Spelling suggestions: "subject:"powerlifting"" "subject:"powerlifing""
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The Relationship of Training Frequency and Wilks Score in Competitive Swedish Classic Powerlifters : A Quantitative Questionnaire StudyHillerström, Erik, Brandin, Whilliam January 2023 (has links)
Background: In strength sports, athletes must take several training variables into consideration whencreating a training program. One of the ground pillars is training frequency, but there is a lackof research done on competitive powerlifters. Therefore, the purpose of this study was toinvestigate the corelation between training frequency and performance, measured as Wilksscore, in competition for powerlifters. Methods: An online questionnaire was sent out through various social media platforms to activepowerlifters, with the purpose of gathering sufficient information on their training habits andcompetition scores. A total of 80 subjects followed through with the survey, but only 48 metthe final inclusion criteria. Participants were divided into three groups based on their trainingfrequency; separate groups were created for the different lifts. Total frequency was dived intothe groups (3, 4, >4) sessions per week, squat frequency into (1,2, >2), bench press (2,3,>3),deadlift (1,2,>2). Results: As the p-value of all the tests are larger than the alpha value (0,0125) there is no apparentdifference between the groups that can be attributed to the training frequency. Duringsubgroup analysis, there were no other significant correlations between Wilks score andcompetitive age, training frequency or training intensity. However, there was a trend for ancorrelation between training volume a slight effect on the total Wilks score (P = 0,077). Conclusion: Training frequency may not be an important factor for powerlifters after 1-2 sessions and aftera certain threshold of volume has been reached. However, a higher training frequency mayallow for higher training volumes which previous research has found favourable. Moreresearch over a longer time span is still needed.
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Psykologin bakom skadeprevention inom tyngdlyftning, styrkelyft, Crossfit och kroppsbyggning. : En Kvalitativ studie ur coachers perspektivBjörk, Anders, Haag, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka på vilket sätt coacher inom tyngdlyftning, styrkelyft, Crossfit och kroppsbyggning implementerar preventiva strategier designade för att förebygga skador genom inverkan på psykologiska riskfaktorer. Vidare var det av intresse att undersöka vilka personlighetsdrag hos en idrottare som coacher upplevde ökade risken för skador. Ett ytterligare syfte var att studera coachernas erfarenheter av relationen mellan idrottares stressnivå och skaderisk. Totalt genomfördes nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med coacher på distrikt till internationell nivå lokaliserade i Sverige. Samtliga coacher hade tidigare erfarenhet med skadade idrottare. Resultatet sammanställdes genom en deduktiv innehållsanalys. Under intervjuerna identifierades flera interventionsstrategier som kunde relateras till Williams och Andersens (1998) stressskademodell. Det framgick att coacherna i studien fokuserar mycket på fysiologiska och stressrelaterade aspekter och inte personlighetsdrag när de implementerar interventioner för att förebygga skador. Implikationer för skadeförebyggande träning samt förslag på framtida forskning ges.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av att utöva styrkelyft / Women’s experiences of exercising powerliftingFogelström, David January 2021 (has links)
Författare: David Fogelström Handledare: Kutte Jönsson Examinator: Tomas Peterson Nyckelord: Styrkelyft, kvinnors upplevelser, hegemoni, hegemonisk maskulinitet, heteronormativitet Syfte: Syftet med det här arbetet är att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer undersöka och förstå kvinnliga styrkelyftares upplevelser av att utöva en traditionellt mansdominerad sport och hur dessa upplevelser kan förstås i relation till hegemonisk maskulinitet. Metod: Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor som tävlar i styrkelyft har jag samlat in och analyserat data för att med denna kunna besvara frågeställningarna. Teori: Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för arbetet är hegemonisk maskulinitetsteori. Resultat och slutsatser: Studien visar att det finns såväl likheter som skillnader mellan styrkelyft och andra mansdominerade sporter i hur kvinnor ser på att utöva en traditionellt mansdominerad sport och deras upplevelser av detta. Exempel på likheter är positiva effekter på självförtroende, viljan att vara förebild och bryta mot könsnormer samtidigt som kvinnor upplevde att de blev ifrågasatta och inte tagna på allvar i samma utsträckning som män. Skillnader var upplevelsen av att inom styrkelyft kunna utmana sig själva och hur tävlandet inom styrkelyft var en stark motivationsfaktor. / Author: David Fogelström Supervisor: Kutte Jönsson Examiner: Tomas Peterson Keywords: Powerlifting, women’s experiences, hegemony, hegemonic masculinity, heteronormativity Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore and understand, through semi-structured interviews, female powerlifters experiences of practicing a traditionally male-dominated sport and how these experiences can be understood in relation to hegemonic masculinity. Method: Through semi-structured interviews with women who compete in powerlifting, I have collected and analysed data to be able to answer the questions. Theory: The theoretical framework of this study is Hegemonic Masculinity Theory. Results and Conclusions: The study shows that there are similarities as well as differences between powerlifting and other male-dominated sports in how women experience practicing a traditionally male-dominated sport. Examples of similarities are positive effects on self-confidence, the desire to be a role model and break gender norms while women felt that they were questioned and not taken seriously to the same extent as men. Differences were the experience of being able to challenge themselves in powerlifting and how the competition in powerlifting was a strong motivating factor.
