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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta i det privata hemmet som vårdmiljö vid livets slut - en fotoeliciteringsstudie : Ramberättelse

Mjörnberg, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdmiljöer sägs kunna bidra till att lindra såväl lidande som möjliggöra välbefinnande för patienter vid livets slut, och det privata hemmet kan möjliggöra livskvalitet och är föredragen vårdplats för döende och död i samhället. Arbetet som sjuksköterska i hemmet vid livets slut involverar att möta patienter och familjemedlemmar i deras egen miljö, vilket beskrivs som utmanande men också som positiva erfarenheter beroende på klinisk organisation och sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde. Ytterligare erfarenhetsbaserad omvårdnadsforskning om denna vårdmiljö är eftersträvansvärd. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors, som arbetar i specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård, erfarenheter av det privata hemmet som vårdmiljö vid livets slut. Metod: Den här studien har kvalitativ design, guidad av forskningsapproachen tolkande beskrivning. Deltagarproducerade fotografier användes som utgångspunkt vid tio individuella intervjuer med sjuksköterskor inom specialiserad palliativ hemsjukvård. Resultat: Datanalysen resulterade i fyra teman; Komma till ett unikt privat hem förberedd på att anpassa interaktioner och handlingar beroende på miljön; Stödja patienter och familjemedlemmar att balansera egenvård, oberoende och säkerhet; Guida patienter och familjemedlemmar inför och igenom förändringar i hemmiljön för att stödja vård vid livets slut; Använda bilfärden mellan hemmen till reflektion, återhämtning och förberedelse. Diskussion och slutsats: Resultatet i denna svenskspråkiga uppsats diskuterades utifrån Liaschenkos teorier; som framhåller att omvårdnadsansvaret i hemmet innebär att bevara och skydda patientens möjlighet till autonomi och självbestämmande i deras naturligt subjektiva miljö, som påverkas av sjukdom och sjukvård. Resultatet genomsyras av sjuksköterskornas strävan att uppnå detta, något som beskrivs kräva specifik kompetens, men också innebär en rad utmaningar och ibland risker för det egna välbefinnandet. Då resultatet samtidigt antyder hemmet som plats med dubbla syften, dels som en privat plats vid livet slut och en arbetsplats. Omvårdnadsarbetet involverar en rad anpassningar i interaktion med vårdmiljön och personerna som bor där, och ett tillitsfullt samarbete mellan sjuksköterska, patient och/eller familjemedlem beskrivs möjliggöra en optimal och delad vårdmiljö vid livets slut. / Background: Care environments are shown to be a contributing factor for alleviate suffering and enhance wellbeing for dying patients, and private homes is found to benefit life quality and is a preferred place death and dying in society. Working in home care at end-of life involves meeting patients and family members in their own environment, entailing challenges and feasibilities depending on clinical organization and nursing role. Further experiential nursing research about this care environment at end-of-life is desirable. Aim: Exploring palliative care nurse’s experiences of the private home as an end-of-life-care environment. Method: The design of this study was qualitative, guided by the interpretive description approach. We used participant-produced photographs with follow-up interviews with ten nurses working in specialised palliative home care. Findings: Four themes were constructed; Entering the unique private home prepared to adjust interactions and actions depending on the environment, Supporting patients and family members to balance between self-care, independency and security, Guiding patients and family members towards and through environmental changes to support end of life care at home and Using the time driving between homes to reflect, recover and prepare. Discussion and conclusions: The findings in this Swedish written essay was discussed by using Liaschenkos theories; displaying that the nursing role in this care settings involves keeping and protecting the patients autonomy and self-determination in their own natural subjective home, which is affected by disease and health care. This findings clearly demonstrate the nurses strive for this, requiring specific competence, but also impair several challenges and sometimes risks for their own wellbeing. Thus, the private home is suggested being a space with dual purposes; an exclusive place for death and dying and a working environment. This involves a variety of adjustments in interactions with the environment and the persons living there, facilitated by a confident cooperation between the nurse, patient and/or family members for an optimal and shared care environment in end-of-life. / Plats och rum för vård i livets slutskede

