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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of neutrophils in trained immunity

Kalafati, Lydia, Hatzioannou, Aikaterini, Hajishengallis, George, Chavakis, Triantafyllos 26 February 2024 (has links)
The principle of trained immunity represents innate immune memory due to sustained, mainly epigenetic, changes triggered by endogenous or exogenous stimuli in bone marrow (BM) progenitors (central trained immunity) and their innate immune cell progeny, thereby triggering elevated responsiveness against secondary stimuli. BM progenitors can respond to microbial and sterile signals, thereby possibly acquiring trained immunity-mediated long-lasting alterations that may shape the fate and function of their progeny, for example, neutrophils. Neutrophils, the most abundant innate immune cell population, are produced in the BM from committed progenitor cells in a process designated granulopoiesis. Neutrophils are the first responders against infectious or inflammatory challenges and have versatile functions in immunity. Together with other innate immune cells, neutrophils are effectors of peripheral trained immunity. However, given the short lifetime of neutrophils, their ability to acquire immunological memory may lie in the central training of their BM progenitors resulting in generation of reprogrammed, that is, “trained”, neutrophils. Although trained immunity may have beneficial effects in infection or cancer, it may also mediate detrimental outcomes in chronic inflammation. Here, we review the emerging research area of trained immunity with a particular emphasis on the role of neutrophils and granulopoiesis.

Papel de IRS2 en la regulación de la comunicación a través de FGFs en el nicho de células progenitoras hepáticas

