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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La contribution d’Henri Desroche à l’éducation des adultes : de la recherche de la “communauté” à la recherche “compagnonnique” : un modèle d’apprentissage permanent / The contribution of Henri Desroche to adult education : the search for the "community" looking "Compagnonnique" : a model for lifelong learning

Lago, Davide 03 December 2009 (has links)
Dans l’œuvre très vaste d’Henri Desroche (Roanne 1914-Paris 1994), cette recherche vise à discerner la contribution de l’auteur à l’éducation des adultes. En particulier, après avoir relevé les mots-clés de communauté et de compagnonnage dans son œuvre, on analyse les contextes qui ont permis la création du Collège Coopératif de Paris (en 1958), du DHEPS (Diplôme des Hautes Études des Pratiques Sociales) et de l’Université Coopérative Internationale (UCI), ainsi que les modalités de leur essor. On essayera ensuite, en guise de conclusion, d’esquisser les conditions de transposabilité de ces institutions et de ces procédures de formation permanente en Italie. Il s’agit d’une recherche historique concernant les institutions éducatives. La méthodologie suivie consiste en l’analyse a priori des ouvrages éducationnels d’Henri Desroche, en l’analyse d’autres ouvrages sur l’auteur, permettant de reconstruire le climat culturel de l’époque, et en la réalisation d’entretiens avec les compagnons d’Henri Desroche et avec les continuateurs de son œuvre. Théoricien et praticien, Henri Desroche s’est occupé des études marxologiques, de sociologie des religions et d’économie sociale, avec une attention particulière aux formes de coopération dans les domaines religieux, économique et éducatif / This research aims at identifying the contribution of Henri Desroche (Roanne 1914-Paris 1994) to adult education, within his extensive scientific work. In particular, after focusing on keywords such as community and companionship in his work, the contexts which led to the creation (1958) and the development of Collège Coopératif of Paris, of DHEPS (Diplôme des Hautes Etudes des Pratiques Sociales) and of the Université Cooperative Internationale (UCI) have been analyzed. In conclusion, the possibilities of transferability in Italy of Desrochian intuitions have been outlined. This study is a part of the history of educational institutions. The adopted methodology consisted in the analysis of the most “educational” works of Henri Desroche (as well as his early work, which proved to be very illuminating) and of the author’s literature. It also includes interviews with Desroche’s colleagues and the researchers that continued his work. Theoretical and practitioner at the same time, Henri Desroche studied Marxism, the sociology of religions and social economy, with a particular attention to the various forms of cooperation in the religious, economical and educational fields

Self-writing around 1900 / Fractured identities in New York City

Klein, Björn 29 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Genèse des affinités disciplinaire et didactique et genèse documentaire : le cas des professeurs de physique-chimie en France / The genesis of disciplinary and didactic affinities and the genesis of teaching resources : the case of physics and chemistry teachers in France

