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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between career adaptability and employee engagement amongst employees in an insurance company

Potgieter, Marna 01 August 2014 (has links)
The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the relationship between career adaptability (measured by the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale) and employee engagement (measured by the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale), and (2) to determine whether age, race, gender and tenure groups differ significantly regarding career adaptability and employee engagement. A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample (N = 131) of employees within a business unit of a large insurance company in South Africa. Correlational and inferential statistical analyses revealed significant relationships between career adaptability and employee engagement as well as significant differences between age and race groups on some dimensions of the constructs. These findings contribute valuable insight and knowledge to the field of Organisational Psychology and Career Psychology that can be applied in engagement strategies as well as in career guidance and counselling. The study concluded with recommendations for future research and practice. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Podnikatelský plán / Business Plan

Bubeníková, Edita January 2011 (has links)
This paper consists of theoretical and practical part. The first one is trying to clarify the basic terms of having a business and also reviews the terms of business plan in general. Regarding the plan, the paper is discussing various methods of strategic analysis, then describing basic marketing ideas and activities, and finally explaining terms of personal resources and work organization. This paper is also introducing the main facts about financial planning and resources including financial analysis with all possible methods and guidelines. Last but not least, the theory is dealing with risk management. The practical part shows particular business plan of an existing business unit - the group of sole traders Bušim. The plan is analyzing the past and current situation of businessmen group. The plan then gives some relevant recommendations for the future business development of the company on the basis of detected data.

Santé psychologique au travail dans le milieu scolaire public : étude des déterminants organisationnels et psychologiques chez les enseignants marocains / Psychological Health at work in the public school environment : a Study of organizational and psychological determinants among Moroccan teachers

Azouaghe, Soufian 01 February 2019 (has links)
La présente thèse s’appuie principalement sur la théorie « exigences-ressources au travail » (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014). Elle vise à cerner les déterminants de bien-être au travail (BET) et de détresse psychologique au travail (DPT) des enseignants du primaire et du secondaire marocains. Les chapitres 1 à 5 décrivent le contexte, les précisions conceptuelles et théoriques ainsi que la problématique et les hypothèses principales. Cette thèse comporte deux études. La première étude a pour objectif d’explorer les facteurs de BET et de DPT. Elle porte sur un échantillon de 60 enseignants interviewés au moyen d’entretiens semi-directifs. Il en ressort que le métier d’enseignant au Maroc comporte des ressources (e.g. soutien social, climat de travail, utilité perçue du métier), mais aussi des exigences (e.g. environnement de travail, charge de travail, charge émotionnelle, difficultés de déplacement). De plus, les enseignants marocains semblent mobiliser des stratégies de coping pour faire face à ces exigences. La deuxième étude, menée par questionnaire auprès de 1 107 enseignants. En effet, les résultats montrent que plus les enseignants perçoivent les exigences de leur métier comme fortes, plus ils ont tendance à éprouver un bas niveau de BET et un haut niveau de DPT. De plus, la disponibilité des ressources au travail favorise le BET et diminue la DPT de ces enseignants. De façon similaire, il s’avère que les enseignants qui mobilisent des ressources personnelles (i.e., stratégies de coping) ont tendance à rapporter un meilleur niveau de BET et un faible niveau de DPT. Par ailleurs, les analyses d’interaction indiquent que des exigences élevées couplées à des ressources au travail importantes donnent lieu à un faible niveau de BET. Enfin, les résultats révèlent que l’effet des ressources au travail sur le BET est médié par les stratégies de coping. Les résultats obtenus vont dans le sens des travaux antérieurs et apportent quelques enrichissements à la « théorie exigences-ressources au travail ». Au niveau pratique, cette thèse suggère une gamme de leviers d’intervention sur la santé et le bien-être des enseignants marocains touchant aussi bien les aspects organisationnels que personnels. / The present PhD dissertation relies on the Job Demands-Resources Theory (Bakker & Demerouti 2017). It aims to identify the determinants of well-being at work (WBW) and psychological distress at work (PDW) of Moroccan primary and secondary school teachers. Chapters 1 to 5 introduce the context, the conceptual and theoretical ideas, state the problem under investigation, and specify the main hypotheses. This thesis consists of two studies. The first study aimed to identify factors associated with WBW and PDW. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 60 teachers. It appears that the teaching profession in Morocco provides benefits (e.g., social support, work climate, perceived job utility), but also many demands (e.g., environment at work, workload, emotional demands, displacement difficulties). As such, Moroccan teachers seem to mobilize coping strategies to juggle job demands. The second study was conducted by administering a questionnaire to 1 107 teachers. Indeed, the results show that the more teachers perceive the demands of their profession as strong, the more they tend to experience a low level of WBW and a high level of PDW. In addition, the availability of job resources increases the WBW and reduces the PDW of these teachers. Similarly, it seems that teachers who mobilize personal resources (i.e., coping strategies) tend to report a higher level of WBW and a lower level of PDW. Otherwise, the interaction analyses indicate that high job demands combined with high job resources results in a low level of WBW. Finally, the results show that the effect of resources at work on WBW is mediated by coping strategies. The results obtained are in line with previous work and provide some enrichment to the Job Demands-Resources theory. At a practical level, this thesis contributes additional evidence that a range of interventions, including both personal as well as organizational interventions, may be successful at improving Moroccan teachers’ health and wellbeing.

