Spelling suggestions: "subject:"paraguay"" "subject:"saraguay""
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Étude comparative de la protection internationale des minorités en Europe et en Amérique / Comparative study of the international protection of minorities in Europe and in AmericaSimon, Sophie 02 March 2015 (has links)
Les minorités sont les fruits de l’histoire, des conquêtes, des défaites, des modifications de frontières. Mais si aucune histoire nationale ne ressemble à une autre, les minorités, dans leur diversité, se trouvent dans des situations s’apparentent les unes aux autres. Dans ce contexte global, cette étude a pour objectif d’appréhender dans quelle mesure les droits nationaux et internationaux des minorités répondent effectivement aux besoins des personnes appartenant à ces dernières. Pour ce faire, deux thématiques revenant régulièrement dans les doléances des membres des minorités ont été sélectionnées. Il s’agit, en premier lieu, de la prise en compte des spécificités relatives à l’habitat (dans sa diversité) et, en second lieu, de la possibilité de communiquer dans sa propre langue. Après une présentation du droit international portant sur ces questions, est ici étudiée la façon dont ce droit ou plutôt ces droits sont transposés et mis en œuvre dans les systèmes nationaux (en effet, il existe de fortes variantes entre la protection offerte par les organes universels et celles offertes par les organes régionaux européens et américains). Pour rendre compte de la diversité des situations nationales, six pays sont ici étudiés. Il s’agit de l’Espagne, de la France et de la Lituanie pour l’Europe et du Canada, du Costa Rica et du Paraguay pour l’Amérique. Nous constatons que, feignant de méconnaître l’intérêt que présente une protection convenable des minorités pour la stabilité de leur société nationale et même pour la démocratie en général, les gouvernants ne sont pas toujours prêts à mettre en œuvre les dispositions visant à protéger les personnes appartenant à des minorités et opposent l’intérêt général ou des arguments tirés du caractère unitaire de leur peuple, de leur territoire ou de leur nation. A ceci s’ajoutent des difficultés pratiques lors de la mise en œuvre des normes adoptées, difficultés occasionnées par des raisons financières, par exemple le coût des mesures positives visant à l’égalité effective dans les domaines de l’enseignement, des médias, de la vie privée et familiale ou encore obligation de partage des bénéfices générés par l’extraction minière avec les peuples autochtones. D’autres raisons peuvent être liées à l’intolérance sous-jacente dans la population majoritaire, par exemple les attaques de campements Roms ou l’interdiction de parler une langue minoritaire dans certains contextes ou lieux. Malgré cela, le droit international des minorités est en évolution continue, puisant dans la diversité des contextes régionaux et se fondant tant sur les droits de l’homme et le droit à ne pas être discriminé, que sur une transposition à toutes les minorités d’éléments des droits reconnus aux peuples autochtones en tant que premiers habitants d’un territoire donné. De plus, dans une volonté de promouvoir une démocratie véritable à caractère participatif, les organes de droits de l’homme poussent les autorités nationales à associer toujours plus les membres des minorités aux prises de décision les concernant, et à prendre ainsi en compte les besoins de ces derniers. Ainsi, l’étude comparée de la protection des minorités en Europe et en Amérique permet de se rendre compte des difficultés pratiques empêchant de protéger effectivement les minorités et d’appréhender dans quelle mesure le droit international peut aider les États à surmonter ces difficultés. / Minorities are the product of history, conquests, defeats and border changes. No two national histories are alike, however, minorities, in their diversity, find themselves in situations that appear similar the one another. In this overall context, the objective of this research is to better understand to what extent national and international minority rights effectively meet the needs of individuals belonging to those minorities. To do so, two issues that reoccure in the grievances of members of minorities have been selected for study. These are firstly the consideration shown towards housing specificities (in their diversity) and secondly, the possibility of communicating in one’s own language. Following the presentation of international law related to these issues, is studied the way this law, or better said these laws, are transposed and implemented in the national systems (in fact, there are major variants between the protection offered by universal organs and the one offered by European and American regional organs). In order to take into consideration the diversity of national situations, six countries were selected for this study. These were Spain, France and Lithuania in the European context, and Canada, Costa Rica and Paraguay in the American context. Our findings show that those who govern pretend to be unaware of the benefits related to adequate protection of minorities for the stability of national societies, as well as for democracy at large. As such, they are not always ready to implement the provisions that aim to protect persons belonging to minorities and claim the interest of the public good or arguments based on the unity of their people, territory or nation as reasons for doing so. In addition, it should be mentioned that some practical difficulties exist in the implementation of adopted norms. These include difficulties caused by financial reasons, for example, the cost of positive measures aiming at effective equality in the field of education, media, private and family life or the obligation to share with indigenous people the benefits generated by mining. Other reasons may be linked to underlying intolerance present in the majority population, for example, attacks on Roma settlements or prohibition on speaking a minority language in some spheres or places. However, the international rights of minorities are constantly evolving, drawing on the diversity of regional contexts and based on human rights and the right not to be discriminated against, as well as on the application, to all minorities, of elements of the rights recognized to indigenous peoples as the first inhabitants of a given territory. Moreover, in an effort to promote genuine democracy of a participatory nature, human rights bodies push national authorities to involve ever more members of minorities in decisions that affect them, thereby taking their needs into consideration. The comparative study of the protection of minorities in Europe and in America enables reporting the practical difficulties preventing minorities from being effectively protected and assists in understanding to what extent international law can help countries overcome these difficulties.