Alturkmani, Mohammad Dames 10 December 2015 (has links)
Dans notre thèse, nous étudions les rapports que les professeurs construisent avec les disciplines qu’ils enseignent en proposant deux concepts : l’affinité disciplinaire et l’affinité didactique. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux enseignants et futurs enseignants de sciences physiques et chimiques à la fois du point de vue des fondements et des conditions d’émergence des affinités disciplinaire et didactique, ainsi que leurs effets sur l’enseignement, notamment dans le contexte d’un nouveau programme de lycée, le travail documentaire et les interactions avec les collègues. Nous avons mobilisé deux cadres théoriques : l’analyse praxéologique (Chevallard, 1998) et l’approche documentaire du didactique (Gueudet & Trouche, 2008). Nous avons combiné différents outils de recueil de données : questionnaires, entretiens, observations de classe, et visites des systèmes de ressources des enseignants. Les trois derniers outils ont été appliqués à un petit nombre de professeurs, choisis en fonction de leur affinité déclarée et de leur place dans le processus de constitution des ressources d’enseignement (étudiants en master se destinant à l’enseignement et enseignants expérimentés). Nous avons ciblé l’enseignement d’un concept précis, le spectre, choisi pour sa position frontière (issu de la physique et exploité en chimie par les méthodes spectroscopiques). La thèse propose des développements théoriques et méthodologiques pour saisir les interactions entre les affinités disciplinaire et didactique des enseignants et leur travail documentaire. Les résultats montrent l’existence d’une affinité pour une des deux disciplines, et elle met en évidence les relations fortes entre genèse de l’affinité didactique et genèse des ressources de l’enseignant. / In our thesis, we study the relationships that teachers build with the disciplines that they teach by offering two concepts: disciplinary affinity and didactic affinity.We focus on physics and chemistry, both in terms of the basis and conditions for the emergence of disciplinary and didactic affinities, their effects on teaching, particularly in the context of a new curriculum, documentary work and interactions with colleagues. We have mobilized two theoretical frameworks: the anthropological approach of didactics (Chevallard, 1998) and the documentary approach to didactics (Gueudet & Trouche, 2008). We combined several methodological tools: questionnaries, interviews, classroom observations, and teachers resource systems visits. The last three tools have been applied to a small number of teachers selected with respect to their claimed affinity and their place in the process of teaching resources design (pre-service vs. experienced teachers) targeting the teaching of a specific concept, the spectrum, chosen for its border position (from physics and chemistry operated by spectroscopic methods).The thesis offers theoretical and methodological developments to capture interactions between disciplinary and didactic affinities of teachers and their documentary work. The results evidence the presence of an affinity for one of the two disciplines, and it highlights the strong relationship between genesis of didactic affinity and genesis of teaching resources.

A conectividade radical como princípio e prática da educação em Paulo Freire. / The radical connectivity as a principle and pratice education in Paulo Freire.

Mafra, Jason Ferreira 11 May 2007 (has links)
Esta tese focaliza e problematiza a categoria conectividade subjacente à antropologia do pedagogo e filósofo da Educação Paulo Freire. Conectividade, princípio incidente em todas as coisas, é tomada aqui como uma condição que, no gênero humano, ganha centralidade em razão de sua natureza intencional, quer dizer, da consciência individual e histórica. Traduz-se, neste caso, por um conjunto de disposições epistemológicas, axiológicas e praxiológicas, dimensões componentes da totalidade existencial. Entre os objetivos centrais deste estudo, destacamos três: contribuir para o pensamento a respeito do sentido da conectividade no