Arámbul Anthony, María José 28 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] La resistencia a la insulina se define como un aumento en la cantidad de insulina necesaria para conseguir la homeostasis de glucosa. Una de las complicaciones más comunes de la resistencia a la insulina es el defecto en la reparación de herida. El sustrato 2 del receptor de la insulina (IRS2) es un mediador clave para la señalización de insulina en hígado que actúa de puente entre los receptores de la insulina y del factor de crecimiento insulínico (IGF-1) y sus cascadas de señalización. Tanto la resistencia a la insulina como cambios en los niveles de expresión de IRS2 han sido asociados con el desarrollo y la progresión de enfermedades hepáticas graves. El daño hepático crónico generado por algunos factores derivados de la resistencia a la insulina ha sido establecido como determinante en la patofisiología de las enfermedades hepáticas. Sin embargo, sigue siendo una incógnita cómo el daño hepático generado por la resistencia a la insulina escapa de la extraordinaria capacidad de regeneración del hígado. Durante el daño hepático crónico, la reparación epitelial está mediada por las células progenitoras hepáticas (CPH) que se expanden y diferencian hasta hepatocitos o células biliares rodeadas de un nicho estromal formado por un conjunto de células estrelladas hepáticas (CEH), células inflamatorias, componentes de la matriz extracelular (ECM) y factores de crecimiento. El factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos 7 (FGF7), expresado por las CEH, resulta crítico para la respuesta de las CPH y para la regeneración hepática. Durante el daño hepático crónico las CEH se activan transdiferenciandose desde células quiescentes a células fibrogénicas (CEHa) denominadas miofibroblastos que depositan ECM para reemplazar el tejido dañado. Para alcanzar una correcta regeneración hepática se requiere la resolución de la activación ("reversión fibrogénica") de las CEH. Empleando el modelo de ratón Irs2-/- durante el daño hepático crónico con la dieta DDC 0.1% y los modelos in vitro humanos de CPH (HepaRG) y de CEH (CEH primarias y la línea celular LX-2), los resultados de este trabajo demuestran que la señalización de insulina-IRS2 es necesaria para la epitelización dirigida por la comunicación paracrina a través de FGF7 en el nicho de CPH. Por un lado, IRS2 es necesario en la población de CEH para permitir su supervivencia durante la reversión fibrogénica, un proceso que según nuestros resultados induce un aumento en la expresión de FGF7. Nuestros datos descubren un potencial mecanismo de regulación mediante el que IRS2 induce la expresión de FGF7 en CEH a través de la remodelación en la ECM mediada por NRF2 y el integrante de la ECM SERPINE1 durante las etapas tempranas de la reversión fibrogénica. El eje NRF2-SERPINE1 ha sido descrito anteriormente en fibroblastos de piel como esencial para la reepitelización de herida. NRF2 es el principal factor de transcripción de respuesta frente al estrés oxidativo (ruta canónica). En hepatocitos, la activación de NRF2 también puede inducirse a través de una ruta no canónica mediada por la proteína cargo de la autofagia P62. A pesar de que nuestros datos descubren a P62 como capaz de inducir la actividad de NRF2 en CPH, también demuestran que IRS2 activa a NRF2 en CPH y en CEH de manera independiente a la ruta no canónica mediada por P62. Por otro lado, demostramos que la señalización de insulina-IRS2, por promover la producción de FGF7, permite un novedoso bucle de inducción positiva mediante el que la respuesta a FGF7 en CPH promueve la expresión de su receptor, FGFR2b, favoreciendo su propia sensibilidad y sosteniendo la reparación epitelial. Futuras estrategias para potenciar en hígado la actividad de NRF2 y la señalización de FGF7 podrían servir para mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes con resistencia a la insulina, diabetes o enfermedad metabólica por promover la reparación epitelial en hígado y reducir su riesgo de desarrollar patologías hepáticas graves con elevada tasa de mortalidad. / [CAT] La resistència a la insulina es defineix com un augment en la quantitat d'insulina necessària per a aconseguir l'homeòstasi de glucosa. Una de les complicacions més freqüents de la resistència a la insulina és el defecte en la reparació de ferida. El substrat 2 del receptor de la insulina (IRS2) és un mediador clau per a la senyalització d'insulina en fetge que actua de pont entre els receptors de la insulina i del factor de creixement insulínic (IGF-1) i les seues cascades de senyalització. Tant la resistència a la insulina com els canvis en els nivells d'expressió d'IRS2 han sigut associats amb el desenvolupament i la progressió de malalties hepàtiques greus. El mal hepàtic crònic generat per alguns factors derivats de la resistència a la insulina s'ha establert com a determinant en la patofisiologia de les malalties hepàtiques. No obstant això, els motius pels quals el mal hepàtic generat per la resistència a la insulina escapa a l'extraordinària capacitat de regeneració del fetge són encara una incògnita. Durant el mal crònic, la reparació epitelial està mediada per les cèl·lules progenitores hepàtiques (CPH) que s'expandeixen i diferencien fins a hepatòcits o cèl·lules biliars envoltades d'un nínxol estromal format per un conjunt de cèl·lules estavellades hepàtiques (CEH), cèl·lules inflamatòries, components de la matriu extracelul·lar (ECM) i factors de creixement. El factor de creixement de fibroblasts 7 (FGF7), expressat en fetge per les CEH, resulta crític per a la resposta de les CPH i per a la regeneració hepàtica. Durant el mal hepàtic crònic les CEH s'activen transdiferenciant-se des de cèl·lules quiescents a cèl·lules fibrogèniques denominades miofibroblasts (CEH activades) que depositen ECM per a reemplaçar el teixit danyat. Per a aconseguir una correcta regeneració hepàtica es requereix la resolució de l'activació ("reversió fibrogènica") de les CEH. A partir de l'ús del model de ratolí Irs2-/- durant el mal hepàtic crònic amb la dieta DDC 0.1% i dels models in vitro humans de CPH (HepaRG) i de CEH (CEH primàries i la línia cel·lular LX-2), els resultats d'aquest treball demostren que la senyalització d'insulina-IRS2 és necessària per a l'epitelització dirigida per la comunicació paracrina mitjançant FGF7 en el nínxol de CPH. D'una banda, IRS2 és necessari en la població de CEH per a permetre la seua supervivència durant la reversió fibrogènica, que comporta un augment en l'expressió de FGF7. Les nostres dades descobreixen un potencial mecanisme de regulació mitjançant el qual IRS2 indueix l'expressió de FGF7 en CEH a través de la remodelació en la ECM mediada per NRF2 i per l'integrant de la ECM SERPINE1, que ocorre en les etapes primerenques de la reversió fibrogènica. L'eix NRF2-SERPINE1 ha sigut identificat anteriorment en fibroblasts de pell com a essencial per a la reparació de ferida. NRF2 és el principal factor de transcripció de resposta davant de l'estrés oxidatiu (ruta canònica). En hepatòcits, l'activació de NRF2 també pot induir-se a través d'una ruta no canònica mediada per la proteïna de càrrega de l'autofàgia P62. A pesar que les nostres dades indiquen que P62 és capaç d'induir l'activitat de NRF2 en CPH, també demostren que IRS2 activa NRF2 en CPH i CEH de manera independent a la ruta no canònica mediada per P62. D'altra banda, demostrem que la senyalització d'insulina-IRS2, per promoure la producció de FGF7, permet un nou bucle d'inducció positiva mitjançant el qual la resposta a FGF7 en CPH promou l'expressió del seu receptor, FGFR2b, afavorint la seua pròpia sensibilitat i sostenint la reparació epitelial. Futures estratègies per a potenciar en fetge l'activitat de NRF2 i la senyalització de FGF7 podrien servir per a millorar el pronòstic dels pacients amb resistència a la insulina, diabetis o malaltia metabòlica, per promoure la reparació epitelial en fetge i reduir, per tant, el seu risc de desenvolupar patologies hepàtiques greus amb elevada taxa de mortalitat. / [EN] Insulin resistance is defined as an increase in the amount of insulin that is necessary to achieve glucose homeostasis. One of the most prevalent complications of insulin resistance is the wound healing defect. Insulin receptor factor 2 (IRS2) is a key mediator of the insulin signaling in liver, which acts as a bridge between insulin and insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptors and its downstream molecular pathways. Both, insulin resistance and changes in the expression levels of IRS2, have been associated with the development and progression of severe liver diseases. Chronic liver injury produced by insulin resistance has been stablished as crucial in the pathophysiology of liver disease. However, it remains unknown how the chronic liver injury produced by insulin resistance escapes from the extraordinary ability of the liver to regenerate. During chronic liver injury, epithelial repair is mediated by liver progenitor cells (LPC), that expand and differentiate into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes surrounded by a stromal niche that consist of hepatic stellate cells (HSC), inflammatory cells, extracellular matrix (ECM) components and growth factors. Fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF7), expressed by HSC, is critic for LPC response and liver regeneration. During chronic liver injury, HSC transdifferentiate from quiescent to active fibrogenic HSC (aHSC) called myofibroblast. aHSC deposit ECM to replace damaged tissue. A successful regeneration requires the resolution of the HSC activation, i.e., the "fibrogenic reversion" of HSC. Using the Irs2-/- mice model during chronic liver damage induced by 0.1% DDC diet and the human in vitro models of LPC (HepaRG) and HSC (primary HSC and the cell line LX-2), our results reveal a new role of insulin-IRS2 in the modulation of the paracrine FGF7 crosstalk in the LPC niche that drives LPC epithelization. On the one hand, IRS2 is necessary in HSC to allow survival during fibrogenic reversion, a process that according to our data induces an increase in FGF7 expression. Our results reveal a potential mechanism by which IRS2 promotes FGF7 expression in HSC through an ECM remodeling process that is mediated by NRF2 and the ECM constituent SERPINE1 during the early stages of fibrogenic reversion. NRF2-SERPINE1-mediated ECM remodeling has been previously identified in skin fibroblast as essential to promote re-epithelialization of wounds. NRF2 is a transcription factor that is activated in response to oxidative stress (canonical pathway). NRF2 activation in hepatocytes can be also induced by a non-canonical pathway mediated by the autophagy cargo protein P62. Although our data discovers a new ability of P62 to induce NRF2 activity in LPC, we also demonstrate that IRS2 activates NRF2 in LPC and HSC in a P62-independent manner. On the other hand, we demonstrate that insulin-IRS2 signaling, by promoting FGF7 production, enables a novel positive induction loop whereby FGF7 response in LPC promotes the expression of its receptor, FGFR2b, favoring its own sensitivity and sustaining epithelial repair. Future strategies to enhance NRF2 activity or FGF7 signaling in liver might be useful to improve the prognosis of insulin resistance, diabetic, and metabolic disease patients because of its uncovered ability to promote epithelial repair, thus, preventing the development of severe liver pathologies with high mortality risk. / Arámbul Anthony, MJ. (2022). Papel de IRS2 en la regulación de la comunicación a través de FGFs en el nicho de células progenitoras hepáticas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188913

