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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designförslag för hur övertygande designprinciper kan motivera till hållbara köpval vid e-handel

Mujasevic, Amela, Helmersson, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Med klimatförändringar som hotar människor, djur och natur, är frågan om ekologiskhållbarhet växande, speciellt inom konsumtion. Konsumtion lämnar idag ett stort miljö avtryck från produktion, konsumtion och leveranser, och i takt med att samhället blir mer digitaliserat, är det allt fler köp som sker via e-handeln. Detta medför att ekologisk hållbarhet blir allt viktigare inom e-handel och det ställs ett stort ansvar på konsumenter att följa hållbara beteenden. Trots att ekologisk hållbarhet blir viktigare, misslyckas många människor att följa hållbara vanor, vilket medför större efterfrågan om ökat ansvar och uppmärksamhet om hållbarhet. Övertygande design kan övertyga konsumenter till att följa hållbara beteenden och ändra på vanor som är ohållbara. Studien har utförts med hjälp av en designorienterad forskningsansats, där en prototyp har skapats utifrån fyra designprinciper från ramverket Persuasive systems design (PSD). Dessa designprinciper har applicerats i en e-handelskontextmed ett urval av städ- och hygienprodukter, i syfte att övertyga användaren till att köpa hållbara produkter över icke-hållbara produkter. Som resultat presenteras fyra designförslagför hur designprinciperna: självövervakning, trovärdighet, socialt lärande och förslag kan designas för att motivera användare. Självövervakning kan designas med progressiva mål och betydelsefulla belöningar. Trovärdighet kan använda tredjepartscertifierade märkningar och konkret information om hållbarhetsapekter. Socialt lärande kan presentera hållbara produkter som populära när de köpts med hög frekvens av andra konsumenter. Slutligen kan förslag på hållbara produkter riktas till användare med hållbarhetsintresse. / With climate change that threatens humans, animals, and nature, the question of ecological sustainability is growing, especially in consumption. Consumption today leaves a large environmental footprint from production, consumption, and deliveries, and as society becomes more digital, more and more purchases are made via e-commerce. This means that ecological sustainability is becoming increasingly important in e-commerce and a great responsibility is placed on consumers to follow sustainable behaviors. Although ecological sustainability is becoming more important, many people fail to follow sustainable habits, which leads to greater demand for increased responsibility and attention to sustainability. Persuasive design can persuade consumers to follow sustainable behaviors and change their unsustainable habits. The study was carried out with the use of a design-oriented research approach, and a prototype was created based on four design principles from the framework Persuasive systems design (PSD). These design principles have been applied in an e-commerce context with a selection of cleaning and hygiene products, to persuade the user to buy sustainable products over non-sustainable products. As a result, four design proposals are presented for how the design principles: self-monitoring, credibility, social learning, and suggestion, can be designed to motivate users. Self-monitoring can be designed with progressive goals and significant rewards. Credibility can use third-party certificates and concrete information about aspects of sustainability. Social learning can present sustainable products when they are frequently purchased by other consumers. Finally, suggestions on sustainable products can be presented to users that have an interest in sustainability.

Förändra vårdsökande beteende genom Act4Heart : En agil systemutvecklingsprocess av ett sekundärpreventivt beslutsstöd för patienter som drabbats av hjärtinfarkt / Changing care-seeking behavior through Act4Heart : An agile system development process of a decision support aimed for patients of myocardial infarction.