Représentation de la France périphérique : photographie participative dans le bassin minier du Nord

Geib, Carla 12 1900 (has links)
Comment un photographe peut-il documenter le quotidien des habitants d’un milieu dont il ignore les codes et les habitudes ? Comment doit-il procéder afin d’échapper aux stéréotypes qui figent leur image aux yeux du monde ? Ce mémoire mène une réflexion sur les pratiques que les photographes documentaires pourraient adopter afin de s’éloigner des codes de représentation dictés par la culture dominante et ce faisant tendre vers une approche du vécu plus directe. Le cas d’étude choisi est la population du bassin minier du nord de la France, plus précisément des environs de la ville de Valenciennes. L’objectif est de mettre en avant le quotidien et les spécificités culturelles de l’une des régions caractérisés de la France périphérique. La méthodologie choisie combine deux techniques, celle du photovoice et celle de l’entretien basé sur la photo-élicitation. Les données sont collectées directement auprès des quatre participants à l’étude. Le présent document mobilise des théoriciens des études critiques afin d’aborder notamment les notions d’idéologie et de représentation. Une collecte de données au plus proche des habitants permet de mieux les connaître et d’en savoir davantage sur leur sentiment d’appartenance à leur région et à leur culture, leur rapport à l’image, aux médias et leur représentation aux yeux du monde. 
 Ce travail permet notamment de réaliser que dans le bassin minier du nord, les habitants n’ont pas comme réflexe de se mettre en avant en tant qu’individus et voient plutôt la photographie comme un moyen de mettre en avant leurs occupations du quotidien. Cette recherche permet également de faire état de l’omniprésence de stéréotypes sur la région, point particulièrement développé dans la section discussion. 
 Le recul acquis suite à ce travail sur le terrain couplé à la mobilisation de connaissances théoriques offre une réflexion proposant de nouvelles manières d’appréhender un sujet et d’utiliser le médium photographique. / How can a photographer document people’s daily life in a region with specific codes and habits ? How should he proceed if he wants to escape the stereotypes freezing their image in the eyes of society ? This thesis is focused on the practices that documentary photographers can adopt in order to distance themselves from the codes of representation imposed by the dominant culture. The case study chosen is the population of the mining towns located in north of France, more precisely those nearby of the city of Valenciennes. The purpose is to highlight the daily life and the cultural specificities of one of the characteristic regions of peripheral France. The chosen methodology combines two techniques, the photovoice and the photo-elicitation interview. The data is collected directly from the four participants in the study. This paper mobilizes critical studies theorists to address notions like ideology and representation. A data collection close to people allows us to know them better and to learn more about their sens of belonging to their region and their culture, their relationship with the image, the media and their representation in the eyes of the world. In particular, this work allows us to realize that the inhabitants of the mining towns in the north of France do not automatically put themselves forward as individuals and rather see photography as a means of highlighting their daily occupations. This research also points out the omnipresence of stereotypes about the region. This find out is particularly developed in the ‘‘discussion’’ section. 
 The hindsight enabled from this fieldwork combined with the mobilization of theoretical knowledge offers proposition of new ways to approach a subject and use the photographic medium.

"En liten tjej ska inte vara ute sent" : - otrygghet hos kvinnor ur en sociologisk synvinkel / ”A little girl should not be out late” : – insecurity in women from a sociological point of view

