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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religionsundervisning på gymnasiet : En kvalitativ studie av vad religionslärare väljer att ta upp inom religionsämnet.

Roos, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka vilka delar av religionsämnet som tas med i religionsundervisningen idag, hur man tar upp dessa delar, vilken roll kursplanen har när det gäller religionskunskapens utformning samt varför man har format sin undervisning så här. Jag har även undersökt om lärarna upplever att de har friheten att själv forma sin undervisning. För att få fram svar på dessa frågor så använde jag mig av litteraturstudier samt en skriftlig intervju. Arbetet börjar med en tillbakablick hur religionsämnets utveckling har sett ut. Vilken visar att kristendomen har dominerat till största del. När jag sedan undersökte hur det såg ut idag i skolorna så visade resultatet från litteraturstudierna att kristendomen fortfarande hade en särställning. Men min egen intervjustudie visade att de flesta lärare undervisar lika mycket om alla världsreligionerna. Både intervju- och litteraturstudierna visar att de olika delarna inom religionskunskapen inte tas upp olika beroende på vilken religion det handlar om, däremot så tas etikdelen upp med mer diskussioner än de andra delarna. När det gäller varför lärarna formar sin undersökning på det viset så är alla eniga om att eleverna är den största påverkansfaktor. Sedan går åsikterna isär. Min undersökning samt viss nyare litteratur visar på att också läroplanen är en stor påverkansfaktor. Lite äldre litteratur visar på att lärarens egen personlighet och samhället också är stora påverkansfaktorer. Kursplanen spelar en stor roll när lärarna planerar och genomför sin undervisning. Det är alltid den som lärarna utgår ifrån och hämtar stöd ifrån. Det är också utifrån dem de sätter betygen. Utifrån detta så kan man tolka det så att lärarna i min studie inte verkar uppleva att de har så stor frihet, eller så tror de inte att de har så stor frihet. I tidigare undersökningar verkar dock lärarna uppleva att de har mer frihet.

Har religionsfriheten blivit överflödig? : En undersökning av religionsfriheten som lag och rättighet utifrån dess problematiserande i den samtida debatten

Bodlund Jardsell, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats hade som syfte att undersöka religionsfriheten som lag och rättighet baserat på hur den framställts i artikeln ”Avskaffa lagen om religionsfrihet”. Undersökningen utgick ifrån tre frågeställningar. Den första handlade om huruvida religionsfrihet medför att religiöst troende har större friheter än icketroende. Det visades på att religionsfriheten erbjuder samma frihet för alla och envar, individens frihet att ha den relation till religion som eftersträvas av densamme. Lagen om religionsfrihet visades syfta till att i möjligaste mån tillgodose denna frihet. Att det skulle medföra större friheter för religiöst troende visade sig vara en feltolkning av begreppets innebörd och struktur. Den andra frågeställningen behandlade huruvida lagen om religionsfrihet är logiskt inkonsekvent. Undersökningen visade att så inte är fallet, utan religionsfrihetens logiska konsekvens ansågs inte vara tillräckligt verklighetsförankrad för att kunna ge ett tydligt svar på hur frågan bör ses. Tre modeller för hur man kan förstå religionsfrihet i samspelet barn-föräldrar presenterades. En variant av livstolkningsmodellen underströks och argument för att huvudansvaret måste ligga hos föräldrarna lades fram. Den tredje och avslutande frågeställningen behandlade huruvida begreppet religionsfrihet bidrar med någon mänsklig rättighet som inte redan är skyddad av övriga rättigheter, i artikeln utgjorda av tanke-, mötes- och föreningsfriheten. Undersökningen visade att religionsfrihet inte kunde reduceras till summan av några av dess komponenter. Efter en genomgång av olika perspektiv på frågan konstaterades att även om religionsfrihetens tillämpning kan vara svår att precisera, så utgör den en form av helhetsbegrepp som inte är reducerbart till tankefrihet, mötesfrihet och föreningsfrihet.