campo das ciências sociais, em especial o da Educação; explicitar as características dessa categoria na vida e na obra de Paulo Freire; apontar indicações e pistas possíveis à aplicabilidade prática e teórica desse descritor categorial. Embora tenha se estruturado a partir de subsídios de informações e elementos empíricos, esta pesquisa possui caráter predominantemente teórico. Para tanto, as reflexões aqui expostas se fundam nos exames e análises de vasta bibliografia e de outras fontes de natureza variada, como teses, dissertações, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, entrevistas, jornais, revistas, vídeos, áudios e documentos eletrônicos. À idéia de conectividade associa-se a noção de infância. O hibridismo dessas categorias deu origem à construção de uma metáfora que se materializou no arquétipo menino conectivo, auto-imagem do educador, tomada por nós como instrumento de interpretação neste trabalho. Além do referencial paulofreiriano, nossas análises se nutrem das categorias de autores que desenvolvem reflexões no campo do pensamento dialético, seja de origem marxista, seja da perspectiva da pós-modernidade crítica. O presente estudo revelou que a conectividade é uma categoria-mestra que, em Paulo Freire, aglutina e amarra um conjunto de outras categorias fundantes na forma de construir conhecimento, valores e práticas sociais. Este trabalho se consolidou também como um esforço para pensar o sentido dessa categoria como tema epocal e suas possíveis implicações na organização da vida, em favor da construção da cultura da planetaridade e da vida sustentável, em oposição à lógica desumanizadora do sistema-mundo fundado no paradigma da globalização predatória e, por sua natureza, opressora. / This thesis focuses on and poses questions about the category of connectivity underlying the anthropology of the pedagogue and educational philosopher Paulo Freire. Connectivity, a principle occurring in all things, is taken here as a condition that gains centrality with the human genus because of its intentional nature in relation to individual and historical consciousness. It is translated, in this case, by a group of epistemological, axiological and praxeological dispositions, component dimensions of the existential totality. Among the central objectives of this study, we highlight three: to contribute to the thinking about the meaning of connectivity in the social sciences, especially in Education; to make explicit the characteristics of this category in the life and work of Paulo Freire; to indicate possible paths to practical and theoretical applications of this categorical descriptor. Although its structure is based on empirical elements and information, this study has a predominantly theoretical character. Moreover, the reflections exposed here are founded on examinations and analyses of a vast bibliography and from other sources of a varied nature, such as theses, dissertations, term papers, interviews, newspapers, magazines, audio and videotapes, and electronic documents. The idea of connectivity is associated with the notion of infancy. The hybridism of these categories is the origin of the construction of a metaphor that materialized in the connective boy archetype, the educator?s selfimage, which serves us as an interpretive instrument in this work. Besides the references to Paulo Freire, our analyses are nourished by authors whose ideas develop in the field of dialectical thinking, either from a Marxist perspective or from the perspective of critical post-modernism. The present study reveals that connectivity is a master-category that Paulo Freire uses to agglutinate and tie together a group of other founding categories as a way of constructing social knowledge, values and practices. This work is also consolidated by its attempt to consider the meaning of this category as an epochal theme and its possible implications in organizing life in favor of the construction of planetary culture and of sustainable existence, in opposition to the dehumanizing logic of a world-system founded on the paradigm of predatory globalization that is, by its very nature, oppressive.

