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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bör du v(AR)a rädd för framtiden? : En studie om The Privacy Paradox och potentiella integritetsrisker med Augmented Reality / Should you be sc(AR)ed of the future? : A study about The Privacy Paradox and potential risks with Augmented Reality

Madsen, Angelica, Nymanson, Carl January 2021 (has links)
I en tid där digitaliseringen är mer utbredd än någonsin ökar också mängden data som samlas och delas online. I takt med att nya tekniker utvecklas öppnas det upp för nya utmaningar för integritetsfrågor. En aktiv användare online ägnar sig med största sannolikhet också åt ett eller flera sociala medier, där ändamålen ofta innebär att dela med sig av information till andra. Eftersom tekniken Augmented Reality används mer frekvent i några av de största sociala medieapplikationerna blev studiens syfte att undersöka potentiella integritetsproblem med Augmented Reality. Studiens tillvägagångssätt har bestått av en empirisk datainsamling för att skapa ett teoretiskt ramverk för studien. Utifrån detta har det genomförts en digital enkät samt intervjuer för att närmare undersöka användarens beteende online och The Privacy Paradox. Utifrån undersökningens resultat kunde The Privacy Paradox bekräftas och ge en bättre förståelse för hur användaren agerar genom digitala kanaler. I studien behandlas olika aspekter kring integritetsfrågor såsom användarvillkor, sekretessavtal, datamäklare, framtida konsekvenser och vad tekniken möjliggör. Studien kommer fram till att användare, företaget och dagens teknik tillåter att en känsligare information kan utvinnas genom ett dataintrång. Även om det ännu inte har inträffat ett dataintrång som grundat sig i Augmented Reality före denna studie, finns det en risk att det endast handlar om en tidsfråga innan detta sker. / In a time when digitalization is more widespread than ever, the amount of data collected and shared is increasing. As new technologies develop, challenges for privacy concerns arises. An active online user is likely to engage in one or many social media platforms, where the purpose often involves sharing information with others. Since Augmented Reality is more frequently supported in some of the biggest social media applications, the purpose of this study was to investigate potential privacy concerns with Augmented Reality. The study’s approach consisted of an empirical data collection to create a theoretical framework for the study. Based on this, a digital survey and interviews were conducted to further investigate the user's behavior online and The Privacy Paradox. Based on the results of the survey, The Privacy Paradox could be confirmed and a better understanding of how the user interacts through digital channels was achieved. The study treats different aspects of privacy concerns such as user terms, privacy policies, data brokers, future consequences and what technology enables. The study reached the conclusion that users, businesses and today's technology allow a more sensitive type of information to be collected through a data breach. Even if there has not yet occurred a data breach enabled by Augmented Reality prior to this study, there is a risk that it is only a matter of time until this happens.

Privacy Paradox : En kvalitativ studie om svenskars medvetenhet och värnande om integritet / Privacy Paradox : A qualitative study on Swedes awareness and protection of integrity