Kvinnors rätt till självbestämmande eller handel med kvinnors kroppar? : En argumentationsanalys av den svenska samhällsdebatten kring ett tillåtande av altruistiskt surrogatmoderskap

von Bolton, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Neither altruistic nor commercial surrogacy is allowed in Sweden but neither is it forbidden for Swedes to travel abroad for surrogacy arrangements. The debate on allowing altruistic surrogacy in Sweden has grown and changed in recent years, from being seen as an unusual method of reproduction to becoming a major family policy issue. In a 2013 report by the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics aimed at examining the permissibility of altruistic surrogacy, all members of the council agreed that commercial surrogacy is not ethically justifiable. There are several arguments against commercial surrogacy, including the fact that it takes place under exploitative and coercive conditions. Hence, Sweden would never allow commercial surrogacy. However, the majority considered that altruistic surrogacy could be justifiable under certain conditions. The arguments about whether altruistic surrogacy can violate human rights are not as numerous. This thesis has aimed to examine the arguments for and against allowing altruistic surrogacy in Sweden by analysing debate articles and other argumentative newspaper articles. These arguments have then been assessed against four ethical principles, namely respect for human dignity, self-determination, self-ownership and the principle of the best interests of the child, to determine whether or not altruistic surrogacy should be allowed in Sweden. With the help of argumentation analysis, debate articles from several Swedish newspapers regarding altruistic surrogacy have been analysed and the results show that the pro-surrogacy side claims that a ban on altruistic surrogacy risks limiting women's right to self-determination and self-ownership over their own bodies. While the anti-surrogacy side argues that allowing altruistic surrogacy violates our human dignity, which states that we should be treated as ends and not as means. What emerges is that both sides of the altruistic surrogacy debate see the current Swedish legislation that neither prohibits nor allows surrogacy as problematic. Both sides argue that it risks leading to Swedish citizens continuing to travel abroad to use commercial surrogate mothers who are often mistreated and exploited. But here the pro-surrogacy side argues that the solution is to allow altruistic surrogacy to stop Swedes from travelling abroad. While the anti-surrogacy side argues that allowing it would not reduce the number of trips abroad and a total ban on surrogacy is the solution.

Socrates in Continuum : Self-Knowledge in Plato's Phaedrus

Thorell, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
At the outset of the Phaedrus, Plato tells us that Socrates’ knows himself (228a). This statement is then followed up by Socrates’ claim that he is not able to obey the Delphic imperative and know himself (229e-230b). This apparent contradiction has given rise to an interesting debate concerning what kind of knowledge we are dealing with here. While the debate is complex a few main positions can be identified. One group of scholars, hereafter referred to as the practitioners, argue that the self-knowledge Socrates here talks about is a life-guiding term. The practitioners argue that when striving toward what is true about oneself and acknowledging one’s limits, one turns away from chaos towards a well structured life. Another group of scholars, referred to as the mystics, argue that self-knowledge is something Socrates’ possesses when contemplating over his own epistemic limits as well as his soul and its connection to the Forms. Finally, the unitarian view explains the content of self-knowledge, namely that it includes dispositional and cognitive knowledge of oneself. Even if these views are helpful to explain the different parts of self-knowledge, they fail to explain Socrates’ apparently contradictory answers regarding self-knowledge. What is lacking, and what this thesis will try to provide, is an account of how Socrates both can say that he knows and does not know himself. The thesis will help explain how Socrates can be said to have self-knowledge. However, Socrates does not yet have absolute self-knowledge and acknowledges, with his denial of self-knowledge, that a deepened self-knowledge can be gained gradually. On the view that this thesis will test and defend, Socratic self-knowledge is a continuum, that is to say, a coherent yet dynamic knowledge. This can help to explain how Socrates can claim to both know and not yet know himself.

Playing with Gods : From religious iconography to religion as a language in the context ofgame design

Etholén, Mikael, Hopstaken, Pim, Nyström, Nathanael, Orlowski, Jakub, Phan, Emely January 2024 (has links)
Religion is a broad topic and serves as a great foundation for narratives in severallarge game titles. In this study we investigate how to create game assets with a religiousconnotation to build the feeling of an existing religion within the game. Using our previousproject, Martyr of Carnage (Studio F15, 2024), as a foundation, our goal is to have playersperceive a religion without a clear association to any real-world belief systems. To achievethis, we mainly investigated semiology, ritual theory, diegetic sound, and symbolism andiconography. During the iterative design process of our three prototypes, each tested by acontrol and randomised group of play testers, we focussed on asset creation, visual andauditory communication, and narratively valuable mechanics, while staying within theboundaries of non-verbal communication. We conducted surveys and interviews incombination with playtesting for data gathering. As a result, we found the importance ofconsidering immersion, contextualization and white space when attempting a study of thiskind.

En global etik som lösning på miljökrisen? : En granskning av Hans Küngs etiska ramverk och relevans för en samtida och global etisk utmaning. / A Global Ethic as a Solution to the Environmental Crisis? : A Review of Hans Küng’s Ethical Framework and Its Relevance to a Contemporary and Global Ethical Challenge.

