Spelling suggestions: "subject:"derceived safety"" "subject:"aperceived safety""
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Women’s Perceived Safety on Public Transport Journeys : A Qualitative Study / Kvinnors trygghet under kollektivtrafikresor : En kvalitativ studieBergdahl, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Women feel more fear than men in public space and when using public transport. This is an inequality in our society which limits women’s mobility and access to public goods. This study aims to qualitatively explore how women experience their public transport trips from a perceived safety perspective in a study of Gullmarsplan. Which elements women focus on during the trips and what they perceive as unsafe was explored, as well as what behaviors and strategies women use to manage their fear of crime. This was explored by first collecting travel diaries using a whole journey approach and then by narrowing the study down to performing walk-alongs in the walking environment at Gullmarsplan. The study found that women focus mostly on the social environment and that their reflections on the physical environment usually are related to perceived indicators of social incivilities and risk of victimization. Gullmarsplan was generally perceived as quite safe during the day but during evenings and nights most women avoided certain places which usually were secluded, difficult to survey or were perceived to attract dangerous others. Defensive adaptation strategies, mainly avoidance strategies and vigilance, were found to be the most commonly used safety strategies by women. Women’s fear of crime likely cannot be completely designed away in the physical environment but will require structural changes that promote gender equality in our society. With that noted, it is important that urban planners and designers are aware of how the physical environment affects women’s perceived safety. This study found that principles of CPTED generally made women feel safer, particularly important were good lighting and natural surveillance. Green spaces such as parks were found to often be avoided by women after dark. The geographical location and use of safety principles such as CPTED is thus especially important at such locations. Urban planners and designers have the power to shape public spaces that are accessible and safe. Public policies and design that promote equality in access to and use of public space is a feature of a more just democratic society.
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Gendered Modes of Travelling After Dark and Their Relationship to Momen’s Safety : An Ethnographic Study of Bus 4 in Stockholm to Facilitate the Transition Towards Autonomous MobilityMoncaut, Emilie Diane January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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A Spatial Syntax for Perceived Safety in Urban Environments : for Application in Urban Planning / Geografisk analys av trygghet i urbana miljöer för tillämpning vid stadsplaneringOttenby, Nore January 2017 (has links)
Perceived safety is an important aspect of urban planning and is generally treated as an objective account of the personal sense of safety of each individual. The subject is inherently diffuse and therefore problematic to understand and evaluate in its entirety.This thesis builds on the practice of space syntax theory and the field of research that has sprung up around it, focused on quantifying urban qualities. A spatial syntax dedicated to perceived safety in urban environments is suggested, based on common themes in research and policy documents on the topic. Features that were considered to influence perceived safety were identified and their effects mapped with the use of standard GIS implementations. The effort aimed at introducing a quantitative approach to evaluation of perceived safety which is presently performed mainly in a qualitative manner. The features were quantified in the sense that their area of effect was mapped, which enabled measurements of the size and shape of their area of effect or number of features influencing a point in space. The mapped features have been listed below.