Harzdorf, Hjördis, Talal Abdulrahman, Hanin, Duric, Sumejja January 2019 (has links)
Genom digitalisering av samhället och teknologins utveckling har marknadsföringsstrategier progressivt reformerats, från att uppmärksamma produkter mot konsumenten till att istället sätta konsumenten i fokus. Genom avancerade algoritmer, Business Intelligence och digitala DNA spår har det blivit möjligt att individualisera och rikta marknadsföring mot konsumentens intressen och även förutse individens konsumentbeteende. Samtidigt uttrycker individer ett stort värde för anonymitet och integritet online. Trots detta fortsätter konsumenter att frivilligt att lämna sin persondata, främst via olika kundklubbar, internet och sociala medier. Detta beteende påvisar en så kallad “privacy paradox”. Privacy paradox syftar på medvetenhet och oro kring utgivandet av persondata samtidigt som man agerar annorlunda. Avsikten med denna studie var att utforska om fenomenet privacy paradox existerar inom svenska konsumenters handlingar och konsumentens medvetenhet kring användning av personlig data för riktad marknadsföring online. Det empiriska materialet i denna studie består av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sju olika respondenter gällande deras medvetenhet, tillit och integritet online. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av den tematiska strategin för att lättare identifiera beetendemönster som respondenterna utgav. Slutligen besvaras fenomenet privacy paradox hos svenska konsumenter genom tre forskningsfrågor 1.​“Hur medvetna är svenska konsumenter om den information som de delar med sig av, i synnerhet inom riktad marknadsföring?” 2.​“Hur mycket värnar svenska konsumenter om sin integritet?” ​3.​“ Påvisar svenska konsumenter privacy paradox och varför?”. Majoriteten av respondenterna var medvetna om personliga uppgifter online, dock varierade medvetenheten om vad för information som fanns tillgänglig både för privata användare och verksamheter. Man sa sig även värna om sin integritet men ens handlingar stödde inte detta till fullo. Med hjälp av denna studie fann man att fenomenet privacy paradox existerar hos de svenska konsumenter som deltog under denna studie. Anledningar till dessa var bland annat att man inte vill bli exkluderad från samhället och det kognitiva förtroendet till verksamheter. Man litar på att de gör rätt för sig. Värnande om integritet visades då genom att man minskade mängden personinformation som andra privatpersoner kunde komma åt. En annan anledning som uppkom var svårigheten i att bryta vanor och beteendemönster. Därför fortsätter man agera på samma sätt som tidigare, trots ny kunskap samt GDPR. Respondenter hade olika nivåer av förståelse riktad marknadsföring. Det majoriteten inte var medvetna om var mängden av lagrad information samt hur den samlas in t.ex. genom cookies. / Through digitalisation of the society and the technological development, the marketing strategies has progressively been reformed. From mainly giving attention to the product towards the consumers to instead place the consumer in the center of attention. Subsequently advanced algorithms, Business Intelligence and digital DNA tracing has enabled individualisation and target marketing, for the interest of the consumer, this also gave access to predict consumer behaviour. Meanwhile individuals put a big value on anonymity and integrity online. Despite this consumers keep sharing their data voluntary, primarily through customer clubs, the internet and social media. This behaviour demonstrates a so called “privacy paradox”. Privacy paradox refers consumers awareness and concern about sharing personal data, while still sharing their information. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the phenomenon of privacy paradox exists in Swedish consumers actions and the consumer’s awareness of the use of personal data for targeted online marketing. The empirical material in this study exists of semi-structured interviews with 7 different respondents regarding their consciousness, trust and integrity online. The results were analyzed through the thematic strategy to easily identify behavioural patterns that the respondents showed. Lastly, the phenomenon of privacy paradox in Swedish consumers is answered through three research questions 1. ​“How aware are Swedish consumers regarding the information they share, particularly in target marketing? ​2. ​“How much does the Swedish consumer care about their integrity?” ​3. ​“Does the Swedish consumer show privacy paradox and why?”. The majority of the respondents were aware that personal information exists online. The awareness regarding what kind of information that is available for both private users and organisations varied. While respondents mentioned that they want to protect their privacy, their actions proved otherwise. With the help of this study, we could conclude that the phenomenon named privacy paradox exists through the information gathered from the swedish consumers that participated in this study. Reasons being the willingness to not be excluded from society and the cognitive trust towards organizations. You trust that they do the right thing. Respondents protected privacy by reducing the amount of personal information other individuals could access. Another reason that was brought up was the difficulty in changing habits and behaviour. Therefore respondents continued doing the same things as before, despite new knowledge and GDPR. Respondents showed different levels of understanding regarding targeted marketing. However the majority was not aware of the amount of stored information and how it is collected, for example through cookies.