Défaillance cardiaque et mécanismes de protection et réparation du myocarde

Maltais, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
La cardiomyopathie ischémique et l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) sont deux des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. L’IC représente la condition finale résultant de plusieurs pathologies affectant le myocarde. Au Canada, plus de 400 000 personnes souffrent d’IC. Malgré la grande variété de traitements disponibles pour prendre en charge ces patients à haut risque de mortalité, l’évolution et le pronostic clinique de cette population demeurent sombres. Les thérapies de régénération par transplantation cellulaire représentent de nouvelles approches pour traiter les patients souffrant d’IC. L’impact de cette approche cellulaire et les mécanismes qui sous-tendent l’application de ce nouveau mode de traitement demeurent obscurs. Les hypothèses proposées dans cette thèse sont les suivantes : 1) l’évolution à long terme des patients qui se présentent en IC grave est nettement défavorable malgré les techniques actuelles de revascularisation chirurgicale à cœur battant; 2) la thérapie cellulaire et, plus spécifiquement, l’injection intracoronaire précoce de milieu de culture cellulaire, permet d’améliorer la récupération fonctionnelle du ventricule gauche suite à un infarctus aigu du myocarde; et 3) la mobilisation de l’axe cœur-moelle osseuse constitue un mécanisme de réponse important lors de la survenue d’un événement ischémique chronique affectant le myocarde. / Congestive heart failure (CHF) remains a leading cause of mortality in the developed world. There are more than 400,000 diagnosed cases of this pathology in Canada. Despite the numerous treatment options available for patients presenting with left ventricular dysfunction, the evolution of this population is still dismal. Stem cell transplantation is a potential approach to repopulate the injured myocardium, to treat heart failure, and to restore cardiac function. However, the exact mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of this approach remain to be elucidated. The hypotheses of this thesis are the following: 1) the long-term evolution of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery is still poor, even when considering the use of new innovative surgical strategies such as off-pump coronary revascularization; 2) the intracoronary injection of concentrated biologically active factors secreted by stem cells can achieve early protection of the ischemic myocardium and preserve heart function; and 3) the bone marrow/heart interaction in a critical axis is involved in chronic myocardial repair following persistent ischemic injury.