• Field of view• Entrance locations• Active ground floors (e.g. storefronts and entrances available for public use)• Public lighting• Unclear landuseThe suggested methods were applied to the Stockholm suburb Skärholmen which currently suffers from lower perceived safety than the entire municipality and consists of an urban structure not considered to facilitate perceived safety by todays urban planning ideals.The methods were evaluated by reviewing the benefits of quantitative descriptions compared to written account, and through discussing the results with professionals at the planning office at the Municipality of Stockholm.The suggested syntax proved to have potential for concretizing the present planning process with respect to perceived safety. GIS is currently used in other aspects of urban planning and could be adapted to treat perceived safety. There would however be need for further standardization and a more user-friendly workflow. / Trygghet är en viktig aspekt inom stadsplanering och hanteras generellt som en objektiv beskrivning av enskilda upplevelser av trygghet i stadsbilden. Ämnet är diffust i sig självt och är därför problematiskt att till fullo förstå och utvärdera.Det här arbetet bygger på användandet av space syntax teori och den vetenskap som sprungit från ämnet, vilket syftar till att kvantifiera urbana kvalitéer. Ett spatialt syntax dedikerad till trygghet föreslås, som baseras på återkommande teman i forskning och plandokument som behandlar ämnet. Utformningar som anses påverka trygghet kartlades genom standardimplementering av GIS-verktyg. Syftet var att föreslå ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt för utvärdering av trygghet, vilket för närvarande generellt hanteras med kvalitativa men. De utformningar som kvantifierades gjordes så genom att det område de påverkar avbildades, vilket möjliggjorde fastställande av dessa områdens storlek och form samt hur många objekt som påverkar var punkt. De kartlagda utformningarna är listade nedan.• Öppet synfält• Entréplacering• Aktiva bottenvåningar (exempelvis skyltfönster samt entréer som inbjuder till publik användning)• Gatubelysning• Otydlig markanvändningDe föreslagna analysmetoderna applicerades på stockholmsförorten Skärholmen vilken för närvarande belastas av otrygghet jämfört men övriga kommunen och vars stadsutformning ger upphov till otrygghet enligt dagens stadsbyggnadsideal.Analysmetoderna utvärderades genom att bedöma fördelarna med resultaten jämfört med redogörelser i text samt genom diskussion med planerare på planorganet på Stockholms Stad.Det föreslagna spatiala syntaxet visade sig ha potential att konkretisera den aktuella planeringsprocessen med hänsyn till trygghet. GIS används vid behandling av andra frågor i stadsplanering och kan anpassas för att användas vid behandling av trygghet. Dock skulle viss standardisering samt ett mer användarvänligt utförande behövas.
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Light and Perception of safety in-between buildings : The role of lighting in perception of safety from a female perspective in in-between spaces of residential areasDastgheib, Seyedehfatemeh January 2018 (has links)
This thesis will investigate the relationship between lighting and perception of safety through a case study. The main focus of this study is outdoor lighting with consideration of gender equality and perception of safety. Although street lighting is generally recognized as the most important environmental features that influences subjective perception of safety after dark, there is still lack of knowledge regarding the needed quality of light for this purpose and how it may influence perceived safety. Literature review indicates that effect of light on perceived safety works through two different mechanisms: natural surveillance and social integration. The main focus of this thesis is on natural surveillance. Indeed, light by increasing visibility in interaction with presence of people, enhance possibilities of natural surveillance. Based on literature review, a tool has been developed to have a more specific examination of visibility.Besides, the women’s safety audit (WSA) diagnostic tool is used as a qualitative data collection tool to identify unsafe spots in the chosen area by 10 local female participants. The chosen area is a residential area in Eskilstuna city, called Årby neighbourhood. All the participants were asked to determine unsafe spots from their perspective in the chosen area during an exploratory night walk. In the next step, the identified unsafe spots are analysed by means of the developed tool in terms of visibility.The result of this thesis supports the previous findings regarding the relationship between visibility and safety perception. Results show that urban settings with low level of prospect (obstructed view), high level of entrapment (escape difficulty), high level of concealment (lots of hiding spots), lack of illuminated visual spatial boundaries (sky plane, vertical plane and ground plane), low level of facial recognition and obstacle detection, low level of illumination of path, high level of glare and varied lighting distribution are judged as the most unsafe by women. In addition, the study revealed that illuminated ground plane has the minimum impact on sense of safety in comparison with other safety-related environmental factors. Consequently, this study highlighted that standards and guidelines, which are related to ground plane, are not very beneficial for improving perception of safety.
