Spelling suggestions: "subject:"productionsection management."" "subject:"productionisation management.""
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Propuesta de un modelo de un proceso de gestión de la producción basado en gestión por procesos y buenas prácticas en las MyPes productoras de pecanas en Ica- Pachacutec con la finalidad de incrementar la productividad / Proposal of a model of a production management process based on management by processes and good practices in the pecan producing MyPes in Ica-Pachacutec in order to increase productivityReyes Angulo, Fabrizio, Muñante Zevallos, Alejandra Paola 13 September 2020 (has links)
En este estudio se propone un modelo de un proceso de Gestión de Producción basado en buenas prácticas y desarrollado con herramientas de gestión por procesos con la finalidad de aumentar la productividad de los cultivos de Pecanas en la región de Ica en el distrito de Pachacútec como área de estudio. Este estudio abarca el diagnóstico y el desarrollo del modelo propuesto. La relación entre estas etapas es la principal función para la mejora de la productividad de los huertos de pecanas. Con el estudio realizado se demostró que para aumentar la productividad de pecanas de 0.9 (tn/ha) a 1.40 (tn/ha), así como para poder determinar las necesidades de materia prima, instrumentos y/o mano de obra, se necesita un proceso estandarizado de producción de pecanas. Las limitaciones en la región de estudio tienden a ser de accesibilidad a recursos, cantidad de personas que conforman las MyPes y al nivel de estudio de los mismos. La principal contribución de la investigación es el modelo propuesto de la nuez de pecana, la cual se basa en 3 partes: El planeamiento de la producción, la programación de la producción y el control de la producción. El planeamiento de la producción se encargará de realizar un planeamiento de recursos de las micro y pequeñas empresas de pecana en el Perú; la programación de la producción se basará en la realización de un cronograma de recursos de la producción y el control de la producción estará enfocado a un control basado en tarjetas para llevar un registro básico para estas empresas. / This study proposes a model of a Production Management process based on good practices and developed with process management tools in order to increase the productivity of Pecan crops in Ica region - Pachacútec district as an area study. This study covers the diagnosis and development of the proposed model. The relationship between these stages is the main function for improving the productivity of pecan orchards. With the study carried out it was shown that to increase the productivity of pecans from 0.9 (tn / ha) to 1.40 (tn / ha), as well as to be able to determine the needs of raw material, instruments and / or labor, a standardized pecan production process. The limitations in the study region tend to be accessibility to resources, the number of people that make up the MSEs and their level of study. The main contribution of the research is the proposed pecan nut model, which is based on 3 parts: production planning, production scheduling and production control. The planning of the production will be in charge of carrying out a planning of resources of the micro and small pecan companies in Peru; the production scheduling will be based on the realization of a production resource schedule and the production control will be focused on a control based on cards to keep a basic record for these companies. / Tesis
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Evaluación del comportamiento de los costos según la productividad y su efecto en la toma de decisiones en la industria de carrocerías metálicas de Lima Este, Año 2017 / Evaluation of cost behavior according to productivity and its financial effect in the metal body industry of Lima Este, Year 2017Díaz Vela De Esteban, Angela, Lizarraga Serna, Hilda Elizabeth 25 September 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal evaluar el comportamiento de los costos según la productividad y su efecto financiero en la industria de carrocerías metálicas de Lima este.
Esta industria se ha visto afectada por la disminución de la demanda de su principal cliente, el sector minero, y la competencia informal, que ofrece al mercado un precio por debajo del precio de una empresa formal. Bajo este contexto, las empresas que pertenecen a la industria de carrocerías metálicas se ven obligadas a buscar alternativas y soluciones a fin de seguir compitiendo en el mercado.
En este sentido, el presente trabajo de investigación se centra en el análisis del comportamiento y clasificación de los costos, para obtener información financiera fiable que permita planificar y controlar la gestión de producción que es esencial en la industria metalmecánica.
Para ello, se usará como herramienta el método de costeo variable que identifica los costos fijos y variables con mayor exactitud para aplicar el análisis de contribución marginal lo que permitirá tomar decisiones concernientes a precios, descuentos, eliminación de productos, hacer o comprar, e invertir capital. Además, se considera la productividad como medida de rendimiento, así se obtendrá indicadores de utilidad y rentabilidad para determinar el efecto financiero del comportamiento de los costos. / The main objective of this research work is to evaluate the behavior of costs according to productivity and its financial effect in the metallic bodywork industry in Lima.