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Neo-Latin America : the poetics of the "New World" in early modern epic : studies in José Manuel Peramás's 'De Invento Novo Orbe Inductoque Illuc Christi Sacrificio' (Faenza 1777)Feile Tomes, Maya Caterina January 2018 (has links)
This is an investigation of the epic poetry produced in and about the Ibero-American world during the early modern period (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries) in trilingual perspective: in addition to the more familiar Spanish- and Portuguese-language texts, consideration is also––and, for the purposes of the thesis, above all––given to material in Latin. Latin was the third of the international literary languages of the Iberian imperial world; it is also by far the most neglected, having fallen between the cracks of modern disciplinary boundaries in their current configurations. The thesis seeks to rehabilitate the Latin-language component as a fully-fledged member of the Ibero-American epic tradition, arguing that it demands to be analysed with reference not only to the classical and classicising traditions but to those same themes and concerns––in this case, the centre|periphery binary––as are investigated for counterparts when in Spanish or Portuguese. The crucial difference is that––while the ends may be the same––the means of thematising these issues derive in form and signifying power from interactions with the conceptual vocabularies and frameworks of the Greco-Roman epic tradition. How is America represented and New World space figured––even produced––in a poetic idiom first developed by ancient Mediterranean cultures with no conception whatsoever of the continent of the western hemisphere? At the core is one such long neglected Ibero-American Latin-language epic by a figure who lived across the Iberian imperial world: the 'De Invento Novo Orbe Inductoque Illuc Christi Sacrificio' (Faenza, 1777) by Catalan-born Jesuit José Manuel Peramás. Peramás’s epic––which has never been the subject of a literary-critical study before––is offered as a test case: an exercise in analysing a Latin-language Hispanic epic qua Hispanic epic and setting it into Ibero-American literary-cultural context. This is to be understood in relation to the field of so-called ‘New World poetics’: an at present emergent zone of inquiry within Iberian colonial studies which until now has been developing almost completely without reference to the Latin-language portion of the corpus.
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A Framework for Community-based Governance in Grasslands and Savannahs of South AmericaEufemia, Luca 26 October 2020 (has links)
Die folgenden Arbeiten folgen einem vergleichenden Ansatz zweier ausgewählter Gebiete Südamerikas, um die Komplexität der Governance-Prozesse zu strukturieren. Sie konzentriert sich auf das kolumbianische Llanos- und das paraguayische Pantanal-Gebiet und korreliert die räumliche Beziehung der von natürlichen Ressourcen abhängigen Gemeinden mit sozioökonomischen und ökologischen Veränderungen, Macht und hierarchischer Struktur auf allen Ebenen, politischer Dynamik und Programmen zur Einbindung von Stakeholdern. Die Hypothese hinter dieser Arbeit ist, dass die Verwendung einer geklärten, nicht-normativen Governance-Perspektive in der sozio-ökonomischen und politischen Forschung zu einem besseren Verständnis sozio-ökonomischer und politischer Prozesse beitragen kann, einschließlich formaler und informeller Prozesse, die in größere und kleinere soziale Systeme eingebettet sind, sowie sowohl vertikale als auch horizontale sozio-ökonomische und politische Arrangements. Über die Entwicklung eines spezifischen Rahmens für die CBG hinaus werden zwei praktische und methodische Instrumente generiert. Das Community-Based Governance Manual (CBGM), einschließlich einer Fallstudie über das kolumbianische Llanos, und die Guidelines to Strengthen CBGG in the Paraguayan Pantanal (CBGG) versuchen, die politische, wirtschaftliche und soziale Analyse von Gemeindeakteuren sowie Szenarien zur Bewältigung der sie betreffenden sozio-ökologischen und sozio-ökonomischen Probleme zu fördern. Der CBGM und der CBGG können als konkrete und greifbare Auswirkungen auf Feldebene sowie als gültige Prognosen für die erwartete zukünftige Entwicklung von lokalen und ökologischen Governance-Modellen angesehen werden. / The following work develops the Community-Based Governance (CBG), a bottom-up organizational model, ought to increase the participation of local groups in the planning, research, development, management, and formulation of policies and strategies for the wider community. It follows a comparative approach of two selected areas of South America in order to structure the complexity of governance processes: the Colombian Llanos and the Paraguayan Pantanal, correlating the spatial relation of natural resource-dependent communities with socio-economic and environmental changes, along with power and hierarchical structure at all scales, political dynamics, and stakeholder engagement schemes. The hypothesis behind this work is that using a clarified, non-normative governance perspective in socio-economic and policy research can contribute to an improved understanding of socio-economic and political processes, including formal and informal ones, those embedded in larger and smaller social systems, as well as both vertical and horizontal socio-economic and political arrangements. Beyond the development of a specific framework for CBG, two practical and methodological tools are generated. The Community-Based Governance Manual (CBGM), including a case study of the Colombian Llanos, and the Guidelines to Strengthen CBG in the Paraguayan Pantanal (CBGG) seek to promote the political, economic, and social analysis of community actors as well as scenarios addressing the socio-environmental and socio-economic problems that affect them. CBGM and CBGG may be regarded as concrete and tangible impacts on the field, as well as valid outlooks on expected future development of local and environmental governance models.
