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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Dallarosa, Andréia Rodrigues Zoelner 22 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:54:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andreia Rodrigues Zoelner Dallarosa.pdf: 6523030 bytes, checksum: e2205f9d041977d64b1369c2055f7b4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In this study I understand the language as an element constructed from the interaction, which is effective as a subjectin a linguistic-discursive movement, and the acquisition of writing asa process that occurs through out thelifeof the subject, given the graphical societywe live in.Although the teachingof the mother language-includingthe punctuation-is present throughout theschool lifeof the subject, and beyond, ison the Classes of Portuguese Language that has fallen all the responsibility on teaching issues involving, among other aspects,reading and writing texts. The punctuation, constituent elementof writing productions,is generally associated with speechand reading,even by under graduates in Letters, future teachers. These students come to University after,at least,eleven years ofbasic schooling, it is assumed, then, that have prior knowledge about the punctuation, which derive,a certain extent, the uses to which it does.However, through out the course, with the expansion of literacy, how to punctuate may change, so I try to analyzethe punctuationas a constituent elementof the construction of meaning in texts students a Letras teaching qualification, which occur by signs which I under standas markers elements syntactic, semantic, prosodicand discursive.Writing presupposes an Other, which one we wish create, and the punctuation is a mechanism that organizesandrelates this writing.From theseideas, we began theres earch project that led to this dissertation, whose questionis: during the production processof a text, as the punctuationis perceived and performed by students from the course of Letters and that Other interference involvedin this use,contributing to the constructionof themeaning of the text?Whereasthe writing process andtext producedfostera reflection onwhat is said, I recognize that the language intheirwritingachievementsurpassesthe functions assignedby the grammarrules,especially as it presentsasan element insocial relations, because it actson thesubject,meaning him. This study was basedonBernardes(2002, 2005), CláudiaLemos(1989,1995, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002),proposesthatthe theoretical basis ofinteractionismadopted in this study; DahletVéronique(2002, 2007),Bernardes(2002, 2005), LawrenceChacon(1997, 2003), authorswho studythe punctuation andCarloGinzburg(1989) conceived theresearch methodused,calledevidential paradigm.The textsselected foranalysiswere produced bystudents from theLetras teaching qualification, during the firstgraduation year, time that the students begin tomake contactwithmoredirectedconceptions of languagedifferentfrom that foundin the manualsofgrammar. Wereselected to formthecorpusof this researchthirty-fivewritten textsproducedby threeacademics, analyzedunder themethodological approachofevidentiary paradigm. Regardingpunctuation, I understand that they do not representpausesin speech orreadingin the writing,butrelateto the rhythmof the writingitself, an organizer to the rhythmof writing(Meschonnic, 2006). Thepunctuationcollaborateto build the elaborationsyntactic, semantic, prosodicanddiscursive inthe text.Thesesigns constituteitself as asubjectivetraitthat emergesat the time of production, functioning asa mark, a signatureof the author. Key-words:Writing;Interactionism; Punctuation; Subject. / Neste estudo compreendo a língua como um elemento construído a partir dainteração, que se efetiva no sujeito como um movimento linguístico-discursivo, e a aquisição da escrita como um processo que ocorre em toda a existência do sujeito, dada a sociedade grafocêntrica em que vivemos.Embora o ensino da língua materna – incluindo os sinais de pontuação – esteja presente em toda a vida escolar do sujeito, e para além dela, é sobre a Disciplina de Língua Portuguesa que tem recaído toda a responsabilidade sobreo ensino das questões que envolvem, entre outros aspectos, leitura e produção de textos. A pontuação, elemento constituinte da produção escrita é, geralmente associada à fala e à leitura, inclusive pelos alunos de graduação em Letras, futuros professores. Esses alunos chegam à Universidade após cursarem, no mínimo, onze anos de escolaridade básica; presume-se, então, que detenham um conhecimento prévio sobre a pontuação, do qual decorrem, em certa medida, os usos que dela fazem.Entretanto, no decorrer do curso, com a ampliação do Letramento, a forma de pontuar pode alterar-se, por isso busco analisar a pontuação como elemento constituinte da construção de sentido em textos de alunos de um curso de Licenciatura em Letras, que se dá porsinais que eu compreendo como elementos marcadores sintáticos, semânticos, prosódicos e discursivos.A escrita pressupõe um Outro, para o qual se deseja criar, e a pontuação é um mecanismo que relaciona e organiza essa escrita.A partir dessas ideias, iniciou-se o projeto de pesquisa que deu origem a esta dissertação, cuja pergunta é: durante o processo de produção de um texto, como a pontuação é percebida e realizada por acadêmicos do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras e de que maneira a interferência do Outro intervém neste uso, contribuindo para a construção do sentido do texto? Considerando que o processo de escritura e o texto produzido favorecem uma reflexão sobre o que se diz, reconheço que a língua em sua realização escrita ultrapassa as funções atribuídas pela gramática normativa, especialmente por se constituir como um elemento presente nas relações sociais,pois atua sobre o sujeito, significando-o.Este estudo foi fundamentado em Cláudia Tereza Guimarães de Lemos (1989, 1995,1998,1999,2001, 2002), que propõe a base teórica do interacionismo adotada neste estudo; VéroniqueDahlet (2002,2007), Bernardes (2002, 2005), Lourenço Chacon (1997, 2003), autores que estudam a pontuação e Carlo Ginzburg (1989) idealizador do método de pesquisa utilizado, denominado paradigma indiciário. Os textos que selecionei para análise foram produzidos por acadêmicos do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras, durante o primeiro ano da graduação, período em que os alunos começam a tomar contato de forma mais dirigida com concepções de linguagem diferentes daquela presente nos manuais de gramática. Foram selecionados para compor o corpus desta pesquisa trinta e cinco textos escritos, produzidos por três acadêmicos, analisados sob o aporte metodológico do paradigma indiciário. Em relação aos sinais de pontuação, compreendo que eles não representam pausas da fala ou da leitura na escrita, e sim dizem respeito ao ritmo próprio da escrita, um ritmo organizador da escritura (Meschonnic, 2006). Os sinais de pontuação colaboram para a construção sintática, semântica, prosódica e discursiva do texto. Esses sinais constituem-se como um traço subjetivo que emerge no momento da produção, funcionando como uma marca, uma assinatura do autor.