This industry has been affected by the decrease in demand from its main client, the mining sector, and informal competition, which offers the market a price below the price of a formal company.
In this context, companies that belong to the metal body industry are forced to look for alternatives and solutions in order to continue competing in the market. In this sense, this research work focuses on the analysis of the behavior and classification of costs, to obtain reliable financial information to plan and control the production management that is essential in the metalworking industry.
For this, the variable cost method that identifies the fixed and variable costs with greater accuracy will be used as a tool to apply the marginal contribution analysis, which will allow decisions regarding prices, discounts, product elimination, making or buying, and investment of capital. In addition, productivity is considered as a measure of performance, thus obtaining indicators of utility and profitability to determine the financial effect of cost behavior. / Tesis
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Podnikatelský záměr / Entrepreneurial ProjectBartoň, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The theoretical part of this master’s thesis introduces to the reader problems of production management tools, and optimization of the manufacturing process. It explains basic concepts, principles and methods that has aim to clarify systems and methods used in the practical part to the reader. The practical part describes the implementation of these methods and optimization of specific part of the manufacturing process. The result of optimization is evaluated from the perspective of time and finance.
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Zustandsgeregelte dynamische Dimensionierung von Produktionssystemen im Kontext des ProduktionsmanagementsKrauß, Andreas 16 November 2012 (has links)
Das zu entwickelnde Konzept zielt darauf ab, ausgehend von definierten Produktionsverfahren, -prozessen und den dafür qualitativ bestimmten Maschinen und Anlagen Erkenntnisse zur notwendigen Anzahl und den resultierenden Kosten zu ermitteln. Mit der Entwicklung des Konzepts soll ein Beitrag zur Schaffung eines unternehmensziel- und strategiekonformen Wertschöpfungsprozesses über alle Bereiche des Produktionsmanagements produzierender Unternehmen geleistet werden. Den Kern des Konzepts bildet die dynamische Dimensionierung, die Belastungsänderungen des Produktionssystems über die Zeit berücksichtigt. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Gestaltung eines wirtschaftlich sinnvollen Maßes an Flexibilität und Wandlungsfähigkeit. Weiterhin wird eine Automatisierung des Planungsprozesses in Verbindung mit dem Einsatz von Optimierungstechniken und Kostensimulation angestrebt. Anhand unterschiedlicher Szenarien erfolgt eine Gegenüberstellung des neu entwickelten Konzepts mit bestehenden Verfahren. / The concept which has been developed is based on defined production methods and production processes which are necessary for quality machinery and equipment in order to identify specifically, the number of machines required and the resulting costs. The developed concept contributes to creating a business goal and strategy-driven value creation process in all areas of production management of the manufacturing company. Since the core concept is dynamic dimensioning, it is imperative to take into account the load of the production system and how it changes over time; and is therefore both flexible and adaptable. Furthermore, automation of the planning process in conjunction with the use of optimization techniques and simulation cost is sought. Different scenarios allow the comparison of newly developed concepts with a variety of procedures which already exist.
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Simuleringsarbete i medicinteknisk produktion : En fallstudie med dataanalys, verifiering och validering samt flaskhalsanalys av en simuleringsmodell / Simulation in medical technology productionSjölander, Martina, Viklund, Philip January 2020 (has links)
The world is constantly changing and evolving faster and faster. In the industry, it is important to constantly evolve to adapt to the market and maintain competitiveness. The ongoing fourth industrial revolution is urging companies to increase digitalization and automate production. Simulation is a tool that can be used to develop, test and control production. In the pharmaceutical industry, the manufacturing and the product are required to ensure good quality. At the same time, the demand of pharmaceuticals and medical devices is high. With simulation, production systems can be evaluated, developed and improved a safer and more efficient way. The purpose of the study is to investigate, through a simulation, whether the mass-producing pharmaceutical