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Ověření funkčnosti tréninkového plánu v silovém trojboji pro zlepšení benchpressu / Verification of functionality of the training plan in powerlifting to improve benchpressŠtěpánek, Michael January 2021 (has links)
In my thesis I'll focus on one of three disciplines in powerlifting. Specifically bench press. Aim of this thesis is confirmation of Smolov jr. training plan. Which is different from other training plans thanks to it's short term. Lasting only three weeks. Despite that I was able to find multiple articles, in which the author describes his own experience, introduces reader with the training plan and reports progress up to 10 Kg in the discipline. The research will be conducted by direct testing of the plan on a group of probands, including me. The resoult of which will be comparing of input and output values - like bodyweight, chest and arms circumference and of course maximal bench press performance per one repetition. The thesis will also include important information about bench-press as a sport, informations about diet, food supplements, regeneration and anatomy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Skeletal Muscle Adaptations and Performance Outcomes Following a Step and Exponential Taper in Strength AthletesTravis, S K., Zwetsloot, Kevin A., Mujika, Iñigo, Stone, Michael H., Bazyler, Caleb D. 01 January 2021 (has links)
Before major athletic events, a taper is often prescribed to facilitate recovery and enhance performance. However, it is unknown which taper model is most effective for peaking maximal strength and positively augmenting skeletal muscle. Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare performance outcomes and skeletal muscle adaptations following a step vs. an exponential taper in strength athletes. Sixteen powerlifters (24.0 ± 4.0 years, 174.4 ± 8.2 cm, 89.8 ± 21.4 kg) participated in a 6-week training program aimed at peaking maximal strength on back squat [initial 1-repetition-maximum (1RM): 174.7 ± 33.4 kg], bench press (118.5 ± 29.9 kg), and deadlift (189.9 ± 41.2 kg). Powerlifters were matched based on relative maximal strength, and randomly assigned to either (a) 1-week overreach and 1-week step taper or (b) 1-week overreach and 3-week exponential taper. Athletes were tested pre- and post-training on measures of body composition, jumping performance, isometric squat, and 1RM. Whole muscle size was assessed at the proximal, middle, and distal vastus lateralis using ultrasonography and microbiopsies at the middle vastus lateralis site. Muscle samples ( = 15) were analyzed for fiber size, fiber type [myosin-heavy chain (MHC)-I, -IIA, -IIX, hybrid-I/IIA] using whole muscle immunohistochemistry and single fiber dot blots, gene expression, and microRNA abundance. There were significant main time effects for 1RM squat ( < 0.001), bench press ( < 0.001), and deadlift, ( = 0.024), powerlifting total ( < 0.001), Wilks Score ( < 0.001), squat jump peak-power scaled to body mass ( = 0.001), body mass ( = 0.005), fat mass ( = 0.002), and fat mass index ( = 0.002). There were significant main time effects for medial whole muscle cross-sectional area (mCSA) ( = 0.006) and averaged sites ( < 0.001). There was also a significant interaction for MHC-IIA fiber cross-sectional area (fCSA) ( = 0.014) with comparisons revealing increases following the step-taper only ( = 0.002). There were significant main time effects for single-fiber MHC-I% ( = 0.015) and MHC-IIA% ( = 0.033), as well as for MyoD ( = 0.002), MyoG ( = 0.037), and miR-499a ( = 0.033). Overall, increases in whole mCSA, fCSA, MHC-IIA fCSA, and MHC transitions appeared to favor the step taper group. An overreach followed by a step taper appears to produce a myocellular environment that enhances skeletal muscle adaptations, whereas an exponential taper may favor neuromuscular performance.
