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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bokcirkeln och bibliotekarien : En studie av bibliotekariers uppfattningar om bokcirkelverksamheten vid folkbiblioteken / Reading groups and the Librarian : A study of Librarian’s perceptions of reading groups at Swedish Public Libraries

Rings, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master‟s thesis is to investigate the value and impact that reading groups organized by Swedish Public Libraries, have on its participants, role of the librarian and the Library as whole, according to librarian‟s conceptions. In literature and earlier research reading groups are described to represent an important reader pro-motion tool for Public Libraries. At the same time the typical reading group member is often described as a per-son with a familiarity of reading. Another purpose is therefore to investigate the contribution of reading groups in promoting reading, according to librarian‟s conceptions. A phenomenographic approach was adopted and qualit-ative interviews were carried out with five librarians at five Public Libraries. The phenomenographic analysis of the interview-material, concerning reading groups impact on its partici-pants and the Library as a whole, resulted in the following categories: reading groups perceives as a natural part of the Public Library service, reading groups inspirer to reading and literature interest, reading groups leads to human interactions and shared reading experiences, reading groups has a democratic function, limitations of reading groups and reading groups part in reading promotion. Comparisons have also been made to how reading groups fit the Public Library task, as it is described in Swedish Library law and Unesco‟s Public Library manifes-to. The analysis of the interview-material shows that reading groups in many ways fit the task of Public Library service, like promoting literature and reading, supporting individual development and be available to everyone. The phenomenographical analysis of the interview-material, concerning the librarian‟s part in reading groups, resulted in the following categories: administrator, educator, social inspirer and competence and interest for fiction. Comparisons are also made to Jofrid Karner Smidts thesis concerning the five different roles a libra-rian should fulfill working with literature promotion. Based on her thesis it´s foremost the librarian as a critic and literature expert, educator and as ordinary person that correspond with the interviewed librarians perceptions about what part they play and should play in reading groups. One distinct conception that transpired in the interview-material is that reading groups organized by Swe-dish Public Libraries do not necessarily have a specific reading promotion purpose, but that reading groups have potential to have a positive impact on the participants reading habits. Further that more active work from the librarians is required, in order to fulfill a reading promotion function. One of this thesis most important conclu-sions is that there seems to exist a need to make the literature-promotion task of Public Libraries more visible, that it is important that librarians is given the opportunity to develop their competence to fulfill this task and that reading groups can fulfill an important aspect in that context. This study is a two years master´s thesis in library and information science.

Ein Unternehmer stiftet Bildung

Liebing, Uta, Schumann, Sabine 19 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Der Zschopauer Unternehmer Jacob Georg Bodemer, ein großer Förderer der Volksbildung, erkannte, dass Bibliotheken Investitionen in die Zukunft seien. Er initiierte die Gründung der Chemnitzer Stadtbibliothek, welche dank seiner Hilfe 1869 eröffnen konnte. Darauf gründete er die Georg-Bodemer-Stiftung. Auch die Zschopauer und Wolkensteiner Stadtbibliotheken erhielten seine Zuwendungen. Bodemer unterstützte auch Vereine, Schulen und Lehrerseminare. Bodemer, der zahlreiche Ehrenbürgerwürden sächsischer Städte erhielt, zählt zu den Pionieren des Volksbüchereiwesens.

Fit für die Zukunft

Frohß, Waltraud 21 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Bildung ist ein Schlüssel zur wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Entwicklung von Städten, Landkreisen und Gemeinden. Eine gut ausgebaute, konzeptionell aufeinander bezogene und verlässlich miteinander verknüpfte Bildungsstruktur, die über die Schulen hinaus die Familie und die Bibliotheken als Orte kultureller Bildung und der Kompetenz im Umgang mit neuen Medien einbezieht, trägt zur gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe der Bürgerinnen und Bürger eines Gemeinwesens und zu mehr Chancengleichheit bei.