Games científicos: bases epistemológicas e princípios de design didático / Scientific games: epistemological bases and didactic design principles

Bodê, Tiago 06 September 2017 (has links)
O modelo tradicional de ensino está pautado em uma educação bancária, prioritariamente informativa, desestimulante e descontextualizada de seu momento histórico, que é caracterizado pela informação de fácil acesso e comunicação em esfera global. Neste panorama, pesquisas apontam que os estudantes vêm apresentando baixo desempenho em ciências. Há, portanto, a necessidade de estudos que levem em consideração esta realidade educacional no intuito de propor estratégias inovadoras de ensino. Neste cenário, games digitais apresentam grande potencialidade, pois são atrativos, contribuem para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e podem propiciar o desenvolvimento de preceitos científicos. O grande problema é que, apesar de atraírem legiões de jogadores, games digitais comerciais geralmente não apresentam grandes preocupações pedagógicas, uma vez que não são desenvolvidos para esta finalidade. Ainda que se pense nos games digitais educativos, estes apresentam características antagônicas aos comerciais, pois são normalmente constituídos de um arcabouço excessivo de informações, sem muita preocupação com aspectos imersivos. Assim, na tentativa de correlacionar ensino de ciências com os aspectos epistemológicos presentes nos games digitais educativos e com os aspectos imersivos presentes nos games digitais comerciais, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de uma tipologia e na criação de uma matriz de análise para jogos com potencial para uso educacional. Na etapa teórica do projeto, desenvolvemos a fundamentação da matriz, baseada em três elementos constituintes. São eles: Referencial educativo, baseado na Teoria Antropológica do Didático; Imersão, baseada na Teoria do Flow; e Mecânica Lúdica. Posteriormente, verificamos a aplicabilidade da tipologia e da matriz na análise de jogos e das interações entre jogadores e situações de jogo. É importante destacar que a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública da rede estadual de ensino de São Paulo. Dentre os resultados obtidos, destaca-se correlação entre aspectos imersivos e praxeológicos das plataformas de jogos. / The traditional Teaching model is based on a banking education, primarily informative, discouraging and decontextualized of its historical moment, which is characterized by information of easy access and communication in global sphere. In this panorama, research shows that students have been performing poorly in science. Therefore, there is a need for studies that take into account this educational reality in order to propose innovative teaching strategies. In this scenario, digital games present great potentiality, as they are attractive, contribute to cognitive development and can foster the development of scientific precepts. The big problem is that, despite attracting legions of players, commercial digital games generally do not present major pedagogical concerns as they are not developed for this purpose. Although digital educational games are thought of, they present characteristics antagonistic to the commercial ones, since they are usually constituted of an excessive information framework, without much concern with immersive aspects. Thus, in an attempt to correlate science with the epistemological aspects present in digital educational games and with the immersive aspects present in commercial digital games, The objective of this work is the development of a typology and the creation of an analysis matrix for games with potential for educational use. In the theoretical stage of the project, we developed the foundation of the matrix, based on three constituent elements: Educational Reference, based on the Didactic Anthropological Theory (TAD); Immersion, based on Flow Theory; And playful Mechanics. Subsequently, we verified the applicability of typology and matrix in game analysis and interactions between players and game situations. It is important to highlight that the research was developed with high school students of a Public School of the State of São Paulo. Among the results obtained, there is a correlation between immersive and praxeological aspects of gaming platforms.