Discontinuité et phénomènes de rupture dans La Nausée de J.P. Sartre. Approche énonciative / Discontinuity and Disconnection phenomena in Nausea by J.P. Sartre. Approach enunciative

Karkaba, Fatiha 02 July 2012 (has links)
Le découpage phrastique – par le point final – dépourvu de structure verbale dans le roman de La Nausée a suscité notre intérêt pour le phénomène des ruptures typographiques. Pour rendre compte de leur prédicativité, la logique syntaxique s’est avérée insuffisante. Nous avons donc envisagé le principe de l’énonciation qui a donné à ces découpages sans verbe un fondement énonciatif et sémantique. Ce travail aurait ainsi tenté de résoudre la problématique de la prédication sans verbe en s’appuyant sur l’analyse du texte et également sur des recherches historiques. / Our interest in the phenomenon of typographical disconnection was sparked by the use of final periods to organize propositions without verbal structure in the novel Nausea. Logical syntax was inadequate to accunt for their predicative value. We found that the principle of enunciation gives these sentenses a semantic and enunciative basic. This work has tried to solve the problem of verbless predication based on text analysis as well as on historical research.


Wright, Elizabeth M. 01 January 2018 (has links)
This work presents an analysis of punctuation use in computer-mediated communication (CMC); in particular, the present study aims to describe the pragmatic functions of nonstandard punctuation on Twitter, providing a corpus-driven overview of the distribution and frequency of nonstandard punctuation use, and an analysis of sampled tweets at the individual tweet level to estimate noise levels in the overall corpus. A survey was also conducted which aimed to identify user understanding of the affective content of nonstandard punctuation strings and to identify any possible effects of character repetition. Survey results indicate that linguistic content was the strongest indicator of affective understanding, type of punctuation (i.e., ?, !, and combinations thereof) was a weaker indicator of some affective content, and repetition was not found to be significant. The study argues that certain string types, possibly defined by punctuation type and not count, have large indexical fields of pragmatic meaning available to them, which are bounded by context. In light of these observations, the study also proposes distinctions/categories of punctuation strings and their associated pragmatic meanings.