Castman, Matilda, Skoogh, Hedda-Louise January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse av otrygghet. Detta genom frågeställningar som berör otrygghetens uppkomst, kvinnornas emotioner och handlande i otrygga situationer. Ett hermeneutiskt och kvalitativt synsätt har använts med en abduktiv ansats. Tio kvinnliga studenter på Linköpings universitet har intervjuats med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och foto-elicitering. Analysstrategin som använts är tematisk analys, vilket lett till ett resultat med fyra teman - yttre faktorer, emotioner, handlade och rutiner. Alltifrån mörker och ensamhet till uppfostran och medier påverkar upplevelsen av otrygghet, visar resultatet. Emotioner som uppstår i otrygga situationer är exempelvis stress, rädsla och oro. Dessa kan sedan vara drivmedlet till att kvinnorna handlar på ett visst sätt, exempelvis går fortare. Vissa delar av handlandet är dessutom rutiner. Sist visar resultatet att kvinnors otrygghet reproduceras genom handlande, men även genom språk och medier. Genom en figur visas det hur otrygghet kan härledas och förstås. / The purpose of this study has been to examine women’s feeling of insecurity. It has been done through questions concerning the occurrence of insecurity, women’s emotions and acting in unsafe situations. A hermeneutic and qualitative approach has been used with an abductive approach. Ten female students from Linköping University have been interviewed through semistructured interviews and photo-elicitation. The analysis strategy used is thematic analysis, which has led to a result and a figure with four themes - external factors, emotions, actions and routines. Everything from darkness and loneliness to upbringing and media affect the experience of insecurity, the result shows. Emotions that arise in unsafe situations include stress, fear and anxiety. These can be the driving force for women to act in a certain way. Some parts of their actions are also routines. Finally, the results show that women's insecurity is reproduced through actions, but also through language and media.

International Teaching Assistants' (ITA') Experiences with Language Learning, Learner Autonomy, and Technology as Students in a Requisite Oral Communication Course