Stratégies cellulaires et environnementales pour le développement d’un substitut osseux prévascularisé / Cellular and environmental strategies for the development of a prevascularized bone subsitute

Willemin, Anne-Sophie 21 September 2018 (has links)
En cas de pertes de substances osseuses de grande étendue, la capacité naturelle de réparation du tissu osseux n’est pas suffisante et nécessite d’être assistée. La greffe d’os autologue constitue actuellement la référence. Cependant, cette thérapeutique présente tout de même des inconvénients qui ont entrainé le développement de substituts osseux. Mais, aucun matériau à ce jour ne peut remplacer totalement l’os autologue, en raison notamment de la difficulté à recréer un système vasculaire fonctionnel au niveau du site lésé. Depuis quelques années, les espoirs se tournent vers la création d’un substitut osseux prévascularisé afin de pallier la principale limite des alternatives actuelles : l’établissement d’un réseau vasculaire au sein de ce biomatériau. Notre projet vise à évaluer l’effet stimulateur d’un composé naturel, les principes actifs de la nacre solubles dans l’éthanol (appelé Ethanol Soluble Matrix, ESM), à la fois sur les capacités angiogéniques de cellules de la lignée endothéliale et sur la différenciation ostéogénique de cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM) avec comme objectif le développement d’un substitut osseux prévascularisé. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que l’ESM stimulait les capacités angiogéniques des cellules de la lignée endothéliale : cellules endothéliales matures (HUVECs, cellules endothéliales issues de la veine ombilicale humaine) et cellules progénitrices endothéliales (CPEs) issues de sang de cordon. L'ESM, utilisé à la concentration de 200µg/mL, a permis de dépasser les résultats obtenus (expression génique et test fonctionnel) avec le milieu de culture de référence des CPEs : l’EGM-2 (Endothelial Growth Medium). Nous avons ensuite mis en évidence que l’ESM exerçait un effet stimulateur également sur les CSMs en augmentant l’expression de marqueurs spécifiques des chondrocytes et des chondrocytes hypertrophiques, suggérant une orientation de ces cellules vers une ossification endochondrale. En parallèle de ces travaux, nous avons étudié l’effet paracrine des CSMs sur les cellules de la lignée endothéliale, HUVECs et CPEs. Les vésicules extracellulaires de taille nanométrique (nEVs) ont montré leur capacité à induire une stimulation in vitro de la formation de réseaux vasculaires et de l’expression de gènes endothéliaux. Ces résultats encourageants soulignent la faisabilité de l’utilisation de l’ESM en tant que stimulus à la fois de l’angiogenèse des CPEs et de l’ostéogenèse des CSMs. Ce stimulus pourrait être associé aux nEVs issues de CSMs et aux CPEs au sein d’une matrice tridimensionnelle pour développer un substitut osseux prévascularisé / In case of critical-sized defects, the bone tissue ability of natural healing is not sufficient and needs to be assisted. The autologous bone graft is currently the gold standard. However, this solution has drawbacks that have led to the development of bone substitutes. Nowadays, no substitute is able to supply autogenous bone, due to the difficulties to mimic the vascular system. In recent years, the hopes are focusing on the creation of a prevascularized bone substitute to overcome the main limitation of current alternatives: the creation of a functional vascular network inside the substitute. Our project aims to evaluate the stimulating effect of a natural compound, the nacre extracts called Ethanol Soluble Matrix (ESM), both on the angiogenic abilities of endothelial cell lineage and on the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to develop a pre-vascularized bone substitute. First, we showed that ESM stimulates the angiogenic potential of two types of endothelial cells: mature endothelial cells (HUVECs, human umbilical vein endothelial cells) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) from cord blood. The ESM, used at the concentration of 200µg/mL, exceeded results obtained with the reference culture medium of EPCs: the EGM-2 (Endothelial Growth Medium). Then, we demonstrated that ESM also exerted a stimulating effect on MSC by increasing the expression of chondrocyte and hypertrophic chondrocyte specific markers, suggesting an orientation of these cells towards endochondral ossification. In line with this work, we studied the paracrine effect of MSCs on endothelial cell lineage, HUVECs and EPCs. Nanoscale extracellular vesicles (nEVs) have been shown to induce an in vitro stimulation of the vascular network formation and of the endothelial gene expression. These encouraging results highlight the feasibility of using ESM as a stimulus for both angiogenesis of EPCs and osteogenesis of MSCs. This stimulus could be associated with MSC-derived nEVs and EPCs within a three-dimensional matrix to develop a pre-vascularized bone substitute

Protektion humaner endothelialer Vorläuferzellen durch die Koapplikation mit Mesenchymalen Stamm-/Vorläuferzellen