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Indígenas, escravizados negros e homens livres na fronteira do Mato Grosso, Bolívia e Paraguai: fugas, contrabando e resistência (1750-1850) / Indians, black enslaved and free men on the border of Mato Grosso, Bolivia and Paraguay: escapes, smuggling and resistances (1750-1850)Lordelo, Monique Cristina de Souza 22 May 2019 (has links)
Os personagens analisados nessa tese são os escravizados negros, indígenas e homens livres no Mato Grosso e suas circulações na fronteira com Bolívia e Paraguai na segunda metade do século XVIII e primeira metade do XIX. Defendemos nessa tese o protagonismo desses escravizados negros e indígenas no processo de colonização portuguesa e espanhola na região. Afirmamos que nenhum desses personagens responderam passivos às submissões de senhores, nem mesmo às instituições coloniais administrativas e religiosas. Durante o século XVIII foram travados vários embates entre indígenas e colonizadores nessa tríplice fronteira e os indígenas responderam a essa colonização desenvolvendo estratégias diversas como enfrentamento ou alianças com aquele que mais lhe convinha, ora com portugueses, ora com espanhóis. E mesmo depois de estabelecida a colonização, com construções de fortalezas e vilas nessa fronteira luso-espanhola e também estabelecidas as reduções jesuíticas em território fronteiriço de domínios hispânicos, os indígenas continuaram fazendo alianças e sendo personagens importantes comercializando seus produtos tanto com portugueses quanto com espanhóis tentando manter seu território conquistado sempre. Os escravizados negros começaram a chegar no Mato Grosso na segunda metade do século XVIII depois de uma longa e penosa viagem desde outras regiões do Brasil e também da África. Percebemos que, por ser uma região de fronteira, os escravizados fugiam para os domínios hispânicos, mas, para isso deveriam atravessar os caudalosos rios Paraguai, Guaporé ou Mamoré que dividiam os domínios das duas coroas ibéricas (Portugal e Espanha) na fronteira oeste do Mato Grosso. Mais do que uma fronteira política que limitava essas duas coroas ibéricas, a fronteira luso-espanhola foi um espaço no qual diferentes grupos sociais inventavam práticas diversas procurando melhores condições de vida e sobrevivência. Esse espaço de convívio de diferentes identidades na fronteira oeste da capitania, assim como as fugas de escravizados negro para os domínios hispânicos e formação de quilombos foram constantes durante todo o período colonial, e não cessaram durante o período imperial. Para avalizar essa tese pesquisamos documentação em três países. No Brasil recorremos ao Arquivo Público do Estado de Mato Grosso (APMT), localizado em Cuiabá. Na Bolívia, pesquisamos dois arquivos: o primeiro foi o Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales de Bolivia (ABNB), localizado em Sucre; e o segundo foi o Museo de Historia y Archivo Histórico de Santa Cruz (MHAHSC), localizado em Santa Cruz de la Sierra. O último arquivo pesquisado foi no Paraguai, em Assunção, o Archivo Nacional de Asunción (ANA). Por fim, no diz respeito à fronteira oeste do Mato Grosso, para os lusitanos, tratava-se de manter o território conquistado; para os espanhóis, impedir o avanço; e, para ambos era conter a força indígena. Já os escravizados negros viam nos países vizinhos uma oportunidade para conquistar a liberdade e de melhores condições de sobrevivência e trabalho, com menos vigilância institucional, enquanto os proprietários de escravizados deveriam exercer mais vigilância para que não houvesse marginalidades. No caso dos indígenas, essa fronteira também era uma oportunidade de fuga institucional das coroas ibéricas (Portugal e Espanha) e das missões jesuíticas, mas também lutando para manter seu território em situação de conquista, essa fronteira possibilitava negociação, tanto com portugueses quanto com espanhóis. Quanto aos homens livres, essa fronteira facilitava as fugas de soldados desertores dos fortes construídos nesse limite institucional imposto pelas metrópoles, mas também maior possibilidade de comércio, contrabando e negociações entre nações fronteiriças vizinhas. / The characters analyzed during this thesis are black enslaved men, Indians and free men in Mato Grosso and their circulations on the border with Bolivia and Paraguay in the second half of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth. We defend the protagonism of these enslaved black and indigenous people at the process of the Portuguese and Spanish colonization in the region. We affirm none of those responded passively to the submissions of owners, colonial administration and religious institutions. At the eighteenth century, several clashes between Indians and colonizers, at the triple frontier, were fought, and the indigenous population responded to the colonization by developing diverse strategies such as confrontation or even alliances with the ones who suited them the most, sometimes with the Portuguese others with Spaniards. Even after