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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


[pt] As peculiaridades da conjuntura neoliberal brasileira produzem expressões cada vez mais complexas de uma questão social ampliada e austera. As vicissitudes geradas nesse contexto de hegemonia do capital financeiro, fomentam efeitos deletérios à classe trabalhadora como o processo de precarização de trabalho, expresso através da flexibilização das relações trabalhistas, remunerações irrisórias, terceirização, contratos temporários, desproteção social, aumento do desemprego afetando diariamente o interior da classe trabalhadora e o seu movimento sindical. Esse processo arrasta o trabalhador para uma condição de precariedade, na qual a instabilidade e a insegurança são o fio condutor para sua exploração. O Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro (Comperj), renomeado de Polo GasLub em Itaboraí/RJ foi uma das mais imponentes obras do governo federal e o maior empreendimento individual de toda a história da Petrobras, o que plantou a promessa da criação de cerca de 200 mil postos de trabalho diretos e indiretos. Semelhantemente, com grande expectativa de desenvolvimento econômico, o Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguaçu em Maragogipe provocou um aumento populacional para a região do Recôncavo baiano em busca de emprego e melhores condições de vida. No período de 2014 a 2017, o Brasil enfrentou uma série de desafios econômicos, incluindo recessão, instabilidade política e alta taxa de desemprego. Esses fatores contribuíram para a desaceleração e paralisação de mais de 14 mil obras em todo o país, o que gerou um processo de demissões em massa tanto no Comperj quanto no Estaleiro. A investigação parcial e política conduzida pela Operação Lava Jato, impulsionada pela grande mídia, na qual diversas empresas com contratos no Comperj e no Estaleiro estavam envolvidas impactou a economia brasileira como um todo, afetando austeramente os trabalhadores prestadores de serviço. Este estudo se propôs a dar continuidade à pesquisa iniciada no mestrado acadêmico, examinado os aspectos decorrentes das implicações da paralisação das obras no Complexo Petroquímico do Rio de Janeiro (Comperj), junto aos trabalhadores da construção civil após as demissões em massa, observando como esse processo se desenvolveu em outras localidades, como no Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguaçu, onde os trabalhadores também foram afetados com a interrupção das obras no ano de 2014. Para tanto, através de uma abordagem qualitativa, fez-se uso de instrumentos de investigação como pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental, com exame de registros relativos à temática abordada e entrevistas realizadas com trabalhadores do Comperj e do Estaleiro, analisando suas narrativas de trajetória ocupacional. A pesquisa apresenta o quanto o processo interrupção das obras foi nocivo para os trabalhadores, conduzindo-os à precariedade em condições de trabalho instáveis, baixos salários, falta de benefícios e desemprego prolongado. Além disso, esse processo de precarização do trabalho não apenas afetou os indivíduos demitidos, mas também teve impactos na comunidade e na economia local. Este estudo buscou compreender a condição de precariedade vivenciada por esses trabalhadores contratados que ficaram desempregados em ambas as regiões, no período de 2014, observando como essas paralizações de grandes obras se apresentaram como um arquétipo no Brasil, nos últimos anos. / [en] The peculiarities of the Brazilian neoliberal conjuncture produce increasingly complex expressions of an expanded and austere social question. The vicissitudes generated in this context of hegemony of financial capital foster deleterious effects on the working class, such as the process of precariousness of work, expressed through the flexibilization of labor relations, derisory wages, outsourcing, temporary contracts, social unprotection, increased unemployment affecting the interior of the working class and its trade union movement on a daily basis. This process drags the worker into a condition of precariousness, in which instability and insecurity are the common thread for their exploitation. The Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj), renamed the GasLub Complex in Itaboraí/RJ, was one of the most imposing works of the federal government and the largest single undertaking in the entire history of Petrobras, which planted the promise of creating about 200 thousand direct and indirect jobs. Similarly, with great expectations of economic development, the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard in Maragogipe caused a population increase for the Recôncavo region of Bahia in search of employment and better living conditions. In the period from 2014 to 2017, Brazil faced a number of economic challenges, including recession, political instability, and high unemployment. These factors contributed to the slowdown and stoppage of more than 14,000 works across the country, which generated a process of mass layoffs both at Comperj and at the Shipyard. The partial and political investigation conducted by Operation Car Wash, driven by the mainstream media, in which several companies with contracts at Comperj and the Shipyard were involved, impacted the Brazilian economy as a whole, severely affecting service providers. This study aimed to continue the research started in the academic master s degree, examining the aspects arising from the implications of the work stoppage in the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro (Comperj), with the construction workers after the mass layoffs, observing how this process developed in other locations, such as the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard, where workers were also affected by the interruption of the works in 2014. To this end, through a qualitative approach, research instruments such as bibliographic research, documentary research, with examination of records related to the theme addressed and interviews with workers from Comperj and the Shipyard, analyzing their narratives of occupational trajectory, were used. The research shows how the process of interruption of the works was harmful to the workers, leading them to precariousness in unstable working conditions, low wages, lack of benefits and prolonged unemployment. In addition, this process of job insecurity not only affected the laid-off individuals, but also had impacts on the community and the local economy. This study sought to understand the precarious condition experienced by these contracted workers who became unemployed in both regions in 2014, observing how these stoppages of large works have been presented as an archetype in Brazil in recent years.