Wallace, Lara R. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

La stigmatisation reliée à la déficience auditive

Southall, Kenneth E. 01 1900 (has links)
Certaines personnes peuvent être stigmatisées quand elles présentent un attribut relié à une identité sociale qui est dénigrée dans un contexte particulier. Il existe plusieurs stéréotypes au sujet des personnes qui ont une perte d'audition. Le grand public associe souvent la perte d'audition à des comportements indésirables, au vieillissement et à une capacité intellectuelle réduite. Ces stéréotypes affectent négativement la participation des personnes ayant une perte auditive à diverses activités. Malgré les impacts évidents et importants que la stigmatisation a sur la participation sociale des personnes ayant une perte auditive et leur propension à recourir aux services de réadaptation, on constate une pénurie relative de recherche sur le stigmate lié à la perte d'audition. Ces dernières années, les chercheurs en sciences sociales ont fait de grands pas pour conceptualiser le stigmate selon la perspective des personnes qui sont la cible des attitudes nuisibles. La plupart de ces concepts peuvent s'appliquer au stigmate social lié à la perte d'audition. Le premier article de cette thèse tente de placer le stigmate lié à la perte d'audition dans un modèle de menace à l’identité induite par le stigmate (stigma-induced identity threat model). Ce chapitre explore comment les services pourraient être modifiés pour mieux soutenir les individus qui montrent des signes que leur identité personnelle est compromise à cause de leur perte d'audition. De façon générale, les buts de ce manuscrit sont a) de dresser un bref résumé de la question du stigmate lié à la perte d'audition ; b) de présenter un modèle spécifique de menace d'identité induite par le stigmate et d’incorporer des notions propres au stigmate lié à la perte d'audition à cette conceptualisation générale du stigmate et c) de réfléchir sur la pertinence de ce modèle pour la réadaptation audiologique. L'intention de la deuxième étude est de mieux comprendre comment le stigmate affecte les comportements de recherche d’aide des adultes ayant une perte d'audition acquise. Dix personnes ayant une perte d'audition, et appartenant à des groupes de soutien par les pairs ont participé à des entrevues semi-structurées audio-enregistrées. Les transcriptions de ces entrevues ont été analysées au moyen d’analyses thématiques. Les analyses ont indiqué que les répondants montre une plus grande propension à chercher de l'aide à la suite d’étapes charnières, où l’équilibre entre le stress négatif et l'énergie positive était rompu : a) un moment où le stress était de loin supérieur à l'énergie positive (première étape charnière) et b) un moment où l'énergie positive était de loin supérieure au stress négatif (deuxième étape charnière). On propose une série de représentations graphiques qui dépeignent comment les influences positives et négatives présentes dans l'environnement social et physique du répondant influencent la recherche d'aide. Le but de la troisième étude est d'identifier les facteurs qui amènent des individus à cacher ou révéler leur perte d'audition dans leur lieu de travail. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été menées en utilisant une technique d’élicitation par photographies pour susciter des informations liées à la révélation de la perte d'audition. Les thèmes dégagés des entrevues incluent : l'importance perçue de la situation, la perception du sentiment de contrôle, l'affiliation à la communauté, le fardeau de communication et la présence de problèmes connexes à la perte d'audition. Les résultats de cette étude offrent un aperçu du monde caché des travailleurs ayant une perte d'audition. Cette étude sert à documenter certaines stratégies que les travailleurs avec une perte d'audition utilisent pour contrôler leur identité professionnelle et, plus spécifiquement, comment certains gèrent le dévoilement de leur perte d'audition dans leur lieu de travail. Les résultats fournissent des informations utiles pour le développement de programmes d'intervention appropriés pour des travailleurs ayant une perte d'audition. / Individuals are stigmatized when they possess, or are thought to possess, an attribute or characteristic that conveys a social identity that is devalued in a particular social context. There are several stereotypes, or commonly held (often erroneous) beliefs about people who have hearing loss. The general public often associate people with hearing loss to undesirable behaviours, ageing, and reduced intellect. Stereotypes such as these negatively impact upon activities of daily living engaged in by people with hearing loss. In spite of the obvious and important impacts that stigma has on social participation and inclination to use rehabilitative strategies, there has been a relative dearth of research on the stigma associated with hearing loss. In recent years, researchers in the social sciences have made great strides to conceptualize “stigma” from the perspective of people who are the target of prejudicial attitudes. Most of these concepts are applicable to the social stigma associated with hearing loss. The first study presented in this dissertation attempts to position hearing loss stigma within a model of stigma-induced identity threat. Overall, the goals of this paper are to a) offer a brief summary of hearing loss stigma; b) present a specific stigma identity threat model and incorporate ideas about hearing loss stigma into this general conceptualization of stigma; and c) reflect on the appropriateness of this model for the domain of rehabilitative audiology. The intent of the second study was to better understand how stigma impacted upon the help-seeking activities of adults with an acquired hearing loss. Ten people who had hearing loss, and were members of peer-support groups participated in audio-recorded semi-structured interviews. Thematic analyses of verbatim transcripts revealed that respondents experienced a heightened propensity to seek help following Critical Junctures, when negative stress and positive energy were out of balance: 1) a time when negative stress far outweighed positive energy (i.e., Critical Juncture One); and 2) a time when positive energy far outweighed negative stress (i.e., Critical juncture Two). A series of graphic representations are proposed that depict how positive and negative influences found in the respondent’s social and physical environment influenced help seeking. The purpose of the third study was to identify the factors that lead individuals to conceal or disclose their hearing loss in the workplace. We conducted semi-structured interviews using a photo-elicitation technique to aid in probing issues related to disclosure of hearing loss. Emergent themes included: Perceived importance of the situation, Perceived sense of control, Community affiliation, Burden of Communication and Coexisting issues related to hearing loss. This study serves to document some of the ways that workers with hearing loss manage their workplace identity, and more specifically, how some people manage revealing their hearing loss in workplace settings. The findings also inform the development of pertinent intervention programs for workers with hearing loss.

Para a implanta??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira: implica??es dos contextos cultural, gerencial e pol?tico de uma empresa estatal federal brasileira / Toward the introduction of meritocracy in career management: the implications of the cultural, managerial and political contexts in a Brazilian federal state-owned company