Johansson, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie adresserar problemområdet återfall i akut hjärtinfarkt genom utvecklingen avet unikt beslutsstöd. Det huvudsakliga syftet med beslutsstödet, Act4Heart, är att fungerabeslutsstödjande för personer som drabbas av ett återfall. I denna studie undersöks det hurett beslutsstöd i form av en mobilapplikation bör designas för att på ett effektivt sätt kunnastödja patienters beslutsfattande i en återfallsprocess. Beslutsstödet är framtaget ur ettkognitionsvetenskapligt perspektiv och innefattar övertalande design, användarinvolvering,användbarhet och människa-dator interaktion. Genom övertalande principer ämnarbeslutsstödet forma önskvärt beteende hos patienter i återfallssituationer.Utvecklingsprocessen har utgått från att ett interdisciplinärt team har arbetat med agilametoder. För att upprätthålla en god användarupplevelse av systemet haranvändbarhetstestning utförts både i utvecklingsprocessen och på den slutgiltiga produkten.Även en informationsevaluering har utförts genom en Delphi-studie för att förstärka detmedicinska innehållets kvalité. / This study shows the development process and results of an interactive decision support for patients who are at risk of suffering from a recurrence in myocardial infarction.  The decision support has taken the form of a mobile application that aim to help patients in their decision making. The design is derived from persuasive design with the goal to influence patients in seeking the correct type of care at the desired time. The key objective is to reduce prehospital delay and increase the use of ambulances. The system has also been tested regarding usability to ensure end-user harmonization. The software development process proceeded with the agile method Scrum. Members of an interdisciplinary team have been involved in the development to ensure its quality, doctors, scientists, nurses and various experts. / Act4Heart

Design persuasif de jeu de rôle de table : introduction et validation d'une approche argumentative au design de jeu

Godin, Danny 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Data-driven design for sustainable behavior : A case study in using data and conversational interfaces to influence corporate settlement

Ljungren, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
Interaction with digital products and interfaces concern more and more of human decision-making and the problems regarding environmental, financial and social sustainability are consequences much due to our behavior. The issues and goals of sustainable development therefore implies how we have to think differently about digital design. In this paper, we examine the adequacy of influencing sustainable behavior with a data-driven design approach, applying a conversational user interface. A case study regarding the United Nation’s goals of technological development and economic distribution was conducted, to see if a hypothetical business with a proof-of-concept digital product could be effective in influencing where companies base their operations. The test results showed a lack of usability and influence, but still suggested a potential with language-based interfaces. Even though the results could not prove anything, we argue that leveraging data analysis to design for sustainable behavior could be a very valuable strategy. A data-driven approach could enable ambitions of profit and user experience to coincide with those of sustainability, within a business organization.

Employing gamification to support sustainable food consumption : Analysis and Redesign of the Too Good To Go mobile app

Nguyen, Thu Huong January 2020 (has links)
An estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is lost or wasted every year, adding to the growing problem of CO2 emissions and global warming. Consequently, there is an urgent need to address this issue. However, while a lot of research in Human-Computer-Interaction has been conducted about food waste in private households, there is still a lack of research about people’s food waste at a retail level in restaurants. This paper explores the potential of gamification in the design of apps intended to support more sustainable food consumption behavior. This study is centered on the existing Too Good To Go app and examines current user behavior and perception through quantitative and qualitative methods. Then through employment of design frameworks and iterative prototype cycles the potential to encourage active sustainable food consumption is examined. Findings show that there are many challenges stopping users from actively using the current app more often.  Findings also suggest that gamification has the potential to increase users’ motivation to use the app beyond reasons of only saving food. The implications of this paper could present new opportunities for applying gamification to reduce food waste that could inspire researchers and practitioners to explore the theme further.


