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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykoterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med överdrivet självkritiska patienter : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Psychotherapists experiences of working with patients with excessive self-criticism : a qualitative interview study

Ryd, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: Excessive self-criticism constitute a huge suffering for the individual. Clinical experiences and research indicate that the phenomenon is difficult to treat and one of the strongest obstacles against a healing process. The aim of this study is to develop grounded hypothesis of what can be useful ways of relate to and/or intervene regarding excessive self-criticism. Starting point is the experience and knowledge of licenced psychodynamic psychotherapists.  Questions:What is the experience of working with patients who suffers from excessive self-criticism? In which ways and what is it that causes this condition difficult to treat?Which clinical strategies are perceived to work, respectively not work?  Method:Six semi-structured interviews with experienced psychotherapists which were coded with thematic inductive analysis.  Results: Six themes: 1) Observe reactions suggestive of self-criticism. 2) Separate the patient from self-criticism. 3) Analyse why. 4) Be a counterforce. 5) Synthonicity and mistrust. 6) Build a counterforce within the patient.  Discussion:Based on theory and research, the discussion leads to hypothesis of useful therapeutic approaches: 1) Long experience of the phenomenon. 2) Empathic, warm relational and active stand, a reinforcing counterforce. 3) Specific interventions with the aim to activate the patient’s own empathy, compassion and trust – and to others. / Inledning:Överdriven självkritik innebär ett stort lidande för individen. Kliniska erfarenheter och forskning tyder på att fenomenet är svårbearbetat och ett av de starkaste hindren i vägen för en läkningsprocess. Syftet med studien är att utveckla grundade hypoteser om vad som kan vara användbara sätt att förhålla sig och/eller intervenera vid överdriven självkritik. Studien har som utgångspunkt psykodynamiska legitimerade psykoterapeuters erfarenheter och kunskaper.  Frågeställningar:Vad är psykoterapeutens erfarenheter av att arbeta med patienter som lider av överdriven självkritik? På vilka sätt och vad är det som orsakar att tillståndet är svårbehandlat? Vilka kliniska strategier upplevs fungera respektive inte fungera i behandlingen?  Metod:Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, genomförda med erfarna psykoterapeuter, vilka undersöktes med tematisk induktiv analys. Resultat:Sex teman: 1) Observera reaktioner som tyder på självkritik. 2) Skilja ut patienten från självkritiken. 3) Undersöka varför. 4) Vara en motkraft. 5) Syntonicitet och misstro. 6) Bygga upp en motkraft hos patienten. Diskussion:Utifrån teori och forskningsnivån lyfts resultatdiskussionen till grundade hypoteser om användbara förhållningssätt: 1) Lång erfarenhet av fenomenet. 2) Ett empatiskt, varmt relationellt och aktivt terapeutiskt förhållningssätt och att fungera som en förstärkande motkraft. 3) Specifika interventioner i syfte att aktivera patientens egna empati, medkänsla och tillit – och gentemot andra.

Droit de la propriété intellectuelle et matière pénale / Intellectual property law and criminal matters