PESTANA, Rayner Carvalho 03 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2016-10-25T18:52:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Rayner Carvalho Pestana.pdf: 3842091 bytes, checksum: 6249d189977450bb8ee9dbbc3e59483d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-25T18:52:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Rayner Carvalho Pestana.pdf: 3842091 bytes, checksum: 6249d189977450bb8ee9dbbc3e59483d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-03 / The transformation of the Brazilian Public Management, specifically about the adoption of modern tools for human resources, has been happening since the last century and the concern about the introduction of meritocracy in career management is still considered a recurring theme. An evidence of that is the guidance from management and control department of federal state-owned companies to adopt meritocracy in their career management systems. The organization studied here, although already have passed thirteen years of validity of its current jobs and salaries plan, seems not yet to have been able to establish career management policies based on meritocracy. Due to the problem presented, the main objective of this research focused on raising the implications of the organizational context of a Brazilian federal state-owned company, dependent on the Treasury, for the introduction of meritocracy in career management. An applied qualitative research was carried out, configured in the form of a single case study to map the features of the current cultural, managerial and political contexts and to interpret their implications in the adoption of meritocracy as an organizational value. The research subjects were purposefully selected, among managers and career employees, and interviewed based on a script and from a photograph (photo elicitation) to reveal the current context. The field data were subjected to an inductive hermeneutic analysis. Based on these results, it can be inferred that meritocracy in career management, understood as ?a set of criteria, adopted by an organization that has on individual performance, effort and results, the fundamental pillars for granting promotions and progressions to its employees in their own careers?, is not yet explicitly manifested in the studied company. It was perceived that the company is set as a political arena type and that the current alternative process of granting promotions and progressions has been working as a fundamental mechanism for the on going internal power dynamics. On the context found, some manager actions were proposed to contribute to the implementation of meritocracy in career management. It can be considered, as a contribution to the field, the opportunity for reflecting on the negative implications of the penetration of management values in human resources, regarding: uncritical transfer of tools from the private sector to the public one; defense of entrepreneurship discourse that considers the career management as sole responsibility of the professional; only financial and quantitative focus on performance evaluations; and probability of management tools not resulting in professional development but only in the control and exploitation of the individual. For future research it is suggested i.e.: to investigate what commitment means to the organizational members in order to connect it to the company's concepts raised in the study; to analyze meritocracy from the psychological contract breach viewpoint; and to expand this study to other public organizations dependent or not on the Treasury, to ascertain the implications of cultural and managerial traits and the power dynamics for the adoption of meritocracy in career management. / A transforma??o da Administra??o P?blica Brasileira, no que tange ? ado??o de ferramentas modernas de gest?o de pessoas, vem ocorrendo desde o s?culo passado e a preocupa??o com a meritocracia na gest?o de carreira se configura como um assunto ainda recorrente. Como prova disso, destacam-se as orienta??es do ?rg?o de gest?o e controle das empresas estatais federais para que elas adotem a meritocracia nos seus sistemas de gest?o de carreira. A organiza??o aqui estudada, embora passados treze anos de vig?ncia do atual plano de cargos e sal?rios, parece ainda n?o ter conseguido instituir pol?ticas de gest?o de carreira calcadas na meritocracia. Diante do problema apresentado, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa se concentrou em levantar as implica??es dos tra?os provenientes do contexto organizacional de uma estatal federal brasileira, dependente do Tesouro Nacional, para a implanta??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira. Realizou-se pesquisa aplicada de natureza qualitativa, configurada em forma de estudo de caso ?nico para mapear os tra?os do contexto cultural, gerencial e pol?tico vigentes e interpretar suas implica??es na ado??o da meritocracia como um valor organizacional. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram selecionados pelo m?todo proposital, entre gerentes e empregados de carreira, e entrevistados mediante roteiro e a partir de uma fotografia (elicita??o fotogr?fica) que revelasse o contexto vigente na ?tica dos mesmos. Os dados de campo foram qualitativamente analisados de forma hermen?utico-indutiva. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a meritocracia na gest?o de carreira, entendida como ?o conjunto de crit?rios, adotado por uma organiza??o, que possui no desempenho, no esfor?o individual e nos resultados alcan?ados os pilares fundamentais para a concess?o de promo??es e progress?es dos empregados em suas respectivas carreiras?, n?o ?, ainda, praticada explicitamente na empresa estudada. Revelou-se que a empresa se configura como uma organiza??o do tipo arena pol?tica e que o vigente processo alternativo de concess?o de promo??es e progress?es tem funcionado como um mecanismo fundamental na din?mica interna de poder. Diante deste contexto, foram propostas a??es de forma a contribuir com a implanta??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira. Considera-se como contribui??o ? ?rea a oportunidade de reflex?o sobre as implica??es da penetra??o de valores do management na gest?o de pessoas, relativas a: transfer?ncia acr?tica de ferramentas do setor privado para o p?blico; defesa do discurso do empreendedorismo, pressupondo a gest?o de carreira como responsabilidade unicamente do profissional; perspectiva apenas financeira e quantitativa das avalia??es de desempenho; e probabilidade das ferramentas de gest?o n?o resultarem no desenvolvimento profissional, mas no controle e explora??o do indiv?duo. Para aprofundamento em futuras pesquisas, sugere-se, dentre outras a??es: investigar o conceito de comprometimento na organiza??o, conectando-o ?s concep??es da Empresa levantadas no estudo; analisar a meritocracia a partir da ?tica da quebra do contrato psicol?gico; e expandir a presente pesquisa a outras organiza??es p?blicas dependentes ou n?o do Tesouro, a fim de evidenciar as implica??es dos tra?os culturais e gerenciais e da din?mica de poder existentes na ado??o da meritocracia na gest?o de carreira.