ARIEL DE JESUS MENDEZ BRINDIS 09 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese aborda o tema do design persuasivo. É o resultado de uma investigação motivada para tentar entender os campos dimensionais ou categorias de análise que influem e determinam as mudanças de comportamento das pessoas através do uso de produtos de design. Com o objetivo de identificar as categorias de análise que promovem mudanças de comportamento partiu-se de uma visão transdisciplinar, entendendo que somente através desta visão é possível a completa compressão das distintas dimensões consideradas pelo modelo da conduta humana. A postura adotada reconhece a conduta como resultado de forças endógenas ao indivíduo que promovem sua intencionalidade e forças exógenas que a determinam. Esta tese tenta responder a pregunta: Quais são as dimensões conceituais no design de produtos que persuadem as pessoas de forma a gerar uma mudança em seu comportamento? A hipótese proposta define a existência de fatores externos ao projeto de produtos que influem de maneira determinante para o sucesso de uma mudança de comportamento das pessoas através do uso de produtos de design. Esses fatores externos são definidos como dimensões conceptuais que devem ser levadas em conta durante o processo de design. Como parte a pesquisa se reconhece o método da Teoria Fundamentada como aquela que resulta ser a mais adequada para estudar um fenómeno particular e poder, a partir da geração de categorias, explica-lo de maneira convincente e racional. O objeto desse estudo é o fenómeno através do qual um objeto de design contribui para promoção de uma mudança de conduta. Através de um recorte na investigação foi possível controlar o objeto de estudo focando-se ao uso da bicicleta como transporte, onde se identificou a bicicleta como objeto de design e como de transporte na Cidade de México (CDMX) como situação singular ou fenómeno. Foram realizadas entrevistas com usuários do produto e a partir da interação na identificação de categorias de analise foi possível chegar a uma síntese das dimensões que conformam o modelo de modelo de design persuasivo proposto. Estes fatores foram identificados em campos dimensionais do usuário e no contexto, respectivamente, além daqueles próprios ao produto. O resultado da pesquisa e seu aporte a disciplina centra-se em um modelo de design persuasivo que contempla e contém as distintas categorias de análise envolvidas pelo ‘projeto com intenção’. Finalmente, com o modelo de design persuasivo proposto ratificase a hipótese de que existem fatores externos (categorias de análises) ao produto de design que determinam a intencionalidade de uma mudança de comportamento nos indivíduos. O aporte dos achados a disciplina baseia-se na possibilidade de empregar o modelo proposto com carácter projetual para guiar a pesquisa sobre o usuário e o contexto em projetos de design persuasivo. A tese contribui ainda com um guia de aplicação do modelo de design persuasivo visando facilitar sua utilização durante o processo projetual. / [en] This thesis deals with persuasive design. The result of this research was motivated by the quest for understanding the different dimensions or categories of analysis that influence or even determines changes in human behavior through the use of product designs. A transdisciplinary vision was the departure research posture in order to understand the full human behavioral dimensions playing a role in human behavioral changes. This stance recognizes the human behavior as a result of internal forces that shapes the individuals intentionality and external forces that constrain and determines the final behavior. This thesis intent to answer the main question about, which are the conceptual dimensions involved in behavioral change through the use of a product design that persuades people into the new behavior? The hypothesis thus defines the existence of external forces to the product that influence and determines the result of an intended change in human behavior through the use of product design. These external forces are defined as conceptual dimensions that must be taken into account when designing products with the intent of provoking a human behavioral change. The use of the Grounded Theory approach allowed studying a singular phenomenon and generating categories of analysis through theoretical sampling. The research focuses on the actual situation where a product design is involved in a human behavioral change. The research focused on the use of the bicycle as transportation system in Mexico City as a way to facilitate the observations in a single situation. A series of interviews to product users were applied and through the use of theoretical sampling a number of specific categories were identified thus building the final persuasive model. The research final result and the value for the design discipline is made explicit through a persuasive model proposal that defines the different dimensions on human behavior as categories that determines and influence human behavioral changes. The persuasive model proposed in this research contemplates the external categories that determine human behavior that are present in the context as well as in the individuals mind and the categories or product design properties that influence human behavioral changes. The research generated value towards the design discipline includes the persuasive model and a startup guide for its use during the design project process. / [es] Esta tesis aborda el tema del diseño persuasivo. Es el resultado de una investigación motivada por intentar entender los campos dimensionales o categorías de análisis que influyen y determinan los cambios de conducta en las personas a través del uso de productos de diseño. Con el objetivo de identificar las categorías de análisis que promueven cambios conductuales se partió desde una visión transdisciplinar, en tanto que, solo a través de esta visión es posible la completa comprensión de las distintas dimensiones involucradas en el moldeo de la conducta humana. La postura adoptada reconoce a la conducta como resultado de fuerzas endógenas al individuo que promueven su intencionalidad y fuerzas exógenas que la determinan. Esta tesis intenta contestar a la pregunta ¿cuáles son las dimensiones conceptuales en el diseño de productos que persuaden a las personas a generar un cambio en su conducta? La hipótesis planteada define la existencia de factores externos al diseño de productos que influyen de manera determinante para el logro de un cambio de conducta en las personas a través del uso de productos de diseño. Dichos factores externos son definidos como dimensiones conceptuales que deben ser tomadas en cuenta durante el proceso de diseño. Como parte de la investigación se reconoce el método de la Teoría Fundamentada como aquel que resulta ser el más adecuado para estudiar un fenómeno particular y poder a partir de la generación de categorías explicarlo de manera convincente y racional. El objeto de estudio es el fenómeno a través del cual un objeto de diseño contribuye a la promoción de un cambio conductual. A través de un recorte en la investigación se logró controlar el objeto de estudio acotándolo al uso de la bicicleta como transporte, donde se identificó a la bicicleta como objeto de diseño y el transporte en la CDMX (Ciudad de México) como situación singular o fenómeno. Se realizaron entrevistas con usuarios del producto y a través de la iteración en la identificación de categorías de análisis se logró una síntesis de las dimensiones que conforman el modelo de diseño persuasivo propuesto. Estos factores fueron identificados en campos dimensionales del usuario y el contexto respectivamente, además de los propios del producto. El resultado de la investigación y su aportación a la disciplina se centra en un modelo de diseño persuasivo que contempla y contiene las distintas categorías de análisis involucradas en el diseño con intención. Al final, con el modelo de diseño persuasivo propuesto se ratifica la hipótesis de que existen factores externos (categorías de análisis) al producto de diseño que determinan la intencionalidad de un cambio conductual en los individuos. La aportación a la disciplina radica en la posibilidad de emplear dicho modelo con carácter proyectual al guiar la investigación de usuario y contexto en proyectos de diseño persuasivo. La tesis aporta además una guía de aplicación del modelo de diseño persuasivo con el fin de facilitar su puesta en marcha en los procesos de proyecto de productos.