Ponctuation et syntaxe dans la langue française médiévale. Étude d'un corpus de chartes originales écrites à Liège entre 1236 et 1291

Mazziotta, Nicolas 21 December 2007 (has links)
%%%Un résumé mis en forme disponible dans les fichiers joints%%% Nous avons commencé par faire le pari que la syntaxe pouvait expliquer la majorité des signes de ponctuation. Cette optique nous a guidé durant toute notre étude, dont le but était de répondre à la question: «Comment, d'après ce qu'on peut observer dans les chartes écrites en français à Liège avant 1292, la ponctuation originale interagit-elle avec la syntaxe dans la langue française médiévale?» Nous avons d'emblée positionné notre étude par rapport à la réflexion sur la ponctuation médiévale, osant le pari que la syntaxe peut servir de point de référence pour expliquer la plus grande partie de la ponctuation des chartes. Nous avons ensuite décrit la constitution du corpus. Face à une pareille question, il n'était pas envisageable de commencer immédiatement à dépouiller les documents: il nous fallait définir avec exactitude les différents concepts dont nous allions avoir besoin. *** Première partie: modélisation *** La première partie du travail a ainsi été consacrée à la définition, sur des bases empiriques, des concepts mobilisés. Partant du sens commun et des principes fondamentaux de l'analyse linguistique classique (tenant du structuralisme et du fonctionnalisme), nous avons exploité les matériaux à notre disposition pour en dégager des notions, dans une approche inductive par son rapport aux faits, mais déductive par sa progression. Ainsi, au chapitre 2, l'observation du tracé des unités graphiques sur le parchemin nous a amené à abstraire les catégories nécessaires à une modélisation de l'ensemble des unités de la langue écrite, pour lesquelles nous proposons une terminologie neuve reflétant notre analyse. Nous avons progressivement défini _langue écrite_, puis _scriptèmes_, _grammèmes_, etc., progressant des unités les plus générales aux unités les plus particulières. Ce n'est qu'à ce prix que nous avons pu enfin délimiter exactement, le moins intuitivement possible, notre propre acception du mot _ponctuation_: «ensemble des ponctogrammes d'une langue écrite spécifique}. Dans cette définition, le terme _ponctogramme_ désigne une unité minimale de la langue écrite (_scriptème_) n'organisant pas l'espace (_grammème_), exprimant un contenu (_plérégramme_), ne dépendant pas matériellement d'une autre unité (_autogramme_), construit à l'aide de traits qui ne se combinent pas obligatoirement sur un même axe (_nébulogramme_) et non paraphrasable par d'autres unités significatives... Employer ce terme ne pouvait se faire qu'à la fin d'un exposé détaillé, passant en revue tous les hyperonymes impliqués. De manière moins audacieuse du point de vue de la terminologie employée, nous avons également tenté d'exposer notre conception de la syntaxe (chapitre 3). À nouveau, c'est le corpus qui nous a servi de guide: une fois les phrases délimitées de manière empirique, toutes les structures syntaxiques ont été passées en revue, nommées et intégrées dans un système théorique fondé sur la notion, héritée d'Alain Lemaréchal, de _relation minimale_. Nous sommes parti de l'existence d'un lien sémantique entre les unités en présence et nous avons caractérisé la manière dont ce lien était _spécifié_. Nous croyons, au delà de l'intérêt pratique de cette première partie, que les concepts dégagés peuvent être jugés suffisamment généraux sinon pour servir à la comparaison d'autres systèmes graphiques ou syntaxiques, du moins afin de constituer une base à leur description. *** Deuxième partie: analyse des données*** Une fois les concepts définis et l'ensemble du corpus annoté, il a été envisageable de répondre à la question posée. Néanmoins, l'ensemble des données disponibles, de par sa nature et son abondance, rendait l'approche traditionnelle -- ou plutôt _manuelle_ -- difficilement applicable. C'est pourquoi nous avons ouvert la seconde partie du travail en annonçant le recours à des méthodes plus outillées: les statistiques (introduites au chapitre 4). Ces méthodes présentées, nous avons sélectionné six caractéristiques morphosyntaxiques et positionnelles que nous avons jugées fondamentales pour décrire tous les constituants. Ces variables répondaient à six questions: 1/ du point de vue de l'ordre linéaire des mots, le constituant est-il le premier de la structure qu'il sert à construire? 2/ le constituant est-il le dernier de la structure qu'il sert à construire? 3/ quelle est la nature et le niveau d'intégration syntaxique de la structure qui le contient? 4/ quelle est la fonction du constituant? 5/ est-il de nature propositionnelle (mode personnel ou non)? 