Censur på barnavdelningen : Likheter och skillnader mellan småbarnsföräldrars och barnbibliotekariers syn på censur / Censorship in children’s library : The differences and similarities between the opinion of librarians and parents

Persson, Cecilia, Carlsson, Rebecca January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine parents’ and librarians’ views on censorship in children’s library. Similarities and differences between the opinion of librarians, and parents with children in the age of 0 to 12 years, have been examined. To analyse the result Jürgen Habermas’ theory of lifeworld and system has been used, together with research, mostly from USA, about censorship of children’s library. There is not much research available on censorship at children's libraries in Sweden, instead newspaper articles on controversial children's literature have been used in this paper to shed light upon the current Swedish views on censorship in children's libraries. Qualitative interviews with two librarians, working in the children’s library, and two parents, with children who visit the children's library regularly, were made. In summary, the research shows that there are actually not many differences in opinion of censorship in children’s library between the parents and librarians. A new question arises: why do we have a discussion in media about censorship of children’s library, when the respondents of this research think the controversial books should not be moved. And is it coincidental that all our respondents shared the same view on censorship of children's literature, or is it the common opinion among children's librarians and parents of younger children in Sweden?

Bibliotek + skola = sant? : Föreställningar och föreskrifter om samarbete mellan folkbibliotek, skolbibliotek och skola samt om barns läsning

Almström, Agnes January 2014 (has links)
Abstract In this master´s thesis I primarily investigate librarians´ and teachers´ conceptions of collaboration between libraries and schools and their conceptions of childrens´reading. Secondary I investigate the contents of laws concerning libraries and schools and also the school curriculums concerning the subject field of the Swedish language. My theoretical point of departure is that of social constructionism. I use two models in my analysis. One is a model of collaboration created by Patricia Montiel-Overall, called TLC (Teacher Librarian Collaboration), which grades collaboration from the lowest level (A) to the highest (D). The other model is created by Staffan Thorsson and is a model for understanding different kinds of reading strategies. I chose to study one public library and one elementary school. At the public library I interviewed the manager, the children´s librarian and the literature pedagogue. At the elementary school I interviewed the headmaster, two teachers who are teaching the Swedish language (one junior-level teacher and one senior-level teacher) and the school librarian. I used a hermeneutical method when I analyzed both my interviews and the laws and curriculums mentioned above. In my analysis I discovered all levels of collaboration, except for the highest one (D). Everyone, except for the school librarian, seemed more or less content with the lower degrees of collaboration. The teachers´ perceptions of the librarians were quite traditional. Even though all of the librarians had previous teaching experience and education they were not seen as pedagogues by the teachers. Especially in the case of the school librarian this became a problem, because it seemed to inhibit a development of the collaboration between them. In the laws and curriculums that I looked into collaboration between schools and libraries were never mentioned. The reading promotion seemed to be based on two strategies: pragmatical and emancipatorical. The pragmatical strategy led to looking at children as “becomings”, the emancipatorical one led to looking at children as “beings”.

Medien in Szene gesetzt

Kunze, Sunhild, Schrön, Anja 15 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Medienpräsentationen gehören in öffentlichen Bibliotheken zur Marketingstrategie. Thematische Bestandpräsentationen und „Inszenierungen“ von Medien zu aktuellen Themen tragen zur Steigerung der Entleihungen bei und wirken sich stets belebend auf den Gesamteindruck der Bibliothek oder einen Teilbereich aus. Ebenso werden Kunden inspiriert, sich Themen zuzuwenden und Medien auszuleihen, die zu Beginn des Bibliotheksbesuches nicht geplant waren. Diesen Effekt macht sich die Stadtbibliothek Chemnitz seit nunmehr sieben Jahren zu Nutze. Ein aufbereitetes Trendthema als Blickfang im Eingangsbereich der Zentralbibliothek sowie wechselnde Medienpräsentationen in den verschiedenen Teambereichen wecken die Neugier der Kunden.