the colonization was established, with fortress and villages constructed at the Portuguese-Spanish border, and the launch of Jesuitical reductions at borderland territory of the Hispanic domains, the Indians continued to form alliances. They were important figures commercializing their products for both Portuguese and Spanish, always trying to keep their conquered territory. Black enslaved began arriving in Mato Gross in the second half of the eighteenth century after a long and painful journey from other regions of Brazil and also Africa. We realized, because it was a borderland region, the enslaved fled to the Hispanic dominions. However, they had to cross the Paraguay, Guaporé or Mamoré rivers that divided the domain of the two Iberian crowns (Portugal and Spain) on the western border of Mato Grosso. Even more than a political borderland limiting these two Iberian crowns, the Portuguese-Spanish frontier was a space in which different social groups created diverse practices seeking better living conditions and survival. This coexistence space of different identities on the western border of the captaincy, as well as the escapes of black enslaved to Hispanic dominions and the formation of quilombos were constant throughout the colonial period, and did not cease during the imperial period. To support the thesis we researched documentation in three countries. In Brazil we used the Public Archive of the State of Mato Grosso (APMT), located in Cuiaba. In Bolivia, we researched two archives: the first was the National Archive and Library of Bolivia (ABNB), located in Sucre; and the second was the Historical History and Archive Museum of Santa Cruz (MHAHSC), located in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The last searched one was in Paraguay, in Asuncion, National Archive of Asuncion (ANA). Lastly, concerning the western border of Mato Grosso, for the Portuguese it was a matter of maintaining the conquered territory; for the Spaniards stop the advancements; and for both contain the indigenous people force. Black enslaved, however, saw in neighboring countries an opportunity for freedom and better survival and work conditions with less institutional vigilance. The enslaved owners should exercise more vigilance so there would be no marginalities. Regarding the Indians case, this frontier was also an opportunity for an institutional escape of the Iberian crowns (Portugal and Spain) and the Jesuitical missions, but also the struggle to keep their territory in a conquering situation. Such border allowed the negotiation with both Portuguese and Spanish. Concerning the free men, the frontier facilitated the escape of deserted soldiers from the fortress built in the institutional limit imposed by the metropolises, but also greater possibility of trade, smuggling and negotiations between borderland neighboring nations.
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Memória, identidade e fronteira: narrativas musicais sobre a tríplice fronteira Brasil / Paraguai / Argentina (1960-2017) / Memory, identity and frontier: musical narratives on the triple border Brazil / Paraguay / Argentina (1960-2017)Gonzalez, Emilio 27 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-07-11T12:29:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-04-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research analyzes social practices, memories and narratives produced by musicians that are living (or have lived) in the triple border region between Brazil / Paraguay / Argentina, since the 60s to the present. The hypothesis that we seek to develop suggests that these people are producing memories and musical identities from their movements within those frontiers, constructing own ways of elaborating their experiences . These ways have found in music the means to express their new identities and memories. In order to undertake this work, we have dialogued with oral testimonies (interviews) of some musicians who have crossed the border in the last decades, as well as consulted other materials such as songs and compositions of those authors, articles and interviews, all published in newspapers of the frontier region, as well as other materials obtained from the musicians themselves (records, booklets, photographs, publicity materials, etc.) We also have dialogued with some authors (historians, anthropologists, memorialists, journalists, etc.) who sought to produce and analyze images and discourses about the triple frontier and the historical and social processes that shaped it since the end of the 19th century. Acting autonomously, the musicians and artists, within that frontier, have moved from their own issues, interests and needs , sometimes proposing and achieving transnational aesthetic and stylistic hybridizations and experimentations, sometimes reaffirming "national" identity elements, or proposing identity syntheses. Thus, even with no intention, they ended up being part of the debates that reaffirmed the frontier, operating as factors of invention and having the