Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional groups"" "subject:"bprofessional groups""
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Public schooling and private interests : an exploration of the links between state provided secondary schooling and the class interests of professional and professionalizing groupsPope, Beverley, n/a January 1986 (has links)
This thesis takes as its basic premise the need for
more democratic educational structures and practices. By
examining the restructuring of public secondary schooling
provisions in New South Wales in the period after 1950 it
argues that public schools in Australia are not democratic
Rather than being democratic institutions public
schools, it is maintained, reflect the private interests of
members of so-called "professional and professionalizing
groups", or, more precisely, of those with assets in
credentials or assets in organization employed within
monopoly capitalist enterprises and state enterprises. The
employment domain of these groups is characterized by
bureaucratic forms of control.
The private interests of these groups are class
interests in that they pertain to the maintenance of the
material interests of those with assets in credentials and
assets in organization through the monopoly of special
knowledge and skills and reflect the class structure of a
society in which monopoly capitalism has become the
dominant economic, and, therefore, political and
ideological, force.
As the above outline suggests, in attempting to address
the question of inequality in secondary schooling, marxist
theories and categories, most notably those pertaining to
class formation and class struggle, are drawn upon.
In addition, the thesis maintains that the private
interests of those with assets in credentials or assets in
organization are "naturalized" in and through the ideology
of individualism and of meritocracy. By examining the
actual way in which the labour force was being restructured
in the post-war period the thesis provides one avenue of
critique of these constructions and attempts to demonstrate
the limits of equality of opportunity in a class-based
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Hur stress påverkar byggproduktionen och dess ekonomiska konsekvenser / How stress affects the construction output and its economical consequencesMendoza, Fabian, Varli, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Stress is a growing problem in Sweden where it has become increasingly more common and tangible, not least in the construction industry where stress affects both employees and companies negatively. The employees’ health decreases and they suffers from several ailments and long term illnesses which costs companies a huge amounts of money every year. The aim with this report is to investigate and also to get an insight into the factors that causes the perceived stress among the employees at NCC Construction Stockholm. The purpose is additionally to show how stress can affect the building process. The report also investigates the differences among the construction managers and the professional workers regarding perceived stress as well as the costs of the long term illnesses causes by stress for each professional group. This will be determined using: Interviews Surveys Previous research regarding the subject Statistics The objective of this report is to: Come up with different proposals to reduce and prevent stress in the construction industry Calculate the costs of the long term illnesses that are causes by stress at NCC Calculate how much NCC can save if the absenteeism causes by stress decreases The result from the study shows that there are differences between both professional groups regarding stress, which also reflects on the costs of the long term illnesses. The problem with stress at NCC depends on the same factors as the rest of the construction industry that is, short construction periods, insufficient construction documents and a high workload. The study also shows that the employees who are older and more experienced are not bothered as much by the stress, and that they generally handle stress better than the younger age groups do. In conclusion it can be established that stress does not always have a negative effect, but also have a positive impact on the human way to perform / Stress är ett växande problem i hela Sverige där den blir alltmer vanlig och påtaglig. Inte minst gäller detta i byggbranschen, där stressen både påverkar de anställda och företagen negativt. Arbetstagarna mår sämre, drabbas av flera åkommor och långtidssjukskrivningar som kostar företagen stora summor pengar varje år. Syftet med rapporten är att utreda och få en inblick i vilka faktorer som orsakar den upplevda stressen hos de anställda på NCC Construction, Stockholm och hur den påverkar byggproduktionen. Det utreds även skillnader hos tjänstemän och yrkesarbetare gällande upplevd stress samt sjukskrivningskostnaderna som beror på stress för respektive yrkesgrupp. Detta kommer fastställas med hjälp av: Intervjuer Enkäter Tidigare forskning inom ämnet Statistik Målet med denna rapport är att: Komma fram till olika förslag och åtgärder för att minska och förebygga stressen i byggbranschen. Beräkna sjukskrivningskostnaderna som beror av stress hos NCC. Beräkna hur mycket NCC kan spara om sjukfrånvaron som beror av stress minskar. Resultatet från studien visar att det finns skillnader mellan de olika yrkesgrupperna angående upplevd stress, vilket även avspeglas på sjukskrivningskostnaderna som beror på stress. Problemen med stress på NCC beror på samma faktorer som resten av byggbranschen det vill säga, korta byggtider, dålig planering och hög arbetsbörda. Studien visar också på att de äldre och erfarna i branschen inte besväras lika mycket av de negativa stressfaktorerna samt att de överlag hanterar stressen på ett bättre sätt än vad de yngre åldersgrupperna gör. Mot denna bakgrund kan det avslutningsvis fastställas att stress inte behöver innebära något negativt, utan också kan ha en positiv inverkan för människans sätt att prestera.