Student perspectives on school camps : a photo-elicitation interview study

Smith, Erin F. January 2008 (has links)
First-hand narrative accounts of participants’ experiences during outdoor programmes are notably absent from the outdoor education literature. This thesis reports on an exploratory study which applied a creative qualitative approach called photo-elicitation interviews to gather student accounts about the ways in which they experienced an outdoor education programme known as ‘school camp’. A group of Year 10 (14-15 years old) students attending secondary school in Christchurch, New Zealand, participated in this study, and were provided with 27-exposure, disposable cameras on which they were asked to take a series of photographs to demonstrate what a residential school camp was like for them. Follow-up, individual photo-elicitation interviews with the 32 self-selected respondents (21 female, 11 male), revealed that school camp is primarily an enjoyable, social experience where students are able to spend time with their friends and develop their peer networks in a unique environment. From the perspective of these students, school camp primarily contributed to developing a greater understanding of others, while developing greater understandings of the self and the environment were less salient. A greater understanding of others was achieved primarily through the ways in which school camp created an enjoyable, novel, experience which allowed students to see their peers from a different, more ‘real’ perspective. Aspects of this novel experience which contributed to students’ social interactions included the residential nature of these camps and the absence of ‘urban’ features associated with teenage culture such as mobile phones, clothing and make-up. Interestingly, students’ camp experiences included little specific reference to the natural environment; a finding which challenges recent discourses advocating for a shift towards a more critical outdoor education aiming to promote human-nature relationships. The use of photo-elicitation interviews in this context is critically examined. Providing students with cameras was an effective way to engage young people in academic research and to capture important aspects of the outdoor experience from their perspective. To better assess the utility of the technique, it warrants further application in other outdoor education contexts. The inclusion of participant-generated photographs, however, raises several research ethics issues. This study contributes to the growing body of qualitative literature seeking to provide a more in-depth understanding of outdoor education and complements the quantitative studies which predominate in the field.