Souidi, Naima 14 December 2017 (has links)
Endothelzell-basierte Therapien vermitteln regenerative Effekte hinsichtlich der Revaskularisierung von ischämischen Geweben. Doch ist die Verfügbarkeit von autologen Endothelzellen aufgrund einer krankheitsbedingt reduzierten Frequenz im peripheren Blut oder einer verminderten Integrität der endogenen Endothelzell-Populationen eingeschränkt. Hingegen ist es möglich, allogene endotheliale Vorläuferzellen aus der Nabelschnur in zelltherapeutisch relevanten Mengen zu isolieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zunächst die Eigenschaften allogener humaner Nabelschnur (NS)-abgeleiteter sog. Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells (ECFCs) mit denen von venösen NS-abgeleiteten Endothelzellen verglichen. Aufgrund der nachgewiesenen Immunogenität von allogenen ECFCs wurde eine weiterführende Strategie zur Reduktion dieser immunogenen Eigenschaften durch die Koapplikation mit Mesenchymalen Vorläuferzellen (MSCs) verfolgt. Humane ECFCs wurden mit MSCs desselben Spenders kombiniert und in funktionellen in vitro- und in vivo-Assays untersucht. Dadurch konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass IFNγ-stimulierte ECFC/MSC-Kokulturen eine reduzierte Expression von HLA-Molekülen zeigen. Entsprechend induzierten spezifische CD8+ T-Zellen eine reduzierte Lyse der kokultivierten ECFCs und MSCs. Die Kokultur von ECFCs und MSCs mit allogenen Immunzellen führte zu einer nahezu vollständigen Inhibition der T-Zell-Proliferation. Um die reduzierte Immunogenität von ECFC und MSC in vivo zu verifizieren, wurden die Zellen in immundefiziente Mäuse injiziert, welche nachfolgend mit humanen PBMCs rekonstituiert wurden. So konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Koapplikation von ECFCs und MSCs nicht nur die Entstehung von stabilen Gefäßnetzwerken begünstigt, sondern zudem in den Transplantaten zu einer verringerten Immunzell-Infiltration führte. Die Koapplikation von ECFCs mit MSCs könnte daher eine klinische Nutzung dieser allogenen Quelle für die therapeutische Unterstützung der Vaskularisierung ermöglichen. / Endothelial cell-based therapies promote tissue regeneration and vascularization after ischemic damage. The availability of autologous endothelial progenitor cells is restricted in diseased patients, however therapeutically relevant numbers of allogeneic Endothelial Progenitor Cells can be isolated from an umbilical cord (UC). In the present study, the immunogenic properties of these Endothelial Colony Forming Cells (ECFCs) were first compared to human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Both cytokine-treated endothelial cells induced CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proliferation after coculture with allogeneic immune cells. So far, the potential interactions between ECFCs and Mesenchymal Stem/Progenitor Cells (MSCs) concerning their immunological features is poorly understood, but we hypothesize that MSCs might improve the immune compatibility and vessel building characteristics of ECFCs. Therefore, human UC-derived ECFC and MSC cocultures from the same donor were analyzed using various functional in vitro and in vivo assays. Stimulation of these cocultures with IFNγ caused strongly reduced expression levels of HLA-molecules compared to ECFC monocultures. The decreased molecular density on the cocultured ECFCs resulted in reduced cytotoxic CD8+ T cell-mediated lysis. Further, during IFNγ stimulation, the combination of ECFCs with MSCs prevented initiation of allogeneic T cell proliferation. To verify this concept in vivo, ECFCs and MSCs were co-transplanted in a humanized allograft mouse model in immunodeficient mice in order to effectively induce stable microvessels. These experiments demonstrate that when MSCs are co-applied with ECFCs, they not only support the formation of stable blood vessels, but also lead to fewer HLA-DR+ human vascular structures and fewer infiltrating human leukocytes. The data presented indicate that crosstalk between UC-derived ECFCs and MSCs might lower the risk of allogeneic ECFC rejection.

Efeito neuroprotetor do transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas de dente decíduo humano em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medular