Dubbel socialisation : En studie om lärarassistenters första tid i ett pilotprojekt

Gravås, Rebecka, Geijstedt, Jannica January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om lärarassistenters första tid i Uppsala kommuns pilotprojekt. Med utgångspunkt i vad som kallas resursteori har två forskningsfrågor ställts; 1) På vilket sätt har interna och externa resurser bidragit till lärarassistenternas socialisationsprocess? 2) Vilka konsekvenser får lärarassistenternas socialisationsprocess när den sker inom ramen för ett pilotprojekt? Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer studeras specifikt hur åtta projektanställda lärarassistenter i Uppsala kommun upplevt den första tiden som anställda och vilka resurser som varit betydande för deras socialisation. Resultatet visar att den första tiden i projektet varit försiktig och trevande, något som beskrivs som både positivt och negativt i form av mjukstart och trögstart. Å ena sidan främjas relationsutveckling av mjukstarten men å andra sidan hämmar trögstarten anpassningen till arbetet. Den negativa sidan visar dels hur viktigt det är att arbetsverktyg är klara och redo att användas när den nyanställde introduceras till det nya arbetet då det annars kan skapa negativa upplevelser och bidra till oro. Resultaten visar även en ömsesidighet i pilotprojektet där ingen riktigt visste vad lärarassistentrollen skulle innehålla, och därmed blev det en ny situation för samtliga parter att förhålla sig till. Det övergripande resultatet visade, genom ovan nämnda teman, att pilotprojektet utifrån ett socialisationsperspektiv präglades av en dubbel socialisation. / The purpose of this paper is to study the teacher assistants initial period in the pilot project of municipality of Uppsala. Based on resources theory as a theoretical framework two research questions were asked; 1) In what way have internal and external resources contributed to the socialization process of teacher assistants? and 2) What consequences does the pilot project have on the teacher assistants socialization process? Semistructured interviews were used to ask eight teacher assistants employed in the pilot project about how they experienced the first time in the new workplace and what resources were important for their socialization. The result shows that the initial period of the employment was cautious and tentative, which was described as both positive and negative in terms of a soft start or a tardy start. On one hand the soft start promotes relationship development, but on the other hand the tardy start inhibits adaptation to work. The negative side shows how important it is that work tools are ready to be used when the new employee is introduced to the new work, otherwise it can create negative experiences. The results also show that the pilot project was characterized by a reciprocity where nobody really knew what the teacher assistant role would contain, and thus it became a new situation for all parties to relate to. Through these themes, the overall results shows that the pilot project from a socialization perspective was characterized by a double socialization.