Normark-Freij, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Hans Küngs arbete Weltethos presenterar en global etisk grund med målet att gemensamt lösa olika globala utmaningar. Syftet med denna uppsats är att, med Küngs teoribildning som utgångspunkt, utforska och analysera hur denna kan appliceras på en samtida global utmaning: miljökrisen. Genom en kombination av kvalitativa analytiska metoder undersöks hur Küngs fem universella värden kan bidra till den etiska diskussionen om lösningar på det globala miljöproblemet. Dessutom utvärderas fördelar och utmaningar med att tillämpa teorin på globala miljöproblem. Resultatet visar att Küngs universella värden kan hjälpa till att förstå och resonera kring den globala miljöetiska utmaningen, men att teorin även kräver komplettering med andra teoretiska perspektiv för att konkret adressera olika lösningar. Slutsatsen är att en gemensam etisk grund är viktig i dessa frågor, men att det också behövs mer konkreta förslag och riktlinjer för att nå fram till hållbara lösningar på global nivå. / Hans Küng’s work Weltethos presents a global ethical framework aimed at collectively addressing various global challenges. The purpose of this thesis is to expose and analyze how Küng’s theoretical framework can be applied to contemporary global challenge: the environmental crisis. Through a combination of qualitative analytical methods, the study examines how Küng’s five universal values can contribute to the ethical discussion on solutions to the global environmental problem. Additionally, the advantages and challenges of applying the theory to global environmental issue are evaluated. The results show that Küng’s universal values can help understand and discuss the global environmental ethical challenge, but the theory also requires supplementation with other theoretical perspectives to concretely address different solutions. The conclusion is that a common ethical foundation is important in these matters, but that more concrete proposals and guidelines are needed to achieve sustainable solutions on a global level.

Det felaktiga folket : Svenska kyrkans roll i försvenskningen av kvänerna 1840–1950 / The Faulty People : The Role of the Church of Sweden during the Assimilation Policy against the Kvens 1840–1950

Fjällborg, Anna January 2024 (has links)
This thesis is about the Assimilation Policy against the minority Kvens in the years 1840-1950. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which role the Church of Sweden played in the assimililation and what made bishops and priests to take this role. The base is the theoretical concepts of nation and nationalism, identity and etnicity, minority and majority and authority. This study is mainly a collocation of previous research. In november 2023, the Swedish state finished a commissionwork about the Assimilation Policy against the Kvens and gave an account for the discrimination, excesses and assimilation from the state and the Church of Sweden against the Kvens. (SOU 2023:68) That work is the main source in this thesis. During the investigated period, the church was intertvined with the state which made it a part of the nationalistic endeavor to make every person in Sweden a good citizen and a good Evangelic-Lutheran Christian. The church contributed in coercive methods such as language compulsion to teach every person Swedish, Racial biology and Eugenics and to make the Kvens change place for worship. The only approved language in both the state and the church was Swedish and this enforced the Kvens to learn a new language and stop using their own minority language Meänkieli. It started with the children, but with time every Kven was affected by the Assimilation Policy. The Religious Revivial movement the Laestadianism became a safe haven for the Kvens because during their services Meänkieli was allowed. Thanks to the Laestadianism the Kvens could continue to meet Kvens in Finland and Norway in a transnational community. Both the Swedish state and the Church of Sweden felt treatened by this transnational community which they feared was a threat to the nation and the homogenization. The church became a part of the nationalistic struggle to make Sweden strong and independent. Both the state and the church believed in "one nation–one language–one church". A strong nation was homogenous with all citizens sharing in traditions, history, religion and language of the majority. The Kvens were faulty people according to race, language and worship.  The period with Assimilation Policy is a dark chapter in the history of both the Kvens and the Church of Sweden.

Emotioner och livsmening : En undersökning av emotioners roll i upplevelsen av existentiell livsmening

Myde Lantz, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how to clarify and emphasize the relationship between emotions and meaning. I have explored how to make an adequate conceptualization of the role of emotions in the experience of existential meaning. To do that I have used a theory of emotion by Martha Nussbaum and an phenomenological theory of meaning by Martin Holmberg. To form an adequate conceptualization I have raised four analytical questions to the choosen material and I have also analyzed the material based to embrace the theories. The theories are the basis for the essay. The four questions I have chosen is; (1) What is emotion and meaning?, (2) What are the conditions for meaning and emotions?, (3) When do emotions arise that are involved in creating meaning and why?, (4) What role can religious emotions play?  Based on the questions and the theories I have come up with a model I consider to be adequate for the role of emotions in the experience of meaning.