Szkopinski, Anaïs 11 December 2018 (has links)
Confronté à des atteintes massives et lucratives, le droit de la propriété intellectuelle est protégé par des réseaux de normes répressives, formant la matière pénale. Le droit pénal, droit traditionnel de protection des autres droits, forme un réseau composé de règles pénales, tant substantielles que formelles, spécifiques au droit de la propriété intellectuelle, et de certaines infractions contre les biens, du livre troisième du code pénal. Ces normes se heurtent à plusieurs écueils. Le droit pénal de la propriété intellectuelle appréhende difficilement le caractère massif ou transfrontalier des infractions et si les incriminations du code pénal peuvent s’inscrire dans les vides répressifs laissés par celui-ci, leur adaptation aux biens incorporels non rivaux bouleverse les équilibres. D’une part, cette adaptation est réalisée pour leur application aux informations, sans considération de leur caractère appropriable, ce qui affaiblit l’intérêt du droit de la propriété intellectuelle. D’autre part, ces infractions entrent en concours avec celles spécifiques au droit de la propriété intellectuelle. Ineffectif, le droit pénal de la propriété intellectuelle subit, aussi, la dépénalisation judiciaire de ce droit. Ignorant l’indispensable réforme de ce droit pénal, le législateur a créé de nouveaux réseaux répressifs. Si le droit administratif répressif, mis en œuvre par l’HADOPI, pouvait constituer une alternative pertinente au droit pénal, pour la lutte contre la massification des infractions au droit d’auteur et aux droits voisins sur Internet, l’attribution des sanctions au juge répressif en a réduit l’attrait. A l’aune de la jurisprudence de la CEDH, les normes civiles répressives, applicables au droit de la propriété intellectuelle, forment un réseau rival du droit pénal, dont les effets systémiques imposent de réfléchir au dessein de la frontière entre les responsabilités civile et pénale. La matière pénale de la propriété intellectuelle, née de la dilatation de la répression, est donc constituée de normes pénales, dont seules celles du code pénal apparaissent effectives, d’un droit administratif à la fonction répressive altérée et d’un droit civil répressif inefficace. Protection défaillante d’un droit affaibli, elle doit être restructurée. Une cohérence peut être instaurée par son organisation autour du droit de propriété, dont émane le droit de la propriété intellectuelle. La création d’un droit pénal de la propriété pourrait ainsi conférer une protection efficace au droit de la propriété intellectuelle, complétée par des normes répressives spécifiques. / The intellectual property rights, which are confronted with massive, lucrative infringements, are protected by several networks of repressive norms that constitute criminal matters. Penal law, a traditional body of law for the protection of the other forms of law, constitute the first network. It is composed of criminal law rules, both substantive and procedural, which are specific to intellectual property law, and certain property offences from Book III of the French Penal Code. These norms encounter several obstacles. This criminal law applied to intellectual property has difficulty grasping the massive or cross-border nature of infringements. Although offences under the French Penal Code may occur in the punitive legal vacuum left by this body of law, their adaptation to non-rival intangible assets upsets balances. On the one hand, this adaptation is effected by applying them to information without taking account of their appropriable nature, thereby weakening the benefits of intellectual property law. On the other hand, these offences compete with offences that are specific to intellectual property law. Penal law, which is ineffective, has also been subject to the judicial decriminalization of intellectual property law. Overlooking the pressing need to reform such criminal law applied to intellectual property, legislators have created new repressive networks. Whereas repressive administrative law, as implemented by HADOPI, could offer a relevant alternative to the massification of infringements of copyright and related rights on the Internet, allowing judges exercising criminal jurisdiction to impose sanctions has diminished its appeal. In the light of the ECHR’s case-law, repressive civil law forms a rival network to penal law, but its ineffectiveness with regard to intellectual property law and its systemic effects force us to reflect on the purpose for the boundary between civil and criminal liability. Criminal matters, which stem from the expansion of judicial repression, are thus comprised of criminal norms, of which only those of the French Penal Code appear effective, of administrative law with an altered repressive function, and of ineffective repressive civil law. Since the protection of a weakened right turned out to be defective, it must be restructured. Consistency can be achieved by organizing it around property law which is the origin of intellectual property law. Using this approach, creating penal law applied to property could offer effective protection for intellectual property rights, supplemented by specific repressive norms.