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Effekter av shoulder dislocation exercise för styrkelyftstränande vuxna med subacromiell smärta : en single subject studie / Effects of the shoulder dislocation exercise for adult recreational powerlifters with subacromial pain : a single subject studyAbrahamsson, Caroline, Westerin, Björn January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Subacromiell smärta är ett vanligt problem inom olika idrotter. Träning är den behandling som bör väljas i första hand vid subacromiell smärta, men konsensus saknas om vilken träning, övning eller belastning som är att föredra. På sociala medier cirkulerar övningen shoulder dislocation exercise och den påstås ha en bra effekt på axelsmärta, vilket är påståenden utan tydlig vetenskaplig förankring. Syfte: Att undersöka effekter av shoulder dislocation exercise på smärta, rörlighet, aktivitetsbegränsning och generellt skattad axelhälsa hos vuxna individer med subacromiell smärta som tränar styrkelyft. Metod: En single-subject studie med A-B design genomfördes på fem individer med subacromiell smärta och som tränar styrkelyft sedan sex månader. Baslinjemätningen (A) bestod av tre mättillfällen under en vecka. Utfallsmått för rörlighet var Apley’s scratch test, smärta utvärderades genom antal positiva provokationstester, aktivitetsnivå utvärderades med PSFS och generell axelhälsa utvärderades genom SRQ-S. Interventionsfasen (B) sträckte sig över sex veckor och innebar träning tre gånger i veckan fördelat på tio repetitioner och tre set. Resultaten redovisas genom två standardavvikelsemetoden (2SD-metoden) samt narrativt för varje individ. Resultat: För fyra av fem studiedeltagare visades en statistiskt signifikant förbättring av rörligheten. För fyra av fem studiedeltagare visades kliniskt signifikant förbättring av aktivitetsbegränsningar. Ingen deltagare förbättrade sin generella axelhälsa, men samtliga deltagare minskade antalet positiva provokationstest för subacromiell smärta. Slutsats: Shoulder dislocation exercise verkar ge en ökad axelrörlighet, en minskning av självvalda aktivitetsbegränsningar och minska antalet positiva provokationstest, men inte förbättra den generella axelhälsan hos styrkelyftstränande vuxna individer med subacromiell smärta. / Background: Subacromial pain is a common problem within sports. Exercise is the treatment of choice with subacromial pain. However, there is a lack of consensus regarding optimal exercise, doses and load. The shoulder dislocation exercise can be seen on social media as an effective treatment on subacromialpain, but without scientific backing. Purpose: To investigate the effect on mobility, activity limitations, general shoulder health and pain of the shoulder dislocation exercise on adult recreational powerlifters with subacromial pain. Method: A single subject study with A-B design were conducted on five individuals with subacromial pain syndrome who regularly trains powerlifting. Baseline phase (A) consisted of three measurements sessions for one week. Outcome measures for mobility was Apley’s scratch test; grade of activity limitation was evaluated with PSFS, pain was evaluated with number of positive provocation tests and the general shoulder health by the SRQ-S. The intervention phase (B) was during six weeks, performing the intervention three times a week split into three sets of ten repetitions. The results were analyzed using the 2SDband method and presented narratively for each participant. Results: Four of five participants significantly improved their mobility. Four offive participants clinically significantly improved their self-assessed activity limitations. No one improved their general shoulder health, but all five participants decreased number of positive provocation tests for subacromial pain. Conclusion: The shoulder dislocation exercise seems to improve mobility, activity limitations and number of positive provocation tests for subacromial pain, but not the general shoulder health in the population of adult recreationally powerlifters with subacromial pain.