6/ est-il relaté? Nous avons ensuite pu mettre en relation les réponses à ces questions et la simple présence de ponctuation de part et d'autre des constituants, sans tenir compte, dans un premier temps, de la forme des ponctogrammes. Pour ce faire, nous avons essentiellement employé les techniques statistiques les plus classiques en sciences humaines: l'analyse des tableaux de contingence à l'aide du test du chi². Après avoir évalué la relation entre chacune des six variables et la ponctuation, nous avons constaté l'inefficacité de la méthode, ce qui nous a conduit à en rechercher une autre, permettant d'envisager simultanément toutes les variables morphosyntaxiques et positionnelles, en particulier. Ces nouveaux dépouillements nous ont permis de repérer, au milieu de la masse de constituants inégalement marqués par la présence d'un ponctogramme, ceux dont le marquage ou le rejet du marquage avait la plus faible probabilité d'être dû au hasard. Ce qui est ressorti de cette première étape, où les données étaient réduites à une représentation très abstraite, c'est une liste de points forts concernant: - la différence de fréquence entre le marquage de la phrase et celui des autres propositions; - la spécificité du marquage d'un certain nombre de types d'arguments; - le rejet manifeste du marquage du prédicat; - la faible fréquence de marquage à la suite des relateurs; - la forte présence de marquage devant les coordonnants. Nous avons ainsi pu observer que la ponctuation n'était pas obligatoire, mais que sa présence était certainement liée à un contexte syntaxique spécifique. Ensuite, ces grandes lignes ont pu être inspectées de manière plus concrète: pour chaque tendance qui le justifiait, nous avons évalué la probabilité que l'attraction ou la répulsion observée soit généralisée. Nous avons adopté la position pragmatique selon laquelle toute tendance suffisamment fréquente pouvait être considérée comme générale si le fait de retirer les chartes qui la manifestaient de manière significative de l'échantillon ne changeait pas significativement la probabilité d'attraction. Il en est ressorti que la plupart des tendances observées étaient générales ou trop faiblement illustrées pour être évaluées de ce point de vue. Par ailleurs, nous avons essayé de mettre en relation la ponctuation avec le contexte immédiat, ce qui nous a laissé observer que beaucoup de constituants étaient davantage, voire exclusivement marqués au contact d'autres constituants attirant également le marquage ou dans un contexte de coordination. Cet examen détaillé des tendances mises en évidence au chapitre 5 permet en fin de compte de faire le tri parmi les tendances et de repérer celles qui sont manifestement dues à l'entourage du constituant ou au document dans lequel il est attesté. En observant plus intuitivement les attestations, nous avons également pu repérer, comme nous nous y attendions, un certain nombre de tendances liées à des facteurs étrangers à la morphosyntaxe: la ponctuation de formules spécifiques au type discursif, celle des chiffres ou encore la présence d'un ponctogramme devant les noms de personnes. En outre, l'examen du détail des attestations nous a amené à proposer des révisions concernant le modèle d'analyse morphosyntaxique présenté au chapitre 3: 1/ il conviendrait que soient pris en compte les lexèmes employés; 2/ la notion de la coordination pourrait être étendue à des groupements de constituants que nous n'avons pas considérés comme coordonnés; 3/ il serait peut-être profitable de considérer les coordonnants de la même manière que les autres relateurs. D'autre part, nous avons insisté sur le fait que l'analyse des structures en syntaxe immédiate gagnerait à être moins abstraite. De cette étude de la fréquence du marquage est ressorti un ensemble d'environnements propices à la présence de ponctuation. À ce moment, il nous a été possible de réintroduire les considérations portant sur la _forme_ des ponctogrammes et d'employer l'_Analyse Factorielle des Correspondances_ (AFC) pour décrire les données. Nous avons effectué un tri croisé pour mesurer les associations entre la forme des ponctogrammes et la tendance au marquage spécifique à la position où se trouvait ce ponctogramme (ce qui incluait l'absence d'environnement attirant le marquage). Après une analyse exploratoire, nous avons complété notre étude par une série de tests évaluant la probabilité que les regroupements entre la forme des ponctogrammes et l'environnement dans lequel on les rencontre soit due au hasard. Dans la majorité des cas observés, les contrastes mis en évidence par l'AFC correspondaient à des oppositions significatives. L'étude détaillée de la forme a mené à la conclusion suivante: les ponctogrammes autres que <·> sont plus rares, et leur emploi paraît plus spécifique à un environnement donné. En d'autres termes: non seulement les scribes ne ponctuaient pas n'importe où, mais, en plus, ils n'employaient pas indifféremment les signes. Les méthodes ne permettant pas de traiter de manière efficace les ponctogrammes peu attestés, nous les avons simplement commentés, laissant de côté les statistiques pour une étude plus philologique. Ces observations ont mené, d'une part, à la critique de la validité de la transcription: 1/ certaines distinctions entre les formes sont peut-être superflues; 2/ certaines unités peuvent être confondues avec d'autres. D'autre part, la forme des ponctogrammes pose la question de la relation entre les ponctogrammes et le reste du système graphique.