Contextualização no ensino de física à luz da teoria antropológica do didático: o caso da robótica educacional / Contextualization in the teaching of physics in the light of the anthropological theory of didactics: the case of educational robotics

Schivani, Milton 10 October 2014 (has links)
Um ensino de física contextualizado é fortemente identificado no discurso de professores, educadores e pesquisadores da área, reforçado também pelos próprios documentos oficiais do Ministério da Educação do Brasil. Entretanto, a própria noção de contextualização apresenta diferentes vertentes, algumas das quais têm uma visão simplista e acrítica sobre a contextualização no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Defendemos, contudo, uma contextualização que passe pela problematização e modelização dos saberes disciplinares, partindo de objetos (abstratos ou concretos) de uma dada realidade ou de uma prática social de referência, permitindo ao indivíduo revisitar e perceber o mundo ao seu redor de modo diferenciado, com novas perspectivas e possibilidades de ação. Tal abordagem tende a exigir múltiplas estratégias metodológicas e recursos didático-pedagógicos, dentre os quais destacamos a Robótica Educacional (RE), a qual encontra no ensino de ciências um campo novo de aplicações ainda por ser explorado, seja no cenário nacional seja no internacional. Nossa hipótese é a de que materiais dessa natureza potencializam o desenvolvimento de atividades com problematizações que permeiam uma vasta gama de práticas sociais, possibilitando que a realidade seja percebida e se transforme em objeto de reflexão. Ressaltamos que a RE não se justifica por si só, contar com novos e emergentes recursos oferecidos pelas novas tecnologias não necessariamente implica enriquecimento das aulas, é preciso pensá-las vinculadas às necessidades de formação. Especialmente no ensino de física, é necessário atentar-se ao saber-fazer, práxis, sem se esquecer do discurso lógico que o permeia e auxilia na compreensão desse saber-fazer, o logos. Com foco na Robótica Educacional para fomentar a contextualização, analisamos quatro atividades que fazem uso de kits da Lego no ensino de física. Dessas quatro atividades, duas foram aplicadas para estudantes do primeiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Fundamentamos nossa investigação com base na Teoria Antropológica do Didático (TAD), a qual permite modelar o conhecimento por meio de uma Organização Praxeológica (OP) e analisar processos de estudo através dos Momentos Didáticos. Constatamos, dentre outras coisas, que a análise praxeológica gera indicadores que auxiliam numa possível reestruturação e desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas para fomentar o processo de contextualização no ensino de física, tais como os níveis de ressonância, podendo ser interno, um diálogo entre o bloco prático-técnico com o tecnológico-teórico da OP didática, e externo, denominado de Verossimilhança Praxeológica (VP), um diálogo entre a OP didática e a OP de referência. Isso foi feito em termos de tarefas, técnicas, tecnologias e teorias, bem como através da investigação da relação do indivíduo (X) com os objetos (O) contidos em diferentes práticas mas centradas em um mesmo bloco tecnológico-teórico. Assim, esperamos contribuir com soluções e reflexões sobre o desenvolvimento e estruturação de atividades didáticas para melhor contextualizar uma dada realidade na perspectiva que adotamos, além de compreender os limites e possibilidades da robótica nesse cenário educacional. / A physics teaching contextualized is strongly identified in the discourse of teachers, educators and researchers in the area, reinforced also by own official documents of the Ministry of Education of Brazil. However, the very notion of contextualization presents different aspects, some of which have a simplistic and uncritical about the background on the teaching and learning process. We advocate, however, a contextualization that pass by questioning and modeling of disciplinary knowledges, starting from objects (abstract or concrete) of a given reality or a social practice of reference, allowing the individual \"revisit\" and perceive the world around them in different ways, with new perspectives and opportunities for action. Such an approach tends to require multiple methodological strategies and didactic resources educational, among which we highlight the Education Robotics (ER), which is in the teaching of science a new field of applications still to be explored, is the scenario national or international. Our hypothesis is that materials of this nature potentiate the development of activities with problematization that permeate a wide range of social practices, enabling the reality is perceived and become object of reflection. We emphasize that the ER does not in itself justify, rely on new and emerging resources offered by new technologies does not necessarily imply in enrichment classes, it is necessary to conceive them linked to the training needs. Especially in the teaching of physics, you need to pay attention to know-how, praxis, not forgetting the logical discourse that permeates and assists in the understanding of this know-how, the logos. With a focus on Education Robotics to promote the contextualization, we analyzed four activities that make use of kits from Lego in physics teaching. Two activities were applied to students of the first year of high school in a public school in the state of Bahia, Brazil. We have considered the research on the basis of Anthropological Theory of Didactic (ATD), which allows you to model the knowledge through a Praxeological Organization (PO) and analyze processes of study through the Didactics Moments. We found, among other things, that the praxeological analysis generates indicators that assist in a possible restructuring and development of didactic sequences to promote the process of contextualization in physics teaching, such as the levels of resonance, which can be internal, a dialog between the block practical-technical with the technologytheoretical of the didactics PO, and external, called Verisimilar Praxeology (VP), a dialog between the didactics and reference PO. This was done in terms of tasks, techniques, technologies and theory, investigating also the relation of the individual (X) with objects (O) contained in different practices, but focusing on a same block technological-theoretical. Thus, we hope to be able to contribute with solutions and reflections on the development and structuring of didactic activities to better contextualize a given reality in the perspective that we have adopted, as well as understand the limits and possibilities of robotics in this educational scenario.

Critique praxéologique d’une exposition sur le « vrai » visage de Jésus : un essai de théologie trash