La stigmatisation reliée à la déficience auditive

Southall, Kenneth E. 01 1900 (has links)
Certaines personnes peuvent être stigmatisées quand elles présentent un attribut relié à une identité sociale qui est dénigrée dans un contexte particulier. Il existe plusieurs stéréotypes au sujet des personnes qui ont une perte d'audition. Le grand public associe souvent la perte d'audition à des comportements indésirables, au vieillissement et à une capacité intellectuelle réduite. Ces stéréotypes affectent négativement la participation des personnes ayant une perte auditive à diverses activités. Malgré les impacts évidents et importants que la stigmatisation a sur la participation sociale des personnes ayant une perte auditive et leur propension à recourir aux services de réadaptation, on constate une pénurie relative de recherche sur le stigmate lié à la perte d'audition. Ces dernières années, les chercheurs en sciences sociales ont fait de grands pas pour conceptualiser le stigmate selon la perspective des personnes qui sont la cible des attitudes nuisibles. La plupart de ces concepts peuvent s'appliquer au stigmate social lié à la perte d'audition. Le premier article de cette thèse tente de placer le stigmate lié à la perte d'audition dans un modèle de menace à l’identité induite par le stigmate (stigma-induced identity threat model). Ce chapitre explore comment les services pourraient être modifiés pour mieux soutenir les individus qui montrent des signes que leur identité personnelle est compromise à cause de leur perte d'audition. De façon générale, les buts de ce manuscrit sont a) de dresser un bref résumé de la question du stigmate lié à la perte d'audition ; b) de présenter un modèle spécifique de menace d'identité induite par le stigmate et d’incorporer des notions propres au stigmate lié à la perte d'audition à cette conceptualisation générale du stigmate et c) de réfléchir sur la pertinence de ce modèle pour la réadaptation audiologique. L'intention de la deuxième étude est de mieux comprendre comment le stigmate affecte les comportements de recherche d’aide des adultes ayant une perte d'audition acquise. Dix personnes ayant une perte d'audition, et appartenant à des groupes de soutien par les pairs ont participé à des entrevues semi-structurées audio-enregistrées. Les transcriptions de ces entrevues ont été analysées au moyen d’analyses thématiques. Les analyses ont indiqué que les répondants montre une plus grande propension à chercher de l'aide à la suite d’étapes charnières, où l’équilibre entre le stress négatif et l'énergie positive était rompu : a) un moment où le stress était de loin supérieur à l'énergie positive (première étape charnière) et b) un moment où l'énergie positive était de loin supérieure au stress négatif (deuxième étape charnière). On propose une série de représentations graphiques qui dépeignent comment les influences positives et négatives présentes dans l'environnement social et physique du répondant influencent la recherche d'aide. Le but de la troisième étude est d'identifier les facteurs qui amènent des individus à cacher ou révéler leur perte d'audition dans leur lieu de travail. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été menées en utilisant une technique d’élicitation par photographies pour susciter des informations liées à la révélation de la perte d'audition. Les thèmes dégagés des entrevues incluent : l'importance perçue de la situation, la perception du sentiment de contrôle, l'affiliation à la communauté, le fardeau de communication et la présence de problèmes connexes à la perte d'audition. Les résultats de cette étude offrent un aperçu du monde caché des travailleurs ayant une perte d'audition. Cette étude sert à documenter certaines stratégies que les travailleurs avec une perte d'audition utilisent pour contrôler leur identité professionnelle et, plus spécifiquement, comment certains gèrent le dévoilement de leur perte d'audition dans leur lieu de travail. Les résultats fournissent des informations utiles pour le développement de programmes d'intervention appropriés pour des travailleurs ayant une perte d'audition. / Individuals are stigmatized when they possess, or are thought to possess, an attribute or characteristic that conveys a social identity that is devalued in a particular social context. There are several stereotypes, or commonly held (often erroneous) beliefs about people who have hearing loss. The general public often associate people with hearing loss to undesirable behaviours, ageing, and reduced intellect. Stereotypes such as these negatively impact upon activities of daily living engaged in by people with hearing loss. In spite of the obvious and important impacts that stigma has on social participation and inclination to use rehabilitative strategies, there has been a relative dearth of research on the stigma associated with hearing loss. In recent years, researchers in the social sciences have made great strides to conceptualize “stigma” from the perspective of people who are the target of prejudicial attitudes. Most of these concepts are applicable to the social stigma associated with hearing loss. The first study presented in this dissertation attempts to position hearing loss stigma within a model of stigma-induced identity threat. Overall, the goals of this paper are to a) offer a brief summary of hearing loss stigma; b) present a specific stigma identity threat model and incorporate ideas about hearing loss stigma into this general conceptualization of stigma; and c) reflect on the appropriateness of this model for the domain of rehabilitative audiology. The intent of the second study was to better understand how stigma impacted upon the help-seeking activities of adults with an acquired hearing loss. Ten people who had hearing loss, and were members of peer-support groups participated in audio-recorded semi-structured interviews. Thematic analyses of verbatim transcripts revealed that respondents experienced a heightened propensity to seek help following Critical Junctures, when negative stress and positive energy were out of balance: 1) a time when negative stress far outweighed positive energy (i.e., Critical Juncture One); and 2) a time when positive energy far outweighed negative stress (i.e., Critical juncture Two). A series of graphic representations are proposed that depict how positive and negative influences found in the respondent’s social and physical environment influenced help seeking. The purpose of the third study was to identify the factors that lead individuals to conceal or disclose their hearing loss in the workplace. We conducted semi-structured interviews using a photo-elicitation technique to aid in probing issues related to disclosure of hearing loss. Emergent themes included: Perceived importance of the situation, Perceived sense of control, Community affiliation, Burden of Communication and Coexisting issues related to hearing loss. This study serves to document some of the ways that workers with hearing loss manage their workplace identity, and more specifically, how some people manage revealing their hearing loss in workplace settings. The findings also inform the development of pertinent intervention programs for workers with hearing loss.