Thematic and stylistic aspects of romance and mystique in Black Rose and Red Lily by Nora Roberts: problems of translation into Lithuanian / Teminiai ir stilistiniai romano ir mistikos aspektai Nora Roberts romanuose „Juodoji rožė“ ir „Raudonoji lelija“ vertimo į lietuvių kalbą problemos

Zakarauskaitė, Aistė 06 August 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze certain stylistic as well as thematic aspects in prose fiction. The analysis focuses on the representation of relationships and mystique with regard to the use of punctuation, repetition and other forms of figurative language in both original and translation of romances Black Rose (2005) and Red Lily (2007) by Nora Roberts. The analysis is based on the theory of romance novels and the use of stylistic aspects in representation of the themes relationships and mystique. The paper is divided into five parts and includes appendices. Part One introduces the aim of the paper and gives a short summary of the romance novels Black Rose (2005) and Red Lily (2007) by Nora Roberts. Part Two presents the theory of romance as well as the role of mystique in romance, and outlines the theoretical background for the analysis. Part Three focuses on the theoretical aspects of theme and style and the translation problems in prose fiction, namely in the romance novels. An analysis of the cases found in the two romance novels is presented in Part Four where Chapter 4.1 focuses on the use of style in representing the theme of mystique and translation problems. Chapter 4.1 is further subdivided into Section 4.1.1 which dwells on the usage of repetition, Section 4.1.1 analyzes the use of other forms of figurative language, and Section 4.1.3 focuses on the use of punctuation patterns. Chapter 4.2 is devoted to the stylistic aspects representing the theme of... [to full text] / Šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti tam tikrus stilistinius ir teminius aspektus grožinėje literatūroje. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama tarpusavio santykių ir mistikos elementų vaizdavimui, naudojant skyrybos, pakartojimo ir kitus vaizdingos kalbos elementus Nora Roberts romanuose “Juodoji rožė” (2005) ir “Raudonoji lelija” (2007). Analizė yra pagrįsta romano teorija ir stilistiniais aspektais, vaizduojant mistikos ir tarpusavio santykių temas. Darbą sudaro penkios pagrindinės dalys ir du priedai. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatomas darbo tikslas ir pateikiamos trumpos knygų santraukos. Antrojoje dalyje pristatoma romano teorija ir mistikos elementų romane reikšmė, o taip pat pateikiama teorinė medžiaga, kuria bus remiamasi praktinėje dalyje. Trečioji dalis dėmesį skiria teoriniams temos ir stiliaus aspektams ir jų vertimo problemoms grožinėje literatūroje, šiuo atveju, romanams. Ketvirtoje dalyje pateikiama pavyzdžių , rastų Nora Roberts romanuose „Juodoji rožė“ (2005) ir „Raudonoji lelija“ (2007), analizė. Skyrius 4.1 dėmesį skiria mistikos temos vaizdavimui ir jo vertimo problemoms. Skyrius 4.1 yra suskirstytas į poskyrius, kur poskyris 4.1.1 nagrinėja pakartojimų naudojimą, poskyris 4.1.2 nagrinėja kitas vaizdingos kalbos formas, o poskyris 4.1.3 dėmesį kreipia į skyrybos problemas. Skyrius 4.2 nagrinėja stilistinius aspektus vaizduojant tarpusavio santykių temą. Poskyriuose 4.2.1, 4.2.2 ir 4.2.3 nagrinėjami pavyzdžiai su pakartojimais, kitomis vaizdingos kalbos formomis ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

I skriftens gränstrakter : Interpunktionens funktioner i tre samtida svenska romaner / The functions of punctuation in three contemporary Swedish novels