Musicerandets djävulska paradox : Det abstrakta kroppsarbetet samt den delade sårbarheten

Ryman, Ulla Margareta January 2022 (has links)
I den här vetenskapliga essän, skriven i en form skapad på Centrum för praktisk kunskap vid Södertörns Högskola, undersöker jag min kroppsliga erfarenhet av att spela kontrabas i en orkester. Den egna erfarenhet som gestaltas är en berättelse om ett framförande av Mozarts trettiofemte symfoni inför en tom salong med livestreamande videokameror i pandemins början. Fokus ligger på hur mitt medvetande pendlar mellan olika grader av inlevelse i musiken och spiraler av självupptagenhet. I min undersökning fokuserar jag på musicerandets paradoxala karaktär. Uppsatsen är strukturerad i två delar som arbetar med varsin paradox: Kroppsarbetets paradoxala abstrakthet samt den delade sårbarheten på scenen. Jag vänder mig till Maurice Merleau-Ponty för att undersöka hur musicerandet försöker upplösa gränserna mellan min kropp, kontrabaskroppen, rummet och kollegorna. Med Jean-Luc Nancy reflekterar jag över vad det innebär att vara en individ i en gemenskap, hur det singulära och plurala samspelar i orkestern och hur sårbarheten för oss längre bort från varandra. Thomas Manns Doktor Faustus används som en analogi. / In this academic essay I examine my bodily experience of playing the double bass in an orchestra. It is written in a form developed at the Centre for Practical Knowledge at Södertörn University. I portray my personal experience from a performance of Mozart’s Symphony No. 35 in an empty concert hall in front of live-streaming video cameras at the beginning of the pandemic. The focus lies in how my consciousness fluctuates between varying levels of being ‘in’ the music and spirals of self-obsession. In my exploration, I focus on the paradoxical character of making music. The essay is structured in two parts which each work with a paradox: the paradoxical abstractness of the bodily work, and the shared vulnerability on the stage. I turn to Maurice Merleau-Ponty to investigate how making music tries to transcend the boundaries between my body, the body of my double bass, the room, and my colleagues. With Jean-Luc Nancy, I reflect on what it means to be an individual in a collective, how the singular and plural interact in the orchestra and how the vulnerability takes us further apart. Thomas Mann’s Doctor Faustus is used as an analogy.

Improving Product - Service Development Processes in Traditional Manufacturing Firms : A Case Study of a Swedish Manufacturing Firm / Förbättra produkt - tjänsteutvecklingsprocesser i traditionella tillverkningsföretag : En fallstudie av ett svenskt tillverkningsföretag

HC Pao, Pochara January 2022 (has links)
Manufacturing companies have begun developing Product Service Systems to provide customers with enhanced product-service offerings. Transitioning to a service-oriented development process allows companies to restructure risks, responsibilities, and costs normally associated with owning products. They potentially allow companies to sell products through different channels and offer additional elements of differentiation to their competitors. However, PSS comes with a lot of challenges that manufacturing companies have struggled to overcome. Some of these challenges include switching away from traditional hardware-focused mindset and the service manufacturing paradox. This thesis focused on challenges regarding integrating services within product development processes. A Swedish manufacturing company was considered as the primary case study for investigation. 14 people from different functions were interviewed. The investigation revealed 17 challenges categorized into five main themes. These themes were lack of clear company messaging regarding services, immature service development process, sub-optimal division of tasks and responsibilities, resources issues, and lack of integration in processes. Additionally, three external companies were interviewed to investigate their service maturity level and how they were able to overcome common challenges in service integration. Based on the insights gained from both internal and external interviews three solutions were created. These solutions are new roles and updated responsibilities, a new integrated service process, and a Product-Service Readiness Level chart. Future considerations for the investigated company were also submitted to provide a guide for further development of these solutions. / Tillverkningsföretag har börjat utveckla produktservicesystem för att ge kunderna förbättrade produkttjänster. Övergången till en tjänsteorienterad utvecklingsprocess tillåter företag att omstrukturera risker, ansvar och kostnader som normalt är förknippade med att äga produkter. De tillåter potentiellt företag att sälja produkter genom olika kanaler och erbjuder ytterligare inslag av differentiering till sina konkurrenter. Men PSS kommer med många utmaningar som tillverkande företag har kämpat för att övervinna. Några av dessa utmaningar inkluderar att byta bort från traditionella hårdvarufokuserade tänkesätt och tjänstetillverkningsparadoxen. Detta examensarbete fokuserade på utmaningar när det gäller att integrera tjänster i produktutvecklingsprocesser. Ett svenskt tillverkningsföretag ansågs vara den primära fallstudien för utredning. 14 personer från olika funktioner intervjuades. Undersökningen avslöjade 17 utmaningar kategoriserade i fem huvudteman. Dessa teman var brist på tydliga företagsmeddelanden om tjänster, omogen tjänsteutvecklingsprocess, suboptimal fördelning av uppgifter och ansvar, resursfrågor och bristande integration i processer. Dessutom intervjuades tre externa företag för att undersöka deras mognadsnivå för tjänster och hur de kunde övervinna vanliga utmaningar inom tjänsteintegration. Baserat på insikterna från både interna och externa intervjuer skapades tre lösningar. Dessa lösningar är nya roller och uppdaterade ansvarsområden, en ny integrerad serviceprocess och ett diagram för produkt-tjänstberedskapsnivå. Framtida överväganden för det undersökta företaget lämnades också in för att ge vägledning för vidareutveckling av dessa lösningar.