Öffentliche Bibliotheken in Sachsen

Frohss, Waltraud, Maulhardt, Annette 15 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Sachsen verfügt über ein vergleichweise dichtes Netz an Stadt- und Gemeindebibliotheken, die unterschiedliche regionale und lokale Aufgaben besitzen. Für die sächsische Bevölkerung standen 2009 203 kommunale Öffentliche Bibliotheken mit ihrem umfangreichen Medienangebot zur Verfügung. Die demographische Entwicklung in Sachsen und der damit verbundene Rückgang der Bevölkerung werden sich auf die Arbeit der ÖBs in den nächsten Jahren auswirken. In den Folgejahren sind die Bibliotheken gefordert, mit neuen Ideen und Kooperationsmodellen die Bürgernähe zu wahren.

Place et images des langues étrangères dans les bibliothèques municipales françaises : un cas pour les sciences de l'information. / Place and status of foreign languages in the French public libraries : a case for information sciences

Lhuillier, Laurence Marion 14 September 2012 (has links)
Issu d'une pratique professionnelle consacrée à l'offre en langues étrangères dans une bibliothèque municipale, ce travail de recherche questionne le positionnement de l'institution, basée sur le principe d'égalité d'accès au service public de la lecture, alors que celle-ci cherche à enrayer la baisse de sa fréquentation et celle du nombre de ses inscrits à une époque caractérisée par l'accroissement des mouvements migratoires et l'augmentation conséquente du plurilinguisme. La problématique s'attache aux transformations des pratiques et des représentations des professionnels dans les bibliothèques municipales métropolitaines induites par l'introduction d'une offre en langues étrangères, en questionnant les notions de public, d'information et de positionnement institutionnel. Une première enquête quantitative vise à établir le nombre d'établissements concernés par cette offre singulière et la taille de celle-ci en volume et en valeur ; une seconde enquête qualitative s'attache à l'analyse des propos recueillis lors d'entretiens en face à face avec des professionnels, des non usagers des bibliothèques et des élus dont dépendent ces établissements. Les résultats montrent des bibliothèques nombreuses à proposer ce type d'offre, les faibles volumes et valeurs de celle-ci. Ils soulignent une méconnaissance des publics cibles comme de leurs attentes, le bouleversement des pratiques et des représentations professionnelles engendré par la prise en compte du critère inhabituel de la langue des usagers et des documents, la transformation du positionnement des bibliothécaires, des publics et de l'institution finalement peu investie dans le champ des langues étrangères. Ils montrent que cette question déborde les pouvoirs décisionnels des professionnels, interpelle ceux de la tutelle territoriale et de l'Etat. Ils ne permettent pas de déterminer si l'évolution de cette offre singulière relève plus de l'ombre d'un développement ou d'un développement dans l'ombre. / Initiated and informed by years of professional experience dedicated to providing foreign language resources in a French public library, this research questions the positioning of the library as an institution anchored in the principle of equal access to public service, in the context of a decline in both attendance and enrolment as well as that of increased international migration and multilingualism. The argument focuses on the transformation of practice and professional representation generated by the introduction of foreign language material in France's municipal libraries and questions the notions of “general public,” “information,” and “institutional positioning.” A quantitative survey assesses the size of the phenomenon. The qualitative survey analyses observations collected during face-to-face interviews with professionals, with non-library users as well as with elected representatives responsible for overseeing public libraries. Results reveal a real, albeit limited evolution: while numerous libraries now provide resources in foreign languages, such offers remain small in terms of both volume and value. They also highlight a lack of understanding of the nature and expectations of target audiences, the disruption of professional practice and representation generated by the acknowledgment of language as one of the criteria to shape the offer of resources, the transformation of the positioning of public librarians, of audiences and, more generally, of an institution not yet substantially involved in the field of foreign languages. In conclusion, the results show that this question goes beyond the sole decision-making power of public libraries themselves and falls more broadly in the remit of territorial and national authorities. Whether the development of foreign language resources in French public libraries is merely a passing shadow or, on the contrary, a significant evolution remains to be determined.