Zákaz reformationis in peius ve správním právu trestním / The prohibition of the reformationis in peius in administrative criminal law

Mrázková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the modern development of the prohibition of reformationis in peius principle in the area of administrative punitive law, in particular in the area of administrative offenses. Although Act No. 250/2016 Coll. has removed the undesirable and criticized "double-track" application of the prohibition of reformatio in peius in the area of administrative punitive law, other difficulties related to the principle in question have not completely disappeared; on the contrary, new legislation has made the situation more difficult in some respect. The main aim of the thesis is to critically analyse this principle in light of the new Act No. 250/2016 Coll. and to assess the impact of the new Act on the administrative practice. The thesis is systematically divided into seven chapters. The first chapter explains general theoretical questions related to the principle in question. The following section describes its constitutional and international basis. The third chapter thoroughly examines the modern development of this principle in the Czech Republic. The content and scope of the prohibition of reformatio in peius in proceedings under Act No. 200/1990 Coll. And in proceedings under Act No. 500/2004 Coll. are being analysed with regard to the conclusions provided by legal academia...

Sankcionování mladistvých - srovnávací studie / Sanctioning of adolescents - comparative study

Budayová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of sanctioning juveniles in the Czech Republic according to the Act No. 218/2003 Coll. on the criminal responsibility of juveniles and jurisdiction of juveniles (hereinafter referred to as the "Juvenile Justice Act"). The aim of the thesis is to analyze the Czech legal regulation of sanctioning juveniles, compare it with foreign legal regulations, evaluate the knowledge from application practice and find out the frequency of use of individual institutes with regard to the extent of application of restorative justice elements. It compares various periods of the development of legislation in this area in the Czech lands and focuses on circumstances and reasons for adopting the Juvenile Justice Act. It examines whether the system and types of sanctions, as well as other solutions to criminal matters of juveniles, which the legislator has regulated in Juvenile Justice Act, correspond to the needs of juveniles and whether it can truly represent an effective solution to their situation and at the same time effectively protect society. It analyzes in detail the various possible ways of responding to offenses committed by juveniles, critically evaluates them and compares them to responses to adult offenders. It also apprises readers of an analysis of the frequency of use of...


ANA LUIZA LOPES VIANA 17 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação analisa os arranjos normativos que qualificam expressões do fenômeno da violência como campo de intervenção da Política Nacional de Assistência Social – PNAS/2004. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, pautada no método da análise documental, que se deteve ao exame das concepções que informam e os atributos que reivindicam a violência como objeto da Assistência Social, vinculado, no desenho institucional vigente, à Proteção Social Especial de Média Complexidade. A interpretação dos dados se deu a partir do método de análise de conteúdo qualitativa, recurso que permitiu identificar a coexistência do discurso protetivo com elementos que remetem ao controle punitivo das famílias, em especial dos núcleos em situação de pobreza. Os resultados obtidos permitem reconhecer a paradoxal relação entre proteção e punição nos arranjos contemporâneos da Política de Assistência Social, os quais são instituídos num contexto democrático, marcado por um notório avanço do conservadorismo, porém ainda vigentes sob o signo do Estado de direito. / [en] This dissertation analyzes the normative arrangements that qualify expressions of the phenomenon of violence as a field of intervention of the National Social Assistance Policy - PNAS / 2004. It is a qualitative research, based on the document analysis method, which stopped examining the concepts that inform and the attributes that claim violence as an object of Social Assistance, linked, in the current institutional design, to Special Social Protection of Medium Complexity. The interpretation of the data was based on the methodology of content analysis, a resource that allowed the identification of the coexistence of the protective discourse with elements that refer to the punitive control of families, especially those in situations of poverty. The results obtained allow us to recognize the paradoxical relationship between protection and punishment in the contemporary arrangements of the Social Assistance Policy, which are instituted in a democratic context, marked by a notable advance in conservatism, but still in force under the rule of law.