ANA CAROLINA MARTINI BRAZ DE MELLO E SOUZA 15 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Diante do desafio de se ressignificar sucesso organizational, torna-se primordialcompreender o papel da liderança em capacitar os seguidores para resolver oparadoxo lucro-propósito, bem como fomentar a criatividade voltada para o bemcomum (De Cremer & Moore, 2020; Winkler et al., 2019). Ao incluir as dimensõesética e moral ao lado dos objetivos econômicos, as organizações passam a inserir opropósito na estratégia organizacional, considerando os interesses das diversaspartes envolvidas (He & Ortiz, 2021; Moroz & Gamble, 2021). A partir deste panode fundo, o presente trabalho propõe a humildade do líder como atributo relevantepara auxiliar seguidores a navegar o paradoxo da sustentabilidade, criando o cenárioadequado para que a criatividade se desenvolva e frutifique. O primeiro artigoinvestiga a estrutura intelectual dos temas liderança humilde ecriatividade/inovação, integrando-os em um framework composto de três mapasconceituais, que avançam achados de pesquisas anteriores (Kelemen et al., 2022).O segundo artigo, composto de dois estudos experimentais, avalia relações decausa-e-efeito da liderança humilde e saídas ligadas à criatividade, através daperspectiva do paradoxo. O primeiro estudo confirmou que a humildade do líder éresponsável pela resolução criativa de problemas pelos seguidores via mentalidadede paradoxo, bem como pelo engajamento em processo criativo, apresentandoresultado marginalmente significativo para as emoções positivas. O segundoestudo, por sua vez, confirmou que a liderança humilde é responsável por níveismais altos de emoções positivas e tomada de perspectiva dos seguidores,provocando menos emoções negativas quando comparada à condição de controle. / [en] Amidst the cutting-edge challenge of reframing organizational success, it is paramount to understand the role of leadership in influencing followers capability of solving the paradox of purpose and profit dual-goal, as well as in leveraging creativity toward the common good (De Cremer & Moore, 2020; Winkler et al., 2019). By adding the ethical and moral dimensions alongside the economic goal, organizations start to place purpose into organizational strategy, considering multiple stakeholders interests (He & Ortiz, 2021; Moroz & Gamble, 2021). Therefore, against this backdrop, the present research contends that in terms of the leader s singular behaviors that may help followers navigate the sustainability paradox, leader humility emerges as a relevant attribute to set the stage for creative problem-solving to flourish and thrive. The first paper makes a concerted effort to investigate the business intellectual structure of leader humility and creativity/innovation, integrating past research findings into a synthetic framework composed of three conceptual maps that extend prior academic work (Kelemen et al., 2022). The second paper comprehends two experimental studies that address cause-and-effect concerns on humble leadership and creativity through the paradox perspective. The first study confirmed that leader humility is responsible for followers creative problem-solving via a paradox mindset, and also for creative process engagement; yielding a marginally significant effect on positive emotions. The second study, in turn, confirmed that humble leadership is responsible for promoting positive emotions and perspective-taking on followers, eliciting fewer negative emotions when compared to the control condition.