industry can utilize Discrete Event Simulation to improve production planning and control. The purpose was partly fulfilled by a situation assessment, which together with a literature study, was used to find out what data is required to establish a simulation model. Finally, a simulation model was established, representative of reality and a bottleneck analysis was performed as part of the validation. The study is based on a case study in which qualitative and quantitative methods have been used to answer the research questions. The method is designed to be able to be carried out remotely, since it has not been possible to attend the company where the study was conducted. Two different simulation models, which differ in detail level, are presented in the results of the study. The more detailed level model could be used as a basis for improvement work. The simplified model reflects reality thoroughly and can be used for production planning and production capacity estimations. The bottleneck analysis shows which process is the bottleneck and corresponds to the company's perception. The largest bottleneck was assembly and blister packing. The most important suggestion of improvement was increase of the process availability in the blister packing, which increases production throughput with 6 percent and reduces lead time with 1,5 days. To utilize the detailed simulation model, data collection at sub-process level is also proposed. / Världen förändras hela tiden och utvecklas snabbare och snabbare. Inom industrin gäller det att ständigt utvecklas för att kunna anpassa sig till marknaden och bibehålla konkurrenskraft. Den pågående fjärde industriella revolutionen uppmanar företag att öka digitalisering och automatisera produktionen. Simulering är ett verktyg som kan användas för att utveckla, testa och kontrollera produktionen. I läkemedelsbranschen kräver kunder att tillverkningen och produkten tillser god kvalitet. Samtidigt är efterfrågan stor på läkemedel och medicintekniska produkter. Med simulering kan produktionssystem utvecklas på ett säkrare och mer effektivt sätt. Syftet med studien är att genom en simulering undersöka om massproducerande läkemedelsindustrin kan utnyttja händelsestyrd simulering för att förbättra produktionsplanering och styrning. Syftet uppfylldes delvis genom en nulägesanalys, som tillsammans med en litteraturstudie användes för att ta reda på vilken data som krävs för att upprätta en simuleringsmodell. Avslutningsvis upprättades en simuleringsmodell, representativ till verkligheten och en flaskhalsanalys genomfördes som del av valideringen. Studien grundar sig i en fallstudie där kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder har använts för att besvara frågeställningarna. Metoden är utformad för att kunna utföras på distans då det ej har varit möjligt att närvara på företaget där studien är genomförd. Två olika simuleringsmodeller, som skiljer sig i detaljnivå, presenteras i resultatet av studien. Den mer detaljerade skulle kunna användas som ett underlag för förbättringsarbete. Den förenklade modellen återspeglar produktionen översiktligt och kan användas för produktionsplanering. Flaskhalsaanalysen påvisar vilken process som är flaskhalsen och stämmer väl överens med företagets uppfattning. Montering och blistring utger sig som den största flaskhalsen och förbättringsförslag kopplat till detta är främst en ökad tillgänglighet hos processen blistring som ökar produktionstakten med 6 procentenheter och sänker produktionsledtiden med 1,5 dagar. För att kunna utnyttja den detaljerade simuleringsmodellen föreslås vidare datainsamling på delprocessnivå.
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BIM-modellens outnyttjade egenskaper på byggarbetsplatsen : Hur skapas rätt förutsättningar? / The BIM-models unutilized resources on the construction site : How to enable the right conditions?Lundvall, Anton, Östberg, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
I denna rapport utforskas möjligheterna med BIM-modeller som finns på dagens byggarbetsplatser. Trots att BIM erbjuder effektivare lösningar inom områden som bland annat visualisering, samordning och kvalitetsarbete, är det få projekt som aktivt använder sig av BIM på byggarbetsplatsen. Den här rapporten syftar till att belysa potentialen med BIM under produktionsfasen samt analysera svårigheter som finns, då produktionspersonal vill använda sig av BIM-modellen. Det långsiktiga målet med rapporten är att främja framtida användning av BIM i produktionsfasen. I arbetet produktionsanpassas delar av BIM-modellen för Skanskas och Vasakronans samverkansprojekt Klara C till att den kan användas ifrån en handhållen enhet. Genom att visa praktiska tillämpningar, med verktyg och BIM-modeller som finns tillgängliga idag, synliggörs möjligheter med BIM i byggproduktionen. För att ha möjlighet att påverka