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Barn i separationskonflikt : profesionellas perspektivHultengren Backa, Catarina, Svedberg, Tove January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka och jämföra hur fyra professionella inom olika människovårdande yrkesgrupper uppfattar sina möjligheter att uppmärksamma och hjälpa barn som upplever föräldrars konflikter med anledning av separation. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod genom att intervjua en: skolkurator, skolpsykolog, samordnare och familjerättssekreterare. De teoretiska utgångspunkter vi använt oss av är professionsteori med begreppen jurisdiktion och handlingsutrymme samt nyinstitutionell teori inbegripande begreppet organisatoriskt fält. Utifrån dessa teorier och begrepp har vi undersökt och jämfört hur en skolkurator, en skolpsykolog, en samordnare och en familjerättssekreterare enskilt och i jämförelse med varandra beskriver sitt arbeta, om problematiken framkommer i yrkesgruppernas arbete samt hur de arbetar i möten med barn. Alla informanter beskriver att barn kan må dåligt av föräldrars konflikt med anledning av separation. I vissa fall, och i olika utsträckning kan detta komma till uttryck i mötet med de professionella i studien. De uttryck hos barnen som lyfts fram i studien är dåligt mående, beteendeproblem, koncentrationssvårigheter och försämrade skolprestationer. Representanterna från de olika professionerna har olika förutsättningar att hjälpa dessa barn beroende på deras olika utgångspunkter och arbetsuppgifter / The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine and compare how professionals in four groups in Human Services perceive their possibilities to see, understand and help children who experience parental conflicts due to separation. A qualitative method has been used, where the selection of participants was made through appropriate sampling. The theoretical basis applied involves professional theory with the concepts jurisdiction and scope for action, as well as new institutional theory including the concept organizational field. Based on these theories and concepts we have examined and compared how the professionals from four occuapational groups; school counselor, school psychologist, coordinator and secretary of family law, individually and in comparison with each other, describe their work with this type of problems and how they act in meetings with children. The results show that the professionals have the experience that children may feel bad about the conflict between their parents in connection with separation. In some cases, and to a varying extent, this may be expressed in meetings with the professional groups in the study. The reactions of the children highlighted in the study are bad mood, behavioral problems, difficulty to concentrate and deteriorating school performance. The professionals from the different professional groups, depending on their jurisdiction and scope for action, have different abilities to help the children showing these reactions.