Mot gröna horisonter : Projektledarens befogenheter och påverkan för att främja hållbarhetsarbetet inom produktutvecklande företag / Towards Green Horizons : The Project Manager's Authority and Impact in Promoting Sustainability Efforts within Product Development Companies

Embaye, Danayt January 2024 (has links)
Ekologisk hållbarhet har på senare tid blivit alltmer framträdande i den globala medvetenheten, särskilt med tanke på den ökande befolkningen, industrialiseringen och konsumtionen av materiella resurser. Produktutvecklande företag inser alltmer att deras hållbarhetsarbete inte bara är en etisk skyldighet, utan även en strategisk nödvändighet för att bibehålla konkurrenskraft. I den konventionella produktutvecklingsprocessen är projektledaren en central roll och har en betydande möjlighet att påverka utvecklingsarbetets riktning. Denna studie fokuserar därmed på att undersöka projektledarens möjligheter och utmaningar när det gäller att främja hållbarhetsarbete inom produktutvecklande företag. Vidare analyserar studien hur externa faktorer, såsom kundkrav och lagstiftning, påverkar projektledarens benägenhet att initiera åtgärder för att minska miljöpåverkan. Den kvalitativa studien inleddes med en djupgående litteraturstudie, som utgör den teoretiska referensramen för arbetet. Därefter genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre olika projektledare inom möbel- och inredningsföretag, vilket utgör den empiriska grunden för studien. Analysen, diskussionen och slutsatserna i studien baseras på resultaten från både den teoretiska och empiriska datainsamlingen. Genom att jämföra och sammanväga dessa två datakällor ges en mer omfattande förståelse och helhetsbild av ämnet. Resultaten av studien indikerar att projektledare har tre huvudsakliga kriterier att hantera under produktutvecklingsprocessen: budget, tid och kvalitet. Dessa faktorer sätter ramar som automatiskt begränsar projektledarens möjligheter att integrera hållbarhetsaspekter, särskilt om de riskerar att kompromissa med projektets övergripande mål och syfte. Att uppfylla dessa tre kriterier och samtidigt sträva efter ökad ekologisk hållbarhet utgör en paradoxal utmaning, då det kräver både tidskrävande processer samt betydande kapitalinvesteringar för Industriell ekonomi och organisation att effektivt minska miljöpåverkan. Denna utmaning förstärker den befintliga konflikten mellan hållbarhet och ekonomisk vinst. Kundens inflytande över företagens verksamhet är betydande. Dock råder det en brist på enhetliga mätstandarder för att kvantifiera det samlade miljöavtrycket från diverse företag. Denna brist på standardiserade mätningar hindrar kundernas förutsättningar att fatta informerade beslut och välja att stödja hållbara företag på ett rättvist och korrekt sätt. Det är även svårt att garantera att slutkunder i praktiken kommer att stödja organisationer som främjar hållbarhet, särskilt om det innebär ökade kostnader för dem. Därför är det avgörande att myndigheter inför lagar och regler som främjar hållbart företagande för att uppmuntra betydande förändringar och främja företagens hållbarhetsarbete. / In recent times, ecological sustainability has become increasingly prominent in the global consciousness, particularly considering the growing population, industrialization and consumption of material resources. Product-developing companies increasingly realize that their sustainability work is not only an ethical obligation, but also a strategic necessity to maintain competitiveness. In the conventional product development process, the project manager plays a crucial role and has a significant opportunity to influence the direction of the work. Thus, this study focuses on examining the opportunities and challenges for project managers in promoting sustainability within product-developing companies. Furthermore, the study analyzes how external factors, such as customer demands and legislation, influence the project manager's propensity to initiate actions to reduce environmental impact. The qualitative study was commenced with an in-depth literature review, which forms the theoretical framework of the work. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three different project managers within furniture and interior design companies, constituting the empirical basis of the study. The analysis, discussion, and conclusions of the study are based on the results from both the theoretical and empirical data collection. By comparing and weighing these two data sources, a more comprehensive understanding and overall picture of the subject is provided. The results of the study indicate that project managers have three main criteria to manage during the product development process: budget, time, and quality. These factors set boundaries that automatically limit the project manager's opportunities to integrate sustainability aspects, especially if they risk compromising the project's overall goals and Industriell ekonomi och organisation Industrial economics and management objectives. Meeting these three criteria while striving for increased ecological sustainability poses a paradoxical challenge, as it requires time-consuming processes and significant capital investments to effectively reduce environmental impact. This challenge reinforces the existing conflict between sustainability and economic profit. Customer influence over companies' operations is significant. However, there is a lack of standardized measurement standards to quantify the overall environmental footprint of various companies. This lack of standardized measurements hinders customers' ability to make informed decisions and choices to support sustainable companies in a fair and accurate manner. It is also difficult to guarantee whether end customers will practically support organizations that promote sustainability, especially if it entails increased costs for them. Therefore, it is crucial for authorities to introduce laws and regulations that promote sustainable business practices to encourage significant changes and support companies' sustainability efforts.