”Den här platsen krossar de som är gjorda av glas. Gör kroppar till skärvor.” : Prekaritetsläsningens möjligheter i Sara Stridsbergs Kärlekens Antarktis och Elin Perssons De afghanska sönerna / ”This place shatters those who are made of glass. It makes shards out of bodies.” : Aspects of precarity in Sara Stridsberg's Kärlekens Antarktis and Elin Persson's De afghanska sönerna

Jonsson, Martina January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the possibilities of precarity as a perspective in the field of literary studies in order to analyse how insecurity is portrayed in literature. Sweden has a great tradition of proletarian literature, but researchers in the neoliberal era find it problematic to understand the emancipating aspects of the new proletarian literature that does not focus on collective movement and articulated emancipation. This thesis explores the possibilities of precarity as a perspective for analysing how literature narrated through an individual and passive perspective can work as a social critique. The analysis focuses on the novels Kärlekens Antarktis [The Antarctica of Love] by Sara Stridsberg and De afghanska sönerna [The Afghan Sons] by Elin Persson and tries to answer questions about how these novels portray precarity and how the perspective of precarity enables an understanding of how the novels work as social criticism. The thesis mostly uses theories by Judith Butler and Isabell Lorey, and the analysis uses a comparative method in combination with a reading that focuses on the thematics of precarity. This is disposed in connection to Lorey’s three dimensions of precarity – precariousness, precarity, and governmental precarization. The analysis results in an understanding of how these kinds of novels can capture the biopolitical perspective, where politics and life emerge. The reading’s focus on the aspect of the body, followed by the hierarchical and societal aspects, shows how the novels’ individual perspectives can have collective tendencies in connection to the reader’s ability to feel solidarity with the characters.

Papperslöst motstånd : Om strategier och praktiker i post-välfärdens marginaler / Undocumented resistance : On strategies and practice in the margins of a post-welfare society

Matsdotter Henriksson, Moa January 2008 (has links)
<p>The post-modern western city is going through two central changes in the organization of paid labour. One is the switch from production of goods to production of services, and the other is the increasing rift between well-paid labour with permanent jobs, and temporarily employed workers with low wages. Both of these processes are rasified and gendered, and strike harder against women, young persons and people of emigrant background. The flexible capitalism creates an informalization of the economy, breaking with earlier regulations of the labour markets, in which workers also need to find informal strategies in their individual and collective struggles. In this paper, I search for these “new” experiences of living and working in late capitalist society, by doing open interviews with three women of Latin-American origin, working without official permission (without documents) in the informal economy of Stockholm. Analyzing their narratives, I look for the agency and resistance that, according to my theoretical perspective, is part of everyday life of all suppressed subjects. I come to the conclusion that irregular systems of recruitment and other forms of interdependency could be useful for other groups of precarious workers. The interviewed women also use strategies such as fantasizing about a reversed world or focusing their thoughts on the future, and deceiving or avoiding the power(full), to cope with their everyday work situations and the contradictory class mobility they experienced in the migration. However, these strategies often reproduce an acceptance of power more than a resistance to it, and show us how the capitalism works as an hegemonic ideology incorporated in us all.</p>

L’action collective chez les travailleuses et les travailleurs précaires : étude comparative des dynamiques en milieux syndiqués

Michaud, Jonathan 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Une précarité menant à l’expérimentation : limites de l’engagement syndical face aux aspirations de jeunes travailleurs québécois

Dulude, Gabriel 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Usages de traitements de substitution aux opiacés : étude comparative : France, Suisse et Québec / Uses of substitution treatments : comparative study : France, Switzerland and Quebec