Tremblay, Annie-Claudine 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s'inscrit dans la méthode de praxéologie pastorale. Il analyse en qua-tre temps la mise en œuvre d'une exposition picturale qui oppose une figure alié-nante (conventionnelle et doucereuse) de Jésus à une vision trash (c'est à dire sub-versive et provocante) qui se veut plus fidèle à l'évangile. Le premier temps (ob-servation), qui présente le premier projet d'exposition ainsi que ses sources d'inspi-ration (personnelle, culturelle et artistique), amène à cerner deux problématique : la question de la vérité et l'orientation subversive (trash) du Jésus des évangiles. Le deuxième temps (interprétation) creuse tout d'abord la question de la vérité avec Hans Georg Gadamer, ce qui pousse à dépasser l'affirmation violente de la vérité du premier projet d'exposition pour le réorienter dans une perspective de questionnement. Par ailleurs, un modèle de dynamique trash permet de fonder la figure subversive et provocante de Jésus dans une relecture des évangiles, d’où un troisième temps (intervention) : l’amendement du premier projet d'exposition. En guise de conclusion, le quatrième temps (prospective) exporte des pointes de ré-flexion au-delà de l'interprétation concrète, à savoir au plan des questions de l'art et du public, du deuil de la vérité, de la dynamique trash et de la foi. / This dissertation is in line with what we call praxéologie pastorale. It analyses, in four cycles, the implementation of an exhibition which opposes an alienating fig-ure of Jesus (smooth and conventional) to a trash vision of him (in other words subversive and provocative), if we are to be faithful to the Bible's inscriptions. The first cycle (observation), which presents the first exhibition project as well as the inspiring sources (personal, cultural and artistic), brings us to surround two prob-lematics: the question of the truthfulness and the subversive orientation (trash) of the Bible's image of Jesus. The second cycle (interpretation) questions the truth with Hans Georg Gadamer, which brings us to surpass the violent affirmation of the truth of the first exposition project to reorient it into that of a questioning per-spective. Furthermore, an example of the trash dynamic allows us to base the sub-versive and provocative figure of Jesus by rereading the Bible; hence the third cycle (intervention): the amendment of the first exhibition project. In conclusion, the fourth cycle (prospective) pushes the reflection beyond the concrete interpreta-tion, namely, in regard to the arts and the public, the grief of the truth, the trash dynamic and the faith.

Le travail de production et de reconstruction des mises en scène rituelles dans le contexte de la ritualité funéraire /

Houde, Audrey, January 2005 (has links)
Thèse (M.Th.Pr.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, programme en extension de l'Université de Montréal, 2005. / Bibliogr.: f. [74]-76. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Pratiques inclusives en mathématiques d’enseignants de classe ordinaire dans le premier degré / Inclusive practices of regular classroom teachers in the teaching of mathematics at primary level

Suau, Géraldine 07 November 2016 (has links)
La recherche réalisée s’attache à éclairer « les pratiques inclusives en mathématiques d’enseignants de classe ordinaire dans le premier degré » dans un contexte de changement requis pour les enseignants du système éducatif français qui depuis 2005 sont confrontés à l’accueil des élèves reconnus institutionnellement handicapés. L’état des lieux réalisé conduit à envisager cette scolarisation comme un nouvel enjeu de la culture enseignante, où la question de l’accessibilité au savoir apparaît comme un problème professionnel. C’est pourquoi notre recherche s’est intéressée à la question suivante : en quoi l’inclusion d’un élève reconnu institutionnellement handicapé questionne les praxéologies enseignantes ? Pour instruire cette question, nous nous inscrivons dans le cadre de la didactique professionnelle et dans celui de la théorie anthropologique du didactique. Sous l’influence d’un dispositif à double institution, le modèle d’analyse construit, permet d’étudier le travail enseignant dans la classe tout comme celui du développement professionnel. Ce travail est mené à partir de captations numériques de séances de classe, d’entretiens ante et post et d’analyses simples et croisées. Il permet de mettre en évidence des praxéologies professionnelles relatives au type de tâche « donner une place à l’élève reconnu institutionnellement handicapé en milieu ordinaire » et des évolutions du rapport personnel des enseignants à l’inclusion scolaire. Il contribue également à un dialogue entre la didactique professionnelle et la théorie anthropologique du didactique par l’introduction du système notionnel de praxéologie, d’institution et de rapport personnel d’un sujet x à un objet O / The research carried out aims to describe the “inclusive practices of regular classroom teachers in the teaching of mathematics at primary level” within a context of necessary change for teachers in the French education system, who since 2005 have had to face the task of integrating pupils recognised as having institutional disabilities. The situational analysis carried out leads us to regard the schooling of such pupils as a new challenge for teaching culture, where the issue of accessibility to knowledge is a professional problem. Our research therefore focused on the following question: What question does the inclusion of a pupil recognised as having institutional disabilities raise about the praxeology of teaching? To explore this question, we need to take account of professional didactics as well as the Anthropological Theory of Didactics. Based on a dual institution study, the model of analysis that is constructed makes it possible to examine both work related to teaching in the classroom and to professional development. The research is carried out using digital recordings of lessons, interviews conducted before and after, as well as simple and cross analyses. It allows us to gain insight into the professional praxeology relating to such a task as that of “ensuring pupils recognised as having institutional disabilities have their place in a regular classroom environment”, as well as changes in teachers’ own personal relation towards inclusive education. Moreover, it contributes to a dialogue between professional didactics and the Anthropological Theory of Didactics by introducing the notional system of praxeology, institution and the personal relation of a subject X towards an object (O)