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Trygga torg : En studie av torg ur ett trygghetsperspektiv / Perceived safety in squares : A study of squares with a perceived safety perspectiveJarlegård, Hanna, Lacombe, Bastien January 2019 (has links)
Trygghetsarbete ärnågot som både statliga myndigheter och kommuner intresserar sig för. Kommunernämner gärna i sina översiktsplaner att trygghetsfrämjande åtgärder ska vidtasoch att områden ska utvecklas med hänsyn till tryggheten. Hur dettatrygghetsarbete tar sig form i den fysiska miljön är mindre tydligt och syftetmed denna studie har således varit att ta fram aspekter som går att arbeta medför att främja trygghet. Dessa aspekter har sedan använts för att analyseratorg i Stockholm stad, Nacka kommun och Vaxholm stad för att se hur väl torgensvarar mot dessa aspekter. Aspekterna som tagits fram med hjälp av enlitteraturstudie och den fallstudie som har utförts har sedan legat till grundför att ta fram tips för hur trygga torg kan utformas.Litteraturstudien ledde till att fem aspekter av stor betydelse för trygghetentogs fram: närhet till andra människor, synlighet och överblickbarhet,belysning, grönska och skötsel av allmän plats. Inget av de torg som omfattadesav fallstudien uppnådde samtliga trygghetsaspekter, men vissa uppfyllde fler änandra. Utöver de slutsatser som har dragits kring vilka aspekter som är trygghetsfrämjandeså ledde studien till slutsatser kring vilka torg som uppfyller vilka aspekter.Slutligen ledde studien fram till konkreta förbättringsförslag för trygghetenpå de torg som fallstudien omfattade och handfasta tips för hur torg kanutformas med hänsyn till trygghet / Working with perceived safety is something that both government agencies and municipalities are interested in. Municipalities gladly mention in their general plans that perceived safety actions is something that should be prioritised and that new areas should be developed with regard to the perceived safety. Exactly how these perceived safety actions takes shape in the physical environment is less clear and the purpose has thus been to identify aspects that are possible to work with and that promotes the perceived safety. The identified aspects have then been used to analyse squares in Stockholm stad, Nacka kommun and Vaxholm stad to see how well these places correspond to the these aspects. Tips on how squares that are perceived as safe was then formulated based on the case study and the aspects that was identified in the literature study.The literature study led to the identification of five aspects with great significance to the perceived safety: closeness to other people, visibility and overview, lightning, greenery and maintenance of public space. None of the observed squares fulfill all the aspects, but some fulfill more than others. Other than the conclusions that were drawn concerning which aspects that are promoting for the perceived safety, the study also led to conclusions regarding which squares that fulfill which aspects. Finally the study led to improvement-proposals for perceived safety on the squares of the case study and concrete tips on how squares can be designed with regard to perceived safety.
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Safety in the Urban Space / Trygghet i stadsrummet : Analysverktyg för att främja upplevd trygghet genom fysisk utformning och kollektiv kartläggningOuertani, Mayssa January 2022 (has links)
Creating safe environments is a necessity within urban planning. In each element of the urban planning process, it is essential to reflect upon how the proposed plans can affect safety within the chosen environment. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to develop an analysis tool based on scientific research, to assess the perceived safety that is mediated through environmental design. The report aims to answer the following research questions, Which theoretical perspectives and scientific research can be used as a research basis, to develop a analysis tool that seek to increase perceived safety through environmental design? How can the perceived safety through the environmental design be assessed using the analysis tool? The method consists of a literature study, to give a broad and global insight on data as well as results that have been in previous research on safety. International studies and articles have been primarily used with few elements from the Swedish context, with the aim of obtaining a broad mapping of different contexts where safety in the physical environment has been investigated. The used search engines consist of the Royal Institute of Technology's Primo, Google and Google Scholar. Through these, the theoretical perspectives and the scientific research that underlies the work were found. The analysis tool consists of a checklist that includes six different categories; Lighting and mobility, Maintenance of the physical environment, Technical monitoring, Natural monitoring, Physical design and orientation as well as Vegetation in the physical environment. Within each category there are various claims that the user of the tool will rate in an assessment scale from 1 to 5. To take position to the presented claims, the user must perform a site visit to observe the surroundings. / Skapandet av trygga miljöer är en grundpelare inom samhällsplanering. I varje element av samhällsbyggnadsprocessen är det essentiellt samt nödvändigt att reflektera hur de planerade åtgärderna kan påverka tryggheten inom den valda miljön. Syftet med avhandlingen är därav att ta fram ett analysverktyg utifrån vetenskaplig forskning, för att bedöma den upplevda tryggheten som förmedlas genom utformningen av den fysiska miljön. Rapporten riktar sig till att besvara följande frågeställningar, Vilka teoretiska perspektiv och vetenskaplig forskning kan användas som forskningsunderlag, för att utveckla analysverktyg som eftersträvar att öka upplevd trygghet genom fysisk utformning? Hur kan den upplevda tryggheten genom utformningen av den fysiska miljön bedömas med hjälp av analysverktyget? Metoden utgörs av en litteraturstudie, för att ge en bred samt global inblick av data och resultat inom tidigare forskning av trygghet. För att få en bred kartläggning av olika fall där trygghet i den fysiska miljön har undersökts har primärt internationella studier och artiklar använts med få inslag från den svenska kontexten. De sökmotorer som använts består av Kungliga Tekniska Högskolans Primo, Google och Google Scholar. Genom dessa hittades de teoretiska perspektiv och den vetenskapliga forskningen som ligger till grund för arbetet. Analysverktyget består av en checklista som innefattar sex olika kategorier; Belysning och mobilitet, Underhåll av den fysiska miljön, Teknisk övervakning, Naturlig övervakning, Fysiska utformning och orienterbarhet samt Vegetation i den fysiska miljön. Inom varje kategori förekommer diverse påståenden som bedöms utifrån en bedömningsskala från 1 till 5. För att ta ställning till de presenterade påståenden bör användaren gå en rundtur på platsen och observera den omgivande miljön .