The role of supervision in the management of counsellor burnout

Gachutha, Catherine Wanjiru 30 November 2006 (has links)
The study investigated the extent of burnout condition among counsellors in Kenya. The sources of burnout were explored and personality style was positively correlated with burnout development. Impact of burnout on counsellor wellness and productivity was also established. It examined whether counsellor supervision was an appropriate strategy in the management of counsellor burnout. The study utilized a pluralistic design that combined both qualitative and quantitative methods (Howard, 1983). The qualitative design permitted collection of rich data from study subjects' experiential and perceptual fields. This ensured study findings would be relevant and applicable to specific counsellor situations. The study population comprised 20 counsellors and 9 Kenya Counselling Association (KCA) accredited counsellor supervisors. The counsellor sample was drawn from 2 Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) centres, 2 rehabilitation centres and 2 educational institutions. This diverse population was a helpful representation in terms of generalizability of the study. Three data collection instruments utilized were: Questionnaires, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. The study's validity and reliability were ensured through the two sample populations (counsellor and counsellor supervisors), test re-test and pre-test procedures for questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Tallying identified items checked content validity. The study findings showed that burnout seriously affected practitioner effectiveness and led to malpractice and client harm. The study predictably established that supervision is an appropriate strategy in the management of counsellor burnout. The metaphor of motor vehicle maintenance was utilized in the development of the Holistic Burnout Supervision Model (HBSM) that focussed on wellness maintenance of the counsellor in a lifecycle. HBSM identified two levels in wellness maintenance: Preventative (servicing) and curative (repair). The study recommended that counselor - training institutions should incorporate in their curriculum burnout and supervision modules. This would create awareness about burnout and appropriate prevention strategies at counsellor formation stages. People care agencies should also institutionalize the burnout supervision facility in order to ensure counsellor resiliency and vitality. / Psychology / D. Phil (Psychology)

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö i välfärdssektorn : Krav i arbetet, resurser i arbetet och personliga resurser samt betydelsen av organiserade arbetsmiljöinsatser / Psychosocial work environment in the welfare sector : Job demands, job resources, and personal resources and the importance of organized occupational health interventions

Nylén, Eva Charlotta January 2017 (has links)
Individers upplevelse av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön har visat sig hänga samman med trivsel, hälsa och välbefinnande. I ett långsiktigt perspektiv kan en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö främja kvalitet och produktivitet i organisationer, medan en sämre arbetsmiljö kan resultera i det motsatta. Arbetsgivare, som i Sverige har ett yttersta arbetsmiljöansvar, strävar efter att arbeta förebyggande och systematiskt med fokus på psykosociala arbetsmiljöinsatser. Samtidigt utgör individerna en del av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön och i samband med att de utför sitt arbete bidrar de även till formandet av arbetsmiljön. Med detta som utgångspunkt syftar avhandlingen till att studera psykosociala och personliga faktorer i form av krav och resurser, hälsa och välbefinnande samt ett organisatoriskt förebyggande program för anställda i välfärdssektorn. Detta har gjorts genom att undersöka hur olika krav och resurser i arbetet samt personliga resurser relaterar till olika hälsorelaterade utfall. Vidare har två varianter av ett nyutvecklat interventionsprogram med fokus på psykosociala faktorer och personliga resurser undersökts och utvärderats. En variant av programmet var riktad till både chefer och medarbetare, medan den andra varianten riktades enbart till chefer. Interventionsprogrammen undersöktes utifrån genomförbarhet och utifrån effektutvärdering. Resultaten visar att resurser i arbetet verkar ha mer hälsofrämjande potential än personliga resurser. Vidare visar resultaten att det program som inkluderade medarbetare och chefer accepterades av deltagarna och gick att genomföra praktiskt. Resultaten visar också att effekterna av båda programmen var oklara. Sammantaget visar avhandlingen på vikten av att såväl reducera krav i arbetet som att främja olika resurser, men även på de utmaningar som finns i att utforma, genomföra och utvärdera förebyggande organisatoriska interventioner. / Individuals’ experiences of the psychosocial work environment have been linked to their satisfaction, health, and well-being. In the long run, a favorable psychosocial work environment seems related to organizational quality and productivity, while a poorer psychosocial work environment may relate to the opposite. Employers, who in Sweden have the ultimate responsibility for the work environment, aim for systematic preventive efforts focusing particularly on factors of the psychosocial work environment. Additionally, individuals also form part of the psychosocial work environment, and may, through their own daily work practices contribute to creating the work environment. Based on this, the aim of this thesis is to study how psychosocial factors, in terms of demands and resources, and personal resources at work relate to health and well-being but also to investigate the effects of an organizational preventive intervention program. Specifically, job demands, job resources, and personal resources and their relations with health-related outcomes among employees of the Swedish welfare sector were investigated. Also, two versions of a newly developed intervention program focusing on psychosocial factors and personal resources were examined. This included a feasibility study of one program version offered to both employees and managers and an effect evaluation of another version offered to managers only. The results show that job resources seem to have a stronger health-promoting potential than personal resources. Moreover, the results show that while the program offered to both employees and managers was accepted by participants and found possible to implement practically, its effect were small. Similarly, effects of the program including managers only were also small. Overall, the thesis shows the importance of reducing job demands along with promoting different resources, but emphasizes the challenges in developing, implementing, and evaluating preventive organizational interventions. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