Dahl, Alva January 2015 (has links)
Punctuation is an indispensable element in formal and literary texts as well as everyday writing. Studying punctuation is therefore necessary in order to understand written language. Still, it does not fit easily into descriptions of language as an abstract, given system, composed of lexicon and grammar. Within the framework of Bakhtinian dialogism, however, linguists have started to study languaging as an interactive, situated process, meaningful in concrete, embodied utterances. While many such studies have focused on spoken language, this PhD dissertation is an attempt to study written language from a dialogical perspective. The aim of the study is to explore the functions of punctuation and to integrate the analysis of punctuation into a broader theoretical under­standing of written language. This is achieved through qualitative analyses of three contemporary Swedish novels: DIVA by Monika Fagerholm (1998), Förvandling by Eva Adolfsson (2005) and Fadevår, tack för ljuset! by Fredrik Ekelund (2010). In order to discover the rich meaning of specific instances, linguistic details are studied in relation to different aspects of context: the local co-text of the sentence, paragraph, chapter and novel as a whole, relevant intertextual contexts, and, to some extent, contemporary literary movements and technological developments, etc. In all of the three novels, punctuation is an integrated element of style and characterization, and important thematic aspects of each novel are visible at the level of punctuation. General patterns are also to be seen, the most important of which concern, firstly, how punctuation divides the units of written language, and regulates the relationship between these units, and secondly, how shifts in voice and tone are constructed in the novels with the help of punctuation. Furthermore, punctuation can create visually iconic references. The results have many implications for further research. Punctuation is a necessary and integrated part of written meaning-making and should not be overlooked in text analyses. Moreover, punctuation plays a crucial role in the construction of aspects like viewpoint and discourse presentation, which can no longer be ignored. On the spatial surface of text, writers and readers create complex interplays of voices.

Marks of Design/

Zhou, Juannan. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Fine Arts in Integrated Design)--University of Baltimore, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaf 4).

Troca do ponto pela vírgula e da vírgula pelo ponto em redações de vestibular / Change from final stop to comma and vice versa in university entrance exams

Valéria Campos Muniz 20 March 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetiva investigar em que contextos ocorrem a troca do ponto pela vírgula e da vírgula pelo ponto em redações de vestibular. Este estudo foi buscar seu referencial teórico-metodológico numa teoria gramatical cientificamente fundamentada, bem como na Linguística do Texto, Análise do Discurso e Estilística. As perspectivas em relação à linguagem advindas do movimento teórico no interior da linguística tiveram consequências diretas na questão do ensino, motivando a construção deste estudo. Para fins de análise, serviram como corpus duzentas redações do vestibular da UERJ 2007/2008, além de alguns poucos textos de alunos de primeiro período de uma instituição de ensino particular em que a autora trabalha que mostraram-se interessantes para a análise. A pesquisa evidenciou que a troca da vírgula pelo ponto, de maneira geral, acarretou erro, possibilitando a formulação de regras; e a do ponto pela vírgula concentrou-se na esfera do estilisticamente desejável, favorecendo a formulação de conselhos. Os dados da análise serviram como referente básico para sugestões metodológicas com ressonância prática para os docentes em sala de aula / The following paper aims to search in which contexts there is the change from final stop to comma and vice versa in university entrance exams. As our theoretical methodology we used a grammatical theory scientifically based on the field of Textual Linguistics, Discourse Analysis as well as Stylistics. Perspectives regarding language in relation to the theoretical movement developed from Linguistics had direct consequences on teaching methods. Thus, the data found on this analysis served as basic referent for methodological suggestions with practical results for teachers. In order to reach such results we made use of two hundred compositions written for UERJ (State College of Rio de Janeiro) entrance exams during the years of 207/2008 as well as some compositions from other students, which made clear that the change from comma to final stop usually led to mistakes that made it possible to formulate rules; and the change from final stop to comma focused in the field of what would be stylistic desirable making it possible the formulation of useful advice

Troca do ponto pela vírgula e da vírgula pelo ponto em redações de vestibular / Change from final stop to comma and vice versa in university entrance exams

Valéria Campos Muniz 20 March 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetiva investigar em que contextos ocorrem a troca do ponto pela vírgula e da vírgula pelo ponto em redações de vestibular. Este estudo foi buscar seu referencial teórico-metodológico numa teoria gramatical cientificamente fundamentada, bem como na Linguística do Texto, Análise do Discurso e Estilística. As perspectivas em relação à linguagem advindas do movimento teórico no interior da linguística tiveram consequências diretas na questão do ensino, motivando a construção deste estudo. Para fins de análise, serviram como corpus duzentas redações do vestibular da UERJ 2007/2008, além de alguns poucos textos de alunos de primeiro período de uma instituição de ensino particular em que a autora trabalha que mostraram-se interessantes para a análise. A pesquisa evidenciou que a troca da vírgula pelo ponto, de maneira geral, acarretou erro, possibilitando a formulação de regras; e a do ponto pela vírgula concentrou-se na esfera do estilisticamente desejável, favorecendo a formulação de conselhos. Os dados da análise serviram como referente básico para sugestões metodológicas com ressonância prática para os docentes em sala de aula / The following paper aims to search in which contexts there is the change from final stop to comma and vice versa in university entrance exams. As our theoretical methodology we used a grammatical theory scientifically based on the field of Textual Linguistics, Discourse Analysis as well as Stylistics. Perspectives regarding language in relation to the theoretical movement developed from Linguistics had direct consequences on teaching methods. Thus, the data found on this analysis served as basic referent for methodological suggestions with practical results for teachers. In order to reach such results we made use of two hundred compositions written for UERJ (State College of Rio de Janeiro) entrance exams during the years of 207/2008 as well as some compositions from other students, which made clear that the change from comma to final stop usually led to mistakes that made it possible to formulate rules; and the change from final stop to comma focused in the field of what would be stylistic desirable making it possible the formulation of useful advice