regional popular music as an important interlocutor and vector / A presente pesquisa analisa práticas sociais, memórias e narrativas produzidas por músicos que vivem (ou viveram) na região da tríplice fronteira entre Brasil/Paraguai/Argentina, desde a década de 1960 aos dias atuais. A hipótese que buscamos desenvolver sugere que estes sujeitos produziram memórias e identidades musicais a partir de seus deslocamentos realizados no interior dessas fronteiras, construindo formas próprias de elaborar essas experiências, e que tiveram na música o elemento onde expressar essas novas identidades e memórias. Para empreender este trabalho, dialogamos com depoimento orais (entrevistas) de alguns músicos que passaram pela tríplice fronteira nas últimas décadas, além de outras fontes que também consultamos, tais como: músicas e composições destes autores, matérias e entrevistas publicadas em jornais da fronteira e região, sites, blog e revistas, além de outros materiais obtidos das mãos dos próprios músicos, (discos, cartilhas, fotografias, materiais de divulgação, etc). Dialogamos também com alguns autores (historiadores, antropólogos, memorialistas, jornalistas, etc) que buscaram produzir e analisar imagens e discurso acerca da tríplice fronteira e dos processos históricos e sociais que a conformaram desde o final do séculos XIX Atuando de maneira autônoma, a partir de suas próprias questões, interesses e necessidades, músicos e artistas se deslocaram no interior dessa fronteira, ora propondo (e realizando) hibridizações e experimentações estéticas e estilísticas transnacionais, ora refirmando elementos identitários “nacionais”, ora propondo sínteses identitárias. Assim, mesmo sem pretender, acabaram se inserindo nestes debates que ressignificaram a fronteira, operando como fatores de invenção, tendo na música popular regional um importante interlocutor e vetor
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Impactos cumulativos de hidrelétricas sobre a hidrologia e qualidade da água de um rio contribuinte do PantanalSilva, Antonio Carlos Coelho da 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-03-13T16:16:56Z
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DISS_2015_Antonio Carlos Coelho da Silva.pdf: 2821968 bytes, checksum: fcd2e727317e1f78374149a461864c21 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-03-14T15:59:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
DISS_2015_Antonio Carlos Coelho da Silva.pdf: 2821968 bytes, checksum: fcd2e727317e1f78374149a461864c21 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-14T15:59:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISS_2015_Antonio Carlos Coelho da Silva.pdf: 2821968 bytes, checksum: fcd2e727317e1f78374149a461864c21 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / A maior planície inundável do mundo, o Pantanal, tem como seu principal contribuinte formador o Rio Paraguai. Em sua Região Hidrográfica foram instaladas cinco hidrelétricas e cinquenta e oito Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PDHs). No Rio Jauru, afluente importante do Rio Paraguai, uma sequência de 6hidrelétricas foi construída no gradiente longitudinal do rio. Neste estudo, que visou identificar e analisar os impactos sobre a hidrologia e qualidade da água do Rio Jauru, devido à operação em cascata das hidrelétricas, foi considerado não apenas o impacto individual produzido por cada hidrelétrica, mas também, o resultado de seus impactos de forma integrada. Foram analisados 12 parâmetros formadores da qualidade de água do rio em, diversos pontos no longitudinal do rio, a montante e a jusante das hidrelétricas. Também foram analisados 32 parâmetros hidrológicos utilizando o através do software IHA. Alterações na hidrologia e na qualidade da água após a instalação das usinas hidrelétricas foram verificadas. Os resultados deste estudo questionam a teoria que pequenas centrais hidrelétricas provocam pouco impacto ambiental no rio. / The Paraguay River is the major tributary of the largest floodplain in the world, the Pantanal. Itsbasincontains five hydropower plants and fifty-eight small hydro power plants. In the Jauru River, an important tributary of the Paraguay River, a cascade of six hydropower plants was built along the longitudinal gradient of the river. The present study aimed at identifying and analyzing the impacts on the hydrology and water quality of the Jauru River caused by the cascade hydropower plants, considering not only the individual impact produced by each one but also the combination of their impacts together. We analyzed 12 parameters indicating water quality of the river, data from several sites along the longitudinal axis of the river, upstream and downstream of the reservoirs lakes. Also, 32 hydrological parameters were examined with the aid of the software IHA. Changes in hydrology and water quality were found after the installation of the hydropower plants. Our results question the assertion that small hydropower plants have little environmental impact on the river.