LUCAS GROTH PEREIRA 28 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho busca fazer uma retomada do abolicionismo penal a partir das bases teóricas da criminologia crítica. Em meio aos diversos discursos e propostas de abolição penal contemporâneos, o que se pretende é argumentar que uma prática que vise a realização da abolição do sistema punitivo precisa se calcar em bases teórico-metodológicas rigorosas, a fim de compreender os processos que determinam o sistema punitivo e sua relação com estrutura econômica. Defende-se que a prática abolicionista precisa se socorrer dos conhecimentos acumulados pela criminologia crítica, de base marxista, a fim de que se possa organizar a ação política necessária para uma mudança nas condições sociais que determinam a violência e a pena. Ao se examinar a síntese das diversas determinações que criam o Estado, o direito e a pena na sociedade burguesa por meio da categoria do sujeito de direito e do princípio da troca equivalente de mercadorias é possível verificar o desenvolvimento histórico e as alterações das formas de punição na sociedade capitalista de acordo com a organização e necessidades de produção e reprodução dos modos de produção. Somente a partir dessa análise e compreensão das relações que a punição estabelece com o Estado e com a sociedade dentro da estrutura econômica é se torna possível propor um modelo de prática abolicionista que não seja idealista. / [en] This work intends to review the penal abolicionism from the theoretical basis of the critical criminology. Amongst the different contemporary penal abolition discourses and propositions, the intent is to argue that a praxis that aims at the accomplishment of abolishing the punitive system needs to hold onto a strong theoretical and methodological foundation, in order to comprehend the processes that determines the punitive system and its relation to the economic structure. The abolitionist action has to resort to the cumulated knowledge of the critical criminology, of marxist source, in order to be able to organize the political action needed to provoke a change in the social conditions that determine violence and punishment. When looking closely at the synthesis of the different determinations that build up the state, law and punishment in burgoise society, throughout the categories of subject of Law and the equivalent exchange of merchandise principle it is possible to verify the historical development and changes in the means of punishment in the capitalist society according to the organization and needs of production and reproduction of the means of production. Only through this analysis and comprehension of the relation that punishment establishes to the State and to the society within the economic structure it is possible to propose a model of abolitionist action that is not idealist.

Diminishing the Discipline Gap: Restorative Justice as a Promising Alternative in One Urban School

Long, Polly 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

FARLIGA BARN, ELLER BARN I FARA? : En diskursanalys av politiska förslag om lämpligt huvudmannaskap vid frihetsberövande påföljd för unga lagöverträdare. / DANGEROUS KIDS, OR KIDS IN DANGER?

Roxendal, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Intresset för föreliggande uppsatsarbete har varit att analysera synen på unga lagöverträdare som döms till frihetsberövande påföljder. Avstamp har gjorts i propositionen som 1998 föreslog att sluten ungdomsvård skulle införas i påföljdssystemet i en ambition att undvika fängelsestraff för unga (Prop. 1997/98:96) samt i betänkandet som 2023 föreslår att unga lagöverträdare återigen ska verkställa fängelsestraff (SOU 2023:44). Utifrån en diskursanalytisk ansats var syftet att synliggöra hur påföljdssystemet för unga framställs som ett ’problem’, hur dessa problemrepresentationer motiverar respektive förslag om frihetsberövande påföljd samt hur det kan förstås i ljuset av en ’straffande vändning’. Resultatet visar att påföljdssystemet i propositionen framställs som ett rättssäkerhetsproblem där en framträdande juridisk diskurs har ökat såväl samhällets rättsmedvetande som det enskilda barnets rättsstatus. I betänkandet framställs påföljdssystemet i stället som ett trygghetsproblem, baserat på en alarmistisk bild av ökad och grövre brottslighet bland unga vilka samhället behöver skyddas från. En utveckling har skett från att unga lagöverträdare betraktas vara i fara, offer för en social utsatthet, till att de betraktas som farliga barn som skapar otrygghet i samhället. Det är den senaste kategorin av ‘farliga barn’ som betänkandets förslag vilar på. Ett förslag som förväntas bidra till ökade samhällsklyftor och ökad stigmatisering av en redan utsatt grupp unga lagöverträdare. Ett förslag som också får direkta konsekvenser, i huvudsak för de barn som underrepresenteras i betänkandet: De barn som är flickor, och de barn som är i särskilt behov av stöd, vård och behandling. / The interest in the present study has been to analyze the way juvenile offenders, who are sentenced to a custodial sanction, are portrayed. The study draws from the proposition that 1998 suggested the new sanction of youth custody in an aspiration to replace prison for juvenile offenders (Prop. 1997/98:96) and in the deliberation that 2023 suggested that juvenile offenders once again should be sentenced to prison (SOU 2023:44). Drawing from a discourse analysis, this study aims to uncover the way the youth penal system is produced as a ‘problem’, how this problem representation justifies the different suggestions about custodial sanctions and how it could be understood in the light of a ‘punitive turn’. The results show that the penal system in the first document is produced as a problem regarding penal certainty, whereas a prominent juridical discourse has raised a general legal awareness as well as the legal status for the individual child. In the second document the penal policy is produced as a problem regarding public safety, based on the view of an increased and rougher crime scene among youngsters whom society needs to be protected from. A development can be identified from where juvenile offenders are portrayed as being in danger, victims of social circumstances, to that they are portrayed as dangerous kids that constitutes a threat to the society. It is the latter category of ‘dangerous kids’ that the suggestions in the second document lays upon. Suggestions that are expected to contribute to increased stigmatization of an already exposed group of juvenile offenders. Suggestions that also have direct consequences, especially for those who are underrepresented in the second document: Kids who are girls, and kids who need care, treatment, and protection.