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Des éducateurs placés sous main de justice : les éducateurs de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse entre droit pénal et savoirs sur l’homme / Educators under judicial protection : educators working for the Judicial Protection of Youth between criminal law and human sciencesSallée, Nicolas 29 October 2012 (has links)
Suivant un double regard, socio-historique et monographique, cette thèse propose une sociologie de la profession d’éducateur de la Protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (PJJ), administration du ministère de la Justice chargée de l’exécution des décisions de justice prises à l’endroit des mineurs dits « placés sous main de justice », notamment des mineurs délinquants. Membres de la fonction publique d’État, les éducateurs de la PJJ constituent une « bureaucratie professionnelle » (Mintzberg, 1982), dont le mandat et les finalités de l’activité sont principalement liés au projet politique fondateur de son institution d’appartenance : participer à la construction et à l’épanouissement d’un modèle de justice au sein duquel la connaissance de la personnalité des justiciables est une condition même de leur éducation. À partir d’une réflexion sur les savoirs, principalement les savoirs issus des sciences du psychisme, qui ont permis de délimiter ce projet politique et d’en légitimer les reconfigurations, nous proposons un regard sur la genèse et l’actualité de cette profession, de fait « placée sous main de justice ». Dans une première partie d’ordre socio-historique, nous mettons en lumière les principales tensions – indissociablement savantes, administratives et juridiques – qui émanent de l’histoire du secteur public de la PJJ, autant qu’elles en structurent le fonctionnement. Dans une seconde partie d’ordre monographique, à partir de plusieurs terrains d’observation (centre de milieu ouvert, centre éducatif fermé, prisons pour mineurs), nous analysons ce que les éducateurs font de ces tensions, et comment ils leur donnent forme, en situation de travail. Cette double méthodologie nous permet, in fine, d’interroger les reconfigurations de la profession d’éducateur de la PJJ, tout en nous frayant un chemin, par le terrain, au cœur des principales transformations qui, en France, agitent la justice des mineurs. / Following a double socio-historical and monographicpoint of view, this thesis tackles a sociological study of the profession as educator working for the Judicial Protection of Youth (Protection judiciaire de la jeunesse, PJJ). PJJ is an administration of the French Ministry of Justice applying the decisions taken by the juvenile courts. Educators working for PJJ are members of the State Civil Service. The profession therefore forms a “professional bureaucracy” (Mintzberg, 1982), whose professional mandate and aims are related to the founding political project of PJJ: participating in the development of a model of justice, in which the knowledge on the personality of individuals is a condition of their education. Here, we present a study on the genesis and the evolution of this professional bureaucracy from an analysis of the knowledge, in particular psychological knowledge, which helped to define the founding political project of PJJ and to legitimize the changes of this political project. As a first step, we enlighten from a socio-historical perspective the main intellectual, administrative and legal tensions, that arise from the history of PJJ, and provide its operational framework. Secondly, we analyze from a monographic perspective how educators deal with these tensions in practice. We use for this analysis a suite of observational fields: one open and one close educational institutions, and two juvenile detention centers. Our double point of view allows us to question the reconfiguration of the profession of PJJ’s educator, and to provide a bottom-up framework (i.e. from the field) to analyze the main transformations of juvenile justice in France.
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De la médecine du travail à la santé au travail : les groupes professionnels à l’épreuve de la « pluridisciplinarité » / From occupational medicine to occupational health : professional groups facing « multidisciplinarianism »Barlet, Blandine 17 June 2015 (has links)
En France, au cours du processus de réforme de la médecine du travail, qui s’étend sur la première décennie des années 2000, la « pluridisciplinarité » s’impose comme une solution à une situation de crise que traverse le domaine de la prévention des risques professionnels. Elle doit remédier à la fois au déficit démographique de médecins du travail et à l’étroitesse du modèle français de prévention, jugé trop « médico-centré ». À partir du cas d’un service de santé au travail, cette recherche éclaire les enjeux de mise en œuvre d’une diversification de la main-d’œuvre des services. Elle analyse en particulier les « luttes juridictionnelles » (Abbott, 1988) qui opposent les médecins du travail aux groupes professionnels introduits au titre de la « pluridisciplinarité ». Des infirmières, des assistantes spécialisées dans la santé au travail, et des « intervenants en prévention des risques professionnels » (IPRP) viennent en effet à la fois assister le médecin sur des tâches qu’il n’a plus le temps d’accomplir et élargir son action à des domaines jusque-là peu investis par les services de santé au travail, repoussant ainsi les frontières de l’activité de ces organisations. Le dispositif « pluridisciplinaire » ne se présente pas comme un simple redéploiement de moyens mais redéfinit le contenu de l’activité de chacun. Ainsi, l’analyse des conflits occasionnés par la division du travail de prévention des « risques psychosociaux » fera apparaître, au-delà de clivages interprofessionnels, différentes conceptions de la santé au travail et de la mission de