O livro e o processo civilizatório em Alagoas: do Gabinete de leitura à Biblioteca Pública / The book and process civilization in Alagoas: Leitura Gabinet à Public Library

Santos, Roselito de Oliveira 06 July 2012 (has links)
The research deals with the emergence of the Office of Reading in Maceió / AL in the midnineteenth century, therefore, politically the country was under the aegis of the monarchy. From the historical point of view, the study provides a long narrative about the writing system and later the birth of the book and its evolution in the context of the societies of advanced civilization. Specifically, the concern appears to be scientific in order to relate the appearance of books and reading perspective of civilization based on the ideas of Norbert Elias (1897/1990). The investigation was carried out by means of successive visits to the Historical and Geographical Institute of Alagoas as well as the State Public Library and Public Archives of Alagoas State. In such areas had access to a wealth of material, what showed the reality of the Office of Reading and its transition in the current Public Library. This historical process with the participation of intellectuals adherents of positivism Titara da Silva, Thomas and Alexander Bomfim Espíndola José de Melo Moraes The methodological approach was configured in the collection of ancient documents and the seizure of key information. The theoretical foundation of the study was done by scholars such as Bloch (2001), Chartier (1998), Certeau (1982), Farge (2009), Costa (2011), Verçosa (2006) and Madeira (2005, 2008, 2010, 2011 .) Other scholars in the field of librarianship were visited as Higounet (2003), Sampaio (2009), Campos (1994), Martins (1998) and Schwarcz (2001). Was reached the following conclusion: writing and reading are important elements of civilized Western culture. In the case of Alagoas, the Office of Reading in its eight years of life failed to materialize in the daily life of maceioenses the simple fact that here the elitist culture did not allow its democratization. However, we can not deny its importance in the civilization and its transformation into State Public Library / A pesquisa trata do surgimento do Gabinete de Leitura em Maceió/AL em meados do século XIX, portanto, politicamente o país encontrava-se sob a égide da monarquia. A partir do ponto de vista histórico, o estudo traça uma narrativa de longa duração sobre o sistema de escrita e posteriormente do nascimento do livro e sua evolução no contexto das sociedades de civilização avançada. Especificamente, a preocupação científica revela-se no sentido de relacionar o surgimento do livro e da leitura numa perspectiva civilizatória com base nas ideias de Norbert Elias (1897/1990). A investigação foi levada a efeito por meio de sucessivas visitas ao Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Alagoas assim como à Biblioteca Pública do Estado de Alagoas e Arquivo Público Estadual. Em tais espaços tivemos acesso a um rico material que denotou a realidade do Gabinete de Leitura e sua transição na atual Biblioteca Pública. Esse processo histórico contou com a participação dos intelectuais adeptos do positivismo José Correia da Silva Titara, Thomas do Bomfim Espíndola e Alexandre José de Melo Moraes O tratamento metodológico configurou-se na coleta de documentos antigos e na apreensão das principais informações. O fundamento teórico do estudo ficou a cargo de estudiosos como Bloch (2001), Chartier (1998), Certeau (1982), Farge (2009), Costa (2011), Verçosa (2006) e Madeira (2005, 2008, 2010, 2011). Outros estudiosos do campo da Biblioteconomia foram visitados como Higounet (2003), Sampaio (2009), Campos (1994), Martins (1998) e Schwarcz (2001). Chegou-se à seguinte conclusão: a escrita e a leitura são elementos importantes da cultura ocidental civilizada. No caso alagoano, o Gabinete de Leitura em seus oito anos de vida não conseguiu se materializar na vida cotidiana dos maceioenses pelo simples fato de que, aqui, a cultura elitista não permitiu sua democratização. Entretanto, não podemos negar sua importância no cenário civilizatório e sua transformação em Biblioteca Pública Estadual

Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Campina Grande-PB: histórias, leitores e leituras