A neighbourhood through the viewfinder : an autodriven photo-elicitation of a housing estate undergoing renewal

Altenberger, Iris January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the ongoing regeneration of Raploch council housing estate, in Stirling, focusing on the lived experiences of the established residents who reside in the pre-regeneration council housing estate, or had family or historical links with the area, as well as new residents, who have moved into the new owner occupied houses that were built in the regeneration. Key informants who have worked in a professional capacity in the area were also consulted to broaden the perspective. The regeneration was a response to a long history of deprivation, segregation and stigmatisation, which led to the demolition of council housing on one side of a main road within the area. The demolition site was redeveloped by a partnership of private developers and a social housing provider. As a consequence of the regeneration there were various physical and social changes in the area, caused by the construction of new homes, as well as other changes to the built environment, and the influx of owner occupiers into the new housing. A visual research method, 'auto-driven photo elicitation', was utilised, which allowed an insight into these changes from a unique perspective. Participants made photos of the area, of places they wanted to discuss, which became the starting point of a subsequent interview process; allowing participants to focus on issues relevant to them. The findings showed that the participants attached a great importance to the history of this specific place, but also that there was segregation between the new residents and the established community. Further fragmentations, religious and historic territorial divisions, within the communities were visually reinforced by the regeneration process. The participants also attached great significance to the linguistic and semiotic landscape, which they interpreted in the context of this place.

Youth Perspectives on Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asset-Based Approach

Pickering, Christina Julie 15 May 2023 (has links)
An all-of-society approach is foundational for increasing disaster resilience and creating adaptive capacity in the face of disasters and climate change. Youth participation within disaster risk reduction (DRR) and disaster risk management (DRM) is an inclusive strategy to engage youth in an all-of-society approach. While this is an emerging and fast-growing area of study, ingraining social inclusion in practice is slow. Through a series of four articles, this dissertation describes two separate qualitative studies exploring youth participation in DRR and DRM through the youth perspective. Participatory research methodologies dismantle power dynamics inherent in traditional research, and they are well-suited for research on youth participation. As such, our first study used Photovoice methodology to explore youth perceptions of youth capabilities in disasters, and to understand their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of youth participation initiatives in DRR are scattered, necessitating exploration of the process of participation in diverse contexts and types of disaster events. We conducted the second study using case study methodology to explore facilitators of - and barriers to - youth contributions towards DRR efforts in the context of local flooding, tornado, and pandemic events in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. This dissertation provides insight on how to promote youth resilience, capacity, and strengths in disasters. Based on these findings, we argue that a paradigm shift in DRR towards an asset-based approach is essential to implement youth participation in practice. An asset-based approach aligns with the capability-oriented worldview in youth participation literature and theories. The complexity arises in attempting to apply asset-based lessons from the literature into the traditionally needs-based orientation of DRR policy and DRM practice. More research is needed to document youth actions in DRR and to determine asset indicators to evaluate implementation efforts. This dissertation begins an important conversation around applying an asset-based approach to youth participation in DRR through the perspectives of youth.

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