Dos Santos, Marie 21 September 2016 (has links)
Durant les années 1990, en France, en Suisse et au Québec, de nouveaux médicaments ont reçu une autorisation de mise sur le marché, dans le cadre de la prise en charge de la dépendance aux opiacés. Vingt cinq ans plus tard, notre thèse interroge les usages qu’en font les personnes en traitement. A partir de la méthode biographique, nous étudions la substitution en terme d’« ajustements ». Les détournements de l’usage prescrit des TSO, étiquetés comme « mésusages » par les pouvoirs publics et un certain nombre de praticiens, apparaissent dès lors comme une modalité d’adaptation et de réappropriation du traitement. En évaluant les convergences et les divergences dans les pratiques et leurs effets, la comparaison de nos trois terrains d’enquête nous permet d’analyser les différents sens associés à la substitution, selon les contextes et les structures de soin au sein desquels l’usager est accueilli. / For a long time, ending drug addiction meant completely stopping any consumption. In the context of harm reduction policies, the introduction of substitution treatments has drastically changed the abstinence paradigm. Ending an addiction has taken a plural meaning, adding complexity to the delimitation already porous between “normal and pathological”. Nowadays stabilizing Methadone maintenance treatment or taking drugs on an irregular basis are perceived as an alternative to abstinence or other forms of recovery. In this thesis, wiitch deals with polysemic uses of substitution treatment, we analyze the attempts and strategies of the adjustment process in entering an addiction centre. The aim of this study is to show the different competencies that people can display in situations of vulnerability. Our interest is to find out how valuable expertise can emerge from the layperson point of view.

Migrant Child Labour in Turkey : A critical analysis of multilevel governance targeting migrant child labour in Turkey

İren Yıldızca, Bediz Büke January 2019 (has links)
Entering the 9th year of the Syrian Crisis, there are still more than 400 thousand school aged Syrian children considered ‘out-of-school’ in Turkey. Several previous studies as well as reports of International Organisations and Civil Society Organisations such as UNICEF and Support to Life argue that out-of-school Syrian children have formed part of the Turkish informal labour market. Restrained migration policies incorporated with the needs of global labour markets have caused precarisation of the migrant labour, and in the case of Turkey precarisation of migrant child labour as well. The aim of the current study is to critically analyse the strategies and interventions of this multilevel governance targeting migrant child labour. Hence, a qualitative research method was employed in order to answer the study’s research questions. First, document analysis was conducted to identify the multilevel institutional framework; and second, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with selected informants working for International Organisations. By facilitating Carol Bacchi’s ‘What is the problem represented to be?’ (WPR) approach, each actor’s strategies and interventions directed to migrant child labour are scrutinised. While each actor by definition manages to identify the causes of (migrant) child labour, the strategies and interventions are constrained by the conventional migration management approach as well as the discourses of “the best interest of the child” and “fair trade”.

Art/Work: Place-Making, Precarity, and the Performance of Artistic Occupational Identities in Columbus, Ohio

Batra-Wells, Puja January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Credit cards accepted. / Credit cards accepted.

Růžičková, Bára Unknown Date (has links)
The masters' project is focused on the issue of working conditions in the field of graphic design and its critique. I was searching for ways how to work (economically) sustainable and how not to be dependent only on work for clients. I was developing my own projects to diversify the way I work.

"Kommer jag få gå nu?" : En kvalitativ studie om förhållandet mellan bemanningsbranschen och prekaritet

Pedersen, Josefine, Jonsdottir, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the various forms of precarity within the temporary staffing industry and how the industry can be understood as a producer of precarity. From a worker’s perspective, we have with a hermeneutic approach and qualitative method conducted eight semistructured interviews with temporary staffing employees working in the industrial sector. The purpose of the interviews was to explore how workers in the staffing industry experience their employment conditions to compare the experiences with existing knowledge about the temporary staffing industry. Drawing on Guy Standing’s (2011) theory of the precariat and David Harvey's (1982, 2005) theories of capitalism and neoliberalism, we have interpreted the emergence and expansion of the temporary staffing industry and its precarious terms of employment. Our findings indicate that the forms of precarity within the temporary staffing industry shows through lack of integration, competence development, participation in the workplace, and the employment’s impact on the employees' decisions in their personal lives. The conclusion is that the temporary staffing industry, in its current form, will always produce precarity because the employees' job security is not prioritized. / Studien undersöker vilka former prekaritet kan ta inom bemanningsbranschen och hur bemanningsbranschen kan förstås som en producent av prekaritet. Utifrån ett arbetstagarperspektiv har vi genom kvalitativ metod och hermeneutisk ansats genomfört åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med bemanningsanställda inom industrisektorn. Syftet med intervjuerna var att undersöka hur arbetstagare i bemanningsbranschen upplever sina anställningsvillkor för att vidare kunna jämföra upplevelserna med tidigare kunskap om bemanningsbranschen. Med utgångspunkt i Guy Standings (2011) teori om prekariatet och David Harveys (1982, 2005) teorier om kapitalism och nyliberalism har vi tolkat framväxten och expansionen av bemanningsbranschen samt dess otrygga anställningsvillkor. Vårt resultat visar att bemanningsbranschens former av prekaritet tar sig i uttryck i  brist på integrering, kompetensutveckling och delaktighet samt anställningens påverkan  på arbetstagares privatliv. Slutsatsen är att bemanningsbranschen i sin nuvarande form alltid kommer att producera prekaritet eftersom arbetstagarnas tryggheter inte prioriteras.

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