Espíndula, Danielly Vieira Inô 27 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-01-07T14:29:32Z No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivototal.pdf: 12679217 bytes, checksum: 869c85d4077d4fa5c700f60d138f4cae (MD5) license_rdf: 22190 bytes, checksum: 19e8a2b57ef43c09f4d7071d2153c97d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-07T14:29:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivototal.pdf: 12679217 bytes, checksum: 869c85d4077d4fa5c700f60d138f4cae (MD5) license_rdf: 22190 bytes, checksum: 19e8a2b57ef43c09f4d7071d2153c97d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27 / Spaces created to keep and protect mostly written works produced by men and also to publicize them, libraries always had an uncertain destiny – from its inception to its destruction – and different purposes – from keeping a book as treasure and make it available to the public. In the attempt to recover the history of these institutions we seldom have access to information about who were the readers and how they used this reading space. This is a condition shared by the Municipal Public Library of Campina Grande-PB, founded in 1938 and on which there are few records showing the different stages undergone by the institution over time. On its readers, we have only a few references from the 1950s, when they are to be mentioned in local newspapers texts, but just to have highlighted their absence in the library and their practices rejected. This research - which is a part of a line of studies called History of Reading (CHARTIER, 1996; 2002; 2003; 2012) and understands reading as a social practice - discussed the following questions: what is the history of the Municipal Public Library of Campina Grande-PB (BPMCG) and how this institution was inserted in the cultural context of the city, in three different times - the first years after its foundation, in the 1950s and today? Who are the readers who used the loan service between July / 2008 and May / 2011 and what are their reading practices and their forms of appropriation of the Library? Our overall goal was, therefore, to register the history of the Municipal Library of Campina Grande-PB, at these three mentioned times, and to describe reading stories and practices carried out by its readers in this space or because of it: what they read, how they read, why they read, and how often they read. Contrary to historically constructed speech about BPMCG, where by there are no readers using the institution, we confirmed our thesis that not only these readers exist, but they have their particular way of appropriating the institution and find in it an important support for building their particular reading history as well. The existence of these readers in the library is often denied and their practices are historically rejected, a condition which condemns them to an invisibility which, however, does not correspond to the actual appropriation of reading space by its regulars. / As bibliotecas, espaços criados para armazenar as obras produzidas, mas também para protegê-las e difundi-las, tiveram sempre um destino incerto, entre a construção e a destruição, e finalidades distintas – entre a guarda do livro como tesouro e a abertura para o público. Ao tentar recuperar a história de instituições dessa natureza, raramente temos acesso a informações sobre quem eram seus leitores e como se apropriaram desse espaço de leitura. Essa mesma condição se aplica à Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Campina Grande-PB, fundada em 1938 e sobre a qual há poucos registros que comprovem as diferentes etapas pelas quais passou essa instituição ao longo do tempo. Sobre os seus leitores, temos referências apenas a partir da década de 1950, quando estes passam a ser mencionados em textos de jornais locais, mas apenas para terem sua ausência na biblioteca destacada e suas práticas rejeitadas. A presente pesquisa – que se insere na linha de estudos denominada História da Leitura (CHARTIER, 1996; 2002; 2003; 2012) e entende leitura como prática social – discutiu as seguintes questões: qual a história da Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Campina Grande-PB (BPMCG) e de que forma essa instituição se inseriu no contexto cultural da cidade, em três diferentes momentos – nos primeiros anos após sua fundação, na década de 1950 e nos dias atuais? Quem são os leitores que utilizaram o serviço de empréstimo entre julho/2008 e maio/2011, quais suas práticas de leitura e formas de apropriação da Biblioteca? O nosso objetivo geral foi, portanto, registrar a história da Biblioteca Municipal de Campina Grande-PB, em três momentos distintos, bem como descrever as histórias de leitura e as práticas realizadas pelos seus leitores nesse espaço ou em função dele: o que leem, como leem, por que leem, com que frequência etc. Contrariamente ao discurso historicamente construído a respeito da BPMCG, segundo o qual não há leitores utilizando a instituição, confirmamos nossa tese de que não apenas esses leitores existem, como têm sua forma particular de se apropriar da instituição e encontram nela um importante apoio para a construção da sua história particular de leitura. A existência desses leitores na biblioteca é, por vezes, negada e suas práticas são historicamente rejeitadas, condição esta que os condena a uma invisibilidade que, no entanto, não corresponde à apropriação efetiva desse espaço de leitura por parte de seus frequentadores.

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