Regime jurídico da fiscalização tributária: estudo sobre as normas de fiscalização da obrigação tributária e dos deveres instrumentais

Almeida, Mariana Arita Soares de 17 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mariana Arita Soares de Almeida.pdf: 1104597 bytes, checksum: 0806b251519fffd14579521ea158ef6a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The central axis of this dissertation is studying the surveillance activity about tax obligations and instrumental duties performed by the Executive. Under a critical and reflective review, it´s going to be analyzed the moment which begins with a broad and comprehensive inspection, possibly originating a specific procedure that culminates with application of norms that assert the tax legal fact, or invalidate or endorse the activity held by the particular, branched from norms sorted as primary precedent or derived punitive or non-punitive. Through the analysis of rules and principles that should guide the surveillance activity, we are going to accomplish a detailed study of each criterion that informs the structural standard of the investigative competence of tax agents / Essa dissertação tem como eixo central de estudo a fiscalização das obrigações tributárias e dos deveres instrumentais realizada pela Administração. Sob um viés crítico-reflexivo, serão analisadas questões atinentes ao momento que se inicia com uma investigação ampla e abrangente, eventualmente desdobrada num específico procedimento que culmina com a positivação de normas que afirmam o fato jurídico tributário, ou infirmam ou confirmam a atividade do particular, emanadasde normas primárias precedentes ou derivadas punitivas ounão punitivas. Mediante a análise das regras e princípios que devem nortear a atividade fiscalizatória, busca-se o estudo pormenorizado de cada critério informador da norma estrutural de competência que outorga poderes investigativos aos agentes fiscais

論專利侵害之損害賠償計算-─從美國、中國大陸與台灣之專利修法談起 / Damages calculation in patent infringement-perspectives of patent reforms in the United States, China and Taiwan