kvalitet och format på den BIM-modell, vilken ändå uppförs vid projekteringen, är det av stor vikt att tidigt beakta vilka effekter ett aktivt användande av BIM har i produktionsfasen. Slutsatsen sammanfattas i ett antal frågeställningar som planerande personal bör ha i åtanke, detta för att främja en utvecklande och värdeskapande användning av BIM även ute på byggarbetsplatsen. Vilken nytta tillför modellen i det specifika projektet? Ex. Samordning, tidsplanering eller visualisering. Hur ska modellen användas av produktionspersonalen? Ex. Vilken enhet (Surfplatta/PC) Vilka krav ställs då på BIM-modellen? Ex. Detaljeringsnivå, parametrar. Vad krävs av arbets- och informationsflöden? Ex. Format på leverans av modell/modeller. Är tillämpningen anpassad till användaren? Ex. Behövs det ytterligare stöd i form av kortare utbildningar eller kurser? / This thesis explores the potential of the BIM-models available at today's construction sites. There are few projects that actively use BIM on the construction sites, despite the fact that BIM offers efficient solutions in areas such as visualization, coordination and quality control. This report aims to highlight the potential of BIM during the production phase and to analyze the difficulties that exist when production staff wants to use the BIM model. The long term goal of this report is to promote use of BIM in the production phase. In this report, parts of the BIM-model of Skanska and Vasakronan collaborative project Klara C, is adapted so that it can be used from a handheld device. Positive effects from active use of BIM-models are shown with the tools and BIM-models that are available today. In order to influence the quality and setup of the BIM-model, which is produced during the design stage, it is of great importance that all potential applications of the model is taken in to account. The conclusion is summarized in a number of questions that planning staff should keep in mind in order to promote value-adding use of BIM. What benefits does the model bring the specific project? E.g. Coordination, time planning or visualization. How will the model be used by the staff? E.g. What kind of unit? (E.g. Tablet or PC) What is required from the model? E.g. Level of detailing, parameters. What work- and information flows are required? E.g. How is the model/models updated and delivered. Is the application user friendly? E.g. Is additional, supporting education required?
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Digitalt ledarskap i mediebranschen : En fallstudie av två mediebolag och hur deras interna processer samt ledarskap kan effektiviseras med hjälp av digitala kommunikationsverktyg / Digital leadership in the media industry : A case study of two media companies and how their internal processes and leadership can be streamlined with the help of digital communication toolsErikson, Julia, Skillt, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Detta är en fallstudie mellan två mediebolagen som på grund av Covid-19 pandemin, som slog världen med storm år 2019, fick ställa om sina arbetsprocesser till distansarbete. Det fysiska ledarskapet övergick till ett E-ledarskap och mediebolagen fick lära sig hur ledarskapet påverkas när medarbetarna befinner sig på olika platser. Vi har undersökt vad två utvalda bolag har använt för digitala kommunikationsverktyg och vilka utmaningar projekt- och produktionsledarna på dessa bolag har ställts inför, men även hur attityden gentemot de interna arbetsprocesserna har förändrats. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med projekt- och produktionsledare på två etablerade mediebolag i Sverige har vi undersökt vilka skillnader och likheter som bolagen har upplevt. Slutligen föreslår vi som vidare forskning en större kartläggning av mediebranschen och distansarbete för att undersöka om andra bolag har upplevt samma sak som våra respondenter, och ifall det finns mönster. / This is a case study between two media companies that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which hit the world by storm in 2019, had to switch their work processes to remote work. The physical leadership became an E-leadership and the media companies learned how leadership is affected when employees work remote from various places. We have examined what digital communication tools two selected companies have used and what challenges our selection has faced, but also how the internal work processes have changed. Through qualitative interviews with project and production managers at two established media companies in Sweden, we have investigated the differences and similarities that the companies have experienced. Finally, as further research, we propose a larger survey of the media industry and remote work to investigate whether other companies have experienced the same thing as our respondents, and if there are patterns.