prévention. / Throughout the reform of the French occupational medical system in the first decade of the 2000s, "multidisciplinarianism" imposed itself as a solution to the ongoing crisis of professional risk prevention. It addressed both the demographic deficit of occupational doctors and the narrowness of the French prevention model, deemed too "medico-centered". Through the case of a specific occupational health service, the « SST1 », this research brings to light the stakes involved in carrying out a new policy based on workforce diversification. Namely, it analyses the « jurisdictional conflicts » (Abbott 1988) opposing occupational doctors from the newly introduced professional groups: nurses, assistants, professional risks specialists from different disciplines (ergonomists, psychologists, toxicologists…). Theses new groups both assist doctors on tasks they no longer have time to complete and enlarge their action to fields that were until then not dealt with in occupational health services, thus redefining the borders of their activity. Spreading itself beyond a simple reassignment of means, the "multidisciplinary" system reshapes the content of everyone’s activity. Therefore, an analysis of the conflicts incurred by the prevention of "psychosocial risks" will help put forward different conceptions of occupational health, and of the prevention mission, that can look further than the discrepancies between professional groups.
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"Åldrandet är mer än en siffra" : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur äldres välbefinnande framställs i podcasts / "Aging is more than a number" : A qualitative content analysis of how the well-being of the elderly is portrayed in podcastsJönsson, Jasmine, Vlahovljak, Amina January 2022 (has links)
Alla människor åldras och möts av olika sociala, psykologiska och biologiska faktorer, men hur dessa kommer att påverka en människas välbefinnande är alltid individuellt. Äldres välbefinnande har nyligen påverkats av coronapandemin som på många olika sätt inneburit en förändrad tillvaro för hela befolkningen. Äldre människor har upplevt strängare restriktioner som bland annat förespråkat en fysisk distansering och isolering under en längre tidsperiod. Såväl coronapandemin som äldre människors välbefinnande i stort har varit ett omtalat tema inom den digitala världen, däribland olika podcasts som i sin utformning når en stor del av allmänheten och erbjuder en nyanserad bild av olika frågor som kan vara viktiga att uppmärksamma. Syftet med föreliggande arbete har varit att uforska hur äldres välbefinnande diskuteras bland olika yrkesgrupper i olika podcasts. Med utgångspunkt i några poddars innehåll har vi ämnat belysa och reflektera över den bild dessa ger av äldres livsvillkor i dagens samhälle. För att uppnå detta syfte och besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar gjordes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av det empiriska materialet som samlats in genom att lyssna på 27 poddavsnitt från fyra olika podcasts. Av den införskaffade empirin som utgörs av de professionellas uttalanden i poddavsnitten har studien delats upp i olika framträdande teman. Resultatet visar sammanfattningsvis på att ensamhet, sociala relationer, sjukdomstillstånd, boendesituation och ålderism samtliga har påverkan på om en äldre person kan uppleva och känna välbefinnande. Slutligen visar resultatet på att äldres livsvillkor och välmående under coronapandemin anses ha påverkats på diverse positiva respektive negativa sätt som fortsätter att upptäckas än idag. Bland annat framhåller de gästande yrkesgrupperna att den psykiska ohälsan blivit mer uppmärksammad och att den sociala isoleringen och långa ovissheten som rådde inneburit påfrestning för många personers tillvaro och psykiska mående. / All people age and face different social, psychological and biological factors, but how these will affect a person's wellbeing is always individual. The wellbeing of the elderly has recently been affected by the corona pandemic which in many different ways has implied a changed existence for the entire population. Older people have experienced stricter restrictions that, among other things, advocated physical distancing and isolation for a longer period of time. Both the coronapandemic and the wellbeing of older people in general have been a popular theme in the digital world, including various podcasts that in their design are able to reach a large part of the public and offer a nuanced picture of various issues that may be important to pay attention to. The aim of this essay has been to explore how the well-being of the elderly is discussed among different professional groups in various podcasts. Based on the content of some podcasts, we intend to shed light and reflect on the image they give of the living conditions of the elderly in today’s society. To achieve this purpose and answer the question formulations, a qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the empirical material collected by listening to 27 podcast episodes from four different podcasts. From the acquired empirics that consist of the professionals’ statements, the essay has been divided into different prominent themes. In summary, the results show that loneliness, social relationships, illness, housing situation and ageism all have an impact on whether an older person can experience and feel well in general. Lastly, the results show that the living conditions and well-being of the elderly during the corona pandemic are considered to have been affected in various positive and negative ways which are still being discovered. The visiting professions emphasize among other things that mental illness has received more attention and that the social isolation and long-term uncertainty that prevailed has meant a strain on many people’s life and mental state.