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Entre o Prata e Mato Grosso : uma viagem pelo mundo do trabalho maritimo de 1910 a 1930 (Buenos Aires, Montevideu,Assunção e Corumba)Oliveira, Vitor Wagner Neto de 20 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Claudio Henrique de Moraes Batalha / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T18:02:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Oliveira_VitorWagnerNetode_D.pdf: 2338095 bytes, checksum: 1e63842d6d0e92e71452fff58be97054 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Tendo o navio, o rio e o porto como espaços privilegiados e os tripulantes como personagens principais, a pesquisa aborda os ¿mundos do trabalho¿ no caminho fluído dos rios da Prata e Paraguai, passando pelas cidades portos de Buenos Aires, Montevidéu, Assunção e Corumbá, ligadas fisicamente pelas águas da Bacia Platina e, numa perspectiva social, pelas relações de trabalho e de resistência operária, no início do século XX. A narrativa pretende apresentar as experiências dos trabalhadores marítimos que delineiam proximidades para além fronteiras nacionais, contribuindo para romper com barreiras historiográficas que se desenham conforme os limites geo-econômicos nacionais. Apresentam-se, de início, os ambientes naturais apreendidos como espaços que se formam ao sofrerem a ação do homem, portanto, espaços dinâmicos que estabelecem fronteiras que podem não coincidir com as linhas demarcadas pelos Estados. A mobilidade da fronteira possibilita o emprego de mão-de-obra precarizada em Mato Grosso, arregimentada no Paraguai e no norte Argentino. Da mesma forma, a urbanização de cidades do antigo Sul de Mato Grosso é explicada a partir dessa percepção de transnacionalização da região. No interior dos navios que faziam a ligação entre o Mato Grosso e o Prata, visualiza-se a conjugação do tempo da natureza, do tempo da máquina a vapor e das relações que os homens estabeleciam com esses elementos e entre si no cotidiano do trabalho. Nos bairros portuários, local de moradia e de convivência desses trabalhadores, tenta-se identificar as diferenças e semelhanças dos marítimos com os outros em terra. Na seqüência prioriza-se o estudo das organizações operárias de Assunção, para entender as inter-relações dos movimentos operários no Cone-Sul americano, especialmente dos marítimos. Os momentos de greves e boicotes são privilegiados na apreensão da solidariedade internacional de classe. Finaliza-se a tese apontando para a existência, no Cone-Sul, de duas faces do movimento operário: a luta organizada e a repressão coordenada, ambas internacionalmente / Abstract: Having the ship, the river and the port as priviledged spaces and the crew as main characters, this research is an approach to ¿words of work¿ that flowed through river Plate and Paraguai river, passing by Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Assunción and Corumbá ports, geographically connected by Platina Basin waters and, in a social perspective, by working relations and working class resistence (at the beginning of the XX century). This narrative intends to present maritime workers experiences that outline proximities beyond national borders, this way contributing to break historiographic barriers outlined according to natural geo-economic limits. At the beginning we present two natural surroundings seized as spaces formed by man¿s action, so, dinamic spaces that have established limits that can ou cannot agree with limits marked out by the States: this frontier mobility permits the use of precarious labor workmanship in Mato Grosso, employed in Paraguay and North of Argentina. In a similar way, cities urbanization at the South of Mato Grosso can be explained from this perception of regional transnationalization. Aboard the ships that sail from Mato Grosso to Plata rivers, we can have a joint view of nature time. Stean machine time and the relations men establish with these elements and among themselves in their daily work. In port neighbourhoods (barrios), living and social places of these workers, we try to identify differences and similarities of these meritime workers with others in land. Then, we try to give priority to a study on labour organizations from Assunción, to understand interlations among Cone-Sul american labour movements, particularly sea workers. Strike and boycott moments are priviledged places to understand international class solidarity. At last, this thesis points out to the existence at Cone-Sul of two faces in this labour movement: organized struggle and coordinated repression, both happening internacionally / Doutorado / Historia Social / Doutor em História
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O guarani como língua oficial e a promoção de um bilinguismo imaginário no ParaguaiColaça, Joyce Palha 06 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-03T17:47:24Z
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TESE_VERSAO_FINAL_13_out_15.pdf: 4700487 bytes, checksum: 180f73ba5efa53f17a395bc9f4450522 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-06T13:51:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE_VERSAO_FINAL_13_out_15.pdf: 4700487 bytes, checksum: 180f73ba5efa53f17a395bc9f4450522 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-06T13:51:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE_VERSAO_FINAL_13_out_15.pdf: 4700487 bytes, checksum: 180f73ba5efa53f17a395bc9f4450522 (MD5) / Nesta tese, temos como objetivo compreender os processos de produção de sentidos
sobre as línguas guarani e espanhola em contexto de bilinguismo no Paraguai. Filiamo-nos às
pesquisas desenvolvidas no âmbito da História das Ideias Linguísticas (AUROUX, 1998,
2009 [1992], 2010 [1994]; ORLANDI, 1983, 1988, 2008 [1990]), em seu entrelaçamento com
Análise do Discurso de linha francesa (PÊCHEUX, 1988 [1975], 1990 [1969]; 2010 [1994]),
para construir nossa reflexão e avançar nos estudos referentes ao tema. Para compor nosso
arquivo de análise, tomamos os textos das Cartas Magnas desde o primeiro Regulamento de
Governo, de 1813, até a atual Constituição da República do Paraguai, de 1992, que
oficializou a língua guarani. Também fazem parte do nosso arquivo os textos da Lei Geral de
Educação nº 1264/1998 e da Lei n° 3231/2007 e da Lei de Línguas nº 4251/2010. Para
compreender os sentidos produzidos acerca do imaginário de bilinguismo, analisamos as
ações da Secretaria de Políticas Linguísticas, a partir da descrição de três projetos, dentre os
quais selecionamos o intitulado Rohayhu Che Ñe'ẽ: una semana en lengua guaraní.