A produção e a percepção prosódica dos sinais de pontuação na leitura e compreensão do texto

Almeida, Simone Aparecida de 06 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-07-24T13:14:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 simoneaparecidadealmeida.pdf: 3870234 bytes, checksum: d332aaa47d8b1d57ef3a9f9f3880ae96 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-07-25T15:05:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 simoneaparecidadealmeida.pdf: 3870234 bytes, checksum: d332aaa47d8b1d57ef3a9f9f3880ae96 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-25T15:05:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 simoneaparecidadealmeida.pdf: 3870234 bytes, checksum: d332aaa47d8b1d57ef3a9f9f3880ae96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-06 / O presente trabalho buscou investigar a produção e a percepção dos sinais de pontuação na leitura em voz alta e sua influência na compreensão de textos. Para essa pesquisa, consideramos relevantes a hipótese de que sinais de pontuação seriam marcadores prosódicos gráficos da escrita (CAGLIARI,1989) que facilitariam a compreensão do texto; a teoria da Fonologia Prosódica de Nespor e Vogel (1986/2007) de que temos uma organização prosódica mental da fala e a Hipótese da Prosódia Implícita de Janet Fodor (2002), segundo a qual uma prosódia implícita da organização da fala se projeta na leitura. Os objetivos gerais foram investigar: (i) se a ausência de marcas gráficas influencia a leitura em voz alta e a compreensão do texto (ii) se durante a escuta de um texto gravado, o participante percebe as variações melódicas do estímulo e correlacionaas com as marcações gráficas convencionais de pontuação; (iii) se há uma relação entre a organização prosódica percebida durante a escuta, organização prosódica marcada na escrita e a compreensão do texto. As hipóteses que norteiam essa pesquisa são: (i) há uma prosódia implícita da fala que se projeta na leitura, guiando a segmentação e a organização dos constituintes prosódicos e sintáticos, facilitando o processamento linguístico e a compreensão do texto (nesse sentido, mesmo que não haja marca gráfica, se for necessária uma pausa, por exemplo, ela será produzida oralmente, já que representamos mentalmente a fala em constituintes prosódicos e essa representação se projeta na leitura e guia o processamento); (ii) a percepção prosódica dos sinais de pontuação ocorre de forma mais eficiente se a leitura for mais concatenada, ou seja, menos fragmentada por pausas de hesitação, o que facilita o processamento do texto. Para a realização dos objetivos, conduzimos experimentos de leitura (produção) e compreensão e de escuta (percepção) e compreensão. Participaram dos experimentos de produção e compreensão alunos do Ensino Médio e dois professores graduados em letras (cada professor serviu de parâmetro de leitura para um grupo). Como queríamos investigar a influência da presença /ausência da pontuação na leitura e na compreensão, os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: Com Pontuação (CP) e Sem pontuação (SP). Os participantes do grupo CP liam um texto com a pontuação original para gravação e os participantes do grupo SP liam o mesmo texto, porém, apresentado sem pontuação, com todas as palavras sem diferenciação entre letras maiúsculas e minúsculas. Os participantes do grupos SP deveriam pontuar o texto e depois lê-lo para a gravação. Após a leitura, os participantes de ambos os grupos respondiam questões de compreensão de nível lexical e inferencial. Nos experimentos de percepção, os participantes eram alunos de graduação. Divididos em 4 grupos, ouviam 4 diferentes gravações das leituras realizadas na tarefa de produção anterior, de acordo com o textoestímulo com ou sem pontuação (CP ou SP) e de acordo com a velocidade de leitura (leitura rápida e leitura lenta). Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que: a) a presença das marcas gráficas que incitam variações melódicas durante a leitura em voz alta facilitam a compreensão; b) o leitor, através do seu conhecimento linguístico internalizado reconhece o final de uma unidade prosódica, sintática, semântica e discursiva, e representa essa fronteira oralmente, através de pausas e/ou atribuição de tons de fronteira L% ou H%, porém, muitas vezes, não sabe fazer a correlação dessas fronteiras com os sinais de pontuação; c) a leitura mais rápida (menos fragmentada por pausas) facilita a fluidez da leitura e a compreensão; d) há alunos terminando o ensino médio e o curso de graduação sem o devido conhecimento gramatical dos usos dos sinais de pontuação; e) o leitor mais maduro não faz qualquer correlação entre variações melódicas ou pausas e sinais de pontuação, e sim aquelas correlações que realmente são importantes para a organização prosódica, sintática e semântica do texto; f) as fronteiras de L% , que geralmente correspondem às marcações de ponto, por serem mais robustas, são mais