Investigating the Impact of Age-Biased Samples on Lifetime Prediction Models of Traffic Signs

Wickramarachchi, Anupa, Jayasinghe, Nuwan January 2024 (has links)
The thesis investigates the impact of age-biased sampling on the accuracy of lifetime prediction models for traffic signs. The bias in question originates from age-biased sampling as a result of the inspection paradox. This phenomenon occurs because longer intervals have a higher probability of being observed compared to shorter intervals, leading to a skewed representation in the data. The research employs a dual approach: firstly, conducting an extensive analysis of real data on traffic sign longevity using a Weibull Survival Model. This analysis is based on the data set compiled by Saleh et al., (2023). Secondly, the study sets up a Monte Carlo simulation to systematically explore the effects of varying degrees and patterns of age bias on the sample. The simulation parameters are derived from the original Weibull Model parameters, obtained from the real dataset. This approach ensures that the simulations closely replicate the actual parameters and estimates. The comparison of the true shape, scale, intercept, and the coefficients associated with the covariates against the simulated estimates indicates a significant bias in the dataset. The study also examines the impact of this bias on the predictive capabilities of various models: Weibull Modeling, Cox Proportional Hazards, Kaplan Meier, and Random Survival Forest. This is done by comparing the true means and medians of the simulated data with the estimates from each model. The findings show that all models exhibit large deviations from the actual means and medians at varying bias levels in the simulated data. The accuracy of the predictions is measured using the Brier Score. This score also shows significant deviations from the prediction accuracy of the original Weibull Model applied to the real dataset, especially when the bias levels vary across simulated datasets. Given these findings, the study advises against using the aforementioned methods for lifetime modeling of traffic signs when there is age bias due to the inspection paradox.

The Risk-Return Relationship : Can the Prospect Theory be Applied to Small Firms, Large Firms and Industries Characterized by Different Asset Tangibility?