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Residents’ perception of safety in a vulnerable neighborhood : A case study from Andersberg, Gävle, SwedenAskar, Afnan, Badra, Ayysha January 2023 (has links)
Feeling safe is important for residents in their neighborhoods, but how do residents living in an area rumored to be unsafe perceive safety? This case study examined the perceived safety in a vulnerable area (Swedish: Utsatt område) in Gävle, Sweden. These vulnerable neighborhoods fall under the Swedish million housing program that consist of residential areas with large and high resident buildings that are often densified. This study aimed to examine the residents’ perception of safety in a neighborhood with the same conditions, in addition to evaluate crime prevention in the area using crime prevention through environmental design principles. territoriality, natural surveillance, activity support and access control. The aim of this study was achieved by using the following methods: CPTED inventory, safety walks and a survey. The safety walk was conducted with residents of the area. The inventory showed that crime prevention in the area is considered low, however, the results from safety walk suggest that the residents perceive the area as moderately safe. This study provides some suggestions in order to provide better crime prevention and better perception of safety in the area.Examples among the suggestions were to better the lighting and create more pedestrian crossovers on the car-based roads to decrease possible barrier effects. / Att känna sig trygg är viktigt för invånare i sina stadsdelar, men hur upplever invånare som bor i ett område som ryktas vara otryggt sin trygghet? Denna fallstudie undersökte den upplevda tryggheten i ett utsatt område i Gävle, Sverige. Dessa utsatta stadsdelar faller under det svenska miljonboendeprogrammet som består av bostadsområden med stora och höga bostadshus som ofta är förtätade. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka invånarnas uppfattning om trygghet i en stadsdel med samma förutsättningar, samt att utvärdera brottsförebyggande arbete i området med hjälp av brottsförebyggande principer såsom territorialitet, naturlig övervakning, aktivitetsstöd och tillträdeskontroll. Syftet med denna studie uppnåddes genom att använda följande metoder: CPTED-inventering, säkerhetsvandringar och en undersökning. Trygghetsvandringen genomfördes med boende i området. Inventeringen visade att det brottsförebyggande faktorerna i området anses lågt, dock tyder resultaten från trygghetsvandring på att de boende uppfattar området som måttligt säkert. Denna studie ger några förslag för att förbättra de brottförebyggande faktorerna och ge en bättre trygghetsuppfattning i området. Exempel bland förslagen var att förbättra belysningen och skapa fler övergångar för fotgängare på de bil baserade vägarna för att minska eventuella barriäreffekter.