percebidas ( 93%), enquanto as fronteiras de H%, que costumam correspoder às vírgulas, por serem menos robustas, são menos percebidas e marcadas (45%); g) o insucesso dos aprendizes em relação ao uso dos sinais de pontuação pode estar relacionado à forma ou até mesmo à falta de abordagem do conteúdo. / This work aimed to investigate the production and the perception of punctuation marks in reading aloud and its influence on the comprehension of texts. This research considers relevant Cagliari’s Hypothesis (1989), which predicts that punctuation marks are graphical prosodic markers of writing that facilitates the comprehension of texts; the Prosodic Phonology Theory (NESPOR & VOGEL, 1986/2007), which claims that we have a prosodic mental organization of speech; and Janet Fodor’s (2002) Hypothesis of Implicit Prosody, which predicts that an implicit prosody of the organization of speech projects into reading. The general objectives were to investigate: (i) if the absence of graphic marks influences the reading aloud and the comprehension of the text; (ii) if during the listening of a recorded text, the participant notices the melodic variations of the stimulus and correlates them with the conventional graphic markings of punctuation; (iii) if there is a relation between the perceived prosodic organization during listening, the marked prosodic organization in writing and the understanding of the text. This research was guided by the following hypotheses: (i) there is an implicit prosody of speech projected into reading, guiding the segmentation and organization of prosodic and syntactic constituents, facilitating linguistic processing and text comprehension (in this sense, even though there is no graphic mark, if a pause is needed, for example, it will be produced orally, since we mentally represent the speech in prosodic constituents and this representation is projected into reading and guides the processing); (ii) the prosodic perception of punctuation marks occurs more efficiently if the reading is more concatenated, that is, less fragmented by hesitation pauses, which facilitates the processing of the text. In order to achieve the aim of the research, reading (production) and comprehension experiments and listening (perception) and comprehension experiments were conducted. For production and comprehension experiments, the participants were High School students and two teachers, both had a licentiate degree in Portuguese (each teacher served as a reading parameter for a group). As we aimed to investigate the influence of presence/absence of punctuation marks in reading and comprehension, participants were divided into two groups: Presence of Punctuation (PP) and Absence of Punctuation (AP). The participants in PP group read a text with the original punctuation marks preserved in the recording, and the participants in AP group read the same text, however, presented without punctuation marks, with all the words without differentiation between uppercase and lowercase letters. Participants in AP groups should punctuate the text and then read it aloud for recording. After reading, participants from both groups answered lexical and inferential comprehension questions. In perception experiments, the participants were undergraduate students. They were divided into 4 groups, they heard 4 different recordings of the readings performed in the previous production task, according to the stimulus text with or without punctuation (PP or AP) and according to the speed of reading (fast reading and slow reading). The results of this research suggest that: a) the presence of graphic punctuation marks that incite melodic variations during reading aloud facilitates understanding; b) the readers, using their internalized linguistic knowledge, recognize the end of a prosodic, syntactic, semantic and discursive unit, and represent a boundary orally, through pauses and/or assignment of boundary tones L% or H%, however, oftentimes, they do not know how to correlate these boundaries with punctuation marks; c) faster reading (less fragmented by pauses) facilitates reading fluency and comprehension; d) there are students finishing High School and the undergraduate course without having proper grammar knowledge of the uses of punctuation marks; e) the more experienced reader does not make any correlation between melodic variations or pauses and punctuation marks, they only do those correlations that are really important for the prosodic, syntactic and semantic organization of the text; f) the L% boundaries, which generally correspond to the dot markings, being more robust, are more perceived (93%), whereas the H% boundaries, which usually correspond to the commas, because they are less robust, are less perceived and marked (45%); g) apprentices' failure to use punctuation marks may be related to the form or even the lack of approach to the content.

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