The digital nudge : A study of the design principles in digital nudging and it´s presence on ascendant online stores / Den digitala knuffen : En studie av designprinciper inom digital nudging och deras närvaro på dominerande nätbutiker

Delden, Anna, Persson, Ellen January 2018 (has links)
Digital nudging is a relatively new phenomenon that is increasingly mentioned and demanded in human-computer interaction. The concept originates from behavioral economics and aims to help individuals make better decisions that are beneficial to the individual as well as the society, by making subtle changes to the environment in which the decision is made. Nudging implies to pushing people in the right direction and affecting them in different types of decision making. Digital nudging aims at applying the user interface design element to guide people's decisions in digital environments. This thesis presents a study of digital nudging in the form of the six design principles in the user interface of e-commerce sites through the method cognitive walkthrough. It is based on theories of mainly digital nudging but also persuasive design and user experience with connections to psychological aspects. The conclusion of the study has shown that principles in digital nudging exists in e-stores interfaces. The study aims to develop frameworks for an alternative way of implementing digital nudging and to contribute to more knowledge in the field. / Digital nudging är ett relativt nytt fenomen som blir allt mer omtalat och efterfrågat inom människa-datorinteraktion. Begreppet har sitt ursprung från beteendeekonomi och syftar till att få individer att ta bättre beslut som är gynnsamma för den enskilda individen såväl som samhället, genom att göra subtila ändringar i den miljön där beslutet fattas. Nudging innebär att knuffa individer i rätt riktning och att på så sätt påverka individer i olika beslutsfattanden. Digital nudging avser tillämpning av designelement i användargränssnittet för att påverka människors beslutsfattande i digitala miljöer. Studien presenterar en undersökning av de sex designprinciperna inom digital nudging och hur de påträffas i e-butikers användargränssnitt genom metoden kognitiv genomgång. Undersökningen grundar sig på teorier om digital nudging och relaterad forskning som övertygande design och användarupplevelse med kopplingar till psykologiska aspekter. Slutsatsen av studien har visat att designprinciper inom digital nudging förekommer i e-butikers gränssnitt. Studien syftar till att ta fram ramverk för ett alternativt sätt att implementera digital nudging och för att bidra till mer kunskap inom området.