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Isometric Strength of Powerlifters in Key Positions of the Conventional DeadliftBeckham, George K., Lamont, Hugh S., Sato, Kimitake, Ramsey, Michael W., Haff, G. Gregory, Stone, Michael H. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Objectives: To determine if force differences exist between isometric pulling positions corresponding to key positions of the deadlift. Design: Cross-sectional evaluation of isometric strength Methods: 14 powerlifters performed isometric pulls on a force plate at 3 key positions related to the deadlift (at the floor, just above the patella, and 5-6 cm short of lockout) and in the mid thigh pull position (MTP). A 1x4 repeated measures ANOVA was used to ascertain differences between the various pulling positions tested. Bonferroni-adjusted paired samples t-tests were used post-hoc. Results: Forces generated at each bar height were significantly different (F(3,39) = 51.058, p2=0.80). Paired samples t-tests showed significant differences between positions, revealing a trend of greater force generation at increasing heights for positions corresponding to the deadlift. Force generated in the mid thigh pull position was significantly higher than any other position. Conclusion: In positions corresponding to the deadlift, force generation increases at higher bar heights.
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Efeito da estimula??o transcraniana por corrente cont?nua an?dica sobre o controle do movimento em para-halterofilistas / Effect of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on movement control in para-powerliftersRego, Jeferson Tafarel Pereira do 21 March 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Introduction: The sport practiced by people with disabilities has been growing in recent years. Consequently, advances in assessment and training methods have emerged. However, the paralympic sport keeps in tow these advances, with few specific studies that consider disability as intervening factor. The transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a technique that has proven to be capable of modulating brain function. Studies show beneficial effects of tDCS on muscle strength, power and fatigue during exercise. Objective: Investigate de the effect of tDCS on movement control in para-powerlifters. Methods: Eight subjects underwent two sessions of motion capture, which previously applied the anodic tDCS or sham sessions in the cerebellum. Three movements were performed with increasing load between 90-95% of 1MR. The movements were recorded by an 10 infrared cameras system which reconstructed the 3D trajectory of markers placed on the bar. Results: There have been changes between the anodic and sham conditions over bar level (initial, final, maximum during the eccentric and concentric phase) and in the difference between the final and initial bar level. Moreover, there was difference in bar level (final and during the eccentric phase) comparing athletes amputees and les autres. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that tDCS applied prior to the exercise over the cerebellum in para-powerlifters acts differently according to disability / Introdu??o: O esporte praticado por pessoas com defici?ncia vem crescendo nos ?ltimos anos. Consequentemente, avan?os nos m?todos de avalia??o e treinamento t?m surgido. Por?m, o esporte paral?mpico segue a reboque destes avan?os, com poucos estudos espec?ficos que considerem a defici?ncia como fator interveniente. A estimula??o transcraniana por corrente cont?nua (ETCC) ? uma t?cnica que vem se mostrando capaz de modular a fun??o cerebral. Estudos mostram efeitos ben?ficos da ETCC sobre a for?a muscular, fadiga e pot?ncia durante exerc?cio. Objetivo: Investigar o efeito da ETCC sobre o controle do movimento em para-halterofilistas. Metodologia: Oito sujeitos foram submetidos a duas sess?es de captura de movimentos, sendo aplicado previamente as sess?es ETCC an?dica ou sham no cerebelo. Foram realizados tr?s movimentos com carga crescente entre 90-95% de 1RM. Os movimentos foram gravados por um sistema com 10 c?meras infravermelho e tiveram reconstru?da a trajet?ria 3D de marcadores colocados na barra. Resultados: Houveram mudan?as entre as condi??es an?dica e sham sobre os desn?veis inicial, final, m?ximos durante a fase exc?ntrica e conc?ntrica e sobre a diferen?a entre o desn?vel inicial e final. Al?m disto, houve diferen?a no desn?vel final e durante a fase exc?ntrica ao comparar os atletas amputados e les autres. Conclus?o: Os achados do presente estudo sugerem que a ETCC aplicada previamente ao exerc?cio sobre o cerebelo em para-halterofilistas atua de forma diferenciada de acordo com a defici?ncia