A study on the requirements of implementing an engagement culture in Iranian companies : A Case study : SAIPA Automotive Manufacturing Group / La mise en place d'une culture de l'engagement dans les entreprises iraniennes : le cas du groupe automobile SAIPA

Hashemi, Seyed Mehrdad 13 September 2011 (has links)
De nombreuses organisations contemporaines cherchent à développer l’engagement dans letravail de leurs employés en tant que moyen de générer un niveau élevé de performance. Surla base des recherches antérieures sur l’engagement au travail, la présente étude examine larelation entre l’engagement dans le travail d’un échantillon de salariés et ses antécédents etconséquences.Engager les employés peut permettre d’aboutir à la création d’un état d’esprit volontaristechez les employés, susceptible de développer leur motivation. Pour créer un tel état d’esprit,différents modèles sont présentés dans la thèse. Le modèle des demandes et ressources estensuite privilégié. Sur la base de ce modèle, il apparaît que les organisations peuvent agir surl’engagement dans le travail en diminuant les exigences du travail (par exemple, la surchargede travail, l’insécurité de l’emploi, etc.) et en augmentant les ressources d’emploi (parexemple, l’autonomie, le perfectionnement professionnel, etc.). Dans cette recherche, nousavons cherché à vérifier notre hypothèse d’une relation entre l’engagement dans le travail etcertains antécédents et conséquences. Nous concluons que, parmi les antécédents étudiés, lacroissance des ressources personnelles est la plus efficace au niveau de ses conséquences surl’engagement dans le travail et la qualité de vie au travail. / Many contemporary organizations are placing a greater emphasis on their employees’engagement at work as a means of generating higher levels of organization performance.Drawing on previous research on work engagement, the present study investigates therelationship between work engagement and its antecedents and consequences. Engaging theemployees will result in creating a willingness feeling in employees, leading to performing alltheir time and energy on their duties in such a way that they don’t realize the passing of time.To create such feelings within employees, different theories have been presented, amongwhich the job demand-resource is a major instance. Based on this model, organizations makework engagement through decreasing job demands (e.g. work overload, job insecurity, etc.)and increasing job resources (e.g. autonomy, professional development, etc.). In this research,we analyze our hypotheses that work engagement has specific antecedents and consequences.We conclude that, out of its antecedents, growth of personal resource has the most effect onwork engagement, as well as on the quality of work life.

The relationship between career adaptability and organisational commitment amongst employees in the investment sector / Ucwaningo lobudlelwano phakathi kokuzinza ezifundweni-msebenzi nasekuzibopheleni kwbasebenzi basezinkampanini zeminotho yemali olubhalwe / Kamano pakeng tsa mokhatlo oa mesebetsi le boitlhophetso ba mokhatlo mahareng a batho sebakeng se batlesitsoeng