Nicola, Fabrício do Couto January 2017 (has links)
A lesão medular (LM) é uma patologia incapacitante que resulta em déficits sensoriais e motores. No Brasil, a incidência anual é de 30 novos casos de lesão medular a cada 1 milhão de indivíduos e, infelizmente, a LM permanece sem um tratamento eficaz. Células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano estão entre as potenciais fontes de células-tronco para transplante após a lesão medular, cujo objetivo é de promover a proteção ou a recuperação da lesão na medula espinal. Buscou-se nesta tese avaliar os efeitos do transplante, uma hora após a lesão, das células tronco de dente decíduo humano (SHED) no período agudo, subagudo e crônico sobre a neuroproteção, proteção tecidual e recuperação funcional em ratos Wistar submetidos à lesão medular por contusão. Os principais objetivos foram: a) investigar os efeitos do transplante das SHED sobre a recuperação funcional, volume da lesão e morte neuronal; b) verificar os efeitos do transplante sobre as células progenitoras, formação da cicatriz glial e modificações astrocitárias após o modelo de contusão medular Observou-se a melhora na recuperação funcional, redução do volume da lesão e morte neuronal na medula espinal dos animais que receberam o transplante de SHED após a lesão medular. As SHED aumentam o número de células precursoras na medula espinal, no período subagudo, reduzem a expressão da proteína fibrilar glial ácida (GFAP) e aumentam a expressão do canal retificador de influxo de potássio 4.1, ambas proteínas astrocitárias. Concluímos que o transplante de células-tronco derivadas do dente decíduo humano após a lesão medular promove a recuperação funcional a partir do efeito neuroprotetor iniciado na fase aguda, confirmado pelo maior número de neurônios motores presentes seis semanas após a contusão. As SHED são capazes de aumentar o número de células precursoras e de produzir modificações astrocitárias na medula espinal de ratos lesados na fase subaguda, reduzindo a formação da cicatriz glial. / Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a disabling condition that results in sensory and motor deficits. The estimated annual incidence in Brazil is of 30 new cases of spinal cord injury per 1 million of individuals; unfortunately SCI remains without an effective treatment. Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) are one among potential sources of stem cells for transplantation after spinal cord injury in order to promote protection or tissue and functional recovery after spinal cord injury. The aim of this Thesis was to evaluate the effects of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) transplantation, one hour after lesion, in the acute, subacute and chronic phases on neuroprotection, tissue protection and functional recovery in Wistar rats submitted to spinal cord injury by contusion The main goals were: a) to investigate the effects of SHED transplantation on functional recovery, lesion volume, and neuronal death; b) to verify the effects of the transplantation on the progenitor cells number, glial scar formation and astrocytic modifications after spinal cord contusion. Improvement of functional recovery, reduction of lesion volume and neuronal death were observed in the spinal cord of animals submitted to spinal cord injury and SHED transplantation. SHEDs increased the number of precursor cells in the spinal cord in the subacute period, reduced the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and increased the expression of the potassium influx rectifier channel 4.1, both astrocyte proteins. We conclude that transplantation of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth after spinal cord injury promotes functional recovery from the neuroprotection effect, which starts in the acute phase and is confirmed six weeks after the contusion with a higher number of motor neurons in the ventral horn of spinal cord. SHEDs are able to increase the number of precursor cells and produce astrocyte modifications in the spinal cord of injured rats in the subacute phase, reducing glial scar formation.

Synthèse d'agonistes non-peptidiques du récepteur à la prokinéticine PKR1 / Synthesis of non-peptidic agonists of prokineticin receptor PKR1

Charavin, Marine 22 September 2014 (has links)
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G représentent la plus grande famille de récepteurs membranaires. Parmi eux, nous avons choisi d’étudier deux récepteurs apparentés : les récepteurs de la prokinéticine 1 et 2. Ces deux récepteurs ont pour ligands des hormones de nature peptidique, divisées en deux sous-groupes : les prokinéticines 1 et 2. Ces deux prokinéticines sont impliquées dans plusieurs processus physiologiques en se liant à leurs récepteurs PKR1 et PKR2. Il a été récemment montré que la prokinéticine 2 pouvait stimuler la prolifération et la différenciation des cellules souches progénitrices cardiaques, via les récepteurs PKR1 et PKR2. Il a également été reporté que l’activation de PKR1 protège les cardiomyocytes et les cellules progénitrices cardiaques de l’apoptose. Afin d’étudier ces effets nous avons synthétisé des agonistes non-peptidiques du récepteur PKR1. Nous avons donc poursuivi les études de pharmacomodulation d’une première famille de composés et développé une seconde famille d’agonistes potentiels originaux, déterminée par des études de modélisation moléculaire. Une sonde fluorescente a été synthétisée afin d’évaluer la liaison de nouveaux composés. Au cours de ces travaux nous avons découvert une nouvelle réaction multi-composante permettant la synthèse d’un composé dihydropyrrole polyfonctionnel. Nous nous sommes alors intéressés à son mécanisme et à sa limitation chimique dans le but de former de nouveaux hétérocycles fonctionnalisés. / The G protein-coupled receptors represent the largest familly of membrane receptors. Among them,we choose to study two related receptors: prokineticin receptors 1 and 2. These two receptors have peptidic hormone ligands, divided in two sub-groups: prokineticins 1 and 2. Both prokineticins are involved in many physiological processes by binding to their receptors PKR1 and PKR2. It has recently been shown that prokineticin 2 could stimulate proliferation and differentiation of cardiac progenitor cells. It was also reported that activation of PKR1 protects cardiomyocytes and cardiac progenitor cells from apoptosis. To investigate these effects we synthesized non-peptidic receptor PKR1. We continued pharmacodulation studies of a first familly of compounds and developped a second familly of original potential agonists, determined by molecular modeling studies. A fluorescent probe was synthesized to access the binding of novel compounds. During this work we discovered a new multi-component reaction for the synthesis of a polyfunctional dihydrpyrrol compound. We then interested in the mechanism and its chemical limitation in order to form new functionalized heterocycles.