Avhopparnas attityder kring sitt forna religiösa engagemang : En studie av faktorer som bidrar till personers religiösa inträde och avhopp / Defectors´ attitudes regarding their former religious activity : A study of factors contributing to joining and leaving a religion

Ripén, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in defectors former religious lives. The literature is rich in references topeople from secular societies being fascinated by religions that are individualistic in nature and hence allowpeople freedom of choice in regards to their beliefs. However, we rarely hear about people who have left this new age belief environment or other religious environments. The study specifically focuses on the defectors, who have left a religious organization or have chosen to leave their religious belief. This study seeks to discover why defectors first came to believe and what got them to leave the religious arena. What happened to their faith, and what caused them to leave their former religion? This is what this study is attempting to shed more light on. The findings indicate that close group-relationships can be vital to one's person and create both positive and negative experiences. The social connections with other people is vital to not create a feeling of alienation and emptiness, leading to loss of meaning in life. Peter L Berger and other sociologists have stressed that religion is meaningful to people, that every society has religion, and that people need religious consolation to face difficult existential questions.

Religião e niilismo: paidéia crítica em Os demônios de Dostoiévski / Religion and nihilism: critical paideia in The devils of Dostoiévski

Sakamoto, Jacqueline Izumi 05 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T19:20:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jacqueline Izumi Sakamoto.pdf: 487202 bytes, checksum: e5bb43997222b11135bad35c43b1f9fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Objective: To deal with the philosophy of the religion in Dostoiévski as a testimony, that not only discloses a powerful religious criticism to the modern atheism unfolding, but still, extending our repertoire, for the access to this religious thinker as form to know the religion. Justification: In The Devils, Dostoiévski treats the excesses of education and ethics secularization indicating the holiness category forgetfulness, characterized mainly by the symmetry relation between man and the transcendent, the atheism as an anthropocentric legacy of the modern rational project, produces moral myopia rendering useless the discernment amid the relativity chaos. Hypothesis: The nihilism dynamic, characterizes the visceral movements of human being towards self-destruction, is rooted in what Berdiaev defined as an uncreated liberty, where sprout our Imago Dei, not subject to the norms, that inhabits human soul with the Nothing. We will try to show that the path through Nothing, the reality of the sin and the evil is considered the axis of Dostoiévskis pedagogy, constitutes a critical and religious Paideia. Theoretical-methodological aspects and obtained result: As a procedure this research deepened the sense of the work interpretation, and the characters dynamic, by the analysis of its content a narrow relation and dialogue amongst the prominent theoretical yardsticks for the comprehension of the theological foundations presented in the thought of Dostoiévski. In this sense, the obtained result reached the proposed objective: the clash of modern atheism with the instruments of the philosophy of religion that seeks an extended comprehension as a necessary repertoire for the dialogue between education, religion and moral, a critical Paideia, and still, the up to date depth of this work for the contemporary man / Objetivo: Tratar a filosofia da religião em Dostoiévski como um testemunho, que nos revela não só uma poderosa crítica religiosa aos desdobramentos do ateísmo moderno, mas ainda, ampliando nosso repertório, pelo acesso a este pensador religioso como forma de conhecer a religião. Justificativa: Dostoiévski trata em Os Demônios os excessos da secularização em ética e pedagogia e indica que o esquecimento da categoria de santidade, caracterizada principalmente pela relação de simetria entre o homem e o transcendente, o ateísmo como legado antropocêntrico do projeto racional moderno, produz miopia moral inviabilizando o discernimento em meio ao caos relativista. Hipótese: A dinâmica do niilismo, caracterizando os movimentos viscerais do ser humano em processo de auto-destruição, está enraizado no que Berdiaev definiu como liberdade incriada, de onde brota nossa Imago Dei, não passível às normas, que habita a alma humana com o Nada. Procuraremos demonstrar que o atravessamento deste Nada, o eixo da pedagogia dostoiévskiana que considera a realidade do pecado e do mal, constitui uma Paidéia crítica e religiosa. Aspectos teórico-metodológicos e resultado obtido: Como procedimento esta pesquisa aprofundou a interpretação do sentido da obra, e da dinâmica dos personagens, pela análise de seu conteúdo, em estreita relação e diálogo com os referenciais teóricos relevantes para a compreensão dos fundamentos teológicos presentes no pensamento de Dostoiévski. Neste sentido, o resultado obtido atingiu o objetivo proposto: o enfrentamento do ateísmo moderno com os instrumentos da filosofia da religião, que busca uma compreensão ampliada como repertório necessário para o diálogo entre educação, religião e moral, constitui uma Paidéia crítica, e identificou ainda, a atualidade desta obra para o homem no mundo contemporâneo

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