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Safety solution for the powerlifting squat : Improving the safety for lifters and spotters in competitionWikström, Magnus January 2020 (has links)
In powerlifting the athletes compete to lift as much weight as possible in the squat, bench press and deadlift, pushing their bodies to extreme levels of strength. When lifting heavy weights, safety becomes an important concern, especially where the lifters can get injured by the barbell if a lift is unsuccessful. Today in the squat, the only safety mechanism available are the spotters, a team of officials who surround the lifter during competition. This product development project aims to improve the safety of lifters and spotters in competition. This project followed the CDIO process model, going through the four phases of conceive, design, implement, and operate. Using literature review, interviews, observations, ergonomic analysis, fault tree analysis gave insights and information, which then were comprised into a Product Design Specification. The design phase included idea generation using creative sessions, resulting a lot of ideas on how the problems could be solved. In the subsequent phases the ideas were developed using CAD, evaluated using FEM and usability testes, and narrowed down using the PDS. The result is a feasible conceptual solution that, with minimal changes on use improve the safety for lifters and spotters. The concept accomplishes this with mechanical barriers in the form of straps. The straps are mounted to steel beams that attaches to the uprights of the rack and reaches over the athlete, enclosing the barbell. The concept also includes a pair of extension legs, which attaches to the base of the rack, increasing the size of the footprint and provide additional stability. The solution is made to be retrofitted to already existing combo racks made by Eleiko. Key features of the concepts are the straps passively adjust in height when adjusting the height of the rack and the straps accommodate lifters with different grip widths when the rack is in the folded in position. / I styrkelyft tävlar atleter i att lyfta så mycket vikt som möjligt i delgrenarna, knäböj, bänkpress och marklyft. Det göra att lyftarna pressar sina kroppar till extrema nivåer av styrka. När tunga vikter ska lyftas är säkerheten alltid en angelägenhet, speciellt med tanke på följderna av klämmas under en skivstång. I dagsläget finns det en säkerhetsmekanism för knäböj på en styrkelyftstävling. Klovarna, de funktionärer som omringar lyftaren på podiet har i uppgift att fånga vikten och hjälpa lyftaren tillbaka i racken om något går fel. Misslyckas dem med sin uppgift kan det ge ödesdigra konsekvenser. Målet med det här produktutvecklingsprojektet är att lösa det problemet och följaktligen att förbättra säkerheten för både lyftare och klovare på tävling. Projektet har använt processmodellen CDIO, en linjär process som består av fyra steg, conceive, design, implement och operate. Under conceive-fasen undersöktes problemet noggrannare. Med stöd av resultaten från litteraturstudier, intervjuer, observationer, ergonomisk analys och felträdsanalys upprättades en designspecifikation. Efter det genererades idéer i kreativa sessioner, vilket resulterade i ett brett spektrum av idéer och möjliga lösningar. I följande faser utvecklades idéerna till koncept med hjälp av CAD. De tidiga koncepten utvärderades sedan med FEM och användartester och skalades ner till ett slutgiltigt koncept med designspecifikationen som utgångspunkt. Resultatet av projektet är en konceptuell produktlösning, som med minimal påverkan på lyftare och klovare ökar säkerheten i knäböj. Konceptet åstadkommer det med nylonremmar som agerar mekaniska barriärer för skivstången. Remmarna sitter fast i en stålbalk som sträcker sig över lyftaren och monteras i stolparna på racket. Konceptet innehåller också ett par förlängningsben som fästs i basen av det befintliga racket. De förbättrar stabiliteten för racket genom att utöka fotavtrycket. Konceptet är tänkt att eftermonteras på befintliga styrkelyftsställningar från Eleiko. Nyckelfunktioner för konceptet är den passiva höjdjusteringen, höjden på remmarna justeras automatiskt när höjden på ställningen ställs in för lyftare av olika längd. Konceptet tillåter även att lyftare att knäböja med brett grepp om stången och infällt rack obehindrat då remmarna inte kommer i vägen för armarna.