Hipogonadismo associado à  obesidade: efeitos do tratamento com citrato de clomifeno / Obesity related hypogonadism: clomiphene citrate treatment effects

Soares, Andressa Heimbecher 26 March 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A obesidade é uma das causas de hipogonadismo (HG) secundário no homem. A terapia de reposição padrão de testosterona (TRT) é associada à melhora dos parâmetros metabólicos, mas pode levar à infertilidade. Apenas recentemente indicou-se que não há novas evidências nível 1 para apoiar uma conexão definitiva entre TRT e eventos cardiovasculares (CV). OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do Citrato de Clomifeno (CC) em homens jovens com hipogonadismo associado à obesidade diagnosticado por testosterona total (TT) <= 300 ng/dL em duas ocasiões, sintomas positivos no questionário ADAM, hormônio Luteinizante (LH) baixo ou inadequadamente normal (VR: 1,7 - 8,6 UI/L). MÉTODOS: Estudo randomizado, duplo cego, controlado por placebo (PLB), longitudinal em centro único. Setenta e oito pacientes com idade entre 36,5±7,8 anos, índice de massa corporal (IMC) 46,2±8,5 kg/m2 foram randomizados (1:1) para receber CC 50 mg ou PLB durante 12 semanas. Os pacientes foram avaliados através de: 1) Parâmetros clínicos: Questionário ADAM, número de intercursos sexuais, queixa de insatisfação com a vida sexual; 2) Parâmetros hormonais: dosagem sérica de TT, testosterona livre, Estradiol (E2), LH, hormônio folículo estimulante (FSH), SHBG, relação TT:E2; 3) Parâmetros de composição corporal: IMC, circunferência abdominal (CA) e análise de bioimpedanciometria; 4) Parâmetros metabólicos: pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, glicemia em jejum (GJ), hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c), índice HOMA-IR, colesterol total e frações, triglicérides; 5) Parâmetros de resposta CV: dilatação fluxo mediada artéria braquial (FMDAB), níveis circulantes de sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, Selectina-sE e quantificação de células endoteliais progenitoras (CEPs) por citometria de fluxo; 6) Efeitos adversos: hematócrito, antígeno prostático específico sérico (PSA), questionário internacional de sintomas prostáticos (I-PSS), dosagem sérica de alanina aminotransferase (ALT), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), e efeitos adversos autorreferidos. RESULTADOS: Na randomização os dois grupos foram semelhantes em relação à idade (CC: 35,5±7,8 anos, PLB: 35,6±7,8; p= 0,951), IMC (CC: 45,5±11,3 kg/m2; PLB: 47,2±9,6; p= 0,470), CA (CC: 137,5±17,9 cm; PLB: 140,2±19,6; p= 0,526) e testosterona total (CC: 225,8±70,0 ng/dL; PLB: 216,0±72,1; p= 0,543). Não houve diferenças nos parâmetros de resposta clínica, exceto com relação à queixa de perda de vigor nas ereções (p < 0,001). Observou-se elevação significativa (p= < 0,001) de TT, Testosterona livre, E2, LH, FSH e SHBG no grupo CC em comparação com PLB. Houve um aumento significativo (p < 0,001) na massa magra e na massa muscular; e também na massa livre de gordura (p= 0,004). O CC reduziu HDL em comparação com PLB (p < 0,001) e não mostrou efeito em outros parâmetros metabólicos. Não houve significância estatística nos parâmetros CV, indicando efeito nulo do tratamento. CC reduziu ALT (p < 0,001) e aumentou o PSA (p= 0,023) dentro dos limites da normalidade. CONCLUSÕES: CC foi efetivo para melhorar os parâmetros de resposta hormonal e afetou positivamente um parâmetro de resposta clínica (perda de vigor nas ereções). Apesar das alterações na composição corporal, não se observou melhora do perfil metabólico. No entanto, o CC não ocasionou resposta adversa nos parâmetros CV. O tratamento CC para HG parece ser uma alternativa efetiva em jovens obesos que desejam preservar sua fertilidade, mas ensaios clínicos de seguimento em longo prazo e com maior número de participantes são necessários para melhor análise do perfil metabólico e de sintomas, além de impactos CV / INTRODUCTION: Obesity can cause secondary hypogonadism in man. The standard testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) improves metabolic parameters but can lead to infertility. Only recently TRT was not clearly associated with adverse cardiovascular (CV) events, but its impacts on endothelial function are still controversial. AIM: To evaluate the effects of Clomiphene Citrate (CC) in out clinic young man with obesity related hypogonadism: total testosterone (TT) <= 300 ng/dL on two occasions, positive symptoms in ADAM questionnaire, Luteinizing Hormone (LH) low or inappropriate normal (RV: 1.7-8.6 IU/liter). METHODS: This is a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group, single-center study. Seventy eight patients aged 36.5±7.8 years, Body mass index (BMI) 46.2±8.5 kg/m2 were randomized (1:1) to receive CC 50 mg or Placebo (PLB) during 12 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: 1) Clinical symptomology: ADAM Questionnaire, number of sexual intercourses and satisfaction with sexual life; 2) Hormonal monitoring: serum TT, Free testosterone, Estradiol (E2), LH and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), SHBG, TT/E2 ratio; 3) Body composition and anthropometric measurements: BMI, waist circumference (WC) and Bioelectric Impedance analysis parameters; 4) Metabolic response parameters: systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose (FBG), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides; 5) CV assessment by endothelial function parameters: Flowmediated dilatation of the brachial artery (FMDAB), circulating levels of sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, E-selectin and flow cytometry endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs); 6) Adverse outcomes: Hematocrit, serum Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), International Prostate Symptom Score (I-PSS), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) and Selfreported Adverse Effects. RESULTS: Two groups were similar with regard to age (CC: 35.5±7.8 years; PLB: 35.6±7.8; P=0.951), BMI (CC: 45.5±11.3 kg/m2; PLB: 47.2±9.6; P=0.470), WC (CC: 137.5±17.9 cm; PLB: 140.2±19.6; P=0.526) and total testosterone (CC: 225.8±70.0 ng/dL; PLB: 216.0±72.1; P=0.543) in baseline data. There was an improvement in one sexual complaint (weaker erections) (P < 0.001) and there were significant improvements (P < 0.001) in TT, Free Testosterone, E2, LH, FSH and SHBG in CC group (vs. PLB). There was a gain in lean mass (P < 0.001), free fat mass (P=0.004) and muscle mass (P < 0.001). CC reduced HDL compared to PLB (P < 0.001) and showed no effect in other metabolic parameters. No statistical significance was seen in CV parameters. CC reduced ALT (P < 0.001) and increased PSA (P=0.023). CONCLUSIONS: CC was effective in increase hormonal response parametersand improved one sexual complaint (weaker erections). Despite body composition changes, CC did not improved metabolic profile and lowered LDL cholesterol. CC showed no adverse response in CV parameters. CC treatment for HG appears to be an effective alternative in young obese men wishing to preserve their fertility but long-term follow-up trials to better analyze the metabolic profile and CV outcomes are needed

