B between 18 and 55 years old. Fit Train Peru offers two types of memberships to the target audiences. The basic membership consists of recorded classes and the premium membership has live classes. The main objective of Fit Train Peru is to incentivize the practice of physical exercise in people, with the aim of improving their health and quality of life in the long term. / Trabajo de investigación
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Организация физкультурно-оздоровительной работы по формированию моторной сферы у детей старшего дошкольного возраста с нарушениями речи : магистерская диссертация / Organisation of physical training and health-improving work on formation of motor sphere of senior preschool age children with speech disordersОсипов, А. К., Osipov, A. K. January 2023 (has links)
В диссертационном исследовании рассмотрены вопросы содержание физкультурно-оздоровительной работы, направленной на преодоление нарушений моторной сферы у детей с нерезко выраженным общим недоразвитием речи. В результате разработано содержание коррекции для эффективного формирования моторной сферы у детей с нерезко выраженным общим недоразвитием речи на основе разработки и внедрения комплекса физкультурно - оздоровительных занятий, направленных на формирование моторной сферы. Полученные в ходе исследования положительные результаты позволяют рекомендовать разработки кругу специалистов, работающих в данной отрасли. / The dissertation studies the matters of the physical training and health-improving work aimed at overcoming motor sphere disorders in children with moderately pronounced general underdevelopment of speech. As a result, the course contents of correction for the effective formation of the motor sphere in children with mildly expressed general underdevelopment of speech on the basis of the development and implementation of a set of physical training and health-improving activities aimed at the formation of the motor sphere was developed. The positive results obtained in the course of the research allow recommending the development to professional audience working in this sphere.
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Performance art jako hraniční forma uměleckého projevu / Performance Art as a Border Form of Artistic ExpressionVatulíková, Andrea Unknown Date (has links)
While taking into account the field of study of performing arts, I assume that the category called „performing arts“ underwent many reforms in the 20th century, making it almost impossible to set clear boundaries between theatre, dance and performance art. Therefore I deal with their common ground that I call the zero point and that allows me to explore means of expression of human body and also time – space dimension of live action. The zero point is located in the pelvic region of the body and it is the center of stability, balance and life enegry. In my dissertation I focus on the analysis of physical trainings that work with the zero point in theater, dance and performance arts. Primary output of this work is then analysis of physicality as culturally encoded construct and the practical part of disseration is focused on the realisation of the point zero symposium.
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Fysisk träning inom jazzdansundervisning : en kvalitativ studie om hur jazzdanslärare beskriver utveckling av fysiologiska färdigheter i dansundervisningNyman, Satu January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to shed light on practices that jazz dance teachers have incorporated into their teaching in order to enhance development of physiological abilities, as well as examine how these practices have become part of their jazz dance teaching practise.The research was conducted through four semi-structured interviews where jazz dance teachers described how they enhance physiological abilities in their dance teaching practice, and which aspects impact their choices. The transcribed interviews were analysed using thematic analysis, supplemented by the application of selected principles for physical training. The results indicated that physiological abilities were mostly enhanced through conventional jazz dance technique training, within the conventional structural framework, and that the physiological aspect is not addressed in the early planning process, but comes along later following the progression of the dance technique training. Furthermore, the results imply that the social construction of a jazz dance training and convention have significant impact to the practices used to improve physiological abilities in jazz dance training. The conclusion is that jazz dance is recognised as a physically demanding genre, where technique training can enhance most of the physiological abilities.
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