Designing Electric Vehicle Charging Station Information

Algvere, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
The electric vehicle industry is under rapid development and the fleet of chargeable cars in society is increasing fast. As a result, a high demand for public chargers has emerged. Simultaneous to the expansion of the electric vehicle fleet and charging infrastructure the power grid is occasionally highly strained. Additionally, factors like cities expanding and the digitization of society also have a large effect on the power grid. This master's thesis investigates the characteristics of electric vehicle users and presents a prototype of an information display for electric vehicle charging stations. The design is is based on the user studies and founded in theory about sustainable user behaviour with the goal of encouraging behaviours that minimize the strain on the local power grid of Uppsala. It concerns the research topic of how to design for sustainable behaviour and address research questions of how to design electric vehicle charging station information to communicate multiple charging alternatives to a broad variety of users. The work reveals that electric vehicle users suffer from the charging infrastructure being underdeveloped, feel frustration towards payment solutions available and lack information regarding electric vehicle use. Also, electric vehicle user's common passion for tech and environmental consciousness are revealed in the study. These facts are used as the foundation for the mobile application design prototype suggested.

Online networking and real-time interaction for musicians

Kylmänen, Ester, Tysk, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Despite the many technological advancements made in the music industry in recent years, there is still not a single widely adopted platform for musicians to play music together online. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent quarantine pushed the need for such a platform into the spotlight. As a response, the music company Elk Audio launched their new product: Aloha. Aloha is a combined hardware and web application that allows musicians to play music in real-time over the Internet. Aloha is currently only intended for musicians who already know each other to connect and play. However, Elk's ambition is to make it the go-to platform for musicians to expand their network.  The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to design the next version of the web application of Aloha, focusing on social interactions. This Master's Thesis investigates musicians' current social and musical behaviour, and their opinions of how this can be done online. Qualitative data was collected by performing semi-structured interviews with musicians of different backgrounds. The study revealed many different goals and needs of potential users of Aloha. Furthermore, we found several determining factors which enable and encourage musicians to form new musical relationships online. The final suggested design is based on the analysed data and founded in theory regarding persuasive and recommending system design, among others. / Trots de tekniska framstegen som gjorts inom musikindustrin de senaste åren, finns det fortfarande inte ett enda allmänt accepterat alternativ för musiker att spela musik tillsammans online. Covid-19 pandemin och den åtföljande karantänten förde behovet för en sådan plattform till rampljuset. I början av år 2020 insåg musikföretaget Elk Audio att de kunde fylla denna lucka med sin nya produkt: Aloha. Aloha är en kombinerad hårdvara och webbapplikation som möjliggör musiker att spela musik i realtid över Internet. Aloha är för närvarande endast avsedd för musiker som redan känner varandra. Elks ambition är dock att göra Aloha till en plattform för musiker där de kan utöka sitt musikaliska nätverk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utforma nästa version av Alohas webbapplikation, med fokus på sociala interaktioner. Detta examensarbete undersöker musikers nuvarande sociala och musikaliska beteenden och deras åsikter om musikaliska interaktioner online. Kvalitativa data samlades in genom att utföra halvstrukturerade intervjuer med musiker från olika bakgrunder. Studien avslöjade de många olika målen och behoven hos potentiella användare av Aloha. Dessutom fann vi flera avgörande faktorer som möjliggör och uppmuntrar musiker att skapa och underhålla nya musikrelationer online. Den slutliga föreslagna designen baseras på det analyserade datat och grundas i teori om design av rekommendationssystem, m. fl..