李柏靜, Lee, Po Ching Unknown Date (has links)
為了專利法制現代化,美國、中國大陸與台灣均進行專利修法,並修訂損害賠償計算。本文試圖以三者修法目的為思考評析損害賠償計算之修訂,並類型化分析三者相關規範。本文探討美國司法實務所發展的分攤法則及整體市場價值法則,而在建立更有效率之專利制度的目標下,美國專利法第284條並不適合納入上述法則。本文歸納美國專利懲罰性損害賠償制度之三種認定故意的標準。第一,傳統的故意侵害論,Underwater Devices案「充分注意之確切義務」之標準為故意侵害設立了一個較低的門檻,比較類似過失。第二,Seagate案的故意侵害論,為客觀的輕率。第三,專利改革的故意侵害論,三種故意樣態下之客觀的輕率;但可能因此限制法官的裁量權。中國大陸在提高自主創新能力與建設創新型國家之知識產權戰略目標下,第三次專利法修正將於2009年施行。新專利法第65條將現行最高人民法院司法解釋規定的定額賠償提高到專利法層次,且提高法定額度。從訴訟成本考量,由法院定額不失為較經濟的方法;然而,此方法亦有可能會有因非根據證據而落入主觀判斷賠償數額的缺點。新專利法第65條並明訂賠償數額還應當包括權利人為制止侵權行為所支付的合理開支,惟其計量方法仍不明確。雖然新專利法沒有納入懲罰性損害賠償,於提高法定賠償額度與加重其他相關民事與行政責任之配套修改下,新專利法有提高侵權人金錢負擔的效果,應有較大的嚇阻功能,進而鼓勵創新。台灣在因應國內科技政策與國際規範發展,及配合智慧財產法院設立的背景下,提出專利法修正草案,其中建議現行專利法第85條新增「以相當於實施該發明專利所得收取之權利金數額為其損害」規定。然而,針對權利金的合理性及是否以合理權利金作為補償底限,修正草案並沒有明確規定。此外,修正草案建議刪除懲罰性損害賠償,以回歸我國民事損害賠償制度。台灣專利侵害民事訴訟的成本與賠償金額並不高,也沒有敗訴方負擔對方律師費用的規定,在專利侵害全面除罪化之後,懲罰性損害賠償對侵害人可能形成一種「實質上額外的風險」,而非「僅是一種商業上的成本」,因而有其一定的功能意義。以專利法促進產業發展的目的考量,若沒有相關配套措施,實可考慮繼續保留現行懲罰性損害賠償制度。 / For modernization of patent laws, the United States, China and Taiwan are undergoing patent reform, each amending its damages provision. This thesis categorized forms of damages calculation in three countries, and tried to analyze its amendment from the perspective of patent reform in each country. This thesis analyzed the possible impact of specifying the apportionment rule and entire market value rule in Section 284, 35 United State Code. In addition, three standards of willful infringement with enhanced damages were concluded. First, the traditional willfulness doctrine in Underwater Devices case is the affirmative duty of due care which sets a lower threshold of willing infringement that is more akin to negligence. Second, willfulness in Seagate case requires at least an objective recklessness. Third, willfulness in Patent Reform Act of 2009 requires an objective recklessness in three different conditions; such proposal may restrict the discretion of the court. With national intellectual property strategy to improve the domestic capacity of innovation and to build an innovative country, the third amendment to Patent Act of the People's Republic of China becomes in effect in 2009. Article 65 in the new Chinese Patent Act codifies the statutory damages in the range of RMB 10,000 to 1,000,000, compared to the current range of RMB 5,000 to 500,000 provided by the Supreme People’s Court judicial interpretation. In the perspective of litigation costs, statutory damages award may be a more economic approach but subjective judgment could have implication caused by lack of factual evidence for damages calculation. Article 65 also codifies that the amount of compensation shall include reasonable cost for ceasing patent infringement by the right holder, however, how to measure the reasonable cost is not clear. Although the new Chinese Patent Act does not include punitive damages, the maximum statutory damages, other related civil liability and administrative penalty are increased. Such amendments may increase the pecuniary burden of the infringer and expect to lead to more deterrent effect on patent infringement and encourage innovation. In the context of international regulation change, national technology policy change and establishment of professional Intellectual Property Court, comprehensive review of Taiwanese Patent Act is ongoing. The proposed bill adds “equivalent amount of royalty for implementing the patent invention as damages” into Article 85 of current Taiwanese Patent Act. However, it is not clearly codified that a reasonable royalty must be justified and such royalty calculation is to set a floor for damages award. The proposed bill abandons punitive damages for willful infringement. In such proposal, the result of willful infringement may not be a substantial additional risk but only a cost of doing business, because the litigation cost and damages award are not so high, and there is no attorney fee award or criminal penalty in Taiwanese patent regulation system. Hence, reconsideration of retaining punitive damages is suggested.

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