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Put the Light Where it is NeededBlixt, Christofer January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I have analyzed how the phenomenon level of contrast, a consequence of the relation between level of light and distribution of light, works within urban green areas. For this particular site, the too high level of contrast is a result of the high level of light distributed 1) in the direction of oncoming pedestrians and 2) in a single zone of light and 3) on a too condensed surface area and 4) in a space with multiple vertical elements (in a dark space with low reflectance values). Being in the only lighted area surrounded by trees (vertical elements absorbing or reflecting light), with eyes adapted to its level of light, consequently, makes it impossible to see beyond the path. This since our eyes always adapt to the brightest spot in our field of view, which in all directions is a spot very close to the user. And since adapting to the emitted and reflected light our eyes cannot also adapt to the darkness beyond this enclosed space. Another perspective on this, also related to the very basics of our vision has to do with the task oriented lighting solutions. We humans have two different types of vision - central and peripheral. The central vision is approximately 2% of our field of view, it is the small spot where our gaze focus, the rest is peripheral vision. The strange thing is that modern urban lighting design have focused almost solely on task lighting and the central vision, and left the peripheral vision literally disorientated. Because, in order for the peripheral vision to help us navigate and collect spatial information, it needs variable lightning with multiple zones of light, creating differences in shade, revealing form and depth. The main contribution of this thesis, beyond defining knowledge regarding how light acts in these specific situations, is the development of a lighting design method specifically for urban green areas from a practice based design perspective (see figure 16). And that I have started the work of creating practical knowledge and answers to the question: How can the method be used in practice?
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Trygga rum för ombyten : En studie om hur omklädningsrum kan gestaltas för att öka upplevelsen av trygghet bland skolungdomarGustavsson, Jenni January 2022 (has links)
Det här är ett examensarbete inom informationsdesign med inriktning rumslig gestaltning. Studien har berört högstadieelevers upplevda otrygghet utifrån omklädningsrummets fysiska utformning. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur rumsliga formelement kan bidra till ökad upplevelse av trygghet hos målgruppen samt underlätta användningen av omklädningsrummets funktioner genom rumslig information. Arbetet har utgått från en befintlig lokal. För att öka förståelsen för människans rumsupplevelser har teorier inom miljöpsykologi, perceptionsforskning och färg- och formlära använts. Genom att kombinera metoderna platsanalys, workshop, fokusgrupp och intervju har undersökningen kunnat ge en samlad bild av vad som upplevs otryggt utifrån studiens kontext. Med stöd från den insamlade empirin och litteratur har ett designförslag tagits fram för att möta användarnas behov av trygghet. Ökad upplevelse av trygghet kan åstadkommas genom att organisera rumsliga formelement så att exponerade ytor minskar och mer avskildhet uppnås. Ett konceptuellt formspråk kan öka trivseln och bidra till tydlighet som underlättar för rummets aktiviteter. Utifrån omklädningsrummets fysiska förutsättningar har hänsyn tagits till ökad tillgänglighet. / This is a bachelor's thesis in information design with a focus on spatial design. The study concerns high school students' perceived exposure in relation to the physical design of the school gym's changing room. The purpose of the study has been to examine how spatial design elements can contribute to an increased sense of security for the target group and simplify the use of the changing room's functions through spatial information. The design has been based on an existing changing room. To increase the understanding of people’s experience of physical space, theories in environmental psychology, research in perception as well as shape and color theory have been applied. By combining the methods of spatial analysis, workshop, focus group and interview, the survey has been able to provide an overall picture of what is perceived as contributing factors to the feeling of insecurity based on the context of the study. Using the collected empirical data and literature, a design proposal has been developed to meet the users' need of perceived safety. An increased sense of integrity can be achieved by organizing spatial elements so that it creates fewer exposed areas and consequently more privacy can be achieved. Conceptual design elements can increase well-being and provide clarity to the room's intended activities. Based on the changing room's physical preconditions, an ambition to increase overall accessibility has been taken into account.
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Smarta hem och känslan av säkerhet : Hur upplevs säkerheten i smarta hem? / Smart homes and percieved security : How is the sense of security precieved in smart homes?Jansson, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Studien har syftat till att undersöka hur individers känsla av säkerhet kan påverkas i ett smart hem. Hemmet, smarta hem (SH) och känslan av säkerhet har definierats med hjälp av litteratur som är relevant för respektive område. Den teoretiska grunden tillsammans med studiens syfte ligger till grund för den designstrategi som använts för att undersöka detta på ett relevant sätt. Studien har baserats på ett induktivt angreppsätt där fokus har varit att identifiera aspekter som påverkar känslan av säkerhet i ett SH. Datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av en enkät samt en fokusgrupp. Studien har identifierat fynd som resulterat i två övergripande aspekter vilket är kontroll samt tillit till systemet. Dessa aspekter består av sju mer specifika definitioner, vilket kan ligga till grund för fortsatt forskning kring hur SH påverkar de som bor i dem.
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