Designförslag för att övertyga äldre mothållbara transportval

Perälä, Alexander, Nyberg, Jonatan January 2020 (has links)
På grund av transportsektorns negativa påverkan på klimatet, miljön, och människans hälsa, är detväsentligt att identifiera alternativa transportlösningar såväl som det behövs förändrade resvanor ochbeteenden. Hållbarhet är särskilt viktigt för framtidens transportlösningar, och det är ett område därpersonliga behov och preferenser är avgörande för val av transport. Mobilitet som tjänst (MaaS) är ettinnovativt koncept med potential att adressera transportsektorns negativa påverkan, och människorspersonliga behov och preferenser på mobilitet, genom att erbjuda ett helt nytt sätt att resa på. Även omMaaS har potential att revolutionera vårt sätt att resa behöver människor övertygas att sluta följainvanda resmönster och istället lita på mobilitetslösningar som är hållbara. Äldre är enbefolkningsgrupp med etablerade resvanor som har byggts upp under lång tid vilket skapar svårigheteratt förändra mot hållbarare initiativ. Tidigare forskning indikerar att övertygande design är ett effektivtsätt för att forma, förstärka, eller ändra beteenden, men att det finns begränsad forskning kring hurdesign av övertygande teknologier kan personaliseras för att adressera individuella människors behovoch preferenser på mobilitet.Studien syftade till att bidra med kunskap om hur personalisering som övertygande strategi kandesignas för att övertyga äldre människor mot hållbara transportval. Studien har utforskat relevantforskning om övertygande design , personalisering samt hållbar mobilitet och äldre människor i syfteatt ge översikt över teoretiska utgångspunkter för att undersöka hur design av personalisering kananvändas för att övertyga äldre människor att göra hållbara transportval. För att svara påfrågeställningen användes i studien en designorienterad ansats med kvalitativa metoder. Genom attdesigna en prototyp baserat på insikter från tidigare forskning, utvecklades tre designförslag för hurpersonalisering kan designas i en mobilitetstjänst för att övertyga äldre om att göra mer hållbaratransportval. / Due to the negative impact the transport sector has on the climate, the environment, and human health,it is essential to identify alternative transport solutions as well as the need to change travel habits andbehaviors. Sustainability is especially important for the transport solutions of the future, and it is anarea where personal needs and preferences are crucial for the choice of transport. Mobility as a service(MaaS) is an innovative concept with the potential to address the negative impact of the transportsector, and people's personal needs and preferences on mobility, by offering a completely new way oftraveling. Although MaaS has the potential to revolutionize the way we travel, people need to bepersuaded to stop following established travel patterns and instead rely on mobility solutions that aresustainable. The elderly are a population group with established travel habits that have been built upover a long period of time, which creates difficulties in changing towards more sustainable initiatives.Previous research indicates that persuasive design is an effective way to shape, reinforce, or changebehaviors, but that there is limited research on how the design of persuasive technologies can bepersonalized to address the needs and preferences of individuals for mobility.The study aimed to contribute with knowledge of how personalization as a persuasive designstrategycan be designed to convince older people towards sustainable transport choices. The study hasexplored relevant research on persuasive design, personalization, sustainable mobility and olderpeople in order to provide an overview of theoretical starting points to investigate how personalizationdesign can be used to convince older people to choose sustainable transport choices. To answer thequestion, the study used a design-oriented approach with qualitative methods. By designing aprototype based on insights from previous research, three design proposals were developed for howpersonalization can be designed in a mobility service to convince older people to make moresustainable transport choices.

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