Une étude didactique des praxéologies de la représentation en perspective dans la géométrie de l'espace, en France et au Viêt-Nam / A didactic study of praxeologies about perspective representation in the space geometry, in France and Vietnam

Tang, Minh Dung 03 October 2014 (has links)
La représentation en perspective s'appuie sur plusieurs choix pour l'enseignement : mode de représentation, code d'écriture et de lecture pour combler la perte d'information dans le passage de trois dimensions à deux dimensions, approche pour enseigner le passage d'un objet géométrique de l'espace à un dessin. Notre étude questionne ces choix dans les deux systèmes éducatifs français et vietnamien et leurs effets sur l'apprentissage des élèves. En nous plaçant dans le cadre de la Théorie anthropologique du didactique, nous avons étudié les rapports institutionnel et personnel d'élèves français et vietnamien à l'objet « représentation en perspective ».Pour le premier (rapport institutionnel), nous avons caractérisé les modes de représentation et leurs approches mathématiques, puis nous avons élaboré les praxéologies de références relatives à l'objet « représentation en perspective ». Les technologies et théories de ces praxéologies s'appuient sur les règles de représentation du dessin en perspective (règles de conservation et de non conservation, règles de la troisième dimension, règles pour un dessin « bien informé ») que nous avons explicitées. Ensuite, nous avons utilisé ce modèle de référence pour l'analyse des programmes et des manuels ce qui nous a permis de mettre en évidence les points spécifiques de l'enseignement de la représentation en perspective en France et au Viêt-Nam. Enfin, nous avons formulé des hypothèses sur les règles implicites du contrat didactique, en tant que constituants des technologies des praxéologies personnelles de la représentation en perspective. Ces règles portent sur la troisième dimension et sont spécifiques à certains solides.Pour le deuxième (rapport personnel), nous avons fait passer aux élèves un questionnaire sur un type de tâches concernant la lecture d'un dessin. Ce questionnaire permet de mettre à l'épreuve les hypothèses précédentes et de mettre en lumière les praxéologies personnelles du passage d'un objet géométrique de l'espace à un dessin (technologie/théorie personnelle). / Perspective representation is based on several choices for teaching: mode of representation, code writing and reading to fill the information loss in the passage of three-dimensional object to two-dimensional object, approach to teaching the passage of a geometry object in space to a drawing. Our study poses questions for the choices in French and Vietnamese educational systems and their effects on student studying. By using the anthropological theory of didactics, we studied the institutional relation and personal relation of French and Vietnamese students for "perspective representation" object. For the first objective (institutional relation), we characterized the modes of representation and approaches mathematics, then we established the praxeologies of reference on the "perspective representation" object. The technologies and theories of the praxeologies are based on perspective representation's rules of drawings (rules of conservation and non-conservation, rules of the third dimension, rules for a "well informed" drawing) that we explicited. By applying the model of reference to analyze the programs and textbooks, we clarified the specific points of teaching the perspective representation in France and Vietnam. Finally, we established hypotheses about the implicit rules of the didactic contract, as the constituents of technologies of personal praxeologies, of perspective representation. These rules are based on the third dimension and specific to certain solids. For the second objective (personal relation), we designed a questionnaire for the students on a task type so-called reading a drawing. The questionnaire is used to check the mentioned hypotheses and to clarify the personal praxeologies of the passage from a geometric object in space to a drawing (personal technology / theory).

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