Observamos o funcionamento dos discursos sobre o guarani no espaço de enunciação
(GUIMARÃES, 2005) paraguaio e, também, no latino-americano, por sua incorporação como
língua oficial de trabalho do Mercosul. Pela análise empreendida no decorrer desta tese,
verificamos como a memória (PÊCHEUX, 2007) sobre as línguas se inscreve nas
discursividades das leis de educação e na produção de políticas de línguas sobre o
bilinguismo, pela promoção de um bilinguismo imaginário, que significa a língua guarani
num lugar de tradição, de patrimônio e de identidade nacional em oposição à língua
espanhola, significada, pela historicidade dos processos de produção de sentidos, como a
língua de civilização e de conhecimento. No jogo das relações de forças travadas no embate
entre as línguas, nas textualidades analisadas, se materializam os efeitos de sentidos
produzidos ideológica e historicamente, em um processo que segue promovendo a língua
espanhola e silenciando a língua guarani no Paraguai. / En esta tesis, tenemos como objetivo comprender los procesos de producción de
sentidos sobre las lenguas guaraní y española en contexto de bilingüismo en Paraguay. Nos
remitimos a las investigaciones desarrolladas en el ámbito de la Historia de las Ideas
Lingüísticas (AUROUX, 1998, 2009 [1992], 2010 [1994]; ORLANDI, 1983, 1988, 2008
[1990]), en su entrelazamiento con el Análisis del Discurso de línea francesa (PÊCHEUX,
1988 [1975], 1990 [1969]; 2010 [1994]), para construir nuestra reflexión y avanzar en los
estudios referentes al tema. Para componer nuestro archivo de análisis, tomamos los textos de
las Cartas Magnas desde el primer Reglamento de Gobierno, de 1813, hasta la actual
Constitución de la República de Paraguay, de 1992, que oficializó la lengua guaraní.
También forman parte de nuestro archivo los textos de la Ley General de Educación nº
1264/1998 y de la Ley n° 3231/2007 y de la Ley de Lenguas nº 4251/2010. Para comprender
los sentidos producidos acerca del imaginario de bilingüismo, analizamos las acciones de la
Secretaría de Políticas Lingüísticas del Paraguay, a partir de la descripción de tres proyectos,
de los que seleccionamos el intitulado Rohayhu Che Ñe'ẽ: una semana en lengua guaraní.
Observamos el funcionamiento de los discursos sobre el guaraní en el espacio de enunciación
(GUIMARÃES, 2005) paraguayo y, también, latinoamericano, por su incorporación como
lengua oficial de trabajo del Mercosur. Por el análisis hecho en el decurso de esta tesis,
verificamos como la memoria (PÊCHEUX, 2007) sobre las lenguas se inscribe en las
discursividades de las leyes de educación y en la producción de políticas de lenguas sobre el
bilingüismo, por la promoción de un bilingüismo imaginario, que significa la lengua guaraní
en un lugar de tradición, de patrimonio y de identidad nacional en oposición a la lengua
española, significada, por la historicidad de los procesos de producción de sentidos, como la
lengua de civilización y de conocimiento. En el juego de las relaciones de fuerzas, trabadas en
el embate entre las lenguas, en las textualidades analizadas, se materializan los efectos de
sentido producidos ideológica e históricamente, en un proceso que sigue promoviendo la
lengua española y silenciando la lengua guaraní en el Paraguay.
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This work was based in methods of classic descriptive statistics, methods of geostatistics and geoprocessing, in the identification of the size and the structure of the spatial variability of the physical and chemical attributes of the soil in area of Paraguay Tea forestry. The area of study, localized in the Tupian Farm, in the municipality of New Silver, RS, where were raised samples from January to March, 2005, embracing the Latosoil humic dystrophic soil. It was accomplished systematic sample with grid of regular spacing among the one hundred meter points, totalizing thirty-six sample points and the six hundred and thirty pairs of data, in an area of
thirty-six hectares. Were collected samples of soil in situ for analysis in laboratory of the physic attributes of the bulky sand (BS), thin sand (TS) , silt (SIL), argil (ARG), soil density (SD), particle density (PD) and whole porosity (WP) and chemical attributes of argil, texture, pH (H2O), phosphorus (P), potassium(P), organic material (OM), aluminum (AL), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), exchangeable aluminum (H +
Al), cations real exchange capacity (CTCe), cations exchange capacity to pH7 (CTCpH7) and saturation of basis (V%). The magnitudes of spatial variabilities were
obtained by the variation of coefficient (CV%), with confidence level of 95%, through Microsoft Office Excel 2003 program, while the structure was identified by semivariogrames, in applications geostatistics establishing the necessary parameters to the krigagem . All models of semivariogrames presented zones of anisotropic
influence, having its spatial variability the greatest in the perpendicular sense to these areas the declivity. The chemical attribute that presented greatest variability
was phosphorus (P), with CV%=127,73, followed by the aluminum attribute (Al), com CV%= 99,23 and the attribute of least variability was the pH (H2O), com CV%=0,0013. To the physical attributes in the distribution of particles size (%), the