Berglind, Lukas, Westergren, Erik January 2016 (has links)
In 1979 Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky created the prospect theory. It became an accepted and appropriate theory in explaining decision making under risk. The prospect theory has been one of the most cited articles in economics and Kahneman received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences as a result of the creation and development of the theory. Therefore the prospect theory is considered to be more suitable compared to the previously accepted theory, the expected utility theory. Following the prospect theory, researchers have utilized it to describe individual but also corporate management decision making when faced with risk. In this thesis the authors will focus on the latter. Despite the prospect theory being a well-accepted theory, there have been several critics due to its limitations and Audia and Greve (2006) are one of these critics. Their study suggested that corporations under threat, i.e. small firms with low returns, act risk averse. The findings of Audia and Greve (2006) violate the prospect theory when considering small firms that have below target returns. They tested the theory on an industry that has the characteristics of having relatively high proportions of tangible assets. Audia and Greve (2006) also proposed that a similar conclusion could be drawn if tested on an industry characterized by having a high level of intangible assets. This thesis examines the applicability of the prospect theory in the Swedish automotive industry and staffing and recruitment industry. The characteristics of the two industries are that the automotive industry has a high proportion of tangible assets and the staffing and recruitment industry has a high level of intangibles. The authors test if the prospect theory can be used to describe the decision making of both industries but also test the theory on small and large firms. Following the results of this paper we show that the prospect theory can be applied to the Swedish automotive industry and staffing and recruitment industry, characterized by having high levels of tangible assets and intangible assets respectively. The theory can also be used to explain decision making under risk for small firms within both industries and large firms within the automotive industry. Even though the prospect theory was originally tested on individuals, the conclusion can be drawn that the prospect theory once again prevails as an explanation of the decision making in the management of corporations. It can describe the decision making of firms in the two industries having characteristics of different asset tangibility and for firms of different size.

Absolute and relative generality

Studd, James Peter January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the debate between absolutists and relativists about generality. Absolutists about quantification contend that we can quantify over absolutely everything; relativists deny this. The introduction motivates and elucidates the dispute. More familiar, restrictionist versions of relativism, according to which the range of quantifiers is always subject to restriction, are distinguished from the view defended in this thesis, an expansionist version of relativism, according to which the range of quantifiers is always open to expansion. The remainder of the thesis is split into three parts. Part I focuses on generality. Chapter 2 is concerned with the semantics of quantifiers. Unlike the restrictionist, the expansionist need not disagree with the absolutist about the semantics of quantifier domain restriction. It is argued that the threat of a certain form of semantic pessimism, used as an objection against restrictionism, also arises, in some cases, for absolutism, but is avoided by expansionism. Chapter 3 is primarily engaged in a defensive project, responding to a number of objections in the literature: the objection that the relativist is unable to coherently state her view, the objection that absolute generality is needed in logic and philosophy, and the objection that relativism is unable to accommodate ‘kind generalisations’. To meet these objections, suitable schematic and modal resources are introduced and relativism is given a precise formulation. Part II concerns issues in the philosophy of mathematics pertinent to the absolutism/relativism debate. Chapter 4 draws on the modal and schematic resources introduced in the previous chapter to regiment and generalise the key argument for relativism based on the set-theoretic paradoxes. Chapter 5 argues that relativism permits a natural motivation for Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. A new, bi-modal axiomatisation of the iterative conception of set is presented. It is argued that such a theory improves on both its non-modal and modal rivals. Part III aims to meet a thus far unfulfilled explanatory burden facing expansionist relativism. The final chapter draws on principles from metasemantics to offer a positive account of how universes of discourse may be expanded, and assesses the prospects for a novel argument for relativism on this basis.

Trovärdig krisinformation eller sensationsjournalistik? : Diskursanalys av myndigheternas och mediernas information kring pandemiklassificeringen av den nya influensan den 11 juni 2009

Bäcklin, Lotta, Eklund, Lisa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Purpose: The purpose with this study is to analyze if the Swedish authorities and media had different ways of discussing the new influenza, in connection with the pandemic classification June 11, 2009. This is the first time an influenza has been classified as a pandemic since the Hongkong-influenza in1968. Methodology: The method used for the study is discourse analysis, aqualitative method that gives the opportunity to study not only what is said, but how things are said. In this thesis, the aim is to study how the image ofthe new influenza is transmitted via the texts. The texts have been analysed based on:- General and underlying themes- Words and concepts used- Persons/sources quoted or referred to- Historical connections/historical backgroundTheoretical perspectives: The study is based on theories about socialconstructionism and discourse analysis. Conclusions: the conclusions drawn from the study show that the media textsare more dramatic and sensational when it comes to describing the newinfluenza. The Swedish authorities have a more fact-based and calming tone towards the public. Within the analyzed material, it is possible to seedifferences between the discourses, also when describing the same themes. Within some themes, resemblances have been identified between the mediadiscourse and the authorithy discourse.</p>

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