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Vikten av vikt i kraftsporten : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie ur coachers perspektiv / The power of weight in lifting : - A qualitative interview study from a coach perspectiveBjörklund, Malin, Simu, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Viktklassidrotter och deras kulturella kontext har genom tidigare forskning påvisats utgöra en risk för ätstörda beteenden, något som beskrivits kunna förorsakas av idrottsliga villkor. Styrkelyft och tyngdlyftning är viktklassidrotter där viktminskningsstrategier nyttjas för en ökad konkurrenskraftighet. Coacher besitter en nyckelroll i att uppmärksamma och motverka ätstörda beteenden hos sina atleter, men det saknas ett djupgående perspektiv avseende hur de förhåller sig till viktminskningsregimernas påverkan på kvinnliga atleter. Syfte Studien avser att utforska coachers erfarenheter av och förhållningssätt till etablerade viktminskningsregimer och viktkontroll inom kraftsporten. Fokus ligger på coachers erfarenheter av att ha tränat damatleter inom de, historiskt sett, mansdominerade kraftsporterna tyngdlyftning och styrkelyft. Metod Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio kraftsportscoacher. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier: - Viktminskningskulturen är ett normaliserat fenomen inom kraftsporten, - Kraftsportens villkor kräver användandet av viktminskningsmetoder, - Risk för att ätstörda beteenden utvecklas, maskeras och/eller undgår ifrågasättande, - Identitet och samhällets kroppsideal – bromsklossar för idrottslig utveckling samt - Coacherna saknar stöd och riktlinjer – lämnas ensamma i ansvarsfrågan. Fokus på vikt och viktminskning ansågs allmänt vedertaget inom kraftsporten, vilket medförde att ätstörda beteenden kunde maskeras och förbises. Konkurrenskraftighet beskrevs ligga till grund för viktminskningsstrategierna, berättigat både inom idrotten och utanför, där samhällets utseendenormer därtill försvårade idrottslig utveckling. Coacherna eftersökte interventioner för ökad kunskap i ämnet samt åtgärdsplaner för agerande när en atlet behöver professionellt stöd. Slutsats Kraftsportsatleter existerar i en miljö som ökar risken för dysfunktionella ät- och viktkontrollerande beteenden, och bedöms vara farlig för individer med sårbarhet för att utveckla ätstörda beteenden och ätstörningar. Interventioner behövs om inte kraftsporten ska riskera att bli en miljö där ätstörningar tillåts florera fritt. / Background Previous research has found weight-class athletes to be at risk of developing disordered eating, something that could be induced by the demands of the sport. Powerlifting and weightlifting are examples of weight-class sports where weight loss strategies are utilized for increased competitiveness. Coaches have a key role in recognizing and counteract disordered eating behaviors in their athletes, but an in-depth perspective on how they address the impact of weight loss strategies in female athletes is lacking. Objective The aim of the study is to explore coaches’ experiences of and approaches to established weight loss regimes and weight control within weightlifting and powerlifting. The focus is on coaches’ experiences of having trained female athletes in the historically male-dominated sports of weightlifting and powerlifting. Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine coaches. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results The analysis resulted in five categories: - Weight loss culture as a normalized phenomenon within the sports, - The conditions of the sports require the use of weight loss methods, - Risk of developing, disguising and/or escape questioning of disordered eating, - Athletic development is held back by identity and society’s body ideals and - Coaches lacking support and guidelines – left alone in the matter of responsibility. The focus on weight and weight loss was considered widely accepted in the sports, which meant that disordered eating could be disguised and overlooked. Competitiveness was described as the basis for the weight loss strategies, justified both within the sport and in society, where society’s body-ideals also interfered with athletic development. The coaches requested interventions for increased knowledge on the subject and action plans for when an athlete needs professional support. Conclusion Athletes in powerlifting and weightlifting exist within an environment that increases the risk of dysfunctional eating and weight control behaviors and is deemed dangerous for individuals with susceptibility to develop disordered eating behaviors and eating disorders. To avoid a setting where eating disorders flourish freely, interventions will be needed within the sports.
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