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Les ménages face aux impératifs de "transition énergétique" : des raisonnements pris entre marché, normalisation institutionnelle et références pour agir forgées au fil de la trajectoire biographique / Households facing the imperatives of "energy transition" : reasoning taken between market, institutional normalization and references to act forged along the biographical trajectoryCacciari, Joseph 05 December 2017 (has links)
Comment des normes de conduite hétéronomes parviennent-elles à définir la manière dont les individus organisent leur quotidien sans être perçues comme des contraintes extérieures ou arbitraires ? Comment les individus en arrivent-ils à privilégier certaines références pour agir plutôt que d’autres au fil de leur trajectoire sociale ? Les pratiques énergétiques prenant place dans l’espace domestique constituent un terrain d’analyse de ces questions particulièrement riche dans le contexte actuel d’injonction à la « transition énergétique ». Les changements de conduite attendus sont l’occasion de travaux de sciences sociales qui acceptent souvent comme allant de soi les catégories du débat public : notamment celles qui consistent à rabattre les pratiques domestiques mobilisatrices d’énergie sur des consommations. Le propos est ici de questionner ces catégories pour des ménages des classes populaires « du haut », à distance des dispositifs d’assistance prévus pour les situations de dénuement mais néanmoins menacés de difficultés avec les coûts de l’énergie. Ce travail rend compte des mécanismes de soumission au mot d’ordre économique et de la socialisation des acteurs à la mise en consommation des pratiques domestiques mobilisatrices d’énergie, les amenant dans des circonstances particulières à prêter attention à de nouveaux discours prescriptifs. Pour cela, la thèse s’appuie sur une revue critique des travaux de sciences sociales portant sur les ménages face à l’énergie, sur des monographies de groupes professionnels porteurs de discours institutionnels auprès des ménages et sur des monographies de ménages précisément situés. / How do heteronomous norms of behavior succeed in defining how individuals organize their everyday lives without being perceived as external or arbitrary constraints? How do individuals come to favor certain references to act rather than others in their life's course ? Energy practices in the domestic space (heating and cooling of rooms, cooking and refrigerating food, domestic hot water, lighting, electrical appliances, etc.) constitute a particularly rich field of analysis of these questions in the current context of "energy transition". The expected changes in behavior are the occasion of social science studies that often take for granted the categories of public debate: in special, that of reducing domestic practices that mobilize energy on consumption and that which naturalizes the energy transition . The aim is here to question these categories for households of the " working classes from the upper", at a distance from the social work schemes designed for deprived situations and nevertheless threatened with difficulties with energy costs. It then attempts to account for the mechanisms of submission to the economic slogan and the socialization of the social actors to the consumption of domestic practices mobilizing energy, bringing them in particular circumstances to pay attention to new prescriptive speeches when deciding on their actions. For this purpose, the thesis is based on a critical review of the social science work on households relation to energy, on monographs of occupational groups with institutional discourses on households and on monographs of households.