Progenitorzelleigenschaften bei myelodysplastischen Syndromen (MDS) mit Eisenüberladung / Iron overload influences the hematological stem cell function on patients with myelodysplastic syndromes

Hartmann, Julia 11 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Défaillance cardiaque et mécanismes de protection et réparation du myocarde

Maltais, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
La cardiomyopathie ischémique et l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) sont deux des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans les pays industrialisés. L’IC représente la condition finale résultant de plusieurs pathologies affectant le myocarde. Au Canada, plus de 400 000 personnes souffrent d’IC. Malgré la grande variété de traitements disponibles pour prendre en charge ces patients à haut risque de mortalité, l’évolution et le pronostic clinique de cette population demeurent sombres. Les thérapies de régénération par transplantation cellulaire représentent de nouvelles approches pour traiter les patients souffrant d’IC. L’impact de cette approche cellulaire et les mécanismes qui sous-tendent l’application de ce nouveau mode de traitement demeurent obscurs. Les hypothèses proposées dans cette thèse sont les suivantes : 1) l’évolution à long terme des patients qui se présentent en IC grave est nettement défavorable malgré les techniques actuelles de revascularisation chirurgicale à cœur battant; 2) la thérapie cellulaire et, plus spécifiquement, l’injection intracoronaire précoce de milieu de culture cellulaire, permet d’améliorer la récupération fonctionnelle du ventricule gauche suite à un infarctus aigu du myocarde; et 3) la mobilisation de l’axe cœur-moelle osseuse constitue un mécanisme de réponse important lors de la survenue d’un événement ischémique chronique affectant le myocarde. / Congestive heart failure (CHF) remains a leading cause of mortality in the developed world. There are more than 400,000 diagnosed cases of this pathology in Canada. Despite the numerous treatment options available for patients presenting with left ventricular dysfunction, the evolution of this population is still dismal. Stem cell transplantation is a potential approach to repopulate the injured myocardium, to treat heart failure, and to restore cardiac function. However, the exact mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of this approach remain to be elucidated. The hypotheses of this thesis are the following: 1) the long-term evolution of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery is still poor, even when considering the use of new innovative surgical strategies such as off-pump coronary revascularization; 2) the intracoronary injection of concentrated biologically active factors secreted by stem cells can achieve early protection of the ischemic myocardium and preserve heart function; and 3) the bone marrow/heart interaction in a critical axis is involved in chronic myocardial repair following persistent ischemic injury.

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