attribute of greatest variability was bulky sand, with CV%=36,39, while the statistics made to the density attributes of soil, what present the greatest variability was the attribute of whole porosity, with CV%=95,49 and they least variability was verified was the argil, with CV%=12,32. IN the analysis of the structure of the spatial variability through geostatistics, the chemical attribute Ca presented IDE (%)=64,42 and the physical attribute ARG with IDE (%)=62,50, getting the greatest rates. To the accomplishment of agreement in the program VARIOWIN® 2.21- Software for Spatial Data Analysis , the method used was the visual, named the feeling , where the Spherical model was what better was adapted to the studied attributes, indicated in 55% of the variogrames. The Gaussian s model to the attribute of texture got the most overtaking with a (m)=421. A crusade validation with the usage of the program GSLIB90 Geostatistical Software Library pointed out accuracy in the agreement of
the variographic models, having the attributes Ca, Al and ARG with R² (%) of 0,841; 0,705 and 0,760, respectively. The usual krigagem of the studied attributes permitted the detailed of the distribution of these through the maps of isolineas. / Este trabalho utilizou-se de métodos de estatística descritiva clássica, métodos de geoestatística e de geoprocessamento, na identificação do tamanho e da estrutura da variabilidade espacial de atributos físico-químicos do solo em área de
florestamento de erva-mate. A área de estudo, localizada na Fazenda Tupi, no município de Nova Prata, RS, foi levantada amostras nos meses de janeiro a março de 2005, compreendendo a classe de solo Latossolo Húmico Distrófico Álico. Realizou-se amostragem sistemática com grid de espaçamento regular entre os pontos de 100 metros, totalizando 36 pontos amostrais e 630 pares de dados, em
uma área de 36 hectares. Foram coletadas amostras de solo in situ para análise em laboratório dos atributos físicos areia grossa (AG), areia fina (AF), silte (SIL), argila (ARG), densidade de solo (DS), densidade de partícula (DP) e porosidade total (PoT) e atributos químicos argila, textura, pH (H2O), fósforo (P), potássio (K), matéria orgânica (M.O.), alumínio (Al), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), alumínio trocável (H+Al), capacidade de troca de cátions efetiva (CTCe), capacidade de troca de cátions à pH7 (CTCpH7) e saturação de bases (V%). As magnitudes das variabilidades espaciais
foram obtidas pelo coeficiente de variação (CV%), com nível de confiança de 95,0%, através do programa Microsoft Office Excel 2003, enquanto que a estrutura foi identificada por meio de semivariogramas, em aplicativos geoestatísticos, definindose os parâmetros necessários para a krigagem. Todos os modelos de semivariogramas apresentaram zonas de influência anisotrópicas, tendo sua variabilidade espacial maior no sentido perpendicular a declividade destas áreas. O
atributo químico que apresentou maior variabilidade foi o fósforo (P), com CV%=127,73, seguido do atributo alumínio (Al), com CV%=99,23 e o atributo de menor variabilidade, foi o pH(H2O), com CV%=13,79. Para os atributos físicos, na
distribuição do tamanho de partículas (%), o atributo de maior variabilidade foi areia grossa, com CV%=36,39, enquanto a estatística realizada para os atributos densidade do solo, o que apresentou maior variabilidade foi o atributo porosidade
total, com CV%=95,49 e a menor variabilidade foi constatada a argila, com CV%=12,32. Na análise de estrutura da variabilidade espacial através da geoestatística, o atributo químico Ca apresentou IDE(%)=64,42 e o atributo físico
ARG com IDE(%)=62,50, obtendo os maiores índices. Para realização do ajuste no programa VARIOWIN® 2.21 Software for Spatial Data Analysis , o método utilizado foi o visual, denominado a sentimento , onde o modelo Esférico foi o que melhor se ajustou aos atributos estudados, indicado em 55% dos semivariogramas. O modelo Gaussiano para o atributo textura obteve o maior alcance com a(m)=421.
A validação cruzada, com o uso do programa GSLIB 90 Geostatistical Software Library mostrou acuracidade no ajuste dos modelos variográficos, tendo os atributos
Ca, Al e ARG com R²(%) de 0,841; 0,705 e 0,760, respectivamente. A krigagem ordinária dos atributos estudados permitiu o detalhamento da distribuição destas a
partir dos mapas de isolinhas.
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Create, Establish, Maintain: Comparing Zones of Peace in the Nordic Area and the Southern ConeRoberts, Dylan W. 14 May 2014 (has links)
In the wake of the Cold War, regional organizations have proliferated and are now a dominant theme in global politics. This study tests whether explanations for the Nordic peace can help to understand or construct other zones of peace in these increasingly important regional settings. With that in mind, this study compares the Nordic area of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden with the Southern Cone region–here defined as Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay–and both are treated as regional, subsystemic zones of peace. Its significance lies in analysis of two developmentally disparate regions not yet compared in zones of peace literature. Using structured, focused comparison, this study is guided by fundamental questions about each region that assess the relationship between explanations for regional peace and their respective historical records. Understanding the conditions that permit the endurance of peace in today’s global context has far-reaching empirical and theoretical implications.
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