Nyathi, Felicity 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Zulu and Southern Sotho / The primary aim of the study was to explore the relationship between career adaptability and organisational commitment of employees who work in the investment sector. The secondary aim was to ascertain whether individuals from various demographics (age groups, gender, ethnicity, qualifications, tenure and business unit) differed significantly regarding their career adaptability and organisational commitment. A cross-sectional quantitative, correlational research approach was followed where a non-probability convenience sample (n=200) of permanent employees in the investment sector was used. The instruments used for the study were the biographical questionnaire, Career Adapt Abilities Scale (CAAS) and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ). The research results revealed statistically significant relationships between career adaptability and organisational commitment of employees who work in the investment sector in terms of correlational and inferential statistical analyses. There were statistically significant relationships between the demographic variables with some dimensions of career adaptability and organisational commitment. The test of mean differences revealed that some differences exist in career adaptability and organisational commitment in terms of demographical variables. The study provides recommendations for use by industrial psychology professionals in terms of career adaptability and organisational commitment practices, specifically within the investment sector. / Inhloso engaphezulu yalolucwaningo yabe ingukucubungula ubudlelwano phakathi kokuzinza ezifundweni-msebenzi nokuzibophela kwabasebenzi ezinkampanini zasengxenyeni yokukhulisa umnotho wezimali. Inhloso engaphansi yabe ingukungukuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe labasebenzi abakhethiwe bayahlukahlukana na ngokwenhloso engaphezulu uma kucutshungulwa ngokweminyaka yobudala babo, nangokohlanga lwabo, nangokwezinga lemfundo abalizuzile ekuqeqeshweni kwabo, nangokwesikhathi asebasisebenzile egunjini elikhethiwe enkampanini yabo. Ngokwenhloso engaphansi, lolucwaningo lacubungula ngokuqhathanisa okusemaphakathini kwalabasebenzi abangu (n=200) ababekhethwe kalula bebonke, ngesizathu sokuqhashwa kwabo ngokuphelele kulenkampani eyabe ikhethiwe. Amathulusi asetshenziswa ahlaziya ngokwenhloso yangaphansi eqoshelwe ukucubungula izilinganiso zamakhono emfundo-msebenzi (CAAS) kanye nokuzibophela kwabasebenzi ezinkampanini abasebenza kuzo (OCQ). Imiphumela yocubungulo yabubonisa ngokungasoleki ubudlelwano obuqondile nobuchazekayo ngokwamanani ohlaziyo phakathi kokuzinza ezifundweni-msebenzi nokuzibophela kwalabasebenzi enkampanini eyayikhethiwe esengxenyeni yokukhulisa umnotho wezimali. Imiphumela yocubungulo yabubonisa futhi ubudlelwano obungasoleki phakathi kweminyaka yobudala yalabasebenzi ababekhethiwe, nobulili babo, nobuhlanga babo, nezinga lezifundo abalifinyelele, nangeminyaka asebayisebenza engxenyeni abasebenza kuyo umakulinganiswa ukuzinza ezifundweni-msebenzi nokuzibophela kwabo lulenkampani ekhethiwe abasebenza kuyo. Ngaleyondlela, ucubungulo lwezilinganiso ezahlukahlukene lwabonisa ukuthi ukhona umahluko phakathi kokuzinza ezifundweni-msebenzi nokuzibophela kwabasebenzi ngokwenhloso engaphansi. Kanjalo, locubungulo lunikeza imibono engasetshenziswa ozosayensi bengqondo mayelana nokuziphatha kwabasebenzi umabefuna ulwazi ngokuzinza ezifundweni-msebenzi nasekuzibopheleni ezinkampanini kwabasebenzi. / Morero oa pele oa boithuto e ne e le ho lekola likamano lipakeng tsa ho ikamahanya le maemo mesebetsing le boitlamo ba mokhatlo hara basebetsi ba lekala la matsete. Morero oa bobeli e ne e le ho netefatsa hore na batho ba lilemo tse fapaneng, bong, morabe, mangolo a thuto, nako ea khoebo le khoebo li fapane haholo mabapi le ho ikamahanya le maemo mosebetsing le boitlamo ba mokhatlo. Mokhoa o fapaneng oa likarolo tse ngata, oa boithuto o kopaneng o ile oa lateloa moo sampole e sa khonehang ea bonolo (n = 200) ea basebetsi ba ka mehla lefapheng la matsete e sebelisitsoeng. Lisebelisoa tse sebelisitsoeng bakeng sa boithuto e ne e le lenane la lipotso tse mabapi le lipale tsa bophelo, Career Adapt Ability Scale (CAAS) le Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ). Sephetho sa lipatlisiso se senotse likamano tsa bohlokoa lipalo pakeng tsa ho ikamahanya le maemo mosebetsing le boitlamo ba mokhatlo hara basebetsi ba lekala la matsete ho latela ditshekatseko tsa liphuputso tse amanang le lipalo-palo. Ho bile le likamano tsa bohlokoa lipalo-palong lipakeng tsa lilemo, bong, morabe, mangolo a thuto, nako ea khoebo le yuniti ea khoebo maemong a mang a ho ikamahanya le maemo mosebetsing le boitlamo ba mokhatlo. Liteko tsa liphapang tse boleloang li senotse hore liphapang tse ling li teng molemong oa ho ikamahanya le maemo mosebetsing le boitlamo ba mokhatlo ho latela maemo a palo ea batho (lilemo, bong, mangolo a thuto ea morabe, nako ea khoebo le khoebo). Litlhahiso li khothaletsa hore li ka sebelisoa ke litsebi tsa kelello tsa indasteri le tsa mokhatlo le litsebi tsa litsebo tsa batho mabapi le ho ikamahanya le maemo mesebetsing le litloaelo tsa boitlamo ba mokhatlo, haholoholo lekaleng la matsete. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

La santé psychologique au travail : conceptualisation, instrumentation et facteurs organisationnels de développement

Gilbert, Marie-Hélène January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La santé psychologique au travail : conceptualisation, instrumentation et facteurs organisationnels de développement

Gilbert, Marie-Hélène January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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