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Flaskhalsanalys med händelsestyrd simulering vid produktion mot beställning / Bottleneck analysis using discrete event simulation in a make to order environmentGunnarsson, Nils, Bevemyr, Martin January 2022 (has links)
När ett tillverkande företag vill öka sin marknadsandel behöver de i allmänhet öka sin produktion. För att kunna göra detta på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt är det viktigt att veta vilka faktorer som begränsar produktionssystemet, dessa benämns ofta som flaskhalsar. Ett produktionssystem är dock inte ett statiskt system vilket innebär att flaskhalsarna i ett system inte heller är statiska. De kan flytta på sig på både lång och kort sikt. Syftet med denna fallstudie är att undersöka flaskhalsarna i ett produktionssystem och hur dessa förflyttar sig, vilka förbättringar som kan göras för att förbättra flödet i produktionssystemet. Data om produktionssystemet har samlats in med studier av databas, tidsstudie och samtal/intervjuer. Dessa data har nyttjats i en simuleringsmodell som framtagits med hjälp av FACTS-analyzer. Denna modell har studerats samt använts för att genomföra experiment. Bland annat har flermålsoptimering med SCORE metoden använts för att hitta systemets primära och sekundära flaskhalsar. Studien visade att en station på svetsavdelningen var den huvudsakliga flaskhalsen i produktionssystemet och att den sekundära flaskhalsen i systemet låg i avdelningen efter, måleriavdelningen. Studien tog också fram en optimerad förbättrings plan för fabriken upp till 260 tillverkade båtar på ett år. / When a manufacturing company intends to increase their market share, they generally need to increase their production as well. In order to achieve this in a cost-effective manner they must be aware of which factors are limiting the production system, these factors are generally known as bottlenecks. A production system is however not a static system, this means that the bottlenecks won’t be static either. They can move both in the long term and short term. The aim of this case study is to examine the bottlenecks in a system and their movement. As well as which improvements could be applied in order to improve the flow in the production system. Data concerning the production system has been collected through studies of internal databases, time studies and interviews. This data has been used in a simulation which has been constructed with FACTS-analyzer. The model has been studied and used for experimentation, for example, multigoal-optimization with the SCORE-method, which has been used in order to find the primary and secondary bottlenecks of the system. The study shows that a station in the welding department was the main bottleneck in the productions system and the secondary bottleneck is in the department after, the paint shop. The study also found an optimized improvement plan for the factory up to 260 boats produced each year
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Drivers of manufacturing performance in medium and large scale firms in Ethiopia (evidence from Addis Ababa and its periphery)Getnet Begashaw Ketema 09 1900 (has links)
Manufacturing performance measures the extent to which the manufacturing plant has built capabilities like low cost, high quality, delivery, and flexibility. The importance of identifying drivers of these capabilities has been underscored by many scholars although limited evidence exists so far regarding this issue. The available evidence is also primarily based on data obtained from manufacturing firms operating in developed and emerging economies and not from firms in developing economies. This study, therefore, bridges this gap by exploring key internal and external drivers of manufacturing performance taking evidence from the manufacturing sector of a developing economy - Ethiopia. A quant-emphasis mixed method approach was used along with cross-sectional survey design to gather data and answer the research questions in the study. The unit of analysis is the manufacturing plant, and hence primary data was collected using multidimensional questionnaires at plant level from 197 medium and large scale firms from Addis Ababa and its periphery. Secondary data was obtained from census reports, the country’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), and report on the performance of the Ethiopian economy, which were analyzed qualitatively and the implications to manufacturing performance drawn in the study.
A series of scale checks and analyses were made to test unidimensionality, reliability, and validity of measures and then structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze hypothesized relationships. The main finding is that environmental dynamism significantly influences competitive priorities and firm’s strategic orientation, which in turn significantly influence manufacturing decisions. Structural and infrastructural manufacturing decisions eventually significantly influence manufacturing performance when firms place increased emphasis on quality or delivery. The competitive priorities also significantly influence external learning capability of the manufacturing plant, although the influence of strategic orientation on this variable was not significant even at the 0.1 level except in the delivery priority model. Both the competitive priorities and strategic orientation, however, play little role in guiding leadership practices of manufacturing managers. The study further indicates that government support directly influences manufacturing performance, though it does not significantly influence external learning capability. Based on the findings, it is suggested that manufacturing firms should give due attention to what is going on in their external environment and accordingly align their competitive priorities, strategic orientation, and investments in structural and infrastructural resources to enhance plant performance. They should exhaustively utilize the supports provided by government as well. / Business Management / DBL
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Integrating sustainable manufacturing assessment into decision making for a production work cellZhang, Hao 16 May 2012 (has links)
Sustainability has been the focus of intense discussions over the past two decades, with topics around the entire product life cycle. In the manufacturing phase, research has been focused solely on environmental impact assessment or environmental impact and cost analysis in its assessment of sustainability. However, few efforts have investigated sustainable production decision making, where engineers are required to concurrently consider economic, environmental, and social impacts. An approach is developed to assess broader sustainability impacts by conducting economic assessment, environmental impact assessment, and social impact assessment at the work cell level. The results from the assessments are then integrated into a sustainable manufacturing assessment framework, along with a modified weighting method based on pairwise comparison and an outranking decision making method. The approach is illustrated for a representative machining work cell producing stainless steel knives. Economic, environmental, and social impact results are compared for three production scenarios by applying the sustainable manufacturing assessment framework. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to study the robustness of the results. For future research, it is desired that a tool which integrates manufacturing information system information and the sustainable manufacturing assessment approach can be built to assist production engineers in considering sustainability performance when making decisions. / Graduation date: 2012
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