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MERCOSUR - Union européenne : une comparaison des politiques publiques de reconnaissance académique professionnelle dans les cadres de l'Argentine et de la France / MERCOSUR - European Union : a Public Policy Comparison of Academic-Professional Recognition in Argentina and France FrameworksSolanas, Facundo 08 March 2016 (has links)
Tant l’Union européenne (UE) que le Marché Commun du Sud (MERCOSUR) ont construit différentes politiques publiques pour la reconnaissance des diplômes à des fins académiques ou à des fins professionnelles. Ces politiques ont pour but principal de faciliter la mobilité des diplômés respectifs dans les pays membres qui composent chaque région.En dépit du fait qu’il s’agit de processus d’intégration régionale très différents, la construction des politiques de reconnaissance académique-professionnelle présente plusieurs similitudes. Les deux politiques se sont dédoublées dans un axe académique et un autre axe professionnel, comme s’il s’agissait de secteurs complétement éloignés l’un de l’autre. Conséquemment, nous avons analysé quatre enjeux dans ce travail : d’abord, le processus que lance la Commission européenne (CE) au début des années 1970 avec les directives sectorielles pour les « professions réglementées » et, qui après différents changements, culmine dans les Directives 2005/36/CE et 2013/55/UE. Deuxièmement, le processus qui se développe principalement à partir de la mise en œuvre du Programme Erasmus en 1986, et qui techniquement pose les bases pour que soit lancé de façon intergouvernementale en 1999 le « processus de Bologne ». Troisièmement, en 1998, le MERCOSUR décide de construire un premier instrument expérimental d’accréditation des cursus universitaires au niveau régional (le MEXA), qui suite à différents changements, est devenu un dispositif permanent : l’ARCUSUR. Finalement, les Ministères des affaires étrangères des pays membres du MERCOSUR ont avancé avec un protocole concernant le secteur des services de la région et, suite à différentes négociations, le Conseil du Marché Commun a permis la pratique professionnelle temporaire à partir d’un autre dispositif : la Décision 25/2003.Ce divorce entre reconnaissance académique et professionnelle nous a invité, d’un côté, à questionner les rapports contemporains entre l’État ou la CE et les différentes associations professionnelles, l’université et la construction des diverses politiques européennes ou du MERCOSUR. Et, d’un autre côté, à analyser la place de l’État et de la CE dans cette construction et les rapports avec les normes ou « recommandations » provenant des organisations internationales. / Both the European Union (EU) and the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) have constructed different public policies for the recognition of diplomas for either academic or professional purposes. The aim of these policies is to facilitate the mobility of its respective graduates within the countries members of each region.Despite the fact that they are two different regional integration processes, the construction of academic and professional recognition policies have several similarities. The two policies were spread out in two axis, an academic one and a professional one, as if they were fully separated areas from each other. Hence, we analyzed four issues in this work. First, the process that launches the European Commission (EC) in the early 1970s with the sectorial directives for the “regulated professions” and which, after various changes, culminating in Directives 2005/36/EC and 2013/55/EU. Second, the process initiated with the Erasmus Program’s implementation in 1986. This program provides the technical support for the intergovernmental launch the “Bologna process” in 1999. Third, in 1998 MERCOSUR decided to build a first experimental accreditation instrument of academic programs at the regional level (MEXA). After several changes, it has become a permanent device: the ARCUSUR. Finally, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of MERCOSUR members have made some progress in implementing a protocol for the regional services sector and followed by different negotiations, the Council of the Common Market allowed the temporary professional practice from another device: Decision 25/2003. This dissociation between academic and professional recognition invited us to analyze two distinctive phenomenons. On the one hand, is to question the contemporary relations among the State or the EC and the different professional associations, the university and the construction of the divers European or MERCOSUR policies. And on the other hand, is to analyze the role of the State and the EC in the construction and the relation with normative or “recommendations” from international organizations.
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Co-analyse de la reconstruction du savoir-évaluer d’enseignants formés à l’étranger en situation d’intégration socioprofessionnelle au Québec : une recherche collaborativeDiedhiou, Serigne Ben Moustapha 07 1900 (has links)
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